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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. If I concluded that I had been set up as a patsy in the assassination of the president a short time before, I might do a number of things that were not my normal behavior when caught up in the act of resisting arrest upon being suddenly surprised by the cops. I certainly would be fearful for my life and I would not know whom I could trust.
  2. The Only Person Who Knew Both Kennedy and His Killer While in the Soviet Union, Priscilla Johnson McMillan met a young American in her hotel who was trying to defect. His name was Lee Harvey Oswald. By John Meroney November 21, 2013 The Atlantic http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2013/11/the-only-person-who-knew-both-kennedy-and-his-killer/281712/
  3. The Internet Browser NSA Doesn’t Want You To Use By Daniel Jennings Offthegridnews.com November 21, 2013 http://theantimedia.org/the-internet-browser-nsa-doesnt-want-you-to-use/
  4. Friday, November 22, 2013 | By Gary Mack | 17 Comments Time.com An End to Conspiracy? Rare Photo of Lee Harvey Oswald’s Arrest Suggests Why He’s Guilty Read more: An End to Conspiracy? Rare Photo of Lee Harvey Oswald’s Arrest Suggests Why He’s Guilty - LightBox http://lightbox.time.com/2013/11/22/an-end-to-conspiracy-rare-photo-of-lee-harvey-oswalds-arrest-suggests-why-hes-guilty/#ixzz2lONsGRNe Be sure to read the comments, especially that which cites Bill Kelly and quotes another police officer disputing what was allegedly said by Oswald.
  5. From the lead paragraph of a NY Times article today: "It is a moment we cannot forget. On the afternoon of Nov. 22, 1963, people were doing ordinary things: walking to classes, pumping gas or talking politics. For many of the 26 percent of Americans alive today who were at least 5 years old when they heard the news of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, it was a time of outrage and grief." The Kennedy assassination is ancient history of most Americans, the vast majority have been born after 1963. So is Watergate and even 9/11. The typical American today senses something has gone wrong but feels powerless in being able to affect current events and history. It takes a strong individual like Edward Snowden, who apparently planned carefully for a period to time and was willing to pay the price, to make a real impact. He could not have done what he did had he been married with children because he could not have jeopardized their lives and well-being. Physical and financial survival is the primary motivation of citizens today. Building a public profile that is accessible online by anyone can terminate a career at its beginning.
  6. Here is a recent interview of Bobby Baker in which he spills some of his insider knowledge: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2013/11/sex-in-the-senate-bobby-baker-99530.html
  7. Few persons were closer to LBJ than Bobby Baker. If he ever talked and told all that he knew, the JFK assassination would likely be solved as well as many other crucial questions lingering from the past. His speaking up now could lead to his unburdening himself in the near future as he is up in years. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKbakerB.htm
  8. From the article: Fifty years later, the danger of digging into cases such as Kennedy's assassination is not lost on Hart. In his chiding of the press and its failure to seize the opportunity to reveal the truth about Kennedy's death, he admits that revealing such a truth -- even as a journalist -- could have dire consequences. "You risk your life because whoever killed these two guys is still out there," Hart said. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Senator Who Investigated JFK Assassination: 'American Journalism Never Followed Up On That Story' Posted: 11/20/2013 12:17 pm EST | Updated: 11/20/2013 2:15 pm EST Huffingtonpost http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/20/jfk-assassination-gary-hart_n_4302598.html WASHINGTON -- As the 50th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy's death nears, former presidential candidate Gary Hart, a member of the Senate committee that investigated JFK's assassination, said that the press had failed in its responsibility to investigate the truth behind his killing. Hart served on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Agencies, known as the Church committee, after chairman Frank Church. He recalled that while the committee was investigating the connection between the assassination, the Mafia and plots against Cuban President Fidel Castro, two of the three main figures involved were also killed. "It's amazing to me that American journalism never followed up on that story very much, because if you found out who killed those two guys, you might have some really interesting information on your hands," Hart, who served as a Democratic senator from Colorado for two terms, told HuffPost in a recent interview. There were "all kinds of leads" -- had reporters followed them, he said. "I went down to Miami when [Johnny] Roselli was killed and talked to this Dade County sheriff from the Miami Police Department, and they showed me pictures of him being fished out of the water in the barrel and how he'd been killed -- nightmarish stuff. And [Momo Salvatore] Giancana was killed in his own basement with six bullet holes in his throat with a Chicago police car and an FBI car outside his house," he recounted. According to CIA documents released in 2007, the agency hired Johnny Roselli, a high-ranking mobster, to eliminate Fidel Castro, offering to pay him $150,000. Roselli reportedly declined the money and worked with former FBI agent Robert A. Maheu; Giancana, Al Capone's Chicago mob successor; and Santo Trafficante Jr., a mobster involved in Cuban operations, to unsuccessfully poison Castro with pills. Roselli disappeared soon after testifying before the Church committee, and his body was found inside an oil drum near North Miami Beach. Giancana was found dead at his Chicago home before he could testify to the Church committee. While alive, Giancana and Roselli also reportedly communicated with Kennedy. In a 1988 interview with People Magazine, Judith Campbell Exner claimed she had an affair with the president, and that during that relationship she served as a courier between the president and Roselli and Giancana. The president's brother, Robert Kennedy -- then-attorney general -- called for an investigation on Giancana. The deaths of Roselli and Giancana in 1975 and 1976 occurred amid the Church committee's ongoing investigations surrounding Kennedy's assassination. That coincidence, Hart said, was suspicious enough to warrant press attention, and he was surprised that the press didn't jump on the story. "I was always amazed in that particular instance of the CIA-Mafia connection and the Cuban connection 12 years -- coming up 12 years -- after Kennedy was killed that somebody didn't go after that story," he said. "New York Times, Washington Post; anybody. And they didn't. They reported the deaths and that was it, and the strange quirky coincidence, you know, but nothing more." For Hart, the uncanny series of events roughly 12 years after Kennedy's death was less of a coincidence than an indication that people -- including Giancana -- knew more than they were letting on. "You don't have to be a genius to believe that they knew something about the coincidence of events -- Cuba, Mafia, CIA and Kennedy -- that somebody didn't want that out in the public 12 years later," Hart said. At a time when his Church committee was uncovering plots against the Cuban president and the CIA's use of the Mafia in those plots, Hart was privy to other peculiarities as well. According to Hart, the Warren Commission -- the presidential commission charged with investigating Kennedy's assassination that concluded Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone -- remained unaware of the connections between Cuba, the CIA, the Mafia and Kennedy. Only then-CIA director Allen Dulles, who was on the commission, knew, according to Hart, but Dulles said nothing to the other members. Hart also heard from William Robert Plumlee -- a former CIA contract pilot who gave classified testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, then chaired by John Kerry, in the '90s -- about how he believed Kennedy was really killed. Plumlee told Hart that he'd flown a plane to Texas days before the president's assassination and had later come to believe that several people on board were connected to the murder. A report by TV producer Robert Vernon claimed that Plumlee testified that the flight -- with Roselli on board -- was an attempt to thwart the Kennedy assassination. Hart tried to uncover the truth about the Kennedy assassination and the "big unanswered questions." He said he worked with fellow Church committee member and former Sen. Richard Schweiker (R-Penn.), but ultimately ran out of resources and leads. During an ill-fated presidential bid in the 1980s, Hart vowed he'd reopen the Kennedy investigation if elected. In retrospect, he said it "was probably a stupid thing to do," citing death threats he received. Fifty years later, the danger of digging into cases such as Kennedy's assassination is not lost on Hart. In his chiding of the press and its failure to seize the opportunity to reveal the truth about Kennedy's death, he admits that revealing such a truth -- even as a journalist -- could have dire consequences. "You risk your life because whoever killed these two guys is still out there," Hart said.
  9. Presidents Kennedy, Ford had affairs with East German spy: Johnson aide Bobby Baker, who served prison time for tax evasion, says Ellen Rometsch pleased JFK so much that he thanked him for hooking them up. But she was deported when then-Attorney General Bobby Kennedy found out about her and wanted to avoid a scandal, Baker says. By Corky Siemaszko / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Published: Thursday, November 21, 2013, 4:02 PM Updated: Thursday, November 21, 2013, 5:01 PM 0 http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/kennedy-ford-affairs-east-german-spy-johnson-aide-article-1.1525033 : AP Ellen Rometsch at 27 in spring 1963 in Washington, D.C. She allegedly ‘really loved oral sex.’ Presidents Kennedy and Ford both took a walk on the wild side with an Elizabeth Taylor look-alike who also happened to be an East German spy. So claims Bobby Baker, the disgraced aide to future President Lyndon B. Johnson who spilled the salacious secrets in an interview with Politico Magazine. “She really loved oral sex,” Baker, now 85 and living in Florida, said. “She went to the White House several times.” Uncredited/AP Rometsch worked as a hostess at Washington’s Quorum Club, a secret salon in the Carroll Arms Hotel where officials hooked up with prostitutes. JFK was so satisfied with Ellen Rometsch’s services “he thanked me” for hooking them up, Baker claimed. But Rometsch was also bipartisan and had a dalliance with then- Congressman Jerry Ford, a Republican from Michigan, while he was on the Warren Commission investigating the Kennedy assassination. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover got hold of a tape “where Jerry Ford was having oral sex with Ellen Rometsch,” Baker told Politico. ASSOCIATED PRESS President Kennedy’s media efforts concerning Rometsch were dubbed the Rometsch strategy when President Clinton leaked favorable info to distract from the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Hoover then used that to blackmail Ford into secretly informing him what leads the Warren Commission was pursuing, said Baker. When JFK’s brother, then-Attorney General Bobby Kennedy, found out about Rometsch, she was deported to East Germany to avoid any scandal, Baker said. In a footnote to the Politico article, the former head archivist at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library in Ann Arbor, Mich., said Ford’s FBI file reveals he was talking to Hoover. But only Baker contends Ford was blackmailed. ASSOCIATED PRESS President Ford’s alleged trysts with Rometsch showed the spy had a bipartisan spirit. “It seems so our of character for the Ford that I knew,” said David Horrocks. “I just find it hard to believe.” Baker said he didn’t realize Rometsch was serving the Soviets while the sultry spy was working as a hostess at the Quorum Club, a secret salon in the Carroll Arms Hotel where Washington politicians mingled with prostitutes. Dubbed by Politico as “The Man Who Knew Too Much,” Baker was a legendary fixer on Capitol Hill and Democratic Party power broker who had Washington wired. Baker fell from power shortly before JFK was killed and wound up serving 18 months in prison on federal tax evasion charges. He later co-wrote a memoir of his tawdry time at the top called “Wheeling and Dealing.” Rometsch’s name resurfaced again during the Monica Lewinsky scandal when President Clinton’s allies were accused to trying to stymie the investigation of his affair with the White House intern. Their alleged strategy of leaking info favorable to Clinton to reporters was dubbed the Ellen Rometsch Strategy. csiemaszko@nydailynews.com Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/kennedy-ford-affairs-east-german-spy-johnson-aide-article-1.1525033#ixzz2lKQrVAuW
  10. News International executive said Rebekah Brooks would be protected Email from Will Lewis allegedly found on computer at Brooks's address mentions legal retort to allegations from MPs Caroline Davies The Guardian, Thursday 21 November 2013 14.21 EST http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/nov/21/phone-hacking-trial-brooks-emails-found A senior News International executive working alongside Rebekah Brooks told her husband she would be protected from attacks by MPs over the phone-hacking allegations, the Old Bailey has heard. Emails, allegedly found on an Apple computer at the London address of Brooks and her husband, Charlie, included one from Will Lewis as the News of the World faced fresh allegations from Labour MP Chris Bryant over hacking claims in March 2011. One of the questions posed by Bryant was whether alleged phone hacking had begun under the editorship of Brooks (then known as Rebekah Wade), the jury was told. In 2011 Brooks was chief executive of News of the World publisher News International. On 11 March 2011 Brooks's husband, Charlie, emailed Lewis: "Hi Will. Is Rebekah ok? Bryant point one seemed pretty aggressive." Lewis, a senior News International executive, replied: "Charlie. She's OK. We were working flat out on other things with Rupert all day yesterday so it didn't really have an effect. "She was knackered by close of play as jet lag did for her. Hopefully had a better sleep last night. "More generally Bryant is clearly making stuff up. There was a concerted effort by him and some other MPs and Panorama this Monday to push the start of the saga back before 2005 in order to target Rebekah. "We will not let this happen. Panorama has already been hit by two legal letters." Brooks's husband responded: "Thanks Will. Was worried. I am glad she has you alongside her." Another email exchange, allegedly found on the same computer and shown to the jury, began with Tory MP Philip Dunne emailing a news story about the Milly Dowler hacking allegations on 4 July 2011 to Charlie Brooks. He then forwarded it to Lewis, with the message: "Hi Will. I have the Friends dvd. Is the below a problem for Rebekah?" Lewis replied: "Another attempted hit on Rebekah by [Tom] Watson [MP]. Far from ideal and the Dowler family quotes are bad. We are on the back foot as we are blind on the Mulcaire documents." The allegation was that the murdered schoolgirl's phone had been hacked. There was no evidence of another allegation made at the time that her messages had been deleted, the jury were reminded. In the early hours of 5 July 2011, Brooks was working on a draft of a public statement she was to make, attaching it in an email to her husband at 3.52am with the message: "I think this needs work, darling," the court heard. She emailed a finished version to him later in the day, writing in the subject field: "think Swan baby xxx." The statement, which was sent to staff, described the Milly Dowler allegations as "almost too horrific to believe". It added: "I hope you all realise it is inconceivable that I knew or worse sanctioned this appalling behaviour." In an earlier email chain, found on the same computer and dated 7 April 2011, Brooks and Lewis discussed a draft statement relating to the launch of a compensation scheme and civil litigation claims against the company over hacking allegations. Lewis emailed Brooks: "I don't think we should use the 'rogue reporter' phrase in the statement?" Brooks responded: "Send it to me please." The finished version did not contain the phrase, the court heard. The jury were also shown documents relating to Brooks's response following the 2007 trial of former royal editor Clive Goodman and private investigator Glenn Mulcaire. To one request, from the Press Complaints Commission, to detail procedures in place in March 2007, when she was editor of the Sun, she wrote that the paper "deplores" the type of "snooping" revealed by the Goodman case. It added staff breaking the law would be in breach of contract and could face instant dismissal. On cash payments, she said no payments were made without being referred for authorisation to the editor, or editor of the day. Brooks, Andy Coulson (another former News of the World editor), Stuart Kuttner (the paper's former managing editor) and Ian Edmondson (its former head of news), all deny conspiracy to intercept mobile phone voicemail messages. Brooks, Coulson and the paper's former royal editor, Clive Goodman, all deny conspiracy to commit misconduct in public office. Brooks, her husband Charlie, her former PA Cheryl Carter, and the News International head of security, Mark Hanna, all deny conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. The case continues on Monday.
  11. From The New York Times today: http://apps.beta620.nytimes.com/john-f-kennedy-assassination-coverage/issue.html?hp
  12. I believe Dr. Joseph Farrell’s thesis in the video below about the Umbrella Man is the correct one and that the man who years later stepped forward to say he was the Man was a setup and was evidence of the continuing cover-up. Dr. Farrell also makes other interesting observations on the significance of the JFK assassination that are worth consideration. He does err, however, in stating the Mac Wallace was acquitted of murder in 1952. He was actually found guilty of murder with malice afore-thought but was given a suspended sentence by the judge. http://gizadeathstar.com/2013/11/special-anniversary-nefarium/ http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKwallaceM.htm
  13. http://www.nytimes.com/video/opinion/100000001183275/the-umbrella-man.html?smid=fb-nytimes&WT.z_sma=VI_TUM_20131121
  14. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/21/opinion/morris-november-22-1963.html An interview of Josiah Thompson by Erroll Morris.
  15. JFK anniversary: conspiracy theorists left out of Dallas commemoration The fight over who may stand in this small section of downtown Dallas on Friday has come to symbolise the decades-long friction between authorities and so-called truthers By Tom Dart in Dallas theguardian.com, Thursday 21 November 2013 10.06 EST http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/nov/21/dallas-jfk-commemoration-conspiracy-theorists-left-out
  16. An inside job: CIA a suspect for some in JFK's killing NBC News By Evan Burgos, NBC News November 19, 2013 http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/11/20/21523264-an-inside-job-cia-a-suspect-for-some-in-jfks-killing?fb_action_ids=651915614858880&fb_action_types=og.recommends&fb_ref=AddThis_Blogs&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%5B1459806610912460%5D&action_type_map=%5B%22og.recommends%22%5D&action_ref_map=%5B%22AddThis_Blogs%22%5D
  17. Barry Seal, the CIA camp in Lacombe, & the JFK Assassination Posted on November 20, 2013 by Daniel Hopsicker madcow http://www.madcowprod.com/2013/11/20/barry-seal-the-cias-secret-camp-in-lacombe-the-jfk-assassination/
  18. Where New JFK Evidence Points November 19, 2013 By Jim DiEugenio Consortiumnews.com http://consortiumnews.com/2013/11/19/where-new-jfk-evidence-points/
  19. NOVA "COLD CASE JFK" Program Ripped by Dr. David Mantik, MD, PhD http://insidethearrb.livejournal.com/10077.html
  20. Fidel Castro: 'Oswald Could Not Have Been the One Who Killed Kennedy' The Atlantic By Jeffery Goldberg November 20, 2013 http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2013/11/fidel-castro-oswald-could-not-have-been-the-one-who-killed-kennedy/281674/
  21. John F. Kennedy's Vision of Peace By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. RollingStone November 20, 2013 http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/john-f-kennedys-vision-of-peace-20131120
  22. The Cuban assassin with a deadly secret: 'I shot JFK’ The Telegraph November 15, 2013 By Neil Tweedie http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/johnfkennedy/10452110/The-Cuban-assassin-with-a-deadly-secret-I-shot-JFK.html?fb
  23. Kennedy’s Last Act: Reaching Out to Cuba November 20, 2013 by Peter Kornbluh National Security Archive http://nsarchive.wordpress.com/2013/11/20/kennedys-last-act-reaching-out-to-cuba/
  24. The Race to save JFK cnn.com November 13, 2013 A doctor and an author talk about JFK's arrival as the hospital. http://www.cnn.com/video/?/video/bestoftv/2013/11/14/pmt-jfk-doctors-from-the-day-in-or.cnn&video_referrer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fl.php%3Fu%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.cnn.com%252Fvideo%252Fdata%252F2.0%252Fvideo%252Fbestoftv%252F2013%252F11%252F14%252Fpmt-jfk-doctors-from-the-day-in-or.cnn.html%26h%3DdAQGUK89T%26s%3D1
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