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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. I had never heard of Hanson until his name appeared in the forum. Here is the Washington Post article about his death in 1989; There is no mention of his possible connection to Howard Hunt. WASHINGTON LAWYER ARTHUR HANSON DIES - The Washington Post
  2. In mid-May 1972 Hunt invited me to have lunch with him and Liddy at a private dining club for members of the Intelligence Community that was located in the Georgetown section of Washington. Liddy dominated the occasion with endless talk about his expectation to receive a high position in the Department of the Treasury in the second Nixon Administration. On the surface this made sense to me as he was Counsel to the Finance Committee for the Reelection of the President, was a former FBI agent and at one time had worked in the Treasury Department. His non-stop discourse was interrupted by a man entering the dining room who was seated at a nearby table. Hunt then suddenly exclaimed, “There’s that son-of-a-bitch Cord Meyer.” Meyer was a senior CIA official whose ex-wife was a mistress to President John Kennedy and who was murdered not long after JFK’s assassination because she knew too much. Soon thereafter, Liddy excused himself to use the restroom and while he was away Hunt asked me if I had reached a decision about joining the CIA. I responded that I was still thinking about it. Then out of nowhere Hunt exclaimed, “Ellsberg is not a traitor. He is just misinformed and misled.” I only knew Daniel Ellsberg from the newspapers as a controversial figure in the Pentagon Papers disclosure. At that point Liddy returned and again picked up where he had left off talking about his expectation of a high Administration position when Nixon was reelected.
  3. I think Hunt played a more important role in the JFK assassination than the two scenarios that you present. Certainly, his role was more than being a mere benchwarmer. However, I do not have any personal knowledge of his actions on November 21-22, 1963. There have always been rumors that he was also in New Orleans and interacted with Oswald while there. Howard Hunt's overall role in history is unique in that he was a figure in both the assassination of President Kennedy and in Watergate where the CIA's intention was to drive President Nixon from the presidency.
  4. Howard Hunt in his autobiography, American Spy, makes no mention of Hanson as being his attorney at any time during Watergate. I represented Hunt from June 17, 1972, until I was subpoenaed to appear before the Federal Grand Jury on June 28, 1972. William Bittman, a famous former Justice Department prosecutor, immediately succeeded me in representing Hunt and did so through Hunt pleading guilty in January 1973 at the start of the first Watergate trial. I and my two attorneys met twice with Bittman during this period. We did not learn until the coverup broke that Bittman took the $25,000 hush money that I had refused to accept. He was later named an unindicted co-conspirator in the coverup. If you read my Introduction to my forthcoming book, In the First Hour of Watergate, Hunt was indispensable until he was expendable in the CIA's plan to set up Nixon for the fall that he took. The CIA wanted to keep its distance from Hunt after the case broke. There is indeed a batter photograph of Hunt crossing Elm Street immediately after JFK's assassination.
  5. Buttigieg claims Lorie Smith 'went into wedding business' only to provoke 'case like this' after SCOTUS ruling (msn.com)
  6. St. John Hunt, son of Howard and Dorothy, published his fascinating biography of his mother, titled "Dorothy" in 2014. It is difficult to find a copy now because there was a recent rush to purchase it after "The Plumbers" became a TV hit. The book covers the work that Dorothy did as a CIA employee. The CIA's internal profile of Dorothy portrayed her as "An Amoral and Dangerous Woman." I had a recent phone conversation with St. John in which I told him that my conclusion was that she had figured out that at its root the Watergate break-in and coverup was a clandestine CIA operation and for that reason she had to be killed. From St. John's book: [Charles] Colson: "I think that the CIA killed Mrs. Hunt." Time Magazine, July 8, 1974. Conversation between Charles Colson and Saint John Hunt 2007: Hunt: Mr. Colson, what can you tell me about the Time Magazine quote regarding the death of my mother? Colson: I will only say -- and this is for our protection -- that I stand by my quote.
  7. You have rushed to a judgment based on reading only the Introduction to my forthcoming book, IN THE FIRST HOUR OF WATERGATE. The book will have approximately twenty chapters. I have finished writing the first ten. A lot more evidence and information will be provided in the remaining chapters. Here is a key sentence from my Introduction: "Houston and Angleton recognized immediately that they had been presented a unique opportunity utilizing Hunt to co-op the Republican burglary plan to use it to drive Nixon from office, which would end the immediate threat to the agency posed by the Huston Plan and an even more far serious one."
  8. From the article: Mr. Hunt. “Well, I note that the colonel has said that he was never involved in any assassination planning between 1949 and 1951. “Now of course in my recollection I put the period of time several years later, and I am always suspicious of non-service CIA record for a paramilitary personnel. And I would say Lucian Conein, for example, is an individual who was apparently in and out of the CIA and military capacity for a long period of time, from my own apparent devotion to this career of foreign service, in the foreign service and out of the foreign service to the Department of the Army and back. “So a mere referral of not having been assigned to the CIA at a particular time is something that I think would bear looking into, as it did in the case of Colonel Pash.”
  9. World UFO Day: New investigations show growing acceptance in science, government (fox26houston.com)
  10. World UFO Day: New investigations show growing acceptance in science, government (fox26houston.com)
  11. Wow!! This could really hit the U,S. Supreme Court where it hurts 'Nuclear hypocrisy': Legal experts stunned by SCOTUS' 'weird' ruling in LGBTQ rights case - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism
  12. Hear, here: This from the great Prof. Juan Cole. SCOTUS Ruling on Race and College Admissions: We've already Seen this Movie in Michigan and it Doesn't End Well (juancole.com)
  13. Special counsel Jack Smith could hit Trump with up to 45 more charges in classified documents case, report says (yahoo.com)
  14. Comment posted today by a reader of an article on possible nuclear war: Your article is predicated on the assumption that this was a legitimate coup attempt. If it was a ruse by Putin to get nuclear weapons to Wagner in a way that would provide Putin deniability, then the delivery mechanisms and control codes would have also been provided them. Do you think it was possible for Wanger to drive trucks into a nuclear storage facility without shots being fired if this was NOT authorized by Putin? In a few weeks Russia will announce some tactical battlefield nuclear weapons are missing.
  15. DeSantis misuse of Covid funds to help a donor https://wapo.st/46nkA3X
  16. Top Trump aide is identified as person he showed classified map: report - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism
  17. Backers of the traitor: Here are all of the Republican elected officials backing Trump's 2024 campaign (msn.com)
  18. DeStructionist is a total nut job that voters will start of recognize. DeSantis suggests he would eliminate several federal agencies, including IRS (msn.com)
  19. Supreme Court Subtweets Ron DeSantis That He's Totally Losing To Disney (msn.com)
  20. New York Times headline today: Democrats Reach Milestone: 100 New District Court Judges Democrats have filled more seats on that level than the Senate had by this point in Donald J. Trump’s presidency, but some progressives want leaders to pick up the pace.
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