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Douglas Caddy

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Everything posted by Douglas Caddy

  1. Expects to be arrested Tuesday Trump says he expects to be arrested, calls for protest | AP News
  2. Try it now. ‘We are a little bit scared’: OpenAI CEO warns of risks of artificial intelligence | Artificial intelligence (AI) | The Guardian
  3. Law enforcement agencies are prepping for a possible Trump indictment as early as next week (nbcnews.com)
  4. Columnist issues a startling warning about Trump’s growing ‘doomerism’ - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism
  5. ABC National News last night interviewed Mr. Altman. I got the impression that society as we know it is about to undergo a fundamental change. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/mar/17/openai-sam-altman-artificial-intelligence-warning-gpt4
  6. ICC judges issue arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin over alleged war crimes | Vladimir Putin | The Guardian
  7. Former Guantanamo detainee says Ron DeSantis watched him being tortured: report - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism
  8. Joe: In 1962 I enrolled in night school at New York University Law School. During the day I worked in Governor Nelson Rockefeller’s private Manhattan office at 22 West 55th Street, where I served on the staff of Lieutenant-Governor Malcolm Wilson, who was as conservative as Rockefeller was liberal. A memorable event occurred while I was working there. On November 22, 1963, I received a phone call from John Holmes, a close friend who was also an evening law school student at NYU. He worked in the daytime for a Wall Street financial firm. In an excited voice he told me in our brief 15 second phone conversation that he had just received news that President Kennedy had been assassinated in Dallas and then hung up. I walked thirty feet to the office of Lt.-Gov. Wilson and told him of Holmes’ call. He said, “Go downstairs to the press office and check on this.” So, I rode on the elevator from the fifth floor to the ground floor where Governor Rockefeller had his press office. I entered and found only a receptionist on duty as Carl Spad, the press secretary, was out of the building at lunch. I blurted out that “President Kennedy has just been assassinated.” The receptionist gave me a look that I was out of my mind but did point to a closet. I went over to it, opened the door and found a Telex machine whose bells were ringing endlessly as it typed out the news of the assassination in Dallas. At this point the receptionist made a call to summon Spad back to the office. Rockefeller’s personal townhouse office on 55th Street had only thirty employees. I walked through each floor alerting everyone of what had occurred. This is how the Rockefeller inner sanctum first heard the news of the Kennedy assassination, not from the famous Rockefeller intelligence organization but from a law school student who worked on the fifth floor for the Lieutenant Governor. On the night before Oswald was shot, I attended a long-scheduled Republican Party dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria. I was seated next to a lawyer who would soon be elevated to the New York Supreme Court. Of course, the dinner conversation was about JFK's assassination. The soon-to-be-judge remarked to me, "That fellow Oswald will be killed. He knows too much. The criminal conspirators who killed Kennedy won't let him live long." I was shocked at his bold, cold-blooded prediction and remembered it the next day when I witnessed on TV Ruby shooting Oswald.
  9. Russia disinformation looks to US far right to weaken Ukraine support | Russia | The Guardian
  10. JFK Facts Podcast: Join the Call - by Jefferson Morley (substack.com)
  11. WATCH: Military releases footage showing Russian fighter jet forcing down US drone over Black Sea | Washington Examiner
  12. Ron DeSantis hit with an ethics complaint from Trump super PAC (nbcnews.com)
  13. Jefferson Morley posted this today: After JFK's Assassination, LBJ Faced a Decision on Vietnam (substack.com)
  14. It is official that the "56 years of history thread" is dead. RIP. It seems appropriate to post this here as it also deals with the historical dead:
  15. "Aliens exist", says Head of Space Exploration in the UK (anomalien.com)
  16. "Aliens exist", says Head of Space Exploration in the UK (anomalien.com)
  17. Trump-appointed judge limits information on medication abortion lawsuit | US news | The Guardian This is set-up lawsuit brought by right wing extremists. The plaintiff was incorporated in August 2022.
  18. America's War of Aggression on Iraq, 20 Years Later: Or, Putin the Prequel (juancole.com)
  19. Is China the New Indispensable Nation? Beijing Brokers Iran-Saudi Relations as U.S. and Israel are Sidelined (juancole.com)
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