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Douglas Caddy

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Posts posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. From his column: War, War, War, that is all Washington wants. It enriches the military/security complex, the largest component of the US GNP and the largest contributor, along with Wall Street and the Israel Lobby, to US political campaigns.

    Anyone or any organization that offers truth to the lies is demonized. Last week the new chief of the US Broadcasting Board of Governors, Andrew Lack, listed the Russian TV Internet service Russia Today as the equivalent of Boko Haram and the Islamic State terrorist groups. This absurd accusation is a prelude to closing down RT in the US just as Washington’s puppet UK government closed down Iran’s Press TV. http://rt.com/usa/225819-rt-isis-point-view-competition/

    In other words, Anglo-Americans are not permitted any different news than what is served to them by “their” governments.

    That is the state of “freedom” in the West today.


  2. From the article: During the fiscal year that ended on September 30, 2014, U.S. Special Operations forces (SOF) deployed to 133 countries -- roughly 70% of the nations on the planet -- according to Lieutenant Colonel Robert Bockholt, a public affairs officer with U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM). This capped a three-year span in which the country’s most elite forces were active in more than 150 different countries around the world, conducting missions ranging from kill/capture night raids to training exercises. And this year could be a record-breaker. Only a day before the failed raid that ended Luke Somers life -- just 66 days into fiscal 2015 -- America’s most elite troops had already set foot in 105 nations, approximately 80% of 2014’s total.

    Since September 11, 2001, U.S. Special Operations forces have grown in every conceivable way, including their numbers, their budget, their clout in Washington, and their place in the country’s popular imagination. The command has, for example, more than doubled its personnel from about 33,000 in 2001 to nearly 70,000 today, including a jump of roughly 8,000 during the three-year tenure of recently retired SOCOM chief Admiral William McRaven.


  3. From the article: Facing fears of a broad energy shortage, in the shadow of an embargo by Arab oil producers, the Nixon administration and Congress laid the foundation of an industrial policy that over the span of four decades developed the technologies needed to unleash American shale oil and natural gas onto world markets.


  4. David:

    Does "Constitutional crisis" mean more than "Kennedy would have gotten a new V-P who wouldn't play ball with Defense/Intelligence interests"? Does it also mean that "LBJ's downfall would have produced a countercoup of revelations that would have threatened the Kennedy presidency"?

    Your questions are excellent and provocative and can only be answered in hindsight using speculation. My guess is that the answer to both is “yes.”

    LBJ would not have gone quietly into the night. The bloodletting would have been brutal.

    The Intelligence Community would have fought behind the scenes to make certain that if LBJ were forced out of office, the new Vice President would not be hostile to it.

    There would have been chaos.

    I recently saw the superb new movie, “The Imitation Game,” which has been nominated for eight academy awards. Without give away a key element of the film, there is assertion in it that MI6 made a paramount decision to keep Churchill out of the loop on a key matter while the work was being done to crack the “Enigma” Code.

    Such was also the nature of Intelligence Agencies, including the CIA and Military, that JFK had to wrestle with. They could not control him and could not control what he might disclose publicly because of certain knowledge he had gained. He was taking steps that indicated he was moving towards such disclosure. He had to be terminated.

    All presidents since JFK have been vetted by the Intelligence Community, which knows compromising information about them.


  5. http://io9.com/a-mitochondrial-dna-transplant-could-help-treat-hundred-1678014687

    I erred in my prior posting in implying that Joseph Farrell was endorsing all claims made by Judyth Vary Baker. If you read his commentary it dealt with the link above. Dr. Farrell's opinion piece was about a scientific discovery that could have a relationship to cancer. I think a strong case can be made that CIA uses cancer as a weapon to eliminate targets, a charge that some national leaders in South America have made. Dr. Farrell's commentary did not mention anything about Judyth's claims of her relationship with Oswald.

    I have never met Judyth or read her books. My interest lies in promoting freedom of speech and the marketplace of ideas. Judyth has a right to speak and be heard like others in the JFK community, even if what she espouses offends others for a variety of reasons. Judyth's critics have a similar right to speak and be heard on their views of her.

    There are a lot of books I would like to read, including Judyth's, but like everyone else I am constrained by time. Right now I am reading Donald Jeffries, "Hidden History: An Expose of Modern Crimes, Conspiracies, and Cover-up in American Politics." I am glad that I have taken the time to do so because I find it so outstanding and rewarding that I plan to review it on Amazon and recommend it highly,

  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=YwR7sgn_wMM

    I read Joseph Farrell's daily postings on Facebook and never miss watching his weekly YouTube analysis of events. I find him highly credible, which I why I posted his commentary on the new scientific discovery and the claims of Judyth Barker and Edward Haslam. My guess is that most nations' intelligence agencies follow his analyses without fail.

    But judge for yourself by viewing his video for this week found in the link above.

  7. It is wise always want to talk to a person who was there. Investigative files are just what the investigator wants them to be. Deceit and deception are the norm in these matters. Files and documents are created to lure the naïve into believing something is true and can be cited as being official and accurate when in reality it is purposeful misinformation.

  8. Mark, Paul and Al and others who may be interested as to the rest of the story:

    I am under contract with TrineDay to write my autobiography, which in general terms covers the rise of the modern Conservative Movement, its subsequent hijacking by sociopaths and opportunists, the chain of events that link Vice President Nixon’s decision in 1960 to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy three years later, Watergate and the burglars’ three goals, Billie Sol Estes and LBJ, and the Moody Foundation scandal.

    Jon G. Tidd has observed in the forum: “"The continuing cover-up is the most significant fact of the assassination today. It goes to who killed him and why. What reason does the U.S. Government have today to deprive the American people of the truth of his killing?"

    I shall attempt to answer this question based on the limited knowledge I have. In my opinion there does exist a valid reason why the U.S. Government has not revealed the reason for JFK’s assassination. It is as valid today as it was in 1963. Further, JFK had to be killed when he was by the Conspirators because Vice President Lyndon Johnson was just days away of facing criminal charges, which would have caused a Constitutional crisis that would have played havoc in the efforts of those who perceive their paramount purpose to be our national security. Presidents come and go but Intelligence Agencies persevere and continue on. Jon G. Tidd has also written that “In my view, the downfall of Western Civilization began on November 22, 1963”, a thesis in which I am in total agreement.

    Twenty years ago at its request I donated my professional files to the Archives Library at the University of Oregon in Eugene. Later this year I plan to visit the library to secure copies of documents I need to complete my book, which will provide the rest of the story.

  9. Paul:

    For the past year or so Great Britain has been rocked by allegations of horrendous criminal activity by the well-connect involving children. Same cases extend back decades but in some of these cases the accused are still alive and being prosecuted.

    It is obvious that U.S. prosecution authorities attempted to cover-up the Epstein case that involves VIPs but the recent civil suit by one of the victims has revived it. The story could become a major factor in the U.S. presidential campaign if Hillary Clinton seeks the Democratic nomination due to Bill C's alleged involvement. It brings back to mind The Franklin Chronicles saga.

    Peter Levenda is correct on this and on a lot of other things.

    Paul, what you post constantly always amazes me. Your knowledge runs deep and covers a large number of subjects. Members like you make the Forum highly credible.

  10. From the article: All stories like this have a butler. In this case Epstein’s Butler Alfredo Rodriguez, who was arrested and did time for his role of paymaster to Epstein, marked up a copy of Epstein’s little black book for Palm Beach Police showing who Epstein had pandered pre-teen girls to. The list, which I have seen, is mind blowing. It includes a former governor, a billionaire Republican donor, a Prime Minister, a former Senate Majority Leader, a well known lawyer, royalty, socialites and scientists. Kingpin sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s take on all this?: “I’m not a sexual predator, I’m an ‘offender.’ It’s the difference between a murderer and a person who steals a bagel.”


    And then there is this development in U.K.:


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