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Nick Falk

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Everything posted by Nick Falk

  1. Tony this is really great. I will be in contact. Nick
  2. Some perspectives on conservation are assuming that maintenance of the ecosystem, as it is the prime objective. This neglects that evolution is a dynamic process constantly causing change. The human species is an evolutionary component and by their actions are creating change. Global Warming is a change that will impact on ecosystems providing challenges to existing species, some will thrive others will become extinct. In terms of global history this is just another of many events that have caused considerable and rapid change. Evolutionary forces will determine the fate of living things.
  3. Anyone have any experience of the lease option on such things as laptops. I am thinking of leasing about 40 laptops for staff and and a lease/buy scheme for sixth form students.
  4. We have a responsibility to allow students to explore an appropriate curriculum that will support them in all aspects of their lives to come. A love of chemistry is welcome bonus. Qualifications are a requirement but don’t forget that in teaching science (and chemistry) we should not lose sight of any non examined skills. These skills are the ones that will allow the recipient to make informed and effective decisions and judgements about technological issues and so forth.
  5. This Becta/ASE online event takes place between 25 - 31 March 2004 Classroom materials and teacher guides available to download and use Online presentations from key speakers and experienced practitioners about using ICT in science Opportunities to put your questions and comments to the presenters, and to share ideas with other science teachers via a straightforward online discussion system. Register at http://forum.ngfl.gov.uk/WebX?13@@.efa444a
  6. One of two activities I have used with students This is designing and flying hot air balloons. http://www.btinternet.com/~n.j.f/OIL2/EXPT...tairballoon.htm
  7. Looking forward to the meeting in Toulouse. I am working on a practical activity combining hot air balloon design and some physics. I hope to include some images of the activity and may be a movie clip.
  8. As you might expect I am torn between these two views. If you read my earlier submissions to the forum concerning meaningful learning in science you will see that I believe that success in a subject is not a result of teaching students how to pass exams but exploring ways of helping them become more in control of their own learning. The assessment process should support these aims but not dictate the outcome. That this is the right approach is not always obvious to the learner in the initial phase. Students and often parents want a quick fix. An exercise book full of notes as we all know does not indicate understanding. Exam technique is important but I have known experienced science teachers advocating a cover the page and reproduce the content approach to learning.
  9. Does an OFSTED inspection improve the quality of educaton taking place in a school? Is this a result of the present notice period giving a focus to direction the school taking? Would short notice catch schools out? Is this what is intended? We all do a pretty good job even if at times we have to paper over the cracks?
  10. That is interesting about the finances available. I have been given the job of mentoring a graduate trainee. I have the paperwork but have been told that mentor training is not included. That someone is being given money has never been mentioned. Is someone being taken for a ride??
  11. As a young chemistry teacher (a few years ago) attending subject inset courses I often wondered why there did not seem to be many old chemistry teachers. To be on the safe side I now teach mostly ICT. On the other subject of data logging. 30 students 7 data loggers - even a circus of activities was ludicrous. The principle is probably sound, access to sufficient functioning pieces of equipment is the problem.
  12. I thought I would add something on some work done in the past and how it has been updated through the use of ICT. I was involved in some research work into the use of concept mapping as an instructional tool and learning aid. This was before PCs were common place in schools and concept mapping was a little used method to promote understanding. All the work done on the use of mapping was paper and pencil. Analysis of the result indicated an improvement in performance when compared with the group using more traditional means of learning. Reflecting on the work years later it became obvious that computing power could avoid the time consuming process of drafting and redrafting ideas and concepts. A search of the Internet revealed that this idea had already been realised. I purchased the software and entered into a dialogue with company. I initially used the software with low ability students who were able to produce some revealing frameworks to represent their understanding or misunderstanding of scientific concepts.
  13. Thanks Rob I am following the link right now. What's this about money?
  14. Has anyone noticed that all the contribution to this section on 'First Lines' are from men. What does this say? Is this just a second hand way of expressing our emotions? I don't know you, you've been lately on my mind - New Riders of the Purple Sage
  15. Nick Falk


    I had a wireless network installed in one block (13 classrooms + offices and staff area). I was interested on how the faculty involved (English) would build on an already flexible appraoch to learning supported by more traditional ICT approaches. All was going well when lack of security resulted in all but one of the wireless laptops being stolen. We have finally replaced the laptops and I look forward to being able to report back on how the provision is being used. I am now negotiating with a supplier to provide wirless laptops to sixth formers on a lease/buy basis. The sixth form area will be wireless covered and login provided to access the network. I am interested in facilitating the sharing of good pratice between schools using wireless solutions
  16. Let's be clear on this - the ultimate version of 'Walk Away Renee' is by The Left Banke. This is probably more important than any league tables or SATs results!
  17. Nick Falk

    Internet Radio

    One option will be to run the programmes on the school intranet. These would be just stored and accessed when required. This could be replicated on the Internet (space allowing) The other alternative is to have a programme streamed. Less control as it will just loop. (cheap option) The compremise is to have timed programmes. (a bit more expensive) My radio station works on the former principle but there is the option to broadcast lve from my hard drive. Since I am still on a dial up I have not investigated this further.
  18. And here are a few more Oh the snot has caked against my pants Love – Live and Let Live I saw yuh baby dancin’ in yer x-ray gingham dress I saw you were under duress Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band – My Human Gets Me Blues More challenging tunes at http://www.live365.com/stations/285707
  19. Walk Away Renee The Four Tops version will be the most memorable Written by B.Calilli, M.Brown, T.Sansone
  20. What about this one? Won't you scratch my itch, sweet Annie Rich Gram Parsons - Return of the Grievous Angel
  21. If I ventured in the slipstream Between the viaducts of your dream Where immobile steel rims crack And the ditch in the back roads stop Van Morrison - Astral Weeks I can't resist adding a bit more Could you find me? Would you kiss-a my eyes? To lay me down In silence easy To be born again
  22. I am now starting to look at practical activities that will combine some science with simple design elements. Power flight using non hazardous chemicals Best design (highest) for a hot air balloon. Students design and make, the teacher supplies the hot air.
  23. Meaningful learning in science All teachers encounter students who are unable to understand taught concepts. The teaching material may be stimulating, the style of presentation direct and logical. The student’s general level of ability is often such that the difficulties are unexpected. The assumption is that the level of understanding is a reflection of ability and quality of teaching. While this may be the case for most there are always those students who fail, seemingly against the odds, to comprehend. Where are we going wrong? Has any learning theory something to tell us here about the understanding of higher order concepts? Are there any practical techniques we can use in the classroom to aid students in constructing their own understanding?
  24. Nick Falk

    Active Science

    Active Science Looks pretty professional. Good for use in schools with a fast connection. Took a while with my home dial up connection.
  25. I remember a previous Head Teacher of mine commenting that he had spent the day with other intelligent people working hard at devising ways to do the impossible. The directive, of course, had been initiated in some government department. Isn’t this part of the problem that although we as teachers have considerable experience and expertise we still ultimately do as we are told? We’re conformists. Perhaps to counter this, I still enjoy and come back to the job refreshed when I attend a workshop/conference where my existing ideas about teaching and learning are challenged. I don’t always know best but there some people in influential positions who don’t either.
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