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Douglas Caddy

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Posts posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Kris Millegan posted this schedule on Facebook today:


    FRIDAY, November 20, 2015
    4:00 -5:00am: REGISTRATION
    5:00 -5:10pm: WELCOME – Kris Millegan
    5:15 – 6:15pm: – Robert Groden
    6:30 – 7:30pm– Fernando Faura
    7:45 – 9:00pm: Peter Dale Scott
    9:00 – 11:00 Meet the Speakers” in Hotel Bar

    SATURDAY, November 21, 2015
    8:00 -9:00am: REGISTRATION
    9:00 – 9:15am: John B. Wells
    9:15 – 10:30am: Jim Barthelho
    10:45 – 12:00pm: John Delane Williams
    LUNCH 12:00 – 1:00pm
    1:00 – 2:30 Autopsy Panel – William Law, James Jenkins, Hubert Clark, David Mantik, and others
    2:45 – 3:45pm: Ed Tatro
    4:00 – 5:15pm: Andrew Kreig
    Dinner 5:15 – 6:30 pm
    6:30 – 9:15pm: LBJ Panel and Speakers – Phil Nelson, Barr McClellan, Roger Stone and more ..
    9:30 – 11:00 “Meet the Speakers” in Hotel Bar

    SUNDAY, November 22

    8:00 -9:00am: REGISTRATION
    9:00 – 9:15am: John B. Wells
    9:15- 10:15am Bill Kelly
    10:30 – 11:30 St. John Hunt
    12:00-12:45 Dealey Plaza – Moment of Silence
    12:45-2:00pm Lunch
    2:00 – 3:15pm: Panel – Peter Dale Scott, Ed Haslam and Mystery Guest
    3:30 – 4:45pm: Judyth Vary Baker
    5:00 -6:15pm: Ed Haslam

  2. John Newman wrote on Facebook today (10/7):

    I have now read the David Robarge piece. It's actually one declassified chapter from a book he wrote on DCI John McCone's history as the Director of Central Intelligence. The chapter is "DCI McCone and the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy." It is an important analysis that Shenon has clearly cherry picked through (which is what Shenon did with the HSCA work on the case), taking and spinning sentences that paint McCone as the leader of an effort to steer the Warren Commission away from the critical facts supporting Shenon's theme that RFK got his brother killed. There is no support for this kind of agitprop in the Robarge chapter, although one can wonder about the timing of its declassification and whether McCone's actions at the time (which he later regretted) would help the current campaign to breathe life into the Castro-did-it myth. Researchers will find a lot of important details--names of CIA officers and their roles in the rush of events after the assassination. When you have read this chapter, it is clear that Robarge is not arguing or even implying that Castro killed Kennedy and that RFK was responsible.

  3. John Newman wrote on Facebook today:

    Shenon’s latest piece in Politico (“Yes the CIA Director was Part of the JFK Assassination Coverup”) is a continuation of the newest stage—begun in 2013—of the propaganda campaign to convince Americans that Robert Kennedy got his brother John killed and then worked to cover it up. The genesis of this new stage was a call from a Warren Commission lawyer to Shenon, who then fed Shenon and used him as the mouthpiece for this outrageous scheme. The Castro-did-it propaganda was part of the true coverup of the plot to kill JFK, and it was in play even before the shots were fired in Dallas. But I knew when I read Shenon’s 2015 paper edition of his book, A Cruel and Shocking Act, that we would be facing a newer, carefully orchestrated campaign to stick it to the Kennedys right at the time when the battle lines are being drawn to force the release—as required by the JFK Records Act—of the remaining JFK records by October 2017. Now, Shenon takes a recently released internal CIA analysis (which also dates to 2013) about DCI McCone blocking the CIA’s anti-Castro plots from the Warren Commission, and uses it to bolster his (Shenon’s) baleful version of history. I will comment on that (David Robarge’s) analysis after thoroughly reading it. Shenon’s Politico piece ends by restating a myth he hopes to make stick: that President Johnson appointed former DCI Allen Dulles to the Warren Commission “at the recommendation of then Attorney General Robert Kennedy.” I will hold back here on commenting about this fabrication because David Talbot’s new book, The Devil’s Chessboard, (to be released next week) so thoroughly (pp. 572-574) demolishes it

  4. Tom:

    I have not followed closely enough the long-running developments in Jefferson Morley's case to be in a position to answer your question adequately. Here, however, is a link to the article that contains more complete news about the significance of the recent legal brief that Morley's lawyer filed in the case.


  5. David Talbot posted today on his Facebook page:

    This epigraph with which I start "The Devil's Chessboard" neatly sums up the modus operandi of CIA spymaster Allen Dulles, whose dark shadow continues to hang over America. It's from one of my favorite spy novels, "A Coffin for Dimitrios," by Eric Ambler: "The Colonel laughed unpleasantly.'My dear friend, Dimitrios would have nothing to do with the actual shooting. No! His kind never risk their skins like that. They stay on the fringe of the plot. They are the professionals, the entrepreneurs, the links between the businessmen, the politicians who desire the end but are afraid of the means, and the fanatics, the idealists who are prepared to die for their convictions. The important thing to know about an assassination is not who fired the shot, but who paid for the bullet.'"

    Ambler wrote that a quarter century before JFK died in Dallas..but you get the point.


  6. For immediate release

    OCT. 31- NOV. 1

    The 2015 conference brings together internationally recognized authorities in the fields of advanced technology, the breakaway civilization, deep state security and the black budget. It promises to be a game-changing weekend that will leave those attending wondering who really controls our world.

    Among the many questions that will be addressed are: Is there a secret space program being developed outside of the public eye using trillions of dollars from a hidden black budget? If so, where do the trillions of dollars come from? What role does the UFO phenomena play in driving the secret space program? Is the U.S. military using advanced technology to develop underground bases around the globe for purposes outside the reality perceived by world’s population?

    Here is a list of the speakers and their topics:

    Former U.S. Assistant Housing Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts --The space based economy: the practical implications
    Starburst Foundation President Dr. Paul LaViolette -- Reverse engineering the U.S.’s secret aerospace propulsion technologies

    Coast to Coast AM science investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe – Self-activating software in alien technologies

    Author, researcher and private investigator Walter Bosley – Origin: the emergence of the breakaway civilization

    Best-selling author Jim Marrs – Remote viewing aliens

    Writer and publisher Olav Phillips – Something wicked this way comes: the secret space program or its end game

    Author of new book on Hollywood Jay Dyer – Hollywood, predictive programming and the secret space agenda

    Oxford scholar Dr. Joseph P. Farrell – Cosmic war, cosmic Versailles: historical and mythological perspectives on the origins of secret space programs and their policy formation culture

    Plasma physicist Dr. John Brandenburg -- Death on Mars: evidence of an extraterrestrial nuclear massacre

    Following on the heels of the widely acclaimed 2014 event in San Mateo, this year’s two-day conference offers even deeper insights into the secret space program. Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt will be host and moderator.

    The conference, which is open to the public, will be held at the Bastrop Convention Center, 1408 Chestnut Street, Bastrop, Texas in the greater Austin area.

    Additional details can be found on the conference’s website. These include the cost of tickets, meals, program schedule and speakers’ biographies. Information is also provided about watching the conference live and on-demand on the Internet.


    Contact sources:
    Europe -- Conference founders Jeroen Van Straaten and Robert Dupper: info@secretspaceprogram.org
    U.S. -- Conference host Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt: info@darkjournalist.com

  7. Ray Locker of USA Today and author of "Nixon's Gamble" that will be published tomorrow has authorized the newspaper to publish the chapter below that deals with the FBI over the decades and specifically with William Sullivan's behind the scene relationship with the CIA that even Hoover did not know about.

    'Nixon's Gamble' excerpt: Nixon's accomplice at the FBI
    By Ray Locker, USA TODAY 12:28 p.m. EDT September 30, 2015


  8. From the article: The title derives from an idle remark John F. Kennedy made to his wife as the couple dressed for their fatal trip to to Dallas: “We’re heading into nut country today.”
    The assassination of John Kennedy proved disastrous for Republicans across the country and the blow-back was particularly severe in Dallas. Alger, the first Republican congressman elected in Dallas since Reconstruction, was defeated in 1964, in part because, in some Dallas precincts, 85% of registered black voters cast their ballots.


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