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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Did Jackie O blame LBJ? - POLITICO The answer is yes.
  2. Joan Mellen's book, Faustian Bargains: Lyndon Johnson and Mac Wallace in the Robber Baron Culture of Texas, is 360 pages in length. To me, the most instructive part of her book appears on page 14: "Max Wallace is a case in point, his history with Lyndon Johnon a window into Johnson's methods. Wallce's story is so intriguing because unlike other of Johnson's acolytes, it is difficult to prove what he did for Lyndon Johnson and what Lyndon Johnson in turn did for him. More than any other of Johnson's proteges and acolytes, Wallace's connection to him remains cloaked in secrecy."
  3. The Senate Watergate Committee never requested that I appear before it in executive session or in public session. Had this happened what really happened in Watergate would have been revealed. It would have changed everything. Jim Hougan never asked to interview me. By failing to do so, his book, Secret Agenda, missed the real story. Hougan has repeatedly attacked Government Confidential Informant Robert Merritt, claiming that he did interview him but found him to be an insignificant, low-level informant whose information was of little value. If this is true, why does the witness list of those who appeared before the Senate Watergate Committee contain Robert Merritt's name. He appeared twice in executive session. Merritt's key role in Watergate is detailed in the 2011 book, Watergate Exposed: How the President of the United States and the Watergate Burglars Were Set-up as told to me. It is further detailed in my 2018 autobiography, Being There: Eyewitness to History. Hougan missed the real story there also. Two weeks ago, Bob Woodward appeared on MSNBC and alluded to the book that I am writing, In the first Hour of Watergate. Woodward knows the real story of Watergate. Watergate Exposed by Douglas Caddy, Robert Merritt - Ebook | Everand Being There: Eye Witness To History | San Francisco Book Review
  4. The Violent and Extreme History of Mike Johnson’s Old Legal Clients – DNyuz
  5. Jim Hougan in Secret Agenda on page 329 reproduced the infamous "Memorandum for the Record by Martin Lukoskie," whose opening sentence is "Subject: Meeting with Robert Foster Bennett and his Comments Concerning E. Howard Hunt, Douglas Caddy and the 'Watergate Five' Incident." Bennett's statements in the interview were entirely self-serving. He repeatedly tried to throw Hunt and me under the bus. He asserted falsehoods again and again, stating at one time that the money for the Watergate operation "came from a 'RiGHTIST' group Caddy being 'far far right' and Hunt also 'conservative and far right.'" Bennett "related that he has now 'established a 'back door entry' to Edward Bennett Williams law firm which is representing the Democratic Party in its suit for damages resulting from the Watergate incident." Another CIA "Memorandum for the Depuy Director for plans by Eric Eisenstadt" reported that "Mr. Bennett said also that he had been feeding stories to Robert Woodward of the Washington Post with the understanding that there be no attribution to Bennett. Woodward is suitably grateful for the fine stories and by-lines which he gets and protects Bennett and the Mullen Company." Here I need to note that one of the stories Bennett fed to Woodward was about me and contained many falsehoods. When I read it in the Washington Post I knew immediately that Bennett was the undisclosed source. The next day I received a letter from Bennett attempting to explain away how the article came to be written. He knew that I knew he was the article's actual source. Bennett was an evil piece of work. I only met the man once and for a brief time and yet he later used me in nefarious ways to advance his own personal and business interests. The Bennett Mystery - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
  6. Yes, I went to work for Gall, Lane, Powell and Kilcullen in 1971. It did only labor law work. It did not do criminal defense. Hunt awakened me with a phone call on June 17, 1972, at 3:05 AM, saying he was calling from his White House office and needed to see me immediately about an important matter. I told him to come ahead. I lived about a mile from the White House and as it turned out about a mile from Watergate. Hunt arrived at 3:40 AM and told me what had occurred at Watergate. I recognized immediately that the emerging scandal would pose a dire threat to Nixon's survival as president. I informed Hunt that we were a labor law firm and did no criminal defense. I said I needed to call a partner of the law firm to get guidance. The only partner that was in town that weekend was Robert Scott. I called him and told him what had happened. His immediate reaction was, "They must have been set up, they must have been set up." He then told me that he would telephone a criminal defense attorney he knew who would work with on the case and would also call his nephew, who I did not know. He called back about twenty minutes later and told me I would be working with Joseph Rafferty, who specialized in criminal defense. He told me where to meet Rafferty at 9 A.M. He also said that he had talked to his nephew. Robert Scott turned out to be a crucial figure in Watergate but was never interviewed by anyone. His shocking story has never been told publicly. It is among the revelations in my forthcoming book.
  7. Robert Mullen called Howard Hunt and me into his office in 1971 after he decided to retire and offered us ownership of the Mullen Company. Both Hant and I told him that we needed time to consider the offer before making a decision. Under the arrangement we would pay Mullen for the purchase of the company from the profits over the years. Then suddenly a few days later Mullen again called us into his office and told us he was selling the company to Robert Bennett, the son of Senator Bernett of Utah. The transfer took place a few days later. On that same day I accepted an offer to go to work as an associate attorney with the law firm of Gall, Lane, Powell and Kilcullen. The firm specialized in labor law. I only met Bennett once and that was on the day he took control of the company and I departed to the law firm. In one of his autobiographies, Hunt wrote that Bennett was named an unindicted co-conspirator in Watergate for the key background role he played in the scandal. He was a CIA asset. Years later he was elected Senator from Utah. I have often wondered what the other 99 senators thought of him in their midst, a CIA asset who was an informer, hypocrite and opportunist.
  8. Robert Bennett was never my boss at the Mullen Company. I was never an employee of the Mullen Company. I worked for General Foods Corporation that transferred me to Washington in 1969 where I was to have an office inside the Mullen Company to represent General Foods, which was a client of the Mullen Company. My departure from General Foods/Mullen Company to join a law firm came on the same day that Bennett became president of the Mullen Company. That was the only time that I had any contact with him.
  9. Opens the door to a massive flood of lawsuits against Trump. 'Donald's case implodes': Mary Trump warns her uncle of 'hefty punitive damages' - Raw Story
  10. Thank you, Ron, for posting this with its truly memorable photographs supplemented by timely articles and contributions to this topic by other members.
  11. Best summery of my life: Being There: Eye Witness To History | San Francisco Book Review
  12. An exhibit that will be in my forthcoming book: Being There: Eye Witness To History | San Francisco Book Review
  13. The Guardian reports: George Santos expelled from House after 311-214 vote With the House’s final vote being at 311 yays and 114 nays, George Santos has been expelled from the House. House speaker Mike Johnson said he will notify New York governor Kathy Hochul on the House’s decision.
  14. I turned the debate off after 20 minutes. Neither seemed to have what takes to be president of all the people. DeSantis-Newsom Debate Takeaways: The 2024 Campaign That Could Have Been - WSJ
  15. Thank you, Benjamin. I trust you will not be disappointed.
  16. Israel’s Insidious Narrative About Palestinian Prisoners - The Intercept
  17. Dissent, and a generation gap, inside the Biden administration over the Israel-Hamas war (aol.com)
  18. Watergate was a CIA operation that began when Director Helms placed Howard Hunt in the Mullen Company on May 1, 1970. which was when and where I first met him. It was carefully planned to bring down Nixon.
  19. Israel knew years ahead of the Hamas war plan. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-attack-intelligence.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Ck0.-Tt9.R5BaBQKHu0XA&hpgrp=k-abar&smid=url-share
  20. Biden Moves to Give Israel Unfettered Access to U.S. Weapons Stockpile (theintercept.com)
  21. Can fragile truce last? Netanyahu says 'nothing will stop us' from crushing Hamas: Live updates (aol.com)
  22. I embrace the opinion of this distinguished author. He has the same world outlook that I have. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/opinion/henry-kissinger-the-hypocrite.html?unlocked_article_code=1.CU0.VHMD.kVZb0DsYsfUq&smid=url-share
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