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Wade Frazier

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Everything posted by Wade Frazier

  1. Hi: Level 10 is where I spent my early activist years. The day that I met Dennis, he announced the first of his many Level 10 plans. He is still at it. In our recent conversation, he said that he wanted to do something before he died to put the USA “back on its feet” and make his dealers whole. He never gave up on his Level 10 dreams. He has been banned from the energy industry in the USA, so he is playing the Level 10 game in medicine, reflecting his medic days. Good luck with that. I have presented many Level 10 anecdotes, especially here and here, so no need to belabor it. My Seattle days with Dennis were when my education began, and seeing the employees cheer the theft of Dennis’s company, and watching that courtroom charade, were among the indelible memories of that year. When I chased Dennis to Boston and improbably became his partner, my learning curve dramatically steepened. When Mr. Mentor cut his secret deal with Dennis to move the company to Ventura, my fate was sealed. I got to see the rocket take off, and I got to see us swatted down. My life was shattered in those days, and I was radicalized. I can’t overemphasize the lessons of experience, and few have ever played on the stage that we did. I was with Dennis during the darkest days of his journey and sacrificed my life to rescue him, and I can still barely imagine what he has lived through. But to this day, I hear no end of the bright ideas that free energy newcomers present to me, which are all naïve variations of strategies that we and our fellow travelers have tried many times. Dennis does nothing halfway, but throws his life into it. You really have to see it to believe it. Hearing those naïve Level 10 bright ideas only reinforces to me that such approaches don’t have a prayer. It is long past time for something different, to approach the issue from a far higher plane of awareness and integrity, which is how I eventually came to my choir approach. When the dust settled in Ventura in 1990, I had long since learned my life’s primary lesson and had strong doubts about the businessman’s path to free energy. When my second stint with Dennis was finished, I was forever cured of thinking that the businessman’s path had a prayer. But spear-carrying is in my DNA, and I carried Brian’s in the next decade. In the aftermath of that disaster, I was forever cured of any Level 10 notions, and Americans have not been my target audience since 2004. They are history’s most brainwashed people, and think they are free. I was always studious, from the time I could walk, and I began hitting the books to help prepare any expert witnesses that my legal fund might line up, but it wasn’t until I moved to Ohio in 1990 that I began my deep dive that never really finished. After I finished the 2002 version of my site, I was introduced to Uncle Bucky’s work and began another phase of my scholarly and scientific journey. It began with Richard Heinberg and the Peak Oilers, and my studies after 2007 were mostly scientific and were made with writing what became my big essay in mind. My update of that essay is more than a year overdue, due to the demands of my life, including resuming my career, for what might be its last stint. I understand the allure of Level 10, but the general public does not have the collective integrity to support such an effort. They only see their immediate self-interest. When I saw Dennis try his Level 10 efforts, he was always appealing to the population management ideologies to gain traction, but allegiance to those ideologies is how people have been brainwashed. Those ideologies are part of the problem, not the solution. They all short-circuit sentience, as they create in-groups at the expense of out-groups. We are all one. Best, Wade
  2. Thanks Krishna: Yes, when times get hard, our line of primates gets harsh. We are seeing it with the disintegration of the American middle class, and all declining and collapsing societies had that dynamic of the social fabric disintegrating, as it became every man for himself. The environment that the bonobo adapted to had a lot to do with its social organization, especially when gorillas left the area and the food supply doubled. Large, stable foraging parties resulted. One dynamic that I read about was that there is no lone foraging among bonobos, because of that enhanced food supply and large groups. So, the chimp strategy of finding and killing lone foraging males in neighboring societies no longer worked. That wet and stable environment that you refer to is only that way during interglacial periods such as now. For most the past two million years of bonobo evolution, it was not that way, and they likely survived by living in the river valleys that feed the Congo. It was likely not much different from their chimp relatives at the time, except that there were no gorillas in the region to compete for food. There is speculation that bonobos are the closest things existing to australopiths, and the human line may have had bonobo-like social organization at times. It is speculated that Ardi’s species is on that line that may have at least partly given up the chimps’ murderous ways. I’ll agree that nurture can become nature, hinted at by those Dutch children from the Dutch famine in Late World War II. This is one reason why I am so “on it” about the Fifth Epoch. The human condition will change radically, as will the human potential, and even human nature will likely be affected. I’ll bet that the humans in those two Roads worlds (1, 2) had (or will have ) significant genetic differences. Best, Wade
  3. Hi: Level 7 is where slightly worldlier free energy inventors and activists reside, at least for a while. They at least credit the idea that there is organized suppression. In some ways, it is better than the defeatist Level 8, but it is arguably the most dangerous level of awareness. Thinking that they can sneak past the organized suppression is a potentially deadly delusion. Mark quickly went from naïve Level 6 to deadly naïve Level 7, to be rudely disabused of his adolescent Level 7 notion, to make it to Level 10, where most free energy activists with my respect reside. Mark is a genius, and it took only one incident to cure him of his Level 7 delusion. He later learned the magnitude of his folly. Nobody on Earth has a better free energy radar than Godzilla does. From people who should know, I have heard that he even has satellite technology that can tell when somebody taps the zero-point field. When I have mentioned that, I have been offered a way to shield the device from detection, in a demonstration that the “helpful” person completely missed the point of my statement. Free energy inventors and activists become potentially suicidal when they start thinking that they can sneak past Godzilla. I have stated that the Levels are not mutually exclusive, and during my Level 10 days with Dennis, he often played secrecy games, and I hated it at the time. I have been in meetings in public venues where we wrote out our discussion instead of talk it, to defeat the eavesdroppers, and we likely were under that kind of surveillance. I eventually realized that any effort that had to start playing secrecy games was doomed. The very nature of the secrecy game leads in the wrong direction. Secrecy is Godzilla’s game, and he can’t be beaten at it. I have assumed that I have been under constant surveillance since the 1980s, and I don’t lose any sleep over it. Anybody who thinks that he/she can be anonymous from Godzilla and interact with me is foolish. I will never have anonymous members of my effort, as anonymity defeats the very purpose of what I am doing, as it is based on fear. Anonymous cowards are not going to make free energy happen. When people begin playing the secrecy game, they invite in paranoia, “specialness,” and other problems that will help lead to the internal collapse of the effort before Godzilla even needs to get involved. It was refreshing to hear Steven Greer learn his lesson on that score. He advocates open-sourcing and complete transparency for any free energy technical effort. He stated that secrecy and deception were Godzilla’s tools, and that he can’t be beaten at his game. I heartily applaud that direction, even if Greer is still stuck in Level 10. There are worse places to be, but I strongly doubt that Level 10 will work. But Level 7 is the height of foolishness, for free energy newcomers who watched too many spy movies. Another adolescent level is Level 9, in which the free energy aspirants think that they can defeat Godzilla, usually violently. Level 9 is for the delusional Young Warriors, and it is the exclusive province of men. You can hear various activists threaten Godzilla with their ninja warriors and the like, but they don’t even know where to begin looking. When the Young Warriors arrive, hankering for a confrontation with Godzilla, the only thing that you can guarantee that is the only people threatened by such an approach are the Young Warriors themselves and those they say they are protecting. Godzilla chuckles when Young Warriors get all in a lather, to go fight the “bad guys,” like in cowboy movies. He is not threatened by such approaches. When people around us began making Level 9 boasts, they were the ones who attacked us, in the end, as they helped destroy the effort. The last major delusional level I call Level 11, which is where the megalomaniacs live, dreaming of becoming the Bill Gates of free energy and declaring themselves the Second Coming or Messiah. I had to wrestle with my own Level 11 delusions soon after becoming Dennis’s partner, before I was rudely disabused of my fantasies. I know the lure, but it is just one more way to lose one’s way. Billionaire “philanthropists” can also live there. Brian described his “anger and awe” when a free energy zillionaire made his strategy plain: wait like a vulture until the time is right to swoop in and take over the field. Billionaires swarmed Greer and Dennis, but they were all worthless opportunists who never parted with a dollar. To one degree or another, those levels are all rooted in scarcity and fear, not love, and not with an abundance mindset. Best, Wade
  4. Hi: The first level of “do something” I call Level 6. It is usually comprised of free energy inventors. They think that they can develop a free energy prototype and it will be welcomed and eagerly embraced by the world, especially the corporations and governments. They have no idea that such a thing as organized suppression even exists. I was never there, even when I was 16, as I imagined that powerful interests might not be too keen on such a thing. I’ll not deny that there may be some noble motivation with those inventors, but my experience eventually informed me that inventors invent to get rich and famous, not to help the world. As my initial orientation was inventor-centric, and Mr. Mentor is still the closest thing that I ever saw to an altruistic inventor, the delusion that it took the longest for me to shed was that inventors really care about humanity and the planet, and that getting their invention out there was more important than profiting from it. Mr. Inventor was the first person to begin to enlighten me on inventors, and by the time that I saw Yull Brown screw Dennis a decade later, I was forever cured of my delusion. I think that one reason for my delusion persisting that long is that I am likely an Artisan soul, and creativity is the positive pole of that role. The positive pole is accessed via love, so I thought that when people did their best creative work, that love was motivating them, especially free energy inventors. It is how it works for me, and I was guilty of psychological projection, as my fellow Boy Scouts often were. While I will allow at least some benevolent motivation amongst free energy inventors, I came to understand that while most could talk a good game, they were all in it primarily to serve their self-interest. Sparky Sweet was the quintessential Level 6, mailing out working prototypes of his free energy gizmo to the big energy institutions, thinking that he was going to get the tickertape parade. The opposite happened, and Sparky died a lonely and possibly violent death. When Dennis hit Seattle in late 1984, he also thought that he would get the tickertape parade for bringing the energy conservation that the full-page ads of the electric companies said that they wanted so much. The opposite happened. Naïveté is no crime, and all of my fellow travelers, and I, suffered from it as we began our adventures. Level 6s are generally blithely naïve about free energy and the real world. The vast majority of free energy inventors never come up with something worth suppressing (a recent estimate that I saw was more than 95%), so they will never leave Level 6 and generally leave the field at that level, with their dreams of riches and fame, and maybe helping the world along the way, dashed. If inventors with the goods and can survive the initial suppression (it is rarely violent at first, but their lives are often wrecked), then they can move out of Level 6. Dennis went straight from Level 6 to Level 10, and I went along for that ride with him. Many Level 6s ended up getting the Golden Handcuffs and they were never the wiser, as they were in it for the money, anyway. Only when they rejected the friendly buyout offer did Godzilla begin playing rough. We got our friendly buyout offer in Boston, soon after I became Dennis’s partner. Oh, if we had only known what we were in for. In summary, Level 6s did not fall for the “laws of physics” denial of free energy’s possibility, but they generally swallowed their nationalist and capitalist indoctrination hook, line, and sinker. God bless the Level 6s, but they have no idea what they are in for, and those with the goods are often lambs to the slaughter. Until this past generation, Level 6 was generally the entry-level awareness of free energy inventors and activists, but in these days of the Internet, that kind of naïveté is hard to maintain. They should have at least heard of organized suppression. For those who have, many graduate to the next Level, Level 7, which is one of the most dangerous levels of all to play at, which will be the subject of a coming post, as I wind my way through the levels. Best, Wade
  5. Hi: I wrote that this series of posts would be about anecdotes, and I’ll mention some more. When people deny the significance of free energy, they are normal. I recently talked with Dennis, for the first time in several years, and Dennis does not understand the epochal significance of free energy. If Dennis does not understand, how understandable is the masses’ lack of understanding? A big reason for my big essay is to get across free energy’s epochal significance. Scientific literacy is probably required to truly understand its significance. If people can understand its significance, they can keep their eyes on the ball and not go chasing off down the many rabbit holes out there. I’ll give another Level 1 reaction to free energy. One of my dear friends, who also was one of my investors with Dennis, was of Japanese ancestry and grew up in one of the internment camps in World War II. She knew what her government was capable of, but when I saw her in the summer of 1988, as my life was falling apart (and just before Dennis was arrested), when the conversation turned to what was happening in Ventura, she went on the offensive, saying that the police would not have come after us unless we had done something illegal. It was a cousin to that former girlfriend’s attacks, and just one of many similar reactions that I received in those days. As I have stated plenty, when it got back to me that my own mother was campaigning against me, it no longer even hurt anymore, but those early reactions were a shock. And in the instance of that friend, my mother, and that friend who eventually criminally attacked me, they all knew that I always did the right thing, Golden Boy from beginning-to-end. They had all seen me in action, and they all hero-worshipped me at times. When anybody begins to hero-worship me today, I put a stop to it if I can. I found that hero-worshipping me is about them, not me, and their later attacks are also about them, not me. Almost without exception, anybody who hero-worshipped me later attacked me, and often enough, after I had rescued them. When I discuss my journey with people new to it, the best of them often do their homework and perform some diligence. They will always come back impressed. There is vastly more documentation of my pedigree and journey than I have published, and it does not take much gumption to dig it up. That is how people who begin with understandable Level 2 skepticism can get over the hump. But, in order to get over that hump, they have to relinquish their belief in the “system,” such as our “justice” system, the media, retail politics, and the like. Not many can go there, and most of the time, when people encounter such “discordant” information, they have to resolve their cognitive dissonance by making me wrong, unworthy, a criminal, etc. I certainly don’t go out and seek to have such conversations, and in my old age, I carefully choose whom I have such conversations with, and ease into them, ready to back out and end the conversation if I see their defenses go up. I almost never get the kinds of reactions that I did back in the 1980s, as I go about it very carefully. Those experiences are also why I caution free energy newcomers from going out and proselytizing to their social circles. I am not talking to people about a slick YouTube presentation that I stumbled into or some clever book, but my experiences and those of my close circle. If I can’t really talk to my social circles about my experiences, and only under carefully selected circumstances, my pupils don’t have a prayer of doing so. The best that they can do is send people a link to my work and just watch what happens. Those that I seek will dive in and not come up for air for weeks, months, or years. They can gauge the reactions of their social circles in that way, and do it relatively risk-free. I do my best to inform people that if they resonate with my work, that probably nobody else in their social circles will. Those are just the numbers, and judging the situation is a trap. The people I seek just have to learn to accept it, and my best students almost invariably go right out and proselytize to their social circles, to return to me, chastened, telling tales of ostracism, and then are more willing to learn and heed my cautions. Proselytizing to their social circles is at about the kindergarten level of the free energy journey, and my goal is to get them at least through high school. It will not be easy. For Levels 3 and 5, I could give many more examples of it, but I will let Brian take the stage. I’ll give a last one of my own, of my interactions with Richard Stallman in 2006. He was a pretty standard Level 3, but he at least evinced some Level 4 open-mindedness, stating that if free energy devices were delivered to scientists, they could then study them, and then free energy could become scientifically respectable. If anybody gets the award for most ardent proselyting to their social circles, it is arguably Brian. In 1996, he took to the road, playing the global Paul Revere of Free Energy. Brian had credentials and access that I’ll never have, and he banged on every door that he could. He talked up free energy with his colleagues at the tops of Earth’s scientific, political, and “progressive” institutions. All that he got for his trouble was a hair-style change from the wind of the doors slammed in his face. In our epic note-trading session in 2001, after we were nearly run out of town for trying to interest California’s governor in free energy, in the midst of his career-ending raping by Enron and friends, Brian told me how his ride went for the past five years. He gave me a litany of reactions of denial and fear, from luminaries such as Lester Brown and Amory Lovins, who nearly soiled himself when Brian mentioned free energy. I have heard that Brian did it publicly, which can be seen in videos someplace on the Internet, but one of my favorite memories of Brian was his describing the reaction of the department chair of what is arguably Earth’s most prestigious physics department, who pedantically thrust his finger in the air as he dismissed free energy on the basis of “the laws of physics.” Brian ended that litany in my car with openly wondering if humanity was a sentient species. My heart hurt for him when I heard it, but I understood. As I have stated before, I never saw any Level 1s or 3s leave their levels. Both abdicated their sentience in favor of the paradigms that feed them. Level 3s are the most dug in of all, and will likely be among the last on Earth to embrace free energy, not the first. This Level 1/3 issue is also a close cousin to the Brooking’s Institute’s recommendation to NASA, on how religious zealots and scientists would likely be the two groups most resistant to the idea of intelligent ET life. Near his life’s end, Brian told me that the collective blindness and denial of mainstream science was worse today than it was a century ago, when the Wright brothers were ignored or ridiculed for five years after they first flew. I am going to leave those levels of unawareness, denial, and fear behind for now, to focus on those trying to “do something” about free energy, those levels 6, 7, 9, 10, and 11. Those levels, while generally noble of purpose on some level, still drag around the baggage of scarcity and fear, and are very unlikely to lead to productive activity. I am going to end this series of posts with a summary of which level(s) each failed approach to free energy hails from. It may help my target audience understand what is different about my approach, and why I think that it might have a chance. Best, Wade
  6. Hi: Levels 0 through 3 reflect unawareness and denial, which usually is accompanied by Level 5 fear. While the voiced fears are usually related to using free energy to have bigger wars or wreck the environment, those are pretty irrational, as scarcity is responsible for both (1, 2), when free energy means abundance. Their fears were really egocentric, not a selfless concern for humanity and the planet, and had to do with the fear of their world ending as they knew it. That fear is also driven by scarcity. They see their world ending and are afraid that they will lose out. Few are honest or conscious enough to openly admit that kind of motivation, and for those who are, they have a certain respect from me. But in world of abundance, nobody loses out, except for psychopaths and others who prey upon a frightened humanity. Psychopathic games (and elite games) would no longer work in a world of abundance, and they know it. That is why the global elite so avidly suppress free energy and related technologies. But they have innumerable allies – almost the entirety of humanity – as almost everybody prefers their particular brand of servitude, and fears freedom. It may be a life of quiet desperation, but it could get worse, which is the constant background fear. It took me many years to see past the masks that people wore on this issue. I have never seen a Level 1 move out of it, or a Level 3. If I think about it, very few Level 2s ever leave, either, and once a Level 5, always a Level 5. A Level 0 is about the only one of those early levels that has the potential to move into acknowledgement and awareness. Very few of them have the right stuff for that, but they at least have the chance to hear about free energy and not react in denial and fear. If a person gets past outright denial or fear, the most common reaction of awareness is Level 4. On one hand, they have moved past the fears that motivate those earlier levels. They realize that the world as they know it will likely end with free energy’s arrival, but they realize that it will be like giving them a billion dollars. Free energy will be like giving everybody on the planet a billion dollars. And those Level 4s will happily accept that billion dollars. How heroic. The standard Level 4 response is, “If you want to give me a free energy device, I will accept it. My house can be a showcase installation.” You can also find scientists in Level 4, and their attitude can be summed up with, “If you give me a working free energy device, I will happily study it.” Putting a commercial-level free energy device on somebody’s home, or delivering a free energy device to a scientist for study, is at the very end of a long, arduous process, not the beginning. Level 4s are whom I saw Steven Greer talk about, particularly the billionaire “philanthropists.” Greer invoked The Little Red Hen allegory to describe those people. While Level 4s are not as driven by fear and denial as those earlier levels, they are also useless for helping make free energy happen. Walk up to anybody on the street and ask if you could give them a billion dollars. How many would refuse? There is also Level 8. Level 8s do not deny free energy’s possibility or desirability. They also acknowledge the organized suppression, but believe that the obstacles are too many, and that it is not worth it to even try to surmount them. While it is a more mature and worldly view than those earlier levels of unawareness and denial, it also is not going to help make free energy happen. Their general attitude toward somebody like me is often respect, but their response is along the lines of “Good luck with that.” While they may consider the quest noble (although they can also see me as a fool, if a noble one), they think that it is doomed to failure, and they are not about to help rock the boat. Nearly everybody who received one of Greer’s Disclosure Project briefings was a Level 8, including the sitting American president. Beyond Level 5, specifically Levels 6, 7, 9, 10, and 11, are people who want to “do something” about making free energy happen, and even the most self-centered of them have a certain respect from me. Some have become Level 13s and 15s. However, people in those levels are highly unlikely to help make free energy happen, and in general, the people most likely to join the choir were either former Level 0s or former Level 10s. While I would generally love to have Level 13s and 15s be part of my effort, few are in position to. Some did not survive the experience, the rest are licking their wounds, wear Golden Handcuffs, and the like. Some are cheering me on from the shadows. I was in Levels 0 and 10 myself during my journey (and you could say that I was in Level 2 for a short time), as were all of my fellow travelers whom I respected. It will take several posts to work through those higher levels. Best, Wade
  7. Hi: I did not write up my layers of the free energy onion until more than 30 years after my energy journey began, 20 years after I began my free energy pursuit, and it took me many years to understand people’s motivations and perceptions for those levels. Ten years after I wrote it, I have still yet to see a perspective that does not fit into one of those categories, usually quite neatly. But understanding Level 3s came relatively late for me. I could not really put my finger on their motivation until I read some of Bucky’s work and encountered the Peak Oilers. I was beginning to understand them when I began seeing all of those reactions of denial as an addiction, in one way or another, to scarcity. Seeing Richard Heinberg’s feigned interest in free energy was a watershed moment for me. Reflexive or thoughtful but uninformed denial I was used to, but for somebody who openly expressed interest in free energy, and then refused a friendly offer to find out more about the exact situations that he wrote about, was initially a mindbender for me. His exclamation points were a clue, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt, until there was no more doubt left to give him, and he categorically dismissed free energy in his subsequent austerity sermons. What made Heinberg’s work even more bizarre was that he was a conspiracist, openly supporting the “inside-job” hypothesis of 9/11, but he could not seem to wrap his mind around organized suppression of the world’s most disruptive technologies. It was not until I developed my epochal framework and studied for my big essay that the Level 3 denial really came into focus for me. Materialism is the religion of the Fourth Epoch, replacing the agrarian religions, and what I was running into, for all of the seeming intelligence of Level 3s, was their faith, not reason. Their ideological convictions did not allow for something outside of the “laws of physics,” even though there are not any such “laws.” The very term “laws” betrays a religious conviction. When you witness antigravity technology in action, the so-called law of gravity becomes something else. I found that scientists were just as brainwashed as the masses, were often fed the lies on the first day of class, and they never learned any differently. It was a more sophisticated version of saluting a flag every day, and their brainwashing was arguably the most subtle of all. Within their frameworks, their work can be vital, but outside of the frameworks of their gilded cages and soft berths is where the gold is. That “laws of physics” canard I learned to spot early on, but the reason for their denial that organized suppression was even possible did not become clear to me until I began studying evolution and cosmology in earnest. Perhaps the most dogmatic aspect of materialism is the complete denial of the abilities and attributes of consciousness. In the materialistic framework, consciousness is nothing more than an ephemeral byproduct of chemical reactions in the brain. I knew that was false, ever since my mystical awakening, which was a typical attribute of my fellow travelers. Michael Parenti brilliantly discussed the Left’s “conspiracy phobia.” The Left has an ideological aversion to the very idea of conspiracies, and I eventually understood that the roots of that denial were found in the assumptions of the Fourth Epoch’s religion, in which everything is one big accident and we are no more than meaningless motes, floating through the universe as we have our day in the sun, to only become dust, in the termination of everything that makes us interesting. When I finally realized that I was dealing with religious faith, not reason, the ability to assess evidence, and the like, I stopped trying with those Level 3s. The ranks of mainstream science are filled with them, and Bucky thought that their naïveté and rejection of reality was carefully cultivated by the ruling class. But not all are so blind. Many so-called “skeptics” are really criminals who work on behalf of the ruling class, often directly on their payroll, keeping the herd dazed and confused, and they will attack any scientist who steps out of line, stops worshipping the Establishment, and stops kneeling at the altar of materialism. I eventually realized that the “radical” left was not really radical at all, but lived firmly within the confines of their Epoch. They were not even interested in challenging the walls that they lived within, thinking that “radical” politics was wrestling control away from the elite, when it just another variation of the victim game. Only people who think and act like creators are going to make a dent. I eventually came up with the concept of “epochal” to distinguish what I am doing from any other effort that I have seen. The Level 3s are the group most committed against the idea of free energy, and those august voices of environmentalists are the cliché, as abundance is their worst nightmare. They are the “experts” that the Level 2s turn to. Also, almost all Level 3s are also Level 5s. The Levels are not mutually exclusive. The standard Level 3 refrain goes something like this: “Free energy is impossible, as it is contradictory to the laws of physics, and the so-called evidence of organized suppression is nothing more than the delusional ravings of paranoid minds. Also, it is very fortunate the free energy is impossible, because all that humanity would do if it had access to it would be to strip-mine the entire planet and have even bigger wars, which would quickly turn Earth into a cinder.” Again, I am not sitting in judgment of their position, but I also know when to stop beating my head against a wall. They will not even begin to understand until the Fifth Epoch arrives, and I leave them to their slumbers. Nobody has ever been talked into the next Epoch, and it will be no different this time. Looking for needles… Best, Wade
  8. Hi: Before I get to Level 3, here is a little more on Level 2. What I want to make clear is that I am not judging any of the levels, but just describing them. To understand the levels is to understand why we don’t live in the Fifth Epoch today. When I chased Dennis out to Boston, I did not even know how his heat pump worked. I was sold on Dennis. With my scientific background, I learned pretty quickly. I had not yet become Dennis’s partner when I began hearing about entropy, Carnot, and why Dennis’s idea would not work. Early on, I played the Level 2 game and consulted an expert: Mr. Mentor. He was not so quick to call it impossible and soon proposed his own solution: marrying his heat engine to Dennis’s heat pump. Then came Fischer, and we heard from many scientists who did not consider the Second Law of Thermodynamics sacrosanct. I eventually heard from Eugene Mallove on that score, too, soon before he was murdered. Free energy Level 2s and “progressives” are very similar to what Uncle Ed would call the liberal left, or Cruise Missile Left (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). They act like they really care, as they cheer on the missiles of freedom. They are every bit as imperialistic as right-wingers, but have kinder rhetoric. Obama and the Clintons are perfect examples of icons of the Cruise Missile Left. Today, we might call them the Drone Left. The current imperial rubric is humanitarian intervention. It is all phony, but those so-called progressives generally believe it. In Orwell’s 1984, he described the most brainwashed class as the “middles,” or the politically active. The “highs” did not believe the propaganda (they concocted it, after all), and it did not matter what the “lows” believed, as long as they showed up for work each day without being too hung over. They get their “news” from the tabloids. More than any other class, those middles labored under the illusion of freedom. The brainwashing that they were subjected to was the most subtle and sophisticated of all. They got middle-class perks for their allegiance to the system, and dreams of becoming the elite one day. When those Level 2s asked the experts what they thought about free energy, it was as if they questioned the NPR and PBS stories on how our missiles were spreading freedom. They are quickly put back to sleep, as the experts assure them what is possible and what is not, and what is noble and what is not. There are “radicals” such as Uncles Noam, Ed, and me out there, but we are nuts, so far off the reservation that nobody should take us seriously. I rarely link to YouTube, but here is Uncle Noam telling a story about how a five-minute clip of him on NPR was killed by management when they got wind of it, on a segment called, of all things, All Things Considered. When Uncle Howard died, NPR actually ran a right-wing attack on him. That is how the so-called “liberal” media works. Another telling story is that Noam taught at MIT for generations, which is dominated by right-wing Pentagon types. At MIT, he was always heartily greeted in the faculty lounge. Noam’s fellow professors were all right-wingers who found his political ideas bizarre and non-threatening, but they loved him. But a few miles away at Harvard, at the seat of the liberal establishment, when Chomsky talked there and entered the faculty lounge, the reaction was as if Satan had entered the room. The mere fact of Chomsky’s existence exposes the fraudulence of the “liberal” perspective, so he is treated like the devil in liberal circles. I literally know people who work for the MIC, who eat their imperial cornflakes every day, pick out the Fox News raisins, think that they are informed and enlightened, and that we are bringing the missiles of freedom to humanity. I try to only talk about the weather and sports with them. Level 2s and the “liberal” left are very close cousins. The next post will be on those “experts” that the Level 2s consult about free energy’s possibility and desirability. Best, Wade
  9. Hi Krishna: Thanks for making me aware of that paper. I will mine it for my essay update. I have a tabular view of her swirl diagram, with more data points. It was new for me to see how oxygen made prokaryotes more robust, but with the energy boost that aerobic respiration gave them, it makes sense. The idea that fire and the spread of flowering plants might be related is a new one to me, too. I just ordered Singularities. Of course, free energy is entirely off the table, even to speculate about. Those mainstream scientific blinders again… Best, Wade
  10. Hi: While Level 1 is a reflexive action of denial, Level 2 is more thoughtful. They are often “progressives” who listen to NPR, watch PBS, and donate to worthy causes, including environmental organizations. Understandably, the issue of free energy is new to them, beyond their ability to assess, and they seek out the experts. They are usually going to know a scientist or two, they contact their friendly environmental organization, to see what they think, and the like. In ways, this is one of the more frustrating levels for free energy activists to deal with, because those people are potential allies, but they have given their responsibility to others. They rarely consciously do it. They actually think that they are free thinkers, care, and want to make a dent, and to a degree, that is true. I was on my way to being one of those in my LA days, before I met Dennis, subscribing to the Christian Science Monitor, thinking that I was getting alternative news. My learning experiences had yet to begin. So, those progressives seek out those expert opinions, and often earnestly. If they seek out scientists, they nearly invariably get back that free energy is “impossible,” because it violates the “laws of physics.” When they mention to their expert friends that it seems that free energy technology already exists but is subjected to organized suppression, the experts can look at their supplicants with a wry grin and reply that surely those “progressives” don’t believe in wacky conspiracy theories. If they talk to their friendly environmental organization, they not only get back the “laws of physics” and “conspiracy theory” denials, but the environmentalists will shriek that even if free energy technology was viable, it would be humanity’s worst nightmare, because our benighted species would only strip-mine Earth and have even bigger wars than before, and quickly turn Earth into a cinder. They seem oblivious to the idea that mining Earth would no longer make sense under a free energy regime, and war would not make sense either, as it is rooted in scarcity, and free energy would mean material abundance for all peoples, not just a fortunate few. The environmentalist “solution” is riding bikes and eliminating about 90% of humanity, to roll back our numbers to the carrying capacity of Earth when the fossil fuels run out. The idea of a Type 1 civilization is their worst nightmare. Those inquiring “progressives” are quickly chastened. They can even be ridiculed and ostracized if they continue to press the issue, and asked when they began wearing tin-foil hats. It is a very effective way to get them back in line with the herd. If they learn their lessons well, they won’t want to hear about free energy anymore and will consider free energy talk to be like calling 9-11 an inside job, doubting the Warren Commission’s august findings, or holding to the insane idea that there might be cancer cures that are not being promoted by mainstream medicine, and they will embrace certain death rather than question their conditioning. If I had not repeatedly witnessed it, I might not have believed it myself. Those “progressives” are really not that progressive at all, but like to think that they are. For those at more sophisticated levels of denial, their egos become more suave and subtle, their fears are cloaked in more “reasonable” clothes, and those people can become far more entrenched in their denial than those mindless Level 1s. The most entrenched of all are what I call Level 3s, and they deserve their own post, which is next. Best, Wade
  11. Hi: What I call Level 0 is no awareness of free energy. It is a rather flexible definition. It can include people who have never heard of it, but it can also include people who heard of it but it never “took,” being just part of the noise of their lives. Some have heard of free energy, to quickly forget it, and the next time they hear of it, it is a new subject. Others are so self-centered that even if they heard of it, they would not care. They are only going to be aware of what is directly in front of them in their daily lives, and nothing else matters. People fighting for survival can be like that, as will people who are simply self-centered to the exclusion of all else. With that expanded definition, most of humanity is at Level 0. If people know me very well, they can’t really be Level 0s, but I have heard plenty of Level 0 tales, and especially during my first stint with Dennis, I got to see how thousands of people reacted to the idea of free energy, as they were Level 0s before they encountered us. Putting on Greatest Energy Shows on Earth and other activities provided constant opportunities, for years, to see Level 0s go beyond that. I watched people become entranced by the idea of free energy, others dismissed it instantly, others got angry, frightened, greedy, and the like. As I look back, what an amazing opportunity to watch people react to the idea of the next Epoch. And they nearly invariably had never heard of the idea before. We were new to the idea, also, not even knowing who Nikola Tesla was, in our ignorance. You can’t really tell if somebody is a Level 0 without discussing free energy with them, so, the moment of telling them about it ends their Level 0 status, at least temporarily. However, Level 0 is the most common state of humanity, and people’s lives of quiet desperation, of being mired in scarcity, with no way out, is the standard perspective of Level 0s. When Dennis or I talked to people about free energy, we would see them move beyond Level 0, and that was where my education really began, on people’s awareness. When we were being wiped out in Seattle, even the people at the company had a hard time really understanding the organized suppression. But they had at least heard of the idea, as they lived through its reality. One of the first Level 1 reactions to the idea of free energy that I witnessed came from that girlfriend that I left behind in Seattle, as I called her from Boston one day. She asked me the standard question that I eventually became weary of hearing, which was that if free energy was possible, why wouldn’t it have already been developed by some company and be on the market? That is probably the most naïve reaction to the idea of free energy, but it is the most common. There are variations of the Level 1 reaction of naïve denial, but what I found that they all had in common was that our experiences flew in the face of their adoptive ideologies, which were basically the population management ideologies most used in the USA, of nationalism, capitalism, and organized religion. Surely, so the logic goes, the magic of capitalism will always see the best mousetrap get to market, or the American defenders of freedom would always see that the best, brightest, and noblest prevailed, or with God in charge, goodness always prevails, just like in Hollywood movies. When our experiences contradicted the ideals of those population management ideologies, people were faced with cognitive dissonance, and their almost immediate reaction was to dismiss the reality of our experiences in favor of their adoptive ideologies. The idea of free energy left their minds almost as fast as it entered it, going down Orwell’s Memory Hole, and if their defense mechanisms were effective enough, they could even revert all the way back to Level 0 and would not even remember that challenge to their ideologies. Quite often, such reactions entailed attacking us, because the system only attacked the “bad guys.” If Dennis was run out of his home state, it had to be for a good reason, such as his criminal behavior. I even had to eventually hear that from my investors, even in recent years, and as I have written plenty, when it eventually got back to me that my mother was mounting a “my son the criminal” scrapbook tour, using the libelous articles by her employer to bolster her case, it no longer even hurt anymore. The fact that Dennis put the world’s best heating system on people’s homes for free does not even register with them. Their minds cannot cross the line of even entertaining the notion that our experiences were genuine. Eventually, I saw Dennis criminally libeled by leading voices in the free energy milieu, but I had long since learned my journey’s primary lesson by then, so such antics were no great surprise. However, it was initially surprising to see people in the free energy field parrot the lies, as if they were Level 1s. That is just one of several reasons why I don’t want to have anything to do with the free energy field today, in its arrested development, and why Brian O said that if free energy was brought to the public, it wouldn’t be by people in the field today. Level 1s are characterized by a naïve allegiance to their adoptive ideologies, and they will engage in all manner of mind game to dismiss any evidence that flies in the face of their cherished beliefs. Level 0s and Level 1s collectively comprise at least 99% of today’s humanity. Best, Wade
  12. Hi: I just saw this this morning. That is not exactly an accurate summary. I have been plagiarized and impersonated on the Internet, and on my home page, I ask that if people reproduce my work, that they do not charge for it. I am not quite sure how I feel about that DVD of Dennis and me. Kind of funny, kind of not. I probably will just let it go. Best, Wade
  13. Hi: I am going to make some posts on anecdotes about the levels of free energy awareness. I have made them here and there, but never in a series of posts before. I am going to begin it on a positive note. Yesterday, I was asked if I had seen any progress on the free energy issue in my lifetime, as far as getting any closer to the finish line. That was an interesting question, and was fun to answer. On the elite, masses, and activist levels, there has been progress. On the elite end, my view is similar to Ed Mitchell’s, as far as the ET/technology connection. The cover-up of ETs and their exotic technologies was very effective back in those days after World War II, and Doug Caddy’s reporting of E. Howard Hunt’s statement that JFK was killed over the ET issue rings true. I would not be surprised if that was at least part of the killers’ rationale. Bill Clinton thought that he would be killed if he seriously raised the ET issue, and it might be the same with Trump, if he even knows much. However, while there was almost no dissent in Godzilla’s ranks back in the 1950s, the situation is very different today. Nearly a decade ago, Steven Greer said that about 70% of the Global Controllers favored bringing out at least some of those sequestered technologies, and free energy is the Big One. That show that my friend received in the 1990s was almost certainly given by members of that disenchanted faction. My sense is that the saner factions do not want to live in survival enclaves on Mars. On the masses front, probably most people in the West have at least heard of free energy in one way or another. Even a cartoon movie such as The Incredibles mentioned it. What was seen as crazy talk a generation or two ago is more acceptable today. The Internet has been vitally important for helping spread the idea of free energy. Dennis and I were voices in the wilderness back in 1987, and soon wiped out, but today, it is not as lonely. However, as Brian O noted, that is relative. On the activist front, there has also been progress. Free energy aspirants are no longer so eager to suicidally apply for patents, and those paths of failure are no longer so blithely trod. In the past generation I have watched Greer, for instance, go from “I demand absolute control” to advocating open-sourcing any free energy technology that might be developed. So, activists these days seem a little wiser than they used to be, and a little more informed about what has not worked and is unlikely to. The younger generation in particular is quite willing to cast aside those failed approaches and try something different, and those youngsters are my target audience, by and large. So, that is all good news. Is it enough? Is it a trajectory that will see us get there before we wipe ourselves out? It could be. As Uncle Bucky said (like H.G. Wells did), we are in a race between education and catastrophe. Best, Wade
  14. Hi: To finish up my media and political studies posts for now, my introduction was my radicalizing ride with Dennis. That set the stage for everything that followed. We ran into capitalism on steroids (or, you could say, it ran into us ), and I have continually seen people overplay the influence of retail politics and the military and underplay the capitalist interests. Capitalist interests run the show, not retail politicians or the military. Politicians are puppets, the media is the mouthpiece, writing the first draft of “history,” and the military is the muscle. Ever since JFK was taken out, American presidents have all been puppets, and even Uncle Noam has stated as much. He said that Lyndon Johnson was visited by Wall Street’s “wise men,” and less than a week later, he announced that he would not run for reelection. There has been a battle between Right and Left over “conspiracy theories,” which have been as American as apple pie since the Declaration of Independence, and such “conspiratorial” views go back to the Classic Greeks, as they formed their democracy. All sorts of “wacky” conspiracy theories have turned out to be true (1, 2), and those are just the tip of the iceberg. I know that the technologies that could usher in the Fifth Epoch have long existed on Earth, but are under hyper-elite control, and they actively suppress any efforts to independently develop them. People often dismiss all of that as a conspiracy theory, but when you live through it, it is no theory. In the end, my media and political studies were invaluable for understanding many proximal causes of our situation. The ultimate cause has always lied in the economic end, not the political end, of societal dynamics. The only two things that exist in the universe are energy and consciousness, and understanding those are the key to our future, if it is to be a positive one (which is by no means guaranteed). Retail politics is useless for righting the ship, as is all “alternative” politics that focuses on the elite and hacks at branches. Politics has always been about how to slice up humanity’s scarce economic pie, and open imperialism is once again raising its head. In a world of abundance, all of today’s political stripes become obsolete, as well as elites. It is all about what we do, not them. Going for the root is the only path that I am interested in, and is likely the only approach with a prayer, and that effort has to be grounded in love. It would not take many of us to right the ship, which is what my work is about. Best, Wade
  15. Hi: To briefly revisit yesterday’s post, a big point of my work is getting people to think like scientists, at least well enough to understand the process. The process is important. It is certainly not the be-all, end-all, just like psychic abilities are not the be-all, end-all. In that recent paper that takes on the cooking hypothesis, another paper is cited that takes on the expensive tissue hypothesis. The paper documents an investigation of the correlation between digestive tracts among mammals, and did not find the negative correlations that they argued would support the expensive tissue hypothesis to explain the human brain’s explosive growth. But would it? I doubt that such an exercise would be very meaningful in the first place. The issue at hand is how a chimp became a human, with its huge brain. I strongly doubt that the relationship of other mammals’ digestive systems and their brains is going to be very relevant to human-line encephalization, which is the most dramatic in the history of life on Earth. The question is what happened in the human line to grow such huge brains, and since no other animals in Earth’s history grew their brains as dramatically as humans did, studying other mammals for digestive system and brain size correlation is going to have limited relevance, in my opinion. That challenging paper attributed the energy gains used to fuel large brains as reductions of energy from locomotion, growth, and reproduction. It completely dismissed the dramatic reduction in the human digestive system, which happened at the same time that the human-line’s brain grew dramatically. That was quite a feat, to completely dismiss the connection. I don’t buy it. I am not saying that I am right, but that I am thinking critically about the battle of the scientific papers. It is the thinking process that is important, and even laypeople like me can think critically think about the issues and weigh the evidence, the approaches, and the like. Several aspects of Wrangham’s Cooking Hypothesis are not easy to explain away, and what I am seeing from those challengers is a kind of denial that fire played any role at all in the human evolutionary journey. Again, this is a controversy that I will follow with great interest, and it is nowhere near resolved. And, of course, this issue is entirely an energy game. Best, Wade
  16. Hi: Because Krishna brought up the early control of fire, I spent a lot of time yesterday reading on the issue. Wrangham recently weighed-in on how his hypothesis has been faring. One paper in particular took it on, and it ended with an admonishment for taking the hypothesis seriously in the first place (that kind of ax-grinding is common in science, unfortunately). Wrangham was part of an effort to look for the genetic evidence, and they concluded that Neanderthals and Denisovans were adapted to cooked food, so the human-line dependence on cooked food is at least a few hundred thousand years old. I doubt that they will be able to use genetic evidence for an earlier date, because they won’t be able to find the DNA (it would have to be for the Homo erectus/Homo heidelbergensis split, and DNA likely does not last that long). There is a related new hypothesis, called the pyrophilic primate hypothesis, which argues for human-line use of fire on the drying savannas of Africa, as much as three million years ago, as a result of the incipient ice age. This hypothesis is getting a bit of play these days. Wrangham has sparked a great deal of debate (2) and investigation, which is what good science should do. Chimps prefer cooked food, and the so-called paleo diet is argued to be based on a fantasy. Wrangham wrote that a recent paper put the honeyguide/fire hypothesis in doubt, as early humans might have used other means than smoke to subdue bees long ago. I think that the role of fire in the early human journey is here to stay. That is not new, as Darwin called the control of fire humanity’s greatest achievement, along with the mastery of language. But its evolutionary implications comprise a new area of study, largely thanks to Wrangham. All scientists expect their theories to eventually fall by the wayside, even Einstein did, but they hope that their work stimulates scientific investigation, and that the best parts of their theories survive in subsequent theories. I think that Wrangham is assured of that legacy. This entire area is a fascinating one, and my essay update will include the state of the debate and evidence. Best, Wade
  17. Hi: I would have to say that the 2002 version of my site was more historical and political than scientific. I would not even call it that consciously comprehensive. It was not until reading Uncle Bucky’s work in early 2003 that the comprehensive lightbulb finally went on. My work was certainly radical back in 2002, but it took another decade before it became Epochal. While my media and political studies were invaluable for my developing perspective, I suppose that the Left’s limitations began becoming clear from my first interaction with Uncle Noam. The Left was filled with Marxist types. Marx did his work before there was a science of energy. Neo-classical economics considers energy simply a commodity whose limits are only what the market dictates. The recent “radical” economic manifesto, Parecon, did not even mention energy. Once again, my media and political studies were leavened by my real-world activities. In 1996, Dennis finally persuaded me to work for him again. I nearly went to prison for my trouble. It was an educational time. After several years of studying organized skepticism, I interacted with a famous “skeptic” for several months (who then stalked me for the next decade), and that, along with other “skeptical” interaction, led me to regard organized skepticism as generally being a criminal enterprise. We met with Al Gore at the White House, Bill Clinton knew Dennis by name (and hated him), I spoke at Department of Energy hearings, and the man who ran the hearings tried to wise us up to the real game being played. That disillusioning stint did not last long, and when it was over in early 1997, I was forever cured of trying the businessman’s path to free energy. At the same time, Steven Greer was mounting secret Congressional hearings on the UFO issue, which Ed Mitchell co-chaired. Brian O was a prominent supporter, after nearly losing his life after snooping into the UFO issue. Several members of Greer’s team came down with strange forms of cancer right after the hearings, and he was the only survivor, but was never the same after that. In my circles, there was little doubt about what happened. Godzilla plays hardball when he needs to. Brian advised several presidential candidates during his politically active days, and near his life’s end, he told me that electoral politics was a dead-end. The political experiences of Dennis, Greer, and Brian were so far outside of the Left’s reality that it never even registered with them. I saw Michael Albert, the author of Parecon, dismiss the entire UFO issue with a “little green men” remark, so the entire free energy and ET/UFO issue was entirely off the table for the Left, and it remains so to this day. That is an example of ideology trumping reality. I still did not entirely give up on the radical left, wrote an open letter to them ten years ago, and correspond with Uncle Ed to this day. But I gradually came to realize how trapped the Left was in its worldview. I am not picking on them, as virtually all groups on Earth are conditioned by their particular brand of scarcity, but I had hoped that the Left could see further along the path. When I gave up on the Left, it was about the last group that I gave up on. 2007 was when I decided that if any group had a chance to make a dent, I was going to have to roll my own, and my efforts for the past decade have been specifically devoted to it. I still carried some of Brian’s spears when asked, although I also generally rejected Brian’s and Dennis’s efforts to reenlist me in their efforts, and I am so happy that I did. The last thing that I needed was the feds showing up to my house. When I read Bucky, the lightbulb immediately went on, regarding politics, which is only about reshuffling the deck of scarcity, and is really useless behavior in the big picture of the human journey on Earth. The Left, as well as Right, as well as the mainstream, are all firmly ensconced in their Epoch, which is normal. I know of no group on Earth not trapped in their adoptive scarcity-based frameworks. The group that can truly help make free energy happen does not yet exist, and I am doing what I can. If my effort does not form it, maybe another’s will. But it has to aim high, far beyond the confines of our Epoch. As wonderful as my political education and studies were, they only illuminated some important facets of the issue at hand. A comprehensive perspective puts politics in its place, so that it is understood in a larger framework. Today, I try to pay as little attention to retail politics as I can, knowing how meaningless it is in the big picture. The American president is a puppet and knows it, ever since JFK was set straight. George Bush the Second’s energy advisor was a fan of Dennis’s, but it did not matter after David Rockefeller got involved. The White House is not where the real power is. Best, Wade
  18. Hi: As I have written plenty, one aspect of our political-economic systems that gets both Left and Right in a lather is the subject of elites. I noticed it early in my media and political studies. Academic studies show how the elite run the show, even in the so-called democracies, and one recent study even used the rabbits-and-wolves model of elite-masses interaction. Few have suffered at the hands of the global elite more than I have, so I know what they are capable of. I’ll not deny the role that the elite play in our political-economic systems, but just as judging the wolf for hunting the rabbit is not productive, seeing elites as the root of our problems, rather than a symptom, is one of the greatest failings of both Left and Right. Elites are an artifact of the Third and Fourth Epochs, and will disappear in the Fifth, and they know it, which is why they have so avidly suppressed free energy and related technologies. In a Type 1 civilization, elites will no longer make economic sense, just like slavery only made economic sense in the Third Epoch. To use that economic model here to make my point, it is what the rabbits do, not the wolves, which will take us into the Fifth Epoch. That is what my work is all about. Elites are symptoms, not causes, or to use another scientific analogy, they are only proximate causes, not ultimate ones. But people have to learn to see like creators, not victims, to understand. There is a symbiosis happening, and violence and coercion directed toward elites is not the answer, and will make things worse, not better. That is where Marx blew it, among others. In ways, my views are not all that radical, as the post-scarcity economy is alive and well in scholarly speculation and fiction today. My message, however, is that the means to a post-scarcity economy are already here, but under the suppression and control of the global elite. The Left denies that those elite even exist, while the Right obsessively focuses on them, and neither is a healthy or enlightened reaction, and both are rooted in fear, not love. A loving approach is truly the only one with a chance, in my opinion. Best, Wade
  19. Hi: Here is a short one on my media and political studies before it is back to work. While Howard Zinn and David Stannard were my early influences on what Europe’s “discovery” and “settling” of the Western Hemisphere was really like, in 1997 Ward Churchill published what will likely go down as his greatest work, A Little Matter of Genocide, and an essay in it, “Nits Make Lice,” I consider to be his masterpiece. It was about the European extermination of North American Indians, from the first English “settlers” to when Churchill wrote that essay in 1996. With great works of scholarship such as that, I raided his footnotes in doing my own work, and Churchill’s work always held up great on that score. There were some problems with his work, such as he could be too fervent in defending the American Indian, such as his denial that the first American Indians exterminated the megafauna soon after they arrived, and he had other problems when he ventured into scientific areas, but as a historian and scholar, he has few peers in the area of what the American Indian suffered under the European/American onslaught. Stannard wrote the book’s preface, and began it with: “Ward Churchill is a man looking for trouble.” Stannard was prescient, and it was precisely Churchill’s masterpiece that was the focus of a witch-hunt that ended his academic career. They put some of Churchill’s footnotes under a microscope and tried to get him for the equivalent of Dennis’s failure to file a form. What triggered it was an essay that Churchill wrote that made the case that 9/11 was a classic instance of imperial blowback, and that the technocrats of empire who died in 9/11 were not wholly innocent, however great the crime that killed them. The rigged proceedings actually failed to find Churchill at scholarly fault, but then the prosecution changed tactics and decided that the university did not have to justify at all why they fired Churchill, as they could fire anybody on a whim. That is how the system really works, not the fantasy version that the media and Hollywood feeds the masses. Best, Wade
  20. Hi: There is much more to come on my political and media studies, but this post will be on how they relate to my free energy approach. My previous post would be hard medicine for almost any American who read it. An American perspective that can accept that reality, and not deny it, argue against it (usually quite irrationally), or go on personal attacks of messengers like me, are extremely rare. Most are oblivious, as Orwell noted. Americans may pretend innocence of our vast crimes, but it is largely a charade. I found that the very same people who were most trapped by their nationalist indoctrination also gave the most reflexive denial of free energy. They could not imagine that what Dennis and I lived through could happen in our great nation (American minorities, such as blacks, Native Americans, Mexican-Americans, and the like are not too shocked, as they have been on the receiving end of our system’s evil for a long time). A related delusion is the idea that if free energy was possible, that the magic of capitalism would have already delivered it to humanity. That is similar to my Easter Bunny perspective when I got out of school. A slightly less naïve reaction comes from “liberals,” the kind who listens to NPR, watches PBS, and donates to environmental groups each year. They are more thoughtful, and when the subject of free energy comes up, they might not immediately dismiss it but will reach out to the “experts,” such as those environmental groups, their scientist pals, and the like. Since environmental groups are well aware of free energy and consider it the enemy, you can imagine how that conversation goes. Their scientist friends will usually declare that free energy is “contrary to the laws of physics,” blithely oblivious that some of the greatest names in physics doubted that. The most vociferous deniers of free energy’s possibility and desirability are usually the “experts” themselves, who not only play the “laws of physics” card, but deny the very possibility of organized suppression as a “conspiracy theory,” and also argue that even if free energy was possible, it would be undesirable, as humanity would only strip-mine the planet or have wars with free energy, as they project their fears, and quite irrationally, I might add. Virtually all mining on Earth would cease with the arrival of free energy and related technologies. Wars are all born of scarcity, and free energy means abundance. To one degree or another, those deniers are trapped by their indoctrination and conditioning, and have a delusional worldview. Almost without exception, Americans in thrall to those delusions blow a gasket when faced with something like my previous post. But the more subtle and ultimately pernicious entrapment by their conditioning is those who get over the hump of denial of free energy’s possibility and desirability and try to “do something.” When a free energy inventor applies for a patent, he is already done, but does not know it yet. When he goes the proprietary technology route, he is nearly as foolish as those who apply for patents. For those a little worldlier, they understand that organized suppression is real, so they have abandoned the “better mousetrap” canard that is founded on the “magic of capitalism” delusion, but when they think that they can sneak past the organized suppression, they labor under one of the deadliest delusions of all. You will never see anything in Greer’s work like my previous post. Greer advocates that the masses rise up and “demand” ET disclosure and related technologies from the elite, and free energy and antigravity chief among them. I call that the beseeching approach, and it is just one more way to give away our power, and such approaches rest on the delusion that people in power really care for the common good and answer to it. They never have. As Uncle Noam says, stories of the elites’ judicious use of power is the stuff of folktales, not reality. They are all in power for themselves, not the welfare of the masses. What was educational about Greer’s approach, but not surprising, was that not only did he never receive a scoffing or “skeptical” reaction to any of his briefings (only the masses and “skeptics” do that), but none of the briefings’ recipients were ever willing to do anything about it. There are no heroes in those ranks. Doing the right thing is not in their DNA, not if there is any risk to themselves. I am not picking on them, as they are normal, but thinking that they are going to be anything other than what they are is delusional. All of those failed approaches to free energy, to one degree or another, are due to an inability to escape one’s delusions, which is related to the integrity issue. If people have a love of the truth, they will eventually find it, and will never settle for the comforting fictions of their in-group conditioning. The journey can be a long and painful one, but provides the ultimate reward: true sentience. It could also result in a healed humanity and planet. Best, Wade
  21. Hi: During those days of media and political studies, I studied a lot more than just Noam and Ed, as you can tell from the notes to that media section of my essay. The single best volume on the USA’s imperial behavior since World War II is William Blum’s Killing Hope. Blum’s wit was like Ed’s. Blum led off a chapter on the USA’s repeated interventions in Greece with: “’It’s the best damn government since Pericles,’ the American two-star general declared. (The news report did not mention whether he was chewing a big fat cigar.)” The general was reacting to a military coup that the USA instigated in Greece in 1967, which was followed by martial law, torture of dissidents, slaughter, and so on, to prevent a “communist takeover,” which was the standard lie that the USA supplied in those days to explain its interventions, and it installed “The best damn government since Pericles.” In those days, President Lyndon Johnson summoned the Greek ambassador to the White House, to tell him how it was going to be, regarding Greece’s ongoing battles with Turkey over Cyprus (I was in Greece during its war over Cyprus). When the ambassador replied that Johnson’s “solution” was going to violate the Greek parliament and constitution, Johnson made a memorable reply: “Then listen to me, Mr. Ambassador, f**k your Parliament and your Constitution. America is an elephant, Cyprus is a flea. If these two fleas continue itching the elephant, they may get whacked with the elephant’s trunk, whacked good…We pay a lot of good American dollars to the Greeks, Mr. Ambassador. If your Prime Minister gives me talk about Democracy, Parliament and Constitutions, his Parliament and his Constitution may not last very long.” That was how the USA treated its vassals, and the cradle of democracy in that instance, while it was in the midst of a genocidal slaughter in Southeast Asia. A generation later, the USA devastated the cradle of civilization. When the Bush administration vended its endless lies about its upcoming invasion of Iraq, after all of its weapons of mass destruction arguments were exposed as lies, their military propagandists came up with a clever name for the invasion operation: Operation Iraqi Liberation. Before they could officially append that name to the invasion, somebody noticed that the operation’s name formed the acronym OIL. Truth can be stranger than fiction. Everything that the West is doing in the Middle East is all about the oil, and it has been that way for more than a century. Westerners have to cultivate some deeply held delusions to think otherwise, but most Western pundits have accomplished it. Those are just a few of the endless examples of the USA’s imperial behavior, while it pretended that it was not an empire. After the USA invaded Iraq, even a White House official boasted that the USA was an empire, but the USA never comes out and officially admits it, just as it never officially admits that Israel has a nuclear arsenal. It is in keeping with the Big Lies that attend the USA’s brand of imperialism, with a brainwashed citizenry, just as Orwell and Huxley predicted. Orwell found his explanations of how the Western system operates censored by the corporate interests, not the government, as if the censors were trying to illustrate the truth of what Orwell wrote about. Uncle Noam was not being rhetorical when he wrote about how Western censorship works. As Noam wrote about, the brainwashing by Western systems, particularly the British and American ones, began after England’s civil wars, when violence was no longer a viable way to keep the rabble in line, so the ruling class began controlling what people thought, as a way to keep them obedient. That practice became a science in the early 20th century, with the rise of public relations, when the term “propaganda” had a positive technical meaning. When the USA overthrew the Guatemalan government, setting the stage for the genocide of its citizenry, Ed Bernays provided the propaganda to justify the overthrow. Among Bernays’s other accomplishments were addicting American women to tobacco and helping turn a deadly industrial waste into “medicine” that is compulsorily fed to most Americans today, which “coincidentally” damages American brains. Few Americans can read this post, for instance, without going into convulsions. When the sitting American president was murdered in broad daylight in front of hundreds of witnesses, a huge cover-up ensued, and all subsequent American presidents know that they are expendable, after that instructive lesson regarding JFK. They are nothing more than imperial puppets. The USA is a plutocracy that parades as a democracy, but it has been that way since the nation’s founding, when its richest citizen became its first president. While the brainwashing is a constant phenomenon, not everybody is so fooled, and most Americans know that it does not matter whom they vote for, as the plutocrats will always get their way. If I had not had my real world experiences with how the American system really works, how receptive would I have been to those radical perspectives? Perhaps not very. But I woke up the hard way, and those that I seek have to have already been awakened somehow. My writings will not awaken the sleeping. People do not have to awaken how I did, or Ralph, or Dennis, or in the business world, but all people in all societies are imbued with their in-group ideologies, and they all prevent true sentience from manifesting. To be asleep means to lose one’s sentience, and the vast majority of humanity slumbers today, with their minds imprisoned, and they sleep the fitful sleep of ignorance. It takes a lot of integrity to even admit the state of affairs, and it also takes a lot to learn to let it go and relinquish judgment of it. It is just what it is, as humanity has abdicated its sentience in favor of security. What I slowly came to understand was that the news is merely the first draft of history, and what I was taught as history was the same pack of lies that serves as the “news.” Mass-murdering thieves became national heroes and saints, literally, and the vast majority of Americans never learn any differently, nor do they want to. And once again, I had to learn to relinquish my judgment of the situation and just accept humanity’s benighted condition. It is just what it is. However, when industrialization made slavery economically unproductive, people gradually grew consciences, and today’s humanity looks at slavery with revulsion, when it was a hallowed institution for the entire Third Epoch. In the Fifth Epoch, hallowed Fourth Epoch institutions and features, such as corporations, nations, cities, armies, elites, and the like will all become meaningless and seen as barbaric, much in the same way that industrial peoples view slavery, but the masses will not begin to wake up until the Fifth Epoch arrives. It has been that way for all Epochs, and there is little reason to think that it will be different this time. Looking for needles… Best, Wade
  22. Hi: Those early days of media and political studies were complemented with the real world, as usual, and in early 1992, Dennis flew me to a conference where he was trying the Madison Avenue approach to free energy. One of the companies there plotted to steal Dennis’s company, which was typical, but that conference was significant in a way that has helped inform my current effort. Dennis’s plan was to runs ads for free energy on late-night cable channels, so late-night channel surfers would stumble into the ad and want to know more. From the flyer for our first Greatest Energy Show on Earth, Dennis always talked about “cutting the power lines,” which John Eichorn called an “umbilicus.” That ad had a scene with a woman cutting her power line, which made me laugh when I saw it. But Dennis was going after couch potatoes, and even back then, I wondered what he thought that he would accomplish that way. It was one more way that Dennis tried to crack the mass movement nut, trying to find a lowest common denominator. He was going far too low. I had already seen in Seattle, Boston, and Ventura what the mass movement approach had yielded, and Dennis had invented another iteration of it. It was one more data point in my evolving awareness, and when my second stint with Dennis ended in early 1997, I was forever done with the businessman’s approach to free energy. It took one more dose of activism with Brian to cure me of all mass movement approaches. But in those early days of my media and political studies, as I read Noam, Lies of our Times, Ralph, Ed, Howard, Covert Action, Z Magazine, etc., I was seeing advocacy of mass movement action, generally to overthrow elite rule, or at least throw a monkey wrench into it, such as the Vietnam War protests. Noam waxed on about “Cartesian common sense” and the virtues of the common man. Ed was again a refreshing exception to the usual Left views, as he did not absolve the masses of all responsibility and heap it onto the elite. In one of his books, he noted how the home crowd at football games would yell so that the opposing team could not hear their play calls. That is not exactly sporting behavior, but it is standard procedure for NFL games, especially in my natal city of Seattle. Ed at least acknowledged that the masses played their part in the disaster of our elite-dominated system. My spiritual training came in very handy in those days. The focus on elite machinations tends to make the rest of us look like victims, when I knew that wasn’t true. I eventually understood that the victim-orientation is what both the Left and Right have in common, with the Left’s structural analysis and the Right’s conspiracist approach. Both perspectives were anchored in fear, not love. Both Left and Right advocate violence (while the masses cheer it), which is always delusional. While the Right was often trapped in organized religion, nationalism (or “patriotism”), or capitalism, the Left was mired in materialism, scientism, and rationalism. It took me many years to finally understand what they all had in common: scarcity and fear. My statement of personal integrity being the world’s scarcest commodity is really another way of saying that fear governs humanity, not love. All of the failed approaches to free energy are all, in one way or another, based on scarcity and fear, not love, and all failed due to a lack of integrity. I could not really put them all under one roof until the lightbulb went on after reading some of Uncle Bucky’s work. That understanding can easily lead to judgment of humanity, but that is also a fear-based perspective. I had to learn to let that go and just accept humanity for where it is, as dismaying as that realization initially was. Our ultimate nature is divine, but manifesting that divinity in a world of scarcity and fear is extremely unusual. Almost nobody on Earth today has the right stuff to help mount a free energy effort with a prayer. It is just what it is. But, are there enough people on Earth with enough of the right stuff for an approach like mine to have a chance? I devoted all of my “spare” time since 1989 to that path (although I did not initially know it), I might have another 30 good years in me still, and we will see how it goes. If my effort does not bear fruit, maybe another’s will. What I am certain of, however, is that if enough people with the right stuff can form that strong nucleus, and develop a comprehensive perspective, free energy is a done deal. It will not matter what Godzilla and friends do. Best, Wade
  23. Hi: Another subject that I began studying near the beginning of my media and political studies was organized skepticism. I gradually became appalled. I could call them the politically active arm of mainstream science, but that is too gentle a term. I eventually realized that it was largely a criminal enterprise, after I interacted with a leading “skeptic” who made a career out of libeling Dennis. His initial 15 minutes of came in the house organ of organized skepticism. He stalked me for a decade on the Internet, heaving disinformation bombs at me and anybody who promoted my work. Not long before encountering Mr. Skeptic, I stumbled into the Velikovsky issue while pursuing Carl Sagan’s debunking career. I do not consider much of Velikovsky’s corpus of work to be valid, if any of it, but Sagan’s behavior was scandalous. It even served to keep the Velikovsky issue alive much longer than it should have. Virtually all theories eventually end up in the dustbin of history. That is how science ideally works. Velikovsky’s work deserved to go there long ago. That comprehensive perspective that I was developing crossed disciplinary boundaries, and I could see that they were all related, in one way or another. As I have written, Ed Herman was the witty end of his partnership with Chomsky, and while Noam’s books had covers of academic respectability, Ed wrote Beyond Hypocrisy in 1992, with its Doublespeak Dictionary, and had a political cartoonist illustrate the book, as well as its cover. Ed wrote that the American establishment, along with its Orwellian media, had gone so far beyond hypocrisy that a new term had to be used, and Ed chose chutzpah. In his Doublespeak Dictionary, Ed defined the Chutzpah Factor thusly: “Self-righteousness, arrogance, and a sense of superiority so great that gross double standards seem entirely reasonable and no self-interested action is beyond rationalization. This factor is positively correlated with size, power, and per capita income.” Ed also is not overly structural. In his Doublespeak Dictionary, he defined a “conspiracy theory” as “A critique or explanation that I find offensive.” Ed even defined a “magic bullet” this way: “One that wends its way through several bodies, smashing bones on the way, but ends up in pristine condition, conveniently located for police attribution to the gun of choice.” Ed gets big points for that, being about the only person from the Left that gave any credence to the conspiratorial aspect of JFK’s murder. He was interested in Gary’s tale. Best, Wade
  24. Hi Invictos: One big problem with economists is that they often pretend to be scientists. It takes only a little scientific literacy to know that humanity is having an impact on Earth’s atmosphere. From oxygenating Earth’s atmosphere to sequestering so much carbon dioxide that it brought on an ice age to wiping out all of Earth’s easy meat, which had profound ecosystems impacts, it is obvious that life can greatly alter the “parameters” of Earth’s surface, ocean, and atmosphere. My experience with economists is that they are usually worse than worthless on those subjects, like that article that you linked to. Julian Simon was another great example of a clueless economist, with his soul-sold stable of “scientists.” As far as that tale that you posted, there are lots of grand galactic and interdimensional yarns out there, and I even wrote one of my own, but they are just stories and not guides to action, as far as I am concerned. I am often approached by people selling me their particular yarn, and while some can be interesting, it is what we can do, here and now, which is important. Love is always the answer, and I don’t care what galactic Nazis might be out there. When they come into the open, then we might have something to talk about, or any evidence is provided beyond tall tales which might have some validity, but which might be outright disinformation or simply wild imaginings. As far as systems go, my work is about what runs any system, which is energy. Second Epoch systems had their own political-economic processes (and their so-called religious practices simply reflected them, as with all Epochs), as did the Third’s, as does the Fourth’s, and each Epoch’s systems were radically different, as they ran on an order of magnitude or greater energy difference from their neighbors’. I am not too interested in dissecting the current economic systems any more than I already have, and as Uncle Bucky said, today’s political-economic systems don’t really matter, as they are just different ways of slicing up the scarce economic pie. All of today’s systems will become obsolete in the light of true energy abundance, which has never been seen on Earth before. I give some ideas of what they may look like, but on this side of the hump, it is only speculation, no matter how informed we think we are. We’ll see what the view is like after we get over that hump. Best, Wade
  25. Hi: In those early years of immersion in my media and political studies, I was also studying a vast array of other material, including thermodynamics, Mr. Mentor’s and Fischer’s patents, alternative medicine, mystical material, and so on. I did not know it at the time, but I was developing a comprehensive perspective. Along with the radical left, I studied the far right. I subscribed to The Spotlight for years, and one of its staffers was the only person that I know of who featured Gary Wean’s story of the JFK hit in a JFK assassination book. That writer got the idea for his book from Gary, and when his initial effort did not properly attribute Gary’s testimony, Gary complained, and the final book, Final Judgment, gave Gary’s testimony proper weight. It has been “interesting” to see Gary’s testimony be dismissed like it has over the years. I am not all that interested in Gary’s theories about who did it; he thought it was Jewish gangsters, which is not easily dismissed, given that Jack Ruby was involved, as well as “magic bullet” Arlen Specter. For me, what was far more important was how it was all covered up, and Jewish gangsters did not have the power to do that, but that plot-within-a-plot sure “recruited” many willing “allies” to keep the lid on what really happened. About two years into my studies, my wife and I watched Manufacturing Consent at Ohio State. That movie has never been aired on mainstream TV in the USA, even though it was the most popular documentary in Canadian history to that time, which further illustrated Chomsky’s thesis, like that suppression of his and Ed’s book did. I was driven from my sleep in late 1992, soon after watching Manufacturing Consent, to write a 17-page letter to Noam. Noam confirmed who he was by soon replying with a letter of his own, which stated that he was tantalized by my letter (mostly on the suppression of free energy, but my upshot was that I could not find such a discussion anywhere in any media, not left, not right, and not mainstream). Noam gave me a polite brushoff, stating that he was no expert on that topic, and advised me to consult with an expert. Well, there were not any experts, so I kind of had to become my own. That was the same year that Brian nearly died, courtesy of the American military, after snooping into the UFO phenomenon, and his first free energy book was not published until the end of 1995. I bought 35 copies of it and sent it to friends and family. Brian later said that I was that book’s biggest fan. In 1991, Oliver Stone’s JFK was released, and in 1993, Noam published Rethinking Camelot, which took on the idea of JFK’s being a secret dove on Vietnam, and Noam took on the idea that the CIA would have wanted JFK dead. In reading Noam’s book, I think that he missed the point, which Michael Parenti brilliantly discussed a few years later, as he stated that the Left has a “conspiracy-phobia.” I was gradually seeing how the structuralists, as represented by Chomsky, and the conspiracists, as represented by Gary, both failed to see the big picture, due to their worldviews. You could call it their ideological commitments. It was highly educational to immerse myself in those milieus and figure them out, but the process took many years. I was also looking into the Apollo Moon landings, on-and-off, in those years, before finally deciding to go deep on it in early 2001, partly because of Brian’s public statements on the issue. That I still hear from people who argue for faked Moon landings shows how impervious to the evidence people can be, particularly conspiracists. As I have stated, I have sometimes looked back at my journey, especially with Dennis, and wonder if it really happened, and my scholar’s journey was similar. As I wrote this post, I was amazed by all of the connections and overlaps. There is much more to come. Best, Wade
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