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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Disappearing Witnesses By Penn Jones, Jr. MaeBrussel.com http://www.maebrussell.com/Disappearing%20Witnesses/Disappearing%20Witnesses.html http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae%20Brussell%20Articles/Rebel%20cover.html
  2. Wayne January's Tale about a Tail Number (Part I) By Linda Minor February 8, 2015 http://quixoticjoust.blogspot.com/2015/02/wayne-januarys-tale-about-tail-number.html
  3. Remember Bill Mason By Admin. Texastotheworld.com January 28, 2015 http://www.texastotheworld.com/remember-bill-mason/ Before John Kinser’s murder, there was the murder of Sam Smithwick, who knew too much about LBJ.
  4. http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=43820420 John Kinser was one of the murder victims of LBJ, along with President Kennedy, as listed by Billie Sol Estes in my letter sent in his behalf to the U.S. Justice Department in 1984 when Estes was seeking immunity to testify as to what he knew. http://home.earthlink.net/~sixthfloor/estes.htm
  5. Somehow this jumped and got posted while I was still typing the full title.
  6. Book author: Secret Tapes Reveal JFK’s duplicity in Cold War, Civil Rights http://nypost.com/2015/02/15/secret-tapes-reveal-jfks-duplicity-in-cold-war-civil-rights/
  7. JFK made his proposal two months before his assassination. His evolving foreign policy along these lines posed such a serious threat to the power of the conspirators that he had to be eliminated by means most foul.
  8. Kennedy proposed U.S.-Soviet mission to the moon http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/kennedy-proposes-joint-mission-to-the-moon
  9. http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/2urpg5/judyth_vary_baker_will_be_hosting_a_rconspiracy/
  10. The title of this forum is "JFK Assassination Debate." The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines "debate" as follows: "(1)To discuss a question by considering opposed arguments.(2) To take part in a debate." Therefore, David, as a member of the forum you have a right to put forth an argument on any aspect of the JFK assassination just as do all other members. We are not like a servile Congress such as when the President declared the U.S. must attack Saddam's Iraq because he had weapons of mass destruction and there was no debate and it turned out later there were no weapons of mass destruction. Healthy debate is good.
  11. https://stevenhager420.wordpress.com/2013/09/27/i-was-raped-by-george-w-bush/
  12. News Corp won't be prosecuted in US in relation to phone hacking News Corp has been notified it will not face charges in the US in relation to phone hacking and payments to public officials by US authorities The Guardian Feb. 2, 2015 Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation will not face any charges in the US in relation to phone hacking and payments to public officials by News of the World journalists in the UK, the company said. “News Corporation was notified by the United States Department of Justice that it has completed its investigation of voicemail interception and payments to public officials in London and is declining to prosecute the company or 21st Century Fox,” the company said in a regulatory filing. The company had faced the threat of an investigation under the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), which bans US companies from attempting to bribe foreign officials. Gerson Zweifach, general counsel for both News Corp and 21st Century Fox, Murdoch’s film and TV business, said: “We are grateful that this matter has been concluded and acknowledge the fairness and professionalism of the Department of Justice throughout this investigation.” It is understood there has been no background settlement with the Department of Justice in order to avoid a full-blown investigation, contrary to speculation in New York over a year ago that the company was looking at a possible payment of over $850m. The Department of Justice (DoJ) said: “Based upon the information known to the Justice Department at this time, it has closed its investigation into News Corp regarding possible violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act concerning bribes allegedly paid for news leads. If additional information or evidence should be made available in the future, the Department reserves the right to reopen the inquiry.” The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the US regulator, declined to comment. Experts had said it was unlikely that News Corp would face a US investigation in direct relation to phone hacking, unless it could be proved that News Corp employees hacked people’s phones while they were in the US. The actor Jude Law has claimed that his phone, and that of his assistant, were hacked shortly after arriving at New York’s JFK airport. Their mobile telephones were operating on US networks, meaning that regardless of where the alleged hacker was based, US law could apply. However, legal experts said it was possible that US authorities could investigate News Corp over News of the World journalists’ alleged payments to police and other officials as this would breach the strict FCPA rules design to stamp out bad behaviour by US companies abroad. Norman Siegel, the US attorney for a group of relatives of September 11 victims who suspected they may have been hacked, said they had been blindsided by Monday’s announcement. “The attorney general promised my clients that before the department published any statement, they would meet with us, and explain what their inquiry had found and what their conclusions were,” Siegel said. “So this is very disappointing that they did not fulfil their promise. I will be calling the attorney general to request that meeting.” Murdoch closed the News of the World in 2011 after it was revealed that reporters from the paper had hacked into the voicemails of Milly Dowler, a missing schoolgirl who had been murdered. Both Murdoch and his son James were called to testify before parliament. The decision not to prosecute News Corp comes seven months after the marathon hacking trial which saw Rebekah Brooks, the company’s former chief executive of its British publishing operation News International, cleared of both hacking and charges that she approved payments to public officials. Andy Coulson, Brooks’ former deputy editor at the News of the World, along with four newsdesk executives, Greg Miskiw, Neville Thurlbeck, James Weatherup and Ian Edmondson, were either found guilty or pleaded guilty to voicemail interception. A sixth former News of the World employee, reporter Dan Evans, also pleaded guilty to hacking including the interception of voicemails left by actor Sienna Miller on the phone of James Bond star Daniel Craig. Since September, 11 journalists employed or formerly employed by News of the World and the Sun have been tried in relation to allegations of payments to public officials and to handling stolen mobile phones handed into the paper. Four former or current Sun journalists have been found not guilty on charges relating to payments. Five Sun journalists face retrial in relation to similar charges after juries could not reach a verdict. One Sun journalist has been found guilty in relation to a mobile phone while one former Sun journalist has been found not guilty to a similar charge. A further four Sun journalists are currently on trial at the Old Bailey in London charged with conspiring to cause misconduct in public office in relation to alleged unlawful payments to public officials for stories. At the height of the investigation into alleged malpractice at the News of the World, influential Democratic senator Jay Rockefeller, said the hacking scandal “raises questions about whether the company has broken US law”. Last year, the DOJ and SEChanded out several large fines in relation to FCPA investigations including $772m to French industrial giant Alstom, $135m to Avon and $108m to Hewlett-Packard. Murdoch split his newspaper operations from his Fox entertainment empire last year.
  13. Hollywood and The CIA: A Dark Marriage Revealed January 28, 2015 By Jay Dyer 21st Century Wire http://21stcenturywire.com/2015/01/28/hollywood-and-the-cia-a-dark-marriage-revealed/
  14. E. Howard Hunt ghost-wrote Allen Dulles’ book, The Craft of Intelligence, which was published in 1963, the same year as JFK’s Assassination. Hunt was a great admirer of the Dulles brothers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allen_Dulles http://www.amazon.com/Craft-Intelligence-Legendary-Fundamentals-Gathering-ebook/dp/B00MJDA27C/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1422718286&sr=1-1&keywords=the+craft+of+intelligence The readers’ comments on Amazon regarding Allen Dulles’ book, which was later reissued, are illuminating. The first one cites David Atlee Phillips’s book on intelligence, The Night Watch. http://www.amazon.com/Night-Watch-Years-Peculiar-Service/dp/0689107544/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1422719177&sr=1-1&keywords=the+night+watch+by+david+atlee+phillips
  15. https://www.earthfiles.com/news.php?ID=2277&category=Environment More of Stanton Friedman on Dr. Donald Menzel and JFK.
  16. THE UNFULFILLED PROMISE http://journals.democraticunderground.com/Time%20for%20change/483
  17. http://www.reopenkennedycase.org/apps/forums/topics/show/13114623-why-judyth-baker-must-be-shut-down?page=last The above lengthy statement by Greg Parker (whom I do not know) was posted on Facebook. It appears that not only Judyth must be "shut down", but also TrineDay books and Kris Millegan and others. Cannibalism is running amok. It all reminds me of why John Simkin at one time shut down this forum after even he was attacked on his own forum by one of the moderators no less. The JFK assassination community is comprised of an infinitely small number of persons in contrast to the U.S. and foreign country populations. This Operation Genocide against Judyth and others is self-defeating and will turn off thoughtful persons who might be interested in learning more about JFK when they conclude their time can be spent better elsewhere. I support the First Amendment's right to freedom of speech and the concept of the free marketplace of ideas. I can say this without reservation even though I have never met Judyth or read her books. I have a long list of books I want to read, including Judyth's and those of forum members, if I ever get the opportunity to do so.
  18. When J.F.K. Secretly Reached Out to Castro By Michael Beschloss The New York Times December 17, 2014 http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/18/upshot/when-jfk-secretly-reached-out-to-castro.html?abt=0002&abg=1
  19. 13 documents you should read about the JFK assassination By Randolph Benson www.indyweek.com November 14, 2012 http://www.indyweek.com/indyweek/13-documents-you-should-read-about-the-jfk-assassination/Content?oid=3192028
  20. From his column: War, War, War, that is all Washington wants. It enriches the military/security complex, the largest component of the US GNP and the largest contributor, along with Wall Street and the Israel Lobby, to US political campaigns. Anyone or any organization that offers truth to the lies is demonized. Last week the new chief of the US Broadcasting Board of Governors, Andrew Lack, listed the Russian TV Internet service Russia Today as the equivalent of Boko Haram and the Islamic State terrorist groups. This absurd accusation is a prelude to closing down RT in the US just as Washington’s puppet UK government closed down Iran’s Press TV. http://rt.com/usa/225819-rt-isis-point-view-competition/ In other words, Anglo-Americans are not permitted any different news than what is served to them by “their” governments. That is the state of “freedom” in the West today. http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2015/01/25/freedom-america-europe-pcr/
  21. From the article: During the fiscal year that ended on September 30, 2014, U.S. Special Operations forces (SOF) deployed to 133 countries -- roughly 70% of the nations on the planet -- according to Lieutenant Colonel Robert Bockholt, a public affairs officer with U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM). This capped a three-year span in which the country’s most elite forces were active in more than 150 different countries around the world, conducting missions ranging from kill/capture night raids to training exercises. And this year could be a record-breaker. Only a day before the failed raid that ended Luke Somers life -- just 66 days into fiscal 2015 -- America’s most elite troops had already set foot in 105 nations, approximately 80% of 2014’s total. Since September 11, 2001, U.S. Special Operations forces have grown in every conceivable way, including their numbers, their budget, their clout in Washington, and their place in the country’s popular imagination. The command has, for example, more than doubled its personnel from about 33,000 in 2001 to nearly 70,000 today, including a jump of roughly 8,000 during the three-year tenure of recently retired SOCOM chief Admiral William McRaven. http://www.alternet.org/world/us-dark-empire-has-secret-operations-over-100-countries#.VMV1Lhs42r8.facebook
  22. Mae Brussell: A Forgotten Superhero http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/01/22/mae-brussell-a-forgotten-superhero/
  23. Biographer Barbara Learning: Jackie suffered from PTSD for 31 years [Poster’s note: This is a very perceptive interview and I agree with Barbara Learning’s observations.] http://www.usnews.com/opinion/articles/2015/01/22/jackie-kennedy-may-have-had-ptsd-after-jfks-death
  24. Ex-CIA Officer John Kiriakou Speaks Out http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article40741.htm
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