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Michael Collins Piper

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  1. Hello Mr. Hougan, I thought you might be amused to know that once, many years ago, our old mutual friend, Andrew St. George, spotted a copy of SPOOKS lying on my desk and shrieked, "Mike, vy do you have THAT book?" and then proceeded to throw it on the floor and quite dramatically stomped his foot on it. He muttered, "I don't pronounce zheeeem as zheeeem." What a character! I once asked Andrew, point blank, if he was (as I had heard) part of the Life magazine team that, as I put it, gently, "covered" the Jim Garrison investigation in New Orleans. Andrew and I were sitting in the courtyard smoking cigars. He turned, with a flash of alarm in his eyes, and then, recovering, he said, "Mike, let me tell you a story. When I was a little boy in Hungary . . ." and then I heard an utterly fascinating reminiscence about some subject that I've long forgotten. But after a 20-minute exposition, in Andrew's own engaging style, I never got the answer to my question. I miss him. Cordially, MICHAEL COLLINS PIPER
  2. Not that the truth or facts really matter to Tim Gratz, but I will re-state again, for the historical record, that despite Gratz's link to some promotion for David Duke's conference (where, as I said, I did speak), the fact is that Don Black did NOT (nor "clearly" as Gratz claims) organize that conference. So if Gratz can't get his facts right on this, how much else of what he says can be believed. Gratz is clearly caught in this matter of having claimed to have read significant or "most" or "much" of FINAL JUDGMENT. He could NOT have because it wasn't until I just posted two chapters (which I considered HIGHLY significant and perhaps even the CORE OF THE BOOK) that such material ever appeared on the Internet. In short, folks, Tim "Dirty Tricks Segretti" Gratz is a xxxx. As Gerald Posner might say: "Case Closed." To Andy Walker: hey, guy, you obviously are either completely disingenuous (which is what I suspect) or you simply don't get "colloquial" talk. When I said "I got a book" (in reference to that Jerry Foulwell clone, Tim Gratz) I was deliberately using that terminology. You can make a big issue of it and try to make me sound illiterate, but those teachers didn't think I was illiterate when I was writing that silly essay promoting and hyping Israel, for which they gave me a big fat savings bond.
  3. For anyone who is interested, for whatever reason . . . WELL WELL WELL, WE'VE FINALLY GOT TIM GRATZ BY HIS BIG FAT BALLS. He says that Andy Walker published some "evidence" about me being in attendence at an American Renaissance Conference and elsewhere he has talked about me being at a Stormfront conference. Well, as I've noted previously, I did speak at a conference organized by David Duke and again, make no apologies for it. David Duke received the votes of some 60-65 percent of the white voters of Louisiana --- whether you like that fact or not --- when he ran both for the US Senate and the governorship of that state. I have NEVER spoken or appeared or visited ANY conference of Stormfront. So Tim Gratz and anybody else who says I did is either a very poor researcher or a xxxx. And now we have finally got proof that Tim Gratz is a xxxx when he says that he has a copy of my book FINAL JUDGMENT for here's an interesting little fact . . . This xxxx, Tim Gratz, says that I spoke or appeared at an American Renaissance Conference. Well, anybody who has a copy of FINAL JUDGMENT knows, there is a picture of the head of American Renaissance, Jared Taylor, in my book, pointing out that Taylor attempted to scuttle one of my speaking engagements in the Washington, DC area precisely because he objected to my allegations (a la Gratz) of Israeli Mossad involvement in the JFK assassination conspiracy. I have written critically of Taylor in FINAL JUDGMENT and in my book THE HIGH PRIESTS OF WAR, thrashing him for his bigoted anti-Muslim rhetoric, and I have been severely criticized by Taylor's followers for my repeated criticism of him. I have pointed out that the company (Carroll & Graf) which published Taylor's book (PAVED WITH GOOD INTENTIONS) which claims that Blacks are inferior has also published Harrison Livingstone's books which absolve the CIA of involvement in the JFK assassination. I have suggested repeatedly, based on evidence brought to my attention, that Jared Taylor is CIA. I do know that his book (TOUTING BLACK INFERIORITY) was favorably reviewed by COMMENTARY, the vicious racist voice of the vicious racist pro-Israel American Jewish Committee. I call upon Gratz and Colby to repudiate the pro-Israel American jewish Committee (which opposes affirmative action for my African-American godson) to repudiate the AJC's endorsement of Jared Taylor! So, folks, here we go again----absolute proof that Tim Gratz is a xxxx, an EGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGREGIOUS xxxx, a big fat xxxx. a dirty xxxx.
  4. WELL WELL WELL, WE'VE FINALLY GOT TIM GRATZ BY HIS BIG FAT BALLS. He says that Andy Walker published some "evidence" about me being in attendence at an American Renaissance Conference and elsewhere he has talked about me being at a Stormfront conference. Well, as I've noted previously, I did speak at a conference organized by David Duke and again, make no apologies for it. David Duke received the votes of some 60-65 percent of the white voters of Louisiana --- whether you like that fact or not --- when he ran both for the US Senate and the governorship of that state. I have NEVER spoken or appeared or visited ANY conference of Stormfront. So Tim Gratz and anybody else who says I did is either a very poor researcher or a xxxx. And now we have finally got proof that Tim Gratz is a xxxx when he says that he has a copy of my book FINAL JUDGMENT for here's an interesting little fact . . . This xxxx, Tim Gratz, says that I spoke or appeared at an American Renaissance Conference. Well, anybody who has a copy of FINAL JUDGMENT knows, there is a picture of the head of American Renaissance, Jared Taylor, in my book, pointing out that Taylor attempted to scuttle one of my speaking engagements in the Washington, DC area precisely because he objected to my allegations (a la Gratz) of Israeli Mossad involvement in the JFK assassination conspiracy. I have written critically of Taylor in FINAL JUDGMENT and in my book THE HIGH PRIESTS OF WAR, thrashing him for his bigoted anti-Muslim rhetoric, and I have been severely criticized by Taylor's followers for my repeated criticism of him. I have pointed out that the company (Carroll & Graf) which published Taylor's book (PAVED WITH GOOD INTENTIONS) which claims that Blacks are inferior has also published Harrison Livingstone's books which absolve the CIA of involvement in the JFK assassination. I have suggested repeatedly, based on evidence brought to my attention, that Jared Taylor is CIA. I do know that his book (TOUTING BLACK INFERIORITY) was favorably reviewed by COMMENTARY, the vicious racist voice of the vicious racist pro-Israel American Jewish Committee. I call upon Gratz and Colby to repudiate the pro-Israel American jewish Committee (which opposes affirmative action for my African-American godson) to repudiate the AJC's endorsement of Jared Taylor! So, folks, here we go again----absolute proof that Tim Gratz is a xxxx, an EGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGREGIOUS xxxx, a big fat xxxx. a dirty xxxx.
  5. That's right. I don't care what Willis Carto said any more than I care about what ANYBODY ELSE SAYS ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE. But you, Tim Gratz, are a xxxx, a determined, eggregious, vicious xxxx. By the way, the United Church of Christ has been accused of being "functionally anti-Semitic" and the same charges have been made against the Presbyterian Church - USA. So I'm in pretty good company, wouldn't ya say? In fact, the next time somebody accuses me of being anti-Semitic, ya know what I'm gonna say? SO WHAT?
  6. I don't care what Willis Carto had to say. Here's a quote from me: "If organized extremist Jewish pressure groups in the United States continue to push America into the troubles of the Middle East, there will be a Holocaust in the 21st century unlike anything yet imaginable: Israel's nuclear threats and extortion have caused an escalation in the arms race—one that JFK tried to prevent—and now Israel is dictating the course of world affairs through its manipulation of its suicidal Samson Option. Before Israel, in an act of paranoid hysteria, unleases a nuclear Holocaust upon mankind, it is incumbent upon all civilized nations—signatories to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty—to take whatever means necessary, including military action, to dismantle Israel's arsenal of nuclear weapons. If Israel resists, the penalty must be sure and certain. Organized Jewish extremist pressure groups—no matter how well funded—have no right to send American kids off to fight and die in wars to protect Israel masked as ventures for the American national interest. America and Israel are not one. If Americans must take preemptive action to stop Jewish extremists in America from continuing to manipulate U.S. foreign policy making, God forbid that action will be violent. But some day forceful action may be necessary to put a stop to Jewish extremism before it gets out of hand."
  7. Tim Gratz is really over the top. He says that I have shared "many platforms" with David Duke. Well, I have shared platforms with David Duke and I do not apologize for that. But I am curious as to the source of Gratz's lie that I have shared "many" platforms with Duke. Does Tim Gratz expect 60-65 percent of the white voters of the state of Louisiana to apologize for the fact that they twice voted for David Duke for both governor and United States Senator? Whether Gratz likes it or not. Many of these are the same folks that voted for George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan . . . hmmmmmm. Don Black: I've met him several times, having shared hardly more than a few words. I have never been a member of his Stormfront, have never posted there. Yet Tim Gratz would have us believe that --- because somebody said something nice about me there that I should therefore be required to endorse or repudiate whatever else appears there. As I've said before: Afro-Cuba web has posted a favorable review of FINAL JUDGMENT (actually something I believe I wrote). Does that make me a pro-Castro type? Do I have to endorse or repudiate everything on the Afro-Cuba web? Yet Gratz persists in this lie conecting me to Black and asks me to condemn or endorse him and/or something somebody sometime somewhere posted on his Stormfront about something. yes, Gratz is a xxxx. He's really a shameless xxxx.
  8. The reason why I have concerns about Debra Conway is that she vowed in writing to stand with the Anti-Defamation League and the Jewish Defense League in picketing me and working to prevent me from speaking publicly about the JFK assassination. The Jewish Defense League is a known terrorist organization that has been linked to the murder of Alex Odeh, an Arab-American civil rights activist, and to the crippling of a young man in New Jersey who was the victim of a bomb that the JDL meant for an alleged "Nazi" war criminal. The JDL was also implicated in the murder of a Jewish woman who was the secretary of impresario Sol Hurok whose office was bombed in New York (if I recall) by the Jewish Defense League. Two leaders of the JDL threatened my life at the very time Miss Conway was lending her moral support to these violent terrorists. These two later died in prison after having been taken into custody on terrorism conspiracy charges. That Miss Conway would give her support to a terrorist group is of great concern to me. I am strongly anti-terrorist and, frankly, always have been, particularly after I learned about the Lavon Affair in Israel wherein the Israel government was financing terrorist attacks on U.S. and British installations with the intent of making it appear that they were the work of the Muslim Brotherhood----all of this in an attempt to undermine the government of Egypt's Nasser. If the United States had hit Israel with a few missiles or taken the Israeli leadership into the dock and hanged them as war criminals after that business, it might have put a dent in the idea that terrorists could monkey with our country! I really hate terrorism and I really pray that Debra Conway will someday see the error of her ways in siding with a terrorist group.
  9. I'll bet Tim Gratz doesn't have ANY black friends. I wonder when the last time there was that a black person ever entered Tim Gratz's home---if ever. This past weekend I spent about four hours helping a recently unemployed and now unfortunately homeless black friend of mine (who has spent weeks house-sitting for me when I have been traveling abroad) apply for rental assistance and working out problems relating to his situation. The family of my African-American god-child would find Tim Gratz a real hoot. And for your information, Missuh Gratz, you might be interested to know that Dick Gregory was going to appear as a character witness for Willis Carto in the lawsuit against Carto by Holocaust survivor Mel Mermelstein and testify to the effect that whatever Carto may have written or said in the past that in all of his personal dealings with Carto that he did not believe Carto to be a racist. So what are you going to say about Dick Gregory? Tim Gratz is not only an eggregious shameful xxxx, he is also . . . well, I won't use that language here. But Gratz is a xxxx.
  10. Tim Gratz is a xxxx, an eggregious shameful xxxx. He says Piper has undoubtedly returned to Stormfront. Piper has never been a member of Stormfront. Piper has never posted on Stormfront. Piper HAS BEEN CRITICIZED on Stormfront. Gratz has lied and said that "most" of FINAL JUDGMENT was posted on the Internet some years ago. That is a lie. Tim Gratz is a xxxx. An introductory chapter, the index, and maybe the foreword were posted many years ago. Tim Gratz is a xxxx in that he says Piper never mentions the Hawk sales to Israel. Piper does mention it. If Gratz actually had a copy of FINAL JUDGMENT he would know that. Tim Gratz is a xxxx, a pathological xxxx, a distorter. When I have the time for serious "give and take" with serious people on this forum, who are not liars like Gratz, I will be up here to do so, but more and more it becomes apparent to me that I simply cannot waste my time dealing with a xxxx like Tim Gratz. As for Len Colby, I was fully prepared to send him a free copy of FINAL JUDGMENT until he made the asinine remark that he was "afraid" to give me his address. That just goes to show what gutteral levels my critics will stoop. For Len Colby (who is evidently in Brazil) to suggest that somehow I could (or would) endanger his life is pretty perverse. I'm here to tell everybody that I am the one who should be afraid to give MY address. I am the one whose life was publicly threatened by Irv Rubin and his pal Earl Krugel of the Jewish Defense League (later both taken into custody on terrorism conspiracy charges and now both dead in prison). I've stared Jewish extremism in the face---threatened by a Jewish terrorist---and it's ugly. Damned ugly. And I vow that I will spend the rest of my life fighting Jewish extremists and their Christian extremist allies. These are the lunatics that are forcing us toward the Armageddon they dream about. Maybe we should let Israel keep its nuclear weapons and simply pray that they exercise the Samson Option and blow the whole world up with them. It sure would solve the problems of poverty and disease and malnutrition, wouldn't it?
  11. Folks, I haven't forgotten about you. How could I forget such lovelies as that bigoted poppinjay, Andy Walker, who, I'm told, is particularly exercised about the fact that my name is "Michael Collins" Piper. Andy, yes, I'm a mick, forgive me for that. And then there's Tim Gratz who is busy forum jumping. Posting crap about me and occasional commentary somewhat related to FINAL JUDGMENT on one thread and then another --- a very clever legal trick. Plus there's Len Colby --- who brags that he wants to debunk conspiracy theories ---- and I guess that means all of them. Folks, I occasionally have day to day work to take care of and just haven't had the time to respond to the LEGITIMATE QUESTIONS (not to mention the Walker-Gratz garbage --- I exempt Len Colby because of his ethnic concerns here) but I assure you I will. In the meantime, without having read Gratz's latest emission on the other thread, which I gather is probably a reference to the Bass book which paints the LIE that it was JFK who forged the "special relationship" between Israel and the United States--- a lie that is easily debunked by such writers as Pulitzer Prize winning Jewish-American historian Seymour Hersh in THE SAMSON OPTION Progressive writers James and Leslie Cockburn in DANGEROUS LIAISONS; AND Jewish-American historian Stephen Green in TAKING SIDES All of whom make it very clear that the relationship between the US and Israel under JFK was considerably tense, at the least. The Bass book plays up this theme that JFK sold Israel defensive conventional weapons and this is "proof" that JFK loved Israel and vice versa. Bass---a so-called "Middle East scholar" --- was funded by Israeli interests. Doesn't that make him somewhat BIASED. But the Bass book and the Gratz emissions do not take into account the SOLID HISTORICAL FACT that NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND THE ACQUISITION THEREOF WERE THE ABSOLUTE CORNERSTONE OF ISRAEL'S ENTIRE GEOPOLITICAL/NATIONAL DEFENSE STRATEGY AND JFK WAS TRYING TO STOP ISRAEL FROM BUILDING NUCLEAR WEAPONS. Gratz knows this and he's a clever boy, but the bottom line is that the "line" that he is promoting --- that JFK was a "special friend" of Israel is ABSOLUTE CRAP. Folks --- don't listen to Michael Collins Piper. Read the above three-mentioned books. And then also ask yourself the question: why in all of the hundreds of books written about JFK and his administration that there was not---until the last two years --- a book about JFK's Middle East policy? And if you look in all of the books about JFK and his administration --- how much IF ANYTHING is said about his Middle East policy? Why has all of that been pushed aside? Was it not worthy of discussion? In all the millions of words written about JFK in books focusing exclusively on his life and his presidency (excluding books about the assassination itself)--- his Cuba policy, his Soviet policy, his sexual affairs, his health condition, his assassination ---- his Middle East policy (found offensive by israel and its lobby in America) is hardly noted. And if JFK was so pro-Israel, why was Abe Feinberg, the American Jewish community's unofficial liaison to the JFK White House, threatening JFK with withdrawal of American Jewish financial support in the 1964 election due to his Middle East foreign policy. (This has been referenced in a non-Holocaust Denial book, the specific citation escaping me at the moment.) Prior to the release of FINAL JUDGMENT . . . How many "serious, scholarly" JFK assassination researchers EVER pondered JFK's efforts to stop israel from building the Hell Bomb and its possible impact on the assassination conspiracy? Tim Gratz: we know YOUR AGENDA. it is a pro-israel Neo-Conservative agenda. You are following the agenda of these insane lunatics, religious fundamentalist extremists, who dominate the policy mechanism in the Bush White House. Let's rally together to fight all forms of extremism!
  12. To: Ron Ecker . . . Please send me your snail mail address and I will not only send you a copy of the second printing of the sixth edition of FINAL JUDGMENT (which even includes items not appearing in the first printing) and I will also personally reimburse you the $25 you spent buying a copy of the fifth edition used. email me at: piperm2@lycos.com. Re: Andy Walker's comment, on one of these three threads about how rotten I am, that I am "illiterate" because I used the term "a hysterical ethnic reaction" rather than "an hysterical ethnic reaction" (or words to that effect), I could easily say that it was a typographical error. It was not. I stopped for a moment and questioned whether "a" or "an" was appropriate. I settled with "a" and evidently—if the brilliant Andy Walker, the great humanitarian, is correct—I was wrong. But if I started judging people by their writings --- including Len Colby who has a lot of problems with punctuation --- I could really start ripping some people to pieces. But I accept the fact that hurried typing on the Internet, particularly when some one is frenzied to make a point (and I'm not talking about Len specifically here) that typos are inevitable. I guess the bottom line is that this foul little bow-tied man, Andy Walker, is really stooping to the lowest gutter level of name calling by saying I'm illiterate. Actually, I won an essay contest in high school, along with a fat little US savings bond, for writing a "Voice of Democracy" contest saying how wonderful Israel was and what a great role model it is for the United States. Obviously I knew by then what a crock that was, but I still got that fat savings bond. Plus I had professor in college---rather well known and Jewish, I might add---who once asked me if he could keep a copy of one of my media content analysis papers because, as he said, it was probably one of the best ones he'd ever had from a student and he wanted to use it as a model for other students. I suppose it's still on file in his office. But here I am trying to justify myself to this childish, and truly hysterical, ranting and raving by Andy Walker who makes even Len Colby look quite neutral, moderate or restrained. Funny thing is, I keep hearing Andy yakking about my supposed "right wing" agenda yet I have a lot of other people calling me a "leftist" and "anti-American" because I criticize that vaunted 'special relationship" between the United States and Israel. And I keep reading all these "boo hoo hoo" books about the rise of anti-Semitism and hatred of israel that say that it is a "left wing" phenomenon. Oh well. Thank God for Andy Walker. I'll bet he wants to deport all the Muslims out of Britain.
  13. To: Ron Ecker . . . Please send me your snail mail address and I will not only send you a copy of the second printing of the sixth edition of FINAL JUDGMENT (which even includes items not appearing in the first printing) and I will also personally reimburse you the $25 you spent buying a copy of the fifth edition used. email me at: piperm2@lycos.com. Re: Andy Walker's comment, on one of these three threads about how rotten I am, that I am "illiterate" because I used the term "a hysterical ethnic reaction" rather than "an hysterical ethnic reaction" (or words to that effect), I could easily say that it was a typographical error. It was not. I stopped for a moment and questioned whether "a" or "an" was appropriate. I settled with "a" and evidently—if the brilliant Andy Walker, the great humanitarian, is correct—I was wrong. But if I started judging people by their writings --- including Len Colby who has a lot of problems with punctuation --- I could really start ripping some people to pieces. But I accept the fact that hurried typing on the Internet, particularly when some one is frenzied to make a point (and I'm not talking about Len specifically here) that typos are inevitable. I guess the bottom line is that this foul little bow-tied man, Andy Walker, is really stooping to the lowest gutter level of name calling by saying I'm illiterate. Actually, I won an essay contest in high school, along with a fat little US savings bond, for writing a "Voice of Democracy" contest saying how wonderful Israel was and what a great role model it is for the United States. Obviously I knew by then what a crock that was, but I still got that fat savings bond. Plus I had professor in college---rather well known and Jewish, I might add---who once asked me if he could keep a copy of one of my media content analysis papers because, as he said, it was probably one of the best ones he'd ever had from a student and he wanted to use it as a model for other students. I suppose it's still on file in his office. But here I am trying to justify myself to this childish, and truly hysterical, ranting and raving by Andy Walker who makes even Len Colby look quite neutral, moderate or restrained.
  14. Outstanding! The last resort . . . Question the sanity and stability of those who disagree with you or whom you perceive to have ideas that don't accord with yours. That's classic. I love it. I love it. The Lambert book attacking Jim Garrison largely uses the same tactics. P.S. A little joke for you . . . Question: Why was Adolf Hitler afraid of dying and going to Hell? Answer: There were Six Million Jews waiting there for him. Analyze THAT (with apologies to deNiro & Crystal)
  15. Sorry, Pat, I folded up the tent before Len Colby posted anything up here about anything I had actually written about the JFK assassination. (But I did get a kick out of your dime-store psychology). I've gone through this all before. If anyone is even vaguely interested in what I have written previously, they can go to Google groups. Or I'll send them a free copy of the book if they simply write me at piperm2@lycos.com and ask. The last time I was supposed to speak at a collegiate forum (where people had the freedom to challenge me publicly) the Anti-Defamation League prevented the seminar from happening and Debra Conway of JFK Lancer vowed to picket me, rather than debate me. But the school newspaper staff invited me to come to their office and we sat down and had a civil discussion about THE JFK ASSASSINATION for several hours and one of their questions even led me to making a significant change in the book. I'm not afraid of debating or I wouldn't have come up here on this forum in the first place. it's just that I'm a little tired of hearing about the Holocaust. It's over. Boring. Len Colby has a hysterical ethnic bias, which I can accept. Tim Gratz is just --- well, he needs a forum and he's got it. But I've got a book ---- and he doesn't. So he's his own little star on the forum, God bless him! By the way, one copy of the third edition of FINAL JUDGMENT was passed through the hands of roughly 50 doctors, nurses and medical technicians in one small (but well known) in America. I suppose they are all hard-core Neo-Nazis and anti-Semites, blah blah blah. And so it goes . . . Say what you will . . . I've got a 768-page book that continues to sell and lots of people believe it---including many people not predisposed to the theory --- and that's what is so troubling to so many people. One FINAL thought: where are all you humanitarians and civil rights activists when it comes to the Palestinians? You guys are preaching that Ariel Sharon, a butchering murdering criminal, is a man of peace. Well, you guys will get your war against Iran and all hell is gonna break loose---courtesy of Israel and its friends in America. God save us.
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