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Wade Frazier

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Posts posted by Wade Frazier

  1. Hi:

    I have Santa’s milk and cookies set out and recently cleaned the chimney, so all is set, and I’ll make a little post before I try to get some sleep between those visions of sugarplums and wondering what is going to be under the tree in the morning. I hope the check is for seven figures. :)

    I would like to address an issue that continually rears its head. If people are able and willing to understand my work, it is nearly guaranteed that there will not be anybody else in their social circles who can or will. Those are just the numbers, and it does no good to judge that situation. That is a lonely feeling, which I know well. If you try to connect with your social circle regarding my material, be prepared to lose your relationships with them. I have put out this warning for many years, but I regularly hear from people who gained some slight understanding of my work, tried to enlighten their social circles, and if they were lucky, they did not jeopardize their family relationships, friendships, and even their careers. I often get to hear their painful stories.

    People do not need to be rocket scientists to understand my work, although scientific and scholarly literacy is a requirement, but no more than it takes to understand my work. It is really not that heavy of an intellectual lift. It is far easier than a calculus or physics class, for instance, as far as the mental gymnastics go.

    The problem with people’s social circles is that hardly anybody really cares enough to break free from the self-serving lies they have been fed, to condition them. If people have not yet awakened to the fact that they have largely been brainwashed by their conditioning, work like mine will only send them into difficult places. I have watched people go insane before my eyes, after encountering my work, such as this section. It can actually be worse with the “smart,” as their brainwashing is of a much subtler kind than the blatant population management ideologies. The “smart” have the most sophisticated and entrenched denial of free energy’s possibility and desirability, for instance. After Brian got a snootful of those denial and fear reactions over several years, from some of the world’s leading minds as he played the Paul Revere of Free Energy, he began openly wondering if humanity was a sentient species. I sadly understood his query.

    My warnings are far from theoretical. I involved my family and friends in my free energy quest, and lost my closest relationships. I have no contact with my immediate family and many friendships ended and worse, as attacking me became a pastime. By the time that it got back to me that my mother had made a scrapbook full of the libelous newspaper clippings about us, and took it on tour to my family, friends, and investors, telling them the story of her son the criminal, I was no longer surprised, and it did not even hurt anymore. The last thing that I want is to hear from people about how they wrecked their relationships and careers because they just had to go proselytizing the free energy message, especially after I warned them. They just had to go find out the hard way. It is really painful to witness.

    The forum that I built is partly intended as an oasis for those few who get it. One day, I hope to hear quite a song come from those forum’s members, and those who are able to hear the notes, will. Those are the people that I seek. I plan for my forum to be a campfire to gather around, and we just may be able to get something going that can make a dent, but it is not going to happen via social circles.

    We are social animals, and I understand social needs, believe me. I wanted to take my family and friends to heaven on Earth with me. I have only ever wanted to help heal humanity and Earth and make living while doing it, but it not only does not pay, but if you reach any kind of success at all in playing the Big Game, you will be risking your life. I ask that of nobody.

    But there are other ways that informing your social circles about your interest in free energy is hazardous. Prepare to be bombarded with all manner of tripe from the Internet, from the talking heads on YouTube to worthless articles to scam ads. I get bombarded by them by my social circles, and by people who should know better. Every time some free energy tinkerer makes an announcement that makes its way into the Internet gossip, I hear about it, multiple times. I have been given a libelous article about Dennis more than a dozen times over the years by my social circles, as an example of great writing on the free energy issue! :( I hear all the time about some new battery, for instance, or biofuels, that scientifically illiterate people think are solutions to our energy issues, because of crazed media promotion. There are mountains of chaff for every kernel of wheat in the milieu, and your social circles will want you to sift through it for them.

    There are some scam free energy infomercials out there, and I regularly hear from my circles, as they want to know what I think. It is like asking me about something that they read in a tabloid. I know how desperate people can be to have meaningful conversations on the most important subject on Earth. That is why I made my forum, but the conversation has to be raised far higher than anything that I have yet seen, if it is going to make a dent. That is why I am doing what I am. The free energy field is in a state of arrested development, and has been for longer than I have been alive. It is long past time for a different approach. If Bucky Fuller was alive today, I would like to think that he would be doing something like I am.

    In finishing, I am highly sympathetic to people who get bombarded with that stuff, and it is another good reason to not try to enlighten your social circles. :)

    Ho, ho, ho,


  2. Hi:

    On this Christmas Eve, which was the last day of Ebenezer Scrooge’s miserly ways all those years ago, I will begin another series of posts that I have already threatened to make. Back in 2002, when I first finished my site, I called the potential of what a world based on FE can look like, “What Can Be,” and the list is still largely as I first made it, here. I have been told by those who should know that there is nothing else on Earth like that list. The chapter in my big essay is that list, updated and expanded. With FE, all of those changes become feasible. Without FE, almost none of them are. Energy is the name of the game in physical reality, and for life and civilizations, it is all about the energy surplus.

    I largely wrote my big essay as a prelude to that chapter, as a several hundred page warmup, to make that chapter as comprehendible as possible. In fact, my entire 2,000-page site can be considered a prelude to that chapter. Our world will truly end as we know it with the arrival of FE into the public’s hands. That idea scares most people, as they have carved out their niche of survival in a world of scarcity and fear, but there is precious little to be frightened of, unless people just like living in fear. After many years on this quest, I finally accepted that almost nobody on Earth today is ready for the idea of FE, but it was like that for every Epoch of the human journey. But they are as ready for its reality as they will ever be, and time is short to avert a global catastrophe. People could not imagine the new Epoch until it was here, and so it will be with FE and the Super-Epoch of Abundance, for more than 99.9% of humanity. But I seek that tiny fraction that can, as imagining it will help manifest it, and in both mystical and practical ways. I believe that that tiny fraction exists, and that I will be able to find enough of them in the coming 30 years or so, and help train them.

    For most people, the idea of FE is a theoretical exercise, even a crazy idea, but not for me. For those who have played on the high road for long, FE’s reality is a fact. Today, there is a lot of fringe talk about a so-called “Breakaway Civilization,” but you would not want to break away with that crew, as they are mostly psychopaths (AKA dark pathers) who have taken elite games to extremes never seen before. They operate from fear, not love. Their “breakaway” plans are not going to work out like they hope. Humanity is but one puny species in a vast universe. Most of their so-called “advanced” technology came from reverse-engineering ET technologies. They are essentially thieves, not only stealing from ETs, but from their fellow humans, just like elites have always done. FE in the hands of the masses means the obsolescence of the idea of elites, and they know it, which is why they play their games, with organized suppression, indoctrination into scarcity, etc. Those elites are stuck in arrested spiritual development, for all of their technological superiority. The day that the truth comes out, people will need to react like creators instead of victims, and own their part in this dynamic. Blaming the elites is what victims do, and it is time to start acting like creators. We all played our part.

    My game is radically different from those that ultra-elites elites play. Love will rule, not fear, if humanity turns the corner. That is the difference between those starkly different future Earths that Michael Roads visited. For this series of posts, I don’t want to focus on the elites and their games, but focus on what the rest of us can have, if only a tiny fraction of us woke up to FE’s potential and pursued it. The technical problem is not that great. My understanding is that what Sparky Sweet developed is but a hint of what has been developed in the GC’s hidden enclaves, and they can detect the use of FE devices, anywhere on the planet, which is one reason why FE aspirants who think that they can sneak past the GCs are extremely foolish. I believe that the technical problems of safely implementing FE technology, to the users and the planet, and being able to prevent the weaponization of it, have all been accomplished. The only problem is human integrity, that scarcest of commodities, both on the part of the global elites and the masses. For the following discussion, I am going to assume that those problems have been resolved and an effort to bring FE to the public was successful, which I have written extensively about, and recently.

    Without further preamble, here is what can be, if FE (and related technologies, such as antigravity) became part of our daily lives. I’ll try to go through it in the order that I have listed the events, but we will see how that goes. So, let’s start.

    The most immediate and visible change from using FE devices is that all combustion, and the related air pollution, will end. The human line has been doing it since it learned to control fire, but those days will end. It is hard to overstate that effect alone. No more air pollution, no more increasing the atmosphere’s carbon dioxide content, which definitely has impacts on Earth’s climate. Any needed combustion can be from burning hydrogen, which would be derived from splitting water, and becomes water again upon burning. That would have zero-environmental impact, and as will become evident as I work through this list, that FE means the end of all environmental impacts from human activities.

    FE would mean unlimited amounts of pure water for all of humanity. Along with ending combustion, this would be one of the first orders of business. Water can be endlessly recycled with FE. A home could use the same water almost indefinitely, and whatever escaped from vapor would be easily replenished from either the oceans or bodies of water created for just that purpose.

    There would never again be any mining of Earth, as the entire solar system becomes mineable. One asteroid could meet almost all of humanity’s metal needs for the foreseeable future, and any “volatiles” needed for various uses, such as building space colonies, would be easily harvested from around the solar system (gas giants, Kuiper belt, Oort cloud, moons orbiting gas giants). Antigravity (or electrogravity) has been developed, along with FE. None of the distances in our solar system would present any large problems. For people fearing a strip-mined solar system, that is a nonsensical fear. One asteroid, a millionth of one percent of Jupiter’s mass, or a millionth of what is in the Oort cloud, and humanity is set for the next million years. We could go hog wild with material possessions and it would not even be noticeable, on the scale of our solar system.

    That is good start for this discussion.

    Time for chores and getting ready for Santa. :)

    Ho, ho, ho,


  3. Hi:

    I doubt that this will be the last JFK post that I write. Again, I am not really trying to solve the crime, and I doubt that anybody not on the inside ever will. I have made my initial interest in the JFK hit issue clear: it began with Gary Wean’s testimony. I am writing this because I recently finished reading David Talbot’s The Devil’s Chessboard. I also watched

    last night, and have something to say about it. I have also made the distinction clear between facts and theories, and Gary’s reporting of the John Tower conversation I consider fact, in that Gary described that meeting as best he could, writing about it nearly a decade later. I also have no doubt that Douglas accurately described his last conversation with E. Howard Hunt, when Hunt said that JFK was killed because he was about to reveal the “alien presence” to the Soviet Union. That is quite a nugget.

    Because Gary was a cop and detective, solving the crime was his profession, and he understandably took a crack at it and fingered Jewish mobsters as the masterminds. With Gary’s dealings with Jewish gangsters, and particularly his encounters with Jack Ruby, the direction of Gary’s theorizing is very understandable. Discerning readers will note that Jews did not come up at all in the Tower conversation, but it was all about Oswald’s military intelligence background and CIA connections regarding a fake hit on JFK that turned into a real one. IMO, the Jewish mob angle is definitely part of any conspiracy scenario, as Ruby was a Jewish mobster, who got his start as a hit man for Al Capone, if memory serves me. But I doubt that Gary had the right answer, as far as the masterminds go. However, I do think that Gary’s reporting, many years before it became common knowledge, that JFK was trying to end the Cold War and that was why he died, likely is accurate, and is related to the ET scenario that Douglas reported from Hunt.

    With that preamble out of the way, here comes one of those long posts that I am notorious for. :)

    Before I ordered The Devil’s Chessboard, I read a Mother Jones interview with Talbot, and the first line of the article reminded me that even supposedly “investigative” magazines such as Mother Jones have hacks in their ranks. Mother Jones got disciplined back in the 1980s, when it dared report the health issues of smoking cigarettes and promptly lost big advertising revenue. That Mother Jones even took tobacco company money back then showed how far they were from anything that one might call idealistic. Whatever inspiration it might have had was lost long ago, and reading that disparaging and semi-ridiculing prelude to the interview almost made me wonder if some CIA payola was involved. David Corn of The Nation is of a similar bent (I trust him as far as I can throw an elephant) who also works for Mother Jones, so no big surprise to see that kind of tenor around the interview. Just reading that interview prelude made me want to get Talbot’s book. Somebody being ridiculed in that way probably has important things to say.

    My CIA connections go way back, at least to college in the 1970s, when one of my college professors was ex-CIA and proud of it, and one of our case studies in his management class was the “groupthink” that led to the Bay of Pigs fiasco. I had a close relative who was a CIA contract agent, who almost tried to recruit me into the family “business.” My father had to get a top secret security clearance to work in Mission Control during the Space Race, and he spent his entire career working for either NASA or the DOD, so “national security” is a rich part of my heritage. It was not unusual in the world that I grew up in, with my friends’ fathers working for the military establishment (MIC). The local military bases were the biggest employers in the area where I grew up, and aerospace companies were all the rage in California. Most people with scientific training in California ended up working for the MIC in some capacity. Among my fellow travelers, stories such as Mark’s are not very unusual, I am sorry to report.

    After my big wake up call, from my years of pursuing free energy, I began to hit the books pretty hard. Gary’s account of the JFK hit was only one of many subjects that I dove into in those days. I quickly encountered Chomsky and the radical left, read Ralph McGehee’s memoirs, came to understand how the media worked (after being bludgeoned by it), and read about the Dulles brothers and their shenanigans in various books in my library, and perhaps the most memorable were Christopher Simpson’s Blowback and The Splendid Blond Beast. I read about how Cromwell of Sullivan & Cromwell helped “invent” Panama, in perhaps the greatest swindle of the American taxpayer to that time, and I read about how the USA overthrew the Guatemalan government at the behest of United Fruit, which the Dulles brothers literally had a financial stake in (and Ed Bernays was hired to provide the propaganda). I could cite many more sources from my reading materials in those days, but those are good highlights. With that background, I wondered if I would read much new in Talbot’s book, but I did glean interesting tidbits from it, which spurred me to write this post, and I will venture what I think the likely scenario behind the JFK hit was, not that it will be anything new or unusual to the scholars and serious researchers who are on this forum.

    When I still directly interacted with the public, with my email address on my site, you might imagine the kinds of emails that I received, and when I began doing interviews, it began happening again, but via my interviewers. With the protected forums that I am in (which is relative), I don’t field the kinds of queries like I used to, but I still have had to address many questions about faking the moon landings (they happened as officially presented, as far as doing it with conventional rockets), and also the JFK hit, and I have seen some doozies. One theory presented to me was that JFK faked his own assassination. Has anybody heard a crazier one than that? :)

    A major theme of my work is that all of humanity is behaviorally modern and is descended from the mere several thousand members that comprised our species 60,000 years ago or so. For those of us who are not sub-Saharan Africans or their direct descendants, we may all be descended from a few hundred people who migrated past Africa. We all have far more in common than we do differences, but like all social animals, we tend to form in-groups, and out-groups are fair game. One of the greatest failings of conspiracists is making the elite into an out-group. For all of their failings, and they are many, even evil, elites are humans like the rest of us. What they most fear about free energy, antigravity, and related technologies coming out is the obsolescence of elites. It really is no different from the reactions that most people have, as all they see is the end of the world as they know it, so they react with denial and fear. Those global elites ruined my life, but I wish them no harm. The greatest message of spiritual masters is that there really is no out-group, as we all are one. Only a loving approach is going to solve the riddle and get us over the hump.

    On to The Devil’s Chessboard. One thing is for sure: putting Allen Dulles on the Warren Commission was putting the fox in charge of the henhouse. Dulles was one of the primary suspects and he ran the “investigation.” Talbot opened his book with an event that was also prominent in James Douglass’s JFK and the Unspeakable, when Dulles derisively blurted out in 1965:

    “That little Kennedy….he thought he was a god.”

    That stunned the man who heard it. JFK fired Dulles over the Bay of Pigs fiasco, and Dulles led the investigation into JFK’s murder? To any discerning observer, the Warren Commission was compromised at the outset, and having McCloy on the commission, who was oligarchy personified, was only icing on the cake.

    Talbot ended his book with the late-life confession of one of Dulles’s greatest supporters, James Jesus Angleton, who knew that he was dying as he granted interviews to journalists. Angleton said:

    “Fundamentally, the founding fathers of U.S. intelligence were liars. The better you lied and the more you betrayed, the more likely you would be promoted…

    “Outside of their duplicity, the only thing they had in common was a desire for absolute power. I did things that, in looking back in my life, I regret. But I was part of it and loved being in it.

    [speaking about Dulles and his cronies, who were the “grand masters”]…“If you were in a room with them, you were in a room full of people that you had to believe would deservedly end up in hell. I guess that I will see them there soon.”

    Those were great bookends to Talbot’s effort. Talbot portrayed Dulles as somebody that most would call a psychopath. Dulles turned a blind eye and deaf ear to the Jewish Holocaust as it was happening, from his prominent perch in Switzerland, as he betrayed Franklin Roosevelt, the Commander in Chief. As the war ended, Dulles actively negotiated with Hitler’s henchmen and quickly rehabilitated Hitler’s biggest cheerleaders and put them right back into the positions they had while supporting Hitler, such as Karl Blessing. Hiring Gehlen’s organization was one of the most disgusting instances of realpolitik ever seen. Almost everything that Gehlen had gleaned on the Soviet Union was the result of torture and the murder of millions of POWs. Hiring Gehlen nearly led to World War III.

    Dulles was such a ruthless charmer that his wife and most famous mistress dubbed him, “The Shark.” Dulles was a slick maneuverer who betrayed every president that he served, as his masters were the oligarchy, such as the Rockefellers. When he and his brother, John Foster, dominated the foreign policy of Eisenhower’s administration, they quickly began overthrowing governments. Overthrowing Iran’s government on behalf of the oil companies, and Guatemala’s on behalf of United Fruit, which both brothers had a financial stake in, was only the 20th-century version of George Washington’s land grabs from the Indians, and using American troops to do it. The USA has been a plutocratic and rapacious empire from the beginning, and the Dulles brothers were merely engaging in a time-honored tradition. There is really little need to berate them too harshly. The Dulles brothers soon graduated from “merely” overthrowing elected governments to assassinating heads of state, such as Patrice Lumumba.

    Even after being fired, Dulles was still in the driver’s seat at the CIA, and the month before JFK was murdered, the CIA helped murder the head of state of South Vietnam, who was an American puppet. JFK was not in the loop for the Lumumba and Diem assassinations, and was shocked to hear about them. He soon joined them. For Dulles and company, it was but a short step to take out the USA’s head of state.

    American nationalism is founded on a pack of lies designed to form in-group cohesion, and “get ‘em while they are young” is the time-honored MO, with children being forced to worship a flag from age five onward. In scale, duration, and intensity, the USA is history’s most racist nation. I knew that Truman and Johnson called black people “niggers” while in office, but I did not know that Eisenhower also did until reading Talbot’s book, and Ike even used the term to describe African diplomats. Eisenhower’s giving the order to Dulles to assassinate Lumumba was one of the more chilling events in Talbot’s book. Ronald Reagan also liked telling black jokes. My father did the same thing while I was growing up, so I am very familiar with that primitive mentality.

    Regarding the JFK hit, I have no doubt that the CIA was somehow involved, and I doubt that it was “merely” coming up with a fake assassination attempt that turned into a real one by agents unknown. Leaving aside the John Tower conversation, in the words of Richard Schweiker, who sat on the Church Committee, everywhere that you looked at Oswald, there were the “fingerprints of intelligence.” Of particular interest to me was the Lemnitzer connection to Dulles, which Talbot covered in his book, as Lemnitzer was the author of the Operation Northwoods documents. Operation Northwoods was eerily similar to the operation that Tower described. In my opinion, if you want to know about the operation that killed JFK, interposed or not, you need to go deep on Lemnitzer, as well as his good buddy Edwin Walker, whom Oswald tried to “assassinate.” According to Gary, Tower said that the Walker incident was intended to give Oswald believable credentials for his upcoming “role” of shooting at JFK. That operation was in play for a long time.

    As far as the Jack Ruby, Roscoe White, David Ferrie, etc., etc. connections were concerned, they were all low-levels players, and most of them likely had operational knowledge of the “fake assassination” ploy, and may well have been involved in “interposing” it. Such people are expendable assets in such operations. I doubt that we will ever know just who the trigger men were. As far as I am concerned, I highly doubt that Dulles was surprised in the least that JFK was taken out, and Dulles’s presence at the CIA’s “The Farm” in the days after the assassination, while JFK’s highly irregular autopsy and Oswald’s murder took place, certainly brings the suspicion that the puppet master was pulling lots of strings that weekend. I highly suspect that his being on the Warren Commission was merely more of “cleaning up” the operation.

    This brings me to Douglas Caddy’s testimony. Wow, what a credible witness. He is right up there with Brian, as far as public credibility goes. I don’t know Douglas like I did Brian, but I don’t know how you can honestly impugn what he said that Hunt told him about why JFK was taken out. Others in my circle also had total credibility with me, as far as reporting their experiences, such as Dennis, Gary, Mark, Mr. Professor, Mr. Researcher, Mr. Mentor, Ralph McGehee, my CIA contract agent relative, etc. If they said that they saw something, you can take that to the bank. If I was ever to publicly reveal all that my fellow travelers and I saw and were privy to, almost nobody would believe it.

    What follows will have keen relevance to what Douglas reported.

    What particularly charmed me, and lent a great deal of credibility to Douglas’s account, was how blithely naïve he was to what he became involved with, working for CIA front organizations without the slightest inkling that he was. That is standard in that milieu. When John Perkins reported how jealous he was of the naïveté possessed by those who worked for him, unwittingly doing the dirty work of corporatism, it rang so very true. A close friend worked on a USAID project in equatorial Africa back in the 1980s, and I doubt that he ever figured out what he was really involved with. My contract-CIA-agent relative was recruited with the macho-patriot-James-Bond pitch, and it worked, like it does on most American men, and I doubt that he ever figured it out. However, doing that kind of dirty work entails a great deal of cognitive dissonance, at least for those who are not psychopaths, and my relative drank himself to death, which is a common fate in the CIA, with Langley full of zombies. Very few really figure it out, or really want to figure it out. Angleton’s confessions at his life’s end are unusual, especially that publicly. Hunt also gave life’s-end confessions, but as Douglas even stated, Hunt likely underplayed his role in the JFK hit.

    When a Dennis or Ralph finally had their moment of truth, as they realized the depth of the lies that they believed in, and the blood on their hands, they nearly did not survive their moment of truth. My moment of truth was far gentler, as I had my face rubbed in evil. But everybody that I truly respected in the free energy and related fields all began their journeys naively, as a bunch of overgrown Boy Scouts. We all lost our naïveté honestly. When I told Dennis how shocking it was to see the dishonorable and criminal acts engaged in by our “allies,” he told me to join the club. That really was the primary lesson of my journey: the enemy is us.

    How does Douglas’s testimony align with my views? Very closely. Let’s put aside his Nixon days for now and focus on Hunt’s final conversation with Douglas. If you begin to play the disruptive technology game, especially the disruptive energy technology game, you enter a different dimension than almost anybody else on Earth inhabits. Dennis made the biggest run at bringing alternative energy to the American marketplace that there ever was, as he put the world’s best heating system on people’s homes for free. He survived murder attempts and other outrages, inflicted by his “allies,” with mobsters being involved, before he made his big run in his home state, in 1984-1986, but that was just a warmup for when the electric companies got into the act. They called in all of their favors to take Dennis’s company out, and when a corporate hit man killed one of Dennis’s employees, Dennis had his first, but far from last, radicalizing moment in his energy journey.

    After Dennis was run out of his home state with little more than the clothes on his back, I chased him out to Boston to help him rebuild, and soon became his partner. We soon received the first “friendly buyout offer” from the people who run the world, but neither of us suspected who was behind that offer. We soon moved the effort to the town where I was raised, and quickly began flying high. The CIA delivered the “final offer” from the people who run the world. They added a couple of zeroes to the offer, before they began playing rough. My life and the lives of many others were ruined during those events. But I rescued Dennis from a dire fate, in my life’s most heroic act, which led to the greatest miracle that I ever witnessed, and Gary’s advice played an important role.

    I was finished with the inventor’s/businessman’s route to free energy, but I spent the next several years trying to understand what I had lived through. The year after I left my home town, to never return, I met Brian, who was just getting his feet wet in the free energy milieu. Literally, within minutes of meeting Brian, we were driving past the front gates of the world’s biggest Air Force base, making jokes about the alien craft and ETs housed there. The next year, Brian mounted a UFO conference, and was soon made an offer that he could not refuse, from the military, who “offered” to have him do classified UFO work. Brian nearly died immediately after refusing their “offer,” and the incident ruined his health and shortened his life.

    Back in those days, a close colleague and friend received a little show from the people who run the world, as they demonstrated free energy, antigravity, and other mind-boggling technologies. In 1995, Brian published his first free energy book, and then undertook a journey to become the Paul Revere of Free Energy. I was his biggest fan in those days, and in 2001, we met in California, as he tried to interest the California governor’s energy advisers in free energy, as Enron and friends were in the midst of raping California. They nearly ran us out of town, in what became a famous event. After our encounters at the capitol, Brian and I traded notes. He told me about his brush with death, in great detail, and I told him about what my friend saw, and Brian’s reply was “So he got a show from the spooks.” He was more interested in my CIA-contract-agent relative than the show that my friend received. Almost all that he received during his ride as the Paul Revere of Free Energy were crazed reactions of denial and fear, and Brian began openly wondering if humanity was a sentient species.

    Partly because of Brian’s run-in with the military over the UFO issue, he was a prominent member of Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project. Greer eventually mounted secret Congressional hearings, which Ed Mitchell co-chaired, and Gordon Cooper was one of the hundreds of witnesses that Greer lined up to testify. How do you impugn the credibility of Ed Mitchell and Gordon Cooper? I closely followed those events of 1997 when they happened, and when members of Greer’s team suddenly developed strange and advanced forms of cancer, it was no great surprise to people in my circle. The Global Controllers were dealing with the threat that Greer’s effort presented. Greer survived, but was never the same, but he did come to understand the ET/Free Energy connection.

    My friend who received the exotic technology show does not even believe in ETs, but several years after first hearing his story, I heard some of Greer’s Disclosure Project witnesses describing some of the very same technologies. The technologies are very real and many were probably developed to a commercial level before I was born. For all of Eisenhower’s dark side, such as ordering the murder of a head of state, he began to realize how out-of-control the MIC was, which led to his famous speech when he left office.

    Back to Talbot’s book for a moment, a month after the JFK hit, Truman published an article that said that the CIA was an out-of-control organization, a Frankensteinian organization of cloak-and-dagger bloodshed that he never expected when he signed the legislation that founded it. Bobby Kennedy, for his part, walked into a CIA office while Jack’s body was still warm and accused the CIA of being behind Jack’s murder. In 2013, for the first time, Bobby’s children came forward and admitted that they never believed the “lone nut” story of Oswald, and if they do not believe the “lone nut” story about Jack’s murder, they certainly do not believe it for Bobby’s.

    Douglas’s reporting of Hunt’s “alien presence” explanation for JFK’s murder neatly aligns with my views on the situation. However, I disagree with anybody who thinks that the USA was some great, beacon-on-the-hill nation before Jack was murdered. The USA has been an empire since its early days, and has been a plutocracy since its richest man became its first president. The USA has overthrown governments since the 1800s, and eventually graduated to murdering heads of state. It was not such a big leap to take out JFK and cover it all up. In fact, it seemed to initiate a generation of assassination as policy on American political figures deemed expendable, including sitting presidents, with a “lone nut” scapegoat served up each time.

    My view on the UFO/ET cover-up is that it has the same motivation for preventing disruptive energy technology from making it to market: protect the position of the global elite. Free energy, antigravity, and other hoarded technologies, if they got into the public’s hands, would usher in a new Epoch of the human journey, and elites would become obsolete, and they know it. That is the real reason behind those related cover-ups. It has nothing to do with a War of the Worlds reaction, which Eisenhower might have rightly feared back before I was born. Apparently, Jackie Gleason was at that UFO “open house” in the 1950s, and Gleason was following our free energy efforts just before he died, which I thought was odd at the time, but I heard about his ET involvement many years later.

    In summary, I consider Douglas’s testimony to be a very interesting piece of the JFK puzzle, and it would not surprise me at all that the ET issue was the proximate reason for why JFK was taken out, but it was not the only one. The Soviets knew plenty about UFOs and ETs themselves. Jack was certainly not going to tell them anything that they did not already know or have a damned good idea about. Jack tried to end the Cold War and constantly challenged corporate America, which runs America’s imperial foreign policy. For that, JFK had to go, and every president since then has been a puppet, and he knew it. I call presidents and the entire political scene that we see in the media the “retail political system.” It is all for show, and the president’s office has no real power regarding the important issues. Brian advised several presidential candidates, and soon before he died, he told me that electoral politics was a dead-end. Fuller called politicians “stooges” of the economic interests, and from what I have seen, I agree. Important change will not come through the retail political system, which is nothing more than bread and circuses.

    After many years of carrying the spears of the great, including Dennis and Brian, I realized that our populist approach was not going to work. I have been doing something different ever since, which they immediately realized was something different. In this forum, I have begun the kind of conversation that I think can make a dent. We will see how it goes.



  4. Hi:

    I have been posting in other forums for a long time, such as here. This forum, IMO, has some rather unique potential, being full of scholars and academics. In ways, this forum was an inspiration for my own. My astronaut colleague banged his head against the walls of academic, scientific, and “progressive” institutions, to no avail, and was eventually run out of his home nation, to die in exile in South America. My closest colleague was also run out of his home nation, The Land of the Free. I plan to avoid their fates.

    Our goal was always healing humanity and Earth, and we had adventures that none of us would have believed were ahead of us, when we began our quests. We all discovered the hard way that the world does not work remotely how we were indoctrinated into believing it did. You could not have convinced me what the future held, when I embarked on my preposterous journey, especially when I met my closest colleague. Playing Indiana Jones’s sidekick was a rough ride, and I took a different path from the life-risking and life-wrecking adventures of my colleagues, and spent a big chunk of my life’s effort producing the body of material that comprises my web site. A book-length essay that I published last year is my site’s capstone, and is the intended centerpiece of my effort to get something going that might make a dent.

    I know of nothing else like that big essay, and it has some rather unique aspects to it, such as:

    My role in this tale is summarized below.

    • I was trained to be a scientist almost from infancy, and had preposterous paranormal experiences that changed my studies from science to business and landed me in the middle of the greatest effort ever made to bring alternative energy to the public.
    • I became partners with the Indiana Jones of alternative energy, and when the dust settled a few years later, my life was shattered and I was radicalized. I buried one of my partners, whose life was shortened due to his involvement in my adventures, and I have had more than enough adventure for one lifetime.
    • As I staggered out of my home town, where my life was ruined, I realized that whatever I was taught about how the world worked only bore a faint resemblance to how it really did, and I began the studies that resulted in my site today.
    • After initially completing my site in 2002, one of Buckminster Fuller’s pupils called my work “comprehensivist” and I did not know what he meant. I then read some of Fuller’s work, got the point, and my work ever since has been more consciously comprehensive.
    • As I look back, reading Fuller’s work began a decade of study in my “spare” time that resulted in taking a career break and writing my big essay. I’ll not write its like again in this lifetime.
    • Since 2007, after having some keen learning experiences in writing in open forums, where trolls swarmed me, I decided to study with that big essay in mind, as a cornerstone of my current effort.
    • I have mounted my own forum, to host a Fullerian conversation, which I think can help manifest free energy technology in the public sphere, which would usher in the Fifth Epoch of the human journey, when humanity would enjoy a Star Trek level of energy surplus. In Kardashev’s framework, humanity would become a Type 1 civilization, and an unprecedented Epoch of the human journey will be here.
    • I have joined a few choice forums, seeking people who can join that Fullerian conversation. Together, we may help manifest the biggest event in the human journey, while simultaneously moving humanity away from the edge of the abyss that we stand on today.
    • I have intimate experience and awareness of what has not worked for manifesting that event, and I am trying an approach never attempted before. I have been at this for more than 40 years and may have another 30 good years left in me, and have devoted the rest of my life’s “spare” time to mounting the effort that I have in mind, which should not risk anybody’s life, if people heed my cautions and focus on what is important.

    I will periodically make posts to this thread, as I seek to begin a conversation here that might lead to a few more recruits. :)

    I look forward to a productive conversation.



  5. Hi:

    This may not be the appropriate place to start this thread, but I don’t see any place better in this forum. I published an online textbook last year, here. It is the capstone of a 2,000-page body of work, here. I am finished with writing such material. It took several years of my life to do it, and all of my “spare” time over a generation to study for writing it. I have been at this for more than 40 years, and I hope to have at least another 30 good years in me, to keep at it and help manifest the biggest event in the human journey. I have the bona fides to at least try.

    I have been badgered for many years to make books out of my work, especially that online textbook, but my work is a next-generation resource that I designed for the Internet. I could put some high-profile blurbs on my work, such as Howard Zinn’s praise for my Columbus essay, or a world-renowned paleobiologist praising my treatment of the history of life on Earth, but plan to keep them buried in my work. I have been regularly told by people who should know that there is nothing else on Earth like my work, for better or worse.

    It is difficult to categorize my work as history, politics, science, economics, or as a purely visionary exercise. People have asked for a label, and I came up with “Neo-Fullerian.” My work is comprehensive in nature, and my online textbook is something that Bucky Fuller may well have written if he was still alive. I have a presence in other controlled forums (joining all-comers forums was a disaster, and I won’t do that again), and have my own forum. This forum is filled with authors and scholars, and I think that it may be possible to begin a high-level conversation about the vitally important topics that my online textbook addresses. I am trying to help make something happen, let there be no doubt about that.

    My work covers vast territory, and I want this thread to stay away from the many rabbit holes that it could go down. Although I am the biographer of the astronaut who publicly doubted that we landed men on the moon, it is his free energy-related work that I want to discuss here, not his Apollo musings.

    I have discussed my connection to the JFK issue, here, and don’t want to go there on this thread, although I briefly touch on the JFK hit in my online textbook. The medical racket is also not something that I want to discuss on this thread, the American myths about World War II, and so on, unless they have direct bearing on my online textbook. I may be willing to discuss them on other threads in this forum, but I want this thread to concentrate on the subjects in my online textbook, and there are literally thousands to choose from.

    I look forward to a healthy and productive discussion.



  6. Hi:

    I may be winding down the Gary anecdotes. I believe that the last time that I talked with Gary was in the late 1990s, when I was working on my site’s essays, before I hired an editor. He lived in Oregon then, and wanted to come up to Seattle and see me, with his wife. He had a camper, and he wanted to park it at my place while he visited. I lived in a condo at the time, and did not have any place nearby where he could do that. I am sad that the stars did not line up.

    We still traded email, and I think some notes (I think that I bought my copies of the second edition of his book directly from him, but I am kind of fuzzy on that), and I did not hear that he had died until a few years after the fact.

    Gary attended the Rodney King beating trial daily, and Gary, being an LAPD cop, may have had his sentiments get the best of him. He thought that the jury had decided that the political situation put those cops in that situation, so they were exonerated because of that opinion amongst the jury members. I was not there like Gary was, but I find it a little hard to believe that jury members would have been that savvy, politically. I think that it is true, that the situation was conducive to those kinds of events, but I doubt that the jury was going to play those kinds of sophisticated politics.

    When they got Gary for that extension code violation, it went to trial, and Gary said that several members of the jury were related to firemen (it was a fire-code violation), and right then, he knew that he would lose. As I recall, the jury was stacked with not only 10 whites (this is the “part-black” juror), but as I recall, a few were related to cops. I think that I saw that somewhere in all the alternative media that I subscribed to in those days.

    I really wish that I could have spent time with Gary before he passed, and not to ask him about the JFK hit (as people were asking me to do, when I published that cover-up essay in 2001), but to just be with him. I miss Mr. Professor, Brian, and others like them. There have not been all that many fellow travelers on my journey, not like them.



  7. Hi:

    This is bringing up memories of Gary, and I’ll relate another few anecdotes. One time, when I called his home, his wife answered and we chatted, and she said that Gary was, “a fighter, not a lover.” Like Dennis, Gary did not go quietly. Being a cop and detective, Gary believed in the legal system, at least in its ideal, and he constantly waged legal battles. That judge being discussed today dismissed one of Gary’s cases with prejudice before evidence was even presented, which is highly irregular, supposedly “impossible” for Gary’s situation. That is like one of many instances on my journey, when an attorney would say, “They can’t do that!”, as the judges handed down Kangaroo Court rulings. I saw that several times with Dennis.

    The county center in Ventura was built a few miles from where I was raised, while I was growing up. I worked there for six months, in the waterworks department, before I began my career in LA, and declared bankruptcy there in December 1988. December 1988 was the blackest month of my life, but declaring bankruptcy was not part of it. That was a trifling event, compared to what else was happening. Dennis was jailed in that complex, and when I sacrificed my life to spring him, it was in Mr. Professor’s office across the street from the complex. When I lived with Dennis and his family, it was a few minute walk to that complex (and instead of arresting Dennis at home, they orchestrated a spectacular arrest in LA).

    When I met with Gary (the only time that we ever met in the flesh), it was at a donut shop across the street from the complex, and when I drove back and forth from my job in LA each day, I drove right past the complex, wondering if Dennis would ever live to see this side of the bars again. That county complex loomed large in my life, and my radicalizing moment on the witness stand was there, too. I got married across the street from it.

    A significant portion of Gary’s book is about the construction of that complex. Like with the Mob in New York City, that kind of construction deal was thoroughly corrupt, and building that county complex was a huge swindling of the taxpayer. Gary brought a lawsuit to block the revenue bonds being floated for it, and the gangsters behind it tried to kill Gary in his front yard. His policeman’s instincts saved his life, and he returned fire at the hit men as they sped away. They eventually “got” Gary when they broke into his business and found an extension cord violation. It was not as egregious as Dennis spending two years behind bars for not filing a form, but they were then able to put Gary into Kangaroo Court and trimmed his wings, putting him on probation. Gary told me that the only reason that he was alive was because he always obeyed the law, no matter how ridiculous it was. He said that if he actually had broken any laws, they would have found an excuse to murder him under the color of law.

    Around the time that Dennis did his plea bargain, Gary ran for sheriff, and they quickly passed a law that made him too old to run. In Dennis’s The Alternative, he produced a ballot from an election that Gary gave him (Exhibit 4J). That was the election that Gary tried to run in, and for all offices on the ballot, there was only one person running. Ventura County has a well-oiled political machine, and it has made number one on the list of most corrupt law enforcement jurisdictions in the USA, and is usually in the top five. I did not know that, growing up (the local media sure was not helpful), and discovered it the hard way.

    When Gary finally moved away, he tried to sell his store (which he bought after they wrecked his career by framing him), but the “buyer” declared bankruptcy during the escrow process, and those judges stole Gary’s store from him, which was going to be what he retired on. The deed was in his wife’s name, and the judges ruled that she had to give it to them, without any compensation. One reason Gary lived in Oregon is that they put out a bench warrant for his wife’s arrest, for not handing over the deed. If she had returned to California, they would have put her in jail, an old lady in her 70s. The evil is so deep there that it is hard to look at for long.

    That is all for now. Maybe I’ll come up with some more later.



  8. Hi:

    As a brief addendum to my reply to Doug, the Ninth District Court is infamous for its Kangaroo Court rulings, where they can just make it up as they go. Our big time attorney, who the year before he took our case mopped up the floor of the USA’s Supreme Court with the IRS, was expecting to mop up the floor with the gangsters that run Ventura County (they committed some of the very same crimes that the IRS did), and the Ninth District Court handed him his head. I don’t know if Judge “P” was involved or not, but it would not surprise me. The last I looked, that attorney is still the leading Constitutionalist attorney in the USA, who specializes in taking on the feds, but Dennis’s case became the humbling moment of his career, when he was informed in no uncertain terms that he was just something stinky that they got on the bottom of their shoes and unceremoniously wiped off.

    Gary fought them to the end, but died in exile, destitute, in Oregon.



  9. Hi:

    I know that at this forum, I am amongst people who are vastly better read than I am on the JFK hit. I am a generalist, and I see the JFK hit as part of a far larger pattern. As I already mentioned, the most important lesson that I see from the JFK hit is that the American president, and retail politics in general, is not where the power is.

    The way that I met Gary is one of the many hard-to-believe events of my life. A month after I saw myself killing people and liking it, which was the lowest part of my journey, as soiled as I ever felt, I devoted myself to rescuing my partner from a grim fate. The people who run the world were trying to make sure that he could never again try to solve the world’s energy problems. In desperation, with my life already in ruins, I met Gary, who went out of his way to help me in my hour of need. His advice was critical in helping me spring my partner from jail, in the greatest miracle that I ever witnessed.

    Gary will always be in my pantheon of the great, no matter his political views or the accuracy of his theorizing on elite machinations. I read his account of the JFK hit before I met him, and after meeting him and heeding his counsel, he had total credibility with me. I have no doubt that he reported the John Tower conversation as well as he could, writing about the events a decade after they happened. Gary was not some fringe dweller, but kept trying to take on the gangsters in the courts. He dropped a subpoena on Tower not long before he died in that “tragic” plane crash, and the man who served the subpoena said that Tower looked like he swallowed his shoe when he got it.

    As far as what the accurate picture of the JFK hit was, I am going to leave that to the experts, but my own view is that whoever infiltrated and turned the fake JFK assassination into a real one was likely also involved with Robert Kennedy’s murder. Serving up “lone nuts” as scapegoats for political assassinations seemed to be the national pastime of the spooks for a generation, from JFK to Ronald Reagan. The MOs are just too similar for all of those assassinations and attempts, with those “mentally ill” people springing up again and again, pulling the trigger at key moments in political history. There are way too many intelligence connections to Oswald. No way was he a lone nut, and that is really about all that I need to know about the JFK hit. Gary and others thought that JFK was taken out because he tried to end the Cold War, and the biggest loser in an event like that would have been the MIC. Cui Bono? I am onboard with the idea that the MIC was involved at some level, and definitely was part of the cover-up. Was the JFK cover-up merely a CYA action, as Decker told Murphy a few days after their fateful conversation? Did it spiral into political figures becoming ducks in shooting galleries, as the first cover-up went so well? I admit that I don’t know, and likely never will.

    I am chasing after the biggest event in the human journey, and that is plenty to have on one man’s plate. I “only” have about 50 JFK books in my personal library, while I’ll bet that some members of this forum have 500 or so. :)

    I really can’t add one heck of a lot to the JFK conversation than to say that I have no doubt about Gary’s sincerity in relating the Tower conversation. It is a data point that needs to be accounted for in any JFK assassination theory that will be credible to me. Among serious researchers, I have seen Gary’s account called the basis for a “metatheory” about the JFK hit, and I’ll agree on that. It brings together many seemingly disparate pieces of the JFK hit’s evidence. That Gary met Jack Ruby in the 1940s is only gravy. I never saw a piece of convincing evidence falsify Gary’s tale, and over the years, more evidence keeps arising that further confirms it.



  10. Hi Dawn:

    Yes, pretty big, I suppose. I’ll write more later, but the lesson for me with the JFK hit is how unimportant the USA’s president is. He can get murdered in broad daylight in front of hundreds of witnesses, and it all gets covered up. I came to understand that the sitting president is little more than a puppet, and he knows it. Bush the Second’s energy advisor was a big fan of my former partner, and every president since Reagan knew him by name, but the feds still ran him out of the USA, almost certainly at the behest of their private interest patrons, as usual.

    Not long before my astronaut pal died (with his life shortened because of his adventures), he told me that electoral politics was a dead-end, and he advised several presidential candidates. The USA has been a plutocracy since the beginning, and there has really been no exception, anywhere on Earth, as Bucky Fuller noted. There was never a time when the USA was some kind of beacon of freedom and virtue, but it is a useful fiction for the in-group ideology known as American nationalism. It is just another scarcity-based ideology.




  11. Hi:

    I write about science a lot, and what it does, what it is good for, and what its limitations are, and I want to make a distinction between facts and hypotheses. Facts are the raw material of what scientists work with, while hypotheses are the “connecting-the-dots” that scientists do. Facts are not hypotheses, and I see them confused all the time among laymen, and scholars have similar processes and ideals. Gary’s reporting of his conversation with John Tower, et. al., is not a hypothesis or theory, but his reporting of the facts. People can dispute Gary’s facts, but reporting facts is not spinning hypotheses. Gary does spin hypotheses when he develops the scenario of Jewish mobsters being behind the JFK hit (they were certainly involved, IMO, with Jack Ruby’s involvement), but that is a different animal from reporting his experiences. Gary was a trained cop and detective, so accurate reporting of the “facts” was his profession. It was up to the courts and the like to determine the accurate scenarios that those facts came from, and determine guilt, etc.

    That can really seem elementary, but I have seen Gary’s reporting of the John Tower conversation many times called a theory or hypothesis, when it is nothing of the sort. Conflating facts and theories is a logical fallacy at best, and from what I have seen, when they have been conflated in Gary’s case, his hypotheses have been an excuse to dismiss his reporting of the facts. I have seen far less credible witnesses given serious consideration, such as Milteer.



  12. Hi Paul:

    Gary’s “conspiracy theories” were far different from the usual armchair conspiracist’s Jewish notions. Gary’s job was tailing Mick Cohen. He surveilled meetings that Cohen had with some pretty high flyers, such as Menachem Begin. Cohen, like a typical gangster, hung out at boxing arenas, racetracks, ethnic restaurants (Yiddish, in Cohen’s case), etc. Gary saw Jack Ruby at the racetrack with Cohen, back in 1946, when Gary was directing traffic. Cohen gave Gary the numbers to win $2,000 the last night of the season, at the racetrack where Gary was directing traffic. Gary had a chat with Ruby the next year, when Ruby said that the West Coast was no longer the fertile field for the Mob that it used to be, with World War II over, and that Havana and New Orleans were the next big plays. That was a very interesting conversation. Vegas did not become big until Castro’s revolution kicked the Mob out of Cuba, and I have some interesting Vegas connections. Corporate America squeezed the Mob out of Vegas, and they were reduced to being the silent partners of Indian casinos (I heard that through a tribal member).

    Gary once tailed Cohen to a meeting that he had with a bunch of Jewish lawyers (Gary’s “Mishpuckas”), and one of them still sits on the federal bench today, in his 90s, and is a noted “liberal” judge, which makes for great cover. They began scuttling Gary’s career early on, which is why he originally got a job in Ventura County. He went back to LA to become an investigator for the DA’s office, when he had his fateful meeting with Decker, Tower, and Murphy.

    Gary got caught in the crossfire of evil dealings in Ventura County, which ended his career. They tried to get his help in framing somebody, and when Gary refused, he was framed instead.

    Again, for me, what Gary said that he witnessed are data points for me. What he put together, from the pieces of evidence that he had, is another matter. He was just doing what cops and detectives do. For me, we ran into the people who run the world, or perhaps more accurately, they ran into us. I doubt that they were a bunch of Jews. But Gary’s notion of an organized crime ring in California, that is Jewish and run by judges and other pillars of the establishment, is not farfetched at all. There are numerous organized crimes rings in California, but the most powerful crime rings run the system. This, we discovered the hard way. California is the heart of darkness, with many levels of evil playing out there. Several of my free energy brethren had their lives ruined in California, sometimes barely surviving the experience (1, 2, 3), and other times “only” being radicalized. This is far from confined to exotic technology, as Rodney Stich discovered the hard way. They can simply make it up as they go in California, as our big time attorney discovered the hard way. Mopping up the floor of the USA’s Supreme Court with the IRS was meaningless when he ran afoul of the gangsters in the Ninth District Court.

    One of the “funniest” anecdotes in Gary’s book was a meeting that he had with a Chicago mobster who “retired” to the sun and fun of Southern California, and he asked Gary to meet with him. When they met, the mobster marveled at how sweet the racket was in Ventura County, as the entire system, up to the judges on the Superior Court, was a well-oiled machine. The mobster said that it went beyond the wildest dreams of the Chicago mob. That is the milieu where I had my life wrecked. There is nothing that anybody could report on Ventura County that would surprise me. The judges controlled the drug trade there. A couple years after my partner got kangarooed, the Rodney King beating verdict caused riots. I have little doubt that the venue was moved to Ventura County because rigging juries is their specialty.

    The man who ran the “investigation” and prosecution of us, who made faces at me when I was on the witness stand, which was the turning point of my life, retired to a hero’s farewell several years ago, and our case was the triumph of his career. His annual pension is a quarter million dollars a year. Working for the forces of darkness pays well, for a while, and all it costs you is your soul. :)

    Ventura County’s real estate tycoon back then (Bud Smith – I’ll name him because he is dead, and I could tell a few Bud Smith stories) made his initial fortune in the drug trade, smuggling in shipments through Port Hueneme and other ways. I knew the man was a gangster before I ever heard of Gary. People who crossed him simply disappeared.

    I’ll tell just one more anecdote in this post. When Gary was a tailing Cohen, he and his partner tailed a couple of Cohen’s goons to a nightclub, where they met with Smith. Across the room were some DEA guys that they recognized. Gary’s partner went over to talk to the DEA guys, and they had been tailing Smith for a long time, and did not recognized Cohen’s goons. Smith was always too wily for them and was never caught, and was a pillar of Ventura County, building its only high rise buildings.

    For Gary to put together all that he saw and bore the brunt of into a “Jewish Conspiracy” is very understandable, and when people dismissed Gary’s testimony because of that, they lost their credibility with me.



  13. Hi:

    Last year, I made a post, then had trouble updating my account and was shut out, and just now, I tried to get in and could. I’ll be making some posts in this forum, and we will see where it might lead. I am in the middle of reading David Talbot’s The Devil’s Chessboard, and it is the first JFK book I have read since Douglass’s JFK and the Unspeakable. Before that, it had been quite a few years since I read much JFK-related literature.

    Let me set the record straight on Gary Wean. He was a friend, and his advice was critical in helping me bust my partner out of jail. In his book, Gary named names, but did not name John Tower until his second edition in 1996, several years after Tower’s “untimely” end. I consider that Tower was likely a “loose end” that somebody cleaned up, and whether it was related to the JFK hit or not, I sure don’t know, but nothing would surprise me.

    Many members of this forum are far better read than I am on the JFK hit. I first read of the Tower/Decker/Murphy conversation when I was trying to prevent my partner from never living to see this side of the bars again, and Gary’s book was too harrowing to fully read at the time. I have since read it more than once, and find myself referring to it now and again, when something else comes up related to it, such as that allege sex tape with JFK and Monroe. Gary saw Fred Otash setting up his surveillance equipment for Lawford’s home, trying to tap his phone line. Gary thought that Otash never succeeded in putting surveillance equipment in Lawford’s home. Gary was in the midst of all kinds of activities like that. If Gary said that he saw something, I believe him. Gary’s career was very much like what we see in LA Confidential, but unlike in the Hollywood movies, Gary’s story did not have a happy ending, as he died in exile, destitute, in Oregon.

    Interestingly, a retired policeman who actually witnessed one of the events that Gary wrote about in his book struck up a relationship with me and once visited me, and he dished on more than a few events that happened in that milieu, and he could vouch for at least one event that Gary wrote about, and he really appreciated the events that Gary wrote about.

    I had little awareness of the JFK hit until reading Gary’s account, and I spent the next dozen years, looking into the evidence, on and off, before I had anything to say about it publicly. Gary’s testimony was always the center of gravity of my JFK studies. I never saw a convincing piece of evidence falsify Gary’s story, and over the years, new documents surfaced that gave Gary’s story vastly more credibility, such as the Operation Northwoods documents. As far as I am concerned, Oswald was an intelligence asset that took the fall, and at this time, I am onboard with the idea that JFK was taken out by the MIC because he tried to end the Cold War. Many interests wanted JFK taken out, but only the MIC could pull it off and cover it up. Because of Gary’s cop activities, what he saw was mind-blowing. The Tower conversation was far from Gary’s only connection with the JFK hit, as he saw Jack Ruby in Mick Cohen’s entourage and had a conversation with him, way back in 1947. Ruby was no two-bit hood.

    Because Gary was a cop and detective, solving the crime was his job, so his attempts to solve the JFK hit are understandable. The Jewish mob angle is certainly worth considering, and Ruby’s involvement definitely points to the Mob’s involvement, and maybe even the Jewish mob, but I think that they were more mechanics than masterminds, and just more assets that came in useful. I know way more about the Mob than I want to, with friends and relatives being involved, as either targets of hits, “befriended” by the Mob, and other relationships, and our big time attorney found out firsthand about how corrupt the Ninth District Federal Court is, with one of Cohen’s protégés sitting on the bench today in his 90s, as a noted “liberal” judge.

    Kind of funnily, that policeman pal challenged Gary for going off on Jews like he did late in his book, but a few years later, after Gary died and the Jewish neocons began what could become known as World War III, my cop pal openly wondered if maybe Gary was right all along. :)

    For myself, I doubt that the crime will ever be solved, with the perpetrators dragged into a court (they are probably all dead by now, especially the masterminds), and for me, I am certain that Oswald was no lone nut and that the official investigation were shams, compromised by people such as Allen Dulles.

    All that I can really say here of alleged substance is that if Gary reported that conversation with Tower, Murphy, and Decker, three weeks after the JFK hit, you can take that to the bank. It really happened. What it all meant is open to interpretation. Gary’s close connection to Murphy is well known (he was Murphy’s bodyguard at times), and Murphy’s connection to Decker is also well known (Decker presided over Murphy’s wedding). And Tower, of course, has many well-known connections to people suspected of being involved in the JFK hit.

    I have seen all manner of accusation hurled at Gary over the years, impugning his integrity for his admittedly right-wing political views, but Gary was there, a professional in the middle of amazing events, and anything that he said he witnessed, I do not doubt.



  14. Hi:

    My work has been discussed in this forum before, on a few threads, including this one:


    Yesterday I published the most ambitious essay that I will ever write. It took about a year of writing, and I have been studying for it since the 1980s, when I take it all in.

    It is about energy, the human journey, and manifesting the biggest event in the human journey. Sounds modest, eh? :)

    Anyway, the members of this forum showed a lot of intelligence and class when I posted here in the past, and it is about the only forum that I would consider making this post to. I have my own forum and have been a regular fixture in another one, but wanted to make myself available to members of this forum.

    The essay is here:


    I did not see any categories in this forum that this essay would have easily fit into, but "environment" works for me.

    Best wishes to all,

    Wade Frazier

  15. I have been busy with lots of other things, but plan to post in this forum again when I finish my upcoming energy, ecosystems and economics essay, sometime in the next several months. My latest essay relates to free energy:


    On the Apollo missions, long ago, Brian O’Leary said that part of the moon landing record MIGHT have been fabricated for PR purposes or because they lost some footage, but I doubt that he believes that anymore, and is very weak “evidence” of faked moon landings. Brian also knows that plenty has been covered up and fabricated, but the moon landings do not appear to be one of the issues, at least for those who want to argue that they never happened.

    I recently introduced John Lear to Jay’s forum, and Lear did not exactly defend his “we never landed on the moon” position. In fact, his performance was kind of embarrassing to witness:


    At best, Secret Space was sloppily done, with possibly good stuff alongside shaky stuff. Any effort that is going to be taken seriously needs to winnow the wheat from the chaff, and Secret Space did not do so, IMO.

  16. Hi:

    I have been off of my home continent, but I am now back. Sorry, again, that I have not been active here lately. I plan to become more active on this topic, if there is interest in this forum. Evan, maybe this thread has petered out. I’ll check back to see if this thread ends up going anywhere, and I thank you for beginning it.

    Maybe I will post something next weekend, but that page that summarizes my agenda for the show I did, and those I may do in the future, says it all:


    I am not aware of more important topics, as far as the short-term and long-term future of the human species, but virtually nobody on earth really seems to be interested, which I find bizarre. If anybody knows of a forum where a productive discussion might be sustained, I am open for suggestions. Adam Trombly is a legend in the free energy field,


    and the show that he did after my appearance is incredibly vital.


    Although Adam has traumatic experience with reverse-engineering ET craft to create advanced technology (his father lost his life in the pursuit), whether the advanced technology comes from captured ET craft or was “home grown” by humanity is largely irrelevant. That the technology exists is what is important, and I know that it does:


    If anybody is interested in the discussion of the global implications of that technology, I am here to discuss it.



  17. Hi Everybody:

    I have been quiet during the past month for a few reasons. One reason was trying to recover from a two-year, constant nightmare at my day job, which only ended a month ago and will crank up again in a couple of weeks, with the tunnel’s end nowhere in sight. The past month, and for about two weeks in June 2005, have been the only times in nearly five years of being there when life was somewhat “normal” at my day job. I work at a dot.com, which is a dynamic environment, you might say. : - )

    Another reason for my recent silence was that I was invited onto a two-hour radio show, which I appeared on a couple of weeks ago. It is the first time that I have publicly discussed my experiences and my website’s subject matter. This morning I put up a summary of my outline for the show at the below link, as well as links to the show’s sound files:


    For a little while, I am putting up a blind link to an audio file of the show I appeared on, with the commercials removed. It is here:


    It is a 15-megabyte file. If you are interested, get it now, because it may not be there long.

    The activist effort, initiated by Brian O’Leary, that resulted in my appearance on that show also led to Adam Trombly doing the same show last night. Below is the link to take to obtain to the summary transcript and the sound files of the show that Trombly appeared on:


    Adam is a legendary figure in the free energy and healing-humanity-and-the-planet fields, and I was surprised and delighted that he did the show, because he rarely speaks publicly. His experiences are directly on point to this thread’s subject matter.

    I also did not make any posts to this forum because I was mentally and emotionally preparing for my appearance on the show. As usual, somebody from the peanut gallery challenged my credibility:


    which is one of the hazards of doing this kind of work:

    Again, I needed to prepare mentally and emotionally for the show, and part of that meant no public interaction while I prepared for it, partly because the forums that I was in (this one was not the only one) had yet to go in directions that I thought were really all that fruitful in gaining the members’ understanding of how the world really works, and people kept dragging the topics into the rabbit hole of their particular predilections, which tended to sap my energy. Experience might be the ONLY teacher, particularly for the subject material that my site tackles.

    My wife has been a long-suffering saint while I have pursued my life’s work – we got together in February 1988, about six weeks after the raid,


    and she has been with me while I walked through the valley of the shadow of death for many years, a valley that I spent the past several years deeply traveling, and have only been slowly emerging from since late 2006. I owe her, big time, and getting emotionally spent while dealing with the public and my site’s subject matter is not fun or easy, and took a toll on my life and marriage that I may always be repairing. While the education forum has been one of the few friendly and potentially worthwhile forums that I have ever been in (this forum’s members deserve full credit), it might end up taking up too much of my time and energy. We’ll see how it goes.

    Also, my “spare” time for the past couple of weeks was spent writing that summary of the show. I have an ambitious essay planned for 2008, on energy, ecosystems and economics, which I may not complete for several months due to the other, often insane, demands on my life. I am just trying to hang in there these days.

    I am going to be publicly silent for at least another couple of weeks, but wanted to make a post to let this forum’s members know that I had not forgotten about them and would reply to any questions when I was back in action in April. Earlier this morning, I wrote a post for another forum that I have been in for several months, which I made more than eighty, often lengthy, posts to. It was another friendly and potentially worthwhile forum, but none of the members really had a scientific background, and the political-economic dynamics that this forum’s members are more familiar with were largely new to that other forum’s members.

    When I went to that forum to make that post about an hour ago, I discovered that the entire section of that forum devoted to my work had been deleted (there were hundreds of posts in that forum regarding my work, and some I even linked to from my site – that is one of the hazards of contributing to somebody else’s forum). Well, it was kind of nice while it lasted, but part of me was relieved. I just made my last post to that forum.

    At this moment, this is the only forum that I am actively posting at, partly because the trolls have not shown up here yet to attack me (some are professionals), which is the typical reception that I receive in other forums, although amateurs do most of the trolling, for ego reasons. I like it that this forum does not currently allow new members. Otherwise, the trolls would come running to attack me (see my posts at ATS to get an idea of what I am referring to, in case you need examples of trolls plying their trade, although I doubt that anybody frequenting Internet forums these days needs any more examples of xxxxx posts. : - )

    I’ll reply to this forum’s posts that seek my response when I return to public interaction in a few weeks.

    Best wishes,


  18. Hi Guys:

    For the record, I am not really into ETs. My journey is free energy and healing the planet. In my circles is one of the most outspoken astronauts on the UFO issue (whom NASA has apparently erased from its site), people who engage in activism at the White House level and far beyond (I was invited to the White House myself in 2006 on the energy issue and declined the invitation), people who receive underground shows of advanced technology:


    people who risk their lives (and often lose them) trying to make this world a better place.

    My FE and aerospace pals said for years that watching UFOs was easy to do, and that there was a place not far from my home where the odds were good, and I eventually took them up on it and got my show.


    That was empirical enough for me, and is as reproducible as it gets, with thousands of people going there to get their shows for the past twenty years. Apparently, the show we got was better than average, perhaps because of who we were and our attitude (or maybe it was beginner’s luck : - ) ). My aerospace buds went on the Art Bell Show the next year to talk about it:


    For those of you who wonder about how much exposure shows like that get, my report was linked to from the Coast to Coast site for that show, and I got into my site about ten minutes after the show began, and my report received more than 5,000 visitors during the first ten minutes of the show (and very little afterward). My site only received 100,000 visitors last year, so 5,000 in ten minutes on one essay was quite a spike. I did a double take, the number not really registering until I looked at it a couple of times.

    The people getting the UFOs to “light up” for them do not deny their ET origin, and if anybody would know, it would be them.

    David, how many times have you gone out hunting UFOs? Experience is about the only empiricism worth anything. You make statements that are based on the assumption of denying that there IS a cover-up. I get that kind of circular logic regarding FE from scientists all the time:


    Again, I am not into bantering on the UFO issue with people. I know what I saw, I have close connections to people in the milieu, and it is just one of many strange aspects of the world we live in. As I stated earlier, my interest in ETs primarily relates to the advanced technology end of it (although there are many worthwhile facets of it). I have no interest in taking this down the rabbit hole of “I will not believe in ETs until one of their craft lands at my house and I can take it apart and do DNA testing on the pilot.” I see nothing fruitful about it. Go see for yourself (James’ ranch is not the only place to watch such craft make their displays, but it is one of the best I have heard of), and then we will have something to discuss, but only those with open minds and hearts really get the good shows.

    Enough said.



  19. Hi David:

    As I have stated, skepticism and doubt is fine. I think all seekers of truth begin there. Then it is the journey of seeking it. Very few have what it takes to make the trip, or they settle for some comforting, self-serving beliefs along the way. I watched a UFO “light up” on request. While some argue that it was a human-made craft, I do not know any of them arguing from actual EXPERIENCE of those kinds of events. Everybody I know who is in the field, deeply, acknowledges that the ET connection is valid (and far more, as in the deeply spiritual aspect of it), and they also acknowledge the big plays being made around the situation, particularly by the Big Boys, but also by most who are involved at one level or another. Personal integrity is the world’s scarcest commodity,


    and almost nobody involved in these arenas is doing it from a selfless pursuit of the truth and healing humanity and the planet, but to chisel out their piece of the pie.

    I have been getting involved in other public efforts lately, coming out of my self-imposed seclusion, and I have recently been pointing out that these big issues are full of intrigue, dead ends, disinfo agents and the like. It does not mean that the underlying issues are not genuine. About the Mormons, they are just some of the current players. The “game” (the lust for power and control, now being played on a global scale) has been going on for a long time, only the faces change (as do the organizations).

    As Greer has noted many times, there is a huge amount of mind control and disinfo stuff around the UFO issue, and the Big Boys plan to play the ET card their way, and have been staging fake ET events for a long time:


    I dug into JFK after I came upon inside info:


    looked into the moon landings (my father worked in Mission Control):


    obviously have a background in free energy, and have even snooped into 9/11 some:


    and I have seen enough to generalize about what I have seen. For instance, there are current controversies around Peak Oil, abiogenic formation of hydrocarbons and Global Warming. Peak Oil began as a fringe theory fifty years ago, and has become far more prominent recently. It has become a political football, but that does not mean that it is a hoax. Very, very few climate scientists have any doubt that burning up hydrocarbons at the rate humanity is currently doing it has environmental consequences. It does not take a rocket scientist to realize that increasing a key greenhouse gas by a third during the Hydrocarbon Fuel Age is going to have a climate effect, as well as cause other problems (like acidifying the oceans). The abiogenic theory of hydrocarbon formation is currently a very fringe theory with little evidence in its favor, extensively developed by Soviet scientists during Stalin’s reign, and brought into the West by Thomas Gold.

    For all three of those issues, there can be legitimate scientific debate on the issues, but regarding human-influenced Global Warming, for instance, about the only dissent out there is managed by hacks who work for the hydrocarbon lobby, such as Fred Singer. Singer initially made a career out of denying that Global Warming even exists. Now that it cannot be denied any longer, he has shifted gears and is saying that humans (or to say it more honestly, his employers) have nothing to do with it. I constantly run into scientifically-illiterate activists who believe that Global Warming is a hoax concocted by the elites. They cannot even recite the rudiments of the theory (or of Peak Oil, or abiogenic hydrocarbon formation), but wave it all away as a “conspiracy.” That is not a healthy position to take, IMO, and is one of the many pitfalls that people can fall into in their pursuit of the truth. Seeking the truth is hard work, particularly in arenas with such earth-shaking consequences such as free energy (which is joined at the hip with advanced technologies such as anti-gravity). My friend who received this show:


    does not even believe in ETs, but what my friend described is almost exactly what Greer’s Disclosure Project witnesses have described. I am not so much into ETs as I am healing the planet, and free energy can help do that like nothing else I know of.



  20. Here is Marchetti's article:


    I would like to stress that Marchetti and Ralph come from the “white” side of the CIA, being civil servants with GS ratings. They are not privy to the black side, and the stuff that goes way beyond government control, like the people that Dennis and Greer have encountered:


    Sitting U.S. presidents are out of that loop (Marchetti’s part about Carter was perceptive – Carter was threatened with an abrupt end of his presidency if he kept pressing the issue http://www.ahealedplanet.net/journey.htm#presidents , and Jimmy is no hero, as with all politicians), and do not even know where the loop is. I have seen some of that world myself, and some close to me have seen it very closely. It is not a myth or “conspiracy theory.”



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