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Gene Kelly

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Posts posted by Gene Kelly

  1. Agreed... I've dug into this case, and the parallels to JFK are all there. Young patsy (mind control and MKULTRA overtones); thinly veiled attempts to link Sirhan to communism; deception and head fakes (Polka Dot girl, guns firing blanks, popping baloons in the pantry); film destruction or alteration (Scott Enyart tale); witness intimidation (Seranno, Di Pietro, and 12 others who saw/heard accomplices); flawed ballistics and a controversial (but damming) autopsy; falsification of evidence (bullets, guns, doorframes); compromised trial and defense team (Cooper was blackmailed); corrupt LAPD police investigation, stage-managed to eliminate the patsy; a quiet and ineffective FBI presence; earmarks/fingerprints of intelligence operatives and cut-outs; all kinds of sinister little anechdotes about stalking, impersonaters, pre-knowledge; a phony, transparent and totally unconvincing motive (i.e. Phantom fighter planes to Israel); clear conspirators who were not interrogated, documented or otherwise challenged (Cesar, Wayne, Khan). What a mess... where does one even start? The list is endless, but tragically similar. Even recent allegations of CIA/Morales and Johannes blantant presence in the ballroom, and acoustics tapes that prove 13 shots and more than one gun. Reading about RFK's murder makes me sick, and not real proud about being an American. His wife was pregnant with child #11... were I one of his children, I'd be pretty upset and troubled about the country we live in. And the immediate result for Amreica was the anti-Christ of that era, Ricard Nixon. Its pretty scary to contemplate.

  2. Its excellent... some new (fresh) investigative insights that are not common knowledge, plus good food for critical thought. I am 2/3rds through it, and its very informative building on past work by Melanson, Klaber, Kaiser et al. It examines the role of Ambassador security (especially Gardner and his interaction with ACE security) as well as the hypnotic exams given to Sirhan in jail. He spurs interest in a key question... how was RFK led into the 'killing zone" by a last-minute change in exit route, and were there 'insiders' or traitors associated with the Kennedy camp. Thoughtful treatment of the compromised Sirhan defense team, and additonal expose of the biased (and Agency-influenced) LAPD Pena and Hernandez. He also treads into the necessary (but difficult) black waters of Morales, and his possible presence at the Ambassador... in spite of the conflicting opinions and observations of the film, I remain convinced that the hand of Morales is present (literally). It will be interesting to compare Shane's work with what Larry Hancock is doing on the Mary Ferrell website.

  3. Sheffield Edwards died of natural causes on July 15, 1975.

    Thank you for that. I have updated the "deaths" page (I have also now included Thomas Karamessines on the list).

    In response to John's post, let me comment that a j weberman, who is not otherwise adverse to conspiracy theories, is confident that William Sullivan's death was accidental. We know, of course, who shot him.

    William Sullivan is an interesting case and deserves his own thread. I do believe he was murdered and think I know how it was done.


    In addition to "how" he was murdered (and who really shot him), can you tell me exactly when he was scheduled to testify before the HSCA? Was it imminent; the following week? If so, that's very much cause-effect, and quite similar to Roselli and Giancana. Thanks- gene

  4. John:

    I am digging into the HSCA, and how it was conducted. I found this thread (somewhat dated) and can't resist asking you - and Tim - who killed Sullivan, and how was it done?


    Sheffield Edwards died of natural causes on July 15, 1975.

    Thank you for that. I have updated the "deaths" page (I have also now included Thomas Karamessines on the list).

    In response to John's post, let me comment that a j weberman, who is not otherwise adverse to conspiracy theories, is confident that William Sullivan's death was accidental. We know, of course, who shot him.

    William Sullivan is an interesting case and deserves his own thread. I do believe he was murdered and think I know how it was done.

  5. Kathleen:

    Good insight on the actor aspect... one of many in the Plaza that day, apparently. I wonder how one 'scripts' such a play, and stages an unsuspecting actor to play a part. What did they tell him? Who approached him? How was it kept innocent or unconnected, insofar as Belknap knew? Why was he allowed to live afterwards, for 20+ years? How could he have not suspected...after the fact? Surely he must have known later that something was played out, and that he was part of it. I can't believe it was the classic explanation we've heard of being part of a military op, or abortion plot. And, he was a young man (23-24, about the same age as Oswald) at the time, with another 'part-time' job across the street. Did he experience a suspicious death in 1985? So many questions...


  6. And although I am not of the opinion that the "epileptic" siezure victim is aware of the WHY? that he was selected for this, neither do I randomly believe in the pure "coincidence" of this matter either.

    I believe the "epileptic seizure" was an act and this person knew nothing of what was going on, just do as told. Like the way Woody Allen directs his actors.


  7. Thanks Greg... the associated information about several false alarm calls to the ambulance company in the weeks just prior to the assassination add another dimension, in my opinion. One of our Forum members added an interesting observation that the purported distraction is akin to a magician's slight of hand (shades of MKULTRA) which sets off alarms for me, personally. The fact that the ambulance apparently slowed the motorcade - allegedly allowing shooter teams to get in place, and to control the timing of events - seems a very tempting scenario. If a similar event were to occur today, I dare say the first responders would not be an EMT team... Secret Service, and all other sorts of protective personnel (in the crowd) would - like a new suit - be all over a guy in fatigues, writhing on the ground, just minutes away from POTUS arrival. Way too suspicious and coincidental. And, the fact this has never been researched in depth really surprises me.



  8. Gene,

    Belknap died in 1985 - cause unknown (to me). He was originally from Ranger, Tx and moved to Irving with his family in 1955.

    What I don't find suspicious:

    1. That he was picked up so quickly by an ambulance. Seems to me, and ambulance would have been in the vicinity of the motorcade ready for an emergency.

    2. That he denied epilepsy. Though his description of fainting without loss of consciousness sounds awfully like an atonic epileptic seizure, he may well have denied it due to the stigma attached to epilepsy. In '63, we weren't that far removed from throwing epileptics into asylums.

    3. That he was able to leave the hospital so easily. He said it was after JFK had been brought in. Amid all that turmoil, I don't think anyone would consider stopping him, especially since he claimed to a nurse that he felt much better.

    What I think warrants pondering:

    1. Living in Irving, was his family known to the Paines or Randles?

    2. That he had a part-time (temp?) job with the DMN... reminiscent of LHO's temp job. The DMN itself plays no minor part in the dramas of that week-end - intentionally or otherwise.

    3. That he described feeling "much better" after taking his medication. No anticonvulsant medication will give an instant feeling of well-being. In fact, side affects (if they are experienced at all), aren't all that pleasant. There is a possibility he was not on anticonvulsants at all. Sometimes drugs like Valium are used - though unlikely here if Belknap's description of his seizures was accurate. Pity he was not asked to name the medication he was using.


  9. Tim,
    Steve, that is very interesting information. He is claiming fainting spells from a car accident that occured several years earlier? That seems a tad suspicious to me, certainly worthy of more investigation at the time.

    Oh, I don't know. He's 23, only has a part time job and living at home with his parents.

    I'd be interested to know what kind of medication he was taking that would forestall fainting spells.

    Steve Thomas


    As someone knowledgeable in persons with seizure disease, the statistics show the vast majority (especially those with so-called head injury precursor events) to be prone to maybe one, and then none for a long time, if ever again. Plus, I can't see an ER allowing someone who had such an episode- especially one where an ambulance ride is warranted - to simply walk away. This doesn't jibe well with the expected medical responses and profiles for such an injury. I agree with Tim... fainting spells from an accident several years ago seems a weak (but simple) story line. An implausible medical excuse. The Belknap anecdote screams out to me as a planned distraction and way too coincidental.


  10. William: "I believe this person has been identified as an employee of the Dallas Morning News."

    Very interesting.

    Dealey Plaza, as usually portrayed and accepted, is merely the Northern Half of Dealey Plaza.


    "The Grassy Knoll, the Texas School Book Depository, and the Triple Underpass -- many people across the planet can quickly envision the north side of Dealey Plaza when they hear any of these phrases."

    "Some consider the north Texas location of Dallas as the "Heart of Texas", the second largest and arguably the most famous city in Texas. But most people don' realize that Dealey Plaza is the heart of the history of Dallas, and is the location at which Dallas was founded. So if Dallas is the heart of Texas, Dealey Plaza is the heart of Dallas..."

    Significant events occurred to the south of this generally seen as DP...

    Ruby in DMN.

    Noon Dallas Morning News

    12:30 On corner near Postal Annex Building; Dealey Plaza; Dallas Morning News

    1 Carousel Club

    1 Dallas Morning News

    This (Dallas Morning News offics) was apparently (by studying inagery) a vantage point from the south covering the TSBD and its surrounds. Likewise Harry D Holmes (fifth floor corner office directly opposite the sixth floor 'nest', TSBD building) Postal Annex Building, is close to the same line of sight, from the post office (Terminal Annexe). (methinks that whoever can ID the 4-5 others wih HDH in his office watching the assasssination may have cracked the case, or started the process of cracking it wide open). (Likewise perhaps Fay Leon Blunt repeated and ignored calls to the FBI that they should investigate the PO. Post WC publication, FLB rapidly enters oblivion.)

    As the Epileptic drew attention in the area near the TSBD, the event also drew attention away from the southern part of DP.

    The attention away from the southern half and events there is firmly embedded in JFK research dogma/history in imagery, accounts, witness names, and theory. That the Epileptic was a DMN employee while Ruby was in a DMN office (or was he indeed 'watching the fireworks' from the corner of the Postal Annexe? Ground Level?) overlooking the scene is yet one more point of interest.

    Something just occured to me, (how could one have missed it?), if Ruby was apparently so pally with members of the DPD, and Harry so definitely so, particularly with Capt. Fritz, and they had been living and working and moving in wide circles downtown, what reason is there to consider that Ruby and Harry were also not somehow well known to each other? Harry, in plain view, slipped through the cracks for the entire time of his life, yet so much of the case pivots around him and events he was personally involved with. Pity he's no longer around to face a grilling, and double pity that a couple of years after he resigned, the USPO became the more privatised USPS and where are all the old Dallas/NO et.c. internal USPO Postal Inspection Department records/documents today? Has anyone ever found this out? Has anyone ever bothered trying to? Fear of 'Going Postal'?

    some more



    Mr. BALL. What year did you get out of high school?

    Mr. WILLIAMS. 1962.

    Mr. BALL. And where did you go to work after that?

    Mr. WILLIAMS. I went to work at Marriott's Motor Hotel.

    Mr. BALL. What did you do there?

    Mr. WILLIAMS. Well, I started off as a dishwasher. Then they put me on as a fry cook.

    Mr. BALL. And how long did you stay there?

    Mr. WILLIAMS. About 6 or 7 months.

    Mr. BALL. Then where did you go to work?

    Mr. WILLIAMS. I went to work at Union Terminal Building, baggage department.

    Mr. BALL. How long did you work there?

    Mr. WILLIAMS. I worked there about a year.

    Mr. BALL. What kind of work did you do there?

    Mr. WILLIAMS. I was a mail separator.

    Mr. BALL. Then where did you go?

    Mr. WILLIAMS. Then I found this job at the Texas School Book Depository.

    Mr. BALL. When did you get that job?

    Mr. WILLIAMS. Around about September 8th.

    Mr. BALL. What year?

    Mr. WILLIAMS. 1963.


    mail separator...about a year...Then I found this job at the Texas School Book Depository...September 8th...1963

    hmmm...during that year he could have actually handled...er...'dum de dum'.

    Nah, dead letters. Forget it.



    Tom: "The epliptic siezure episode created a delay/slowdown in the parade's forward speed as the blockage of Houston/Elm St. created by this occurance was radioed back to the lead vehicle in the parade."

    Harry D Holmes was following the progress of the motorcade by radio in his office (directly opposite the 'nest', armed with ocular/s) by his own account.. He COULD very well have seen 'the wrong person' 'in the right place' and quickly organised a call to the DMN to set up the delay.

    (They were determined that 'the man on the horseback' would no longer be the one on 'Carolines tricycle'.)

    This subject has been going on forever it seems like. Could be either way. Very good chance he just had a "fit" and needed an ambulance, and felt better once at the hospital. People with Epilepsy often have very short seizures, or they could be extended. Regardless [getting off track] it would be a very ingenious method of distracting peoples attention. Most people look at at the distraction for the TSBD. But the main objective may have been for the Dal-Tex, Co. Records building, or even the parking lot area. This would have allowed not only maybe shooters, but spotters, radio men, phony S/S and DPD men to get to their perspective locations as per plans. A few other things. Tom mentioned with BR Williams being on the 6th floor causing the shooter to take a less than desirable location for a shot, but when BR moved, it allowed him to move to the desirable location. [meaning the east end window] My opinion, the west end windows would have been a better shooting location than the east. Closer to target for one, plus an easier shot IMO. [You wouldnt have been all squeezed into the corner with that nasty pipe in the way on the east end] Additionally, the west end was the original shooter location witnessed by Arnold Rowland and his wife, and others. Another thing. John graciously posted the WC testimony of BR Williams by Mr. Ball. BRW testified about where he worked over the last few years or so. Why would BR leave a Government job working at the Post Office, for a job stacking school books for like a $1.25 an hour?? Doesnt make too much sense to me, to leave a Gov. job, [civil service] with Im sure [even at that time] ins. benefits, holidays, vacation, sick time, etc... Just seems odd, doesnt it? Here is a young black man, one year out of high school, with no other schooling, or prior P.O. exp. who was a dishwasher and a fry cook, getting a job at the Union Terminal Annex Post Office. Then leaving it. I guess Ive seen weirder things. JMO FWIW-MS


    I think you're onto something interesting with the Dallas Morning News aspect... part-time (maybe just got the job) seems awfully coincidental. I wonder if he stayed on with the news and kept the job afterwards...and for how long? Also, as someone knowledgeable in persons with seizure disease, the statistics show the vast majority (especially those with so-called head injury precursor events) to be prone to maybe one, and then none for a long time. Plus, I can't see an ER allowing someone who had such an episode- especially one where an ambulance ride is warranted - to simply walk away. This doesn't jibe well with the expected medical responses and profiles for such an injury.


  11. I would be interested how many members believe the man with the seizure in front of the TSBD had anything to do with the plot?

    If the incident had anything to do with the plot, what was it intended to, or what did it, accomplish?

    Tim, I believe this person has been identified as an employee of the Dallas Morning News.


    Jerry Belknap was his name.



    Do you have any pictures of Mr. Belknap, or the ambulance response? Given that it occurred minutes before JFK arrived, and that so many cameras were poised at that time in the Plaza, a picture of either belknap or the ambulance responding must be available.


  12. I also believe that the actor pretending to having a epileptic seizure,was using the same method a magician does using "slight of hand."


    What other analogies strike you about this event? I think its interesting you mention a magician's slight of hand... I have an interest in the MKULTRA mind control aspects of the JFK case, and your mention of a magician brings that aspect quickly to mind.


  13. Steve:

    Sorry for the few months of delay, but I'm back into the Belknap episode. As with other posts, I feel this event is highly coincidental and worthy of deeper research. I appreciate your information from the Mary Ferrell records. It seems the ambulance arrived very quickly in this instance... having had a daughter who is prone to seizures and had a few (where we needed 911 EMT response), an ambulance arriving within 5 minutes seems like a world record. I wonder who called it, and how it arrived so promptly? Would the driver be known, on the record, and have some insights to share?

    Mr. Belknap could still be alive (at 67) today... I wonder if anyone's ever followed through on interviewing him, or getting additional information. Other Forum readers have offered that the distraction theory is analogous to a magician's slight of hand technique. Couple this with the reports of false alarm calls to the same ambulance company for this location in the week prior(ref. L. Hancock book and response), and i think you have a sinister anecdote beyond mere coincidence. One could speculate/challenge the seemingly straightforward story of a prior car accident, head injury, medication etc. All facts easily corroborated, albeit 50 years later.

    Do you have any additional thoughts or information relative to Belknap?


  14. Gene,

    Any background on Jerry Belknap? Was he really epileptic, who did he work for, what ever happened to him?

    On the day of JFK's assassination, Belknap was 23 andworking part time in the Dallas Morning News mail room.

    He lived on Ross St. in Irving. He rode the bus in to watch the motorcade.

    He didn't have epilepsy, but had bee in a car accident and suffered a head injury which caused him to have fainting spells if he didn't take his medication at least three times a day.

    Due to the excitement of JFK's visit, he had forgotten to take his medication, and had fainted.

    You can read his FBI interview here:


    It's CD 1245 pp. 8 - 10.

    Steve Thomas

  15. James/Larry:

    Sorry for the delay of a few months. The Belknap incident seems worthy of more investigation. Are you aware of anyone who's pushed further into this? I repeat some of my earlier questions and comments:

    - where is he today

    - was he truly seizure-prone

    - the ambulance at that location and time is a huge coincidence

    - he (and his records) seem to have too easily 'escaped' Parkland Hosp.

    - would the ambulance driver have any strange insight

    - are there pictures of the pickup (many cameras were poised, 2-3 minutes before JFK arrived)

    - why was he dressed in fatigues

    - any FOIA/AARB records from FBI inquiries into fake calls

    I could add a hundred additional questions... this just seems an amazing coincidence, and painfully interesting.


  16. I feel much the same way Gene....not sure on the term "seizure", I do not think the ambulance drivers described it that way.

    As to Belnap, apprently he recovered fairly quickly at Parkland without treatment and just got up and walked out some how.

    Would have to have been quickly as the emergency area of the hospital was being sealed off.

    -- Larry


    I acknowledge that the episode is highly suggestive (i.e. innocent bystander mysteriously struck ill, with impeccable timing) so it draws us naturally into suspicion. Then we logically must admit there's no factual data to implicate Belknap, so maybe we're simply reading too much into this. But I'm reminded of quotes (by Dulles, Ian Fleming et al) about the role of "coincidence" in intelligence craft. I wonder where Jerry Belknap is today, why no deeper inquiries occurred. So - for me - there's no logical reason other than it just really feels out of balance... just intuitively wrong. My intuition tells me something contrived and insidious occurred with this assumed seizure. I also wonder who christened it as a 'seizure' since he appears to have made a quick recovery. Didn't this ambulance become the same one that took JFK's body to Air Force 1?-- gene

    You are correct Gene, that comes from my book and is sourced from one of the ambulance staff who picked him up and took him to

    Parkland. He has also mentioned that he thought it was amazing the fellow was able to walk out of Parkland as he himself was prevented

    from leaving and he thought the whole area was sealed at the the time. He did relate the FBI inquiry into the fake calls and that does seem

    very suspicious. Certainly it adds to the issue of the ideal timing of the incident.

    Problem is that it may be totally innocent, there was never any real background investigation of Belnap and we face the issue that a

    non conspiratorial person would write it off as closed after the FBI interview while others of us would like to know who his friends, associates,

    hang outs etc were and whether someone arranged for him just to pull a minor stunt that day which ended up being a lot more serious than

    just that. Of course that could be said for others as well. But without knowing any real background on these folks its a toss of the dice.

    For me the pattern of fake ambulance calls to the cornor of Elm and Houston causes me to treat the incident as suspicious.

    The same could be said for the stalled pick up down by the overpass which diverted police before the motorcade arrived. There just

    seem to be a lot of coincidences in the Plaza that day in the hour or so around the time of the motorcade.

    -- Larry


    Any background on Jerry Belknap? Was he really epileptic, who did he work for, what ever happened to him? I had read that when he arrived at Parkland Hospital, he refused treatment and then disappeared. I hope he's not another strange, coincidental death in the ensuing years. As I recall (maybe Larry Hancock's book), there were a series of false alarms or calls to the ambulance company in the month prior to the assassination, implying a scheme to time how long an ambulance would respond to Elm and Houston. Perhaps the distraction was also aimed at occupying the ambulance from Parkland, so none would be available in the next half hour. While no investigatory proof is available, this seizure anecdote is another coincidence in this case that just 'feels' sinister. - gene

  17. Lee:

    Excellent work... and compelling IMHO. Thanks for your persistent and detailed look at the Cancellare photo. The pickup truck sure has an interesting "profile" and location. Who were it's 'inhabitants'? I wonder why it has escaped investigatory interest all these years? No special prominence was ever applied by the WC or HSCA (or any notable researchers for that matter)... yet its presence and super-strange coincidence (i.e. 3 guys in a truck coincident with the most infamous assassination ever) escapes scrutiny. -- gene

  18. Its also interesting that - given the scrutiny of so many different aspects of this case, including a multitude of subjects and endless leads - Jerry Belknap has never been interviewed or investigated. Perhaps James can come up with a picture. Wasn't he reported to have been dressed in military fatigues? I wonder if he was ever in the service... did he stay at the YMCA, or spend a lot of time in the library? Did he continue to work (part-time) in the Dallas News mail room? Did he leave town that same year?

  19. Larry:

    I acknowledge that the episode is highly suggestive (i.e. innocent bystander mysteriously struck ill, with impeccable timing) so it draws us naturally into suspicion. Then we logically must admit there's no factual data to implicate Belknap, so maybe we're simply reading too much into this. But I'm reminded of quotes (by Dulles, Ian Fleming et al) about the role of "coincidence" in intelligence craft. I wonder where Jerry Belknap is today, why no deeper inquiries occurred. So - for me - there's no logical reason other than it just really feels out of balance... just intuitively wrong. My intuition tells me something contrived and insidious occurred with this assumed seizure. I also wonder who christened it as a 'seizure' since he appears to have made a quick recovery. Didn't this ambulance become the same one that took JFK's body to Air Force 1?-- gene

    You are correct Gene, that comes from my book and is sourced from one of the ambulance staff who picked him up and took him to

    Parkland. He has also mentioned that he thought it was amazing the fellow was able to walk out of Parkland as he himself was prevented

    from leaving and he thought the whole area was sealed at the the time. He did relate the FBI inquiry into the fake calls and that does seem

    very suspicious. Certainly it adds to the issue of the ideal timing of the incident.

    Problem is that it may be totally innocent, there was never any real background investigation of Belnap and we face the issue that a

    non conspiratorial person would write it off as closed after the FBI interview while others of us would like to know who his friends, associates,

    hang outs etc were and whether someone arranged for him just to pull a minor stunt that day which ended up being a lot more serious than

    just that. Of course that could be said for others as well. But without knowing any real background on these folks its a toss of the dice.

    For me the pattern of fake ambulance calls to the cornor of Elm and Houston causes me to treat the incident as suspicious.

    The same could be said for the stalled pick up down by the overpass which diverted police before the motorcade arrived. There just

    seem to be a lot of coincidences in the Plaza that day in the hour or so around the time of the motorcade.

    -- Larry


    Any background on Jerry Belknap? Was he really epileptic, who did he work for, what ever happened to him? I had read that when he arrived at Parkland Hospital, he refused treatment and then disappeared. I hope he's not another strange, coincidental death in the ensuing years. As I recall (maybe Larry Hancock's book), there were a series of false alarms or calls to the ambulance company in the month prior to the assassination, implying a scheme to time how long an ambulance would respond to Elm and Houston. Perhaps the distraction was also aimed at occupying the ambulance from Parkland, so none would be available in the next half hour. While no investigatory proof is available, this seizure anecdote is another coincidence in this case that just 'feels' sinister. - gene

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