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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. New Dallas city vault holds historical papers, JFK items April 18, 2014 Longview, TX, News-Journal http://www.news-journal.com/news/2015/apr/17/new-dallas-city-vault-holds-historical-papers-jfk-/?fb_action_ids=10152712716416540&fb_action_types=og.comments
  2. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/18/world/europe/british-prosecutors-drop-charges-against-9-journalists-in-tabloid-inquiry.html From the article: LONDON — After a series of court reversals, prosecutors on Friday dropped charges against nine of the 12 journalists who still faced trial after police investigations into the behavior of Britain’s freewheeling tabloid press. Those who will be spared prosecution over allegations that they paid officials for information include Andy Coulson, a former editor of The News of the World, who became a media adviser to Prime Minister David Cameron and who has already served a jail sentence for conspiring to intercept voice mail messages. The announcement came just hours after three reporters were cleared of charges that included making illegal payments to a prison officer for information about the singer Boy George and about Jack Tweed, the widower of the TV reality star Jade Goody. The retreat by the authorities came after a legal review and cases in which juries acquitted 13 reporters. A large-scale police inquiry followed a phone hacking scandal that, in 2011, led to the closing of The News of the World, a weekly that was owned by Rupert Murdoch.
  3. New book: One Man Against the World: The Tragedy of Richard Nixon http://www.amazon.com/One-Man-Against-World-Tragedy/dp/1627790837/ref=redir_mobile_desktop?ie=UTF8&*Version*=1&*entries*=0
  4. John: Thanks for setting the record straight about Felix Rodriguez.
  5. Ex-CIA agent weighs in on Cuban relations to group at UNG By Kristen Oliver April 13, 2015 Gainesville Times http://www.gainesvilletimes.com/m/section/6/article/109082/ As a former CIA agent, military veteran and native Cuban, Col. Felix Rodriguez has an impassioned opinion of U.S. relations with Cuba.
  6. Battleship New Jersey to host JFK single-bullet theory exhibition http://www.nj.com/camden/index.ssf/2015/04/battleship_new_jersey_to_host_jfk_single_bullet_th.html
  7. Book claims illegal scheme for Nixon library at San Onofre April 12, 2015 Updated April 13, 2015 Orange County Register http://www.ocregister.com/articles/nixon-657751-library-san.html
  8. http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/obituaries/watergate-historian-kutler-dies-sued-to-release-nixon-tapes/2015/04/07/0350a092-dd92-11e4-b6d7-b9bc8acf16f7_story.html
  9. Cast for Hulu's 11/22/63 http://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2015/04/chris-cooper-cherry-jones-and-more-round-out-cast.html?hc_location=ufi
  10. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/12/us/stanley-i-kutler-80-historian-who-won-release-of-nixon-tapes-dies.html Prof. Kutler telephoned me twice about Watergate. His second call was to inform me that I was mentioned in the Nixon Oval Office tapes. I found him scholarly and courteous. He was the first ghost-writer approached by Judge Sirica to write the latter's Watergate memoir, but turned down the offer. Sirica's memoir, To Set The Record Straight, was a travesty of justice in the sense that it omitted his conscious manipulation of the scandal to suit his own political philosophy and to enrich himself through venality.
  11. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=8764 Brad: The valuable information posted on the Education Forum in the past never ceases to amaze me. Try this thread for size. Doug
  12. http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/people/2012/12/28/fbi-communism-marilyn-monroe/1796111/ Paul: This may answer your question about MM's activities.
  13. I read the text of the Pope's Easter message as released by the Vatican and there was no mention of the Haldron Collider. It appears that the stories in the WorldNetDailyReport are a mixture of fact and fiction or just fiction. I wonder what the motive is to grind these out each day. What a waste or time and energy Here is how the website describes itself: http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/about-us/
  14. Retired CIA Agent’s deathbed confession of assassinations he carried out. http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/retired-cia-agent-confesses-on-deathbed-i-killed-marilyn-monroe/
  15. PROJECT MKULTRA, THE CIA'S PROGRAM OF RESEARCH IN BEHAVIORAL MODIFICATION Printed for the use of the Select Committee on Intelligence and Committee on Human Resources August 3, 1977 http://www.intelligence.senate.gov/pdfs/95mkultra.pdf From the report: “One purpose of this hearing is to give the committee and the public an understanding of what new information has been discovered that adds to the knowledge already available from previous Church and Kennedy inquiries, and to hear the reasons why these documents were not available to the Church and Kennedy committees. It is also the purpose of this hearing to address the issues raised by any additional illegal or improper activities that have emerged from the files and to develop remedies to prevent such improper activities from occurring again.”
  16. H.R. Haldeman’s Son Recalls Life Before, After Watergate http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/national/2015/03/19/361336.htm
  17. https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/obituaries/2015/03/26/charles-shaffer-attorney-for-john-dean-during-watergate-dies/USBHYuS80p5GB5R5eNIa1J/story.html
  19. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/24/us/jerry-warren-editor-and-aide-to-nixon-and-ford-dies-at-84.html
  20. NY Post: Aliens Killed JFK and other Wild Tales March 22, 2015 http://nypost.com/2015/03/22/aliens-killed-kennedy-and-other-wild-tales-of-ufos-vs-the-usa/
  21. David Lifton interviewed on Night Fright Show Published March 12, 2015
  22. Lancaster attorney, who died Monday, took part in JFK investigation http://lancasteronline.com Lancaster, Pa. Posted: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 2:00 pm | Updated: 2:15 pm, Wed Mar 18, 2015. Lancaster attorney, who died Monday, took part in JFK investigation STAFF LancasterOnline Lancaster attorney Alvin B. Lewis Jr., who died Monday, took part nearly 40 years ago in an investigation of the death of President John F. Kennedy. And Lewis was among those who came away convinced that the president’s 1963 assassination was the result of a conspiracy. He blamed the mafia. Lewis served a seven-month stint, from late 1976 until mid 1977, as the chief counsel to the U.S. House Select Committee on Assassinations. The panel concluded in late 1978 that Kennedy had been the victim of a conspiracy. Lewis contended that the president was probably the victim of a Mafia assassination plot and, that while Lee Harvey Oswald was a gunman, there were probably two or three others shooting at Kennedy in Dallas. “The audio scientific evidence was difficult (to understand), but there was so much circumstantial evidence from the audio, grassy knoll and witnesses that there is a likelihood there were another two or three shooters in Dealey Plaza,” Lewis wrote in a letter to the Intelligencer Journal in 1992. Lewis said that he believed the New Orleans Mafia headed by Carlos Marcello was probably behind the plot to kill Kennedy. “Their motivation was twofold,” Lewis wrote. “First, they harbored a hatred of the Kennedy brothers, who had been hounding Marcello and had physically deported him to Central America. Secondly, the Florida crime family hoped to have Castro removed — something that Kennedy seemed unwilling to do — so that the Mafia could re-establish its operation of Cuban gambling.” The Warren Commission concluded that a single bullet from Oswald’s rifle wounded both Kennedy and then-Texas Gov. John Connally. The author of the single bullet theory was the late Arlen Specter, a Warren Commission investigator in 1964 who would later serve as a senator from Pennsylvania. Lewis said he doubted the theory. “Forensically and circumstantially it is the least supported scientific conclusion. ... I was really not comfortable with it. It was really very troubling,” he wrote. But the investigation by the House committee also was flawed. The House investigators were attempting “to organize the best homicide investigative unit in the country’s history,” until “members of the House seemed to become nervous that we might find the evidence of an actual conspiracy involving the government.” The eventual result was that the committee found evidence of a conspiracy but failed to develop it and stopped short of any investigation into who were the actual conspirators. Lewis concluded his 1992 letter by writing that the aborted investigation, coupled with the refusal of every president since 1963 to direct the Justice Department to conduct its own investigation, has left the nation with “a gnawing sensation that we have been lied to or ignored.” Lewis had a long career in law, politics and public service in Lancaster County. He died Monday at Garden Spot Village in New Holland
  23. Lancaster attorney, who died Monday, took part in JFK investigation Wednesday, March 18, 2015 By staff Lancasteronline.com http://lancasteronline.com/news/local/lancaster-attorney-who-died-monday-took-part-in-jfk-investigation/article_994e5bfc-cd98-11e4-a54c-0b42cd85a085.html#.VQ5cM5JRnI8.facebook
  24. Charles N. Shaffer Jr., Lawyer Who Bolstered Case Against Nixon, Dies at 82 http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/20/us/charles-n-shaffer-jr-lawyer-who-bolstered-case-against-nixon-dies-at-82.html
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