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Gene Kelly

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Posts posted by Gene Kelly

  1. Larry:

    Given your excellent research and insights, I'm very interested in your view of Howard Hunt. My instincts tell me he was an elitist "wanna be" (portrayed in Mailer's Harlots Ghost and books like The Company) as an original Yale OSS warrior close to Dulles, with aspirations towards CIA leadership. But he never quite impressed or succeeded. Yet he has what I intuit as an 'evil' nature and mean intent... I can't quite ignore him alone where suspicion and involvement are concerned. Mark Lane certainly was unconvinced. My instincts tell me he was up to his eyeballs in either the murder or coverup (or both)... and that he continued his 'dirty tricks' up and thru Watergate where he was finally disenfrachised by the intelligence community. Who knows what other nasty business he was responsible for. Please tell me what you see as his role in the assasination. Regards-- gene kelly

    PS. Your book is marvelous

  2. I'm going to jump into this one with Jack and Myra - whatever his loyalties to individuals within the Agency, Hunt was

    known as much for his ability to write fiction and make a buck on the side as his notoriously poor tradecraft and

    security (from Miami to Spain).

    Not many active Agency employees manage to make money on the side by promoting spy stories.

    Given Hunt's history of money problems, poor health late in life and his well known practice of

    "shopping" his name (after Watergate) along with purported secret knowledge about the Kennedy

    assassination (telling more than one interviewerer what he knew was worth a million bucks) I would

    tread very carefully in supposing this book was his effort to come clean with the world vs. a last effort

    to market his name and make some money for his kids.

    Not that he might not have heard some gossip, many did, but Hunt was a good fiction writer and I see

    no reason why he could not come up with the names to throw into a book that a publisher

    couldn't resist.

    -- Larry

  3. Tom:

    Much respect for your background and experience. Third shot evidence does indeed change the time/difficulty and therefore who could actually make this shot. I've read that there's some reasonable bases for more than 3 shots, including use of silenced weapons. What still doesn't add up for me (assuming LHO achieved his badges, marksmanship etc.) is that a practiced shooter should require routine shooting, hence practice to maintain skills. Given that LHO's short life has been studied in brute detail, especially his last year thru the New Orleans and Dallas area, where/when did he put in the assumed work necessary to maintain sniper accuracy? It appears he didn't do much with the rifle either during or after Corps duty. Had he been an active sniper or subsequently engaged in combat, I might be more inclined to accept his marksmanship. And didn't some reports indicate that --for a guy with rifles in the garage-- he had no gun cleaning equipment? Last, the published criticism of the Carracano (and its imprecise sight) as a medium velocity carbine is well-known; although admittedly I've never shot one, I remain unconvinced that this was (in retrospect) a suitable weapon for the murder. -- Gene

  4. For Tom Purvis & All Members

    I would like to clarify something regarding some critical posts that I have made over a seveal year time span in two different forums in reference to Tom Purvis' Posts.

    I have never meant a criticism, unless jokingly, as to Tom's character, his patriotism, his service and sacrifice to his country, and to his being a responsible citizen, human being and family man.

    My criticism, which will no doubt never end, regards his methods of posting....his repetitiveness...the number of his posts in a nearly singular area.... and in general what I perceive to be an attempted "take Over" of a topic. There have been literally "hundreds" of threads which I have participated in, but have felt forced to end participation, only because of the waste of time re re re re re reading

    the same information over a period of years. There have been occassions when I have had to wade thru five or six of Tom's successive posts in a thread in order to be able to reply.

    In that I have a "life apart from the forum", I am unable to do all of this re-reading. Particularly that when asked to explain or verify something, he either "bails out" of the topic which he has for all practical purposes ruined...or stated something similar to "you must find out for yourself" !

    Sorry Tom But I have meant every word that I said, or I would not have bothered !

    I have chosen this method of appealing to the "FORUM MODERATORS", because I feel strongly enough regarding Tom's qualities as a decent human being, to NOT TALK BEHIND HIS BACK.

    To me this is much more a forum disruption than a few harsh words between a few forum members. This isn't rudeness or a lack of culture, but it leads to something IMO much more harmful to the forum. It both disrupts and ends many threads because of the time consuming necessity to constantly re-read, much repeated information.

    If anyone doubts the validity of what I have stated, pease take "A QUICK LOOK" thru his several thousands of posts. Neither my nor anyone's lack of culture prevents the disemmination of information. This type of problem does and should be dealt with.

    Sorry Tom But I have meant every word that I said, or I would not have bothered !

    Charlie Black

    I feel that this is not only quite improper and "uncultured" behavior, but a terrific waste of both time and space.

    Well Charles:

    Since it would appear that you have yet to come to the realization that:

    1. Z312/313 was not the last shot fired in the assassination.

    2. That the shooter, whoever it was, had far more time than the 5.9 seconds between Z210 (as reported by the WC) and Z313, (as reportedly the last shot fired according to the WC).

    3. That LHO was extremely qualified in the accuracy necessary to achieve the shooting.

    Then yes, it has been an absolute complete waste of my time as far as your comprehension of the facts is concerned.

    However, I might add that there others who seldom even bother to post here, and it is most doubtful that it has been a waste of their time as they are the ones who have long been searching for some of the facts which as you say are repeated too often.

    when I have had to wade thru five or six of Tom's successive posts in a thread in order to be able to reply.

    Is some unknown being holding a gun to your head and forcing you to read my obviously un-informative postings?

    Sorry Tom But I have meant every word that I said, or I would not have bothered !

    Sorry Tom But I have meant every word that I said, or I would not have bothered !

    Just in event that you have not caught on yet, rest assured that I have absolutely ZERO qualms in regards to being rude, crude, and socially unacceptable to anyone who jumps into these discussions and has done little or no factual research other than read a few of the posting here or a few of the JFK CT assassination books, or considered watching the movie "JFK" 13 times.

    If one is sufficiently enough, completely ignorant of the facts, that they stick their foot in their mouth, then I am most certainly willing to provide the information necessary for them to have to then chew on it.

    The last time that I checked, I was invited/asked to come into this forum and post.

    Rest assured that I did not seek out the opportunity to mingle with some who in many ways have demonstrated a complete inability for factual examination of the assassination of JFK and the background and associations of LHO.

    In fact, not long ago I was quite ready to "throw in the towel' but then it became apparant that one or two individuals were, it would appear, making a concentrated effort to achieve that goal.

    And, considering that there was still considerable research information in my possession, which had not too date been revealed; explained; and/or become a part of public knowledge, it was decided to drive the stake in a little deeper rather than call it quits and do something worthwhile such as working in the flower beds.

    The complete "garbage" of the JFK assassination has had some 40+ years to continue to grow and accumulate in size and stench, and it even continues to grow larger and more odorous.

    And despite whatever small contribution I may or may not have made, look around and one still sees this garbage/refuse continue with such as the "Two Rifles", etc; etc; etc.

    So, is it likely that whatever I post here will change the minds of most? Rest assured that I am neither that stupid nor do I have that much faith in the ability of ALL of the human species to recognize and evaluate factual evidence and information.

    However, thankfully, I do receive an occassional email from those who recognize the importance of, as well as the significance of factual evidence and factual research, and they will be the ones who will hopefully have the information necessary to continue to throw water and or dirt on the complete stench of much of what many consider to be actual research.

    Not unlike as demonstrated on the TV commercial, there is an EZ button one can utilized. I believe it is something like "ignore poster"


    And, I do not believe that John even charges for this service.

    Lastly, even with my purported skills and qualifications, it is most unlikely that I will be able to "wipe out"/eliminate the ability for ignorance on the part of the human species.

  5. The fact remains... an experienced shooter (in his right mind) would likely never have chosen the 5th floor window location. It was wrong for many reasons. And the weapon seems ill-suited for the job at hand, especially a certain kill of the most prominent person in the World. The logic presented is believable; not a one-man job, other better positions, and the desire to escape afterwards.

  6. Men like Hunt are complicated. When we attempt to put them in evil bad guy boxes we do the truth, and ourselves, a disservice. (Pat Speer)

    I have to agree with Pat on this point. Intelligence work is intricate and produces complicated people. It requires the ability to lie, deceive and to manipulate - that is just the nature of the beast. We need to understand this so in the cold light of day we can peel away the layers of illusion; an unemotional study of motive within a historical context.

    Hunt was arrogant, there is no doubt and with comments like, "No one is entitled to the truth," one can be excused for a fiery outburst.

    We can learn so much from individuals like Hunt, but not if we make it personal.

    Just my opinion of course.



    I enjoy your insights, and sense you have a good feel for the entirety of this mystery. My own strong instincts (plus 20 years of reading and informal research) tell me that Hunt had both knowledge and involvement. I can't prove this.. but his associations and politics provide motive and means. The few pictures available (coincidence?) always strike me as an individual with deceptive and "beady" eyes. His face gives me the 'spooks' (pun intended). Many respected researchers independently suspect his hand in the murder. Mailer's book "Harlot's Ghost" paints an interesting profile. Lane's "Plausible Deniability" makes a strong case. All my senses point towards a perpetrater. Somehow -- when asked for the 'short list' of people I'd most like to have put under truth serum and interrogate (e.g. Nixon, Harvey, Morales) -- EH Hunt would've made the cut. Pity that he's gone. Your thoughts? -- Gene Kelly

  7. Al,

    You certainly can't leave without posting that photo of Humberto Castillo-Leon for comparison to Lamppost Man. At least give me this...was I right?



    No, I won't leave you hanging here. The photo I have is a reproduction of a reproduction and is circa '74 from his inactive DD74 file, which is well behind the '63 LM and mid-60's PBM photos. It is poor quality and when scanning, it breaks down much farther.

    I have original copies of his DD74 file which include the above photo and copies of his DD214 and DD206 tracking sheets, on the way. I will forward scans of them to you when I get them and you can decide for yourself. I am also trying to obtain the records of the investigation into his death in N.C., and will gladly forward that as well.

    I have delayed my original posting on this and this follow up post in order to prevent the doors slamming in my face in trying to retrieve these docs. I have been assured that the DD74 file and forms are on their way so I can post on it now.

    As you are well aware, I have been very critical of photo comparisons to persons in the plaza to suspects in the assassination. However, the comparisons of PBM and of Col. Conein are an exception to this, and after receiving the info on the DIA dispatches to Conein regarding Lopez and Team 5, I had to take it seriously. Now after making the connection with Leon and the photo comparisons, I have to admit I have been swayed and am taking this very seriously. As to your question of "was I right?", at this point, I would have to admit that it is looking like it.

    To all of those who have e-mailed me and posted here with the kind words, I deeply appreciate what you have said and hope you understand that I am not exiting here as I did at Lancer. That is, I am not upset with this excellent forum as I was with the way Lancer turned on it's researchers. I have come to terms with the assassination recently and have also been restricted with opportunities to become involved in exchanges due to personal family crisis that have arisen. In the past four months, I have taken over the overnight shift on the department, which limits my exposure to the forum initially, then add to this the failing health of my parents and in-laws, I simply do not have the time to commit to this forum as I would prefer. The discoveries that I have recently made have engulfed my available time and also have drained me as many of the questionable issues of the assassination may be becoming quite clear.

    I hope everyone understands and also realizes how much I respect and appreciate what all of you are doing. I will be popping in periodically to read the forum and hope to post periodically. Those who I have been in contact with I hope will still e-mail me with issues of concern which I will gladly accept and reply to in a timely manner.


    Al Carrier



    You certainly can't leave without posting that photo of Humberto Castillo-Leon for comparison to Lamppost Man. At least give me this...was I right?



    No, I won't leave you hanging here. The photo I have is a reproduction of a reproduction and is circa '74 from his inactive DD74 file, which is well behind the '63 LM and mid-60's PBM photos. It is poor quality and when scanning, it breaks down much farther.

    I have original copies of his DD74 file which include the above photo and copies of his DD214 and DD206 tracking sheets, on the way. I will forward scans of them to you when I get them and you can decide for yourself. I am also trying to obtain the records of the investigation into his death in N.C., and will gladly forward that as well.

    I have delayed my original posting on this and this follow up post in order to prevent the doors slamming in my face in trying to retrieve these docs. I have been assured that the DD74 file and forms are on their way so I can post on it now.

    As you are well aware, I have been very critical of photo comparisons to persons in the plaza to suspects in the assassination. However, the comparisons of PBM and of Col. Conein are an exception to this, and after receiving the info on the DIA dispatches to Conein regarding Lopez and Team 5, I had to take it seriously. Now after making the connection with Leon and the photo comparisons, I have to admit I have been swayed and am taking this very seriously. As to your question of "was I right?", at this point, I would have to admit that it is looking like it.

    To all of those who have e-mailed me and posted here with the kind words, I deeply appreciate what you have said and hope you understand that I am not exiting here as I did at Lancer. That is, I am not upset with this excellent forum as I was with the way Lancer turned on it's researchers. I have come to terms with the assassination recently and have also been restricted with opportunities to become involved in exchanges due to personal family crisis that have arisen. In the past four months, I have taken over the overnight shift on the department, which limits my exposure to the forum initially, then add to this the failing health of my parents and in-laws, I simply do not have the time to commit to this forum as I would prefer. The discoveries that I have recently made have engulfed my available time and also have drained me as many of the questionable issues of the assassination may be becoming quite clear.

    I hope everyone understands and also realizes how much I respect and appreciate what all of you are doing. I will be popping in periodically to read the forum and hope to post periodically. Those who I have been in contact with I hope will still e-mail me with issues of concern which I will gladly accept and reply to in a timely manner.


    Al Carrier


  8. I am an engineer, and a life-long US resident in the Philadelphia-Pennsylvania area. I also teach college level physics, part-time and at nights. I've been fascinated by the JFK assasination intrigues for many years, and have been an avid reader of such. This crime has become (for me) the ultimate problem-solving investigative challenge, which suits well my professional skills. My parents were great admirers of the Kennedy family and their political legacy...my father was devastated by the president's death. As a teenager who remembers the assasination, and its profound impact on my parents generation - and the next 40 years of American history - it has sparked a personal interest in the many subsequent events of the Cold War which have shaped this country.

    In the last 10 years, with the proliferation of Internet information and web groups, the arcane stories and intricate facts that surround the assasination are finally coming out, albeit piece-meal and shrouded. Your Education Forum has been a breath of fresh air, and a thought-provoking source of good references (for research) and stimulating dialogue. I have followed it regularly, and enjoy reading the postings. Although I am relatively well-versed in JFK information (and have started to write something of a scholarly paper in an attempt to sort it all out distinguish the larger pattern), I humbly realize that I'm an amateur when it comes to many of your members.

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