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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Most in new poll oppose laws restricting drag shows or performances | The Hill
  2. Alice Widener, a syndicated newspaper columnist, told me of her interview of General MacArthur when he was living in the Towers of the Waldorf Astoria in New York City. He told her that there was a spy in Seoul who betrayed his strategic military moves in the Korean War to the enemy. The only exception was the Inchon Landing, which he secretly planned that was a total success that changed the war. Years later after she told me this story, I read a column by Walter Trohan in the Chicago Tribune that confirmed what MacArthur told Widener and named the spy who was in the British Embassy in Seoul.
  3. The 10 Best Books on Douglas MacArthur - Brooksy (brooksysociety.com)
  4. https://jfkfacts.substack.com/p/house-cia-subcommittee-to-review?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=315632&post_id=111426836&isFreemail=true&token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo5NTk5NDEyLCJwb3N0X2lkIjoxMTE0MjY4MzYsImlhdCI6MTY4MDE3NDE3MSwiZXhwIjoxNjgyNzY2MTcxLCJpc3MiOiJwdWItMzE1NjMyIiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.O6OaPFoa8v06WWAtUIwW4OY6_KamLp-5N9XpjOVa47k&utm_medium=email
  5. I heard that the Manhattan DA has talked to the Fulton County DA about the latter filing the first criminal case against Trump. This would take the heat off the Manhattan DA who has faced criticism for filing his case first because it was the weakest in the view of public opinion. So, the Fulton DA will file first and do so soon and the Manhattan grand jury will return in a month to indict Trump in its case. I guess we shall just have to wait and see how it all plays out. This leaves Trump twisting in the wind.
  6. DeSantis is learning the hard way not to take on Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. DeSantis' board says Disney stripped them of power (aol.com)
  7. Jim Jordan Gives IRS Hard Deadline to Hand Over Documents on Matt Taibbi (msn.com)
  8. Mike Pence must testify before grand jury investigating January 6 – reports | Mike Pence | The Guardian
  9. This may be a factor in the decision of some elites in Russia to be critical of Putin: Russia's invasion of Ukraine is ushering in an economic crisis for Putin: report - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism From the article: "Russia’s economy is entering a long-term regression," he warned.
  10. Moscow Elite in a Panic Over Tape Blasting Putin as ‘Satan’ (yahoo.com)
  11. He bribed the Chinese using his investors' money Bankman-Fried bribed Chinese officials with $40 million in crypto: prosecutors | The Hill
  12. Madonna adds Tennessee tour stop to protest anti-LGBTQ+ legislation | The Hill
  13. Watch his hands shaking. Is he on Meth or drugs of some sort? 'That shaking hand': Mike Lindell's disheveled video call to Steve Bannon sparks internet intrigue - Alternet.org
  14. New WSJ Poll is devastating for DeSantis and his ‘anti-woke’ policies - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism
  15. This sordid scandal about Houston GOP leaders has national ramifications. Houston GOP official knew for years of child sex abuse claims against Southern Baptist leader, law partner (msn.com)
  16. America has changed drastically. Americans Pull Back From Values That Once Defined U.S., WSJ-NORC Poll Finds - WSJ
  17. Elon Musk memo suggests Twitter worth less than half of what he paid for it | Twitter | The Guardian
  18. There is no there there. Lincoln Project takes aim at Ron DeSantis for saying he doesn’t know where he was on 9/11 (msn.com)
  19. David Talbot wrote this on Facebook yesterday: David Talbot 22h · President Kennedy vs. the National Security State -- As CIA spymaster Allen Dulles reminded us, the truth will set you free. The truth about the Kennedy presidency can't be found in the academic establishment or corporate media, but I've been interviewed in recent weeks about my books "Brothers" (about Robert Kennedy's quiet search for the truth about Dallas) and "The Devil's Chessboard" (about the dark power of the national security establishment) by independent-thinking podcasters, radio show hosts, and documentary filmmakers. Bob Dylan knows the truth, as he sang in "Murder Most Foul." Do you? The reasons that President Kennedy's assassination still matters are simple: He was fighting for world peace and the forces of permanent war killed him. And because any society that is deprived of the truth (and that is what's at stake in the decades-old battle to finally get access to all the JFK records) is doomed to repeat history. This summer, I will be interviewed on Zoom about the Kennedy assassination for a worldwide audience of Jungian analysts and scholars. As the Canadian host told me, they won't bother with the conspiracy question because the whole world (except the U.S. establishment) knows that Kennedy was the victim of a conspiracy. The therapeutic audience is more interested in exploring what covering up the dark truth does to people. (Carl Jung himself also happened to analyze both the wife and mistress of the sinister Allen Dulles.) The Trump shadow that still looms over America. That's what happens to a nation that is not allowed to confront the truth about itself. If you're still wrestling with the truth about JFK and America, this is a good place to start -- David Emory's recent podcast interview with me and James DiEugenio, who coproduced Oliver Stone's important documentary "JFK Revisited." We're featured on shows #18 and 19. https://www.kennedysandking.com/.../jim-dieugenio-s-27... (This photo of President Kennedy captures the terrible moment when he was finally told about the assassination of Patrice Lumumba, the democratic president of Congo and the hope of national liberation throughout the world. The president was informed by his UN ambassador, Adlai Stevenson. The CIA, which engineered Lumumba's assassination, had kept it from Kennedy for three weeks.)
  20. Death of Peter Thiel Romantic Partner Investigated as Suicide (theintercept.com)
  21. DeSantis has all the makings for self-destruction when he takes his crazy message to the national stage. DeSantis taking hits from a surprising source over his attack on journalism - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism
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