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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Drudge Report headline: DeSantis is a dud. DeSantis Campaign Stalls as He Tries to Court Trump’s GOP Fans and Foes Alike - WSJ
  2. So, I gather you don't believe the CIA was involved in the assassination of President Kennedy either.
  3. Rudy Giuliani should be disbarred over 2020 election, DC panel recommends | Rudy Giuliani | The Guardian
  4. Edward Norton & Daisy Ridley To Helm Lee Harvey Oswald Podcast – Deadline
  5. I most likely will address the issue. Here is Bing's AI search for "Nixon's bay of pigs" thing: nixon bay of pigs thing - Search (bing.com)
  6. Testimony of CIA Director Richard Helms before the Senate Watergate Committee:
  7. Paul, you asked, "In your work for or with Hunt, did you Doug know anything about his career that would lead you to believe that Army intelligence would have documents on him we have yet to see? " The answer is no.
  8. Trump posted what he said was Obama's address, prosecutors say. An armed man was soon arrested there (aol.com)
  9. I do not know any of the specifics of when Hunt was detailed to the U.S. Army or to the State Department Foreign Service. I have always assumed that his cover when the CIA assigned him to Uruguay was as a Foreign Service Officer. Dorothy's work at a translator for the Spanish ambassador may have been a CIA assignment as she had been a CIA agent when she first met Howard. As for income, two of the Hunt children had been seriously injured in an automobile accident years before. The medical bills were heavy. The accident occurred when Brent Bozell, who had entertained the two Hunt children at his family's gathering in Virginia, told his grounds keeper to drive the children back home to Potomac, Maryland. He had no driver's license, and he caused the accident. So, the "income stream" you refer to was used for medical bills.
  10. Leslie: Hunt asserted in the NY Times in 1975 that Colonel Boris Pash was head of the CIA's assassination unit. He did this just after he began serving his three-and-a-half-year Watergate sentence in prison. The obvious question is why did he decide to disclose this to the Times? I do not know the answer to that, but I think he had concluded the CIA was responsible for the death of his wife, Dorothy, a former CIA agent herself, who had figured out what Watergate was all about, a clandestine plan by the CIA to drive Nixon from office.
  11. The Senate Watergate Committee never asked me to testify. Much of what I am disclosing now about Watergate would have been disclosed then had I been asked, preferably after being served with a subpoena.
  12. On page one of this thread, I posted an article from the NY Times of December 26, 1975, in which Hunt charged that the CIA had an assassination unit. He states that he himself while a CIA agent was detailed to the U.S. Army and State Department Foreign Service to do CIA work and once that was completed returned to the CIA. This has been standard practice by the CIA for years.
  13. Matt, you asked, "Did you sense any animus towards you from the Agency while you were Hunt's lawyer?" Yes, the CIA tried to have me killed shortly after the case broke. I have two sworn affidavits from the person that was asked to do the deed. It all goes back to the first hour in Watergate when Hunt used an unsecured phone to call a lawyer from the burglary team's lookout post in the Howard Johson Motor Inn. Prosecutor Silbert, Chief Judge Sirica and the U.S. Court of Appeals falsely claimed that Hunt called me. It was a classic frame-up. His call was to different lawyer, one involved in the CIA's conspiracy to drive Nixon from the presidency.
  14. By starting a new thread on Hunt, all the information gathered in this one would be basically shelved. It is best to keep this one going.
  15. William Bittman began his attorney representation of Hunt in early July 1972 and continued to represent Hunt for a period after he pled guilty in January 1973. It is possible that Hanson established contact with Bittman in August 1972 to offer legal advice on the defense of Hunt. Hunt's autobiography, American Spy, has over 20 references in its index to Bittman but none to Hanson. William Bittman - Wikipedia
  16. Matt:: I shall answer your questions in several postings here in this topic because a number of complex issues are involved. To start, there are two documents posted at the beginning of this topic. The second deals with Attorney Hanson Both documents are dated 1962, ten years prior to Watergate. In 1962 I began working in Gov. Nelson Rockefeller's NYC office for Lt.-Gov. Malcolm Wilson and in that year also enrolled in the evening division of New York University School of Law. I did not meet Hunt until 1970. Also, I wish to add information to a prior reply I made here. Some of the Cuban Americans arrested in 1972 in the Democratic National Committee's office in the Watergate office building were involved in the Kennedy assassination in 1963. Their involvement was coordinated by Howard Hunt, who knew them from the Bay of Pigs debacle in 1961. He was the CIA's contact later with them in both in the JFK murder and in Watergate. Frank Sturgis's 1971 multi-page handwritten confession to Cardinal Cooke covered his role in the assassination, and he also mentioned in his confession the involvement of Howard Hunt and Gordon Liddy in JFK's murder. I shall locate my posting years ago in the forum on Sturgis's confession and post it here.
  17. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-judges-controversial-injunction-against-biden-hands-disney-open-and-shut-case-against-desantis-legal-expert/
  18. Here is the tentative list of remaining chapters of my book that I will be writing: Chapter 9: What Woodward and Bernstein told me in Houston on 9/25/2014 Chapter 10: Lane Lewis and his key actions in the Watergate case and in the Lawrence vs. Texas case Chapter 11: Profiles of Gordon Liddy, Howard Hunt and Robert M. Scott Chapter 12: In their Own Words by Key Persons in Watergate Chapter 13: Who was Carl Shoffler? Chapter 14: How the CIA Set-Up the Burglars for Arrest Chapter 15: Robert Merritt's Two Sworn Affidavits Chapter 16: Senator Howard Baker's Report on the CIA's Role in Watergate Chapter 17: The Senate Church Committee investigation Chapter 18: What the Kennedy Assassination and Watergate have in Common Chapter 19: Epilogue
  19. I had never heard of Hanson until his name appeared in the forum. Here is the Washington Post article about his death in 1989; There is no mention of his possible connection to Howard Hunt. WASHINGTON LAWYER ARTHUR HANSON DIES - The Washington Post
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