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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Baylor Poage Library Update http://www.dissentingviews.com/blog/baylor-poage-library-update
  2. Paul: I hope you are right and that a year from now the government will release the JFK assassination records. But I am doubtful that these will prove conclusive. The CIA and FBI will never let the truth come out or of any information that may lead to the truth coming out. What many in the JFK assassination research community do not realize it is that it is quite easy to fabricate documents and put these in the appropriate files that lead to the conclusions desired by the fabricators. Remember how Howard Hunt was ordered to fabricate false cables that indicated JFK was behind the ordering of the death of Diem in Vietnam. During the Watergate hearing he testified that he had given these to William Lambert, a prominent writer for Life magazine. http://www.nytimes.com/1973/05/08/archives/hunt-says-colson-ordered-in-diem-death-hunt-says-colson-ordered-for.html?_r=0 Let us pay homage to Fred J. Cook. He was relentless from the very time of the assassination to prove publicly there was more to the story than the media was giving the public and that the Warren Commission report was essentially a selected crock of lies. It is easy for us 53 years later to make a solid case that there was a conspiracy in the murder of JFK but in the immediate years after his death there was almost an iron curtain to prevent the truth being told, as Cook detailed so thoroughly.
  3. Paul: You asked about Podesta's emails. Here are two links that get into them in detail. https://newrepublic.com/article/137798/important-wikileaks-revelation-isnt-hillary-clinton http://www.truthdig.com/avbooth/item/what_we_know_so_far_about_the_clinton_campaigns_leaked_emails_20161015
  4. https://ratical.org/ratville/JFK/HWNAU/FJCappVII.pdf
  5. Kirk: I saw Howard Hunt only three times during Watergate: the early morning hours of June 17, 1972, when he came to my residence in Washington to retain me as his attorney in the case, in December 1972 at the funeral of his wife, Dorothy, and lastly in 1975 when we had dinner not long before he entered prison to serve his Watergate sentence. We had known each other before Watergate; in fact he was my first client when I joined a Washington law firm in 1971. Dorothy was a close friend of mine, too. The years after the arrests at Watergate up until our dinner in 1975 had been traumatic for both of us, obviously a thousand times more for him than for me. But we both sensed that the dinner might be the last time we would see each other (which is the way it turned out) and I have no reason to believe his parting remarks to me about why JFK was killed were anything other than the truth.
  6. Paul: Each day Wikileaks releases another batch of emails. I guess that we shall just have to wait to see what pops out next. Maybe the Podesta emails are being saved for the last for maximum impact.
  7. Here's another Wikileaks email that supplements the one I posted above yesterday: http://www.collective-evolution.com/2016/10/10/wikileaks-email-leaks-shed-light-on-the-vaticans-possible-knowledge-of-extraterrestrials/
  8. David Talbot Interviewed on Democracy Now Parts 1 and 2 http://www.democracynow.org/2015/10/13/the_rise_of_americas_secret_government http://www.democracynow.org/2015/10/14/the_rise_of_america_s_secret
  9. Wikileaks on The Alien Presence. https://www.earthfiles.com/news.php?ID=2466&category=Environment
  10. I viewed an announcement on the Internet today by Anonymous that said the group was about to release a video on Bill Clinton's involvement with Epstein and Epstein's private plane and his "orgy island" in the Caribbean where underage children are sexually assaulted. The announcement was most graphic in what it said the video contained, so graphic that I shall not post the Anonymous announcement here. However, I have reason to believe that if the video is released its truth will have a tremendous impact on the presidential campaign and the election, not enough to elect Trump but enough to shake American society to its core for many years. All this can be traced to Trump whose public discourse in pure poison.
  11. This journalistic research is slow going until minute 13 and then it picks up and has some rather interesting surprises.
  12. The CMC-Permindex Papers https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/633054583714754579
  13. Joan Mellen has requested that I post her comment below and I am privileged to do so: I am a firm believer in the First Amendment, which includes protection of lies. One point, however, should be corrected since there is not a shred of evidence as to its validity. That is that the US Navy fingerprints of Mac Wallace were altered or tampered with in any way. I did not request these prints of the Navy. I requested from the National Archives Mac Wallace's military file. Included in that file, along with many other documents, were the fingerprints taken when Wallace joined the U.S. Marines in 1939. (J Harrison never was able to access these prints; they were not floating around; they were not part of his files). That these prints matched the Austin prints, were of "the same person" according to Robert Garrett, is further evidence that the Navy prints were Mac Wallace's.
  14. As a courtesy I sent this thread to Robert Morrow because he was its subject. He responded by email that, "You can tell them I am banned from Education Forum for engaging in similar truth telling at Ed Forum."
  15. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/10/09/as-trump-mulls-attack-on-clinton-scandals-one-source-makes-him-a-target/#comments
  16. Surveillance in America Critical Analysis of the FBI, 1920 to the Present Role of Mark Felt https://rowman.com/isbn/9780739172476#
  17. Jack Reacher: Never Go Back http://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2016/10/07/inside-the-cia-s-top-secret-mind-control-program.html?via=desktop&source=copyurl
  18. Did Shakespeare foresee the roles of LBJ and J. Edgar Hoover in JFK's assassination? “The Tragedy of JFK”: Lost play by Shakespeare? http://www.peoplesworld.org/article/the-tragedy-of-jfk-lost-play-by-shakespeare/
  19. https://mikemcclaughry.wordpress.com/the-reading-library/scientology/scientology-roots/
  20. https://mikemcclaughry.wordpress.com/the-reading-library/cia-declassified-document-library/
  21. Here is the FBI letter regarding the size of the Sturgis file: https://d3gn0r3afghep.cloudfront.net/foia_files/2016/08/03/7-28-16_MR24571_FEE_2260.00_ID1347006-000.pdf
  22. Jim E.: J. Evetts Haley was indeed a great American. His book, A Texan Looks At Lyndon, sold 7.5 million copies, making it one of the most successful books of all time. Senator Barry Goldwater, like Haley, was also a great American. He termed President Eisenhower's domestic policies to be a "dime store New Deal" and voted against Civil Rights legislation. Later on his views moderated quite a bit (as did mine) so that at the time of his death he and I viewed the world the same way in most respects. Of course, I may be biased because Goldwater when being interviewed in Life Magazine by Gore Vidal in the June 9, 1961, issue ("A Liberal Interviews Senator Goldwater") was kind enough to single me out for special praise. My guess is that Goldwater today would be a card-carrying member of the ACLU as I am. Here is Haley's Wikipedia biography: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._Evetts_Haley To head off you spreading false information about me, I hereby declare that at no time was I ever a member of the John Birch Society. However, here is an interesting story. I was the National Director of Young Americans for Freedom after it was formed in1960. YAF's chairman was Robert Schuchman, a brilliant student at Yale University Law School. Schuchman soon after YAF's formation had occasion to have breakfast alone with Edward Teller, father of the H-bomb. The subject arose at breakfast of Robert Welch, who was head of the John Birch Society, calling President Eisenhower a communist. To Schuchman's shock and surprise, Teller said he agreed with Welch! Teller, like Goldwater and Haley, was also a great American. Teller for all his fame and power was a modest man and readily available to the public. I met him once when he spoke in Houston to a small gathering of about a dozen people although the announcement of his forthcoming speech had been widely publicized. I spoke with him for a few minutes after his speech. The criteria for being a great American does not require that the American in question agree with your personal political or social views. So I believe FDR and George McGovern were great Americans, just as Goldwater and Haley.
  23. Jim: Jay Harrison was a great American as were J. Evetts Haley and Nathan Darby, all of whom you never miss a chance to defame and villify. They are deceased but those of us who were privileged to know them are still able to speak up in their behalf. Jim, you are an extremely talented researcher and writer, one of the best, but like Trump you undercut your effectiveness with personal attacks like these. Why do you want to alienate those would gladly boost your public persona except for these unwarranted attacks? As with Trump, this is puzzling as it is self-defeating. In memory of these three great Americans, I am mailing to Robert Caro the most relevant documents that Jay compiled although I suspect that he already has these as he writes his fifth installment of the LBJ biography.
  24. Amen Doug. But I don't expect the truth about this from Caro. I fact I doubt he will even go near it. I just listened to an interview with Stone for the first time ever. Most interesting. I agreed with a lot of it, but I do not see LBJ was the mastermind, just deeply involved. And I said THAT day one at age 14 . I no longer believe Joan had a mission for the truth. But that is as far as I will go on a forum. I spoke with Nathan Darby's son today to see if he had any proof - aside from his personal recollection- that his father had kept up his certification. He is not certain if such still exists. I also told him about an alleged note his dad had sent to the IAI and his response to that was "then let her produce this note". (Which no one will I am sure as I know that never occurred). J had told me about meeting with you Doug and had a copy of your book. A funny Jism: One day after I had returned from court he called and just told me to go find a copy of that day's Wall St journal. Nothing else. (Cryptic as usual) then to call him back So I did. Then it was "open to such and such a page", then lo and behold there was an editorial by you about your days as Watergate atty. I was taken aback as I knew you had represented Billy sol in his letters to AG Trott (etc). "Strange bedfellows", I thought at the time. I hope someone does a TRUE bio of Mac. Not a whitewash. He was truly a stone cold killer. I have a lot more on my mind about this but have a very early morning. I wonder if non Texan residents are quick to dismiss the TX connection out of some Democratic loyalty to LBJ. It simply baffles me. Dawn Dawn: You must possess a form of ESP. You reference above my article to which Jay Harrison called your attention, "What If Judge Sirica Were With Us Today?", that the Wall Street Journal published on March 24, 1998. It was later included in a book that the Journal published on the Clintons. As I write this my priority mail envelop is being delivered to the Wall Street Journal this morning in which, 18 years later, I submit a second article. This one is titled, "Contrasting the roles of the FBI in Watergate and Clinton's Email Case." In It I draw upon a FBI internal 1974 report to show how the Bureau mishandled both cases. I don't know if the Journal, which receives 300 submissions each day, will publish my latest article but the coincidence in your mentioning my prior one after all these years leads me to be hopeful.
  25. My understanding is that Barr McClellan's book, Blood, Money & Power: How LBJ Killed JFK, sold approximately 85,000 copies and that the publisher of that book got orders for 30,000 of Barr's second book on which he is working at the present time. Few in the JFK assassination community have such a sales record of books that they have written. J, Evetts Haley's 1964 book sold over a million copies. When Joan was working on her book, I told her that when I was assisting Billie Sol Estes in 1984 on his endeavor to tell what he knew, I mentioned this to my mother. She said that she could obtain a dozen copies of Haley's book for me from a friend, which she did. Her friend and her husband had purchased several thousand copies of Haley's book in 1964 and had copies left over. My mother's friend told her that after Johnson was elected president in 1964, two IRS agents soon showed up at the small business that she and her husband operated and sat in that office every business day for two years to monitor minutely everything that was done there. The IRS agents told her they had been assigned to do so upon orders that came from President Johnson. This is an example of what I mean when I wrote previously that Texas was a world of its own when LBJ and his cronies ruled the Lone Star State,
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