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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. After Scrutiny, C.I.A. Mandate Is Untouched By MARK MAZZETTI DEC. 26, 2014 The New York Times WASHINGTON — Over a lunch in Washington in 1976, James J. Angleton, for years the ruthless chief of counterintelligence at the C.I.A., likened the agency to a medieval city occupied by an invading army. “Only, we have been occupied by Congress,” he told a young congressional investigator. “With our files rifled, our officials humiliated, and our agents exposed.” The spymaster had cause for worry. He had endured a public grilling about his role in domestic spying operations by a select committee headed by Senator Frank Church, a Democrat from Idaho, that spent years looking into intelligence abuses. And the Central Intelligence Agency, used to doing what it wanted while keeping Congress mostly in the dark, was in the midst of convulsions that would fundamentally remake its mission. Nearly four decades later, another Senate committee’s allegations that the C.I.A. has engaged in torture, lying and cover-up have stirred echoes of the Church era — raising the question of whether the agency is in for another period of change. But the scathing report the Senate Intelligence Committee delivered this month is unlikely to significantly change the role the C.I.A. now plays in running America’s secret wars. A number of factors — from steadfast backing by Congress and the White House to strong public support for clandestine operations — ensure that an agency that has been ascendant since President Obama came into office is not likely to see its mission diminished, either during his waning years in the White House or for some time after that. The Church Committee’s revelations about the abuses committed by the intelligence community — and a parallel House investigation led by Representative Otis G. Pike of New York — came at the end of America’s wrenching military involvement in Vietnam, and during a period of détente with the Soviet Union. The disclosures of C.I.A. assassination schemes and spying on Vietnam War protesters fueled a post-Watergate fury among many Americans who had grown cynical about secret plots hatched in Washington. The grim details, shocking at the time, led to a gutting of the agency’s ranks and a ban on assassinations, imposed by President Gerald R. Ford. They also led to the creation of the congressional intelligence committees and a requirement that the C.I.A. regularly report its covert activities to the oversight panels. By contrast, the Senate Intelligence Committee’s recent report on C.I.A. excesses since the Sept. 11 attacks arrived in the midst of renewed fears of global terrorism, the rise of the Islamic State and grisly beheading videos of American hostages. Loch K. Johnson, a professor at the University of Georgia and a former Church Committee investigator, said that the committee did its work “in a semi-benign period of international affairs.” “There wasn’t the same kind of fear in the air,” he said. A CBS News poll released last week found that though 69 percent of those asked consider waterboarding to be torture, 49 percent think that brutal interrogation methods are sometimes justified. More than half, 57 percent, believe that the tactics are at least sometimes effective in producing valuable intelligence to help stop terrorist attacks. Senator Angus King, a member of the Intelligence Committee, said that Hollywood depictions of torture have distorted the public’s view of its efficacy. “Every week, Jack Bauer saves civilization by torturing someone, and it works,” said Mr. King, the independent from Maine, referring to the lead character of the television show “24.” Mr. King said that he was initially skeptical about the need to release the torture report, but when he spent five straight evenings reading it in a secure room on Capitol Hill he decided that the C.I.A. abuses needed a public airing. “It went from interest, to a sick feeling, to disgust, and finally to anger,” he said. But the Obama administration has made clear that it has no plans to make anyone legally accountable for the practices described by the C.I.A. as enhanced interrogation techniques and the Intelligence Committee as torture. The American Civil Liberties Union and Human Rights Watch sent a letter to Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. this week asking him to appoint a special prosecutor to examine the report’s allegations, but the request will almost certainly be rejected. And while Senator King called the Intelligence Committee’s report “Church Committee II,” he, like many other Democrats on the Intelligence Committee, remains a broad supporter of the C.I.A.’s paramilitary mission that Mr. Obama has embraced during his time in the White House. During the presidential campaign in 2008, Mr. Obama railed against the agency’s use of torture and secret prisons during the Bush administration, and shuttered the detention program during his first week in office. But he has empowered the agency in other ways — including allowing its director, not the White House, to make the final decisions about drone strikes in Pakistan. Release the thousands of sadistic criminal torture photos now tied up in court.It is the duty of every USA elected official to tell the full... Why all the surprise and outrage? The CIA has accurately reflected the intent of the majority of our citizens, certainly of our voters,... Look at the bright side: now that Russia and China can lecture the US about human rights, maybe they will moderate their excesses to avoid... “Many presidents tend to be smitten with the instruments of the intelligence community. I think Obama was more smitten than most,” said one former senior Obama administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss classified intelligence matters. “This has been an intelligence presidency in a way we haven’t seen maybe since Eisenhower.” The C.I.A. had shifted from capturing and interrogating terrorism suspects to targeting them with armed drones even before Mr. Obama came to office. It was a tactic championed by Congress at the same time that lawmakers were beginning to criticize the agency’s detention and interrogation program. The agency carried out its first drone strike in Pakistan in June 2004, weeks after a draft of a damning C.I.A inspector general report about abuses in the agency’s secret prisons began circulating in Washington. In the months that followed, the agency began to refashion itself not as a long-term jailer, but as a secret paramilitary force that could kill terrorism suspects with little controversy. For the C.I.A., there were far fewer political costs associated with killing terrorists than with capturing and interrogating them. There have now been more than 400 drone strikes in Pakistan, according to statistics compiled by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, and the operations have had broad support among Democrats and Republicans. And the C.I.A. continues to carry out drone strikes in Yemen, despite the Obama administration’s declared intention in May 2013 that the drone program be transferred to the Pentagon. John O. Brennan, the C.I.A. director, said during his confirmation hearing in 2013 that he wanted to refocus the agency on traditional missions like espionage and analysis. But the effort has been slow going for a number of reasons. For instance, the congressional intelligence committees have vigorously tried to block transferring drone operations to the Pentagon — fighting to keep the C.I.A. in control of aspects of the program. Mr. Johnson, the University of Georgia professor, was the Church Committee staff member who was eating lunch with Mr. Angleton in 1976 when he fulminated against an interfering Congress. In the years since then, he said during a recent interview, he has often met senior C.I.A. leaders who took a dim view of congressional oversight. During one dinner he had with William J. Casey, the agency’s director during the Reagan administration who became enmeshed in the Iran-contra scandal, he said that Mr. Casey told him that the role of Congress was to “stay the [expletive] out of my business.” But as much as America’s spies might still complain about their overseers, the years since the Sept. 11 attacks have been an era of broad license — and hefty budgets — not just for the C.I.A., but also for the National Security Agency and other intelligence services. Neither the White House nor the American public has shown an inclination to change that. And as America’s spying apparatus has grown larger, richer and more powerful than during any other time in its history, it has become ever harder for those keeping watch over it. “We are 15 people overseeing a $50 billion enterprise,” said Senator King, speaking of his fellow members on the Senate Intelligence Committee. “I can’t tell you I know with certainty every intelligence program this enterprise is engaged in.”
  2. From the article: “Many presidents tend to be smitten with the instruments of the intelligence community. I think Obama was more smitten than most,” said one former senior Obama administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss classified intelligence matters. “This has been an intelligence presidency in a way we haven’t seen maybe since Eisenhower.” http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/27/us/politics/after-scrutiny-cia-mandate-is-untouched-.html
  3. The two disputed quotes of Mark Lane are not errors in the transcript. If one listens to the actual podcast located just above the transcript, he asserts these in his own voice. So this is apparently what he believes.
  4. “Meet Crime Lord Tom Clark” http://theamericanchronicle.blogspot.co.uk/2013/09/meet-crime-lord-tom-clark.html From the article: "While dredging around in the forums of the Education Forum, we discovered substantial information about his ties to organized crime, and how graft was his middle name, making a complete mockery of justice. Now don’t get us wrong - if you see pictures of Clark, you will think that he is the epitome of the fine upstanding pillar of the sanctimonious community. The truth turns out to be otherwise."
  5. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=The+Oswald+Code The book on Amazon.
  6. THE OSWALD CODE: STUDY OF OSWALD'S ADDRESS BOOK Alan Weberman December 12, 2014
  7. Mark Lane: Did the Secret Service help kill JFK? December 25, 2014 Lewrockwell.com http://www.lewrockwell.com/2014/12/no_author/did-the-secret-service-help-kill-jfk-2/
  8. Bay of Pigs survivors on US-Cuba thaw: 'Two American presidents betrayed us' The Guardian December 23, 2014 http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2014/dec/23/bay-of-pigs-survivors-veterans-betrayal-cuba-us
  9. Paul: In answer to your question, my opinion is that both the JFK assassination and 9/11 were carefully planned conspiracies, several years in the making. The roles to be played by Oswald and Atta were key in the planning by the ultimate conspirators although it remains unclear the degree to which these two individuals were privy to the roles planned for them. Doug
  10. Oswald and Atta: Erratic, Protected, and Seeking Attention By Kevin Ryan December 21, 2014 http://digwithin.net/2014/12/21/oswald-and-atta/ [Posted for informational purposes only]
  11. Do We Need The CIA? The New York Times Opinion Pages: Room for Debate December 22, 2014 http://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2014/12/21/do-we-need-the-cia
  12. THE JFK CASE: THE TWELVE WHO BUILT THE OSWALD LEGEND (Part 11: The Paines Carry the Weight) By Bill Simpich OpEdNews Op Eds 12/21/2014 http://www.opednews.com/articles/THE-JFK-CASE--THE-TWELVE-by-Bill-Simpich-CIA_Intelligence_JFK-Assassination_Kennedy-Assassination-141221-951.html
  13. “In Our Defense” By Caroline Kennedy and Ellen Alderman: The Bill of Rights in Action Posted by Rabbi Arthur Waskow 8/7/2013 The Shalom Center https://theshalomcenter.org/node/2086 http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=In+Our+Defense%3A++The+Bill+of+Rights+in+Action
  14. Mikhail Gorbachev cites JFK’s vision in seeking world peace This is a remarkable recent interview with Gorbachev. His citing JFK and the Cuban missile crisis starts just after minute 6.00. However, in light of the U.S. resuming the cold war against Russia and its implications for nuclear war, it is time well spent to listen to all of what Gorbachev has to say. He is a wise man and true statesman. http://rt.com/shows/sophieco/215851-gorbachev-us-ukraine-war/
  15. http://www.counterpunch.org/2014/12/19/the-cias-secret-killers/
  16. Copley's deadly Cuba ties Top of Form Bottom of Form Tales of JFK assassination and CIA link haunt paper at center of San Diego journalistic spy nexus By Matt Potter, Dec. 18, 2014 San Diego Reader http://www.sandiegoreader.com/news/2014/dec/18/ticker-copley-cuba/#
  17. JFK assassination video Best Evidence Autopsy Alterations David Lifton Night Fright Brent Holland nightfrightshow Published March 12, 2014
  18. Marquette Univ. Suspends Prof. John McAdams, Orders him off-campus The Washington Post By Eugene Volokh December 17, 2014 http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2014/12/17/marquette-suspends-profs-teaching-orders-him-off-campus/ JFK Assassination section of Prof. McAdams’ blog http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/home.htm
  19. December 17, 2014 The New Opening With the USA by RAUL CASTRO http://www.counterpunch.org/2014/12/17/the-new-opening-with-the-usa/
  20. Concerning the Facts and Consequences of the Tragic Death of President John F. Kennedy November 23rd, 1963 by Fidel Castro http://www.ratical.org/ratville/JFK/HWNAU/FC112363.html
  21. Transcript with documents and links to documents of John Newman’s presentation at AARC Conference Posted Nov. 13, 2014 http://justiceforkennedy.blogspot.com/2014/11/transcript-with-documents-and-links-to.html?zx=1f29fd03d828c331
  22. Pocatellan who knew someone close to JFK case believes Oswald likely didn’t act alone Sunday, November 24, 2013 4:42 am By Michael H. O’Donnell Idaho State Journal http://www.idahostatejournal.com/members/pocatellan-who-knew-someone-close-to-jfk-case-believes-oswald/article_7f99d61a-54fd-11e3-ae59-001a4bcf887a.html
  23. This announcement appeared in a professionally designed film poster that Roger Stone placed on my Facebook page today: Coming This Summer THE MAN WHO KILLED KENNEDY: THE CASE AGAINST LBJ A documentary by Roger Stone and Mike Colopietro Featuring Roger Stone, Phil Nelson, Barr McClellan, Vince Palamara, Robert Morrow and Saint John Hunt.
  24. Here is another review of Phil Nelson's book: http://www.opednews.com/articles/The-King-of-the-World--Mr-by-Greg-Maybury-Assassination_Conspiracy_JFK_JFK-Assassination-141205-264.html
  25. ‘Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis,’ by Barbara Leaming By MERYL GORDONDEC. 5, 2014 The New York Times Book Review http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/07/books/review/jacqueline-bouvier-kennedy-onassis-by-barbara-leaming.html
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