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Wade Frazier

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Everything posted by Wade Frazier

  1. Thanks Krishna: Free trade has probably never existed, just as a true democracy has never existed, a free press, an objective history, a purely pursued scientific method, etc. These are all ideals that have never been seen in the real world. I rarely watch anything on YouTube, but that was informative (and nice and short ) on walking. I doubt that you can have an illiterate industrialized society. Literacy is a big help, exercising that brain. On Heinberg, he preaches austerity as a “solution,” and discovering his feigned interest in free energy was a step in my growing awareness of the innumerable obstacles that free energy faces. As I have stated before, my pupils at least have to get to the stage where free energy is a least possible. There is plenty of room in today’s physics for it. And yes, portraying its epochal significance might be the most important part of my work. You will probably have to have it delivered to your home before you truly “believe,” and that is OK and normal. When a pal saw a UFO light up on request, he was never again the same. He walked around in a daze for a week. I have seen what experience can do to people. My first ten seconds of the first Silva “case” that I ever saw permanently ruined me as an aspiring mainstream scientist, although it took a few years for that to manifest. It took Brian nearly a decade to finally leave the Establishment after his mystical awakening. Brian had that astronaut cachet, which he used to get his foot in the doors, or at least try. He was my favorite voice in the free energy milieu, and it was an honor to carry his spears. His life was shortened because he snooped into the fringes, and that made him an honorary member of the free energy clobbered club. For me, what Brian brought to the milieu was his honest scientific stance and a willingness to do the work. What a great man. When I told Brian of my friend’s little show, Brian was not surprised in the least and was more interested in my CIA contract agent relative. I was eager to introduce Brian to Heinberg and Uncle Ed, but found no takers. When I worked with the astronaut corps on Brian’s NASA bio, they pointedly did not want to work with Brian, but with me instead. It was really something to front for Brian like that, and see that kind of treatment of him. Damn. But as far as Brian’s making free energy credible, in my circles, not really. He was a well-meaning outsider who used his reputation to try to make it at least thinkable, and what a rough ride that was for him. He never played close to the level where he was going to get an underground show like my friend did, but he knew enough about the milieu to know how the deadly land lied. The spook world is all too real, and the GCs’ toys beggar the imagination. My friend’s eyes were bugging out of his head, and during the show, he told those people, “You don’t play in my galaxy.” Best, Wade
  2. Hi: Before I get back to the big picture posts, Serg’s mention of the recent Mayan discoveries brought up something that I have wanted to post about for some time. Last year I read The Monkey’s Voyage, which deals with how plants and animals have traveled around Earth’s surface. My big essay is full of the migrations of animals, and I write plenty on human migrations. Speciation is thought to result from geographic isolation and adaptation. Human races are a result of isolation and adaptation. I read something yesterday on a dark-skinned, blue-eyed corpse called Cheddar Man, which is not much of a surprise. The European pigment changes are likely related, and there are hypotheses of sexual selection, Neolithic migrations, and the like for why I am blond-haired (well, increasingly gray today ) and blue-eyed (well, more like blue-gray), and the bloody migration that led to my being born in Seattle is well-documented. The four pristine civilizations influenced all that followed, just as the pristine industrial revolution that began in England influenced all others. As anthropologists make digs and study the evidence, with increasingly sophisticated tools and techniques and burgeoning hypotheses, the tell-tale influence of neighbors can be discerned. Some connections are increasingly clear, while others are more speculative. For the past generation, I have read works that argue for contacts with the Western Hemisphere in the past few thousand years. Some are unequivocal, such as stranded Japanese fisherman blowing ashore on the Pacific coast of the Americas, with some arguing that it has been happening for several thousand years. While there is little evidence of migrations to the New World after the original “settlers,” there is plenty of evidence of sporadic contact, and there is debate over how influential those contacts may have been. But today, I am thinking of more local contacts. There is evidence of pre-Columbian towns in the Amazon, and there is a school of thought that their formation was influenced by the upland civilizations along the Andes. That is not much of a stretch. While there is debate whether domestication was an independent event in the Eastern Woodlands of North America, there is no debate that maize, domesticated in Mesoamerica, became their staple, particularly during the Mississippian period. How independent of Mesoamerican civilization was Cahokia, when they based their economy on maize? On the Gulf Coast of Florida lived the Calusa, which was a hunter-gatherer culture that was stratified, and they dominated southern Florida. That is highly unusual for hunter-gatherers, and has to be partly due to their rich food supply from the various wetlands and coastal environments that allowed them to be relatively sedentary. But how influential were the Eastern Woodlands cultures, based on farming, to the Calusa? I think it very likely that the influence was marked, and it is a subject that I will follow with interest. During China’s Warring States period, the influence of Fertile Crescent civilizations is evident, and Sumer definitely influenced the Egyptian and Indus civilizations. The bottom line is that people were not that isolated, particularly on the geological timescale. The Bantu Expansion happened thousands of years after the Neolithic Expansion, which on the scale of a human life is a long time, but is the evolutionary blink of an eye. In the Fifth Epoch, geographic isolation will vanish, and along with it, race, as well as nations. There are not going to be quasi-Second Epoch hunter-gatherers in the Kalahari, Third Epoch peasants, and Fourth Epoch city dwellers in industrialized nations, but free energy and its attendant technologies will bring humanity together like never before. Nobody is going to be isolated unless they really want to be, but nobody is going to turn down the Fifth Epoch’s perks, as everybody on Earth becomes richer than Bill Gates. Best, Wade
  3. Hi: Well, that was a timely update to my S&L Scandal essay, which I posted about a few days previously. I had been planning to write it since the cryptocurrency mania hit the stock markets in December 2017. The past week might or might not be the beginning of the end of this latest bubble, but I think that it jolted people out of the mania. It went from mania to panic in less than a month. Entire funds that were pure speculation, and relied on central bank money printing, probably became extinct yesterday, with its “investors” completely wiped out, like hitting double zero in roulette. We’ll find out more today. And it is definitely the end of the cryptocurrency mania that we just saw. While there were a few “shoeshine boy” moments, the one I will take with me to my grave is when Richard Sherman said that his grandmother called him to buy Bitcoin. One thing that blows me away is that when the 1929 crash happened, it took 70 years before a similar episode played out again. Those kinds of lessons used to last a lifetime, but in these Tweeting days of collapsing attention spans, and the Federal Reserve and friends resolutely printing money like madmen, we are getting speculative bubbles once a decade now. It is insane (AKA – doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different outcome each time), and likely means that the end is near for the financial system as we know it. On one hand, cryptocurrencies have a certain logic and appeal, as a distributed ledger that could be an alternative to our incredibly corrupt banking system (one of the global cartels), but it spiraled into another mania, which complemented the biggest stock bubble of all time. There is debate whether the central banks, led by the Fed, will be allowed to do it again. I am astounded that they were allowed to do it this time, when their easy money policies caused the last two bubbles. On many fronts, humanity stares into the abyss today, and I regard these serial manias as merely a symptom. Best, Wade
  4. Hi: Before I begin my busy week, the recent Mayan discoveries are another piece of evidence of what happened in the New World long before Europe invaded. Those Mayans did not have draft animals or metallurgy of significance, yet created a prodigious civilization before it collapsed. The Third Epoch is full of collapsed civilizations, as they were never sustainable. I will write soon on New World societies, about the Calusa, Amazonian societies, and the like. There is a vast amount to still discover and study, and those recent Mayan discoveries are the tip of the iceberg. In general, New World civilizations were thousands of years “behind” the Old World’s, for a few reasons. However, they were behaviorally modern humans, like the rest of humanity, and they had feats of engineering, mathematics, writing, and the like, independently developed as they reached their Third Epoch. Best, Wade
  5. Hi: As far as the Fifth Epoch goes, I have my ideas of what it could look like. I know of and have known people who have made mystical visits to such Epochs, such as what Michael Roads experienced. It does not have to work out that way (1, 2), and it is up to us. While I have been told by people who should know that I am the only person on Earth with something like my particular vision, it is “only” going to be Fifth Epoch Vision 1.0, and nobody will be able to do justice to the Fifth Epoch’s reality before it arrives. It won’t be like anything that humanity ever experienced before, just like the other Epochs. No matter how much we might study and prepare for our afterlives, there is no way that we can really understand realities that don’t have time and space as dimensions. Remove scarcity and fear as the background hum of human societies (such as Frank’s life), and we can scarcely imagine what that will be like. It will be like taking a fish out of water. Humanity’s brief golden ages give us some hints, but only vague hints. While my adventures gave me a unique perspective and allowed me to hatch my vision for the Fifth Epoch, going through the meat grinder also damaged me. All of my fellow travelers were damaged by the process; it comes with the territory. I would not wish that it had happened differently, as we all have our experiences for reasons, but I expect that people will come along and hit notes that I never did. I look forward to it. Wade
  6. Hi: I added an update to my savings and loan scandal essay on the cryptocurrency mania and the coming collapse of the latest central bank-created bubble. Wade
  7. Hi: Some odds and ends from recent reading… The Everything Bubble hit manic proportions, as the world’s central banks printed money like there was no tomorrow. It spilled over into the cryptocurrency mania, which spilled over into the stock markets like it was 1929 or 2000 all over again. That mini-bubble has already collapsed. The cryptocurrency mania was history’s most extreme bubble, which is still deflating. The dot-com bubble was a hyper-reaction to the introduction of a disruptive technology, and turned into a mania, courtesy of the Fed’s easy money. I worked at a dot.com company in 1999, and told everybody who would listen that the shakeout would be spectacular, and it was even more spectacular than I thought. I told everybody who would listen in 2005 that a real estate collapse was coming. Some listened and avoided the catastrophe, which was even more extreme than I thought. This blow-off top, as the stock markets went parabolic, will be followed by a collapse, as usual. The American stock markets reached uncharted territory in January 2018. In a world of scarcity and fear, people are easily manipulated with manias and panics. What blows me away this time is that the world’s central banks subsequently colluded to rig the markets again by printing up trillions in cash, inflating the very same bubbles again. The very same bubbles. To my knowledge, this is unprecedented in world history, and when this collapse comes, it will be global in scale. Entire nations will go bust. This is truly insane. The aftermath of this one could present dire circumstances globally. There are many conspiracy theories out there that this is planned, and a one-world government and one-world currency will be foisted on the world’s peoples in the aftermath, courtesy of the GCs. I am skeptical, but nothing would surprise me in this milieu. I tend to avoid the intentional malice explanation when human greed and stupidity suffices. Like I saw in previous collapses, going back to the savings and loan scandal, the early warning signs are all over, and the big public accounting firms are going to be prominent players in the collapse once again, as their conflicts of interest will once again be highlighted as part of why they did not do their jobs, as is becoming evident in the recent collapse of a huge British firm. So, how about the Fifth Epoch, instead? It will take an unprecedented act of integrity and sentience to get there. If not my effort, then another (or some combination of them), but I strongly doubt that one will work by taking the usual paths of disaster. There are very interesting findings from over four billion years ago on early life. There is a recent paper on the dinosaurs’ decline before the bolide event that wiped them out. That impact crater is the focus of fascinating research. The decline was not in numbers, but in the number of species, but I doubt that more evolutionary resilience would have spared the dinosaurs what happened, as entire ecosystems went bust and they were on center stage. Consciousness continues to make a comeback in science, as the idea that everything is conscious gains respectability. There is an interesting article on the humble stick and human evolution. I’ll finish this post with an interesting article on one of my “favorite” subjects: psychopaths. The GCs have refined psychopathy to an art form, and Bill the BPA Hit Man, Ken Hodgell, and Mr. Deputy are some of the psychopaths that were sicced on us over the years. Mr. Skeptic was a psychopathic xxxx, in whom I never saw even a hint of remorse over his criminal behavior. This kind of behavior extends to talking heads in the free energy field as well. In all my years of receiving attacks from friends and family, not long ago, for the first time ever, did I receive an apology from one of my assailants, so there is some hope. However, it may well be a way to try to find a way into my pockets once again. I literally saved the people who later attacked me, which is an “interesting” psychological phenomenon. Time to start my busy day. Best, Wade
  8. Hi: As an afterword to the Global Controller (GC) posts, this will be on GC awareness. They live in conspiracist legend, but from what I have seen, most conspiracist literature misses the boat in a few ways. I regard the GCs as a symptom, not a cause, of our malaise as a species. I respect Greer’s findings, but I read most conspiracist literature with a very skeptical eye, partly because it is lopsided, and it is often a little too creative in connecting the dots. Cloak-and-dagger operations, for which the GCs are the master, operate with secrecy and deception. Covert ops, for instance, are heavily compartmentalized, in which nobody knows anything except their immediate task. People working in the same operation can have no awareness of each other. That secrecy extends through people’s lives. I lived with a CIA contract agent, who nearly tried to recruit me into the “business,” and I had no idea at the time. Doug Caddy worked for a CIA front operation, with a desk next to E. Howard Hunt’s, and had no idea of the situation he was in – he thought that he had a normal corporate job – until Hunt asked him to bail out some “friends,” who were the Watergate burglars. Then Caddy’s life was turned upside down. Economic Hit Man John Perkins was jealous of the naïveté of the people who worked for him, as they had no idea of the evil interests that they worked for. It took Ralph McGehee sixteen years to finally realize that this employer, the CIA, was not one of the good guys. Even on the inside, it is not easy to know what is happening, and the GCs have refined it to a science. One of Ed Mitchell’s moments of awakening was when he attended Greer’s briefing of the Director of Intelligence of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Tom Wilson, right after their secret Congressional hearings (and mere weeks before Greer’s team came down with strange forms of cancer), Greer gave Wilson some program codes of Special Access Programs (SAPs), Wilson recognized one, asked to be read in, and was denied. Wilson was bewildered. A former CEO of a corporation that ran SAPs attended one of Greer’s workshops, and stated the he never knew of the SAPs that his company ran. The CEO did not know. Sitting American presidents are completely out of the loop on the ET/UFO and free energy issue. They don’t even have any idea where to ask. The head of the CIA under Clinton asked for one of Greer’s briefings, because he was completely in the dark. When newly installed president Jimmy Carter asked the head of the CIA (George Bush the First) for the CIA’s files on UFOs, Bush rebuffed him, but Carter’s continued efforts led to Daniel Sheehan’s bizarre experience. In a recent video of Greer’s that I watched, he spoke of speaking to about a hundred people in Los Angeles, and ten billionaires were in the audience. Dennis was similarly swarmed when he was riding high. None of those billionaires ever helped, but sat like vultures, waiting for the chance to swoop in and take it over. When Greer spoke of the GCs (which he has called “Godzilla”), or Dennis spoke of similar encounters (he calls them “The Big Boys”), what were those billionaires thinking? I doubt that they scoffed (Greer never received a scoffing reaction to any of his Disclosure Project briefings). I have heard what can happen to the elite if they get involved. Once they get the horse’s head in their bed, they go scurrying back to their mansions. So, with billionaires swarming people such as Greer and Dennis, what are the chances that Bill Gates and the like have not heard about the connections between ETs, free energy, and the GCs? I would say that the chances are slim. I am sure that many people have approached the Gates Foundation (and the others like it), looking for free energy money. But Gates promotes nuclear fission as an energy solution. Some visionary. I really don’t know what goes on in a head like his. Does he know his place, and stays firmly within the conventional envelope, promoting fission, vaccines, and the like? Does he receive subtle guidance/threats from shadowy interests? Can he really be that naïve? Billionaire “philanthropists” are a bunch of phonies in the first place, going back to John D. Rockefeller, history’s greatest energy mogul. When Greer was under Laurence Rockefeller’s tutelage, he saw how the Rockefeller heirs had “handlers” that ensured that they never strayed far from the elite program of power and domination. None of that surprises me. Brian O spent his life’s last years searching for those rich “altruists,” never found one, and was constantly dismayed that even with “progressive” “philanthropists” such as Richard Branson and “progressive” gatherings that claimed to seek solutions to humanity’s predicament, free energy was completely off of the table. He was never able to get past the front door (which mirrored his experiences playing the Paul Revere of free energy in the late 1990s), which was reminiscent of our encounters at California's capital in Sacramento in 2001. Whatever their knowledge or motivation might be, this, I know: all of those so-called billionaire philanthropists are completely useless regarding the vitally important issues of our time, just like sitting presidents, CEOs, and the like. No white knight on a steed is going to come and save humanity from ourselves. Dennis was the Indiana Jones of free energy, but a whip and fedora was not enough. We have to do it ourselves, which is what I am trying to get going. Best, Wade
  9. Hi: As I wind down this Global Controller (GC) series of posts for now, some of the dots could be interesting. That Committee of 300 is of similar size to what Greer discovered about the GCs, in that about 200-300 people control the world economy, where those seven cartels that Rappoport names come together in a kind of ruling junta of humanity, as they set the policies that humanity operates under. Greer said that furthermore, of those 200-300, 25 or so are at the very top, with their carefully guarded plans to maintain their global domination (and survive the power plays by their “peers”). So, the numbers are of similar size for these conspiratorial organizations, and it is interestingly close to Dunbar’s number. Greer stated that he has no idea who the majority of the cabal’s members are. You have never heard of the people who really run the world today, other than some general organizations that Greer and others have mentioned, such as the Mormon financial empire and members of the Jesuit order. Studying their machinations can be a sickening exercise, and at dark path levels below it. Greer said that some of their activities are so evil that it can harm a person’s psyche to merely hear of them. I don’t doubt it. My psyche was damaged by studying World War II and the Holocaust. It was not fun to discover what genocidal thieves the USA’s Founding Fathers were, the real story of Columbus, the real story of the literal saint that my grammar school was named after, or the recent and continuing genocides inflicted on the world’s peoples by my great nation. I am currently studying Noam and Ed’s first major published work together, in preparation for writing more about it, and it is a harrowing read. Studying the medical racket was also a grim undertaking, and you can see the interplay of the conspiratorial and structural facets of it. It is a very heavy emotional lift to study such material, and I understand how people will react in denial and fear when even hearing about such realities, just like they do regarding free energy and its organized suppression. My work is not about awakening the sleeping. They will only begin to awaken when the Fifth Epoch arrives, and not before then. It takes a very special person to be able to bravely consider these realities without flying off into all manner of dysfunctional reaction. The free energy and ET cover-ups are conjoined, and Brian O’s adventures comprise the quintessential example of how they are related. James Gilliland worked with a free energy inventor who had a prototype like Sparky Sweet’s, as ice formed on it when it ran. The usual skullduggery then happened as they tried to develop it for public use, people died, etc. They halted their effort when they saw what they were up against. As with Brian and tales of dead free energy inventors, I don’t make it a point to collect the stories, as my life is one of them, and soldiers who have been on battlefields are not eager to trade war stories, but the stories that have come to me just come with the territory. My sense of the ranking of Earth’s power structure goes something like this: That 25 or so at the top of the GCs (who are likely being manipulated by off-world entities); The rest of the 200-300 members (a “rogue” faction likely gave my friend his exotic technology show, which may represent the majority opinion today, which is good news), and their support organizations, which are comprised of less than 100K people, I believe; they have underground and off-world enclaves; Arms of various private corporations, such as Lockheed’s Skunk Works, Boeing’s Phantom Works, SAIC, etc.; the Special Access Projects hail from those organizations; Legendary global elite such as the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, some members of royalty, especially European; Various clandestine governmental organizations such as the CIA, NSA, various secret police such as the FBI, KGB, etc.; Various elite organizations, such the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilderberg Group, the groups that meet at Bohemian Grove, Jackson Hole, Davos, and the like; those kinds of organizations go way back; American presidents, who were handpicked by the CFR, which David Rockefeller founded, for many years; Executives of leading corporations, and those who became rich founders, such as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Google’s founders, etc.; they are the next wave of robber barons; Other heads of state, corporate leaders, and bureaucrats, including some American military officials; National, state, and local oligarchies. That list is open to challenge and quibbling, and those categories are by no means mutually exclusive, as there is a great deal of overlap. Except at the top, I am not against moving a category up or down a level, or factions of them. The bottom line is that they are all playing the same basic game, of power and control, and the public’s welfare is not really their concern, although some are in public-facing positions and have to put up a good show that they really care. That is a dark pather talent. They treat humanity like a herd of cows. They need them to be healthy enough to milk, and then they are slaughtered and eaten when their output drops, which is not all that different from how it works in that hellish world that Roads visited. There are so-called White Hats sprinkled throughout those levels, and theirs is an insanely dangerous game, and it can be a slippery slope to adopting the perspective of the dominants. As John Perkins and other have noted, those doing the dirty work often have no idea that they work for the bad guys. Like my close relative, those people often drink themselves to death, become zombies at Langley, etc. The GCs are not a subject that I like studying. Studying the darkness is no fun. For me, it is enough to know they exist, and only the craziest or bravest of us will try to tangle with them. What amazed me was not that the darkness exists, but that the masses often worship it as the light. At the highest levels, they don’t hang out their shingle, so those Young Warriors really have no idea where to attack, and if they ever really encountered them, the contest would be over in moments. I just treat the GCs like a force of nature. If you stand on the mountaintop during a thunderstorm, you might get fried. I have no desire to be kidnapped for the underground show, and I have had enough of being chewed on in my lifetime, and the most injurious behaviors were inflicted by my friends, family, and business associates. Even today, that is kind of hard to believe, but it is the reality, and anybody who ever played near my level knows what I am writing about. If I can ever form that choir, it won’t matter what the GCs do, as elites will become obsolete in the Fifth Epoch. The GCs are not nearly as all-powerful as many think. They are mere humans, even if they have technological and other advantages. In ways, they are barely hanging in there, as there is constant “churn,” as they all vie for power. You would not want to have any of them over for dinner, and when Godzilla comes to dinner, you are the dinner. Enough said on the GCs for now, although there might be a coda post or two. Best, Wade
  10. Hi: My days with Dennis are when I first got an inkling that there was such a thing as the Global Controllers (GCs), they were likely behind some of what happened to us, and the billion dollar offer was the most persuasive evidence of the GCs’ involvement in our adventures, but I did not even hear of it until 1996, soon before I signed up with Dennis again (and I later realized that the GCs raised their game against us). Greer’s team coming down with those strange cancer cases happened in 1997, and I did not hear about Brian’s brush with death until 2001, and I did not hear about Adam Trombly’s adventures until 2003. So, from my circle, it was a gradual accumulation of harrowing tales, and I read stories about the GCs before I heard of them through my circle. Some came through channelings, such as Robert Shapiro’s Zoosh (whom I had a channeling session with around 1994-1995), who often discussed the “Sinister Secret Government,” and in those early years of study after my Ventura nightmare, I subscribed to The Spotlight and read plenty of conspiratorial literature, and the GCs often figured prominently. Or, should I say, that organizations like the GCs were often mentioned. One book at home is The Committee of 300, I have Ralph Epperson’s The Unseen Hand, I have some of Eustace Mullins’s books, such as The Secrets of the Federal Reserve and Murder By Injection. I read of the Illuminati back in the early 1990s, and I read Foucault’s Pendulum before I left Ventura. C. Wright Mills’s The Power Elite is respectable in many left circles. Gary’s book goes deep on conspiratorial topics, but Gary was there, and he and I had similar experiences at the hands of the gangsters that run Ventura County, and I have no doubt about his reporting of the John Tower conversation, which is at the nexus of American conspiratorial discussions. To call conspiratorial literature scholarly is kind of an oxymoron, because conspiracies by their very nature don’t leave paper trails for scholars to study. Even though conspiracy writers and researchers can name names, and often did, connecting the dots on such activities is a dubious endeavor, because the evidence is usually going to be circumstantial at best. If a person did not have any experiences with the GCs, or organizations like them, and just dove into that conspiratorial literature, it can be like walking into a hall of mirrors, and I have seen people go off the deep end by merely brushing up against these subjects. You have to have your feet very firmly on the ground to even begin snooping into these areas. I generally don’t recommend conspiratorial literature, and you don’t see me cite it much in my work (such works are rarely very scholarly, for one thing). Brian O’s buddy Jon Rappoport said that the world economy was run by seven cartels, and I saw plenty of evidence of them during my adventures. My opinion is that evil-minded people regularly act secretly and in concert, as the mutual self-interest of their efforts brings them together, and they know full well that no society would openly tolerate their crimes. So, we have conspiratorial behaviors, but our experience was that they happen at all levels of evil activities, and the GCs have only taken those tactics to highly sophisticated levels. If you would have told Dennis, Brian, Greer, Trombly, or me where our adventures would lead us, before we embarked on our odysseys, and described our encounters with “conspiratorial” interests, I doubt that any of us would have believed you. So, I read conspiratorial literature with a critical eye, seeing how it aligned with our experiences, and there were plenty of connections to our journeys. However, plenty of it connected way too many dots. One phenomenon over the past generation deserves special mention, which is “insiders” coming forward with conspiratorial tales, or those who claim to get the inside scoop from insiders. I always regard such stories with a great deal of skepticism, and much of it is disinformation, purveyed by various parties for various purposes. Insiders by their very nature are tainted. The kind of “whistleblowing” that most impresses me is what Ralph McGehee, John Perkins, and Rodney Stich did. They all had pretty damned good paper trails, and there is usually hell to pay for writing the works that they did. Ralph got to where he was afraid to leave his house, and Stich got wiped out in California with some of the legal gangster tactics that I know so well. California is the very heart of darkness. While those brave men mentioned above are all in my pantheon, I have great doubts about a cottage industry that has sprouted up in the past generation, particularly with the rise of the Internet, of people who claim insider status, or claim to know such people, who spin grand conspiratorial yarns without a shred of evidentiary support. I have even been compared to some of them, to my chagrin. I am anything but a conspiracist, but I have often been called one. Conspiracists make conspiracies the dominant framework of analysis, viewing all events through the lens of how a few powerful interests manipulated events. That is the furthest thing from what I do. My work is far more on the side of Uncles Noam, Ed, and the like, where understanding the structures of our societies and institutions, and the systematic behavior that they generate, explains events far better than elite manipulation from the top, although it certainly exists. The GCs don’t have to pull the strings and turn the knobs very much to produce the desired outcome. For the herd’s size, the shepherd’s task is surprisingly easy. I have stated it plenty, that organized suppression is less than 20% of why we don’t have free energy today. I put it at around 5-15%. The rest is humanity’s inertia and the internal weakness in all efforts that I know of, and even the organized suppression is nearly all “structural.” For instance, relatively few deputies were in on the theft of our technical materials on the day of the raid. One of the deputies supervising the raid later that day, after the theft, was one of Mr. Professor’s pupils, and he openly berated Mr. Professor, hardly believing that Mr. Professor could be part of such an obviously criminal organization as ours, and Mr. Professor asked him why the deputies seemed to have stolen a box full of materials from our building before the official search began (which we could not prove until the next day, when Mr. Researcher was allowed to return to the premises and witness the carnage in his office), and that deputy looked at Mr. Professor with a look of shock and disbelief. That deputy was not in on it. Similarly, Mr. Investigator was not in on it, but he didn’t care. His job was securing a conviction, he did not care if Dennis was innocent or guilty, and he would happily lie to gain that coveted conviction, to keep his “prosecutorial efficiency” ratio (AKA “kill ratio”) high. The organized suppression was 10% conspiratorial and 90% dupes and zero-integrity people such as Mr. Investigator. The women who were involved usually had a little more conscience (they are underachievers on the psychopath scale), even though they got their hands bloody, such as Betsy and Ms. Prosecutor. My studies of evolution and the journey of life on Earth I think help explain the GCs. They are simply parasites of the body politic of humanity, and found a niche to survive and even thrive in. In a world in which personal integrity is so rare, their games work “beautifully.” While I am a voice in the wilderness with my message, the GCs know my work very well. What took me a lifetime to realize, they knew long ago. They know full well that if the public had access to free energy, antigravity, and related technologies, the Fifth Epoch would arrive, and all elites would become obsolete. Like chattel slavery, elites only made sense in certain economic situations. Chattel slavery was a purely Third Epoch phenomenon, and as the Fourth Epoch ended slavery as an institution, so will the Fifth Epoch end the existence of elites. But just like only the most disgusting examples of today’s humanity would want to own slaves, in the Fifth Epoch, the idea of elites will become repulsive. It just won’t make sense any longer. I consider it a conspiracist delusion to think that if we just got rid of those “bad apples” that humanity would instantly have some kind of Golden Age. As long as our political economic systems are governed by scarcity and fear, if we somehow got rid of the GCs, others would simply arise to take their place, to fill the empty niche. The Young Warriors, who think that they can coercively displace the GCs, are among the most deluded of all, and the GCs are not threatened by their activities. However, just like nearly everybody reacts to the idea of free energy with denial and fear, so do the GCs, although their denial and fear is not about free energy’s existence, but about what comes with it. All that they can see is their world coming to an end, and many of them would gladly make Earth uninhabitable instead of give up their perceived “power.” Noam says the same thing, but from a structural perspective. Most of the GCs have been dark pathers, but I’ll agree with Greer that their ranks have fractured in recent generations, and most actually want the Fifth Epoch to arrive, even though most of them probably cling to fantasies that they can still play some kind of elite role in the Fifth Epoch, and they have my sympathy. All roles will change in the Fifth Epoch, as this kind of world can come into view. With this post, I will begin to wind down this series of posts for now. Lots more to write about the GCs, but I stated my main thrust for now. I’ll make a post where I rank the power structure’s members. It won’t be gospel, but just my sense of it. In the end, my work is about what we can do, not what they do. If I ever form that choir, it will be Game Over for the GCs, and it won’t matter what they do. I expect them to just slink away. Some will even like living in the Fifth Epoch. Best, Wade
  11. Hi: In 1990, I staggered from my home town, with my life in ruins, and I was radicalized. I would never again see the world the same way. I dove into a wide array of scientific and scholarly material, trying to make sense of what I had just survived. Gary Wean was instrumental in my effort to save Dennis, which incredibly worked, in the biggest miracle that I ever witnessed. Gary also knew, three weeks after the JFK hit, that Oswald was no Lone Nut. I discovered that the news was a pile of rubbish, the history I was taught in school was largely a fabrication, and so on. I discovered Uncle Noam’s and Ed’s work, studied alternative medicine, thermodynamics, Mr. Mentor’s and Fischer’s patents, and have kept going to this day. The next summer, I met Brian O, who was just getting his feet wet in the free energy field. The next year, Brian mounted a UFO conference and nearly died, courtesy of the American military, after Brian refused an “offer” to perform classified military research on UFOs. His health never recovered, and the incident shortened his life. But Brian then got heavily involved in Greer’s Disclosure Project, and several years later, Greer was able to mount secret Congressional hearings on the UFO issue, as a dozen people testified to their experiences. Ed Mitchell co-chaired the hearings. Greer and his team soon came down with unusual and virulent forms of cancer, Greer was the only survivor, and he was never again the same person. Between my first and second stints with Dennis, a close friend/activist got an underground show of some of the toys in the GCs’ Golden Hoard. Several years later, I saw some of Greer’s Disclosure Project witnesses describing some of the same technologies, and it was then that Greer’s work began to become far more credible to me. I am not sure that he has all of the pieces in their right places, but I respect what he reports from his adventures. How much of what Gary, Brian, and Greer experienced was due to the GCs? I am not sure, but this is my sense of it, and I can’t prove any of it. JFK was likely taken out by national, not global, interests, and what Doug Caddy heard from E. Howard Hunt, that JFK was taken out over the ET issue, rings true to me. But I think that it was a convenient excuse, not the overriding reason. JFK was a decidedly lukewarm imperialist, was not in Wall Street’s pocket, and tried to end the Cold War, and for those reasons, he had to go. I am onboard with the idea that the Rockefellers were involved, and having one of their chief fixers lead the “investigation” into JFK’s murder stinks to high heaven. The Warren Report is a fabrication, IMO, or is, as Bobby Kennedy said, “A shoddy piece of craftsmanship.” I spent many years looking at the evidence, after reading Gary’s account, and I never saw any credible evidence contradict it, and evidence coming to light since then has powerfully confirmed it, such as the Northwoods documents. As I recently wrote, the Rockefellers repeatedly got involved in our efforts, to snuff them out, and the Rothschilds also got involved, but because they openly revealed their identities, I doubt that they play at the GC level, if they ever did, which operates a level or three above them. Below the Rockefellers and Rothschilds a ways is the sitting president, and especially since JFK was taken out, they are all puppets and know it, and are totally out of the loop on the truly important issues that humanity faces today. I believe that similar exotic technology was used to give Greer’s team those cancers and the attempt on Brian’s life, and they may have used some of it on me, and it was no fun, let me tell you. If there was GC involvement, I think that it was enmeshed with the national level interests. This I know: the UFO/ET and free energy issues are conjoined at the GC level. If you begin pushing the ET or free energy envelopes very hard, you will encounter the GCs’ minions. But as we discovered during our adventures, there is a confluence of self-interest of many parties on the energy issue, with them all protecting their turf from the threat of disruptive technologies. I am sure that the lines blurred during Dennis’s adventures. After his migrant farmworker and Vietnam days, he hobnobbed with the Eastern Oligarchy in college, then got baptized in the shark tank of American entrepreneurialism, surviving not only Mob hit attempts, but his business associates constantly tried stealing his companies, and they were frequently successful. In those early East Coast days, he was subjected to organized suppression, being named “con man of the year” by a newspaper that looked out after its patrons’ interests from the market disruption that Dennis’s efforts threatened to accomplish. When Dennis hit his home state, after having his company stolen once more, he got involved with the local oligarchy of his home town, before he finally had enough and moved to Seattle, where he mounted the greatest effort ever made to bring alternative energy to the American marketplace. Dennis expected the tickertape parade from the electric companies, as he was bringing the conservation that they said they wanted. Sparky Sweet also had that naïve expectation when he mailed working prototypes of his free energy gizmo to the leading energy institutions. Instead, the opposite happened. Today, I consider it likely that Dennis attracted the Rockefellers’ and GCs’ interest in Seattle, and both probably had a hand in what happened there, but free energy was never on Dennis’s agenda in Seattle, other than his hearing about Joe Newman soon before the Seattle company was stolen. Joe is a piece of work, as is Keshe, and I consider them examples of the hazards to the ego for this pursuit, which I am also well acquainted with. In Boston, however, as we began to make free energy noise, the hand of the GCs became even more evident, with the friendly buyout offer, and the so-called White Hats also got involved. But we could also see local, state, and regional interests involved in Boston, and what level of coordination there may have been among them I will likely never know. In Ventura, it was more of the same, with the local interests trying to wipe us out, but the GCs likely showed their hand with the billion dollar offer to go away, just before we got the boom lowered on us. Did any GC money make it into the pockets of the gangsters who run Ventura County? I consider it likely, although, once again, I will likely never know for sure. Lots of dots, but I am not sure how they all connect. When I began trading notes with Brian O, hearing Tom Bearden describe a GC operation that was very like the one that tried to nab us, hearing people such as Mark describe their harsh awakenings, hearing what Sparky Sweet lived through, and heard a lot of Adam Trombly’s story from those who knew him well, which is the only story I have heard of that can be compared to Dennis’s surreal journey, the picture began coming into focus. When I heard Greer talk about the $100 billion in GC quiet money to keep free energy and related technologies at bay, although they have been developed in their inner sanctums and are carefully sequestered (although not carefully enough! ), it made perfect sense, when compared to what I had seen and heard of. That milieu is very real, and only the incredibly brave or foolish (or both) have any business even dipping their toes into that water. So far, for people like me, the GCs only watch when I do my public work, although I am fairly confident that Internet assailants such as Mr. Skeptic were on somebody’s payroll. It is more psychologically interesting if Mr. Skeptic’s 15-year campaign against Dennis and people like me was driven from pathological ego needs, but I think that he was probably just doing his job, although like Ken Hodgell, Bill the BPA Hit Man, Mr. Deputy, etc., he did not really care where his money came from, as long as it came. He knew what his job was, and did the work. In light of what my fellow travelers reported, and our own harrowing experiences, the reality of the GCs was well established, as far as I was concerned. But they are merely the apex predators in a political-economic jungle filled with them. I constantly see armchair enthusiasts with a tabloid fascination with the GCs, attributing all of the world’s woes to them (as the paranoiac far right also does), and the political left has an ideological aversion to even acknowledging the GCs’ existence. They all miss the mark, and what I found that they all had in common was thinking like victims. We aren’t going to turn the corner via the victim mentality. Only a creator’s mentality will do the trick, and that is rooted in love, not fear. Next up will be what I found in my scholarly studies about the GCs. Best, Wade
  12. Hi Krishna: Yes indeed, the Fourth Epoch’s Golden Age is gone, and it is a fight for the remaining dregs of our Epoch. In scientific parlance, energy is considered a necessary although not sufficient condition. In that book I am reading on the Industrial Revolution, it noted that China had been burning coal on a large scale a millennium before England arose and built its coal-fueled empire. The Chinese never used coal in the transformative way that the English did. It wasn’t that one was smart and the other wasn’t, and Englishmen in the late 1700s would have had no idea what an Industrial Revolution was, even though they lived in it. But coal fit into the rising industrialization of England. Without fossil fuels, there would have been no Fourth Epoch. Those poor that you mention are getting cheap benefits that come from Fourth Epoch societies (which is why it would only cost $100 billion a year, when the world economy is $75 trillion per year, so we are talking about far less than 1% of global GDP to eradicate desperate poverty – a pittance, or several percent of the world’s military expenditures – what the heck is wrong with that picture?). Without Fourth Epoch benefits (sanitation, nutrition, widespread literacy, etc.), the world’s poor were never going to escape their lot. Agrarian societies always had strict energetic limits. Yes, you could not free illiterate slaves and have them immediately become highly contributing members of industrial society. If and when the Fifth Epoch arrives, there is going to be quite a learning curve for the world’s peoples, especially those in non-industrial nations. I estimate that it will take them a couple of generations to get the hang of the Fifth Epoch, but what a fun thing to get the hang of. Best, Wade
  13. Hi Hym: Thanks for writing. Yes indeed, I have quite a few constraints that I write under, which comes with this territory, I am sorry to report. The most narrative form of my adventures is on various essays on my site, such as one on my adventures and one on Dennis’s and my adventures, and those are important yet minor parts of my work. My big essay is my lifetime’s magnum opus, and the textbook to support what I am trying to get going. Serious readers of my forum work probably rarely read my Avalon thread anymore, but my own forum, which is far better organized than this monster of a thread. This thread is probably mainly for the public to contact me, and it happens fairly frequently. Free energy inventors and the like drop by and contact me. I spent nearly a year writing posts on the lessons that I learned from my journey, especially my days with Dennis, and it is on one thread, here. Some come to Avalon to try out their singing voice, and clear notes have been heard here and on related threads, especially this one and this one. What Krishna has been doing on this thread lately is a big part of what I intended it for. As far as free energy inventors go, I tend to not focus on them, as it plays into the arrested development that the field is in. I probably won’t weigh in on Bearden much more than I have already, or the others in the field. That Tom was involved with Sparky Sweet earns him points, but too bad that he kind of made footage of Sparky’s gizmo proprietary, so it was not on YouTube, the last I knew. Free energy inventors are only a tiny piece of the answer. The problem is vastly larger than that, as you know. On the technical stuff, I had to look up H3O3. Never heard of it. I think that there are a fair number of those variations, such as super-ionized water, Brown’s Gas, etc. I doubt that any of them are going to be an energy source, and I doubt that any can help tap the zero-point field to any significant degree, but I am happy to be wrong. I really do not keep up on the free energy field, and really don’t want to have much to do with it. For those who can see the dead-ends and break out, I am here for them, but more often during my journey, people try to drag me into their stuff. I am the only guy on Earth trying my particular approach, and I have devoted the rest of my life to trying it out, and we will see how it goes. It beats watching TV. There are a million ways to fail, and I prefer pursuing what might succeed. In Brian O’s last years, he sought a research assistant to crunch the numbers on the traditional alternatives (wind, direct solar, etc.), to show they were too little and too late. Well, I agree that to avert the fast-approaching catastrophe, solar panels and windmills won’t cut it, much less be the basis for the Fifth Epoch. My big essay is intended to help my readers achieve the scientific literacy and comprehensive perspective that I think will be necessary for my idea to work. You won’t find much about free energy physics in it, and I don’t go too far into the technology, other than maybe mention Sparky Sweet a little. I get into the physics of Dennis’s heat pump and Mr. Mentor’s engine, but it is not a heavy lift, scientifically. I try to stay away from the many unorthodox physics theories out there. There are more than you can shake a stick at. For me, it is enough for my readers to know that the world-changing technologies are real or at least possible, and the orthodox theories are woefully inadequate for dealing with them. Going much further than that tends to get sucked down the innumerable rabbit holes that await. The big technological breakthroughs were never theoretically respectable, as they defied the theories. I did my time on the Velikovsky fringes, etc. Lots of time-wasters out there. The people I seek will immediately sense my work’s worth, dive in, and not come up for air for months and years. There is plenty of meat there. People have bugged me for 20 years to write a book, but I refuse to. My work is designed for the Internet. I have made many executive summaries, introductory essays, and the like, and even a PowerPoint and did some interviews, but that can only help my readers ease into it. There is no substitute for doing the work. I seek a pretty small audience, but they will be enough for my plan to work. Thanks again for writing. Best, Wade
  14. Hi: In Seattle, Bill the BPA Hit Man was sicced on Dennis’s company, along with Betsy, Ms. Pinch Hitter (who both taught law school afterward), Mormon grifters joined the fray and stole the company’s carcass with my boss’s help, as the employees cheered, I saw a shark fight in the federal courtroom, where the judge was in on it, I saw the media tell Big Lies, the “loyalists” later tried to extort money from us, and so on. It was one heck of a beginning of my awakening, but how much of that was the hand of the Global Controllers (GCs)? Maybe Bill and maybe the Mormon grifters, and maybe the Mormon financial empire was directing the BPA and its minions into attacking. In Boston, the White Hats and Black Hats definitely got involved, with the encouraging phone calls and the friendly buyout offer. Were the local authorities who sharpened their axes doing it on behalf of the GCs? Directly, I doubt it, but we will never know for sure. The GCs’ game is exceedingly subtle. In Ventura, the billion dollar offer was the most blatant evidence of GC involvement, but I’ll allow that it might have been other global interests. Whom did the deputies steal the technical material for? Ken Hodgell’s involvement was most curious, a Mormon con man who struck from the inside as the attacks came from the outside, just like Bill did, in what I call an “inside-outside job,” which I later discovered was a standard tactic to take down organizations such as ours. Mr. Big Time Attorney got the education of his career after he took our case, with the last of my legal fund. He was nearly disbarred for daring to bring a lawsuit against the gangsters who run Ventura County. But the federal courts in LA are legendary for their corruption, with literal gangsters sitting on the bench to this day. If you read the rulings on Dennis’s and Mr. Big Time Attorney’s lawsuits, they specifically did not rule on the immense crimes committed in Ventura County to take us out, but all charges were dismissed on prosecutorial immunity and statute of limitations, as well as misrepresenting the charges and what Dennis was “convicted” on (failing to file a form). For that “crime,” Dennis nearly died in prison, as the prison authorities kept trying to get him murdered by the inmates (called “death by inmate”). A prosecution “investigator,” who lied constantly, openly admitted that he did not even care if Dennis was innocent or not, promotions were handed out like Halloween candy, the prosecutor was rewarded with a judgeship, the judge was promoted to a higher court, and so on. Mr. Deputy’s pension today, after a hero’s farewell when he retired, is $250K per year. Working for the forces of darkness pays well, for a time. The Rodney King beating verdict a couple of years later was no surprise to me. The system is evil, from top to bottom, but how much did the GCs directly intervene in Ventura? Again, it is hard to say. The “investigation” and theft of our technical materials showed that we were targeted by evil interests from the beginning. Ken Hodgell was likely a GC asset, as Bill the BPA Hit Man was, and the billion dollar offer likely showed the GCs’ hand a little. But most of the damage done in Ventura was done by our allies. The crimes of our employees made the cheering of the theft of Dennis’s company in Seattle pale to insignificance. Ventura was where I finally got over my shock at witnessing our business associates constantly try to steal our companies. One of the final straws for me in my awakening process was watching Mr. Engineer and Mr. Researcher go to work for Hodgell! I did my best to dissuade them, and all that I got back was scoffing. Their naïveté (and lack of integrity, given their position and what they were aware of) was mind-boggling, and my radicalizing moment was on the witness stand, as Mr. Deputy made faces at me all day long while I testified, and next month was the lowest part of my journey, but I overcame it, and the biggest miracle I ever witnessed happened, as evil could not quite prevail. In light of those events, my mother’s “my son the criminal” scrapbook campaign didn’t even hurt. The result of my Ventura years was that I woke up, would never see the world the same way again, and was ready for the teachings of Uncles Noam, Ed, Howard, etc., as I began the scholarly/scientific part of my journey. But the GCs and I were not finished. After several wearying years as a trucking company controller, Dennis finally coaxed me back into the saddle with him, and that stint was like a bad dream for me. I nearly went to prison for my trouble, as the GCs raised their games on us, with an elaborate sting operation, which we did not bite on, and a “skeptic” came out of the woodwork, constantly lying his xxx off and harrying Dennis (and stalking me on the Internet) until Dennis was finally run out of the USA, and then Mr. Skeptic quietly folded his tents and disappeared. I consider it likely that he was on the GCs’ payroll in some way. But the most important lesson of my first stint with Dennis was this: personal integrity is the world’s scarcest commodity. Nothing else came close. That was the salient generalization of what I saw during those years. It was certainly not all bad. The voice in my head led me to Mr. Professor and Dennis, who are at the head of my pantheon, and we had “divine intervention,” and the most amazing happened after I sacrificed my life, and some so-called White Hats eventually made their interest in the activities of people like us very clear. The technology to usher in the Fifth Epoch is here and likely older than I am, but we don’t get any while we collectively sleep and are our own worst enemies. To me, what was important about those days is what I learned, and I know what won’t work for making free energy happen, or is so fraught with peril that you need to check your life at the door if you try any of the well-worn paths of disaster that I know so well. It led me to a process of elimination that resulted in my current approach. If I can amass that choir, it won’t matter what the GCs do. They will just slink off into “retirement,” and they can go with my blessings. Later, I encountered many talking heads in the free energy field and elsewhere, and almost without exception, they lied their asses off about Dennis, too, as if everybody was in a lying contest. National TV shows attacked Dennis, usually coordinated with government attacks, which featured the lying Mr. Skeptic, and ignorant and naïve bystanders were easily duped by it all. The GCs must sit back and laugh, as we do almost of their work for them, gratis. So, as I do my work today, where are the GCs, as far as what I am doing? They have not forgotten about me, but they just watch from the shadows (Dennis figured that they have ten people assigned to him, and one to me, and I won’t disagree). I have not knowingly heard from them, and that suits me just fine. Next will be what my fellow travelers have reported, as far as the GCs go. It is not a tale for the fainthearted. Then I will get into what the scholarly material has to say. This will all take some time. Best, Wade
  15. Hi: Before I move on from Boston, I met my first billionaire there, who was sniffing around for opportunities. I saw it happen with Dennis and Greer, in that billionaires would swarm them when they were riding high, but none were there to truly help, but sat on their perches like vultures, waiting for their chance to swoop in and take over, when the time was right. Being in the middle of the chaos and mayhem that Dennis was whipping up was partly why I was there, to see what he could make happen. I moved to Boston without even knowing how the heat pump worked, but I had been hit by that lightning, and Dennis could not get rid of me. It took me some time to understand why Dennis’s heat pump was the world’s best heating system and why his marketing plan was so ingenious. On Dennis’s free energy idea, I brought in Mr. Mentor to assess it, who actually proposed his own free energy solution, and I did not know it until I read it in one of Dennis’s books many years later, but Mr. Mentor and Dennis cut a secret deal to move the operation to Ventura, my home town. In June 1987, I was driving the truck with all of our company’s assets in it to Ventura. A couple months after hitting Ventura, Dennis made a program that worked, Mr. Mentor came aboard with his own free energy (FE) idea, and the rocket took off. I heard of the rocket in Seattle, although I just mopped up the blood there, but I was there in Ventura when it took off, and it was something to behold. Mr. Professor was a millionaire pillar of the community, the most beloved faculty member at the local college, and I originally thought that Dennis moved to Ventura because of Mr. Professor, who was busily raising money for us. We immediately mounted a Greatest Energy Show or two, and when the program took off, Mr. Professor knew people high on the inside at the local electric company, he asked what they thought of Dennis, and he was informed that the electric company’s hierarchy was not yet sure how to respond to Dennis. When Mr. Deputy began his fraudulent “investigation,” at whose behest was it for? Because the Washington authorities contacted him? The local electric company? The Global Controllers (GC)? I’ll probably never know. Dennis got at least one of those “keep up the good work” phone calls from the White Hats in Ventura. One night in December 1987, I picked up Dennis from the office and took him home, and he stood in our parking lot, taking in our buildings, and saying that the GCs’ (he called them The Big Boys) eyes had to be bugging out, seeing what we had going. The raid happened a few weeks later. That they stole all of the materials out of Mr. Researcher’s office was significant and was really the beginning of my radicalization, and the beginning of the worst year of my life. Whom did they steal it for? Again, I’ll probably never know, but I doubt that it was for their edification, to peruse while watching football games on Sundays. We found out a few weeks before the raid that the sitting U.S. Attorney General knew Dennis by name and called him “squeaky clean.” Probably all sitting presidents since Reagan, and probably even Trump, knew Dennis by name. When Mr. Big Time Attorney got involved, he used his connections to find out what had happened. Not only did the FBI and CIA have huge files on Dennis, but Mr. Big Time Attorney discovered that it seemed that the CEO of the local electric company put out the hit order on us. I went into a general physical collapse a couple of months after the raid, with circles under my eyes so dark that a relative said that I looked like a raccoon. In about April, I asked Dennis if I could take the summer off, to try to recover. He said that I had bailed him out so many times already that I had a place for life in his efforts, and I asked him to sell out the equity position of my investors. We were wiped out before he could. In May, I was preparing to leave the organization and take the summer off, hiking in the Cascades to try to recover. Right at that time, Dennis got a phone call from some bankers who invited him to Chicago. Dennis went and met a CIA man who offered him a billion dollars or so to fold up his operation. Dennis’s counteroffer floored the CIA man, who said that he would have to ask his superiors about Dennis’s counteroffer. A couple of weeks later, the CIA man contacted Dennis and visited him in Ventura, but never brought up the offer again. If you read Gary Wean’s book, he called it something like the “kiss of death,” but the idea was that when the gangsters decided to kill people, they would often fete the targets, treating them like long-lost sons, only to have them killed shortly thereafter. I have long wondered if that CIA man’s visit to Ventura was like that. My suspicion is that his trip to Ventura was not only to “fete” Dennis, but to arrange for his coming treatment, by spreading around some bribe money. As I later learned, Ventura County is legendary for its corruption, and instead of paying Dennis a billion dollars to go away, ten million or so, spread among the right palms, would take care of Dennis in another way. I did not learn of Dennis’s encounter with the CIA until I heard Dennis talk about it in 1996, and then I read about it in his book The Alternative. I never blamed him for not telling me about it. He played lots of secrecy games, some of which ended up costing me, but I understood the game that he played, although I have no interest in ever playing it. Dennis’s arrest with a million dollar bail happened a few weeks later, and then my nightmare truly began. I got to have my face rubbed in evil that year, and by December of that year, I had been radicalized and would never see the world the same way again. So, who were the “European interests” that the CIA man said that he represented? Were they really European interests? Again, I’ll never know, but somebody in high places unmasked themselves with that offer. And I have zero doubt that the meeting happened just as Dennis described it. When Greer revealed that he was offered $2 billion to go away a decade later, I figured that the GCs were adjusting for inflation. Greer’s $100 billion in quiet money number also made perfect sense to me when I heard it. I imagine that it is around the quarter-trillion dollar level by now. When the subject is global domination, such numbers are a pittance. Make no mistake, free energy, antigravity (or electrogravity), and other sequestered technologies would upend the applecart of the GCs, and they watch that pot more carefully than any other, and have never let it get close to boiling. Throwing billions around to keep that from happening is just good business. So, at what level did Dennis attract attention beyond the local, state, and national levels, and attract the GCs’ attention? The Rockefellers got involved back in Seattle, wiping out Dennis’s manufacturer, and David Rockefeller called Dennis at home just before the feds were sicced on him. The Rothschilds also got involved one point. My sense today is that Dennis came onto the radar in Seattle, and the Mormon connection and Bill the BPA Hit Man’s involvement suggest that the GCs were directly involved in Seattle, but Dennis was not making any free energy noise in Seattle. It seems that when Dennis became more of a threat, they escalated their tactics. That the Rockefellers and Rothschilds got involved, and used their own names, means, to me, that they are nowhere near the top. Maybe they were, once upon a time, but those days appear to be over. I highly respect what Greer learned in playing his insanely dangerous game, and he knows that he knows only a small fraction of the players at the Global Controller level, who operate deeply in the shadows. So, what made Dennis and Greer such threats? I have been challenged about Dennis’s CIA offer by naïve newcomers and others in the free energy field, who cannot fathom such an offer, partly because all they have heard of is free energy inventors being offered $10 million or so (or $50 million). Free energy inventors are a dime a dozen. Movers and shakers like Dennis and Greer are very few and far between, and it takes a stunted perspective to equate Dennis and Greer with the inventor in his garage. The technology itself is a small yet significant piece of the puzzle. All these years later, I think that there are several reasons for why we presented such a dire threat that needed to be neutralized in Ventura. First and foremost were Dennis and his heat pump. It could make an immediate economic dent in Dennis’s talented hands, as he had repeatedly demonstrated already. Second was what I had brought together in Ventura, with Mr. Professor, Mr. Mentor, and others. We had what appeared to be not only a strong nucleus, but Mr. Mentor was a world-class inventive talent in his own right, and we were building his free energy prototype before Fischer got involved. I think that, ultimately, the primary threat that we presented was the chance to become a mecca for free energy inventors with the goods, such as Sparky Sweet, who lived just down the road from us. Just get one of those in Dennis’s hands, and it could quickly be Game Over for the GCs, and they knew it. It was much better to nip us in the bud. They know that an ounce of prevention is worth a boatload of “cure” in this milieu. Nothing has ever been allowed to get very far along, before the effort was defeated, and the carrots and sticks at the GCs’ disposal are truly impressive. A quarter-trillion dollars to shower at threats, to co-opt them with the Golden Handcuffs, is the easy and unimaginative stuff. We likely suffered from plenty of the GCs’ evil tricks, and when they get involved, you usually don’t even know that you have been messed with. You suddenly come to an untimely end, your life is inexplicably wrecked, and so on. I have to hand it to them; their tactics of suppression have been refined into a science. Call me impressed. Successfully navigating this milieu is like walking the razor’s edge. It takes awesome commitment, courage, talent, keen discernment, and worldliness to even walk a few steps down that path. I long ago decided that the ride was too rough for me. I had only one life to wreck. Dennis considered his life forfeit before he even began, which was a key requirement for surviving his journey like he did. I may never get more specific than this: it was between my first and second stints with Dennis that a close friend received his exotic technology show. Another close friend witnessed Sparky’s gizmo in action before I left Ventura. Mark got his clock cleaned several years previously, and hanging out with Brian and others provided plenty of data points that helped paint the picture that I see today. There is a lot more to write about the GCs, but it is time for a busy day at the office. Best, Wade
  16. Hi: If I had any idea what was ahead of me, as I chased Dennis out to Boston, I might have stayed in Seattle. It did not take long for the young, naïve, idealist to become Dennis’s partner, although that was the furthest thing from my mind as I drove out to Boston. The day after I hit Boston, Dennis began thinking in terms of free energy (FE), and my wild ride began. A month after I became Dennis’s partner, we were putting on Greatest Energy Shows on Earth. It was then that the GC’s interest became undeniable, from both the Black Hats and White Hats. The anonymous phone calls to “keep up the good work” began then, as well as what I now know to be the first friendly buyout offer from the GCs, for the standard $10 million. More people are going to have to die before I can be a lot more forthcoming about the kind of GC attention that we received back then, but Boston was still in the early days of GC attention that Dennis attracted, and he is on their radar to this day, as both a “threat” and “savior,” depending on what colored hat is asked. But we had attention from far more than the GCs. The gangster officials in Washington sicced the local authorities in Boston on Dennis as soon as he hit town. We heard from the inside that New England’s electric companies held secret meetings about what to do about us, and instead of the snuff job in Seattle, they thought that they might have to work with us, which led to a red carpet treatment from the most powerful electric company executive in New England. Dennis spoke at a Department of Energy (DOE) meeting two days before I hit Boston, and the head of the DOE in New England attended one of our Greatest Energy Shows and was collegial and polite, asking us when we thought that we could deliver FE. Some local newspapers covered us, but the Boston Globe would not touch us with a ten-foot pole, as they ran an article about mining moon dust to solve our energy problems. Uncle Noam would have understood. The Boston Globe never reviewed a book from South End Press, which was located in Boston and was one of history’s greatest progressive publishing houses, which published Noam and Ed’s The Political Economy of Human Rights, after a publishing company was destroyed to prevent the publication of their previous work. The documentary Manufacturing Consent was about Noam and the media, and was the most popular documentary in Canadian history to its time, and it never played on an American mainstream TV station. So, we were in good company. But the officials in Massachusetts were sharpening their axes, like they did in Washington, and we left before they could strike. And this is one of many situations in which for the view from where I sit, it is difficult to know what all was happening, especially at the GC level. As a prosecuting official in Ventura later told us, they don’t care if their targets are innocent are not. All that matters to them are convictions, and they will happily lie their asses off to gain the coveted conviction. Prosecutors everywhere think like that, but only in Ventura could you hear them boast of it. But where was the hand of the GCs in what happened in Boston? Other than the anonymous phone calls and the friendly buyout offer, I don’t know for sure, but it is easy to imagine them nudging the chess pieces this way and that, with phone calls and other gentle persuasion. I am fairly certain that in Ventura, outright bribes were used. Best, Wade
  17. Hi: To my earlier post on global poverty, Oxfam released a report on the eve of Davos, and the numbers I saw confirms what I thought the situation was many years ago. That the world’s rich got almost all of the global wealth increase last year is no surprise, but Oxfam put a number on what would end extreme poverty on Earth: about $100 billion annually, or about 15% of what the top 1% of humanity raked in last year, or about 17% of the Pentagon budget. What is wrong with that picture? I am not sure, Krishna, on the relationship of high school education and extreme poverty. Those numbers, of 17% of the Pentagon budget, are about the same as I recall them 30 years or so ago. I was likely remembering the extreme poverty stats. I am studying Noam and Ed’s The Political Economy of Human Rights before writing the Wikipedia article on it, and they made the case that corruption is an essential feature of American foreign policy, and that state terror was an integral part of producing a favorable investment climate. You have to beat the slaves into submission. Of course, you will never find Noam and Ed’s positions fairly presented in the mainstream media. If they are mentioned at all, big lies are told about them. If not for my days with Dennis, I wonder how much of Noam and Ed’s message I could have digested. Best, Wade
  18. Hi: I was aware of the cloak-and-dagger world before I met Dennis. My close relative was a CIA contract agent, and it ruined his life, but I don’t think that he ever figured out that he worked for the bad guys. He just drank himself to death. My father had to get a top-secret security clearance to work for NASA. I had heard of Mr. Mentor’s “make your funeral plans” comment by a high-ranking government official long before I met Dennis, and when Mr. Mentor found out that corporate America already owned all of the vapor-injection carburetor patents, he wisely abandoned his project. I had heard of similar situations, such as an inventor trying to do a deal with Detroit on a high-MPG carburetor, to then be told that if he did not take the money and disappear, that they would just take the carburetor from him. I had all of those experiences before that voice in my head told me to move to Seattle, but as I look back, I was still a naïve idealist, yet to really be disillusioned. When I met Dennis, I still had almost no idea what he was really up against. I sat behind Bill the BPA Hit Man’s attorney as he heckled Dennis on the day that I met him, but it would take a long time to understand the context of what I was seeing. While the local electric companies pulled out all the stops to stop Dennis, led by the BPA, it took many years for me to realize that Dennis likely attracted the GCs’ attention in Seattle. Two weeks after I met Dennis, I saw what I now know were Big Lies on the TV news about Dennis, but it still took years of that kind of treatment for me to wake up to how the media really worked, and by the time that it got back to me that my mother made a scrapbook of newspaper clippings and took it on tour to my friends, family, and investors, telling the story of her son the criminal, I was way past being hurt by such behavior, and it was almost funny. Dennis had survived combat in Southeast Asia, survived Mob hit attempts, and had his business associates steal his companies numerous times, but he reached new levels of the game in Seattle. Like Lee Harvey Oswald, Bill the BPA Hit Man cultivated fake alternative energy credentials before he was sicced on Dennis’s company, although Dennis was not fooled. Bill’s actions led to a woman’s death, among other disasters, and I would never knowingly let somebody like Bill into my effort, and I regard what Dennis did then to be a mistake. Bill later just changed masks and became a “noted Tesla researcher,” duping people in the free energy field, and that was one of my early indicators that he may have been a GC asset before he was sicced on Dennis. When my boss orchestrated the theft of Dennis’s company, in concert with Mormon grifters, my awakening moment was not that so much, but how the employees cheered the theft. Ken Hodgell was another Mormon con man who helped take us down in Ventura, but it was not until I read Greer’s writings that the Mormon financial empire was currently the most powerful member of the GCs, and read Dennis state that in Seattle, he eventually learned that the Mormon financial empire was the largest investor in Washington’s electric companies, that I began to connect those dots, about 20 years after I met Dennis. So, how connected were those dots, in reality? I don’t know, but nothing would surprise me, in light of later events. So, in Seattle, Dennis definitely came onto the GCs’ radar, by the Mormon connection alone, but I can’t state with great confidence exactly what were their machinations, what were the local electric companies’, and what were just Dennis’s unscrupulous business associates. I am sure that Dennis knows more, but we have not discussed the Seattle days in depth for many years. People such as Betsy, Mr. Deputy, and other officials sicced on Dennis were just doing their jobs, although psychopaths such as Mr. Deputy surely enjoyed destroying innocent lives, as Bill surely did, as did Ken, so they got “psychic income” in addition to being handsomely paid. What I saw was very much like Uncle Ed and Noam’s propaganda model, which shows that most of the damage that the media’s inflicts is structural in nature, of people just doing their jobs and pursuing their self-interest, with little need to act consciously and in concert. I estimate that more than 80% of the organized suppression activities that we suffered from were structural in nature, but that did not mean that nobody was pulling the strings to achieve the desired outcome. They just did not need to pull the strings very hard, as “nature” would take over, and they could just sit back, eat popcorn, and watch the evil show. Best, Wade
  19. Hi: I wrote more than 200 posts on the lessons of my journey with Dennis and beyond, which followed 60 posts of vignettes from my journey, and posts in them mention the Global Controllers (GCs) and their influence on our journeys, and I will try to parse their activities from the activities of others. That series will be about our direct experiences, then I will get into the experiences of those in my circle, and then get into the broader issue of the literature on the subject. I was introduced to the conspiratorial aspect of the global power structure through literature that our network left at our office (some of which was seized in the raid, in a folder that I titled, “Seditious Literature.” ), and studied quite a bit of it after my first stint with Dennis, when I was trying to figure out what I had survived. Before I met Dennis, if you had told me of the GCs, I would have probably looked at you with a curious expression. I really had not thought about such a thing much by that time, although I was aware of organized suppression activities in the energy issue, and not just because of Mr. Mentor’s adventures. If you would have told me that the TV media told big lies, and that the newspapers did, daily, I would have looked at you with a shocked expression. If you had told me on my first day of work with Dennis (or during my third month working for him) that my boss would engineer the theft of Dennis’s company, and that nearly the rest of the employees would cheer the theft, and that before my first stint with Dennis was done, he would be betrayed by most of the “loyalists” who were left over, and that only two people from the Seattle days walked the talk and bowed out with honor, I would have looked at you with a stunned expression. If you had told me that I would witness dozens of attempts to steal our companies from us, I would have wondered what planet you lived on. If you had further told me that my life would be wrecked in my home town, and that the greatest and most hurtful attacks would come from my friends and family (the worst of which I have not revealed publicly, and I have no contact with my immediate family because of them, and somewhat “funnily,” what my mother did did not even hurt, when I finally heard about it, as I was so far past that) I would have thought that you were insane. But all of that happened and more, and the pivotal moment of my life was when the prosecution made faces at me while I was on the witness stand. There was no way that you could have made me believe what the next three years of my life had in store, when that voice told me to move to Seattle, and the GCs were a very minor part of it, although they were likely behind what happened to us in Ventura. The system is evil, from top to bottom, and the GCs are merely the most accomplished predators in a political-economic jungle filled with them. But this series of posts will focus on their role and my growing awareness of them. IMO, they are only a symptom, not a cause, of our malaise as a species. The enemy is us, as is the savior. Best, Wade
  20. Thanks Krishna: Well, I can only get to the abstract of Wrangham’s paper, but will watch the talk. I get it, on proactive and reactive violence: one is calculated and based on gain, while the other is reactive and based on survival. On bonobos, my understanding is that there is maybe two million years of evolution in the absence of competition from gorillas, which allowed for a radically different social organization, and I see population and resource pressure as the same thing, in that both arise from the available energy. That has had a long time to bake into bonobo biology, and scientists have noticed the differences immediately in infant bonobos and chimps raised by humans. It very likely relates to those neurological issues that Wrangham brings up. You remove scarcity and fear from human societies, and they are going to go bonobo. Maybe that can be my slogan of the Fifth Epoch: Go Bonobo. I can almost see the T-shirt. On the back, it can say: End Chimpism! But seriously, when there is virtually nothing to gain by violence, it is going to vanish, like it did in bonobo societies. So, the proactive violence disappears (wars, crime, etc.), and that interpersonal reactive violence will also vanish, as it is driven by scarcity and fear. Good stuff, and you might think that the means to eliminate intra- and inter-society violence would be about the most important conversation of the day, on everybody’s tongue, but, as you know, I am a voice in the wilderness today. That is one of the more mind-boggling parts of my journey. Best, Wade
  21. Hi: There is no teacher like experience, and all of the theorizing in the world means nothing compared to the knowledge gained from experience. The first ten seconds of the first Silva case that I ever saw falsified all materialist conceptions of consciousness that any scientist could ever devise. I know. I have witnessed many, many other validations since then. Many of them I performed myself. The materialistic models of reality are all false. When you know, you can never drink that Kool-Aid again, and that has ruined the careers of many scientists, as they woke up from the false religion of our Epoch. Once a theory has been falsified, it should go into the dustbin. Falsifying the materialist models of consciousness, however, opens up new universes of the possible. I became quite the spirituality pupil after my mystical awakening, but as with every human endeavor, personal integrity is the scarcest commodity, and the mystical ranks are full of charlatans, and by that, I don’t mean people who fake their abilities, although that certainly happens, but those who used their abilities to take advantage of others. The person who taught that class in which had my mystical awakening was a charlatan. He was very talented, but still a charlatan. In a world of scarcity and fear, all fields of endeavor suffer from this issue. Similarly, I have written the book on organized suppression, which is primarily based on my experiences. I know. Of course, “skeptics” appear on the scene many years later, defending the establishment the entire way, with breathtaking dishonesty, as they make the case that there is no such thing as organized suppression, that it is an unsubstantiated “conspiracy theory,” and the like. Experiences aren’t theories. I have found the “skeptics” to be quite irrational, when they weren’t lying, which is quite a phenomenon, as they claim to speak for the calm, rational, scientific method. As Uncle Ed said, chutzpah is the operative mode among our society’s dominants, and the “skeptics” have it in spades. Several more people are going to have to die before I can be much more forthcoming about my adventures, but I am going to reveal something publicly that I have not done before. When my close friend was “invited” to his underground exotic technology demonstration, he was kidnapped. Would a so-called “White Hat” do that? That is why I call them “Gray Hats,” and my sense is that they are renegade members of the Global Controllers (GCs) who don’t want to live on Mars in case their games make Earth uninhabitable. All the same, the people who gave that demonstration must have risked their lives to do it, which is why the security was so extreme. I don’t know where or when that demonstration was given, although it was a generation ago and likely given in the USA, and probably at one of the legendary underground bases. I truly don’t want to know any more, as that information can be dangerous to myself and others, and it is not really valuable to have. Knowing that free energy and antigravity technologies exist (and much more) is plenty for me. After my friend was deposited back at the sidewalk where he was abducted, his head was spinning, to put it mildly, and he had no idea who those people were. If you want to have a demonstration like that, go do what Brian, Greer, and Dennis did, risking their lives for many years, and if you survive that milieu for long enough, you might get a show. Greer got a modest show, once, and Brian was not surprised in the slightest by my friend’s show, which I told him about as he was telling me about how he nearly died, in an event that shortened his life. So, when “skeptics” appear on the scene, to attempt to invalidate it all with their lies and irrationality, the thing that amazed me was how easily they duped people, like Ken Hodgell, Bill the BPA Hit Man, and others also did. You have to have very sharp tools of discernment to navigate these milieus, or you quickly disappear down the nearest rabbit hole, to never be seen again. To this day, I am bombarded with New Age/conspiracist disinformation by people in my circle, and most of it is not much different from the supermarket tabloids. Digesting that stuff without keen powers of discrimination is a good way to get deluded. You have to have your feet very firmly on the ground to even begin to go there on the subject of the GCs, and for those who have been awakened, to a degree, they can learn vicariously through my experiences and those of my relatively few fellow travelers. Dennis’s surreal journey took him from the fields of America, growing and picking America’s food, to eventually having the “problem” that he presented being discussed in the highest councils on Earth. More than once, he was the focus of the GCs’ machinations, and when Godzilla comes to dinner, you are the dinner. That Dennis kept rebuilding, kept surviving the murder attempts and other outrages, is by itself mind-boggling, but that he did it while pursuing the biggest event in the human journey is something that Hollywood could not begin to credibly depict. But about all that the talking heads in the free energy field can do is lie about him (and influence the gullible and unintelligent), which only further reinforces my journey’s primary lesson. So, when I see dismissals that the GCs can even exist, I have to shake my head at the naïveté and denial of it all, and that denial is the most entrenched among the “smart,” amazingly, as they protect their laboriously constructed houses of cards. They can’t afford to have their cherished beliefs falsified, as their intellectual edifices will crumble. I avoid such people. They will only begin to awaken when free energy is delivered into their lives (or the ETs land on the White House lawn ( ), or the ascended masters openly walk among us), and I leave them to their slumbers. Trying to awaken them with talk is dangerous to both them and me. But for those who have been awakened, I will tell what I know, what I am pretty sure about, and what is more speculative, which I try to not do very much, on the subject of the GCs. Best, Wade
  22. Thanks Krishna: Not surprising. I may have to dig into that a little more. There is evidence of extinctions in isolated places a million years ago. I think that human hunters could have easily hunted those grazers to extinction, especially where they could not easily move to another area. The ability to flee is one key to survive intrusive elements like that. The human line likely transitioned from hunted to hunter more than a million years ago. I still like Wrangham’s ground-sleeping hypothesis for Homo erectus, which puts the control of fire at around two million years. The second stone tool culture (or third, depending on if the first qualifies) is when craftsmanship began, I would think that the cognitive ability to hunt, as well as a running ability probably previously unachieved, made Homo erectus into a formidable hunter. It would not have been Homo erectus that may have driven those savanna animals to extinction, but a descendant. Those 400,000 year-old spears are some of the best evidence of the human hunting prowess back around the time of that African extinction. Good stuff, and thanks for finding it. Best, Wade
  23. Hi: I have a little more time to write today. The Akkadian Empire was the world’s first, but it didn’t last long. Empires, especially the early ones, are essentially polities that violently conquered their neighbors. The conquest usually meant that the conquered became tributaries of the imperial capital, and provided various forms of taxation, from food to manufactures to people. Often enough, the conquerors “settled” the conquered, and a book such as the Old Testament is filled with genocidal slaughters. While it does not look like the Exodus or invasion of the Promised Land really happened, the genocidal slaughters of the Old Testament appeared to reflect the “business as usual” activities of those times. Local elites became elites by exploiting the masses, and often enough, they became sort of sub-elites, still milking the masses, after their polity was conquered, but they got moved a notch or so down the food chain, exploiting on behalf of the empire, and history is full of people betraying “their own” for profit. I doubt that those new sub-elites had much to do with the formation of the kinds of organizations that eventually manifested in the Global Controllers (GCs), but it would have been more an enterprise of peers, such as the elites of the Hanseatic League, for instance, and Europe was a place of musical crowns for many centuries. The very definition of politics is people coming together to serve their mutual self-interest, and that also defines how dark pathers come together. For materialists, the terms “psychopath” or “sociopath” might better describe the people who formed those alliances that preceded today’s GCs. Whatever you want to call it, concentrations of wealth and power have long attracted the ruthless, and there was a kind of “positive feedback” that sustained the evil of those organizations. The power-behind-the-throne game is very old, and the sense I have is that those subtle means of manipulation eventually became a science. Works such as The Prince became textbooks of governance. As Europe began conquering the world, riding history’s greatest energy technology to that time, the early leaders, the rapacious Spanish, bent on plunder and concubines, were soon supplanted by mercantilistic powers, and when deforested England turned to coal in the midst of that imperial jousting, the Fourth Epoch was born, although it was not evident for more than a century. While the rise of England was epochal in impact, as it became humanity’s first global empire, far more important was its political descendant, the USA, which robbed an entire continent from its inhabitants, and Hitler decided that the Anglo-American “settling” of North America was the way to go. About 150 years into the Industrial Revolution, a new level was reached when oil began to be mined, as well as the introduction of electricity. The war to maintain the growing American Empire, in the face of “rebels” who wanted out, was a watershed event, which stimulated business empires in way that never existed before, and the rise of the robber barons happened. The greatest of them all was John D. Rockefeller, a ruthless genius who quickly took over the nascent oil industry. He was the Bill Gates of his day, and his malign influence is felt to this day, from medicine to economics to energy. There is a rich literature on the cross-Atlantic machinations of elites during those times, such as J.P. Morgan’s career. The corrupting influence of the robber barons was far more open back in those halcyonic days, when politicians were openly owned, and it is no accident those men were also responsible for the rise of public relations. I can’t prove it (nobody can), but my sense is that the GCs grew out of that milieu. European royalty, the Catholic Church, and other powerful players got into the mix, and the Mormon financial empire is just the latest king of the hill. The robber barons pulled the rug on Tesla when he threatened to upend the entire applecart with free energy, and keeping free energy at bay has been one of their specialties for more than a century. The corporation proved a wonderful vehicle for pursuing unchallenged power, and the so-called breaking up the trusts was of limited impact, and the power and control mechanisms largely went private and underground. When World War II ended, which was a battle between empires, the birth of the national security state, midwifed by people such as Allen Dulles, whose wife and mistress dubbed him “the shark,” is at the epicenter of the most credible GC theorizing that I have seen. That tale will take a little telling. Best, Wade
  24. Hi: When Europe began conquering the world, elites could, for the first time, begin thinking in global terms. There is a great deal of literature out there on the “mystical” connections with the elite, beginning with early elites’ being deified, and in the modern period, groups such as the Illuminati provide rumored connections with elite power games. History is replete with ancient mystery schools, the Knights Templar, and many other powerful organizations that operated like cults, often in secrecy. Conspiracist literature is filled with the Bilderbergers, Council on Foreign Relations, what really goes on at the Federal Reserve, and so on. The problem with conspiracies is that they are conspiracies, and as such, are not public bureaucracies with an archival record open for study by researchers and scholars, their members are not open about their membership, and so on. As Dennis told me, if you asked a mobster in the 1970s about organized crime, the reply would have been along the lines of, “You mean that there is some clandestine organization of criminals, acting together in concert? I never heard of such a thing, and it sounds crazy to me. That is a Hollywood fiction.” Mobsters are kindergarteners compared to organizations among high-level elites, which I have seen called “very organized crime.” But most conspiracist literature that I have seen does way too much dot-connecting, crafting grand yarns from thin evidence, which is not how scientists and scholars generally operate, and conspiracist thinking is a big bone of contention in the political left, as most leftists deny that such conspiracies can exist, while other leftists say that the left has a “conspiracy phobia.” I know that JFK was not taken out by Lone Nut Oswald, and that has long been one of the most popular parts of my writings, but, for me, the lesson of the JFK hit is not who did it or why, but how the murder of the head of state can happen in front of hundreds of witnesses, and it all gets covered up. That speaks volumes to the legitimacy of our system. American presidents are disposable puppets and they know it. They are quite a ways down the global food chain of power and control, and completely out of the loop on the most important issues that we face today. I probably had no opinion on the issue before I met Dennis, but then I began to get educated during my wild ride. A voice in my head changed my career path and led me to Dennis. Even I have a hard time believing that it happened, but it did, and the hand of my “friends” is evident in my life today, and it is a mixed blessing, let me tell you, to be “guided” like that. I joined Dennis when his company was in the midst of being bludgeoned out of existence by the power structure in Washington State, as the local electric industry protected its turf from the threat of energy conservation. Dennis’s days in Seattle stand today as the greatest effort ever made to bring alternative energy technology to the American marketplace. Putting the world’s best heating system on people’s homes for free is still the most brilliant business strategy that I ever saw or heard of, but it did not take into account the organized suppression, which Dennis was rather slow to pick up on. Like other energy pioneers, Dennis thought that the energy interests would throw him a tickertape parade, but the opposite happened, and a corporate hit man, among many other assets, was sicced on Dennis. When I met Dennis, he had a bodyguard, as he had received so many death threats. But I was kind of slow in picking up on the conspiratorial behavior, even after my boss orchestrated the theft of Dennis’s dying company, in concert with Mormon grifters. When another Mormon con man led the mutiny in Ventura, easily duping people into slitting their own throats, I began understanding the Mormon connection, and when Greer said that the Mormon financial empire was the most prominent member of the Global Controllers (GCs), I wondered how long ago Dennis came onto their radar for neutralization. Seattle? I don’t know. But I had been hit by the lightning bolt in Seattle, Dennis could not get rid of me, and I soon became his partner. Even as I write these words, so much of my journey seems preposterous, even to me. Not only were Mormons involved, and exactly what level of involvement the GCs had back then may always be an open question for me, the Rockefeller Empire was also involved. Greer’s tutelage under Laurence Rockefeller is one of many odd “coincidences” of my journey, but I think that that relationship was “innocent,” in that Greer is who he presents himself as. He has played an insanely dangerous game with “insiders” and paid a heavy price, but I think that his was an honest journey of discovery. As I will get to later, I have plenty of independent corroboration of what his Disclosure Project witnesses have testified to, and it was when I began seeing that corroboration that my estimation of Greer’s credibility was established. I take very seriously what he reports from his bizarre journey, even if I strongly doubt that his approach has a prayer. The first time that the Rockefeller Empire comes into Dennis’s story is when their bank, Chase Manhattan Bank, was involved in wiping out Dennis’s manufacturer, just when the open attacks from the electric industry began, and Dennis had to build his own factory. When Dennis was made the “offer that he could not refuse” three years later, it was delivered by the CIA, in Chicago, but the CIA man said that he represented “European interests.” I will always wonder what the Rockefellers’ involvement may have been in that episode and its aftermath, which ruined my life. Many years later, when Dennis put aside his free energy aspirations for a time and pursued high-MPG technology in cars (which I was all-too-familiar with), David Rockefeller called Dennis at home, before his national ad ran, to ask Dennis about the ad. Even though the sitting president’s energy advisor was one of Dennis’s fans, and tried to stage an eve of the election demonstration of Dennis’s technology, soon after Rockefeller’s call, Dennis was finally taken out one last time, and has been banned from energy industry involvement in the USA ever again. Dennis should be dead dozens of times over, and his journey is vastly more preposterous than mine has been. I have never met or heard of another like Dennis. To return to the issue at hand, what does any of that have to do with the GCs? Plenty. Coming posts will further explore the issue, and when the world’s elites began to form international organizations. Best, Wade
  25. Hi: When studying chimps and how disputes were resolved by the dominants, Frans de Waal wondered if human elites might serve some kind of executive function, delegated by society so that it could work more smoothly. The argument has some merit, but dominants are rarely “elected,” especially males, and human elites generally usurped their positions. The first urban elites of Sumer served no civic function, but were just the most successful skimmers. The elites of pristine states always rose to power violently. Nothing has changed much since then. A Rockefeller heir once had lunch with members of Dennis’s organization, and the heir said that he did not know of even one rich family in the USA, at the dynastic wealth level, who amassed their fortune honestly. The professional priesthoods always entered into a Faustian deal with elites and conferred divine status on them. We even see echoes of this today, as the Queen of England also rules the Church of England. While I will acknowledge some “mystical” aspects of the situation, it is always overblown, in my opinion, and I always take with a grain of salt those New Age/conspiracist claims that the Great Pyramid of Giza had some deep mystical significance, was built with advanced technology, and the like. There are all sorts of mystical claims for what turned out to be very mundane events. The Anasazi and Mayans did not “ascend,” but created unsustainable situations through environmental overtaxation, and a drought did them in. When the Mayan writings were finally translated, they told a very familiar story of elites, wars, and the like. When the Yucatan Mayan civilization finally crashed, it crashed hard, became a shadow of its former self, and the Mayan ruins were rediscovered nearly a millennium later. Those ancient peoples built monumental architecture, which aggrandized the civilization’s elites, and since stone was the only lasting material to work with, those civilizations were good at working in stone. No need to invoke ETs, Atlantis, etc. Since civilizations were local affairs in the beginning, the fortunes of the elites rose and fell with the civilizations. All elites in all Third Epoch societies played the same game, of skimming the thin energy surplus of the “grain cores” and living the good life on the backs of the peasants and slaves, with a small professional class serving them. Sumer’s history was full of warfare, as neighboring city-states fought over land and labor, the first empire soon appeared, and the first written laws were unbelievably barbaric to modern sensibilities, and they largely dealt with slave treatment. Civilizations and empires never lasted long, as they declined and fragmented. Rising and falling polities is characteristic of all Third Epoch regions where civilizations appeared, and the pristine ones influenced all of the subsequent ones. Also, the person sitting on the throne was not always the true power. Bucky Fuller wrote that politicians have always been “stooges” of the economic interests. It is certainly true today, and I wonder how far back that reality reached, and it might go all the way back to the beginning. Elite organization varied on the economic conditions that each civilization operated within, but they all were very similar in their basics. All elites have always played the same basic games. Throughout the Third Epoch, elites had a limited reach, confined to their civilizations. I get the sense that elites could not begin to “think big” until Europeans began to conquer the world, when they learned how to turn the global ocean into a low-energy transportation lane. Best, Wade
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