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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Huckabee slammed for 'calling for civil war' and saying elections may be decided by 'bullets' if Trump loses | Opinion (msn.com)
  2. Much of what he talks about dovetails with what I have learned. He is authentic and sincere.
  3. I would object to it being moved. As I recount in my autobiography, Being There: Eyewitness to History, I had dinner with Howard Hunt in 1975 just before he entered prison to serve 3 1/2 years for his involvement in Watergate. Our dinner discussion turned to the relationship of the JFK assassination to Watergate, as Hunt was a key figure in both. "After dinner and when we were outside the restaurant on the sidewalk, I decided to make one more stab at learning what was behind Watergate. I asked Howard, 'Why was Kennedy assassinated? What could have been in the Cuban government documents on his assassination that was so important to justify a break-in?' "Howard hesitated for a moment then replied, 'Kennedy was assassinated because he was about to give our most vital secret to the Soviets.' "Stunned at hearing this, I asked, 'Our most vital secret? What was that?' Howard looked me in the eyes and declared, 'the Alien Presence.' With that he shook my hand, turned and walked away. That was the last time I saw Howard although we did correspond subsequently and talked on the phone on a few occasions. Our government is moving towards public disclosure of the Alien Presence. When that happens, the historical significance of the Kennedy assassination to that disclosure will become apparent.
  4. Pentagon unveils new website for reporting (and learning about) UFOs (phys.org)
  5. Biden is the greatest president in modern times. However, I am 85 and I know how quickly one's health can change after age 80. Hopefully, Biden will bow out and, as you say, let younger Democrats vie for the nomination.
  6. Biden's biographer: It would not be a 'total shock' if the president dropped out of election race (aol.com)
  7. This was posted today on LinkedIn by Geoff Cruickshank: Journalists George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell discuss with Joe Rogan the evidence provided by a scientist from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory which was tasked in the 1970s with reverse engineering room temperature superconducting materials recovered from a UAP/UFO crash retrieval - an event that is possibly the U.S. Navy's equivalent of Roswell.Both Lawrance Livermore and Los Alamos National Laboratories examined the high-speed footage recorded by two heavily instrumented KC-135 aircraft of the Bluegill Triple Prime nuclear test on October 25, 1962, during the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis. This footage clearly shows an object knocked out of its flight path in the first few microseconds of the fireball of the 400kT, 48km enhanced X-ray device, which was designed to destroy the re-entry vehicles and warheads of Soviet ICBMs via a process called thermo-mechanical spalling. Due to a miscommunication between the two laboratories and the Defense Special Weapons Agency during the footage declassification review in 1998, the footage from the KC-135 designated KETTLE 1 was declassified in full, whilst the footage from KETTLE 2 (flying 50 nautical miles away and also filming the event) was released with a large sanitization patch covering the area that the object appears to tumble from.The debris of the object was recovered by the US Navy vessels USS John S, McCain, USS Engage, USS Safeguard, and USNS Point Barrow in the days following the event - which is evidenced by the unclassified deck logs of the vessels involved in the recovery effort. It was the US Navy's equivalent of the 1947 Roswell crash retrieval.As Livermore and Los Alamos had reviewed the highly classified footage of the Bluegill Triple Prime event that detailed the knockdown, it seems entirely plausible that both Labs were also engaged in the reverse engineering efforts of the recovered exotic materials, including superconducting devices that may exploit the planet's magnetohydrodynamic forces to provide propulsion. LLNL is currently restoring the film captured by high-speed photography pioneering contractor EG&G of the 215 atmospheric nuclear tests that the US carried out between 1945 and 1962, including the Bluegill Triple Prime event. As a member of the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU), I have asked the Board members to approach Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to ask for full declassification of the KETTLE 2 footage for a clearer picture of what actually occurred during the event.#uap #ufo #nuclear #propulsion
  8. Ron DeSantis’ support ‘collapses’ after GOP debate, poll shows (msn.com)
  9. https://www.facebook.com/reel/321236697067219/?s=single_unit&__cft__[0]=AZXeoT4wGKzalaSyrCQI7dYl0Ia97Cz_WBA5UexnUbfm5PkFXA6yBN1mFAzaUwkNltNAIezH2ZRTq8z3PmKzP4H4CGjU1iIEAeRz_jNWgKvdyr_89LNSl8sj9YcZHQ1n3ThaQpBd6R_BkaIKV2xrvWMDO53PoDUiEZshPe68pHvQjQ&__tn__=H-y-R
  10. Florida school vouchers can pay for TVs, kayaks and theme parks. Is that OK? (yahoo.com)
  11. Polling data shows partisan gap in religious identity widening: Gallup | The Hill
  12. Musk is like Trump. They both thrive on publicity. I am as sick of reading and hearing about Musk as I am of Trump. Meet Elon Musk's transgender daughter Vivian Jenna Wilson - who he describes as a 'communist who thinks anyone rich is evil' | Daily Mail Online
  13. Alito and Thomas Write Opinion Declaring That Yachts Are People | The New Yorker
  14. Poor DeSantis. Going down in flames as a loser. Ron DeSantis $50 million super pac closes and founder flips to Trump (msn.com)
  15. Proud Boys leader Joe Biggs sobs as he's sentenced to 17 years in prison - Raw Story
  16. Biden Admits To Feeling ‘Tired’ In Private Amid Speculation About His Physical Abilities, New Book Claims | The Daily Caller
  17. Justice Clarence Thomas reports he took 3 trips on Republican donor's plane last year (aol.com)
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