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Wade Frazier

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Posts posted by Wade Frazier

  1. Hi:

    When I did my Project Camelot interview in 2009, Bill said that it was not so much because of Brian why he interviewed me, but that he had read my work back in 2001. I just discovered that Bill was writing about my work in 2001. We have all been at this for a while. :) That 2001 essay by Bill is related to what I planned to write about this morning.

    I interrupted writing this post to comment on an observation about “paranormal” experiences and ability, and it is also germane to today’s post. You can get a pretty thick skin, standing on the world stage as I have for the past 20 years. I no longer countenance the trolls, but as I search for recruits for the choir, I regularly see what is written about me in cyberspace. I have seen many descriptions of my work, as it has been called scholarly, rambling, a pack of lies ( :) ), and other colorful epithets. Even my allies remark on how I write about scientific and historical topics, and then wax mystically, almost in the same sentence. It utterly confuses some people, and many often seize on one aspect of my work and disappear down that rabbit hole, to never be seen again.

    As I have written plenty, if I had to use a label on my work, I would call it Neo-Fullerian, which I did not suspect until after I had finished the 2002 version my site, when I was introduced to Bucky’s work. He was the professional grandfather that I did not know that I had. Bucky was no materialist. As I recall, he was quite the student of Theosophy. As I have written plenty, all of my fellow travelers that I most respected in the FE field had a mystical awakening, and it was a key aspect of their journeys. Almost all of us were either scientists or scientists-in-training when we had our awakening, and it generally ruined us as mainstream scientists, as we could no longer drink the Kool-Aid of materialism, which is the religion of the Fourth Epoch.

    A truly comprehensive viewpoint is holistic, and does not exclude matters of the spirit in favor of materialism. But enlightened mystical awareness has to be grounded in experience, not some received teaching or literature review. Do I totally buy the Michael teachings and framework, which I wrote about this morning, as I related it to humanity’s Epochs? I don’t totally buy anything, as it is all subject to revision, the more that I explore and learn. Even the most inspired channeled material comes through humans who are mired in the scarcity and fear of our Epoch. What would “channeled” writings in the Fifth Epoch look like, if the phenomenon survived at all (would writing survive for long?)? Unless people are manifesting the Infinite Spirit, their utterances will always be conditioned, to one degree or another, by the pervasive limitations of our reality on Earth, which has been dominated by scarcity and fear since the Cambrian Explosion (punctuated by golden ages of relative energy abundance, which were generally brief), so I take everything, even my writings ( :) ), with a grain of salt, realizing the conditions that it was produced under.

    We can temporarily leave behind mystical musings and just think about the very real physical, social, and cognitive changes that may well manifest in the Fifth Epoch. But the mystical aspects (our soul-related aspects, and other terms can certainly apply here) will be vital, and more than merely explanatory. A Mature Soul world (with Old Souls like me doing what we do) will look nothing like a Young Soul world, or feel like it. Can love really come to “dominate” that world? I do not consider this world to be fictional, and if there may be one way to sum up the intention behind my work, it is to serve as a beacon for those who want to incarnate into that world in a lifetime not far off on their souls’ journey. We can get there in all practicality, and FE is the key to abundance. I am about giving people the choice to aspire to manifesting that kind of world, and work like mine, if I may be so bold, is about helping blaze the path to that world. If I can just help people imagine that it is possible, I am done. Anything more will be gravy.



  2. Hi:

    With these recent mystical posts, I have been rereading parts of McLuhan’s book, and he comes across as a reasonable Englishman who looked into the paranormal and found the “skeptical” pronouncements wanting, and found that there was plenty of intriguing evidence on the paranormal (but, of course, nothing beats direct personal experience). Those so-called “skeptics” are actually anti-scientists, in their Orwellian orientation to the issues. They pose as scientists, but produce absolutely no scientific work on the subjects that they weigh in on. When they do propose scientific hypotheses to explain the evidence within a materialistic framework, as Blackmore did for NDEs, their efforts were generally so shoddy as to collapse inward on their weak foundations. The skeptics are notorious in that area.

    Sheldrake noted the same thing when trying to engage people such as Dawkins on scientific evidence that flies in the face of materialistic theories. That the “skeptics” got Sheldrake’s tame TED talk banned is par for the “skeptical” course. As far as the “paranormal” goes, Sagan and Dawkins were/are phonies, parading as experts in areas where they had zero expertise and had done no scientific work at all. They were actually anti-scientists, as their attitudes showed, when making the case with their actions and attitudes that the “paranormal” was not worthy of being subjected to scientific testing. The antics of stage magician James Randi are grotesque.

    There is a vast body of scientific literature on paranormal investigations, with robust data, going back to the 19th century, but you would never know it by looking to the pronouncements of the “skeptics.” I consider organized skepticism to be a criminal enterprise (I have plenty of firsthand experience, unfortunately), but what is really damning to the scientific community is that I have regularly encountered scientists looking to the “skeptics” for their pronouncements on the paranormal, and then conclude that there is probably nothing there worth pursuing. That is like skimming tabloid headlines. Materialism (AKA “physicalism”) is a philosophy, not a scientific stance.

    McLuhan brilliantly summed it up with this analogy:

    “The difference between parapsychology and Randi’s prize is the difference between a fleet of boats heading out to sea equipped with radar and large nets, and one man sitting beside a muddy stream and waiting for fish to jump into his lap.”

    McLuhan’s book is filled with nuggets like that.



  3. Hi:

    As I wrote that previous post, I daisy-chained through my writings and ended up at an NDE site, where people post their NDE accounts, and exceptional ones are here. This one from Iran is appropriate, and this part is important:

    “One example of my life review was when I was a little kid. We were traveling by car and stopped somewhere along the way. There was a river not far from the road and I was asked to go and bring some water in a bucket from that river. I went to fill up the bucket but on my way back, I felt that the bucket was way too heavy for me. I decided to empty some of the water to make the bucket lighter. Instead of emptying the water right there, I noticed a tree that was alone by itself in a dry patch of land. I took the effort to go out of my way to that tree and emptied some of the water at the tree base. I even waited there a few seconds to make sure the water is soaked in the soil and is absorbed. In my life review, I received such an applaud and joy for this simple act that it is unbelievable. It was like all the spirits in the Universe were filled with joy from this simple act and were telling me we are proud of you. That simple act seemed to be one of the best things I had ever done in my life! This was strange to me, because I didn’t think this little act was a big deal and thought I had done much more important and bigger things. However, it was shown to me that what I had done was extremely valuable because I had done it purely from the heart, with absolutely no expectation for my own gain.”

    And the next paragraphs showed the ripple effect of our actions:

    “Another example of my life review was when I was a 10 years old boy. I had bullied and mercilessly beaten another boy who was also around my age. He felt tortured and deeply hurt. In my life review, I saw that scene again. The boy was crying in physical and deep emotional pain. As he was walking in the street crying and going back home, he radiated negative energy which affected everything around him and on the path. People and even birds, trees, and flies received this negative energy from him, which kept propagating throughout the Universe. Even rocks on the side of the street were affected by his pain. I saw that everything is alive and our way of grouping things in categories of 'alive' and 'not alive' is only from our limited physical point of view. In reality everything is alive. I felt all of the pain and hurt that I had inflicted upon him inside of myself. When this boy went home to his parents, I saw the impact that seeing him in that state had on his parents. I felt the feeling and pain it created in them and how it affected their behavior from that point forward. I saw that as a result of this action, his parents would be always more worried when their son was out of home or if he was a few minutes late.

    “I saw that whenever I had done something good to anyone or anything, that I had done it to myself. And whenever I had hurt someone, I had done it to myself while actually doing that person a favor because they would receive some form of compensation or help from the Universe as a result. This universal gift would be bigger than the damage I had caused to them.”

    For those who feel caught in the materialistic mire of our world, reading such accounts can be a rejuvenating tonic. Most are thematically similar, and reinforce what I mean about how all that we take us is our awareness, and the power that each of us has to influence our world.

    In early 1987, I lived with Dennis’s family, in a house that the rent check was going to bounce on, as his investor pulled the rug out from under him. I was on day 37 of a fast because it was cheaper than eating, and we were recovering from the aftermath of being wiped out in the greatest effort ever made to bring alternative energy to the American marketplace. That day, I became Dennis’s partner. The nucleus of the effort was three of us, and Dennis’s wife really did not want to be there. A few months later, we were offered $10 million for our bright idea, and a year later, they raised it to $1 billion. We had the attention of the people who run the world, and Dennis has had their full attention several times that I know of. I have lived through what a few committed and talented people can do, and am well aware of how people think that my effort does not stand a chance of making any headway. I know better, so I keep plunking along with what I do.

    The biggest event in the human journey is no small beer, is worth at least one man’s life to try out this approach, and we will see how it goes. All that we take with us is indeed our awareness. :)



  4. Hi:

    I would like to make a post on a subject near and dear to me. My approach is a low risk one in ways, but high risk in others. Giving up our comforting delusions is not easy to do. Not only are we inculcated into them almost from our cradles, but they “work” in that if we adhere to them, material and egocentric rewards beckon, as we benefit from our in-group status. Almost nobody on Earth today possesses enough personal integrity today to even question their in-group ideologies. The most crazed attacks that I have received over the years were about people defending (or denying) the crimes and lies of their in-groups. Few were honest enough to admit it, so they found other reasons for their attacks, but they were irrational and thinly veiled, virtually without exception. As Orwell noted, finding a new orthodoxy to dogmatically adhere to is not an advance. We need to become fully sentient beings, in order to jettison that baggage, and it always begins in the heart.

    As I continually stress, people need to have already had awakening moments before work like mine makes sense. Otherwise, people view it through the distorting prisms of their in-group ideologies, so that they really can’t comprehend my work, other than it seeming like an “attack” on their very existence. I have fielded particularly crazed responses from my “peers” – white, educated, American men – on this section of my site, for instance. For those who get past the denial and fear reactions when even hearing about free energy, I have yet to encounter a proposal to “do something” that is not one of the failed approaches that has been tried many times, even thousands of times, for some of them. Proposing those failed approaches reflects an unwillingness, inability, or inexperience in breaking out of in-group ideologies.

    I often refer to Michael Road’s visit to a heavenly future Earth, and even I get new “aha” moments when reading it. The Shepherd stated this:

    “Yes. Human life is an expression of consciousness…If you choose love, then love is your reality. If you do not choose love, then your conditioning will determine your reality.”

    during Roads’s visit to the hellish future Earth. I did not truly appreciate the truth of that statement until many years after first reading it, as I studied for writing my big essay. The Shepherd was stating what I and my fellow travelers discovered the hard way during our journeys. When Brian got all of those crazed reactions of denial and fear, from many of the world’s leading minds, as he played the Paul Revere of Free Energy, he was encountering people who sold out their sentience for their in-group ideologies. In those instances, they were the more sophisticated ones, which deny free energy’s possibility, desirability, and deny that organized suppression even exists, which reflects their allegiance (if they were Americans, and most were) to American nationalism, capitalism, and materialism, which are the primary population control ideologies in the West, during our Fourth Epoch. In short, none of them really chose love, but chose their conditioning, and were then trapped by their choices, unable or unwilling to see past the bars of their cages, or even thought that those bars were there to protect them, not imprison them.

    If somebody has not yet had their mystical awakening, what follows will not mean much, but our awareness is all that we take with us when we go. Evolving consciousness seems to be the very purpose of physical reality, and sentience is never wasted, and acts from the heart are the most powerful that we can aspire to while in physical reality. I have had dramatic confirmation of that in my own life, so I am not chattering a bunch of theory and bright ideas, but I used them in the real world and they worked.

    My experiences on the high road to free energy, more than anything else, by orders of magnitude, led to my approach, not a received teaching, literature review, or empty theorizing, although I began my wild ride with some stars to steer by, and only had the truth of such wise statements confirmed during my journey, as I carried the spears of the best of the best.

    I make no apologies for my writings being as challenging as they are. They are relatively formidable on the intellectual level, but not really all that much. The emotional challenge is the greatest, as it challenges people to relinquish the innumerable egocentric conceits that our societies run on. I often warn people against trying to turn their social circles onto my work and the idea of FE in general. I have had way too much experience with how that works, and have seen what my fellow travelers encountered. I structured my work so that those who are not ready for work like mine run away almost instantly. That is quite intentional on my part, as my work can make people go insane. I just heard at Christmas about somebody who was institutionalized because he encountered me, and now he openly disparages my work. The risks are very real, for those who are not awakened, with their feet firmly planted on the ground, as they failed to choose love and are subjects of their conditioning. Becoming truly sentient in a world of scarcity and fear is no easy trick. The masses are not going to begin to awaken until the means of abundance are delivered into their lives. It is just what it is, and does not good to judge the situation. We are all on the endless journey, and no part is really any better or worse than any other, although that is not easy to see from here.

    But I am not going to apologize to anybody who studies my work, to help them gain a comprehensive perspective, and then complains that it was wasted effort, to break through the illusions of their conditioning. That kind of awareness, if it is truly achieved, is anchored with integrity (love) and is the most precious and powerful commodity on Earth, as achieving true sentience is the name of the game in physical reality. Those who complain have not gotten there yet.



  5. Hi:

    I am reading Steven Kinzer’s Overthrow and may read the whole thing, but he is definitely from the liberal side of the house. I have a few of his books, as he focuses on the USA’s foreign policy. Kinzer was a New York Times correspondent, with all the bias that entails, and his work is strange. It criticizes the USA’s foreign policy, but does it benignly enough that it gets glowing reviews from the New York Times and other mainstream media outlets such as the Washington Post. Kinzer acted as hagiographer for Paul Kagame, whom Uncle Ed depicted as another genocidist on behalf of American interests, picked from the small ruling class to rule the majority, in standard imperial style. I did some digging and located one of the damning documents, showing that the USA knew early on that the killings were of the majority Hutu by the Tutsis, which Ed used in his work. Uncles Noam and Ed tellingly revealed Kinzer’s reporting biases in Central America in Manufacturing Consent, and you won’t find Kinzer citing William Blum (or Uncle Noam! :) ), who is the dean of dissecting American foreign policy.

    Over the years, I have noticed a spectrum of awareness, and it goes back to that in-group awareness. People can almost always be counted on to defend their in-group, with the most strained logic and selective use of the facts. In my experience, only saints like Uncles Noam, Ed, Howard, Mike Parenti, etc. have the personal integrity to lay aside almost all of their in-group loyalties and ascend to the ethical high ground of taking their in-group to task (e.g., Americans taking on American foreign policy). Those on the “right” are generally the most irrational defenders of their in-group, and the non-elite right also tend to make the elite into an out-group, and conspiracy theories are their stock-in-trade.

    In the end, Kinzer is an opponent of American intervention, but too often seems to mix up ultimate and proximate causes, although, for instance, for the USA’s invasion of Iraq, which spurred Kinzer to write Overthrow, he mentioned that Bush the Second and Cheney were oil executives before occupying the White House, and mentioned it prominently, but then moved on to other issues. He is frank that the primary motivation for overthrowing foreign governments is corporate resource exploitation, but keeps it kind of faceless, except when he is writing hagiography for butchers such as Kagame. Kinzer writes critiques of American foreign policy for listeners of NPR and viewers of PBS.

    As one example of many that I could provide, on page 208, Kinzer cited the American death toll of its invasion of Southeast Asia: 58,168, and his description of the native suffering was: “The Vietnamese toll was far heavier.” The native death toll in Southeast Asia was in the millions. Kinzer toted up the invader toll down to the individual, but did not even estimate the death toll of the invaded, when it was orders of magnitude higher. On the same page where he began the Vietnam discussion, he counted the bodies in Guatemala as at least 200,000, and right after his Vietnam section, he once again got precise and reported 2,796 murders in aftermath of the Pinochet coup in Chile. So, he’ll report our casualties to the man, and can get precise with small numbers of deaths that we were responsible for, but the slaughters in the millions he cannot bring himself to even estimate. Those kinds of emphases depict Kinzer’s imperial biases. Is it so that he could be published? In a mention of Kinzer, by Ed and Noam, they state that Kinzer was aware of the unsavory imperial facts, but is silent on the most damning of them. It is like the bias of historians that I write about.

    I wonder how aware Kinzer is, or if he came to peace with his role, but he seems to be one of the shills that Noam refers to, as his views represent the extreme “left” of analysis and opinion, and anything to the left of that is “crazy,” so that people such as Noam, Ed, etc., are placed in the loony left, completely ignored when they are not being attacked, with their views misrepresented. Noam and Ed have always stood on that highest ethical ground of taking their in-group to task as it abuses the out-group. There are not many like them, and they are going to leave insanely large shoes to fill when they are gone. Ed is going to be 91 in April (and that Wikipedia article is a disgusting imperial broadside against Ed), and still produces an article a month for Z Magazine, and still churns out books. Incredible.



  6. Hi:

    Before my hurricane at my day job begins, which won’t end until spring, if then, here is a short post. One of the most sober voices on the financial scene just published his latest, and a Peak Oiler recently held forth. In the absence of a new energy source, the Peak Oiler stance is unassailable. The wars in Oil Country are likely just getting warmed up, and World War III may be the outcome, if it is not already.

    I have been writing some reflective posts lately, and this will be another one. I have written plenty on what the people I seek will likely have in common and won’t belabor it, but this morning I will touch on some obstacles to my plan. It is a given that almost nobody has what I seek, but for those who do, I do not propose an easy task.

    Part of the problem is that humans are social animals, and I have written plenty on the hazards of approaching one’s social circles with my material. But even if my pupils refrain from engaging their social circles, there is a constant pull from people’s social circles, to be a member of the herd, the constant draw to drink the Kool-Aid of the dominant ideologies, to not even question their tenets. People who buy into those in-group ideologies abdicate their sentience to the degree that they do. The siren song of sleep and herd conformity issues from nearly every mouth, blares from Orwell’s telescreens, dominates the Internet anymore, and anything “progressive” or “conservative” is all about slicing up humanity’s scarce and shrinking economic pie a little differently, and not even dealing with how it can be made bigger, etc.

    How to avoid getting sucked into that vortex? I work in corporate America and know how hard it is. All I can say is that it is not easy, to know how it can be, while seeing what it is. In order to navigate that terrain, people need ways to be grounded and maintain their internal anchors, or else they are going to go flying off the handle, go off the deep end, become addicted to dysfunctional coping mechanisms, and so on. I have seen so many casualties on my journey. I watched people wreck their lives, lose their lives, lose their sanity, and so on. I will always be picking up the pieces of my shattered life, and am grateful that I did not permanently become a quivering pile of wrecked nerves, drink myself to death, and so on. I have had to eliminate people from my life, such as all of my immediate family, who decided to attack me, generally because they could not handle the realities that my journey encountered. My mother’s “my son the criminal” scrapbook tour was actually a benign event, compared to what others did.

    What I ask of my readers is no mean feat, to shed our mind-and-soul-entrapping ideologies and conditioning while not becoming estranged from our social circles. To keep our eyes on the ball and refrain from getting entangled in the million distractions that beckon, to maintain our sanity through it all – not many have what it takes to do that, and I am here to help my pupils stay on the straight and narrow, and it is not easy, given the limitations of the Internet, as awesome a communication tool as it is.



  7. Hi:

    Not long ago, I wrote a series of posts on vaccination. I wrote of the damage caused by free radicals, industrial toxins, the garbage that Americans ingest and call food, and such drugs as cigarette smoke (the active ingredient is nicotine) and alcohol. I mentioned that I finished reading Nick Lane’s latest book yesterday. I feel compelled to make an early comment on his book, and to also comment on something that I see all the time in the mainstream media.

    Anybody who questions vaccination’s safety and effectiveness is not only called crazy, but is portrayed as an active threat to public health. There is a huge illusion promoted that medical science is above the fray, simply seeking what is the highest and best for human health. Bigger lies have seldom been told. Western medicine is a huge racket, and it is not all that hard to find MDs and scientists who publicly admit it. Of course, their careers are over when they do that, but they are out there. They often challenge the dogma of heart disease, cancer, and the approved treatments. Once in a while, the establishment will embrace the work of the crucified pioneers, without giving them any credit, of course. It recently happened with heart disease.

    Rife and Naessens developed optical microscopes that attained “impossible” resolutions, but you will almost never see an establishment scientist admit it, like Galileo’s contemporaries who refused to look through his telescope. Those scopes’ findings confirmed the pleomorphic reality that Pasteur’s contemporary documented, whom Pasteur seems to have plagiarized in his quest for fame and fortune. Not only did their findings threaten the very foundation of modern medicine, but they developed highly effective disease treatments based on their findings, especially cancer. They performed many experiments that achieved “believe it or not” results, and those results have been studiously ignored by Establishment science.

    Rife’s microscope was the world’s most powerful when he invented it, and his lab became a scientific mecca before he was wiped out, but he is an ignored or reviled figure today. Naessens is still around, and scientists come away amazed after visiting his lab. Where is the stampede of scientists and doctors, trying to reproduce their findings? The silence is deafening, and when a man began to play the FDA’s game to have Naessens’s treatment approved in the USA, he was kangarooed into prison. That is standard procedure in the medical racket, but anybody who questions vaccination or fluoridation or provides cheap, harmless, and effective cancer treatment is portrayed as a malevolent threat to the public’s health. Orwell’s world is alive and well.

    I finished my series of vaccination posts with my hypothesis on what is happening, as organisms fail. Lane’s latest book supports my view, although that was certainly not his intention. :) The free radical theory of aging has apparently been falsified in its initial conception, but Lane still thinks that it is valid, in a subtler way. Lane returned to the comparison of a pigeon and rat, as they are both about the same size, with the same metabolism, but a pigeon only produces 10% of the free radicals that a rat does and lives ten times as long. Lane advocates a slightly different dynamic. Programmed cell death happens when a cell has been sufficiently damaged. Free radicals and other insults cause that damage. Free radical production in the electron transport chain is the mechanism of programmed cell death, as they react with the mitochondrial membrane and sever the electron transport chain, which immediately halts ATP production, and the cell instantly starves to death, as if it ingested cyanide.

    But most cell types can be replaced, so it is not that big a deal to dismantle a cell, feed its neighbors with its carcass, and grow new cells. However, there are highly specialized cells that cannot be made anew, such as brain and muscle cells. When one of those dies, it is not replaced. Lane thinks that programmed cell death in those vital and non-reproducing cells is what brings on aging, as fewer remaining cells try to do the work that more cells formerly did, and they get overworked and break down, meeting their maker through programmed cell death, so there is a positive feedback cascade effect to those cells, and that is why we age.

    Birds run such a high-performance and “clean ship” that programmed cell death happens at only 10% of the rate of rat cells, and Lane thinks that free radicals must be part of the dynamic. In the end, high-performance equipment (flying is the highest level of energy performance that any animal can make) is of higher quality and does not wear out as quickly as cheaply made equipment, and that analogy seems to apply to the difference between rats and pigeons. It is an energy game, as always.



  8. Hi:

    This barrage of posts is coming to a screeching halt, and soon. :)

    There are times when I sit back and wonder about what I am doing, how I got here, etc. If I look at my site as it stands today, I can see how I was groping toward what it became back when I began hitting the books in 1990, after my life was shattered and I was radicalized. But it was by no means a straightforward process. I now know that I was a comprehensivist-in-training, but I did not even know what that meant until after finishing the 2002 version of my site, which is still the site’s meat today (everything from here down was part of that 2002 version, and some above it, such as the introductory and visionary essays), and one of Bucky Fuller’s pupils had me read some of Bucky’s work, and the lightbulb finally went on. My work has been more consciously comprehensive ever since, and I can look back at those early essays and see what I was struggling toward. I did not need to revise them much during my 2014 editorial process, to get them aligned with my big essay.

    What I was doing, which I could not have articulated back in 2002, was deflating all of the in-group ideologies that I had been imbued with. You don’t see me take on organized religion, mainly because I was not really raised with it, thankfully. Also, it is a Third Epoch ideology that is increasingly irrelevant in Fourth Epoch societies, and I was more concerned with deflating the Fourth Epoch ideologies. Materialism is the religion of the Fourth Epoch.

    Today, I can see what I was heading toward, by deflating all of the in-group ideologies, which always justify ill treatment of the out-group. The most enlightened message to humanity was given by Jesus most famously: there is no out-group. That is what I was aiming toward, in a kind of backdoor way, by deflating all of the in-group ideologies of my culture. If we can begin to see all of humanity, all life on Earth, even all of Creation, as our in-group, we are on our way to enlightenment, IMO. Even the Global Controllers are one of us, as much as conspiracists hate to admit it, as much as structuralists continue to deny their existence.

    Anthropologists have said that if there has truly been any social “progress” in humanity during the human journey, it has been a continual expansion of people’s in-groups.

    A major goal of my work is for those in the choir to relinquish all in-group ideologies, or actively work on shedding them. Another key goal is for the choir to gain a comprehensive understanding of the central role that energy has always played on Earth, and especially how each energy source the humanity has tapped has formed the foundation of each of humanity’s Epochs. It takes some scientific literacy to understand. I wrote my big essay for laypeople (I am one myself), and doubt that people need to be professional scientists to understand. When that comprehensive, energy-centric perspective is developed, people can focus on what is important, and be immune from the million distractions that beckon in today’s world.

    Then, the combined positive intention of people with the right stuff just might be able to make a dent. That is really what I am doing, but it took decades of trial and error for me to come up with my approach. There are plenty of other approaches, but nobody has tried mine yet that I know of, and we will see how it goes.



  9. Hi:

    I finished Nick Lane’s latest book today. He is always worth reading, and he is held in high regard amongst scientists (Peter Ward gave him a specific accolade in his latest). I’ll be digesting Lane’s book for some time, before I update my big essay for the past year’s reading. The book’s most trenchant statement is at the end, “Incorporating energy into evolution is long overdue…” I have found this idea in recent work on economics and the collapse of civilizations, and energy’s role has also been underplayed in biology. Energy is the ballgame, but on many fronts, even scientific, it has been underplayed, even to the point of invisibility, such as in neoclassical economic theory. I have to wonder how conspiratorial that situation has been.

    I can only hope that my big essay is only slightly ahead of its time. :)



  10. Hi:

    Before I tackle some more chores, a brief post…

    I seek to wreck the elite game, but I also seek to end the game that their slaves play, which is the mass of humanity. Both sides play the scarcity, fear, and survival game. It is baked into our paradigms, and neither side is willing to let go. But it was like this before all Epochal Events, when nobody could imagine anything different from what was familiar to them. The elites cannot be the focus of an effort like mine, and neither can the masses. Neither group has what it takes to make it happen. The global elite are committed to preventing the next Epoch from manifesting, as it means Game Over for them and they know it, and the masses oblige them, with perspectives that rarely extend beyond their immediate self-interest.

    For their part, the masses are addicted to their survival mechanisms, which include their favorite ideologies, and that includes the so-called smart. The problem is primarily one of the heart, not the head. Humanity’s social changes have always been a result of their economic reality, not a cause. Slavery appeared with the Third Epoch because it made economic sense, and it ended as a hallowed institution in the Fourth Epoch, when it no longer made economic sense, not from some bout of conscience out of the blue. The social approach has never worked, and never will work, for Epochal change.

    Warfare has always had an underlying economic rationale. Warfare as a way of life will end when it no longer makes any economic sense, and that will only happen when scarcity ends. I have written that humanity will become largely, if not exclusively, vegetarian in the Fifth Epoch, and will no longer rape Earth’s ecosystems, because humanity will no longer “need” to, in order to live comfortably. Eating animals will be seen as a close cousin to cannibalism, and razing forests will be seen as incredibly primitive and barbaric, in the Fifth Epoch, as ethical and aesthetic standards leap upwards by orders of magnitude.

    But don’t expect the masses to even begin to raise their awareness and ethics to those levels until economic abundance makes it feasible, and don’t expect the elites to willingly give up their games of power and control. Their addiction is arguably the most entrenched on Earth, as the addictions of the masses pale in comparison.



  11. Hi:

    As the new year begins and I am about to get relatively quiet, I would like to reflect a little on my approach, what I hope to accomplish, and the people I seek.

    I am 57 today and have been on my energy quest since I was 16, when my first professional mentor’s engine began making waves. If I am fortunate, I will have another 30 good years or so in me, to continue along this path. I was trained to be a scientist almost from the time I could walk. I had my mystical and cultural awakenings when I was 16, which led to a paranormal event when I was 19, which changed my studies from science to business. Eight mostly frustrating years later, another paranormal event landed me in the middle of the greatest effort ever made to bring alternative energy to the marketplace. I came to realize that my fellow travelers had similar preposterous events during their journeys, from voices in their heads to remote viewings to mystical awakenings that led to inventing FE prototypes, and other events that were far larger than life. Such experiences can give people a keen sense of purpose.

    Very few from the public can believe that such events happened, but when you live them, you know. Even I sometimes look back on the events of my life and wonder if they really happened, so the public’s denial is quite understandable. Virtually all of my fellow travelers had such awakening events, were usually scientists or scientists in training, and we all discovered the hard way how the world really works. Those awakening events were not easy to survive, and most of my fellow travelers are either dead or “retired,” often due to the organized suppression, which was regularly fatal.

    The proportion of the population that can even comprehend that milieu is vanishingly small, as people cling to their favorite ideologies, which our experiences blow out of the water. Sometimes my fellow travelers would give up and seek the nearest rocking chair, but the best of them kept going until the end of their lives.

    The list of failed approaches that I compiled is not theory or rumor, but what my fellow travelers and I experienced. We have twisted that Rubik’s Cube every way that we could think of. It was from decades of trying and witnessing failed approaches, and trading notes with my fellow travelers, that I arrived at my current approach. Nobody has ever tried it before, and very few people have any comprehension of what I am attempting. With numbing regularity, people approach me, dragging the baggage of their scarcity-based frameworks, thinking that they have the key missing ingredient. Without exception, they are variants of those failed approaches. The free energy field has been in a state of arrested development for longer than I have been alive, very few in the field today have the right stuff, and I no longer have anything to do with the field, nor do I want to.

    I recently made a series of posts on what those with the right stuff for this task have in common, made some posts on what has not worked and why, and why my approach just might help. If anything, it won’t hurt, as it seeks to mount a comprehensive, arguably enlightened effort, which will not be very susceptible to humanity’s inertia and the organized suppression. However, it will be a long, slow journey, even while humanity stands on the brink of the abyss. Impatience is my Achilles heel, and this approach has been teaching me patience, in the face of mounting desperation, as my great nation is on the brink of igniting World War III, if it has not already begun.

    I am approached all the time by people who want to try this and that, want to drag in their pet ideologies, proclivities, and bright ideas, and when I inform them that they need to leave them at the door, they almost always disappear. Some may return, and I will be here when they do.

    I wrote just yesterday that my best pupils invariably try out the idea of free energy with their social circles, even when I warn them to be cautious, but they have to go find out for themselves, and that is OK. If they were lucky, they were not ostracized, and pretty much all of them tell me how they wrecked some relationships (with family, friends, and colleagues), became pariahs in certain circles, and so on. But they came back to me, sobered up from their initial enthusiasm, were more willing to learn, and realized that I was not making it up.

    Energy has always been the name of the game on Earth, and the generation of an energy surplus has always been the key measure of the viability of organisms, species, ecosystems, and civilizations. The last days of the Hydrocarbon Age are upon us, and history’s richest and most powerful nation has been declining ever since its energy consumption peaked. If we don’t transition to an abundant and harmless energy source, and soon, it may well be Game Over for humanity, and we might take most of Earth’s complex life with us.

    Lockheed’s recent announcement of commercial fusion is an attempt by the Global Controllers to have their cake and eat it too, so that the new energy source will still be subjected to capitalist constraints. I can live with that, but I know that technology exists today that makes such technologies seem like a campfire. The Fifth Epoch will put an end to elites and they know it, which is why they have been so active in keeping such technologies suppressed and sequestered.

    People might say that I am attempting to wreck the elite game, and they would be right, but I wish those elites no harm. Some of them will even like living in something that resembles heaven on Earth, but their days of being “in charge” are swiftly coming to an end.

    Peace on Earth, goodwill to all,


  12. Hi:

    “Going quiet,” as I wrote, is relative, for me. :) A few themes have been rolling around in my head lately, and one is a subject of recent conversations with a pal who first heard of FE from me. I have been doing this for so many years that I only talk about my life’s work with people who already know me, and I probably have done it more in my professional life than anyplace else, as far as with “new” people, as I spend most of my waking hours there. I sure don’t walk the halls, spouting Wade’s World tales, but I am a respected professional, and the people I talk to in professional settings are already acquainted with my professional abilities, so they know that I am not crazy. But I definitely choose my spots.

    If a person hears of FE and gets past denial, fear, lazy acceptance, or a feeling of hopelessness (when the obstacles are considered), they almost always talk about it with their social circles, which is normal. If they talk with their social circles, just in an inquiring way, not as an advocate, but just asking their social circles if they heard of FE, most people will not have really heard of it at all, but those who have will almost always have denial and fear reactions, and those who first hear of FE also react with denial and fear. People will rarely react positively.

    If FE newcomers approach their social circles as an advocate of FE, they should be prepared to be ostracized. The reactions can be quite violent. I have watched friendships end, family relationships get strained and even end, and careers have ended when people proselytized to their social circles. The fraction of humanity that will react positively and in a somewhat enlightened manner to the idea of FE is less than one-in-a-thousand. Those are just the numbers, and it does no good to judge the situation. Since humans can only manage social circles of 250 people or so, the odds of FE advocates finding fellow travelers in their social circles are small. If such people are lucky, they will find one or two who will react productively, but they should also be prepared to lose many times more relationships if they go “fishing” in their social circles that way.

    My best students always proselytize to their social circles, even after being warned, as they had to find out for themselves. I always get to hear their stories, but the best of them do not stop there and return sobered up from their initial enthusiasm. Brian O banged on the biggest doors on Earth for five years, playing the Paul Revere of FE, before I got to hear from him how it went, and he began openly wondering if humanity was a sentient species. There is no social circle, no organization not already devoted to the issue, no gathering on Earth that is going to react in anything approaching a positive and enlightened manner to the idea of FE. It took me many years to understand what we were seeing, and I eventually concluded that people were addicted to their survival mechanisms in a world of scarcity, and FE and abundance meant the end of the world as they knew it. Even the least intelligent of them began to understand that pretty quickly, and it scared them. Their niche in a world of scarcity and fear would vanish with FE and abundance, and they could never see beyond losing their niche, not what that world beyond scarcity and fear could look like.

    I will end this post with an observation on the more sophisticated denial reactions, which usually come from scientists, academics, and the “smart.” The most common are the “laws of physics” objection and the denial of organized suppression as a “conspiracy theory.” They are often accompanied by an outright fear that with FE, humanity would quickly destroy Earth via warfare or strip mining it. I recently dealt with the warfare and strip mining objection, I am living evidence of the organized suppression, as are my fellow travelers – there is no theory to those “conspiracies,” as far as their existence, but who, why, and how are open to debate. I have seen and experienced way too much of it, so I know how real it is, and am decidedly unimpressed with expressions of denial of that reality. But I want to deal a little with the “laws of physics” objection in this post.

    As Brian O often said, there are no “laws” of physics, only theories. When anybody says “laws of physics,” they are portraying a body of theory as some absolute fact, which is similar to religious dogma. Science is ideally about doubt, not faith, and that quasi-certitude term “law” really has no place in science, or it has a very limited application that has been greatly abused by people as a knee-jerk response to the unfamiliar. As Einstein said, every theory is killed by a fact. A cousin to the “laws of physics” objection is to try to make reports of FE fit into orthodox physics concepts, or else declare them invalid. Many of the greatest breakthroughs in science and technology had the inventions and data predate the theories that described how they worked.

    The steam engine was invented more than a century before thermodynamic theory was developed to state how it worked. The Wright brothers were flying for five years while the scientific establishment ignored and ridiculed them, and even stated that heavier than air-flight was “impossible” (and Brian said that the climate in the scientific establishment is worse today than a century ago). The anomaly of the Michelson-Morley experiment predated Einstein’s special theory of relativity by a generation. Inventions and experiments have regularly gone far past the day’s prevailing theories, and the steam engine, powered flight, and relativity theory posed no immediate threat to economic empires, while FE technology will make all of them obsolete, and the global elite know it.

    I have been directly involved with technologies that are still declared “impossible” by people, especially scientists and the technically trained, even when the data has been robust and decades old, and I have looked into others. When people invoke the “laws of physics” to deny FE’s possibility, they are ignorant of the history of science and technology, and when they dismiss organized suppression as a “conspiracy theory,” they are ignorant of how the world really works, and prefer their ideological stances over reality.

    What my friend was shown blew his mind, but it was no big deal to Brian, or would be to my fellow travelers who traveled the high road. When the “laws of physics” objection is leveled against FE, such responses are ignorant of what one of Einstein’s protégés theorized, for instance. The “laws of physics” objection is ludicrous.

    What all such objections essentially state is this: “When you can deliver an FE device into my hands, I will believe in its existence.” It is normal and Machiavelli remarked on it. Such people need to be left alone until FE can be delivered into their lives. They are not going to wake up before then, and that is normal.



  13. Hi:

    As I have written, my work hurricane begins now, and I will likely be pretty quiet until spring, with my main writing task over the winter being tweaking my big essay for my reading during the past year, especially the recent Ward, Kirschvink, and Lane books. I intended my big essay to be like a college textbook, which will be revised periodically for new findings, like all science textbooks are. I doubt that I will update the rest of my site much (that 2014 re-edit of my site, to align it with my big essay, I will likely not do again), but the big essay will be updated until I can’t do it anymore or we get to use FE in our daily lives. :)

    The big essay covers such vast territory that there will always be material to update, but the basic theme, of the central role of energy, I don’t expect to change. In fact, what I have noticed in recent years is that science and scholarship has increasingly focused on the energy issue, as Lane’s latest book does.

    The issue of civilization collapses and running out of energy has really only become a scholarly theme in the past generation, and seeing scientists and scholars focusing on energy being the basis of economics has also been wonderful to see, and way overdue. I did not entirely invent my Epochal Event framework, but I did invent the Second and Fifth Epochs (and my framework is significantly different from others I have seen, in ways), and the day that an enlightened, worldly, and comprehensive, Fuller-ish discussion of the Fifth Epoch is mounted anywhere in cyberspace, my work will be finished. I intend it to begin in my forum, as my recruits begin hitting the notes, but I don’t expect it to stop there.

    Because my effort is mostly a one-man show for now, I need to get the material as good as I can get it, before I try to expand my audience much. It is far more about the notes, not the numbers, especially at this stage of the game.



  14. Hi:

    I likely won’t have too much more to say about the JFK hit, especially in a forum of such impressive scholars and investigators. But I am going to make this post on how I see the JFK issue. Really, the only contribution to the JFK assassination issue that I have to make of much importance is to state my confidence that what Gary reported was the truth, as far as what John Tower reported. You can take that to the bank. Gary did not make up that meeting or what John Tower said. Tower apparently was not in the inside of the hit, but was on the periphery of it. For me, the primary takeaway was that there is no way on Earth that Oswald was a “lone nut.” For me, that was the most important upshot of the Tower conversation. It is possible that Gary may have reported some details of the conversation inaccurately, writing about the event ten years later, but I think that they would have been very minor errors. But I never saw anything that seemed that way.

    I could have stopped there, as far as what all of that implied, but I spent the next dozen years, on and off, looking into the evidence around the JFK hit, to see how it matched up with the Tower conversation, before I made a public statement. I never saw a convincing piece of evidence falsify Gary’s tale, and over the years, as more evidence came to light, Gary’s account received powerful confirmation, such as the Operation Northwoods documents. I never doubted that Gary truthfully reported his experiences, but I did the scholar’s duty in checking out everything that I could.

    Again, I met Gary after my life had already been ruined by the people who run the world, and his advice was vitally important in helping me sacrifice my life to spring my partner from jail, in the biggest miracle that I ever witnessed. My partner still barely survived the experience. But without Gary’s help in my darkest hour, my partner likely would have never lived to see this side of the bars again. Gary is in my pantheon, for that alone.

    But over the next dozen years, the JFK hit was just one of many subjects that I studied. Gary, being a cop and detective, tried to solve the crime, and concluded that Jewish gangsters were behind it. I doubt that is true, but they were certainly involved, as Ruby was a Jewish gangster. The Mob was certainly an interested party and helped out, but they were not the masterminds, IMO. But I think that Gary likely got it right that JFK was murdered because he attempted to end the Cold War. The brinksmanship of the Eisenhower years was truly insane. JFK was only trying to bring sanity back to the situation, but too many evil interests profited from it.

    IMO, only the MIC had the means, motive, and opportunity to accomplish the hit and cover it up. They would have been the party most against ending the Cold War, because their racket would end. They have been my primary suspect early on, for various reasons. I was raised in a military family and nearly went to the Air Force Academy. My first professional mentor invented a bomb that did not harm people but ended warfare, which the Pentagon immediately moved to suppress, and one of my mentor’s innovations was used to fabricate the Gulf of Tonkin incident. He almost lost his soul working for the military. The MIC is evil, from top to bottom, and is one of the cartels that control the world economy. Those cartels are all evil, so there is no need to pick on the MIC too much; they are just doing what interests like them do. I have many inside connections on what they do, and it is not pretty.

    What I have seen over the long years of looking into the JFK hit is that many people really believe the Camelot Myth, and think that the USA was a shining beacon on the hill, and once the hero was taken out, it is been a long slide to darkness. I don’t quite see it that way. JFK was no saint. However, I do believe that he tried to end the Cold War and blunt the USA’s imperial foreign policy, and for that, he had to go, just like so many Roman emperors fatally lost the game.

    The USA has been a plutocratic empire since its early days, when its richest citizen became its first president, who was the architect of the plan to steal North America from its inhabitants, which worked great. JFK was the beneficiary of his bootlegger father’s success, ended up in politics almost against his will, and that made him better than most. In some ways, he reflected that Greek ideal of Noblesse Oblige. But like his dad and most men of power, he was serial philanderer. Again, he was no saint.

    However, that does not mean that I agree with Uncle Noam’s assessment, who can always be counted on to stress how imperial the Kennedy administration was, overthrowing Latin American governments, setting the table for Vietnam, and so on. But what I think that Noam and others missed is that the sitting president, especially JFK, was not all that in control of the process. He was an outsider of the American political oligarchy, a nouveau riche upstart Catholic Irishman who was decidedly not from the Rockefellers' side of the house. The Rockefellers helped wreck my life, too.

    I think that JFK was too much of an adversary to Wall Street and the Eastern Oligarchy, and for that, he had to go. I will also allow that Kennedy had more than a little idealism in him, and he could afford to, presiding over the greatest period of prosperity in the human journey, in the most powerful public office on Earth. For me, however, the JFK saga shows just how little power that throne really has. JFK was murdered in broad daylight in front of hundreds of witnesses, and it was all covered up, with the CIA’s spymaster running the show. To me, that is the lesson of the JFK hit.

    Ever since JFK, all American presidents have been outright puppets and they know it, as the empire rolls on, although the wheels are starting to come off, just like with all empires, and we seem to be trying to start World War III, if it has not begun already. That they are not in the loop at all on the UFO/ET situation is just one situation of many in which the sitting president is nobody. Every administration since Reagan’s knew my partner by name, and Bush the Second’s energy advisor was a fan of my partner, but the federal government still ran him out of the USA, The Land of the Free. My astronaut pal fled the USA in fear for his life, and very understandably.

    The key advice that Gary gave me was that nobody in the USA was going to intervene in the evil activities in my home town, as they are all in the same club. That kept me from wasting my time, camping on some Senator’s doorstep.

    In the end, the American president is way down the food chain of power on this planet, and what I call retail politics is all for show, part of the bread and circuses that get served up for consumption, just like all entertainment. The sooner that people shed themselves of that illusion, the more they are going to be useful for an effort to truly right humanity’s ship.



  15. Hi Evan:

    I think that we can agree that wood would quickly end for producing energy. It is very primitive, not sustainable, and ecologically disastrous. For the other uses, there are none that I can think of that are necessary. Sure, they could be used, but do they need to be used? Human skulls have had many purposes over the human journey, but we generally do not use them anymore. :) With the awakening that the Fifth Epoch can bring, I think that exploiting ecosystems for human lifestyles will largely, if not completely, end. On Christmas Day, I was hiking on a “saved” mountain, but it is still being clear-cut. I am aware of materials that would seem magical to people today, locked away in the Global Controllers’ Golden Hoard, with the rest of the good stuff. Killing any lifeforms, for materials, would soon be seen as barbaric, not to mention unnecessary.



  16. Hi:

    This post will wrap up this series on what the Fifth Epoch can be like. The end of economic desperation will change many aspects of human societies and the human animal. Today, people drug themselves to enjoy a brief escape from their misery, from the poorest to richest nations. That practice will largely, if not completely, end. The medical establishment as we know it today will disappear, just like all the other rackets. Being healthy will be the goal, not diagnosing and treating disease. Almost all diseases will disappear and true prevention will be practiced, not the lucrative and violent interventions that masquerade as it, which we see today.

    Bellicosity has been getting culled from the human gene pool, and I expect it to largely disappear in the Fifth Epoch. There won’t be any reason for it. Our chimp days are behind us. Fear will no longer be the primary operating principle of humanity. Love will. The dark pathers (AKA “very organized crime”) have had something to say about it, but their continued reign will result in Earth’s destruction, and the saner members of their cabal know it. They can no longer sit in the driver’s seat, but we all enabled them, in our blindly egocentric pursuits. Making them into another out-group is the path of delusion. They represent aspects of all of us, and have to be lovingly dethroned. But they can’t be the effort’s focus. Their coming obsolescence will be a mere side-effect, and some will even like living in heaven on Earth.

    These visions that I have presented are far from the only positive ones being presented, but with FE and economic abundance, I consider the visions that I have presented to range from quite probable to highly likely. But without FE, almost none of them are feasible. The golden ages of the human past and the journey of life on Earth all rode on relative energy abundance. Humanity’s social changes were a result of the economic changes, which depended on the energy surplus. It has always been this way and likely always will. We can’t cleverly reshuffle the deck of scarcity and achieve abundance. The world does not work that way and never has. That was the primary reason behind my big essay. We have to have some understanding of how our world works if we want to consciously change it.

    For the previous Epochs, they were all stumbled into, in one way or another, with nobody, not even the inventors, having the slightest inkling what those innovations would lead to. Those days are over. The Global Controllers have a very good idea what FE means, and have been actively presenting its manifestation in the public sphere for longer than I have been alive, but there also have been many levels of that game. No need to “credit” the Big Boys with all of the organized suppression. Thousands of inventors have stumbled into FE technology, but really had no idea what they stumbled into, as they marched into the lion’s den like lambs to the slaughter. As with all Epochs, the masses react with denial and fear if FE is even mentioned, and the few who don’t quickly get carried away, announcing that they are the Messiah, plan to become the Bill Gates of FE, think that the Global Controllers don’t exist or can be snuck past, can be exposed or defeated in battle, can get run over by a populist stampede, etc. I have seen it all. What those approaches all have in common is fear. Only a loving approach has a prayer, IMO. But love is not enough; it has to be wedded with sentience and wisdom, which comes from worldliness. That is the point of my work.

    The primary lesson of my harsh journey was that personal integrity is the world’s scarcest commodity (which I resisted every step of the way), as people live in fear, with their awareness rarely extending past their immediate self-interest. It is just what it is, and it does no good judge the sleeping, living their egocentric nightmares. I know that my approach will work, if I can find enough people with the right stuff. That will be the hard part, as well as building something self-sustaining before the Global Controllers decide that if they take me out, then the threat is averted. Those people are going to be needles in haystacks, but they are the only people who can give an effort like mine a chance of success.

    The visions in this series of posts comprise stars to steer by, not only so that people understand what is feasible with FE and related technologies, but why. I am taking what might be called Bucky Fuller’s approach, of developing comprehensive perspectives so that people can truly understand what abundance means. In our world of scarcity and fear, comprehending abundance, much less keeping a vision of it high in our awareness, is no easy trick. If those in the choir can keep their eye on the ball and refrain from being sucked into the million distractions and dead ends that beckon, we just might be able to make a dent. :)



  17. Hi:

    I have written that organized religion as we know it will end in the Fifth Epoch. What will also end is the religion of the Fourth Epoch: materialism. Of all the scarcity-based ideologies that dominate human thought today, the most sophisticated and subtle is materialism. I have also wedded it to rationalism in my writings, calling it the rational-materialist paradigm. I have written that I am not sure that a mystical awakening is required to be able to pursue FE, at least with my approach, but everybody that I most respected in the FE milieu had a mystical awakening, and they were almost all scientists or scientists-in-training, and some had global stature.

    I was raised to be a scientist almost from infancy. I had my mystical awakening at age 16, which was in the age range for most of us, who had it in our late teens or early 20s. Brian O was an “old man” of 39, sipping his sherry in his soft berth in the Princeton physics department, when he had his mystical awakening while performing the same exercise that I did when I had mine. It is called a “remote viewing” today. Many scientific careers were ruined by mystical awakenings, as the awakened could no longer drink the sterile Kool-Aid of materialism. Materialism is just another religion, with its dogmas, popes, inquisitions, etc.

    The giants of physics had worldviews that verged on the mystical, and were decidedly unimpressed with scientists who pretended that science was something other than what it was. The “skeptics” recently got a relatively tame challenge to materialism banned from TED, for instance, with their lies and irrationalities, which is very ironic for a movement that claims to advocate honest, rational inquiry. As far as I have seen, organized skepticism is a criminal enterprise.

    When you have direct personal experience, which is dramatically irrefutable, you know that the materialistic models of consciousness are false. Once you know that, the entire edifice of the rationalist-materialist paradigm begins crumbling. The scientific process is great thing, as are many of its findings. Materialism is a philosophical stance, not a scientific one, and when materialism and science get confused, it is often purposeful, as the scientific enterprise gets turned into a religion, similar to how professional priesthoods created the first religious rackets.

    While White Science has adopted a materialist stance on many issues, Black Science knows better. Black Science has also verged into what might be called “Black Magic” at times, as it has been used for evil ends.

    If and when FE and related technologies come into public view from the dark recesses where they have been sequestered, today’s physics textbooks are going to make great doorstops. :) What may well come with that event is open acknowledgement of the ET presence, as at least some of those technologies were developed from reverse-engineering ET technologies. If those ETs are humanoid, as has been reported, the story of the evolutionary journey that led to humans is going to be radically overhauled. Those would be big days of revelation. I doubt that much, if any, materialistic thought would survive those events. Much else will fly out the window, too, but the end of materialism is going to be a great breath of fresh air.

    The greatest physicists thought that dogma was the enemy, in science or religion, and when the Fifth Epoch begins, there will be great opportunity for the pursuit of enlightenment, greater than humanity has yet seen, and the spiritual practices of the Fifth Epoch will look nothing like today’s organized religion. What is called the New Age today is but a faint and distorted hint of what that can look like.



  18. Hi:

    Social animals are social because it enhances their ability to survive. Monkey societies are organized around a defensible food source and females and their offspring, with males patrolling the perimeter. African great apes changed that, as males became the center of social organization, and what a violent mess that is. There is no evidence of male-centric societies in the human line since then, until women’s economic contribution in horticultural societies resulted in matrilocal societies, which broke up the male gangs. Those were the most peaceful societies until the Industrial Revolution. Chimps also accomplished it, when an isolated population had its food supply double when gorillas left the region, so ending violent male rule is not the sole province of humans.

    Women’s status has risen, fallen, and risen again in the journey of Homo sapiens, and each Epoch of the human journey had radically different social organization from the previous Epoch, and there is no reason to think that it will be different in the Fifth Epoch. Hunter-gatherers had enforced egalitarianism in the Second Epoch. In the Third, from peaceful beginnings it eventually turned violent, and the appearance of cities, professions, elites, and slaves characterized the Third Epoch, along with many other traits still with us.

    The Fourth Epoch, which began as Europe raped humanity, saw more great changes in social organization. Slavery became economically obsolete and disappeared, a new breed of elite thief appeared, called “capitalist” today, and the agrarian masses were severed from the land and became cogs in the industrial system. But the rising standards of living that industrialization afforded allowed for more radical changes in social organization. Women’s status rose once again in the demographic transition, and being broodmares for agrarian economies became obsolete, and nearly all children lived to become adults. Industrial societies are radically different from agrarian ones.

    However, the primary social unit, at least since the beginnings of the Domestication Revolution, and arguably since humans became behaviorally modern and maybe going all the way back to Homo erectus or even Ardi’s species, has been a mother and her offspring. Gorillas have a patriarch-harem social organization, with unrequited males constantly vying to become the new patriarch by violently unseating the current one. Chimps have a gang-style social organization, and if human societies had their style, it would be described as psychopathic. Bonobos ended psychopathic rule when their food supply doubled.

    There is little reason to believe that social organization is not going to radically change in the Fifth Epoch, with probably the most radical changes of all. Elites will quickly become economically obsolete and will go the way of slaves. All exchange-related professions will largely, if not completely, disappear. Money will become meaningless and capitalism will go the way of all scarcity-based ideologies, in the Super-Epoch of Abundance.

    What will very likely come to pass will be the end of the nuclear family, and what replaces it will be far superior. Modern women will no longer be trying to juggle five tasks at once, to run a household with children in them, while the man “does battle” in society to bring home the daily bread (if the mother is “lucky” and he is still in the household). Motherhood will no longer be a life of drudgery, and women will no longer be driven by economic desperation to make the decisions that they do, to keep a roof over the head of their children. Men will still obviously be in the picture, but they will no longer need to play the hero, to go out and bring home the daily bread. Men will be liberated from that constraining role.

    Raising healthy children – physically, mentally, and emotionally – is the greatest task that humanity can undertake, and with the unprecedented riches of the Fifth Epoch, nobody is going to grow up in privation. Dealing with physical, mental, and emotional scars will no longer drive adult humans, and they will no longer inflict them on their offspring. That vicious cycle will end. Nobody in this world had to deal with childhood traumas, and in this world, their life was filled with trauma, from beginning to end. Which one do you want to live in? :)

    There is much more to come, with this series of posts.



  19. Hi:

    As I have written plenty, I was a computer “geek” since college. The reproduction of intelligence is in its infancy. The rise of machines was the Industrial Revolution, and harnessing new energy sources made it possible. Today, machines perform more than 99.9% of the work in industrial societies. I have seen American farmers, for instance, when encountering my work, dismiss FE and abundance while stating that only the sweat of their brow got anything done, as if they did that 99% of the work on their farms that their machines did, as if they did the work that the Sun did, that the plants did that captured it, etc. All that humans do is direct the energy, with their intelligence and manipulative ability. Those farmers perform almost none of the actual work that they enjoy the fruit of. I sit here in my home, typing this into my computer, and within seconds after I finish, it will be available to billions of people to read. That is mind-boggling, when you think about it. When I was in college, something as “simple” as that was beyond my wildest imaginings, and it began only 15 years after I graduated.

    Computers are replacing human guidance of machines. In some cases, those intelligent machines are called robots. I was recently made aware of an effort by high-tech moguls to ensure that the rise of intelligent machines does not result in some Terminator-like nightmare. That is a nice idea, and maybe some good will come from it. The same should be done for FE, but nearly everybody denies not only its existence, but even its possibility or desirability.

    But let’s assume that some effort, maybe mine, is successful in safely bringing FE to the public, as well as antigravity (or electrogravity), which is also in Godzilla’s Golden Hoard. Immediately, applications beckon that are out of science fiction fantasies. We already have self-driving cars. The end of human-piloted vehicles is coming fast. When FE and antigravity are used for space-faring vehicles, I do not expect them to be piloted by humans. There is going to be a solar-system-wide transportation system. Each craft will be self-piloted by default, by the onboard computer, directed by the human “pilots,” (“take me to the Curiosity museum on Mars,” for instance) but will also follow a grid that spans the solar system, with particular detail paid to travel on Earth. Think of it like the Internet, but craft instead of electric impulses will flow through it. Anybody can go anywhere they want in the solar system, quickly and easily. There are not going to be daily collisions of craft. Safety and harmlessness will always be the primary goals of any technological innovation in the Fifth Epoch. I don’t know if light speed has been attained by any of the toys in Godzilla’s possession, but ETs have it, or they can travel inter-dimensionally, such as through wormholes. They certainly did not arrive here via chemical rockets.

    One of the first things that space-faring humans will do is clean up our space junk. Also, orbiting satellites like we have are artifacts of energy scarcity, as tiny and sophisticated robots are boosted into orbit by huge chemical rockets. Those kinds of satellites will quickly become obsolete. An orbiting space city will have a communications hub on it, as part of an “Internet” that spans the solar system. Few such “nodes” will be on tiny space robots. Will we have “instantaneous” subspace communications, like we see on Star Trek? I don’t know, but it will be fun to try.

    Cleaning up our space junk will be one of the easiest and first tasks of sailing beyond Earth. Cleaning up the asteroid belt, especially of asteroids that cross Earth’s orbit, will be an early task. Any comets that come from the Kuiper belt or Oort cloud will be redirected or mined into nothingness, if they are going to cross Earth’s orbit. Think of those self-driving vacuum cleaners that we have today, and imagine an army of those patrolling the solar system, cleaning up small space rocks, down to pebble size, and they call in the heavy equipment when anything large is found. It won’t take long to have a very clean solar system, with that army continually patrolling for anything new (and, of course, it all will be connected to a “central nervous system” that will be like the Internet, so all will know where such craft, and any craft, are).

    The solar system will become domesticated by humanity. There is not going to be much risk, if any, of running into space rocks. Those cleaned up space rocks can be the basis for one of Brian O’s dreams, of space colonies, but they will be on a scale that Brian could not have imagined in his Princeton days.

    Of course, cleaning up humanity’s mess on Earth will be among the earliest of activities, and we will never soil our nest again. Of course, we would have an active hand in regenerating Earth’s beleaguered ecosystems.

    Cleaning up our minds and bodies will also be part of the process. Out goes all the brainwashing “education,” and in comes true learning. All humans will have access to live food, pure water and air, and pollution will become another relic of our primitive and egocentric past. People growing their own food in their space-faring homes will be common enough. We may still have something that resembles farms, but they can have a harmony with nature that was glimpsed by Roads. They can be underground, on Mars, or in orbit, and even around the Sun instead of Earth. The asteroid belt could become a place for orbiting civilizations. Again, with FE and attendant technologies, this all becomes child’s play to accomplish.

    There will be a new paradigm of chemistry, for instance, in which FE makes enlightened chemistry feasible. No longer will the profit motive be the paramount concern. With our scarcity-and-fear-based paradigms, where greed becomes a virtue, we are force-fed industrial waste as “medicine,” and many other evil practices abound, some of which have been surreal. All of that will end in the Fifth Epoch. The dark pathers will no longer be in charge like they are today, because humanity will have finally awakened and become a truly sentient species.

    There is much more to come in this series of posts. Stay tuned.



  20. Hi:

    Among the changes that will likely be seen in the Fifth Epoch is the end of some very old dynamics, as they become obsolete. The Third Epoch gave birth to many aspects of today’s world that are still with us, while others have fallen by the wayside. We still farm, pretty much the same way that we always have, with machines and chemicals added to the mix. In my great nation, which is history’s richest and most powerful, we still use peasants in farming, almost always immigrants from agrarian nations, and often illegal. We still have cities. The first elites appeared with the first cities, and elites are still with us. Slavery appeared with the Third Epoch and ended with the Fourth. Women’s status rose for the first time in millions of years with the beginnings of domestication, but fell again when cities appeared, and did not rise again until industrialization’s demographic transition, which liberated women, and the same dynamics that liberated women ended slavery.

    Among the first professions was the priesthood, which eradicated the hunter-gatherer religion (but the “ecstatic” sects are a throwback to that old religion), and they entered into a Faustian deal with elites and deified them. In the Fifth Epoch, elites and the priesthood will become obsolete. Elites know it well, which is why they have been actively preventing the Fifth Epoch from manifesting. That deification of elites was arguably the beginning of ideological indoctrination, to help get the masses to accept elite rule. The monumental architecture of early civilizations was part of that dynamic, as a form of display. But there was also harsh repression from elites, as they conquered their societies.

    Elites were always economic elites above all else, and conspicuous consumption has always been the hallmark of all elites, at the expense of the masses. With each Epoch, humanity became progressively less brutal. Killing strangers on sight and slaughtering one’s neighbors and taking their land were characteristic behaviors of the late Second Epoch, once all the easy meat was gone. The Third Epoch had some early golden ages, too, before the energy ran out. Horticultural societies often became matrilineal, and were the most peaceful preindustrial societies. The pristine civilizations also began peacefully. But as the easy energy was depleted, which was comprised of forests and fertile soils in early civilizations, brutality arose again, but on a larger scale than before, as agriculture supported population densities that were orders of magnitude higher than the hunter-gather lifestyle could support. For all of the brutality of such agrarian civilizations, they were proportionately far more peaceful than hunter-gatherer bands, in which about a quarter of all people died violently.

    In the Fourth Epoch, societies became more humane and things taken for granted in Fourth Epoch societies were unimaginable luxuries in Third Epoch societies. Poor Americans are fat, whereas in agrarian societies, poverty meant starvation. Other than the USA and Japan, industrial nations no longer execute people.

    Just as cities are artifacts of energy scarcity, so are elites. If there was energy abundance, the elite games will no longer work. Also, a great deal of what is called “education” in industrialized nations is really a form of brainwashing, to get the masses to accept elite rule, although it is much subtler than in the Third Epoch. Most people are not even aware of the existence of the elites that control the world economy, or that their “education” and “information” consumption is a form of brainwashing. That invisibility is advantageous for various reasons, but the masses still do the elites’ bidding. One of my stock sayings is that we do most of their work for them, as we herd ourselves. The global elite are only the most successful practitioner of their game. There are several levels of the game, as we discovered on our adventures, and violent male gangs still rule the world.

    If FE makes it into public use, all of those dynamics will likely crumble. No more elites, no more gang rule, no more brainwashing. People’s horizons of awareness will no longer stop at the limit of their immediate self-interest. Fear and greed will no longer be the dominant principles that societies are oriented around. When that happens, the human heart is going to be ripe for waking up in an unprecedented way.

    Again, these are not wild speculations, but logical outcomes of economic abundance, available to all humans. We already have plenty of examples of what came with relative economic abundance. If bonobos and horticultural societies could end violent male rule, why can’t modern societies? There is not much speculation in my vision, if one assumes economic abundance, which always has and always will be based on energy abundance. We already have many examples of the benefits of rising standards of living, and the detriments of falling ones. The USA’s middle class during the postwar boom was history’s largest and most prosperous, but it has been under siege ever since energy consumption peaked in the 1970s.

    I am far from finished with discussing the outcomes of the Fifth Epoch, but that is all for tonight.



  21. Hi:

    I am covering these just a little out of order, from how I present them in my big essay, but not too far off. In the USA, the three primary population control ideologies are American nationalism, capitalism, and organized religion, Christianity in particular, and the fundamentalist strains most notoriously. According to somebody who should know, the Mormon financial empire has been the most prominent member of the global cabal that keeps FE from public awareness and use, and because of our experiences, I won’t deny it. Mormons were prominent players in the biggest efforts to wipe us out (1, 2), and one of the more prominent libels of Dennis was through the biggest Mormon newspaper, which was used prominently by Dennis’s “skeptical” assailant, who was an alleged Christian himself, which was odd, in a movement comprised primarily of materialists.

    Not only will all of today’s political-economic ideologies become obsolete, but so will all in-groups such as those based on national identity (or ethnicity, race, gender, etc.). Nationalism will become obsolete, too. All geographic-based ideologies are merely the result of ape territoriality, to create some new kind of in-group identity so that the ruling class could reign over it. The USA’s nationalism is based on fairy tales and highly egocentric notions such as Manifest Destiny, as all imperial ideologies are.

    Humanity will become a space-faring Type 1 civilization with FE and attendant technologies that are currently sequestered, such as antigravity (or electrogravity, but the demonstration given to my friend seemed more like antigravity than electrogravity), and all such in-group ideologies are going to quickly be seen as primitive and nonsensical. All ideas of nationalism will quickly come to an end (or tribes, etc.). When so-called in-group membership does not confer any economic benefits over the out-group, when everybody lives richer than Bill Gates does, people are going to begin wondering what the point is.

    Geographic isolation is going to become a thing of the past, when anybody can travel throughout the solar system. Artifices such as national borders are going to be seen as quaint. Maybe a few pockets of primitives will want to keep their in-group identities, and they may even create some enclaves for themselves, but they will all be seen as cults and will have a damned hard time keeping their ranks full. They will have to imprison their members to keep them there, and that is one thing that may become illegal. I don’t see much becoming illegal, but violence, coercion, and harmful practices, to humans or Earth, will likely become illegal (as they largely are today, at least in theory). But there will not be much incentive for those practices, and they will be seen as the height of barbarity, like keeping slaves.

    When geographic isolation ends, many aspects of today’s humanity will disappear, and one is race. Race is due to geographic isolation and evolution, and after only a century or so, separate races will simply disappear, as will mutually unintelligible languages. Already, English is the lingua franca of the Internet, something like Esperanto will make a comeback, and there will one or two universal languages that everybody will know (besides the language of math and science).

    Cities arose in the Third Epoch and are based on energy scarcity. Cities are essentially huge energy-concentrating devices that will quickly become obsolete in the Fifth Epoch. In the Fifth Epoch, cities will simply not make sense, just like slavery did not make sense in the Fourth Epoch. There will still be social gatherings, as we are social animals. Every human will not only be instantly connected to any other human, with communication technologies that are up a few orders of magnitude from the Internet, but when people can travel anywhere on Earth to meet, in minutes, the idea of cities is going to become obsolete. If there are any urban environments left on Earth, they will be integrated with nature in ways that are presently hard to comprehend. Manhattan Island will likely be turned back into forest.

    The human idea of “work” is going to radically change. The average workday will be an hour or so, to attain standards of living that are orders of magnitude above Bill Gates’s. People are not even going to see it as work, but how they fulfil their souls. There are not going to be any “jobs” that people hate doing, where they drug themselves morning, noon, and night to keep doing them. That will quickly be seen as a cousin to slavery, and people will marvel that their ancestors did it, just like a slave-based society is truly incomprehensible to people who live in industrialized nations.

    There is much more to come, but I want to make it clear that nothing that I am presenting is wild speculation, but are fairly predictable outcomes if humanity enjoyed FE and economic abundance, on a healed planet. The vast majority of people perform their most despicable acts not because they are psychopaths, but because they think that they have no choice and have to do it to survive, as Goering noted. The greatest force of evil on Earth today is the USA’s military, and it has been that way ever since it gratuitously vaporized two cities. But in my crazed nation, our killers of women and children, by the millions, have great honor, draped in flags. In a world of absolute abundance, all such activities will be seen as primitive, and exceptionally so. There will no honor in violence.

    But the masses won’t begin to understand until FE is a daily reality. It is just what it is, and it does no good to judge those trapped in their conditioning and unwilling to budge. The choir and friends are going to do the heavy lifting for this greatest of Epochal Events, but the heavy lifting has already been done for my plan to work. The hard lessons have already been learned, at least by those on the leading edge. The rest does not have to be that hard.



  22. Hi:

    One important aspect of the cognitive and social changes that will come with FE is that many measures and concepts today, used by “progressives,” will become meaningless, such as the carbon footprint. That only has relevance to societies that burn hydrocarbons to get their energy. With FE, they don’t. Many ecological “footprint” ideas become meaningless under an FE paradigm. Cities will become obsolete, which I will discuss soon, so the idea of an urban footprint on the hinterland will also become obsolete. Many, many ideas and measures used today will become obsolete in the Fifth Epoch.

    As I have briefly touched on, warfare will become obsolete in the Fifth Epoch. To this idea, a continual response that I get is that warfare and violence are hardwired, even sacred, aspects of human “nature,” and even deeper, such as a Young Warrior delusion that warrior souls have the “right” to try out. We already have examples where violence became obsolete. Bonobos are one, and matrilineal societies were immensely more peaceful than patrilineal ones. The attractions of the matrilineal Eastern Woodland societies were obvious to European invaders, which is why they ran off and went native so much. On the mystical front, Michael has stated that we are on the cusp of going from the Young to Mature Soul phase, and Mature Warriors understand the complete and self-defeating futility of violence. Violence is going to become obsolete, and soon, for both mystical and practical reasons. Humanity will finally become a truly sentient species. I have a higher opinion of humanity than those who continually argue for scarcity-based ways of being in a world of abundance. Humanity is not that stupid. When there is no incentive for violence and warfare, it will end. I still advocate those peacekeeping grandmothers, until nobody needs to be reminded anymore.

    All scarcity-based ideologies are going to become obsolete in the Fifth Epoch, which means all of today’s dominant ideologies. I will deal with all of them in this series of posts, and the first will be organized religion. Religion has its roots in warfare and developing in-group cohesion, to prevail against the out-group. That is pre-sentient behavior. To a degree, all organized religions are still variations of that theme. The so-called New Age is just another variation, and is really not all that forward-looking. Professional priesthoods all deified the elite, in a Faustian deal, and elites will become obsolete, too, which I will further discuss later. Just like all of today’s institutions will become obsolete in the Fifth Epoch, spirituality will look nothing like what we see today.

    The message of all spiritual masters was love, and organized religion relies on scarcity and fear, just like all institutions do. The most enlightened message given to humanity was Jesus’s “there is no out-group” (AKA “love the enemy”), but Christians are history’s most murderous people, and primarily responsible for humanity’s greatest demographic catastrophes. As Gandhi said, Christians are so unlike their Christ. But all organized religions will crumble in the Fifth Epoch, as they will become obsolete. People are going to have their own direct connection to something higher and divine, and will not “need” professional intermediaries. To the extent that they receive “professional” spiritual help, the help will be intended to have them find their own connection, such as with a mystical awakening.

    All of today’s economic ideologies will become obsolete in the Fifth Epoch, especially capitalism, which assumes greed and fear, and has even elevated greed into a virtue, believe it or not. As Fuller noted, all political-economic ideologies will become obsolete, as they are all predicated on who gets the benefit of the scarce economic production, and includes communism, socialism, and all other political-economic “isms.” They are all rooted in scarcity, and will all become obsolete in a world of abundance.

    I have written at length about the dominant economic ideology of the past century and more, which focused on exchange to the exclusion of production. That ideology assumes that resources and production are only limited by market forces, and energy is completely ignored or just seen as another commodity, whose availability is only limited by market forces. It is one of the most delusional viewpoints extant today, especially for those advocated by the “smart.” That history’s greatest energy mogul funded the institution that promoted that nonsensical ideology might not be a coincidence. All of today’s economic ideologies will become obsolete in the Fifth Epoch, as their seemingly invisible assumptions will be seen as meaningless.

    Related to those delusional economic ideologies that are stuck in the 18th century, all exchange-related professions will become obsolete in the Fifth Epoch, and that includes accountants, lawyers, politicians, policemen, soldiers, bankers, tax collectors, and so on. Almost all of today’s industries and professions will either become obsolete or will transform into something unrecognizable today. Almost nothing that is familiar to us today will survive into the Fifth Epoch, and that is what scares people who even glimpse the reality that FE can help manifest, as they react with denial and fear. Heaven on Earth can’t look anything like what we see today, as humanity has its toes over the edge of the abyss.

    However, I do not expect anybody, other than the choir, to begin to understand what I am writing about, until FE becomes a daily reality. The masses won’t get there through talk or clever presentations, and the social circle approach is futile and even suicidal for Epochal change. Also, nobody is going to need to be coerced into giving up organized religion, or stop seeing greed as a virtue. In light of the reality of abundance and the Fifth Epoch, people are going to easily see the worthlessness of scarcity-based ideologies and institutions in a world of abundance. They will give them up of their own accord, like a child giving up stuffed animals and believing in Santa Claus, not because anybody coerces them into giving them up. There will certainly be “stragglers,” who built their identities on greed and other games of scarcity, and other than ensuring that they don’t weaponize FE or use it to strip mine Earth (which 99.9% of humanity will easily see as insane), they can take their time in waking up to abundance.

    Another aspect of abundance is that without energy abundance, none of the abundance ideas that people can find bandied about by “visionaries” today has any hope of coming to fruition. People who advocate abundance ideas in the absence of energy abundance are almost exclusively scientifically illiterate and do not understand how the world really works. Only energy produces work, which scientists easily understand and is also why they don’t have much respect for economists and other social scientists with their empty theories that ignore the real world in favor of social theories.

    Many scientifically illiterate “visionaries” think that cleverly reshuffling the deck of scarcity can somehow produce abundance. Only the scientifically literate truly can comprehend what abundance really means, which is why it is a prerequisite for the choir. Otherwise, people get strung out on meaningless distractions, go chasing down rabbit holes and never emerge, etc. I have seen about all the ways that people can fall off the rails, and the discernment of scientists and scholars is critical to developing a truly comprehensive perspective.

    Coming are posts on how cities, nations, and races will disappear in the Fifth Epoch. Again, these are easily foreseeable outcomes of the Fifth Epoch, and nobody will need to be coerced to stop living in cities. Living in today’s cities will quickly be seen as like living in caves, and nations will become a meaningless idea, just ape territoriality writ large, which will become completely obsolete in the Fifth Epoch. In the Fifth Epoch, humanity will be one race and have one culture and language, among other aspects, as geographic isolation will become a relic of our primitive past.



  23. Hi:

    I am going to have a quiet day or two, but will get in a post before I go quiet. On to the social and cognitive changes that can come with FE and its attendant abundance. These are highly interesting areas. I doubt that I need to convince too many readers that we largely live in Orwell’s world today, with the USA’s permanent “war on terror” literally lifted from the pages of 1984, as if Orwell was the scriptwriter. The military racket is one of seven cartels that control the world economy, and is in ways the most dangerous, as they can turn Earth into a cinder. Most of the Disclosure Project witnesses were military personnel, I believe. Brian’s near-fatal encounter with the American military over the UFO issue neatly aligns with what informed observers think is the case. That recent reporting of E. Howard Hunt’s confession on why JFK was killed is only more confirmation of what many have long suspected.

    The relationship of FE to those situations is deep and profound. We are all conditioned by scarcity from the cradles, and more than 99% of the population reacts with denial and fear to the idea of FE, and I think that it is related to being addicted to their survival mechanisms. The current paradigms are based on scarcity and fear. I hear people argue all the time that that pervasive fear is human nature, not the human condition. From what I have seen, I doubt that they are right.

    We already have examples from our history to draw on, to show how relative economic abundance has initiated radical social changes. When their food supply doubled, some isolated chimps ended violent male rule and are considered a separate species today. The beginning of the Domestication Revolution was characterized by women bringing in more calories than men, their status rose, and violent male rule ended in those societies, too, as the gangs were broken up. That was a big part of the attraction of the Eastern Woodland societies that Europe stumbled into. The golden ages of the journey of life on Earth, including the human journey, were all based on relative energy abundance, and for each Epoch of the human journey, each was unimaginable until it happened. I don’t expect it to be any different this time.

    The end of slavery was unimaginable until machines made that hallowed institution economically obsolete. When people tell me that humanity is incorrigible, that scarcity and fear is so deeply baked into our DNA that we will never overcome it, they remind me of Antebellum southerners banging their Bibles, justifying slavery as some God-ordained order of the universe.

    What happens when everybody lives in economic abundance? When it takes almost no human effort for all of humanity to live at lifestyle levels that makes Bill Gates appear a pauper, how do you think humanity will react? And again, we have rich historical precedents to give us hints. Tapping new energy sources, and hydrocarbon fuels most of all, led to the Demographic Transition. Women and slaves were liberated, children could expect to live to be adults, and everybody got educated (although that is relative). Today’s average American enjoys daily amenities that the world’s richest man of three centuries ago could not imagine. Five hundred years ago, nobody had ever circumnavigated Earth. This minute, I could take a credit card out of my wallet, with my passport, and be back at this desk a week from now, after circumnavigating Earth.

    Imagine that everybody is born into a world where there is no question that their needs will be taken care of, and spectacularly. Economic desperation and deprivation become as obsolete as slavery. How do you think people are going to react to that? I would like to find out, and I have already lived through the hints. I am a member of history’s most privileged demographic group, who grew up in the most prosperous era of the human journey, and I am not complaining. I still suffered some deprivations, but they were trivial compared to what my father and his father experienced.

    I think that when scarcity and fear stop being the defining parameters of human societies, a lot is going to change, and radically. Why wouldn’t it? The biggest event in the human journey is big stuff, to put it mildly, as humanity becomes a Type 1 civilization. All wars have been based on scarcity. What happens when there is abundance? It can be like that saying in the 1960s, “What if they gave a war, and nobody came?”



  24. Hi:

    With FE, another human activity that will end is exploiting Earth’s ecosystems, and the greatest of all are forests. Every use of wood today will become obsolete with FE. Historically, and even today, wood is mostly used for burning. About 90% of wood that entered early cities was burned. Rome had a fleet of ships that sailed the Mediterranean in search of firewood for its baths. With FE, such primitive behaviors will end. The other primary use of wood is for building materials. There are vastly superior materials than wood, even leaving aside what is in Godzilla’s Golden Hoard, but because of energy scarcity, they are expensive. Wood is relatively cheap, as trees performed the task of welding atoms of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen into wood. With FE, that primitive practice will end. To those reading these words, it is easy to foresee the end of using wood to make reading material.

    The other “use” for forests is to raze them and exploit their fertile soils and divert sunlight that went into nourishing trees to nourishing crops instead. With FE and related technologies, that primitive practice will also end. Do you want to have your “farm” in the basement of your home that can travel to almost anywhere in our star system? No problem. With FE and attendant technologies, there will never again be a reason for exploiting the thin and delicate skin on Earth known as its ecosphere. I can see farms like the one that Roads visited, but it had a harmony with nature that beggars today’s imaginations. I imagine that most food in that reality was raised in artificial environments. Farms are artificial environments. Little is “natural” about them. People romanticize them, like many who romanticize caveman ways (paleo advocates), but there is nothing “natural” about them. Humanity radically changed the game like nothing else ever did.

    Also, oil spills, nuclear accidents, and other devastations of Earth and her denizens will end. Cleaning up Earth and ending destructive activities, while increasing the human standard of living by orders of magnitude, will be child’s play, if FE and attendant sequestered technologies were available. For Brian and me (and to a degree, Dennis), what was always the most interesting outcome of FE would be the cognitive and social changes in the animal known as Homo sapiens. I will cover that territory in coming posts.



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