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Wade Frazier

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Everything posted by Wade Frazier

  1. Hi: One hazard of being a comprehensivist is all the ways that discussions can go. A forum query about scientific literacy began the thread that led to these JFK posts, and I intend to get back to scientific literacy, and this will begin going back there, while still lingering on the JFK issue, which will last for another post or two. Related to scientific literacy is how scholars go about their work. For instance, historians have a professional ideal, although like all professions, many have been more than willing to sell their souls to the prevailing winds of wealth and power. That kind of prostitution is usually less than conscious, as everybody wants to have a clean conscience, even if they have to turn logical summersaults and play other mental games to maintain it. Uncle Ed has long written about journalists who do that, I saw it in my profession, and so on. So it is, in a world of scarcity and fear. Nobody will ever convince me that JFK was not murdered in a CIA operation, interposed or not. I have no doubt that Gary reported his Tower conversation to the best of his recollection. So, the CIA was involved. Then what? E. Howard Hunt confided to his highly credible friend Douglas Caddy, in their last face-to-face moment, that JFK was killed over the ET issue. What to make of that? It turns out that I have some very close connections to the UFO/ET issue, and my views on the situation are similar to Ed Mitchell’s. As I have stated, Hunt invoking the ET connection may well have been genuine on Hunt’s part, but it may have been something that the “troops” were fed, to justify murdering the sitting president. The ET issue was very real, but the Soviets had a very good idea of the lay of the land without the USA telling them anything. One interesting document is the alleged transcript of the CIA wiretap on Marilyn Monroe’s phone and Dorothy Kilgallen’s. Monroe certainly had one of the most watched bedrooms on Earth, being the president’s mistress. I have not used that Monroe document for the JFK/ET connection yet on this thread, and decided to use it as an example of the perils of getting at the truth in these realms. I first read of the Monroe document in the 1990s in Greer’s book, Extraterrestrial Contact, and did not know what to make of it. I had long followed the brouhaha over the MJ-12 documents and their authenticity. The CIA specialized in forging documents, such as a bunch of forged documents being used in the State Department’s White Paper that set the stage for the Reagan administration’s reign of terror and genocide in Central America. See White Paper Whitewash for more on that subject. Ralph McGehee emphasized that the CIA is not an intelligence agency at all, but a lie factory, and in his book, Ralph described how CIA disinformation would make the full loop, of being disseminated through the compliant media, to then make it back into the CIA’s files as “intelligence.” They should do a movie on that kind of insanity. It would be hilarious if it was not responsible for so much death and suffering. Of course, the CIA is also adept at “losing” damning documents, as they recently demonstrated with the torture report. Greer stated that he had an expert validate the Monroe document’s validity. Brian O wrote the foreword to Greer’s latest book. On the Internet is all manner of Sturm und Drang over the Monroe document. One site shows its similarity to other CIA documents, while another states that the forger’s associate confessed to its hoax nature, while a computer enhancement of the document shows the name of an Air Force General involved in UFO-logy, and the enhancer initiated legal action to get the CIA to disclose more. Kilgallen was a gossip columnist who wrote about ETs in the 1950s, was the first to publicly disclosed Monroe’s relationship with JFK/RFK, was writing a book on the JFK assassination from her inside sources in 1965 (such as an exclusive interview with Jack Ruby), and died in what looks suspiciously like a CIA “suicide.” Of course, plenty of glib and invective-laden “skepticism” and debunkery regarding the Monroe document can be found on the Internet, such as here, and I am all-too-acquainted with space debunkers. After I got Brian O’s NASA biography published, after piercing NASA’s stone wall and going directly to the astronaut corps, a leading space “skeptic” tried to debunk Brian’s Martian credentials. I had Brian give me some ammo in case I had to do battle with the debunkers and NASA over Brian’s bio. Fortunately, I did not have to, but I have been on the receiving end of “skeptic” libel and attacks for many years, so much so that I consider organized skepticism to be a criminal enterprise. Space debunkers Phil Klass and James Oberg boasted of their intelligence connections when trying to intimidate UFO/ET investigators. How the heck do you get to the bottom of the Monroe document? Does it matter? Gary was sure that Monroe was murdered, but he thought that it was the organized crime connection, not the CIA one, and Gary was not into ETs. What a minefield to negotiate, and I decided that the Monroe document was interesting, but I think that it is likely a forgery. Again, indisputably genuine documents, honest and meaningful testimony, and the like can be very hard to come by in this milieu. I studied the JFK evidence on and off for a dozen years before I had anything publicly to say about it, and another 15 years have passed since then, when I have not written much about it. This series of JFK posts is the most that I have ever done, and I don’t expect to do it again. I am not quite finished with the JFK issue, but will be soon, and then it will be back to scientific literacy and issues such as the Apollo Moon landings. Oh the joy! Best, Wade
  2. Hi: One of my favorite quotes is from a famous scientist who wrote that the universe is “queerer than we can suppose.” When I turned 16, my parents threw a big surprise birthday party for me, and they sent me to Europe for two months a few weeks later. I had just finished my sophomore year of high school and was on track to become a notable scientist, and called myself an atheist in those days. If somebody had sat me down on my 16th birthday and told me what the next 40+ years had in store for me, I would have not believed much of it, if any of it. I soon had my dream of changing the energy industry, and had my mystical awakening later that same year. Three years later, a desperate prayer during my first existential crisis led me to changing my studies from science to business, and eight years after that, another desperate prayer, after years of disillusionment, led me straight into the greatest effort that I know of to bring alternative energy into the American marketplace, and the rest is history. Similarly, if you had told me on my 16th birthday that I would write at length about the JFK assassination, and that it may have been related to the ET issue, I would have looked at you like you were crazy. Talk about long, strange trips. In this Internet age, people like me can publish our own work, and it is available to anybody with an Internet connection. This is something new in the human journey, to have a potential live audience in the billions, which is why I have been writing for the past 20 years, nearly continually, with the Internet being my only publishing conduit, and I don’t plan to ever change, giving up my idea for a book back in early 2001. My work is a next-generation resource. Early in Noam Chomsky’s political writing career, he wrote for Cato Institute, as there was no place else for him to publish. Cato is out there, with Julian Simon and Steve Milloy among their august personages. When Victor Marchetti wrote that first book by a CIA employee that was critical of the CIA, he had to engage in an epic legal battle to publish it (an entire book was later devoted to that battle), and like Ralph McGehee’s book, which is the only other book like it, Marchetti’s book is riddled with the CIA’s censorship deletions, in The Land of the Free. I first read about Ralph’s book in Lies of Our Times (LOOT), a left wing media analysis magazine edited by Uncle Ed, and Uncle Noam wrote an article every month in it. Those lefty magazines finally existed for Noam to write in, although that publication only lasted a few years. I began subscribing in the autumn of 1990, when my media education truly began (after being on the receiving end of the media’s lies for years, which began a few weeks after meeting Dennis) and I bought the LOOT issues before that autumn 1990 issue from Ralph (he was one of their first subscribers) to complete my LOOT collection, as I bought what I could of his intelligence library, after he essentially gave the rest of it to a university (I would have happily bought his entire library for what he sold it to the university for – a token $1,000 or so). Challenging the official version of reality does not pay well. If Noam and Ed were not towering academics in their own right before they began writing politically, their careers would not have lasted long. Ward Churchill’s professional fate is a relevant example of an academic who challenged the Establishment. I have subscribed to Z Magazine continually since the early 1990s, and at age 91, Ed still writes an article a month in it, and books still fly from his pen. That is incredible and inspiring. I have done what I could to interest the radical left in free energy and healing humanity and Earth, but like virtually everybody else on Earth, their ideological commitments to scarcity preclude their willingness to wrap their heads around the issue. I am not hard on Uncles Noam and Ed (I did not even try with Uncle Howard), or the father of the Free Software Movement, for their inability to grasp my work’s Epochal message, as they have plenty to do, and their ideological commitments are not easy to overcome. The smartest people that I have encountered are usually the most entrenched against the idea of free energy, as they have been seduced by their conditioning. Materialism is the religion of our Epoch, and is very seductive to the highly intelligent, at least until they have a mystical awakening. When Hunt sued Marchetti for libel for connecting him to the JFK hit (and that connection was very understandable), it was because of an article that Marchetti wrote for The Spotlight, which was published by the same organization that published Final Judgment, which is the only JFK hit book that I know of that prominently featured Gary’s testimony (Gary gave Piper the idea for his book). I subscribed to The Spotlight for years, when I studied the far right. The Spotlight has been described as a neo-Nazi publication, and I could see why. Ralph McGehee also wrote articles for Covert Action Information Bulletin (later titled Covert Action), as did Phil Agee, the legendary CIA operative who had a rough ride after publishing his insider CIA book without going through the legal channels that Marchetti and Ralph did. Covert Action was a radical left publication that exposed the CIA’s skullduggery, as well as the evil deeds of other spook organizations, including some that may have been involved in the sting operation that tried to ensnare us. Ralph and Phil attended Notre Dame, and the CIA surely sees them today as recruiting errors. So, Chomsky wrote for Cato, Marchetti wrote for The Spotlight, and Ralph wrote for various radical left publications. How relevant is the publication that their work appeared in? Not at all. From the spring of 1997 to early 1999, I did not have my own site, and my fluoride essay, for instance, was originally published by a New Age/conspiracist organization in 1998, and I actually lost my original Julian Simon essay due to a multiple hardware failures. When Clinton bombed Iraq in 1998, I frantically wrote a short essay and sent it all over the Internet, to anyplace that would publish it, and some far left and far right sites published it, including an Islamic activist in Sweden who spent time behind bars for his writings about Jews and the Holocaust. To this day, some deranged Americans say that I am an anti-Semite because Radio Islam published some of my writings when I did not have my own site. That is like calling Marchetti a Nazi because an article was published in The Spotlight, or calling Chomsky some rightwing nutcase because his early work was published by Cato. Those are the arguments of people who cannot critique the actual writings themselves, but desperately seek some way to discredit the authors via some “guilt by association” canard, which is a close cousin to name-calling. Some who have assailed my writings with that trick have also made death threats, as an example of how sick they are in mind and spirit. An author’s work is an author’s work, no matter what publication it appears in, and the only honest way to critique it is to critique it, not scrape around some kind of “guilt by association” trope, which is the weakest form of scholarly criticism that I know of, and often fraudulent. I am finally nearing the end of my JFK posts. Best, Wade
  3. Hi: Humans are social animals, and social behaviors are very deeply baked into human biology. Social animals form in-groups, and in the human line, with the exception of bonobos, who formed a sisterhood of dominant females, out-groups were always fair game. Nationalism is just another in-group ideology, which Einstein said was infantile, and I agree. Dennis nearly killed himself when he realized that his nationalistic indoctrination was a pack of lies, in a dramatic awakening moment. Nations aren’t worth believing in, especially the USA; they are merely ape territoriality, writ large. Parenti was right: the USA is a gangster state. But that is nothing new, but goes back to the founding of the nation. What conspiracists do, more than anything else, is turn conspiring elites into some sort of out-group. They aren’t. They put their clothes on like we do, have the same animal instincts, and the like. The reign of elites is merely a passing phase in the human journey, like slavery was. Slavery appeared in the agrarian epoch and disappeared as the industrial epoch began. Elites appeared with the dawn of civilization and will disappear in the Fifth Epoch, if humanity survives to see it. The elites know it, too, which is why they have been suppressing the means to the Fifth Epoch so avidly, in history’s greatest cover-up. That issue of JFK’s being murdered because he was going to reveal ET “secrets” to the Soviet Union was a proximal cause at most, and most likely a convenient excuse to feed to people such as Hunt. The ET cover-up is not about preventing humanity from having some kind of War of the Worlds reaction, but about keeping free energy, antigravity, and other technologies out of the public’s hands, which would usher in the Fifth Epoch. The ultra-elites (AKA Global Controllers and other terms) are merely trying to maintain their position. Their ranks are filled with dark pathers, but that is just a hazard of having free will. They are not an out-group; they are us, and have mastered a game that almost all humans play. I strongly suspect that the interests that had JFK murdered were not at the top, but were more national in influence. David Rockefeller is not one of the Global Controllers. You have never heard of the names of the Global Controllers. We were contacted by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds on our journey, as well as the Global Controllers, and the Global Controllers don’t identify themselves like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers do. Conspiracists often want to unmask the conspirators, but that is an adolescent fantasy. The truly powerful conspirators are not going to be unmasked anytime soon, and it is a waste of time to try. Elites are merely symptoms of humanity’s malaise, neither cause nor cure. The lives of the elite are really not that important in the bigger picture. It is what we do, not what they do, that matters. All of today’s political-economic perspectives – the liberal, conservative, radical, and so on – are all creatures of this epoch and the previous one. All fall far short of the Epochal perspective that is needed for my plan to have a chance of working, to help initiate the biggest event in the human journey. Best, Wade
  4. Hi: I will begin a series of post-JFK posts, and I’ll start with a big question: what was the meaning of the JFK assassination? It depends on who is asked. For the people who murdered JFK and covered it up, it was a watershed moment. They discovered that they could assassinate prominent political figures in broad daylight in front of hundreds of witnesses, serve up a “lone nut” scapegoat each time, and the subsequent “investigations” would always bolster the “lone nut” canard, which is probably a very old trick. From JFK to Ronald Reagan, the assassinations and attempts all have similar hallmarks, with all of the “lone nuts” having intelligence connections. The HSCA was little better than the Warren Commission, and what was unearthed during Clinton’s reign were the tattered fragments of what had not been “cleaned up” thirty years earlier, and Operation Northwoods would have little JFK assassination relevance if not for Gary’s testimony. For average Americans, JFK’s murder and cover-up was the beginning of the end of believing in Western institutions, from churches to governments to corporations to “philanthropic” charities, etc. They are all suspect, even such “saintly” institutions as Mother Teresa’s effort, the Peace Corps, and so on. The self-serving lies come from all directions, and as Orwell said, telling the truth is a revolutionary act these days. When Michael Parenti took on the Left’s “conspiracy-phobia” regarding the JFK hit, he wrote it in 1996, and I am sympathetic to his arguments that most JFK researchers were not “buffs” or hobbyists like stamp collectors, but were trying to expose the dark underbelly of our system, in which the head of state could be murdered with such impunity. There is no accountability in such a system, which resembled violent Roman politics. If Parenti had written that article today, he might have changed his tune a little, as rabid conspiracism has come into its own, especially after 9/11. I am bombarded with conspiracist lore these days, and the vast majority is disinformation, either intentionally or arising from fevered imaginations. I saw prominent members of the JFK milieu jump on the 21st century’s conspiracist bandwagon, getting into crazed conspiratorial “analysis” of 9/11, arguing that we never landed men on the Moon, and other inanities. Every instance of mass violence in our violent nation is met with a “false flag” paranoiac chorus within a few hours, and with the Sandy Hook massacre and the Boston Marathon bombings, a trend began in which hyperventilating conspiracists argued that the events did not happen at all, and that the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing were a bunch of actors with fake injuries, in an elaborate stage-play, and I even saw one of the more prominent JFK voices promoting that insane drivel. Conspiracism is a lens through which all events are viewed, and it is a diseased mindset. I have noticed that the conspiracist mindset is usually not very intelligent, grasping for easy answers, and just like the Left, the primary message of conspiracists is that we are all victims of sinister forces. Those sinister forces indeed exist, but they can only flourish in a world in which the personal integrity of the average person is so low. That was the primary lesson of my bizarre journey. But nobody wants to hear that the enemy is us, as it would then require unflinching introspection and to accept responsibility for the world we live in. Very few people are capable of that act of integrity. If we don’t own it, we can’t fix it. I seek the few who can, and it starts in the heart. It was not just political figures who met violent ends in those years, but those were the years when free energy inventors were murdered with regularity, and that effort has been called COINTELPRO for scientists and inventors, and I can see why. I got tired of hearing dead inventor stories in the 1980s, and Brian knew about 25 of them. If you played the free energy game at a high enough level in those days, murder attempts just came with the territory. Much more is coming on these subjects. Best, Wade
  5. Hi: In the USA, there is a cottage industry of “who did it” regarding JFK, 9/11, etc., kind of like the game Clue, in which the butler is a suspect. A lot of it seems at about that parlor-game level, kind of like all of those dinosaur extinction hypotheses. I was recently made aware of a documentary that features the JFK hit, and the “solution” calls for some torches-and-pitchforks march on Washington, D.C. IMO, such people completely miss the meaning of the JFK hit, but I’ll get to that later. What do I think happened? Exactly what happened, as in who made the initial call and who pulled the triggers, we will likely never know without a doubt. Those waters are far too murky, way too many people have been playing in those puddles, and whoever really did it is likely dead, from the triggermen to the masterminds unless, perhaps, it was David Rockefeller all along, if those tapes that Stich reported tell the real story. I am not wedded to any one theory. However, what Gary reported will always be my center-of-gravity in understanding the hit, and many different scenarios are compatible with Gary’s tale, even Jewish mobsters. First and foremost, Oswald was certainly no lone nut. Gary’s story points to the CIA very clearly being involved, and I doubt that their involvement was just as some chumps who got their operation interposed, turning a fake attempt into a real one. Just who interposed it has seen a vast amount of speculation over the years, with almost everybody having their own pet theory, but I think it highly unlikely that some opportunistic party came out of nowhere and interposed it, which has been suggested a number of times. I think that the people who mounted the fake assassination operation were being used from the start. Overthrowing foreign governments and assassinating heads of state, from Iran to Guatemala to Cuba to Nigeria to France to Vietnam, was the CIA’s specialty, and when Charles de Gaulle accused Allen Dulles of fomenting the French coup, he never provided any concrete evidence, but the shadowy fingerprints were there. That is the nature of such operations, and if Dulles helped mastermind the JFK hit, there was going to be another level or three of plausible deniability between the plotters and the triggermen. In Hunt’s “deathbed” confession, he fingered longtime JFK-haters at the CIA, but not even his pal Douglas Caddy believed Hunt’s rendition of his role. Again, I’ll accept at face value what Gary reported, that Oswald worked for Hunt on the fake assassination operation. How much Hunt was in the know on the real assassination is the key question. It would not surprise me in the slightest if he was in on the real operation from the beginning, playing the duplicitous spy game. If, as Tower said, high-ranking members of the Pentagon, CIA, and FBI were involved in the fake operation, how brilliant the real plotters were. Those organizations would then do everything in their power to cover their butts and heartily cooperate with any cover-up, not mount some public effort to discover the real plotters. When Tower spoke to Gary, those chumps had not yet figured it out, and the masterminds figured that the chumps would come around and understand their survival imperative, but may have needed a little encouragement. I’ll accept that murdering the head of state that way required a level of sophistication that was far higher than what was used on France, for instance. Uncovering the masterminds for those kinds of operations never happens, as far as I have seen. Those people are masters of the cloak-and-dagger game. But some in the know were covering-up and framing Oswald from the time the shots rang out, so must have been part of the real hit. As John Perkins was taught, ever since the overthrow of Iran’s government, American covert action has been increasingly privatized. My close relative was one of the CIA’s disposable contract agents, and if you read Rodney Stich’s books, for instance, you will get a bellyful of contract agents, their antics, and how disposable they are. They are what Perkins called “jackals,” and they live in different world from civil servants with GS ratings, such as Ralph McGehee. I have followed the “careers” of the psychopaths that were sicced on us over the years, especially the three most prominent, and their divergent fates make for good examples of how that world works. The first, the hit man from the Bonneville Power Administration (AKA Bill the BPA Hit Man), was like Oswald, spending years developing fake alternative energy credentials, just like how Oswald developed fake communist credentials (Tower’s story is very clear on that). After helping take down our Seattle operation, he disappeared from the scene, leaving his dupes holding the bag, to reappear years later to wreck a public speaking appearance of Dennis’s, for the first time that Dennis did after I helped spring him from jail. By that time, the BPA Hit Man had changed costumes and was a “noted Tesla researcher.” Contract agents like him are rarely paid enough to spend the rest of their lives on the Riviera, and have to use their particular talents free-lance between assignments, and that hit man ripped off the public using tactics that he employed in helping take down Dennis’s company (and in developing his fake credentials – he used the same MO for many years, using the legal system as a weapon). But he sold himself as useful, and is a hit man for the medical racket today, after a Fortune 500 biomedical company bought his scam operation for a very nice price. That is one way that contract agents – the lucky and useful ones – can cash in on their “careers.” The agent provocateur who was that BPA hit man’s counterpart for taking down our Ventura operation was very talented, looking for all the world like Mr. Rogers as he took out his sword and began running people through. Like the BPA Hit Man, he had to use his peculiar talents to make a living after being assigned to help take us down, and he was later involved in a Mormon scam and was recently released from prison after more than a decade behind bars and sits in a halfway house today, at age 77, where he can’t do much more damage to the naïve and gullible, which is why I have named him. He lives not far from where Bill the BPA Hit Man lives in luxury, and nobody should have any illusions that either one of them will ever confess to what they were part of in helping take us down. They don’t even know who the masterminds where. They were given a job, utilizing their psychopathic skills, and they were never fed more information than was needed for doing the job. They both know how expendable they are, especially the one who spent more than a decade behind bars. Contract agents can have a variety of fates, but as Angleton admitted soon before he died, for those who play those games, their afterlives are not pleasant. Mr. Deputy had a vastly a different fate, being on the official payroll as a civil servant. Evil-minded people do great in evil systems. Mr. Deputy got his start at the FBI and retired to a hero’s farewell several years ago. His annual pension is about $250,000 per year. Working for the forces of darkness pays well, for a time… In summary, I think that it was a mix of contract agents and some in official positions, working on behalf of their oligarchical patrons, who pulled off the JFK hit, and Dulles orchestrated the frame job and cover-up. Dulles was a Rockefeller fixer for his entire career, so it is very reasonable to conclude that somewhere in the Rockefeller-oligarchy nexus came the plan to take out a president with extreme prejudice. JFK was battling the oligarchy from his first days in office. JFK was born rich, but was from nouveau riche Irish roots, not the English oligarchy (AKA Eastern Establishment) that has always run the USA. I think that JFK’s murder was a “teachable moment” for American politicians, and every American president since JFK was a puppet and knew it. But being a puppet on that stage has plenty of perks, so there is a long line of aspirants. Nobody can get close to that throne without having a very good idea of what the real game is, and they happily sell their souls. Looking for significant change to come through the retail political system is a fool’s game, and I have no interest in it. Elections in the USA (and arguably everywhere) are nothing more than puppet shows. Washington D.C. is not where the real power is. Wall Street is much closer to it. I have some time to write. I hope to make the annual update of my big essay in June, so will be relatively quiet on the posting front while I do. But I hope to wrap up these JFK posts in the coming week, and then plunk along back on scientific literacy while I work on the essay update. Best, Wade
  6. Hi: When Truman signed the law that brought the CIA into existence, he envisioned it as an organization of paper-shufflers, gathering and processing intelligence. He did not envision it as a cloak-and-dagger spook outfit. Allen Dulles and friends changed that. A month after the JFK hit, Truman wrote an article in The Washington Post that called for wiping out the CIA’s covert op function. The timing of his CIA article and the JFK hit was no accident. Dulles quickly went on the defensive, visiting Truman to get him to recant, and when Truman refused to, Dulles later lied about his visit with Truman, portraying him as a senile codger who could not recognize the article as his words. Nothing could have been further from the truth. Truman had been very vocal for years about what a rogue agency the CIA was, and continued voicing his opinion long after his article was published. Eisenhower also felt betrayed by the CIA, in the end, duped by those slick Ivy Leaguers, and his reaction to the JFK hit was like Truman’s; the USA had turned into some sort of banana republic (especially after Ruby murdered Oswald on national TV). In the halls of power, nobody failed to suspect the CIA’s involvement in the JFK hit, and that Allen Dulles was chosen to be on the Warren Commission told informed observers all that they needed to know, and Dulles quickly became the Warren Commission’s de facto leader, teaming up with McCloy and Ford to bully the other members into the Warren Commission’s “Lone Nut” narrative. Dulles literally handed out a “Lone Nut” book on assassinations to the other Warren Commission members at the very beginning, to prime that pump. Not only had the CIA helped murder the head of state of Nigeria the same day that Ike was making his MIC speech, and mounted the bungled Bay of Pigs invasion to overthrow Castro (and tried to assassinate him hundreds of times), two days after the Bay of Pigs disaster, Allen Dulles’s CIA had a hand in trying to overthrow the French government, and de Gaulle survived several assassination attempts. Charles de Gaulle was certain of CIA involvement and was not quiet about it. His animosity toward Dulles went back to his French Resistance days. As the coup attempt unfolded, JFK called the French ambassador to the USA and assured him of his support, and in the conversation, JFK admitted that, “the CIA is such as vast and poorly controlled machine that the most unlikely maneuvers might be true.” One of Dulles’s favorite death camp Nazis, Reinhard Gehlen, seems to have also been involved. Imagine the irony: the leader of the French resistance being overthrown in a coup assisted by death camp Nazis who worked for the USA. JFK waged a not-so-subtle war on the CIA after sacking Dulles, cutting its funding and laying off about 20% of its staff in what was named the “701 program.” My pal Ralph McGehee was quoted in The Devil’s Chessboard about the 701 program and how it wrecked the CIA’s morale, with everybody wondering if they were the next to go. Being on the losing end of bureaucratic funding battles is no fun, as Brian O discovered on his first day on the job as an astronaut, mere days after NASA lost the budget battle with the Pentagon over the Vietnam War. But after JFK sacked Dulles, his henchmen Helms, Angleton, and others were loyal to the “Old Man,” as was Hunt. Dulles was anything but out of the loop during JFK’s presidency. Anybody who denies possible spook involvement in the JFK hit is either ignorant, knowingly flacking for the spooks, or has ideological commitments that prevent them from admitting the obvious. The Left cannot shake its various ideological commitments on the JFK hit, and as Parenti noted, Uncle Noam and Alexander Cockburn famously refused to acquaint themselves with the JFK hit evidence, and Parenti noted that seeming “Left” analysts such as Max Holland seemed to be on special assignment to bolster the Warren Commission’s version of events. It is always hazardous to refuse to examine the evidence in favor of one’s theories about events. This has been one of the banes of science since the beginning, when Galileo’s peers refused to look through his telescope. Soon before he died, Brian O informed me that mainstream science’s blindness toward unorthodox data is worse today than it was when the Wright brothers first flew, and were ignored and ridiculed for five years. It is going to take several more posts to wrap up this JFK business, which is still relevant today, more than 50 years later. Best, Wade
  7. Hi: I only have a few minutes this morning, and will briefly discuss one of the many connections that makes Gary’s tale very credible. Gary first wrote about his Tower conversation in the early 1970s, as he wrote his life’s story as he scrambled after having his life wrecked, and he first published his book in 1987. The movie JFK came out four years later, and Clinton, like Carter, tried to lift the veil on the JFK hit a little more. It was not totally useless, as the Operation Northwoods documents got declassified, and suddenly, many connections came to light, and prominent among them was Lyman Lemnitzer, the author of the Operation Northwoods document that caused such a stir. Lemnitzer and Allen Dulles went way back, as Lemnitzer worked for Dulles on the Wolff surrender. They colluded together, in defiance of Franklin Roosevelt’s orders. That was not the last president that they would jointly betray, and Operation Northwoods was eerily similar to the operation that Tower described that got JFK killed. Northwoods and the operation that Tower described had to be related, from the Lemnitzer-Dulles connection if nothing else. Northwoods also shed new light on Oswald’s “assassination” attempt on Lemnitzer’s pal Edwin Walker. Tower said that the Walker incident was a ploy to give Oswald’s upcoming performance as the failed assassin more credibility. The Warren Commission’s defenders try to make all of that go away with a wave of their collective hand, but there are so many “it’s a small world” connections to Oswald’s tale that you have to wear thick blinders to ignore them all. Best, Wade
  8. Hi: As far as the crime itself, I think that it is obvious that a shooter team took out JFK, like the shooter team that was discovered in Chicago a few weeks earlier, and like the one that Milteer talked about in Miami. JFK died in a hail of bullets, which also hit Governor Connally, and at least one bystander was hit by bullet debris. The rifle found in the depository was not the legendary Carcano, but a Mauser, with the FBI switching rifles the next day. There are at least two Carcano rifles in evidence, and neither one is the one in the backyard pictures, and so on. As far as the shooter team’s identity, there are arguments for mobsters, military snipers working for the CIA, Israelis, French, the Dallas PD, and so on. The most unbelievable story of all is that Oswald did it all by himself from the depository window. The evidence in the limo was destroyed almost immediately, under Johnson’s orders at Parkland Hospital. Bullets appeared and disappeared from the evidence, as well as JFK’s skull and brain, the camera that allegedly took the backyard photos magically appeared, and the Magic Bullet theory does not deserve to be taken seriously, but Gerald Ford parlayed it into becoming the president. Oswald was framed as the patsy immediately, and a second Oswald seems to have been involved. It is hard to say just what the second Oswald’s role was, but he may have been used to lay the fake trail to Cuba for Hunt’s operation, but he may have also played a role in framing the Oswald who died in custody. The backyard photos have an obvious crop mark just where one would have expected Oswald’s head to have been grafted onto the body, and the HSCA’s “experts” explained it away as water spots, which is nonsensical. The HSCA, like the Warren Commission, was compromised from the outset. It certainly seems like there was Secret Service complicity, from the motorcade route to bringing the limo to a near-halt as the head shots were to the chauffeur’s grin as he got off the witness stand. I am going to go with Decker’s statement to Gary, that as far as he knew, the Dallas PD and Sheriff’s department were not in on it, although issues such as Roscoe White and the third backyard photograph suggest that at least some people in Dallas law enforcement were involved, perhaps as CIA assets. From the shooters to the bullets, to the motorcade route and organization, to the witnesses to the pictures and film footage, to Oswald’s movements and interrogation, to the reactions of many people, from Bobby Kennedy on down, to the wink that Lyndon Johnson received as he was sworn in, etc., it can threaten one’s sanity to dive very far into the evidence. What comes across very clearly, however, is that the Warren Commission was a sham from start to finish, in Allen Dulles’s capable hands, as he labored to frame Oswald as the lone nut and to erase any and all connections to the CIA and intelligence operations. Jack Ruby was obviously part of the operation, and he had the most difficult cover-up role, of permanently silencing the Oswald in custody. While Ruby was in prison, he tried to get moved someplace where he could talk freely about what really happened, but nobody in authority wanted to hear it, and he died soon afterward, of “cancer.” He was just one more body to bury. Allen Dulles had a long career of sacrificing people to the “cause,” such as the Field family, and he would have had no qualms with expending assets such as Oswald. It was just a cost of doing business. Heck, JFK was expendable, and Dulles despised the man who ruined his career. When you look into the JFK hit and find that the “investigators” were his enemies, it sure seems like how Roman emperors met their demise. What is coming soon is the meaning that I see and the lessons that we can take from the JFK hit. Best, Wade
  9. Hi: On to what I think happened regarding the JFK hit and subsequent cover-up. Everybody has a theory about who did it, and I suppose that I do, too, but I am not too hung up on it, as that is far less important than other aspects, such as the cover-up, and it is all far less important than what a relatively small group with sentience and integrity can accomplish. There is no need for heroes or martyrs. Many people are far better read than I am about JFK and his murder, and there is a very wide spectrum of opinion on JFK, the man, JFK the president, and who killed him and why, from the hit teams to the masterminds. The crime will never be definitely solved, but we have plenty of hints of what really happened. If not for Gary Wean’s testimony, I would have probably never had anything of note to say about the JFK hit. That I met Gary during my life’s darkest hours is significant and more evidence of my “friends” at work. I have had so many such preposterous events in my life, with one happening just this past weekend, that I take them in stride anymore, and I definitely feel that I was led to Gary. I never saw any piece of convincing evidence contradict Gary’s tale, and evidence coming to light over the years is usually confirmatory of Gary’s account of meeting with Bill Decker and John Tower. So, without further ado…. JFK the man was a curious mixture of oligarchy and peasantry. He was a robber baron’s son who was born rich, but had Irish roots and was keenly aware of Ireland’s imperial oppression by England. His older brother was supposed to be the politically active one, and JFK’s youthful goal was to become a football quarterback. But with his brother’s death in World War II, it fell to Jack to bear the family mantle, and he was a bit reluctant to wear it. But I think that he truly believed in the public service aspect of politics, and believed in the power of the American presidency to make a positive mark on the world. He was very human and was a legendary womanizer (his father was worse), and few men of his stature resisted that temptation. JFK was probably the only president in American history who had the looks and was young enough to be a playboy in the White House, and he certainly played the role with gusto, with Marilyn Monroe being one of his conquests, although it was a set-up by mobsters, with Israel being an interested party. JFK came to office during the most prosperous era in the human journey, as the leader of history’s richest and most powerful nation. While there has been plenty of criticism from both Left and Right of JFK the president, I think that it is clear that JFK sought a break from the Cold War and neocolonial mentality that dominated the Eisenhower administration, which the Dulles brothers exemplified. Patrice Lumumba was killed in a CIA operation before Jack was even inaugurated, and after the Bay of Pigs disaster a few months later, JFK never trusted the CIA again and sacked Allen Dulles. JFK never really inflicted the USA’s imperial advantage on the world’s poor nations like his predecessors did, and tried what he could to raise up the world’s poor nations, free of neocolonial oppression, but he certainly wanted them aligned with the West, not the communist bloc, and the Peace Corps was one carrot that he brandished, as well as the Alliance for Progress. Domestically, JFK promoted a productive and modernizing economy, and discouraged gaming of the system by the idle rich. It was all very forward thinking, but many entrenched interests felt threatened, including, in my opinion, the people who had JFK killed. Many books can be read to get a sense of the USA’s oligarchy and its intentions: they acted just like all elites for all time. Elites need peasants and slaves in order to be elites, and when JFK was attacked by the media, acting on behalf of the oligarchy, it came across loud and clear that they thought that the only thing that Guatemalans were good for was picking bananas, and how dare JFK think that they should be anything more than that. Read Battling Wall Street, for instance. In my own journey, one reaction that I regularly receive, when people begin to realize free energy’s epochal potential and they hear my tales of organized suppression, is their inability to understand why certain interests would want to suppress something of such obvious benefit to the world. My response is that those incredulous people do not understand how such people think. Dark pathers (AKA psychopaths and sociopaths) don’t think like the rest of us. They have made self-service a science, and their proclivities fit in very well with maintaining the elites’ ill-gotten positions bestride humanity and Earth. They were sicced on us numerous times (1, 2, 3), and I saw how easily they duped people, using their carrots and sticks of manipulation. After the Cuban Missile Crisis, in which JFK’s advisors once again tried to goad him into military action, which we now know would have likely precipitated a nuclear holocaust, JFK began backdoor diplomacy with Khrushchev to end the Cold War. His proposal for a joint mission to the Moon with the Soviet Union and his test ban treaty was evidence of it, and those entreaties in his life’s last year seem to have been the final straw for those who had him killed. In this string of posts, the Rockefeller name comes up many times. The Dulles brothers were long-time agents of the Rockefellers, and the Rockefellers helped wipe out my companies. While Bobby Kennedy once boasted that he ate Rockefellers for breakfast, my perception is that Rockefeller interests were likely behind JFK’s murder, as well as Bobby’s. Arguably even more importantly, they were also behind the cover-ups of both murders. Was David Rockefeller calling all the shots? I doubt it. The Rockefellers themselves are subject to higher powers, as are the Rothschilds, which I learned on my preposterous journey. While the Rockefellers may well have wanted JFK dead, I think that his murder originated more within the national level than the global level. I doubt that the Global Controllers were all that involved with JFK’s murder and cover-up, and their attitude toward his murder was likely along the “boys at play” level of interest. I could be wrong, but that is how I see it today. This is the first of several posts on what I think happened and why, but for now, it is off to work. Best, Wade
  10. Hi: On to the ET connection and Hunt’s last words to Douglas Caddy, when he stated that JFK was killed because he was about to reveal ET secrets to the Soviets. As Marchetti noted, and I heartily agree, the Soviet Union sure did not need to learn too much from the USA on the ET presence. They had plenty of their own encounters, and some cosmonauts were UFO counterparts to Brian, Gordon Cooper, and Ed Mitchell, and I have more strange connections to this milieu. I have noted before that Jackie Gleason was watching the tape of our first Greatest Energy Show not long before he died, and I did not know what to make of it at the time. Many years later, I heard that because of his close relationship to Eisenhower, he attended that legendary ET meeting at a California military base, and took it to his grave with him. In my circles, I heard, almost directly from the astronauts who were there, that in the past decade, there was at least one multi-day close encounter with an ET craft at the International Space Station. Astronauts are not trained for ET encounters, but when they have one, they are then “read in,” and various enticements and threats keep them silent, although some of it has trickled out via highly reliable sources to people like me. Eisenhower’s great granddaughter went public with the tale of being recruited to help colonize Mars, and a member of my circle was recruited for the same program, to help them terraform Mars (an offer that was rejected). Regarding what JFK may have known, Barry Goldwater was his chief rival for president after Nixon lost in 1960, and Goldwater asked his pal Curtis LeMay if he could get a peek at the ETs and their craft at Wright-Patterson, and LeMay read Goldwater the riot act, in the greatest outburst that Goldwater ever saw from LeMay. There is an enormous body of evidence that the retail political hierarchy has been anything but scoffing of the ET issue. When Greer briefed countless officials, from the Pentagon, Vatican, Capitol Hill, United Nations, and elsewhere, he never once received a scoffing reaction. Instead the responses were almost universally a grim despair regarding the situation, not about the ETs, but about the cover-up and the dark pathers running that show. For those with eyes to see and ears to hear, the evidence is simply overwhelming, but is officially denied to this day in the USA, while some of Earth’s national governments have made some admissions. The cover-up has nothing whatsoever to do with fears of a War of the Worlds reaction, but elite fears that if free energy, antigravity, and other technologies got into the public’s hands, then it would quickly be Game Over for elites and their plans, and they know it. The ET and free energy cover-ups are related and are history’s greatest, bar none. JFK signed a memo near his life’s end in which he instructed the head of NASA to develop a plan for a joint mission to the Moon (after JFK’s public call for it), and I suspect that what Hunt told Caddy about was related to that effort. JFK had angered the oligarchy ever since he refused to openly invade Cuba in the Bay of Pigs operation, and he was definitely marked for neutralization. If the ET reason was accurate, as far as Hunt stated, I am pretty sure that it was only the last straw, or a convenient excuse, to invoke some kind of national security issue to justify removing the president via a covert operation. You have to deeply drink the Establishment’s Kool-Aid to believe the Warren Commission’s version of events. I am not sure that I know anybody in my personal circles who believes it. I am going to finish this series of posts with what I think happened and what it all means. I won’t get it done by Monday, as I had hoped, but this chore will take some days, in my “spare” time. For now, it is time to go hiking! Best, Wade
  11. Hi: Here is where it can get very strange regarding the JFK hit, and it has to do with the ET issue, which I have mentioned a little in the past, and I will get into the details a little more. Brian O, Ed Mitchell, and Gordon Cooper were the most outspoken astronauts on the ET issue, with them all being prominent participants in Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project. Ed co-chaired the secret Congressional hearings in 1997, and his ET views were close to mine. Brian got involved after his brush with death in 1992 with the USA’s military after he began poking around in the issue. Cooper’s testimony is well-known, and one Disclosure Project witness was a White House attaché from the military who testified that he talked to JFK about UFOs/ETs on Air Force One on the way to Berlin for JFK’s famous speech, and JFK complained that he was out of the loop on the issue. That aligns with the consensus in the milieu that Eisenhower was the last sitting president who was in the loop. The issue got privatized during his administration, and the Dulles brothers would have certainly been involved. The entire UFO/ET issue is extremely charged, and more of a three-ring circus than the JFK issue is, with a blizzard of disinformation to weather, gullible gawkers, hyperventilating conspiracists, tabloids in overdrive, etc. Ralph McGehee and Victor Marchetti are the only two CIA employees who ever legally published their critical memoirs, and here is what Marchetti had to say about UFOs and the CIA. He sees the similarity between the UFO and JFK cover-ups, and Hunt sued Marchetti for libel, and lost, over Hunt’s involvement in the JFK hit. Those people are not members of the tinfoil-hat crowd. In the early 1950s, electrogravitic research was openly conducted by aerospace companies, and then in the mid-1950s, it all went black, and has been that way ever since. My journey to the issue was meandering. My mystical awakening at age 16 began my journey into these realms, but that same year I got my dreams of changing the energy industry, and that voice in my head changed my studies from science to business at age 19, and that voice led me to Dennis when I was 27, and the rest is history. I had heard plenty about UFOs over the years, and friends went out and saw them, guided by Seth, and seeing UFOs was on my life list, but not all that high. If I stumbled into one, or could easily go see one, then I was game. Such an opportunity presented itself in 2005, and I was not disappointed, and have been back three times, last year most recently, and saw something inexplicable by mundane explanations each time. Within a half hour after meeting Brian, we were driving past the front gates of Wright-Patterson Air Force base and joking about the ETs and their craft at the base. The next year, Brian nearly died immediately after rejecting a UFO “offer” from the USA’s military, and the incident shortened his life. While I performed plenty of study of the UFO/ET issue during those years of hitting the books, it was just one of many subjects. When I became Dennis’s partner, I doubt that either one of us had ever heard of Nikola Tesla, we were so ignorant of what we were getting involved with. We learned fast, however, and before the dust settled in Ventura three years later, I was told about Sparky Sweet’s free energy prototype by a world-class scientific witness to it, Brian confirmed it the next year, and a decade later, in the same conversation in which Brian told me of his brush with death, he told me of Sparky’s last days on Earth. Among the many topics that we discussed that day was the exotic technology demonstration that a close friend received, but Brian was more interested in my relative who was a CIA contract agent. An hour earlier, we had nearly been run out of town after trying to meet with the California governor’s energy advisors, and Brian’s brush with death was just part of the conversation. I believe that it was after that conversation with Brian that I watched some of Greer’s Disclosure Project witnesses describe free energy and antigravity technology, and they were describing exactly what my friend had demonstrated to him about a decade previously. A few years later, I bankrolled the New Energy Movement’s conference, where Greer spoke, and when he mentioned that the “good guy” faction of the Global Controllers told him that they had paid out $100 billion in quiet money to keep the lid on FE, antigravity, and related technologies, it fit with my experiences like a glove, similar to how Tom Bearden’s description of their “game theory” methods of organized suppression neatly fit with my experiences. That so-called “good guy” faction contacted us over the years, and I am almost certain that members of that faction gave my friend his exotic technology show. I want to convey the impression that my views came gradually, over many years, with my experiences forming the bedrock, leavened by deep study, trading notes with people such as Brian, and hearing people such as Greer and Bearden talk about their adventures, as well as many who would rather remain anonymous. So it was that another spectacular piece of my mosaic fell into place with Douglas Caddy’s testimony of his friendship with Hunt, and the last words that Hunt ever spoke to him: JFK was killed because he was going to reveal the ET presence to the Soviet Union. Witnesses do not get much more credible than Douglas, and if you watch , you might decide to trust him with your life’s savings. I am going to save my interpretation of Hunt’s words for the next post. I think that the ET issue was only a proximate cause for JFK’s murder, not the ultimate one. Best, Wade
  12. Hi: Before I get to ETs and the big picture, I want to briefly revisit Gary’s work. I have seen Gary called a Nazi and other names, but he was an amazingly courageous man. He helped me spring Dennis from jail, when the night was the darkest. What Gary reported as his experiences, I have no doubt about. His crime-solving and theorizing is another matter, but people have used those activities to try to impugn his reliability as a witness. In fact, those critics generally conflated the two, so that Gary’s theorizing about Jewish gangsters, and understandably falling for anti-Semitic propaganda, somehow makes his testimony of what he witnessed unreliable. I could make the same case for any Americans who think that they live in some kind of bastion of freedom and goodness. Believing a bunch of lies that you were fed is not the same thing as believing what your eyes and ears tell you. It is indisputable that Gary was an LAPD cop and investigator, one of Audie Murphy’s closest friends (who acted as his bodyguard at times), and spent a lot of his career putting Mick Cohen under surveillance. His Cohen-related activities led him into some of his most amazing revelations. It also hurt his career, as the Jewish mobsters retaliated, including one who still sits on a federal bench to this day. Gary survived a murder attempt, among other outrages. Gary encountered Jack Ruby a few times and had a conversation with him. Ruby worked closely with Cohen and was no two-bit hood, as they focused the Mob’s operations on New Orleans and Havana, because World War II had ended and the West Coast was no longer as lucrative. The Mob began to build Las Vegas not long afterward. When Gary had Cohen under surveillance, he saw quite a stable of luminaries interact with Cohen, including the future prime minister of Israel, Menachem Begin, as Cohen supplied weapons to the early Israeli state. Cohen used Marilyn Monroe as the world’s highest class hooker, to help them understand JFK’s stance on Israel, and also to blackmail JFK if they could, with a sex tape with Monroe (which they may have succeeded in acquiring). During one surveillance session, Gary’s Yiddish-speaking agent sat next to Cohen and Begin as they talked about JFK’s foreign policy and the money being wasted on the Peace Corps and the like. Gary tailed them after that meeting as they drove to Melvin Belli’s house for a meeting with Cap Weinberger, the future American Secretary of Defense. Belli was Jack Ruby’s attorney after he shot Oswald. FYI, when Dennis was jail, and it looked like he had no chance of living to see this side of the bars again, Belli was one of many high-profile attorneys that Dennis contacted. Belli wanted a $250K retainer, as I recall. Mr. Big Time Attorney took the case for $10K, which was the last of my legal fund. Gary was right in the middle of momentous events, and what he wrote that he witnessed, I have no doubt about. Gary was not shy and named names. For instance, he wrote that Arlen Specter was one of the monitors on Hunt’s “frame Castro” operation, so that they could interpose it at the right moment and kill JFK, and Specter was the author of the Magic Bullet theory. What all Gary’s evidence was, I do not know, but Gary sure was not just making it up. Much of what Gary wrote about Ruby and Monroe was because Anthony Summers tracked Gary down while researching his Monroe book, as everybody in LA knew that Gary was the only person in the know still alive from those days. Summers came off as a little naïve in Gary’s account, but Gary confirmed Summers’s suspicion that Monroe’s death was no suicide, and that hers and JFK’s deaths were related. Gary saw the Jewish mobster connection, which is not all that farfetched, given what he witnessed, but others can connect the dots differently, and I will connect the dots a little differently before this series of posts is finished. But this is my last planned post on Gary’s incredible odyssey for now. What a man. Best, Wade
  13. Hi: Before I get to more personal connections with the JFK hit and get into the ET/FE aspect of it, a brief summary is in order. Who benefitted from JFK’s death? There were others, but the obvious ones were: Corporate America Cold Warriors, including the military-industrial complex (“MIC”) Lyndon Johnson JFK’s war against U.S. Steel, his termination of the oil depletion allowance, and antitrust suit against General Electric, among other activities, did not make him loved on Wall Street. A book, titled Battling Wall Street, was about JFK’s fractious relationship with corporate America. Despite Uncle Noam’s writings to the contrary, JFK was not keen to escalate the Vietnam War, and was planning to pull American troops out of Vietnam, partly as an olive branch to the Soviet Union, as JFK tried to end the Cold War. He was never an ardent imperialist and aligned himself with post-colonial freedom movements long before he became president. Incidents such as the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis sobered him up, and he consciously steered toward ending the Cold War in his last year of life, and proposing a joint American-Soviet mission to the Moon was part of that effort. JFK’s death bought the Cold Warriors nearly another 30 years of gorging at their blood-soaked pork barrel, a feast which really has not ended to this day. I have written before that in my father’s office at a naval base, one of his colleagues marched up and down the halls, shouting his approval of JFK’s murder that day, yelling that JFK got what comes to “all tyrants.” That was not a very unusual sentiment in the MIC that day. Most immediately, Lyndon Johnson benefitted from JFK’s death, as he got his job as the head of state of history’s richest and most powerful nation, at the peak of its prosperity and influence. I lived in Texas because Johnson became president, with his pork barrel politics. Most credible efforts on the JFK assassination cover the interest and/or participation of those parties in his death, and the MIC and CIA (AKA Wall Street’s attack dog) most of all. I think that cui bono is a very appropriate question to ask regarding his death. Naming Allen Dulles to the Warren Commission, with him quickly becoming its de facto leader, ensured that the CIA plot that Oswald was part of would never be officially recognized, and it hasn’t been, more than 50 years later. It was a very thorough cover-up, with many loose ends tied off, including many dead witnesses. It was a spook affair, from start to finish, which the Left is notoriously poor at dealing with, usually by outright denial, deriding the evidence of such activities as a “conspiracy theory,” etc. Parenti’s treatment of that issue is the best that I have seen. It took the Kennedy family 50 years to finally admit that they never believed the “Lone Nut” theory of JFK’s death, and they certainly do not believe it for Bobby’s. JFK fired Dulles over the Bay of Pigs and Dulles despised JFK, calling him, “That little Kennedy”, who thought that “he was a god.” It is hard to imagine a more blatant conflict of interest than that one, in which the USA’s chief spook, who remained in the loop until his death, led the “investigation” of JFK’s murder, which was embroiled in a CIA covert operation. In my experience, all official investigations like that (including 9/11, Waco, OK City, etc.) have been more cover-ups than investigations, compromised at the outset. I am going to end these JFK posts (I have never done a series like this before, and may not again) with the ET/FE connection, and what I think happened and how I see it fitting into the big picture. I hope to finish them by Monday, and get back the scientific literacy issue. Best, Wade
  14. Hi: I have a little lull between activities, and more on the Warren Commission. Given the facts of the case, that Oswald the military intelligence asset likely did not even fire a gun on that fateful day, and that JFK’s wounds screamed out that shots came from in front of him, which meant a conspiracy to murder him, the Warren Commission had a tall task ahead of it, to frame Oswald as the lone assassin. Allen Dulles was just the man for the job. You can’t delve very far into the JFK assassination issue without coming upon all manner of evidence that shows that JFK’s wounds were likely altered before the autopsy, that the autopsy evidence is altered/fabricated/disappeared (including the photos and X-rays, JFK’s brain missing, and the man who led the autopsy burning his notes), and witnesses were silenced in many ways, from badgering the Parkland Hospital medical personnel to recant that the throat wound was an entrance wound and that the back of JFK’s head was blown out, to altering witness statements and testimony, often to the degree where the FBI’s (AKA Warren Commission’s) version stated the opposite of what the witness said, to even murdering witnesses who were too dangerous to the official position. I am onboard with the Zapruder film being altered, with frames being removed at minimum, to obscure the head shot coming from the front to the fact that the limo almost came to a halt as the fatal shots were fired, in exact contradiction to Secret Service procedures, and many other issues that point very clearly away from the “lone nut” hypothesis. Jack Ruby was a prominent mobster, not the two-bit hood and “nightclub owner” that the Warren Commission portrayed him as. By all accounts, Oswald admired JFK, and his entire career reeks of his being an intelligence asset. One of the hardest chores that the Warren Commission had was giving Oswald a motivation, and they relied on twisted testimony and slipshod psychological speculation to achieve that. That was one hell of an “accomplishment,” to torture the evidence how they did, to frame Oswald. One aspect of the framing and cover-up that can seem at variance with John Tower’s testimony is that the framing of Oswald as the real assassin, not the fake who acted like a failed one, began immediately after the assassination, and it was far more than Ruby killing Oswald to keep him from talking. Spiriting JFK’s body from Dallas at gunpoint and having the military take over his autopsy points very strongly to at least some people being in the “frame Oswald as the real assassin” program on the day of the assassination, not three weeks later. Personally, I think that Tower was one of the many chumps, who was in on the fake assassination ploy, not the real one, as were most of the MIC’s members who were involved. However, those in the know for the real plan played key roles in framing Oswald on Day One, and when the chumps finally came around, they were only too eager to participate in the framing and cover-up. I have to admit that whoever masterminded the real assassination was brilliant, doing it in a way that made willing accomplices of the chumps. What Hunt’s role was, as far as what level of the hit he was in on, will likely always be a mystery, other than him admitting to his son that Oswald was no lone nut, and mentioning the people who may have been involved in the real hit. Did LBJ know of at least the fake assassination attempt? I consider it likely. George Bush the First, J. Edgar Hoover, and Allen Dulles obviously knew at least about the fake hit, and I would not be surprised if Rodney Stich’s reporting is accurate and that they were part of the real plot. The CIA and FBI have been in CYA mode on the JFK hit for more than 50 years. Time to get busy, and coming posts will get into the ET (and probably FE) connection, who benefitted, what it all means, and for what it is worth, what I think really happened, at least as far as the constellation of evidence tells me. I am not going to try to “solve the crime,” as most JFK people do, but I’ll certainly point at parties who were involved and those who likely were. Best, Wade
  15. Hi: In JFK’s first month in office, he was informed of Patrice Lumumba’s murder, which was a CIA operation and happened the same day as Eisenhower’s MIC speech. A couple of months later, the CIA tried to force JFK into a corner and call in open American air support for the Bay of Pigs invasion. JFK publicly took responsibility for the fiasco, but it cost Allen Dulles his career as a spymaster. JFK never trusted the CIA again, and weeks before he died, he was shocked when Diem was murdered, which was again a CIA operation, and the same day, an assassination plot in Chicago was foiled, which had a shooter team and mentally unstable military patsy. Kennedy soon joined them as murdered heads of state, and it was very likely a CIA operation, once again. Bobby Kennedy called the CIA when Jack was still warm, accusing them of being involved. Lyndon Johnson said that Bobby recommended Dulles for the Warren Commission, but that was one of many whoppers that LBJ told. Dulled maneuvered hard to get appointed to the commission, and it soon became evident why. Also appointed was John McCloy, who was Dulles’s good buddy, as they were both Rockefeller fixers. John was the chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank before David Rockefeller took the reins. McCloy gained some dubious distinctions during World War II. He presented to the USA’s Supreme Court a brief that justified interning Japanese-American citizens, and McCloy had the part edited out that stated that Japanese-Americans were not a security threat. Earl Warren, of Warren Commission fame, was McCloy’s ally in interning Japanese-Americans. McCloy was just the kind of war profiteer that Smedley Butler warned against, with his company making a $44 million dollar profit building ships on a $100K investment. McCloy rejected all suggestions to bomb Auschwitz, but he must be given some credit for opposing dropping nuclear weapons on Japan. After the war, he protected the war criminal Klaus Barbie because of his usefulness, and like Dulles, McCloy “rehabilitated” German industrialists who built Hitler’s war machine and had a hand in the Holocaust, especially Alfried Krupp. McCloy was appointed to the Warren Commission, and was very dubious of Oswald’s being the lone assassin, thought that the intelligence community was involved, and thought that the Magic Bullet theory was ridiculous. But he was eventually convinced by his good friend Dulles, and they and Gerald Ford formed the core of the Warren Commission that coerced the “lone nut” theory into becoming the official position, convincing the other members to sign an opinion that they did not believe in. As always, Gary’s testimony has been the center of gravity into the JFK issue for me, and I completely accept his rendering of what he witnessed. According to his testimony, the “frame Castro” operation somehow turned into JFK’s murder, and I doubt that we will ever have that crime definitely solved, other than knowing that it hatched in the CIA on behalf of oligarchical interests. Less than a month after JFK’s murder, the CIA, FBI, and military intelligence were united in covering up Oswald’s connections to the intelligence community, and especially the “frame Castro” operation. The FBI and CIA provided all of the “evidence” that the Warren Commission considered in its deliberations. How much would you trust such “evidence”? Much more coming, but time to start my busy day. Best, Wade
  16. Hi: This post will be about an issue that continually arises in the free energy field, which is also evident in the JFK assassination milieu. The spooks, hit men, CIA representatives, and Global Controllers that we encountered were very good at what they did, and their games could be exceedingly subtle. Nearly 20 years ago, when I heard a leading free energy voice talk about the tactics used to suppress free energy inventors, most of the tactics I understood immediately, which had nearly all been used on us, but it still took me another ten years to realize that we had been set up in a sting operation very similar to the one that that free energy voice described, which nearly nabbed him. When Brian O nearly died immediately after receiving a UFO-investigation “offer” from the American military, in an incident that shortened his life, it took him years to begin to realize what had happened. When such people “mess” with you, up to and including murder attempts, you usually don’t even know that you have been messed with. When the spooks make murder attempts on free energy inventors, it is more important for it to look like something other than premeditated murder than it is to be successful for any one attempt. That is how some free energy activists have been able to survive numerous murder attempts. Dennis should be dead dozens of times over, and Adam Trombly has survived something like 40 murder attempts. Some very bright people work for the power structures, including the local, state, and national levels, but the Global Controllers have refined their games to a science. They have a keen understanding of the human condition and human nature, and some dim understanding of the human potential, which is why they have so avidly kept free energy and related technologies under wraps. They know it is game over for their elite plans if people lived in abundance. Keeping humanity in scarcity and fear is their overriding goal, as it keeps their dark games intact. One tactic is to bring people together whose proclivities are known, and sit back and let the situation develop, knowing where it will lead, with only a nudge here and there needing to be applied. It is a low-cost and entanglement-free way of playing the game. Some very talented psychopaths play that game, but variations are employed to use people in covert ops without them realizing it. When viewing the JFK assassination milieu, those tell-tale fingerprints are evident. For example, Allen Dulles actually knew the Paine family quite well. Ruth Paine came from a blueblood Bostonian family, and her father was considered by the CIA for covert action purposes, and her husband’s mother was a close friend of Allen Dulles’s primary mistress. To this day, Ruth vehemently denies that she was a covert action tool, but she got Oswald his job at the book depository, among many other suspicious issues (such as the backyard photos being “discovered” in her garage). There are so many of those “it’s a small world” relationships in the JFK assassination milieu, and highly unlikely relationships, such as White Russian George de Mohrenschildt’s “friendship” with Oswald, that I smell strong whiffs of many players being set up for their roles so subtly that they never caught on to how they were used, or only began to suspect how they had been used many years later. I have seen two principal reactions to such dynamics: one is to deny all of it, and the other is to get paranoid. In playing the free energy game, you just have to realize that such manipulations come with the territory, and that if you keep your eye on the ball and have a purity of purpose (AKA personal integrity), then those will simply be distractions at most, if sometimes deadly ones. You try to not walk straight into them, but you don’t lie awake at night worrying about them. They are simply professional hazards. That is one reason why people who think that they can sneak past free energy’s organized suppression are naïve and deluded fools, thinking that they can beat the spooks at their own game. When people become CIA contract agents, their families do not even know about it, or if they do, they never know more than the vaguest details, such as that their relative played cloak-and-dagger games in Africa or some other distant land, and the contract agents never talked about what they did. I only found out about my relative’s secret life by accident, when a covert operation backfired and he had to have a bodyguard for some time, and then his spouse was “brought in,” who told me about it after they had divorced. I stayed quiet about my relative’s secret life until after he was long dead, and I will likely never reveal his identity or whom he worked for, partly out of not wanting to receive any more spook attention, and also because it is not my place to reveal that information publicly. My relatives are likely all in the dark about our relative’s secret life, and I am not sure which would be worse if I revealed it: if they didn’t know, or they did. Even civil service CIA personnel such as Ralph McGehee had to play secrecy games with their families, could not put their CIA employment on their résumés, etc. It is much worse with contract agents. That is where it gets bloody, where people are disposable, etc. That is the world that Oswald moved in, and he was just another expendable pawn. I am going to wind down the spook stuff for now, and get into Allen Dulles and the Warren Commission, and demonstrate how credible it all was. Best, Wade
  17. Hi: I have far more connections to the Dulles/spook milieu than may be obvious. The Jewish Holocaust happened right under Dulles’s eyes, and he could not care less, as he played spy in Switzerland. As World War II was ending, Dulles intervened on behalf of Nazi war criminals, in direct defiance of Franklin Roosevelt’s orders of unconditional surrender. Possibly the most egregious instance was negotiating the surrender of Karl Wolff, who was an SS general, Himmler’s chief of staff, and one of the principle sponsors of the Treblinka extermination camp. Dulles organized Wolff’s surrender with much derring-do, and late in his life Dulles wrote a book, The Secret Surrender, and tried to get a Hollywood movie made of the incident. The author of The Devil’s Chessboard wrote, “…perhaps trying to turn SS General Wolff into a screen hero proved even too much for Hollywood’s imagination.” Reinhard Gehlen was a major war criminal, whose “intelligence” files were the fruit of the process which saw millions of Soviet POWs die, but he was able to parlay his files into quite an illustrious career, working for the CIA. The Dulles brothers could not care less about the murders of millions of Jews and Soviet citizens, and eagerly hired Gehlen and his crew. Allen Dulles “rehabilitated” some of Hitler’s leading cheerleaders, such as Karl Blessing, and put them right back into the positions of power that they had while supporting Hitler. Building the CIA’s intelligence network in Eastern Europe on death camp Nazis was a big reason why the Cold War happened at all. Those Nazis continually lied about Soviet capabilities and intentions, and the Dulles brothers lapped it up, being the representatives of capitalism that they were. While stoking the Cold War fires with Nazi help, the Dulles brother happily overthrew elected governments in Iran and Guatemala on behalf of corporate America, setting the stage for those nations’ agonies. That was not something new to the Dulles brothers, but was the apotheosis of their careers. Both brothers worked for Sullivan and Cromwell, which the elder brother eventually ran, which led the swindle of the American taxpayer as it helped “create” Panama, along with robber barons such as J.P. Morgan. The Dulles brothers got their start as fixers for robber baron interests, including and maybe especially the Rockefellers. Sullivan and Cromwell was one of the most prominent firms in the century-long raping of Latin America on behalf of Wall Street. Once in a great while, the “muscle” would wake up to what they participated in and speak out, such as Smedley Butler. Such men of conscience have always been extremely rare. Only four CIA employees ever awoke to the evil they were part of and spoke out with books, including my pal Ralph McGehee. From those “Nazi rehabilitation” days came Operation Paperclip, in which more than 1,500 German scientists and technicians came over to the USA, to live very comfortably, and while Wolff was never quite portrayed by Hollywood as a hero, numerous Nazis were heroified, and one Nazi doctor became the “father of space medicine,” with an Air Force library named after him. However, his “data” was gleaned from human experiments performed on death camp prisoners. If the experimental subjects survived the experiments, they were then killed and dissected. That good doctor’s protégé became famous as the sidekick for the most famous NASA Nazi, Werner von Braun, as they hosted a Disney show together, with that protégé writing a children’s book on the wonders of nuclear power, which was made into a children’s cartoon. You can’t make this stuff up. You can see me getting into it at Wikipedia with those whitewashing that NASA Nazi’s image, including his son. The dapper count and SS man von Braun is why my pal Brian O’Leary was hired as an astronaut. He was the first talent in the stable for von Braun’s long-held dreams of a Mars mission. My father’s NASA career was a pivotal part of my childhood, so I am far from an armchair scholar on these issues. There are also numerous free energy connections to this milieu. One of MKUltra’s earliest and most visible victims was Frank Olson, who was a colleague of Adam Trombly’s father. If there is a free energy figure whose journey ranks with Dennis’s on the preposterous scale, it is Adam. Adam’s father worked with Olson at the biological warfare facility at Camp Detrick, and Adam strongly believes that his father was murdered with some of the toys developed at Camp Detrick. Of course, Olson “committed suicide,” and it is safe to say that almost no “committed suicide” incidents related to the CIA were actually suicides. Making murder appear to be suicide is one of their many specialties. For the record, I have never been suicidal. I have too much work to do! If I ever “commit suicide,” you can be sure that it will be a false rendering of events. When Adam was a teenager, he discovered his father’s diary, hidden in his home’s attic, which documented his father’s work in reverse-engineering the technologies from captured ET craft. This begins tripping the light fantastic, but when you factor in testimony from people such as Ed Mitchell and what some of my close pals have witnessed (1, 2), it no longer seems so strange. There is much more to come on the spooks, Allen Dulles, and JFK’s assassination. Best, Wade
  18. Hi: Some more on Dulles. James Kronthal was a CIA agent who had been trapped in a honeypot operation (he liked young boys) and blackmailed by the Soviets into becoming a double agent. He was a blueblood son of a Wall Street banker, just the kind that Dulles liked. Sheffield Edwards was tasked with finding double agents and outed Kronthal. Dulles then had Kronthal over to his house to meet, with Edwards’s men listening in. After the meeting, Kronthal walked the few blocks home and “committed suicide.” He was found with an empty vial, which contents have never been determined. The CIA “cleaned up” the Kronthal problem, in typical fashion, and Kronthal’s family was stonewalled by the CIA into how he died. Late in his life, Dulles was asked about how the CIA handled double-agents, and he replied that they killed them, and then, in his usual “charm,” said that he was being purely hypothetical. My CIA contract agent relative was once tasked with killing a member of his team who was a suspected double agent. My relative did not relish the task, but it was his job. That was how the game was played. It is like it works in the Mob: “I like you, but this is business,” as the mobster ended the life of a colleague or even a family member. So, imagine Lee Harvey Oswald, with a crypto clearance, working at the U-2 base in Japan, theatrically “defecting” to the Soviet Union, turning in his American passport and announcing that he intended to tell the Soviets all of the secrets that he knew, to then being welcomed back with open arms by the USA a few years later, at the height of the Cold War. Oswald was very likely part of a Navy program to infiltrate Americans into the Soviet Union. There are many aspects of Oswald’s background that scream intelligence asset, not the least of which was his adventure in the Soviet Union and warm welcome by the USA when he returned. Castro noted it the day after JFK was killed, and the day before Oswald was, to prevent him from exposing the CIA’s operation. I want to get into the CIA’s style a little. The CIA was run by Wall Street lawyers from the beginning, and their Ivy League training was always evident, with their prep school charm. The “best” of them were witty, urbane, and suave in their tailored suits as they ordered murders and the like. When the CIA offered Dennis a billion dollars to go away, their agent was polished. When he came to see Dennis a couple of weeks later, to just have dinner, I am sure that it was quite the warm meeting, and I am also pretty sure that on that trip, a trifling portion of that offered billion dollars was used to grease palms to ensure Dennis’s subsequent treatment. In Gary’s book, he noted that when the gangster judges had somebody murdered, just before they were killed, the judges would embrace the target with happy talk and the like. Gary witnessed one of those events. What was happening? Was it to give the judge an alibi? Was it to maybe have the victim feel good during his/her last days on Earth? I consider that the least likely explanation. The likeliest answer is that all of that bonhomie was a psychopathic performance, and those judges got off on that kind of behavior. I have heard about it in other settings, in which you get a “party” before the dagger is sunk into your back, but in the instances that I am personally aware of, it was to end your career via a power play. We had psychopaths sicced on us regularly (1, 2, 3). They were very good at what they did, and had mastered the Boy Scout demeanor. The one that infiltrated and helped take us down from the inside looked like Mr. Rogers as he took out his sword and began running people through, and people close to me were dazzled by his Mr. Rogers act, even as he was running people through, at least until he ran them through. They blithely disregarded my warnings, mesmerized by his charm, until they felt the sword go through them. When reading up on Allen Dulles over the years, with his Ivy League charm and ever-present pipe, sometimes my hair would stand on end. I knew the kind, those charming psychopaths. James Jesus Angleton was one of Dulles’s key men, and long after Dulles was dead and Angleton was dying, he made a series of what could be called deathbed confessions. My relative was duped into becoming a CIA contract agent, and those who do it for the “cause,” however trumped up the rationale, are preferred cannon fodder over the psychopaths, as they work relatively cheaply, for that “psychic income,” and are more dependable. Angleton was one of those “believe in the cause” types, and like E. Howard Hunt, was always loyal to the cause and the “Old Man,” (Dulles) even after he died. But at his life’s end, as his lifetime of smoking caught up with him, Angleton admitted that his mission was not a godly one after all, but satanic. Angleton told his interviewer: “Fundamentally, the founding fathers of American intelligence were liars… The better you lied and the more you betrayed, the more likely you would be promoted…Outside of their duplicity, the only thing they had in common was a desire for absolute power. I did things that, in looking back at my life, I regret. But was part of it and loved being in it. In talking about Dulles, Wisner, Helms, and the other “grandmasters,” Angleton said, “If you were in a room with them, you were in a room full of people that you had to believe would deservedly end up in hell. I guess that I will see them there soon.” I have known people who murdered for a living, and they usually found some nobility of purpose. Those were the ones who drank themselves to death, etc. The psychopaths had no such cognitive dissonance to overcome. I have had to hear rationales such as, “The people that I had to kill for you!.” They literally thought that they were doing good deeds for the cause, with me being among the beneficiaries. Their afterlives will be difficult, and I am also sure that I will try to help them leave their personal hells. Allen Dulles almost certainly went to one of the darkest places to be found on the other side. Angleton’s repentance at his life’s end is actually a key step in escaping the hells that beckoned to him when he passed over. He probably did meet all of them in their hells made to order, but Angleton was also probably one of the first to leave. Time to begin my busy day, which includes a little hiking. Best Wade
  19. Hi: This will be more than one post. Predation is a very old behavior, predating animals, and ambush predation is an ancient profession, as predators eat the unwary. Even plants and fungus can do it. Closer to human predation are chimps, who sneak into neighboring territories to murder the obstacles to more food and fertile females. Humans in the hunter-gatherer phase merely refined those practices. It is thought that social navigation may have been a key stimulus to the growing brain of the human line. When human territories began shrinking as all the easy meat was rendered extinct, the greatest threat to humanity became humanity, and it has not changed since then. Sneaking up on neighboring bands and slaughtering them was a signature human behavior, and Stone Age hunter gatherers were humanity’s most violent specimens, with about a quarter of all people dying violently. When largely peaceful horticulture societies, which were often matrilineal and broke up the male gangs, began generating surpluses that could be used for political purposes, the rise to civilization began, men became dominant once again, and women’s status would not rise again until industrialization. Spying, ambush violence, and related behaviors have a rich heritage, and with the rise of professions with civilizations, people became professionals in playing the covert game. In a world of scarcity and fear, such behaviors make sense, and psychopathic rulers and their retinues have long played deadly games. Roman politics was extremely bloody, and numerous Roman Emperors died violently as a result of conspiracies. Watching people being forced to murder each other was the Roman version of going to the movies. Rome is history’s greatest empire, and has greatly influenced Western civilization. When Hitler came to power, recapturing Rome’s glory, as the First Reich also did, was among Hitler’s goals, and Roman iconography was revived and made part of Hitler’s pageantry. Hitler’s regime was arguably more bloodthirsty than Rome’s, and when the war finally ended, the man who did more than almost any other in “rehabilitating” Hitler’s henchmen and cheerleaders was none other than Allen Dulles. Dulles built the CIA’s intelligence network with death camp Nazis, and some of very same facilities where Nazis tortured people to death became places where the former Nazis tortured people to death using the same means, but under the CIA’s employment, not Hitler’s, such as Camp King. From those activities came MKUltra and similar programs. Of course, MKUltra activities never really ceased, but went further “black,” and it would curl your hair to learn of a small fraction of what they do to people. Chapter 12 of The Devil’s Chessboard surveys those programs, in which the human guinea pigs in Dulles’s programs were expendable, with the protocol of Camp King stating, “Disposal of the body is not a problem.” I wonder if they used ovens. Dulles took those programs further than Hitler could have dreamed, the Soviets were relative amateurs, and Dulles’s programmed assassin idea became the basis for The Manchurian Candidate. I am going to spend a few posts on Dulles, his background, and the spooks, but for now it is off to work. Best, Wade
  20. Hi: A little more on Kennedy the man and his programs. If you ask Uncle Noam, JFK did not alter the trajectory of American foreign policy at all. Chomsky wrote a book to that effect, titled Rethinking Camelot, which cites William Blum’s work on JFK’s fondness for covert action. Blum is certainly one of the most astute critics of American foreign policy after World War II, and his Killing Hope is the bible on the subject. But in that book, JFK and his aides from Harvard were far from gung-ho foreign policy adventurers, who even sometimes “agonized” over their foreign policy decisions, but in the end, their Latin American policy was “scarcely distinguishable from that of conservative Republican administrations.” JKF was close friends with fellow Irish-Catholic Joe McCarthy, who even dated two of JFK’s sisters. Anticommunism was the USA’s religion in those days, and the Harvard crowd preferred a more genteel version than the right did. The leading “dove” of those years was George Kennan, whom JFK appointed as ambassador to Yugoslavia, and Kennan’s 1948 foreign policy study became notorious. I think that it is clear that JFK tried using the carrot more than the stick to help decolonize nations. But he clearly tried to woo them to the capitalist West and away from communism. His Alliance for Progress was one such program. His Peace Corps volunteers were essentially missionaries for capitalism. The Pentagon Papers made clear the Peace Corps’s foreign policy role. Economic Hit Man John Perkins got his start in the Peace Corps. When missionaries and Peace Corps volunteers fail (and capitalist persuaders such as Perkins), then it is time for covert action and, if necessary, invasion. Harvard is the seat of the liberal establishment, and they treat Chomsky as the devil, because his stance shows how fraudulent the liberal position is: a kinder, gentler imperialism, at least on the surface. Uncle Ed called them the Cruise Missile Left when they beat the drums for invading Iraq with such “precision” weapons. I think it is clear that JFK was very willing to admit failure and learn. The Bay of Pigs operation was mounted under Eisenhower and JFK inherited it. It is pretty clear that the CIA was expecting to manipulate the new president into calling in open air support for the invasion. JFK was blindsided by what happened, refused to call in air support, took full public responsibility for the disaster, but fired spymaster Allen Dulles in the aftermath. But Dulles was far from out of the picture, and Angleton and Helms still considered Dulles their boss, not JFK appointee McCone. Dulles was the Rockefellers’ “fixer” and betrayed every president that he served, going back to Franklin Roosevelt. The CIA has half-jokingly been called the standing army of the Fortune 500, and was founded by and run by Wall Street lawyers such as Dulles. Dulles served Wall Street, not the presidency. JFK’s clashes with U.S. Steel and other corporations made him many enemies. One reason for the controversy around who was behind JFK’s murder is that so many interests wanted him dead. I am onboard with the idea that JFK tried to end the Cold War, especially after the Cuban Missile Crisis. He began backdoor diplomacy with Khrushchev in his life’s last year, and hardliners in Khrushchev’s regime were also hostile to the idea of peace between the superpowers. JFK’s call for a joint American-Soviet mission to the Moon is concrete evidence of JFK’s direction, soon before he was murdered. He was taking an almost 180-degree about-face from the “brinksmanship” of the Eisenhower administration, led by the Dulles brothers. Mike Parenti has long been one of my favorite voices on the Left, and he called out the Left’s conspiracy-phobia, especially regarding the JFK hit. The fact that JFK was not “Left” enough to satisfy the radicals does not mean that he was not nearly right enough to satisfy the oligarchy. JFK the man wanted to end American military involvement in Vietnam. The man who announced JFK’s death in Dallas, Malcolm Kilduff, Assistant Press Secretary, later reported that on the morning of November 21, JFK’s last full day on Earth, as he was preparing JFK for a press conference, JFK instead talked to Kilduff about Vietnam, and said: “I’ve just been given a list of the most recent casualties in Vietnam. We’re losing too many damned people over there. It’s time for us to get out. The Vietnamese aren’t fighting for themselves. We’re the ones doing the fighting. After I come back from Texas, that’s going to change. There’s no reason for us to lose another man over there. Vietnam is not worth another American life.” That is from Douglass’s JFK and the Unspeakable, p. 303. Arthur Schlesinger was more of a hagiographer than a historian regarding presidents, as Zinn capably demonstrated in his People’s History of the United States, and Schlesinger was the chief architect of the Camelot myth, so the “white knight on a steed” view of JFK does not deserve to be taken seriously, however, as Parenti wrote (in his Dirty Truths): “JFK’s enemies in the CIA, the Pentagon, and elsewhere fixed on his refusal to provide air coverage for the Bay of Pigs, his unwillingness to go into Indochina with massive ground forces, his non-invasion guarantee to Khrushchev on Cuba, his overtures for a rapprochement with Castro and professed willingness to tolerate countries with different economic systems in the Western hemisphere, his atmospheric-test-ban treaty with Moscow, his American University speech calling for reexamination of cold war attitudes toward the Soviet Union, his antitrust suit against General Electric, his curtailing of the oil-depletion allowance, his fight with U.S. Steel over price increases, his challenge to the Federal Reserve’s multibillion-dollar monopoly control over the nation’s currency, his warm reception at Labor conventions, and his call for racial equality. These things may not have been enough for some on the Left, but they were far too much for many on the Right.” This month’s Z Magazine features a talk that Chomsky gave in 2010, and Uncle Noam talked about how Lyndon Johnson received a visit from Wall Street’s “Wise Men,” who informed him that the Vietnam war was costing too much, creating too much domestic dissent, and he was ordered to deescalate the war and that he would not run for president in 1968, and Johnson immediately complied. That fits quite well with Fuller’s statement that political actors are always “stooges” of the economic interests. JFK was an anomaly, however, being a robber baron’s son and rich for his entire life, so he was not as beholden to the Wall Street gang as others were. In Chomsky’s talk, he also berated Ted Sorenson and Schlesinger for the Camelot myth, especially the idea that JFK wanted out of Vietnam, which Noam said was a totally unsupported idea. And this is where it gets painful with Uncle Noam. JFK did want to pull out of Vietnam, partly as an olive branch to Khrushchev. JFK the man changed his Cold Warrior views during his presidency. While not some flaming liberal, he definitely was pulling in America’s imperialist horns, and that was one reason among many why he had to go. He did not get the nice talking to that Johnson did. JFK was made an example of, and all presidents since him heard the message loud and clear. In coming posts over the next week, I am going to get a bit into the spook side of things, what I think happened, and the bigger picture of what it all meant. Again, I am onboard with the idea that the USA’s oligarchy, the MIC in particular, were behind JFK’s murder, the framing of Oswald, and the cover-up. I have closer connections to that milieu than I may ever be able to publicly disclose, to protect the innocent and the guilty, but I will bring them in a little. Time to begin a busy day. Best, Wade
  21. Hi: Before I get into too much more JFK assassination intrigue, I need to address the issue of JFK, the man. Obviously, murdering him was a great crime. He was murdered at the absolute peak of American prosperity, which was humanity’s most prosperous period, and had movie star looks and a movie star life. He was a visionary, to some degree. He took on Wall Street, in legendary fashion, and tried to end the Cold War, after coming close to a nuclear holocaust. JFK returned from World War II with no illusions about how ignoble war was, and gave fiery speeches about dismantling the colonial order. Not long before he died, he proposed a joint effort to land on the Moon with the Soviet Union, and instructed the head of NASA to develop a plan by early 1964. JFK bucked the MIC from the beginning of his presidency, such as not calling in air support for the Bay of Pigs fiasco and refusing to play hardball with the Soviet Union over the Cuban missiles. Those behaviors were unprecedented for an American president, and may have averted a nuclear holocaust. JFK certainly deserved great credit for those courageous decisions, and they likely helped lead to his death. Three days before JFK was inaugurated, Eisenhower gave his MIC speech as the CIA was helping murder the Congo’s first elected head of state. The moment that JFK heard about it, nearly a month later, is an indelible image. Kennedy was shocked by the murder of South Vietnam’s president, on the same day that the Chicago plot on JFK was foiled. He was not calling the shots nearly as he wished he did, and since his murder, every American president had no illusions: they served at the pleasure of much greater powers. I have some connections to the Kennedys, and it is a mixed bag. When Brian O was the up-and-coming astronomer who became an astronaut, in 1962 he met Bobby Kennedy at a Thanksgiving dinner, and Bobby laughed uproariously at a parody album of the Kennedys. The day before I became Dennis’s partner, I worked at a Kennedy foundation, and those early days of being Dennis’s partner was quite a time. One day, while answering the phone, Mr. Big of New England’s electric industry called our office, another day, a billionaire dropped by. Another day, we received the first offer from the Global Controllers to go away, and as I recall, we got the first call from the so-called White Hats in those days. We were making noise, and it challenged my ego in those days. We were doing shows and mailing out tapes, and Jackie Gleason watched them, soon before he died, for reasons that became clear later. But I was also losing my innocence in those days, for all that I had already seen, and began to get attacked by friends, which was a gentle preview of what would happen in my home town. The local officials were sharpening their axes, and one day, one of Bobby’s sons called the office. He had just begun his political career as a Congressman representing Boston, and runs an energy company today. He watched the tape (probably of our original show), and called up our office, asking to speak to Dennis directly. He said, “I wanted to call you personally, to tell you that you are an a**hole.” That was our Kennedy welcome to the idea of free energy. Jack was not his relatives, but he certainly would not have won husband of the year. He was a legendary philanderer, and Jewish mobsters used that weakness by introducing him to Marilyn Monroe, for an influence-peddling and extortion scheme. Monroe and JKF met similar fates, and possibly for similar reasons, which I will deal with later. I generally part company with many JFK researchers who saw Kennedy as some white knight on a steed, and that with his death, our once-great nation has been on a downward trajectory. While I am somewhat sympathetic to that view, it is high time to get past nationalism. The USA is an empire, but an increasingly creaky one, which will go the way of all empires, as they are all fundamentally evil, as they have been since the beginning. No nation on Earth has dealt out more death, destruction, and exploitation than the USA since World War II ended. Nobody else comes close. JFK could be seen like Rome’s “Good Emperors,” but they all died of natural causes. He angered the wrong people, and had to go. Best, Wade
  22. Hi: During those years of study, when important new JFK books came out, such as Fonzi’s The Last Investigation or Scott’s Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, I studied them. It was just one of many subjects that I studied in those days, in my radicalized state, and although I did not know it at the time, I was developing what is called a comprehensive perspective. But without my radicalizing experiences with Dennis, my understanding would have been a bit stunted, hemmed in by my conditioning. Social conditioning comes with being a social animal, and it often works directly against achieving true sentience. Very few people ever escape it, nor do they seek to, as they seek the safety of the herd. I seek the few escapees, or those who at least want to. It is not an easy trick, even for those who want to. Even leaving aside what Gary knew about the JFK hit, virtually all of the best JFK works that I encountered placed the immediate responsibility for JFK’s murder with the USA’s intelligence apparatus (AKA “the spooks”), and the hypothesized hit teams were somewhat varied, from domestic mobsters, imported Italian mobsters, contract CIA agents (often ex-military), and the like. When the authors tried to identify the hit team’s sponsor, the sketchy trail almost always led to members of the USA’s oligarchy. The more ambitious tried to identify the triggerman and their employers, and I am somewhat sympathetic to such efforts, but I doubt that such efforts have been all that productive. I think that is safe to say that the hit was sponsored by domestic interests, not international ones. The last thing that the Soviets or Cubans wanted was JFK’s death. He was about the only sane player, who was trying to end the Cold War, not inflame it. There were certainly key players in the cover-up, key beneficiaries of JFK’s murder, key members of the USA’s intelligentsia who took leading positions on the assassination, and much was playing a disinformation role. As Ed Mitchell said on the ET cover-up, the blizzard of disinformation is part of the cover-up. Spinning all sorts of wild yarns, which the unwary and gullible uncritically repeat, fixate on, etc., is part of how the three-ring-circus around the JFK hit has been sustained for more than 50 years. One of the saddest aspects of the JFK hit is similar to how hypotheses play out in science, as a scientist stakes his career on a hypothesis and can never let go, clinging to his long-since falsified hypothesis to his grave. It seems like everybody wants to solve the crime, going after Moby-Dick with harpoon in hand, and the JFK milieu has been rich with feuds, petty squabbles, and the like, as each theorist vies for priority, and red herrings abound, etc. It is not much different from how it works with many fringe topics. Even Uncle Noam joined the party, and it was painful to witness. I eventually came to learn that the Left has a conspiracy-phobia, and it took me many years to realize why. The Left is filled with scholars, and while not many of them are scientists, they attempt a scientific approach, but they miss the mark by confusing the scientific process with materialism, which is the religion of our industrial Epoch. The best scientists say that the story that science tells of how the universe works is about process and history, not intent, but the founding presumption of materialism is that there is no intent behind the universe’s creation or functioning: it is all one big accident. That is a philosophical stance, not a scientific one, but I constantly see people confuse the two, especially the “skeptics.” The greatest scientists understood the distinction, but the hacks don’t. That “no intent” stance is used by the Left for describing human affairs. Nothing happens on the world stage intentionally as part of some grand design, but is merely Darwin’s “red in tooth and claw” stance applied to humanity. They deny that conspiracies can happen, as a matter of faith. There is no design in what happens on the world stage, but it is just the accidental outcome of vying interests. An identical situation dominates the free energy field. Scientists and intellectuals dismiss evidence of organized suppression of free energy as a “conspiracy theory.” Evidence is not theory, and I am living evidence of it. In a dialogue with the father of the Free Software Movement, his response was classic. The battles over the JFK hit are similar, in that structuralists deny any conspiracy, on ideological grounds, the conspiracists get all in a lather, each defending their pet hypotheses, and the truth gets lost in the mayhem. It is not very important just who pulled the trigger, other than their identities may point in the direction of their employers, but the people behind the hit insulated themselves with several layers of plausible deniability. That is how the game is played, not Mr. Big instructing the shooters on the morning of the hit. The JFK milieu is similar to what I see in mainstream science, with the tensions between the detail-orientation of the specialists and the pattern-recognition of the generalists. Specialists can get tunnel vision as they scrutinize the details, and it is usually up to generalists to recognize the pattern formed by the detailed evidence. Today, scientists are trained to avoid getting lost in the details, but now learn to pull back and consider the context before diving back in. That is a very welcome trend in science. I’ll give a couple of examples of where JFK specialists seem to get lost in the weeds. Less than three weeks before JFK was murdered, the Secret Service foiled an assassination plot in Chicago, with a four-man shooter team, with a mentally unstable military veteran playing the patsy. The Secret Service man who objected to the official secrecy uncovering around the Chicago plot, and who had previously made noise and was nearly “erased” by the IRS a few days before the JFK hit, was kangarooed into prison. A mere week after the Chicago plot was foiled, a right-winger was recorded by the FBI talking about an upcoming trip to Miami by JFK, and a rifle team shooting from an office building would take him out. That was less than two weeks before the Dallas hit. How on Earth could people fail to see the similarities with what happened in Dallas? The “Lone Nut” hypothesis on Oswald looks shaky from that alone. JFK told his wife in the weeks before his assassination that there was a plot to kill him, from people close to him, and Jackie purposefully wore her bloodied clothes to Johnson’s swearing-in to show what “they” did to my husband. She voiced the first public notion of a conspiracy, with her “they.” Similarly, I have encountered JFK theorists who think that they fingered the conspirators, but who don’t see how RFK’s murder could be related to Jack’s. “Wow,” is all that I can say to that. You have to wear some pretty thick blinders to not suspect that Jack’s and Bobby’s murders were related. The Kennedy family thinks that they are, but fear kept them silent for 50 years. Those are two examples in which the tunnel vision of specialists can stunt their view of the bigger picture. Gary’s encounter with John Tower always fit very neatly with all of the more respected efforts out there. I think that Gary got it wrong in his theorizing, seeing the Jewish mob as the masterminds, when their role was likely more ancillary. Gary’s view was very understandable, given his interactions with Jewish mobsters, who wrecked his life and tried to kill him, and I have seen his evidence of Jewish mobster involvement, beyond Jack Ruby, given serious consideration by respected researchers, but I doubt that they were behind the hit. They were involved, but not in charge. What makes many theories, such as those featuring Jewish mobsters, the Dallas PD, and other suspects hard to credit is that they certainly had very little influence in enacting a frame job and cover-up from the beginning. Even if they interposed the mission, as Tower said, there was too much framing and covering up on the day of the assassination to lay it all at the feet of some small clique who interposed the mission. Some of the framing could have been for the “frame Castro” angle that Tower discussed, but way too much that happened in those days of the assassination and immediately afterwards that would indicate framing Oswald after the fact, not just setting up that frame Castro angle. I think that it was ingenious for whoever interposed the mission to do it that way, as they quickly received avid cooperation in the cover-up by those involved in the “frame Castro” operation, which included members of the CIA, the FBI, and the military. I think that the CIA and FBI went into CYA mode as a bureaucratic imperative, and that inertia carries through to this day, even if high-ranking members of those organizations were in on it. In Rodney Stich’s Defrauding America, he presented a conversation with a deep-cover CIA officer (a military colonel) who stated that JFK was advised of the plots against him in Chicago, Miami, and Dallas, and that a super-secret espionage group recorded one of the Rockefellers (likely David) and J. Edgar Hoover, in which Rockefeller asked if there was going to be any problem with the hit, and Hoover replied that Allen Dulles had it all handled and that the FBI was ready to do its part, and the conversations also identified George Bush the First and Lyndon Johnson as participants. Hoover’s tapped phone allegedly provided that evidence, which was given to a Congressman. None of that would surprise me in the slightest if true, and it once again fits Gary’s Tower story very neatly. I would not dismiss Stich lightly. He and I trod much of the same ground, and the gangster judges in California get creativity points for how they took out Stich. Dulles was well known as the chief “fixer” for the Rockefellers, and covering up the JFK hit was perhaps the greatest service that he rendered for his masters. In short, in my studies on the JFK hit since the 1980s, Gary’s Tower conversation fit like a glove with the most formidable efforts. Much more is coming, including my views on the JFK hit and its implications, some of which I have not written publicly about before. Best, Wade
  23. Hi: I’ll have more time to write next week, I hope. At the same time that I began studying the JFK hit, I discovered the radical left, media analysis, the history I was never taught in school, seeing if anything was covered up about the Apollo Moon landings, studied the medical establishment and alternative medicine, various fringe topics, such as UFOs, free energy theory as well as orthodox science/thermodynamics, a great deal of mystical material, the “skeptics,” the worthlessness of my profession, and so on. After several years of those studies, I stumbled into the Velikovsky controversy around 1995 and remain on its fringes to this day. I met Brian O at the beginning of those studies, and if I had not had my mystical awakening at age 16, followed by my radicalizing years with Dennis, I would probably not have much worth saying, might never have embarked on those studies, and my naïveté would have likely stunted my awareness for whatever I did look into. During my journey, I have encountered numerous enthusiasts on those various topics, and many reminded me of how I might have turned out if I had not met Dennis. They were naïve, and when the topics became conspiratorial, they either denied them, had a tabloid-ish orientation to them, or became paranoid. Conspiracism is an unhealthy mindset, but denial of those conspiratorial aspects is not healthy, either. Both mindsets think like victims, as they live in fear. Love is always the answer. I began building my 2000-book library in earnest beginning in 1990, and JFK works were prominent additions. Because of Gary’s testimony, I never took the Warren Commission Report very seriously, and when I read parts of it, I gradually became dismayed over how poorly done it was. I clearly recall parts that tried to frame Oswald and give him his motivation to kill JFK, and it was some cheap psychological “analysis” that no self-respecting professional would dare produce. As Bobby Kennedy’s son later said, RFK considered the Warren Report a “shoddy piece of craftsmanship,” and I could see why. After 50 years of silence, the Kennedy family finally came forward and admitted that they never believed the “Lone Nut” conclusion of the Warren Commission, and if they did not believe it for Jack’s murder, they certainly did not believe it for Bobby’s. Among the early JFK works that I studied was the High Treason series, Groden, Lifton, Lane, Summers, etc. After several years of those studies, Fetzer joined the party, and I am not sure that that was a good thing. I eventually obtained Piper’s book and subscribed to The Spotlight for years, during my far right studies. Piper’s book was his second on the subject. Gary told me that he walked into The Spotlight’s offices one day and talked with Piper, which was the genesis of Piper’s first book, which hardly mentioned Gary at all. Gary was miffed, and Piper’s second book gave Gary the credit that he deserved. I studied Posner’s work maybe more than any others, as reading debunker works can be very educational, as I had done for years with the “skeptics.” Studying Posner’s shabby work, and how the Establishment welcomed it, probably more than anything other single work did, convinced me what a hatchet job the Warren Report was. In the late 1990s, I encountered Jack White’s backyard picture analysis, and devoted a section of my essay to those backyard photos. Going deep on one aspect of the evidence has long been part of my writing style. Jack did some good work on those photos, but his subsequent work, on JFK, and the moon landings in particular, showed how Jack should have just stuck with those backyard photos. Time for work. Best, Wade
  24. Hi: Briefly, before I run off to work. When I first read Gary’s book in January of 1989, it was just after the blackest month of my life, Dennis was in solitary confinement at the time, and parts of it were too painful to read, as he was describing events just like those that I was living through at the time, with some of the same officials being involved. The evil in Ventura County is monstrous, and most residents are completely oblivious to it, thinking that Ventura is just some fun beach town. The Tower conversation was a mere sideshow in that book, but when I began to hit the books the next year, the JFK hit was among the many subjects that I dove into. Many people have devoted their lives to the JFK issue. My involvement has been far more modest. I had no doubt that Gary was reporting the Tower conversation as accurately as he could, first writing about it around a decade after it happened. But I tried to take the scholar’s/scientist’s approach to the JFK issue, as I kept Gary’s account as my center-of-gravity. I never saw any convincing piece of evidence falsify Gary’s story, and over the years, as more evidence came to light, Gary’s story was only more powerfully supported, such as the Operation Northwoods documents. Two of the most prominent JFK hit efforts of the 21st century, JFK and the Unspeakable and The Devil’s Chessboard, more than echo the particulars of Gary’s account (without ever mentioning it), and aim right into the same milieu that the Tower conversation dealt with. Gary was a cop and investigator, and solving the crime was his profession, so his attempts to finger the masterminds and triggermen were understandable. As I have already written, solving the riddle of the dinosaurs’ demise was a scientific parlor game, with a hundred hypotheses proposed. That pales beside all of the JFK theories out there. It seems like everybody has a theory on who did it, and they get into the minutia of the triggermen. I don’t need to belabor the list of suspects, do I? A small sample is the Italian Mob, the Israelis, the Soviet Union, Texas oilmen (including George Bush the First), Cuba, Lyndon Johnson, the Jewish Mob, the Dallas PD, the Secret Service, two independent teams coincidentally firing at JFK at the same time – The Washington Post hatched that most bizarre theory – right wingers, left wingers, the FBI, the MIC, and last but not least, the CIA. In the Tower conversation, Hunt was played as a chump, but maybe Tower was a chump. What I have little doubt about is that Bill Decker had a frightened John Tower on his hands, who wanted to get the story and documentation into safe hands, as some kind of insurance, and maybe even an act of conscience. For me, however, all of that is distantly secondary in importance. What is most important for Americans to understand was that there was no way in hell that Oswald was the lone assassin. That is the most unbelievable story of all, but was the official one, and still largely is among Establishment mouthpieces. The day after JFK was killed, Castro made a speech in which he noted the incongruity of Oswald’s sensitive military background (stationed at the U-2 base in Japan), openly defecting to the Soviet Union in a theatrical display, announcing that he wanted to give the Soviet Union sensitive American intelligence information, and then was welcomed back by the USA, which loaned him money to resettle instead of sending him straight to prison. Imagine Edward Snowden coming back to the USA to live and being given a hero’s welcome, not prison. If you think that that idea is realistic, then Oswald’s treatment makes sense to you. Anybody with any background in the milieu knows that Oswald’s story, from his teenage years to his death, screams that he was an intelligence asset. But the USA’s chief spook and a prime suspect in JFK’s murder, whom JFK fired over the Bay of Pigs debacle, ran the very “investigation” of the crime. To be polite, he had a slight conflict of interest. You really have to be an idiot to overlook all of that and accept the Warren Commission’s “Lone Nut” fairy tale, which hinges on a very magical bullet. But what is infinitely more important to me is not who pulled the trigger, and not even so much whose employ they were in at the time, but how the entire American establishment has conspired ever since to cover up the crime, often by muddying the waters with insane theories, such as that one from The Washington Post. For me, that is the real lesson of the JFK hit. The American establishment is rotten to its core. The sitting American president can be murdered in broad daylight in front of hundreds of witnesses, and it all gets covered up. Every president since JFK has been a puppet and he knew it, and has been totally out of the loop on the important issues, particularly the ET situation and the exotic technologies that come with it. The ET connection with JFK’s and Marilyn Monroe’s deaths is one of many strange issues in this situation, and in coming posts I am going to present my journey with the JFK evidence and related matters. IMO, JFK was taken out by the USA’s oligarchy (which includes the MIC), with Allen Dulles being one of their fixers, and the Warren Commission plowed to the foregone conclusion that was decided before the shots even rang out. Oswald was an expendable intelligence asset, as my close relative was. I doubt that anybody is going to “solve the crime” any better than that. The actual triggermen are relatively unimportant. Whom they did it for, and how the entire American establishment closed ranks to cover it all up, is far more important, at least for Americans. My work takes a meat ax to all in-group ideologies, and American nationalism in particular. I see it like that Rolling Stones lyric about who killed the Kennedys, “It was you and me.” In the end, we all have to own our part in the situation, because until we own it, we can’t change it, and make no mistake, that is what my work is all about. Time for work. Best, Wade
  25. Hi: Gary thought that Jewish gangsters were behind the JFK hit. I think that the Jewish gangsters who were involved, such as Jack Ruby, were hit men more than masterminds, but I could be wrong. I was just rereading part of The Devil’s Chessboard last night, regarding Hunt’s “confession” to his son soon before he died. As Gary knew from his Tower conversation, Hunt was certainly involved on some level, and may well have been played as a chump. The author of The Devil’s Chessboard dealt with CIA men who worked with gangsters, such as Johnny Roselli, who figures prominently in a number of JFK hit scenarios, but The Devil’s Chessboard’s author thought that many clues from that milieu led to Allen Dulles, who ran the Warren Commission, as being one of the masterminds, if not the mastermind, of the JFK hit. Everybody has a theory. I could go on for some time on Gary’s theories, but want to move to how I approached the JFK hit, using Gary’s experiences as my Rosetta Stone. Time for work. Best, Wade
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