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Michael Collins Piper

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Everything posted by Michael Collins Piper

  1. Tim Gratz asks if I support a breakaway republic of southern states. I don't think much about it one way or the other. I'm kind of inclined to stick with the Union myself. However, in regard to the problem of Israel, and it is a problem, I do have a solution: In all seriousness: Since the United States is so rich and evidently so able to absorb so many immigrants, legal and illegal, I would suggest that the American government used its considerable resources to invite and pay for the massive immigration of Jews from the state known as Israel to the United States and that we carve out a Jewish state here in the United States—maybe in Dick Cheney's Wyoming (that gun-toter is a big fan of Israel's) or in one of the big Western states, possibly in the Southwest (where the climate would be reasonably close to that of Israel) and then if we MUST continue subsiding such a Jewish state, at least the funds would never leave the Continental United States. Now being of partial American Indian descent myself, I might get a lot of my fellow American Indians in the Southwest mad, since it was originally their land which would be given to the "new" state of Israel here on American soil, but considering the fact that Israel as it is now constituted is essentially "stolen" property, there would be a precedent for it. Since the founders of the Zionist movement once seriously considered Uganda and Madagascar as possible Jewish homelands, why can't the modern-day leaders of Zionism be a little flexible and consider relocating here to the U.S.? A Canadian Jewish scholar, Professor Michael Neumann, has written a new book entitled THE CASE AGAINST ISRAEL, published by Counterpunch (which is the organ of progressive writer Alexander Cockburn --- he no anti-Semite or Holocaust denier either -- and in the book he advocates that the United States save Israel from itself by leading an international coalition to take out Israel's nuclear bomb. Not a bad idea. Those mad bombers in Israel's Likud are capable of anything. What say ye, Tim Gratz? (Oh, by the way, you want to know if I share the tenets of Stormfront. First of all, I am not a member of Storm Front. I've looked on the site several times when I've done Internet searches about my book, and on that site I saw at least one person BASHING me --- so your conspiracy theory that I'm somehow a part of it and that, as you would suggest, it is a base of my support, so to speak, just ain't true, fella! You can keep playing your "link" game and name every conceivable group that you don't like that happens to have someone who might be connected to someone I'm connected with or who has written something nice about me, but your gimmick is getting tired and worn. Actually, it's pretty interesting to see that otherwise seemingly intelligent people just lose all touch with reality when they are confronted with my thesis regarding Mossad involvement in the JFK assassination. On the one hand they say: "Oh, it's foolish, it's a lie. It's crazy. he's an evil anti-Semite and he's got an agenda. But nobody takes him seriously. So don't pay any attention to him. Don't listen to him! Stop." Why pay me all the attention if nobody takes me seriously? The problem is precisely that those who read my book say it does make sense. And that's what there's all this hysteria. Even if I am completely wrong there are a lot of serious, intelligent people who don't think I'm wrong. And that includes people of all political stripes, not just "right wing anti-Semites" and "Holocaust deniers." And in this context, I was very honored to receive an email from the widow of the late Ace Hayes, the firebrand publisher of the Portland Free Press offering me his entire archive. Mr. Hayes was no "right wing Jew-hating Holocaust denying anti-Semite" and he was very supportive of my work and obviously enough so that his widow would make such a generous offer. Let's just put it this way: If being "anti-Semitic" is objecting to an uncontrolled and powerful foreign lobby dictating America's foreign policy and getting us into a needless and bloody war in Iraq, then YOU BET: I AM ANTI-SEMITIC. And you can take that to Bank Leumi.
  2. The Afro-Cuba web, which, to the best of my knowledge, is not a white racist or anti-Semitic or Holocaust denial site, posted an essay of mine which summarizes FINAL JUDGMENT. They did not inform me that they were going to post it. It has been on their site for a long time. Am I expected to agree or disagree with any or all of the material on that website? Does their posting of my essay mean that they agree with any or all of my real (or imagined) points of view on issues various and sundry? Some years ago an African-American student newspaper posted an article I wrote regarding CIA complicity in the global drug racket. Am I expected to agree or disagree with any or all of the material on that website? Does their posting of my article mean that they agree with any or all of my real (or imagined) points of view on issues various and sundry? I don't agree with everything that is published in AMERICAN FREE PRESS nor do all the writers of AMERICAN FREE PRESS agree with things that I write in AMERICAN FREE PRESS. Now I am being asked to defend or denounce some Southern heritage organization that I never even heard of and didn't know, until now, was linked to the AMERICAN FREE PRESS website. However, I will say this: I believe that the Civil War was a worse tragedy for America than the Holocaust of World War II. And while I would like to be a firm advocate of States's Rights, since I don't like big government (is that a crime?), I think that the secession of the Southern States was a mistake and I also believe that secession---here comes the conspiracy theory, Tim Gratz will love this --was deliberately promoted and provoked by the British Crown and the imperial international banking interests of the Rothschild family and that, if author CHarles Higham is correct, in his new book MURDERING MR. LINCOLN, the Rothschilds were instrumental in Lincoln's assassination through their American agent, August Belmont. I believe Mr. Higham is Jewish. He is certainly an outspoken ANTI against anything that reeks of Nazism or Anti-Semitism. So I warn Tim Gratz not to say that my reference to the Rothschild banking syndicate is "anti-Semitic." I do believe that John F. Kennedy and his brother Joe were right in aligning themselves with the America First Committee (of which they were dues-paying members) which fought against US entry into the war in Europe—a committee which was supported by some pretty outspoken people generally perceived to be "liberals" in their day. I am also a very big admirer of Charles A. Lindbergh who spoke on behalf of the America First COmmittee and I can't resist pointing out that while she was First Lady, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis wrote a letter to Lindbergh saying that she and the Kennedy family (yep, Jack, too) were very big admirers of Mr. Lindbergh. Was Jackie endorsing an Evil Nazi? She knew full well what his views on the war in Europe were? I do know that Deborah Lipstadt, the "expert" on Holocaust Denial, says that Holocaust Denial EVEN INCLUDES doubting German war guilt in World War ONE---repeat WORLD WAR ONE---not World War II. I do know that when I was a high school student I was taught that "of the six million Jews who died during World War II, four million of them died at Auschwitz." However, on July 17, 1990 the Washington Times reprinted an article from the London Sunday Times, saying that Polish authorities had just announced that four million people did not die at Auschwitz, that the figure was 1.1 million and that 900,000 of them were Jews. However, even doubting the figure of "Six Million" in general is called Holocaust Denial and you can get thrown in jail in "democratic" Germany for saying that less than Six Million Jews died in the Holocaust. Yes, yes, yes, the Holocaust was a horrible thing and I have no doubt that the German government did indeed kill many Jews by many methods. But, on the same token, I think it's pretty pathetic and offensive and disgusting that Holocaust Enthusiasts in the Israeli lobby in Washington actively sided with the Turkish government and its lobbyists in Washington in trying to derail a proposed congressional memorial to the Armenians who say that more than a million of the Armenian people were victims of genocide by the Turks. The Israelis want "their " Holocaust but nobody else is allowed to have one! And even today, in the Washington Post, there is an article describing how some defenders of the Turks say that it is an absolute lie and that there is no evidence whatsoever of more than one million Armenian victims. Surely there must be some middle ground. But, as Jewish American professor Norman Finkelstein (whose parents were interned in concentration camps during World War II) in his book THE HOLOCAUST INDUSTRY has pointed out, the Holocaust is now used as a political club by the Israeli lobby. And as one of American Indian descent, I find it contemptible and vicious and outrageous that the American Jewish Committee published in its COMMENTARY magazine an article DISPUTING that the treatment of the American Indians was GENOCIDE! The American Jewish Committee—which like its soul-mate, the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith—OPPOSES affirmative action for my African-American godson—should be shunned. And the truth is that between 1980 (when I first started writing for The SPOTLIGHT, published by Liberty Lobby) and 1994, I had only ever written two articles (out of literally thousands) that touched on the Holocaust; one of them was about the controversy surrounding the election of Kurt Waldheim as Austrian president. The other article, actually, I didn't write. I only did some minor editing, but because I had made some substantial changes, the editor suggested that my name be added as co-author. The article happened to be a very generalized report about the activities of the Institute for Historical Review, the so-called "Holocaust denial" organization. It was a report hardly different from anything you might read in ANY NEWSPAPER. Yet, I am still labeled a Holocaust denier since that is a convenient tag to shift focus from what my book FINAL JUDGMENT really does say. And I should note, too, that on a previous JFK assassination forum on the Internet, I was ATTACKED by someone (who would be considered a "Holocaust denier" for NOT mentioning the Holocaust in FINAL JUDGMENT, although that reasoning is about as tortured as the insistence that what I do or do not think about the Holocaust has ANYTHING whatsover to do with what I think about the JFK assassination. Whether 1 Jew died or whether it was 6,000,000 or 11,000,000 as some "experts" now claim, I do believe that anyone who advocates putting people in jail for questioning the Six Million figure deserves to be sent to jail themselves. I refuse to buy the theme that the Jewish tragedies of wartime Europe are "unique" and are any different from the mass murders of millions of people under the communist heel. I reject the racist theme that the Jews are God's Chosen People. I happen to believe in freedom of speech and the biggest foes of freedom of speech are Holocaust Enthusiast outfits such as the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, which, incidentally, scoffs at ALL JFK ASSASSINATION CONSPIRACY THEORIES, not just mine. Another point: Gratz and company -- while claiming that I am somehow "affiliated" with the KKK seem to carefully not mention the fact that the introduction to my book was written by Robert L. Brock, a veteran African-American civil rights activist who is known as "the Reparations Man" since he is the early pioneer of the slavery reparations movement. In fact, I endorse reparations for slavery. I believe that America should cut its multi-billion dollar subsidies to Israel and redirect those funds into carefully crafted programs to provide homeless shelters, drug treatment programs, job-training programs and other systems to save the urban poor who are, of course, largely Black. Yes, I spoke at a conference organized by David Duke. I was also preparing to speak at a California unit of the Jewish War Veterans at the invitation of a gentleman whose father was a JWV member, but some of the other members kicked up a fuss and the affair was scuttled. And for those who want to rant and rave about my book being "anti-Semitic," I will tell you that one of my Jewish friends who read the book said that while he didn't buy my thesis (although he admitted a certain bias), he didn't find the book "anti-Semitic" at all. I can tell you that a somewhat infamous Jewish American lobbyist and wheeler dealer in Washington—who has been personally connected with some of the oft-alleged masterminds and conspirators in the JFK assassination and whose name is probably familiar to a lot of people on this forum—is an old friend of mine and after he read FINAL JUDGMENT he said: "I think that's pretty much what happened." That endorsement MEANS A LOT. it's what you might call "informed opinion," I can also tell you that Philippe Rockholt of Seattle, Washington wrote me this after he read FINAL JUDGMENT: "The book is a great service to the Americanpeople and the world. This book truly ties everything together. The missing link I've been looking for. As a French citizen and a Jew, I found the French-israeli connection fascinating and a logical conclusion." I can tell you that Mark Lane, who is Jewish and who is an outspoken critic of Israel, said that FINAL JUDGMENT makes a "strong case" for Mossad involvement in the JFK assassination. Once, when I was visiting Mark, I was delighted to learn that he had been showing FINAL JUDGMENT to Steve Jaffe who cut his teeth as an investigator for Jim Garrison. (Mark and Steve and I were getting ready to go to a tribute to Dick Gregory at the kennedy center, about which I have written—along with some other data involving the Israeli lobby's war against Martin Luther King—on another post on the Education Forum relating to a post by Tim Gratz regarding the death of Coretta Scott King. There is information there, I believe, that will interest those who are interested in FINAL JUDGMENT and its thesis.) Mark Lane, incidentally, was quite interested to learn that the moneybags behind Oliver Stone's JFK was Arnon Milchan who was and perhaps still is, Israel's largest arms dealer, and a key player in its nuclear weapons program. I note that some person outrageously posted something on this forum saying that I found it significant that Milchan was a Jew. his religion had nothing to do with it. Instead, the significance was the fact that he is a big player in the Israeli nuclear weapons program that JFK was working to stop. However, that point didn't matter to the poster who was determined to make me out the Big Jew Hater. Just another way in which my totally INNOCENT comments have been eggregiously twisted by my critics. And by the way, while I am bending your ear: the excuse that Israel would never have become involved in or otherwise instigated a plot to kill JFK because 1) it is our great ally and 2) Israel depends on the US for its lifeblood and 3) what if they got caught? --- just doesn't wash. First of all, the "special" relationship between the US and Israel did not emerge until AFTER the assassination of John F. Kennedy. It came about during the Johnson years -- actually almost instanteously upon the death of JFK, if Jewish-American writer Stephen Green, a former fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, is to be believed. (See Green's book, TAKING SIDES). In fact, JFK was planning to CUT aid to Israel in the weeks before his death. (I don't have the source on that handy, but I didn't even discover that until AFTER FINAL JUDGMENT was first published and someone sent me a yellowed news clipping.) In addition, the idea that Israel would "get caught" makes about as much sense as saying that the CIA wouldn't kill JFK because "what if they got caught." LBJ and his Warren Commission were COVERING UP THE CRIME and LBJ was the chief individual beneficiary of the crime. LBJ was a hard-nosed long time ally of Israel who even actively aided in the smuggling of illegal Jewish immigration into the United States (via Texas) before World War II, accorind to Israeli writer Michael karpin in his new book THE BOMB IN THE BASEMENT. Texas, by the way, was a major outpost of the smuggling of arms to the Jewish terror groups in Palestine prior to the establishment of Israel, according to the official history of the Sonneborn Institute (which was the Israeli arms smuggling network) and the city of Dallas Texas is, contrary to Hollywood legend, not run by a bunch of John Birchers. Instead, the rulers of the city's Citizen's Council (not to be confused with the segregationist group of a similar name) were dominated by a handful of Jewish businessmen such as Julius Schepps, a partner of the Bronfman family, whose ally and attorney, Louis Bloomfield, was chairman of the board of Permindex of which Clay Shaw of New Orleans Garrison fame was a director. One of the key elements smuggled out of Texas in those years were aircraft parts. Jack Ruby was an aircraft mechanic during World War II—after which he went to Texas, allegedly on "Mafia" business. Dr. William Pepper (as noted elsewhere in one of my postings) says that Ruby was part of a smuggling network involving an Israeli Mossad official. Is all of this significant or is it the ranting of an anti-Semite with an agenda. And no, I haven't stopped beating my wife or kicking my dog, Mr. Gratz.
  3. On page 51 in the 1969 edition of volume III of his FORGIVE MY GRIEF series, Penn Jones, the much-admired Texas-based JFK researcher, wrote as follows: "Jack Ruby was a close intimate of the members of the Dallas Police force and other Unied States law enforcement agencies, as well as the israeli counter intelligence organization. His one-time employee, Nancy Zeigman Perrin Rich was also close to these same forces. Identifying Ruby and Nancy as being involved with the israeli intelligence opens up a completely overlooked area concerning the assassination of President Kennedy." Query: Does this make Penn Jones an anti-Semite or a Holocaust Denier? Jack Ruby's FBI files -- as described on A. J. Weberman's website -- indicate that Ruby was involved in arms smuggling to Israel in the 1950s. Ruby's attorney, Luis Kutner, who "handled" Ruby during Ruby's appearance before organized crime hearings in the 1950s, had ties to the CIA and to Israeli intelligence. This may mean something or it may mean nothing, but it is one of those funny little details that people somehow seem to miss. People also seem to miss the point that the night before the JFK assassination when Ruby had his famous meeting with Lawrence Myers at the much-talked-about Cabana Motel, he was meeting with a gentleman (that is, Myers) who --- again according to A J. Weberman's website -- was connected to a company that was believed to be smuggling arms to Israel. So although much is made of Ruby's meeting with Myers, the Israeli connection gets passed by. And then there's the point made by Dr. William Pepper, in his latest book on the Martin Luther King assassination, that Ruby and James Earl Ray's mysterious associate "Raul" were -- in 1963 -- involved in an arms smuggling operation that included an Israeli Mossad official. (In my opinion, based on published accounts of his career, that Mossad official was almost certainly Michael Harari.) And then there's Ruby's claim that he was acting as a translator for Israeli reporters in Dallas when he was hanging around police headquarters. Why have none of our intrepid JFK researchers ever tracked down these reporters? Who were they? Why is it left to "anti-Semite and Holocaust denier" Michael Collins Piper to raise these points?
  4. I am now (attempting) to post another attachment from FINAL JUDGMENT. This is the chapter which follows the previously posted chapter on PERMINDEX. Several people have said that this chapter is the "best" chapter in the book. By saying that I am sure that I am setting myself up for Tim Gratz to say, "Well, if this is the best Piper has to offer, blah blah blah," but I think I will let the chips fall where they may. Incidentally, I should also refer people to the amazon.com website where there is a very glowing review of FINAL JUDGMENT posted by an individual who uses the handle PAULOCAL. PAULOCAL happens to be an African-American (for those who like to worry about other peoples' races, creeds and colors. But MORE IMPORTANTLY PAULOCAL happens to be Herbert L. Calhoun, PH.D. Dr. Calhoun, as any search of the Internet will tell you, retired as deputy division chief of the Policy, Plans and Analysis Office of the State Department's Bureau of Political-Military Affairs and formerly served as asenior foreign affairs specialist for the U.S. Arms Conrol and Disarmament Agency. To the best of my knowledge Dr. Calhoun is neither a racist, nor an anti-Semite, nor a Neo-Nazi nor is he affiliated with any Holocaust Denial organizations. I should also mention that several years ago, when the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith kicked up a ruckus in California and successfully scuttled a JFK assassination seminar where I was scheduled to speak at a community college, one of my most outspoken public defenders was Col. Forest J. Hunt, former commander of ALL of the U.S. Marine guards at US Embassies across the planet. The book has also been heartily endorsedby Col. Donn de Grand Pre whois 1967 wasnamed director for Ground Weapons System's in the Pentagon's Office of International Logistics Negotiations, responsible for negotiating sales conractswith heads of foreign nations for military weapons systems. On September 30, 1979, The Washington Post magazine wrote of Grand Pre: "If you had been a Middle Eastern ruler in the 1970s in search of weapons systems, you would have called Donn de Grand Pre, Pentagon arms peddler." And the book has been endorsed by veteran Hollywood screenwriter Bill Norton who—with his Jewish wife, by the way—has long been active in progressive causes to the point that he was called as a hostile witness before Congress during the anti-communist "witch-hunts" of the 1950s and who served as a volunteer advisor to the Sandinista government in Nicaragua ---- hardly your run of the mill "right wing extremist who buys the poison of Michael Collins Piper and his Holocaust denial, blah blah blah." And so for the attachment . . . Chapter_12.doc
  5. Finally, the Most Evil Person in the world—or at least one of the Most Evil Persons in the world—puts in an appearance. I realize that there are a lot of people who don't believe that I should have the right to post on this forum because they object to the fact, for example, that my view of the American entry into the war in Europe mirrored precisely that of a young Harvard student named John F. Kennedy who was a dues paying member of the America First Committee. I realize that many people object to my political point of view and that they reject the populist tradition of Robert LaFollette, Gerald Nye, Burton K. Wheeler and others of that political persuasion whom I admire greatly. I realize that there are many on this forum who are upset about the fact that because I am of partial American Indian heritage, I am a little hard-pressed to understand why billions of U.S. tax dollars to go Israel (precisely because of the clout of the Israeli lobby in Washington and because of the political clout of millions of deluded folks who follow the teachings of Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and Tim LaHaye) whereas the American Indians on concentration camps euphemistically called "reservations" are suffering from high rates of malnutrition, disease, alcoholism, etc. I realize . . . well, I could go on and on. I do intend to reply to the audacious distortions, misrepresentations, misquotations and well, let's face it, LIES that have been posted about me on this forum, but for the present, I am attaching—and hope that it comes through—a significant chapter from FINAL JUDGMENT that details the definitive Mossad and Israeli connections of the infamous Permindex entity on whose board of directors Clay Shaw served. This chapter gives a flavor of the book and before anyone starts jaw-boning and saying, "Clay Shaw was acquitted," or "Clay Shaw had nothing to do with the JFK assassination," I hasten to point out, first of all, that FINAL JUDGMENT is NOT NOT NOT exclusively based on "the Clay Shaw connection," and secondly, that I do not necessarily believe that Clay Shaw was actively engaged in plotting the JFK assassination, rather that he (along with Guy Banister and David Ferrie) were "handling" Oswald in New Orleans and that Shaw himself probably never knew that JFK was going to be assassinated. I DO suggest, however, that the New Orleans scenario WAS part of the ultimate assassination conspiracy. Since this chapter was first published, I should mention, I have also learned—from the investment banker who handled the financing—that Edgar and Edith Stern of New Orleans (Clay Shaw's best friends and reportedly those who financed his defense) were major investors in the NUMEC nuclear plant in Apollo, Pennsylvania from which James Angleton, Israel's devoted ally at the Mossad desk in the CIA, helped engineer the diversion of uranium into Israel's nuclear weapons program. I have also learned, in the new book, THE BOMB IN THE BASEMENT (by an Israel writer, Michael Karpin) that Clay Shaw's Permindex associate, Louis Bloomfield, was one of a handful of North American millionaires who personally put up the money for Israel's nuclear weapons program. So, if the attachment comes through, this will give folks the opportunity to get a better idea of where I am coming from. If this attachment works, I will subsequently attach further information from the book itself. I will also be posting some general comments in direct response to John Simkin's opening question. And thanks to those open-minded individuals—thank God there are many—who understand that my views on issues A, B, or C have NOTHING whatsoever to do with the JFK assassination. And I would add, generally, that is precisely because—as I say very clearly and without hesitation in FINAL JUDGMENT—I have indeed long been a critic of Israel and a student of its misdeeds (which are many) that this is why I was able to freely examine multiple Mossad connections (on multiple levels) to many of the often-mentioned "players" in the JFK assassination scenario(s). My book does not say that the JFK assassination was exclusively a Mossad affair, contrary to what some have suggested or otherwise misperceived. Chapter_11__Permindex.doc
  6. Several years ago an all-star tribute to comic and civil rights activist (and Warren Commission critic) Dick Gregory was held at the Kennedy Center. Thanks to my friend (and Rush to Judgment author) Mark Lane, a longtime friend of Gregory (whom I've met on several occasions), I was able to get a VIP seat at the event at which Mark was one of the featured speakers paying tribute to "Greg." Another of the speakers was Coretta Scott King. I can tell you that when she was introduced (alongside DC Mayor Marion Barry, incidentally), the applause was thunderous and although I've been present when other big "historic" folks have been introduced, I do have to say that Coretta's quiet, dignified presence was nonetheless overwhelming and the warmth of the crowd in assembly was unlike anything I've ever experienced. It's kind of interesting, by the way, that the late Dr. King was a victim of the illicit spying activities of the Anti-Defamatino League (ADL) of B'nai B'rith, the same contemptible group that falsely accused me of being a "Holocaust Denier." The San Francisco Weekly, a progressive journal, reported on April 28, 1993 "During the civil rights movement, when many Jews were taking the lead in fighting against racism, the ADL was spying on Martin Luther King and passing on the information to J. Edgar Hoover, a former ADL employee said. 'It was common and casually accepted knowledge,' said Henry Schwarzschild, who worked in the publications department of the ADL between 1962 and 1964.'They thought King was sort of a loose cannon,' said Schwarzschild. 'He was a Baptist preacher and nobody could be quite sure what he would do next. The ADL was very anxious about having an unguided missile out there.'" It turns out, though, that the ADL was also engaged in heavy-duty spying on other Black civil rights leaders, not just King—including no less than Dick Gregory. The 1995 release of previously classified FBI documents relating to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the Warren Commission investigation which followed unveiled other ADL intrigue against "Greg." There are at least two documents citing ADL actions aimed at Gregory. Document #124-10027-10233 is dated Febuary 2, 1965. It is from the Special Agent in Charge of the Atlanta office of the FBI to FBI Director Hoover. It reads as follows: Enclosed herewith is a 5 page document received on 2/1/65 from SHERMAN HARRIS, Investigator, Anti-Defamation League, 41 Exchange Place, Atlanta, Georgia. HARRIS stated that the enclosed document reflects results of an interview by an ADL employee in Miami, Florida with Negro comedian DICK GREGORY. HARRIS did not reveal the name of the ADL employee in Miami who interviewed GREGORY. He stated that the charges made by GREGORY as reflected in the enclosed document are so ridiculous that he is embarrassed that an ADL employee would forward the material to the Atlanta Regional Office. He stated he was furnishing this material to the Bureau so that the Bureau will be aware of the activities of GREGORY in this regard. He requested that no one outside the Bureau be advised that he had furnished the Bureau this material. So, on the one hand, while the ADL official, Harris, told the FBI that he was “embarrassed” that one of his associates had even passed the “ridiculous” information on to the ADL’s regional office, he was nonetheless still passing it on to the FBI so that it would be aware of Gregory’s activities. Note also the fact that the ADL asked that the FBI keep quiet about the fact that the ADL was providing the spy data to the federal agency. That, of course, would have been quite embarrassing to the ADL, which was then—as now—busy masquerading as an ally of Black activists in the civil rights movement. Why was the ADL keeping tabs on Gregory? It involved much more than the fact that he was an outspoken black figure. The evidence shows that the ADL was also concerned about Gregory’s effort to dig out the truth about who really killed President John Kennedy—and why. That Gregory’s JFK inquiries were of interest to the ADL is quite revealing. Why the ADL was monitoring an independent investigation of the JFK assassination is a question that the ADL would prefer never be asked or answered. The second declassified FBI document sheds light on how the ADL was reporting back to the FBI on Gregory’s JFK assassination inquiries. Document #124-10027-10232 is dated Feb. 5, 1965 and evidently refers to the same ADL surveillance of Gregory referred to in the previously referenced Feb. 2, 1965 document. It is a memorandum from “A. Rosen” to “Mr. Belmont” (two top-level FBI officials in Washington). The memo describes how on Feb. 1, 1965, the aforementioned ADL investigator in Atlanta, Sherman Harris furnished information to the FBI that Harris had received from an unidentified ADL employee in Miami who had, in turn, gleaned information from Gregory (described as “the rabble rousing Negro comedian”) when the ADL employee spoke with Gregory on January 18, 1965. The FBI summary of the ADL investigator’s report to the FBI read in part: "In the letter to Harris, it was reported Gregory stated that the assassination of President Kennedy was masterminded by J. Edgar Hoover and [Texas oilman] H. L. Hunt. Gregory allegedly tried to substantiate these charges by displaying photostatic copies of affidavits and fallacious and misleading press releases and public statements. The ADL employee noted Gregory did not display any concrete facts to support his charges according to employee. "Gregory claimed the Warren Commission had two reports on the assassination and knew of [Hoover’s] and Hunt’s participation; however, they did not release the true facts as 'chaos' would result. Gregory alleged [Hoover] was one of the plotters due to a falling out with the Kennedys and the former Attorney General had been appointed to 'watch over him' and slowly 'ease him out' of the FBI. "Gregory claimed to have positive proof H. L. Hunt financed the Black Muslims but such proof was 'confidential.' Gregory also alleges the FBI has him under constant surveillance and will someday in the near future put an end to his life. Further, that prior to the assassination President Johnson was aware of the plot but was powerless to stop it because to do so would admit the FBI and the 'intelligence hierarchy' controlled the country." That the ADL was spying on Dr. King (and on "Greg") and giving the data to the FBI is very revealing indeed. This is a truly loathesome group, as this evidence demonstrates. And it's probably worth mentioning, by the way---and this is something that a lot of people don't know about -- but in some of his early pro se filings appealing his conviction of killing Dr. King, James Earl Ray that when his "handler" Raul gave him a contact number in New Orleans, Ray determined that the number was of "an agent of a Mideast orgaization distressed because of King's reported, forthcoming, before his death, public support of the Palestinian Arab cause." Later Ray referenced this in his testimony before the House Assassinations Committee. Since Mrs. King and the King family believed in James Earl Ray's innocence, they were undoubtedly privy to this information themselves. And since Dr. Pepper in his book, AN ACT OF STATE says that Jack Ruby and "Raul" were commonly linked to an arms smuggling network involving an Israeli Mossad official, this is all kind of interesting. But people might suggest that this is "anti-Semitic" for daring to mention this, of course. It seems pretty likely that the group Ray was referring to was indeed the Anti-Defamation League whose New Orleans office was run by "Bee" Botnick who called himself a "super communist hunter" and who specialized in infiltrating not just "right wing" hate groups but also "left wing" and student and pro-Castro groups. Botnick was fast pals with New Orleans private detective and CIA man Guy Bannister and it is known, by the way, that the ADL often contracted out its "fact finding" through private detective agencies. Darn! I wonder if, by chance, Botnick ever threw any fact finding work to his good friend Banister with whom he shared a zeal for hunting Reds?
  7. Oh yes . . . I have a B.A. in political science from George Washington University and I put in one year of law school at Loyola University in New Orleans where I learned how to drink. What I do know about the law I learned largely through working closely with attorney Mark Lane (author of RUSH TO JUDGMENT, etc) on many, many legal matters over the past two decades. I prefer to think of myself as "self-educated," and have amassed a personal library of some 10,000 volumes from which I have learned a little bit over the years. My primary skill is speedy typing with few errors. My critics who object to my fervent opposition to Israel's demands on the US Treasury and on the lives of our men and women in uniform deny me the right to call myself a journalist so I will simply note that I make my living as a writer, although I have no formal "training" in so doing, if that is of any consequence to anyone. My education on the Kennedy assassination is having read virtually all of the standard works on the subject. I'll be looking forward to intelligent discussion of my "controversial" thesis and I'll even respond to silly questions about why I believe John F. Kennedy and his big brother Joe were right for being dues-paying members of the America First Committee which believed that the United States should stay out of the war in Europe. (Whoops. Maybe I shouldn't have burst a lot of peoples' bubbles with that little tidbit. I mean---after all---I've been called a "Nazi" for taking the same stand on that issue as the Kennedy boys. Maybe people will start calling them Nazis, too.)
  8. I've been writing for some 25 years. My critics deny me the label "journalist" and call me a "neo-Nazi" a "bigot," an "anti-Semite," "filth," and other such choice titles, although most people who know me - including my Jewish friends—think I'm a pretty nice guy, even if they don't necessarily agree with everything I write. I am best known — and most reviled — for having written a book entitled "FINAL JUDGMENT: THE MISSING LINK IN THE JFK ASSASSINATION CONSPIRACY," which makes the 'controversial" allegation that Israel's intelligence service, the Mossad, was closely connected with many of the key figures widely "linked" by other writers to the JFK assassination conspiracy and that, in fact, Israel's friends and assets in the United States and elsewhere played a role in the JFK assassination precisely because President Kennedy was adamantly determined to prevent Israel from assembling an arsenal of nuclear weapons of mass destruction. My critics say that my book is driven by an "anti-Israel" or "anti-Semitic" agenda and I am the first to admit that — from the beginning of my career in writing — I have been an outspoke critic of US favoritism for Israel. And it is precisely this interest in U.S. Middle East policy that led me to explore JFK's policies toward Israel (which few JFK assassination researchers had EVER explored). Many people pretend to have read my book when they are knocking it down, and some even call me a "racist" not realizing that the introduction to the book was written by Dr. Robert L. Brock, the veteran African-American civil rights activist who is widely known as "the reparations man," having been the grandfather of the modern-day movement for reparations for American descendants of persons who were taken captive in the trans-Atlantic African slave trade! It was only well after my book was first published that I learned that veteran JFK researcher Penn Jones (the so-called "grand old man" of the researchers") had written back in the 1970s, not once, but twice, that looking in the direction of Israel's intelligence service in exploring the JFK assassination conspiracy appeared to be quite reasonable — a point that most of my critics are probably unaware of and will be hard-pressed to explain away, without perhaps labeling Penn Jones as I have been labeled. I should note that I have worked closely over the years with attorney Mark Lane, author of RUSH TO JUDGMENT, A CITIZEN'S DISSENT, and PLAUSIBLE DENIAL, the latter book being the volume that describes CIA man E. Howard Hunt's lawsuit against Liberty Lobby, the institution which employed me from 1980 through 2001. Through my association with Liberty Lobby I not only came to know Mark quite well — and have been a guest in his home many times — but I also became well acquainted with a number of individuals who have been, in one fashion or another, become intimately connected to circumstances surrounding the JFK assassination, the anti-Castro Cuban movement, etc. Among them: Victor Marchetti, author of THE CIA AND THE CULT OF INTELLIGENCE, the late Time-Life correspondent Andrew St. George, whose work is known to anyone with any serious knowledge of the Cuban Revolution and the CIA's activities in the region (Andrew being a close pal of Frank Sturgis, and, at one time, Fidel himself), and the late Fletcher Prouty. Actually, I'm being modest here. The truth is that Mark Lane, Victor Marchetti and Andrew St. George have not just been business associates. They've been good friends — and all of them very valued friends, in more ways than one. My book has sold just under 50,000 copies, both here and abroad, which is considerably more than perhaps MOST of the other books on the JFK assassination and although the false legend has it that I am a "celebrated speaker" at so-called "neo-Nazi" and "KKK events" the truth is that my largest audiences have been abroad in such places as Malaysia and Japan where hardly a "neo-Nazi" or "KKKer" is to be found. My critics contend that I focus on the issue of Israel in my writings. I am proud to say that is precisely correct. Having seen my own older brother ravaged by his service during the Vietnam War, I became — as a teenager — a foe of needless foreign wars and in watching all-out U.S. support for Israel, I predicted more than 25 years ago that the United States would get bogged down in the Middle East and ultimately subjected to a terrorist attack relating to U.S. involvement in the Middle East. I am a determined critic of U.S. support for Israel and have been proud to share friendship with a number of other outspoken critics of U.S. support for Israel including the aforementioned Mark Lane, Dr. Alfred Lilienthal, and the late Haviv Schieber (who served as the first mayor of Beersheba in Palestine---before the founding of Israel—near where Israel's officially non-existent nuclear weapons plant at Dimona is located). And --- guess what --- all of the aforementioned happen to be Jewish (but they've been called "anti-Semitic" by the Anti-Defamation League and other elements of the Israeli lobby.) The truth is that if I didn't have the wide-ranging background and knowledge about Israel — coupled with no hesitation in daring to explore areas (involving Israel) that other JFK "researchers" are fearful of exploring — I would have never been able to write FINAL JUDGMENT in the first place. I have no official website on my own, but — as my critics well know — it is possible to do a search of "Michael Collins Piper" on google and find all sorts of stuff about me, both pro- and con. Although my critics — many of whom are rather disingenuous, to say the least — like to suggest that only "Nazis" promote my works, serious open-minded researchers will find that my writings have been featured on a wide variety of venues and endorsed by progressive-minded folks of all races, creeds and colors. I write regularly for American Free Press, which has a website at americanfreepress.net and also The Barnes Review which has a website at barnesreview.org. Needless to say, I don't agree with everything that appears in these publications nor, necessarily do other writers for these publications agree with what I write. But there's something called "freedom of expression" that a lot of my critics do not understand. And as anyone who has ever dared to touch on the topic of Israel and its power in official Washington knows well, topics relating to anything to do with Israel and related issues are considered "special" and, in some respects, beyond discussion. Although I spent many hours --- perhaps needlessly --- trying to rationally discuss the subject of FINAL JUDGMENT on other JFK assassination related discussion groups (with my critics instead focusing not on the JFK assassination but instead on the subject of the Holocaust), I have opted to request permission to post — if only once — on the Education Forum since the thread of discussion about me (although not about my book and its thesis!) seems to be, by far, the topic of most interest at this time. If granted the right to post on the forum, I certainly intend to respond to many distortions and some of the eggregious and bigoted and hate-filled name calling directed at me (much of it hysterical in tone and obviously agenda-driven), but, more importantly, I would like to discuss SPECIFICS about my book, not generalities, and not just ASSUMPTIONS AND PRESUMPTIONS made by people based on what they've heard about me (and about the book) from others, most of whom have never even read the book.
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