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Paul Rigby

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Everything posted by Paul Rigby

  1. Thanks for posting, BA. The piece you reproduced reminded me that the language of the American terror industry is itself a thing of wonder - drawing inspiration from, among others, shyster lawyers, the Department of Spooky Circumlocution, politicians, that sort of riff-raff - and long overdue some kind of dedicated glossary. Here’s a classic example from an “ex-“Charlatan (MI6)* a couple of days ago: Now what exactly does the phrase “self-radicalize” mean, given that, by the author’s own account, it’s a pretty rare phenomenon: The answer would appear to be: “a patsy fitted up, post-mortem, by means of fake Yourube and social media accounts.” Other phrases would appear similarly ripe for translation: “a drill” = 1) an occasion for a false-flag outrage; 2) a tool of enhanced interrogation; 3) something that never happened “initial reports” = our first set of lies “Chechen boxer” = 1) a swarthy narcissist and CIA dupe from somewhere – anywhere – in the Caucasus; 2) an Orwellian Trojan horse “the grieving widow” = CIA handler “bureaucratic snafu” = he’s one of Langley’s, disguised as one of the FBI’s “joint enterprise” = the CIA did it unaided “Iranian angle” = just in from Tel Aviv “FBI” = the armed fat guys in dark blue “ATF” = the armed fat guys in green “local law enforcement” = the fattest blokes in camera shot wielding guns “Chuck Hagel” = 1) a pseudo-dissident; 2) a command “responsible critics” = faux liberals & lefties on the Langley payroll, either directly or via Foundations “responsible Americans” = couch potatoes, presstitutes, the comatose, arms manufacturers, Council on Foreign Relations members, private security companies, Len Colby “irresponsible critics/conspiracy theorists” = people with memories and internet access “improvised explosive device” = made in Langley Trust this helps when deciphering the inevitable follow up. *(Richard Barrett is a senior director of the Soufan Group. He was formerly the director of MI6 counter terrorist operations, and subsequently the Coordinator of the Al-Qaida and Taliban Monitoring Team at the United Nations.)
  2. Paul I missed any proof that Ruslan Tsarni and Ruslan Tsarnaev are one and the same or any evidence that Samantha Ankara Fuller is the daughter of Samuel Fuller. In any case Tsarnev and Fuller were divorced in or before 2004 per Hopstroker's evidence. Not to worry, Len, I've asked Tom Scully to compile an enormous data dump of genealogical newspaper links tracing the respective families all the way back to nitrogen in the atmosphere. Don't know about you, but I can't wait.
  3. Running of the Bull http://prezbyter.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/running-of-bullxxxx.html?zx=9f6767f3cf918438 "We're satisfied the two main actors, the people that were committing the damage out there, have been either captured or killed." Boston Police Commissioner, Ed Davis We appear faced with yet another grand performance in the increasingly high drama that is the United States of America, a horrifying spectacle disguised as a terrifying nation. The USA has become the traveling Cirque de Hades, putting on fiery displays with thunderous ovation in all the places we grace with our presence, our militarily festooned actors a brutal and cautious reminder that as the show goes on, any may be called upon to perform. Our mandatory participation becomes as an indentured repertory company with featured performers – the earnest, hard-working public officials trying to get to the bottom of it and the wily conspirators confounding them up to their ineluctable, fiery demise – and of course the randomly recruited bit players, blown to bits by the swarthy, heartless bad guys who hate them for their perceived freedom. In the Main Stream and surging through the Interweb the pundits, apologists and kooks join the fray offering all manner of defense of a system in decay, or recrimination for a system willfully self-destructing. I readily offer myself upon the altar of the dysphemism treadmill as a kook with the full understanding that such a moniker self-applied becomes diminished necessarily because it is the opinion of a kook. And one would be a kook to agree with someone like that. I am not the kind of guy who never met a conspiracy theory he didn’t like. Frankly, as compelling as many of them are, they represent a tragic disconnect between appreciable reality and public perception which is disturbing to me. Those who challenge the orthodoxy in a forward-thinking culture would be held in esteem – they are the truth seekers, the vanguard against power run amok. Instead, where not the butt of social joke, we are increasingly trotted out as the instigators of minds prone to carnage. Both AP and Huffington Post have suggested that the executed accused, Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s, immersion in conspiracy theories led to his radical response as demonstrated on tax day in Boston. As most conspiracy theories (at least the ones I consider) are the repudiation of violence and demand for accountability from the perpetrators, whoever they might be, one wonders how blowing up some people at a public event can be seen as an appropriate response to such inquiry. For the most part, it is the people in the Main Stream that call for killings and bombings. I don’t know of any conspiracy ‘kooks’ who do that. Think about it for a paragraph: what do conspiracy kooks really want? What is our big demand? Accountability. That’s all. We want the mighty to be judged and repudiated just as the weak are. We want the people who really killed President Kennedy brought to justice. Same with the killers of his brother or Martin Luther King and each and every motherxxxxer involved in the horrid crimes of 9/11 – we want them imprisoned. We seek justice. That’s why people think we’re kooks. We look at the official story and see it for what it is. For calling bullxxxx when we see it, we increasingly become associated with the very thing we reject. Chilling. As with 9/11, the authorities readily acknowledge this as a conspiracy. When the FBI called upon the public to help identify someone they had been in contact with for over two years, they were very specific that we don’t look at the wrong suspicious characters, only the federally approved ones. We needn’t waste their time pointing out the military contractors with backpacks photographed near the site of the explosions. They apparently already knew who they were. Curiously, one of the groups ready to point the guilty finger at the truth seekers is the FBI, who have been involved in bombings in the USA for decades. This organization provoked considerable ire when they murdered Vicky Weaver and her son while harassing her husband at Ruby Ridge. They also murdered a bunch of children in Waco while harassing their religious leader, David Koresh. This only a couple of months after they successfully bombed the World Trade Center in New York in 1993 with the help of some terrorists they were running. "There is still an open question as to exactly what happened in this investigation. We can't say with 100 percent certainty...anything, actually, at this point." Ed Davis, again We jump to convict Tamerlan and Dzhokhar in the media, owing to suspicions raised about them by the authorities. The authorities that pronounce unequivocally that they have caught or killed the bad guys, then state that they can’t be certain of anything. The authorities who killed one of them and will assuredly silence the other, already claiming he may never speak again. All based upon suspicion. Execution by accusation. But even though it does the brothers Tsarnaev no good, let us remember others accused by the same authorities in regard to the marathon bombings, ultimately released back into the wild: a Saudi national was detained and released after his place was searched, turning up nothing – said he was in the wrong place at the wrong time; one supposes because people like him are known to blow things up. A couple of guys were detained in a cab that was stopped, as well as at least three others, all based upon mistaken ID. One, looking strikingly like Tamerlan, was stripped naked and placed in a police car on camera only to be released – with no name – so we are told. This is interesting because a New Zealand news site offering transcripts of police band chatter reveals that the night Tamerlan was caught and killed was the same night they caught and stripped the suspect. Supposedly this occurred during the gun battle with the brothers, in Watertown, Massachusetts. A caller to a radio station purporting to be a witness said that a police vehicle hit Tamerlan and that they shot him repeatedly. The footage of the naked man shows a fellow of the same age, build, height, hair color and style as Tamerlan. He puts up no resistance to them, naked and handcuffed there, and gets in their car. Next thing we know, he’s dying in the street, run over by his brother, according to official accounts. The footage of the detaining of the naked man is very telling: A remote reporter interviews a journalist from his station about the arrest and the journalist states that he followed the police to a point where he could see all manner of them, in full military regalia, drawing down and shouting at someone to get out of a car which was off camera for him. He then stated that the person of interest surrendered (still out of view) and the police relaxed their assault posture. They then brought their suspect out, stripped him, handcuffed him and perp-walked him into the back of their car. The reporter didn’t describe a crazed shoot-out, or bodies on the street with people throwing hand-grenades made of fully laden pressure cookers (think about 30 pounds); he described the authorities shouting someone down, that man surrendering and them stripping and detaining him. The police band broadcast has them detaining two suspects, one whom they release (see photo, clearly not the naked man) and the other whom they claim was killed by his brother. They also state that there is a suspect at large. Tamerlan then was the naked man. The authorities lied. A considerable lie, wouldn’t you say? So, they admit they got it wrong with five of the people they accused. As they existed in very visible abundance on the day of the bombings and no place more than near the finish line, they also admit that all of the security measures and precautions they had taken were utterly useless. Just like on 9/11, the full weight of the system’s shockingly awesome defensive and protective forces were completely confounded by determined amateurs, homicidal vandals with nothing better to do than destroy people and their things. Because that is what this again comes down to: 9/11 as well as the Boston Massacre II were not acts of actual terrorism so much as vandalism. Homicidal vandalism. Terrorism is in response to something and as such comes with demands: stop doing this, quit bombing that, release our imprisoned comrades, etc. 9/11 and BMII came with no demands (beyond those of the system which demands our compliance and that we further relinquish any remaining notion of rights) and no grievances have been aired. Terrorists take credit for their acts; they are done with an objective (beyond carnage) in mind. No one took credit for either of those atrocities and no reasonably attainable objective can be discerned for those accused. (The same cannot be said for the accusers, for with each of these attacks they get more of what they want.) These acts, according to the government of the USA, were motivated by nothing beyond anti-social malice. That’s a hell of a thing to suggest. Does it make sense? Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick on Meet the Press stated, in regard to Dzhokhar’s guilt as determined by the videos the FBI used to ID him, “It’s pretty clear about his involvement and pretty chilling frankly…” The Governor acknowledged that he hadn’t personally seen the "chilling" video but apparently was cooled enough by the description of the publically unaired footage to pronounce them guilty. He seemed quite happy, even though he acknowledged that Dzhokhar didn’t behave like someone who had committed such a heinous act, he having returned to his normal scholastic activities immediately afterwards. “When you consider the enormity of what he was responsible for, it certainly raises a lot of questions in my mind…” So on one hand the Governor is content to pass judgment upon a grievously injured teenaged suspect based upon footage he didn’t see of him setting his backpack bomb and walking away, yet still has some questions owing to Dzhokhar’s inexplicable behavior subsequent to what would admittedly be a fairly significant event in most 19-year olds' lives. Just as Big Ed Davis readily pronounced the actors of the crime guilty and vanquished left himself an out by stating there were still many unanswered questions, the governor gives himself a pass as well. It appears, as the power structure further entrenches itself in its escalating conflict against those who ultimately feed and clothe them, their actors are more willing to show, or are less incapable of concealing, what’s really going on. Slipspeak – truth snippets from unexpected sources. Why would Big Ed Davis call the perpetrators of this madness actors? Were they being directed off-camera? Was that his implied message? Was he playing to or admitting to the suspicions of an increasing number of people that this was a staged performance? Micro-scrutiny of an event so photographed is going to occur in a nation where half the workforce is sitting around on-line, either employed or not. Frankly it seems a better social use of time challenging dubious authoritarian proclamation than trolling beaver.cum for unilateral dating opportunities, but idle time offers much to keep on one’s hands and both activities can be enjoyed by those so inclined. Why do people feel it was a staged event? The explosions to begin with: big and billowy, loud and flashy but signifying much less than the IED bombs that go off in, say, Iraq or Afghanistan in sheer carnage and property damage. Were pressure cookers actually filled with projectiles and explosives, the public and property damage would likely have been far greater. Yet photos show windows in direct line with the blast blown outward, toward the explosion, not inward toward the business, as one would expect were numerous projectiles burst toward them. They show people clustered around the thing that blew them apart: bombs burst from a fixed position and whatever is around them is blown away from the explosion. Yet photos show people clustered where they should be dispersed with an explosive of such magnitude. Their clothes are ripped from their bodies but no burns or torn flesh or spurting blood is evidenced, while others stand nearby watching instead of diving to the ground which most would do if something exploded but a few yards from them. The explosions looked like special effects, something seen in movies or on TV. Real explosions are hot and fast, completely uninteresting for camera because they are over so quickly. Try filming a firecracker exploding. To achieve an even marginally interesting explosion on camera the normal 24 frames per second must be cranked up to 300. And it’s still over in a flash. As on 9/11 they were placed and timed for maximum camera capture – get all eyes and lenses turned toward the first explosion and when the second goes off, boom! the money shot. Runners reported the presence of militarized police and their sniffy dog partners along the route with announcements over loud speakers that they were to remain calm, running there as they were, as the authorities were just doing some drills. Live fire bomb drills. In Boston, on the day of the marathon. Like in Washington DC or New York on 9/11 when they were doing drills for, you know, a terrorist attack. Or in London of 7/7 when they were doing drills for exactly the very kinds of bombings that went on that day. This doesn’t escape those with historical grasp – live fire drills occurring just as random unknown terrorists show up for the real thing. Emergency management drills on the very day in the very place that random, unknown terrorists show up and blow the xxxx out of everything. Does a reasonable mind merely pass this off to coincidence? What of the military cut-outs who some suggest work for the private mercenary organization, Craft? They are all in the same tan khakis and boots, black jackets, dark glasses and big black backpacks, like the ones used to conceal the bombs, not little grey ones like Dzhokhar’s. Three of them appear to be some policemen who were interviewed on camera for the Sandy Hook slaughter, though why three Connecticut police officers would be at the finish line of the Boston marathon precisely when things started exploding has to go on to the expanding list of those pesky questions. I for one am glad they are being asked. Then we have Jeffery Bauman, the one who fingered Tamerlan as the mad bomber. He said that Tamerlan looked him in the eye, then walked away, Jeffery apparently uninterested in the reason a stranger would just set a laden backpack on the street at his feet and then leave. Jeffery identified Tamerlan from his hospital bed. Jeffery is the guy in the pictures being wheeled away from the carnage with his legs blown off. Jeffery is a conundrum. Invisible before the event, he inexplicably became even less visible to those around him during it. Then he became a hero. Photo after photo shows him lying, writhing on the blood splattered pavement, his legs blown to shreds, surrounded by people completely oblivious to him. Next to him lies a fellow in a dark hoodie and dark glasses. In one shot, surrounded by smoke and pandemonium, Jeffery lying legless before him, he puts his dark glasses on. As many of the emergency workers were also in dark glasses, perhaps it was a fashion thing. In another shot, the hoodie dude lies on his side in a casual pose listening to someone shouting instructions, Jeffery writhing around on the ground behind him. Nobody is even looking at him. The hoodie dude is apparently whole, no blood spurting out, his limbs intact; he changes position from shot to shot with no wailing or apparent difficulty. Yet there is a shot of him being tended to by two guys in gloves while Jeffery lies unattended inches from them, completely ignored. Then, to make it all the more plausible, they wheel some people clearly less injured out on gurneys, but Jeffery, who has just had his legs blown off, which I think would probably hurt like hell, they roll out in a wheel chair. Now, I can’t speak for others, but if I had my legs blown off, I think I’d want to keep off of them. Instead, they put him in a wheel chair. Lots of gory shots of him, you know, for kids. So, two days after a considerable event in his life, in a hospital bed, loaded up on goofballs, Jeffery IDs Tamerlan as his antagonist. And while I am angered at any loss of life or limb to senseless and unnecessary violence, I feel a responsibility to raise the question: could not the person who set the bomb be among those impacted by it? Is it plausible post 9/11 that a swarthy stranger setting a mysterious and heavy backpack at the feet of a bystander in a crowd, then looking into his eyes and fleeing, would elicit no response? It seems to me a hero would have immediately alerted authorities regarding such a thing, not just stood there until it exploded. As established, by their own accounting as well as those of reporters on the ground, Tamerlan was taken without incident (beyond his shameful public nudity) only to be murdered disgracefully by the authorities. They accused him / they executed him. They lied to us about it. They also stated that Dzhokhar engaged them in a shootout, hiding there in a Watertown local’s boat, then shot himself in the throat a la Tyler Durden in Fight Club. The Israeli doctor at Beth Israel hospital where both the Muslim brothers were taken for treatment stated that Dzhokhar probably would never speak again. Yet the LA Times reported that the young ruffian cursed the people in the ambulance mightily on his ride to what might strike some as an interesting choice of hospitals. Then another lie: it turns out, contrary to multiple police reports, that Dzhokhar had no gun. It was another one-way shootout. Coupled with official warnings to not believe a word that comes out of their mouths, we have the words that come out of their mouths. No decisive video footage showing the boys in their nefarious deeds. No conclusive still photos. No logical course of action, no reasonable characterization of events, all official statements are contradictions. We are expected to accept ridiculous piled on ridiculouser. That's ridiculous. I haven’t found any shots directly preceding the explosions, yet all manner of wide and gory representation immediately afterwards. It seems the shots prior would be of more interest than all the ones immediately afterwards because they tell much more. Cameras were pointed that way; numerous high resolution shots exist of the moments immediately subsequent to the event in grim relief. Where are the same angles just before? In those shots we might see Tamerlan set his bundle before Jeffery, standing there. Or maybe something else entirely. “Look, we live in a very dangerous world. We know there are people who want to take away our freedoms. New Yorkers probably know that as much if not more than anybody else after the terrible tragedy of 9/11.” New York Mayor, Nanny Bloomberg We are to believe that the expanding police state is the result of anti-social miscreants like the brothers Tsarnaev or brown people who don’t speak English so good half a world away, but in fact it is people like Bloomberg who work to enslave us, to steal our freedom. It is American politicians who gut the Constitution, not the bin Ladens or Husseins or even the instructive minority. They reap the benefits of the police state they demand and the citizens pay the price. They show us that all their Draconian measures are useless against virtually any threat they can manifest, then demand that we get more Draconian still. As with physicians of old, if you don’t improve from the mercury treatment they’re clearly not giving you enough. “The people who are worried about privacy have a legitimate worry. But we live in a complex world where you’re going to have to have a level of security greater than you did back in the olden days, if you will. And our laws and our interpretation of the Constitution, I think, have to change.” Bloomberg again That doesn’t sound good. So, to further expose the masterminds behind our rapidly diminishing freedoms the Mayor supports the further diminution of our freedom. BMII was clearly a test of the people in regard to their Fourth Amendment rights as armed militarized teams stormed through Watertown homes for no apparent reason other than to see if they could get away with it. They did. Bloomberg is among the new vanguard not content to control the content of our heads, but indeed working to control our physical content as well. Oddly, privacy, it seems, should only be applied to those in public office. We must be open to every intrusion they impose upon us for our own good. To protect our freedom we must surrender our liberty. And as the leader of the free world, how does the estimable President of the United States weigh in? "Any time bombs are used to target innocent civilians, it is an act of terror." The terrorists reveal themselves. Remain calm – this is not a drill. Peace Prez © 2013 Prezbyter 4/24/13
  4. Boston bombers’ uncle married daughter of top CIA official by Daniel Hopsicker, April 26, 2013 http://www.madcowprod.com/2013/04/26/boston-bombers-uncle-married-daughter-of-top-cia-official/ The uncle of the two suspected Boston bombers in last week’s attack, Ruslan Tsarni, was married to the daughter of former top CIA official Graham Fuller The discovery that Uncle Ruslan Tsarni had spy connections that go far deeper than had been previously known is ironic, especially since the mainstrean media's focus yesterday was on a feverish search to find who might have recruited the Tsarnaev brothers. The chief suspect was a red-haired Armenian exorcist. They were fingering a suspect who may not, in fact, even exist. It was like blaming one-armed hippies on acid for killing your wife. Ruslan Tsarni married the daughter of former top CIA Graham Fuller, who spent 20 years as operations officer in Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Hong Kong. In 1982 Fuller was appointed the National Intelligence Officer for Near East and South Asia at the CIA, and in 1986, under Ronald Reagan, he became the Vice-Chairman of the National Intelligence Council, with overall responsibility for national level strategic forecasting. At the time of their marriage, Ruslan Tsarni was known as Ruslan Tsarnaev, the same last name as his nephews Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the alleged bombers. It is unknown when he changed his last name to Tsarni. What is known is that sometime in the early 1990’s, while she was a graduate student in North Carolina, and he was in law school at Duke, Ruslan Tsarnaev met and married Samantha Ankara Fuller, the daughter of Graham and Prudence Fuller of Rockville Maryland. Her middle name suggests a reference to one of her father’s CIA postings. The couple divorced sometime before 2004. Today Ms. Fuller lives abroad, and is a director of several companies pursuing strategies to increase energy production from clean-burning and renewable resources. On a more ominous note, Graham Fuller was listed as one of the American Deep State rogues on Sibel Edmonds' State Secrets Privilege Gallery,. Edmonds explained it featured subjects of FBI investigations she became aware of during her time as an FBI translator. Criminal activities were being protected by claims of State Secrets, she asserted. After Attorney General John Ashcroft went all the way to the Supreme Court to muzzle her under a little-used doctrine of State Secrets, she put up twenty-one photos, with no names. One of them was Graham Fuller. "Congress of Chechen International" c/o Graham Fuller The Chechen uncle of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects, paired up with a top CIA official, who once served as CIA Station Chief in Kabul, may sound like a pitch for a bad movie: "Get Smart Meets the Odd Couple." But they may have been in business together. In 1995, Tsarnaev incorporated the Congress of Chechen International Organizations in Maryland, using as the address listed on incorporation documents 11114 Whisperwood Ln, in Rockville Maryland, the home address of his then-father-in-law. It is just eight miles up the Washington National Pike from the Montgomery Village home where “Uncle Ruslan” met—and apparently wowed, the press after the attack in Boston. The Washington Post yesterday called him a "media maven," while nationally syndicated Washington Post columnist Ester Cepeda , in a piece with the headline “The Wise Words of Uncle Ruslan” opined that he was her choice for "an award for bravery in the face of adversity.” Success through indirection, mis-direction, redirection, and protection Uncle Ruslan’s spy connections go far deeper than was already known, which was that he spent two years working in Kazakhstan for USAID. But the mainstream media was lookng the other way. Under the headline “Did 'Misha' influence Tsarnaevs? In Watertown, doubts,” USA Today reported: “Misha. A new name has emerged in the Boston Marathon bombing case—one familiar to the family of the two young men accused of the atrocity and apparently of interest to the Russian and American security services as well.” Ruslan Tsarni was the first to bring up the supposed man's supposed name. Or rather, he brought up a first name: Misha. But it was enough. We were off to the races… Attention all cars: Be on lookout for chubby Armenian exorcist Tsarni described Misha to CNN as being "chubby, a big guy, big mouth presenting himself with some kind of abilities as exorcist . . . having some part-time job in one of the stores, not married. All of the qualifications of a loser, just another big mouth.” According to Uncle Ruslan, Misha was the man who over a considerable period of time had radicalized Tamerlan. It seemed strange, then, that in contrast to his “you are there” verbal picture of the man, even with all his supposed concerns, and given his high level of education and abundant resources (Big Sky Energy was paying him in excess of $200,00 a year, according to documents filed with the SEC) Ruslan had somehow never found out just who the bad guy was. He never got a name, something that in spook-dom is considered something of a faux pas. Then again, no one else had either. Worse, Tsarni's vivid description seemed to be taken from personal observation, from, in other words…real life. But that isn’t possible. Tsarni had stated he hadn’t been physically in the presence of his Boston relatives since December 2005. And Misha, if he existed, didn’t show up on the scene until 2008 at the earliest. Still, just a few days later, the entire family began chiming in. Misha anecdotes were flying fast & furious, and the nation’s scribblers were busy uncritically scribbling down their every word. Maybe their Twitter account got hacked again? No performance was nearly as masterful, however, as that of the Associated Press. “Bomb suspect influenced by mysterious radical,” reported the Associated Press. "Tamerlan's relationship with Misha could be a clue in understanding the motives behind his religious transformation and, ultimately, the attack itself," reported the Associate Press. Only to take it all back in the very next line. "Two U.S. officials say he had no tie to terrorist groups." The AP’s “story” about the mysterious “Misha” was 1145 words, long enough for an editor to squeeze in a caveat. “It was not immediately clear whether the FBI has spoken to Misha or was attempting to,” the national wire service reported. “Efforts over several days by The Associated Press to identify and interview Misha have been unsuccessful.” The big difference: when you do it, its conspiracy theory. When we do it, its informed speculation. In any other context, this might be seen as the rankest kind of “conspiracy theory.” But, apparently, when the Associated Press does it, its news. Then Uncle Ruslan made a clear mis-step. “An uncle of the alleged bombers claims that Misha, an Armenian convert to Islam, had a huge influence on the elder brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Describing him as an "Armenia exorcist, Tsarni said, “Somehow he just took his brain.” Armenians are a deeply-rooted Christian community, which is proud of the fact that their country was the first in the world to adopt Christianity as state religion in 301 AD. Moreover this is the week every year when they remember the Armenian Holocaust, when as many as 1,000,000 Armenians were slaughtered by Turkish Muslims. In the large and close-knit Boston Armenian community, a red-bearded Armenian named Misha becoming a radicalized Muslim would stand out. "I've never heard of him, nor has anyone that I know," Hilda Avedissian, executive director at the Armenian Cultural & Educational Centre. So what if the guy was involved with biggest bank fraud in history? "For an Armenian to convert to Islam is like finding a unicorn in a field," Nerses Zurabyan, 32, an information technology director who lives in nearby Cambridge told USA Today. The report reveals that the bomber’s Uncle, made famous for his outspoken condemnation of his nephew’s which aired repeatedly on international news networks, is a well-connected oil executive who at one point worked for a Halliburton shell company used as a front to obtain oil contracts from the Kazakh State. Ruslon Tsarni was implicated in an investigation involving the laundering and theft of $6 billion. But everybody loves Uncle Ruslon. At least most of America’s mainstream media does. There has, to date, been no speculation at all about whether an uncle of the men suspected of the bombing who had been involved in international intrigue at the hightest levels, and who married the daughter of a top CIA official, might warrant a closer look. It’s enough, isn’t it, to turn even reasonably rational adults into—gasp!—conspiracy theorists. “News,” someone once wrote, “is selection. And selection is always based on an ideology and agenda, which is something to remember next time you watch, listen or read the ‘news.’” Too true.
  5. The Kennedy Menace Editors of NACLA, “Stop McGovern,” Latin America & Empire Report, October 1972, reprinted within Steve Weissman (Ed.) Big Brother and the Holding Company: The World Behind Watergate (Palo Alto, California: Ramparts Press, 1974), 160
  6. Confirmed: Both FBI & CIA Watched Boston Bombing Suspects for Years By Tony Cartalucci http://landdestroyer.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/confirmed-both-fbi-cia-watched-boston.html FBI & CIA now admit to putting Boston bombing suspect on 2 "watch lists," directly contradicting previous public statements. CIA most likely sponsored suspect's trips to meet US-backed terrorists in Chechnya, Russia. April 25, 2013 (LD) - It is now confirmed that Russian investigators contacted the FBI at least as early as 2011 in regards to Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, and again just 6 months before the Boston attacks. Additionally, it is now revealed that both the FBI and CIA had Tsarnaev on at least 2 terrorist watch lists, contradicting previous FBI statements that the case was "closed" after not finding "any terrorism activity, domestic or foreign." FBI Caught in Staggering Series of Lies The suspects, Tamerlan Tsarnaev and brother Dzhokar Tsarnaev, would be revealed to the public by the FBI a day after a bizarre press conference cancellation and a security scare at the federal courthouse where a suspect was allegedly being brought. The FBI would feign ignorance over the suspects' identity, appealing to the witless public for help identifying and apprehending them. It would be claimed by the suspects' family members that the FBI had long been in contact with Tamerlan Tsarnaev, and that the bombing was a set-up. The FBI's bizarre behavior grew more suspicious when CBS reported that initially the FBI denied it had any prior contact with the Tsarnaev's. In their report, "CBS News: FBI Interviewed Tamerlan Tsarnaev 2 Years Ago," CBS claimed: CBS News reports although the FBI initially denied contacting Tsarnaev, the brothers’ mother said they had in an interview with Russia Today. That interview with Russia Today, in an article titled, "'They were set up, FBI followed them for years'- Tsarnaevs' mother to RT," stated of the suspects' mother: But her biggest suspicion surrounding the case was the constant FBI surveillance she said her family was subjected to over the years. She is surprised that having been so stringent with the entire family, the FBI had no idea the sons were supposedly planning a terrorist act.She would say of the FBI to Russia Today: “They used to come [to our] home, they used to talk to me…they were telling me that he [the older, 26-y/o Tamerlan] was really an extremist leader and that they were afraid of him. They told me whatever information he is getting, he gets from these extremist sites… they were controlling him, they were controlling his every step…and now they say that this is a terrorist act! Never ever is this true, my sons are innocent!” The FBI would finally recant its earlier denial, and disclose on April 19, 2013 in an official statement on FBI.gov that indeed, they had been in contact with Tamerlan Tsarnaev as early as 2011: The two individuals believed to be responsible for the Boston Marathon bombings on Monday have been positively identified as Tamerlan Tsarnaev, now deceased, and Dzhokar Tsarnaev, now in custody. These individuals are brothers and residents of Massachusetts. Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a legal permanent resident and Dzhokar Tsarnaev is a naturalized U.S. citizen. Charges have not yet been filed against Dzhokar Tsarnaev and he is presumed innocent. Tamerlan Tsarnaev, age 26, was previously designated as Suspect 1, wearing a black hat. Dzhokar A. Tsarnaev, age 19, was designated as Suspect 2, wearing a white hat. Both were born in Kyrgyzstan. Once the FBI learned the identities of the two brothers today, the FBI reviewed its records and determined that in early 2011, a foreign government asked the FBI for information about Tamerlan Tsarnaev. The request stated that it was based on information that he was a follower of radical Islam and a strong believer, and that he had changed drastically since 2010 as he prepared to leave the United States for travel to the country’s region to join unspecified underground groups. In response to this 2011 request, the FBI checked U.S. government databases and other information to look for such things as derogatory telephone communications, possible use of online sites associated with the promotion of radical activity, associations with other persons of interest, travel history and plans, and education history. The FBI also interviewed Tamerlan Tsarnaev and family members. The FBI did not find any terrorism activity, domestic or foreign, and those results were provided to the foreign government in the summer of 2011. The FBI requested but did not receive more specific or additional information from the foreign government. However, the case was not "closed." Additional evidence would reveal that the FBI had been warned again, just 6 months before the Boston bombings by Russian investigators. The FBI was told Tamerlan Tsarnaev had visited Russia and was in contact with known-terrorists operating in and around Chechnya. Somehow, this additional information "escaped" the FBI's April 19, 2013 public statement. The British Daily Mail in their article titled, "Russia asked FBI to investigate bomber just 6 MONTHS ago after being spotted with 'a militant' on trip to Dagestan: Was it this known terrorist who Boston killer liked on YouTube?," would state: Speculation is growing that one of the Boston bombers met a known Jihadist terrorist in 2011 - as it emerged the FBI failed to follow up on a Russian tip that he was seen with an Islamic militant six times. The Daily Mail would also report that: The FBI has confirmed that Russia alerted the agency in 2011 that Tsarnaev had ties to 'radical Islam' groups in his homeland. Homeland Security sources have also revealed the agency received tips in 2012 about his ties to extremists connected to a Boston mosque. In the wake of the FBI's serial lies, yet more evidence is coming to light of now not only the FBI's increasingly entangled relationship with the suspects prior to the bombing, but the CIA's role as well. In the New York Times article, "2 U.S. Agencies Added Boston Bomb Suspect to Watch Lists," it was reported that: Despite being told in 2011 that an F.B.I. review had found that a man who went on to become one of the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings had no ties to extremists, the Russian government asked the Central Intelligence Agency six months later for whatever information it had on him, American officials said Wednesday. After its review, the C.I.A. also told the Russian intelligence service that it had no suspicious information on the man, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who was killed in a shootout with the police early last Friday. It is not clear what prompted the Russians to make the request of the C.I.A. The upshot of the American inquiries into Mr. Tsarnaev’s background was that even though he was found to have no connections to extremist groups, his name was entered into two different United States government watch lists in late 2011 that were designed to alert the authorities if he traveled overseas. Therefore, in addition to first denying, then confirming having interviewed Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2011 and never mentioning the now confirmed warning by Russia just 6 months ago, the FBI and CIA also put Tsarnaev on at least 2 terrorist watch lists. Inexplicably, the FBI would have the public believe they found no evidence of terrorist activity, but then put Tsarnaev's name on 2 separate terrorist watch lists anyway - and still somehow failed to prevent the Boston bombings. Clearly, that doesn't add up. Evidence Points to Tsarnaev as CIA Asset While the establishment media predictably attempts to make the serial lies told by the FBI, and both FBI and CIA's involvement and foreknowledge of the suspects years before the Boston attacks, appear to be just an innocent bureaucratic foul-up, former-FBI translator Sibel Edmonds reported in incredible detail what most likely transpired, even before revelations of the CIA's involvement became public. In a 45 minute interview on the Corbett Report, Edmonds explained that multiple warnings by Russian investigators to the FBI were likely ignored because the CIA was in all probability using Tamerlan Tsarnaev as an asset to travel to Russia's Caucasus region and make contact with US-backed terrorists. It is a long-documented fact that the United States has extensively backed terrorists operating in Russia's Caucasus region. It is clear that at the very least, the FBI, CIA, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and other federal agencies knew well ahead of time of Boston Marathon bombing suspect, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, and did nothing to prevent him from allegedly carrying out an attack. Understanding the insidious behavior of both the FBI and CIA, opens up a second and more troubling possibility - that the FBI and/or the CIA were directly involved in the Boston bombings themselves, using the Tsarnaev brothers as patsies. Regardless of which is true - there is more than enough evidence currently to remove the FBI from the Boston bombing investigation and open an immediate and urgent inquiry into both the FBI and CIA's involvement and criminal improprieties in the lead up to the attacks. There is also enough evidence for the American people to realize they have exchanged for the past decade, their liberty and dignity for safety and clearly have been left none of the above. It is also now clear that the American people possess the moral imperative to seize back their liberties and to throw off this expansive, ineffectual, stifling, incompetent and/or criminal federal security apparatus - from the DHS and TSA, to the FBI and CIA - who despite receiving billions annually and nearly limitless authority failed utterly to prevent the Boston Marathon bombings, and in fact appear to have played a central role in facilitating them.
  7. The Ties That Bind Washington to Chechen Terrorists Wayne MADSEN, 26.04.2013 http://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2013/04/26/the-ties-that-bind-washington-to-chechen-terrorists.html To scan the list of major American supporters of the Chechen secessionist movement, which at some points can hardly be distinguished from Chechen terrorists financed by U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar, is to be reminded of some of the most notorious U.S. Cold War players. Evidence is mounting that the accused dead Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev, allegedly killed during an April 19 shootout with police in Watertown, Massachusetts, became a «radicalized» Muslim while participating in a covert CIA program, run through the Republic of Georgia, to destabilize Russia's North Caucasus region… The ultimate goal of the CIA's campaign was for the Muslim inhabitants of the region to declare independence from Moscow and tilt toward the U.S. Wahhabi Muslim-run governments of Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The Western corporate media largely ignored an important story reported from Izvestia in Moscow: that Tamerlan Tsarnaev attended seminars run by the Caucasus Fund of Georgia, a group affiliated with the neo-conservative think tank, the Jamestown Foundation, between January and July 2012. The U.S. media reported that during this six month time frame, Tsarnaev was being radicalized by Dagestan radical imam «Abu Dudzhan», killed in a fight with Russian security forces in 2012. Tsarnaev also visited Dagestan in 2011. However, in documents leaked from the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs' Counterintelligence Department, Tsarnaev is pinpointed as being in Tbilisi taking part in «seminars» organized by the Caucasus Fund, founded during the Georgian-South Ossetian war of 2008, a war started when Georgian troops invaded the pro-Russian Republic of South Ossetia during the Beijing Olympics. Georgia was supported militarily and with intelligence support by the United States and Israel, and the American support included U.S. Special Forces advisers on the ground in Georgia. The Georgian intelligence documents indicate Tsarnaev attended the Jamestown Foundation seminars in Tbilisi. The Jamestown Foundation is part of a neo-conservative network that re-branded itself after the Cold War from being anti-Soviet and anti-Communist to one that is anti-Russian and “pro-democracy.” The network not only consists of Jamestown and the Caucasus Fund but also other groups funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and George Soros’ Open Society Institute (OSI). Georgia has become a nexus for the U.S. aid to the Russian opposition trying to oust President Vladimir Putin and his supporters from power. In March [2010], Georgia sponsored, with CIA, Soros, and British MI-6 funds, a conference titled 'Hidden Nations, Enduring Crimes: The Circassians and the People of the North Caucasus Between Past and Future.' Georgia and its CIA, Soros, and British intelligence allies are funneling cash and other support for secessionism by ethnic minorities in Russia, including Circassians, Chechens, Ingushetians, Balkars, Kabardins, Abaza, Tatars, Talysh, and Kumyks». The March 21, 2010 conference in Tbilisi was organized by the Jamestown Foundation and the International School of Caucasus Studies at Ilia State University in Georgia. If Georgian counter-intelligence documents have Tamerlan Tsarnaev attending Jamestown conferences in Tbilisi in 2011, could the Russian FSB have tracked him to the Jamestown Hidden Nations seminar in March 2010? In any event, a year later the FSB decided to contact the FBI about Tsarnaev's ties to terrorists. The first Russian request to the FBI came via the FBI's Legal Attache's office at the U.S. embassy in Moscow in March 2011. It took the FBI until June of 2011 to conclude that Tamerlan posed no terrorist threat but it did add his name to the Treasury Enforcement Communications System, or TECS, which monitors financial information such as bank accounts held abroad and wire transfers. In September 2011, Russian authorities, once again, alerted the U.S. of their suspicions about Tamerlan. The second alert went to the CIA. By September 2011, Russian security agencies were well aware that the Hidden Nations seminar held a year earlier was a CIA-sponsored event that was supported by the Mikheil Saakashvili government in Georgia and that other similar meetings had been held and were planned, including the one that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was to attend in Tbilisi in January 2012. At some point in time after the first Russian alert and either before or after the second, the CIA entered Tamerlan's name into the Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment list (TIDE), a database with more than 750,000 entries that is maintained by the National Counterterrorism Center in McLean, Virginia. The Jamestown Foundation is a long-standing front operation for the CIA, it being founded, in part, by CIA director William Casey in 1984. The organization was used as an employer for high-ranking Soviet bloc defectors, including the Soviet Undersecretary General of the UN Arkady Shevchenko and Romanian intelligence official Ion Pacepa. The Russian domestic Federal Security Bureau and the SVR foreign intelligence agency have long suspected Jamestown of helping to foment rebellions in Chechnya, Ingushetia, and other north Caucasus republics. The March 21 Tbilisi conference on the north Caucasus a few days before the Moscow train bombings has obviously added to the suspicions of the FSB and SVR. Jamestown's board includes such Cold War era individuals as Marcia Carlucci; wife of Frank Carlucci, the former CIA officer, Secretary of Defense, and Chairman of The Carlyle Group [Frank Carlucci was also one of those who requested the U.S. government to allow former Chechen Republic 'Foreign Minister' Ilyas Akhmadov, accused by the Russians of terrorist ties, to be granted political asylum in the U.S. after a veto from the Homeland Security and Justice Departments], anti-Communist book and magazine publisher Alfred Regnery; and Caspar Weinberger's Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs Kathleen Troia «KT» McFarland. Also on the board is former Oklahoma GOP Governor Frank Keating, the governor at the time of the 1995 Murrah Federal Building bombing. Cooperating with Jamestown in not only its north and south Caucasus information operations, but also in Moldovan, Belarusian, Uighur, and Uzbekistan affairs, is George Soros's ubiquitous Open Society Institute, another cipher for U.S. intelligence and global banking interests. Soros's Central Eurasia Project has sponsored a number of panels and seminars with Jamestown. Russian security indicated in their first communication with the FBI that Tamerlan Tsarnaev had changed drastically since 2010. That change came after the Hidden Nations conference in Tbilisi. U.S. support for Chechen and North Caucasus secession came as a result of a public statement on August 2008 by GOP presidential candidate John McCain that «after Russia illegally recognized the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, Western countries ought to think about the independence of the North Caucasus and Chechnya». Upon becoming President in 2009, Barack Obama adopted McCain's proposal and authorized CIA support for North Caucasus secessionists and terrorists with money laundered through the USAID, the National Endowment for Democracy, Soros's Open Society Institute, Freedom House, and the Jamestown Foundation. In January 2012, Obama appointed a Soros activist and neocon, Michael McFaul of the right-wing Hoover Institution at Stanford University, as U.S. ambassador to Moscow. McFaul immediately threw open the doors of the U.S. embassy to a variety of Russian dissidents, including secessionists from the North Caucasus, some of whom were suspected by the Russian FSB of ties to Islamist terrorists. Whether Tamerlan Tsarnaev was always a CIA asset and participated in a “false flag” operation in Boston and became an unwitting “patsy” in a CIA plot, much like “U.S. Marine “defector” to the Soviet Union Lee Harvey Oswald became a “patsy” in President Kennedy’s assassination, or he was indeed radicalized in an attempt to infiltrate him into the ranks of the Caucasus Emirate and decided to defect and carry out a terrorist attack against the United States may never be known. If the latter is the case, Tsarnaev is much like Osama Bin Laden, once a CIA fighter in the field in Afghanistan who allegedly decided to launch a jihad against the United States. If Tsarnaev was a “patsy” like Oswald, that might explain the setting off of an incendiary device at the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston ten minutes after the twin bombings at the Boston Marathon. After Boston Police stated the fire was caused by an explosion, the Boston Fire Department went into cover-up mode and tried to claim the fire could have been caused by someone tossing a cigarette on to flammable material.
  8. Eric Draitser on Boston false flag: THE DAGESTAN CONNECTION Salafism+CIA: The winning formula to destabilize Russia, the Middle East by F. William Engdahl 13 SEPTEMBER 2012 Tamerlan Tsarnaev Attended CIA-sponsored Workshop Kurt Nimmo Prison Planet.com April 24, 2013 Boston Terror Updates & Developments CIA MO Not the FBI, Contradictions from Dagestan, Recent Shooting Incident in Dagestan, Georgia-NATO-Russia & More By Sibel Edmonds Wednesday, 24 April 2013 America: The World’s Number One Sponsor Of Terrorism By Garikai Chengu April 23, 2013
  9. I, too, have been re-evaluating my attitudes, and have resolved to look at America afresh. For example, it is a little known fact, certainly in Europe, which really ought to know better, that Chechnya has a long and proud history of struggle to free itself from the iron grip of its sprawling neighbour, that infamous Stalinist redoubt otherwise known as…Slovakia. Some Americans, keen to bestow the blessings of their typically exceptional grasp of all things geographical, are determined to put that right: http://www.independe...ya-8581341.html http://www.rferl.org...s/24963035.html I blame "Paulie Walnuts” for this splendid misapprehension, though interior decorators may feel less kindly disposed:
  10. Boston Bombers: Role of CIA in Chechen Terror: Islamic terror from Caucasus next phase of plan to undermine our liberty By Kurt Nimmo, 22 April 2013 http://www.globalres...-terror/5332386 I find myself in the rare position of agreeing entirely with the ghastly Bolton: Chechen terrorism is unquestionably supported by “a significant international network,” comprising the CIA, the State Department, the Pentagon, and sundry US think-tanks, including…er, all the usual suspects Chechen Terrorists and the Neocons by Coleen Rowley, April 22, 2013 http://original.anti...nd-the-neocons/ The Chechens' American friends: The Washington neocons' commitment to the war on terror evaporates in Chechnya, whose cause they have made their own By John Laughland, 8 September 2004 http://www.guardian....p/08/usa.russia The “Chechen Connection”, Al Qaeda, CIA and the Boston Marathon Bombings By Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, The 4th Media News, Monday, 22 April 2013 http://www.4thmedia....athon-bombings/ OIL AND THE BATTLE FOR CHECHNYA A Caucasian Republic On An Oil Transit Corridor Between The Caspian And Black Seas www.nlpwessex.org/docs/ukraine-caspian.htm The EyeOpener- Sibel Edmonds on the Boston Bombing: The US Roots of “Chechen” Terrorism Tuesday, 23 April 2013 http://www.boilingfr...chen-terrorism/ Show notes: USA: The Creator & Sustainer of Chechen Terrorism RT interviews Tsarnaev brothers’ mother FBI Press Release: 2011 Request for Info on Tamerlan from “Foreign Government” Terrorist incidents in Chechnya 1970 – present Terrorist incidents in Dagestan 1970 – present Barbarians at the Gate: Terrorism, the US, and the Subversion of Russia By Eric Draitser, 20 August 2012 http://ericdraitser....sion-of-russia/ The complex network of terrorist organizations that operate under the banners of “separatism” and “independence” for the Caucasus region, has been at the center of the destabilization of Russia for the last two decades. Within hours of the deadly attacks, the Kavkaz Center – an organization known to be the propaganda mouthpiece of terrorist leader Doku Umarov – released an article characterizing the attacks as heroic acts and referring to the dead as “Russian puppets.” Though this would seem to be not in keeping with the Center’s stated mission “to provide reporting of events…and assistance of journalistic work in the Caucasus,” this is, in fact, very much par for the course for an organization that is funded by the US State Department and Finland’s Foreign Ministry. Kavkaz Center has a long track record of supporting and legitimizing terrorist actions throughout the region, rationalizing atrocities committed in the name of “resistance.” In fact, Kavkaz engages in perpetual upside-down logic, referring to Russians as “terrorists” and terrorists as “heroes.” This type of Goebbles-esque propaganda is the hallmark of Western imperialist projects; most recently in the conflict in Syria, in which the Syrian National Council, Western corporate media and the like refer to terrorism and subversion as “rebellion and freedom-fighting”. Additionally, it is essential to note that Emarat Kavkaz (Umarov’s terrorist organization translated as “Caucasus Emirate”) has been listed by the United Nations as an organization associated with Al-Qaida. Kavkaz Center has been described by Umarov himself as “the official information organ of the Emarat Kavkaz.” This, of course, supports the claims made repeatedly by Moscow of the connection between Chechen and other extremists in the region and Al Qaida, a claim which, until recently, Kavkaz Center continued to deny. Despite the fact that organs such as Kavkaz Center operate in the service of terrorists who advocate the destruction of Russia, their activity alone is not altogether significant if seen in a vacuum. Rather, it is the association of these types of individuals and organizations with the US State Department and US intelligence that makes them particularly insidious. One such entity that bears scrutiny is the American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus (ACPC), previously known as the American Committee for Peace in Chechnya. As reported by Right Web at the Institute for Policy Studies, “The ACPC was founded in 1999 by Freedom House, a neoconservative organization that has worked closely with the U.S. government, receiving funds from the National Endowment for Democracy and other U.S. democratization initiatives.” This intimate relationship between the ACPC and the US State Department indicates not merely a confluence of interests, but rather a direct relationship wherein the former is an organ of the latter. The paternalistic role of the US intelligence establishment in the ACPC is made all the more evident when one examines some of the more well known members of the ACPC including former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, former Pentagon advisor Richard Perle and other top neocons such as William Kristol, Elliott Abrams, Kenneth Adelman, and Robert Kagan – the last two being closely associated with the inner circle of the Romney campaign. What becomes apparent in even a cursory analysis of these figures is that, despite the preponderance of neoconservatives, the top members of the ACPC are pulled from both the liberal and conservative establishments. Therefore, one can see how the ACPC represents a bipartisan consensus within the US imperialist ruling class – a consensus of aggression against Russia. What should be even more concerning to political observers is that, given the very real possibility of a Romney victory in November, Russia may see a surge in separatism and violence supported overtly or covertly by the ACPC and a future Romney administration. The ACPC has taken the lead in championing the cause of separatism and terrorism directed toward Russia, both tacitly and overtly. After having championed the cause of former Chechen Foreign Minister Ilyas Akhmadov in his quest for asylum in the United States – subsequently granted along with a generous taxpayer-funded stipend – ACPC member Zbigniew Brzezinski went so far as to write the foreward to Akhmadov’s book The Chechen Struggle. The alliance between political figures such as Akhmadov and terrorist leaders in the region demonstrates conclusively the partnership between the various terror networks and the imperialist ruling class in the West. Moreover, it shows that, along with oligarchs such as Boris Berezovsky and Roman Abramovich, the US and UK are still the favorite safe havens for criminals fleeing Russian justice. The Political Context Although the attacks of this week are tragic, their real significance is political in nature. There has been a sustained destabilization campaign waged by the West, particularly the United States, and aimed at President Putin going back to last December and the beginning of the so-called protest movement. The attempt by the Western imperialists has been to isolate Putin, demonize him, and erode his support within the country in hopes of toppling his government, thereby removing the biggest obstacle they face in implementing their hegemonic agenda. However, despite the financial backing, political demagoguery and media inundation, the attempts have entirely failed. Once it became clear that Vladimir Putin would be reelected to a third term, the US State Department began its campaign against him. Organized and implemented by US Ambassador Michael McFaul in Moscow, the protest movement led by figures such as Alexei Navalny and Boris Nemtsov as well as US-funded NGOs such as GOLOS and the Moscow Helsinki Group, the movement essentially sought to instigate a “color revolution” in Russia using the same tactics that had been successful in Ukraine, Georgia and elsewhere. However, it was soon quite obvious to political observers in Russia and around the world that this movement was nothing more than a superficial destabilization attempt that had no real traction among the Russian people. Because of the failure of this manufactured protest movement, the tactics of subversion had to change. The imperialists had to incorporate new tactics that would either revive and grow the protest movement or inspire an international outcry. And so, we get the controversy surrounding the feminist punk band Pussy Riot. The Western media has attempted to hold up the band, which engaged in obscene and lewd acts inside a Russian church, as crusaders and martyrs for the cause of free speech. Naturally, this utterly transparent and vacuous attempt to whip up anti-Putin sentiment has, like the protest movement before it, sputtered and stalled. And so, as every covert attempt at subversion through the use of “soft power” has failed, the Western imperialists now activate their terror networks in the Caucasus to do by force what their intelligence networks failed to do by stealth: destabilize Russia. The Geopolitical Calculus The seemingly endless attempts to subvert the Putin government are cynically designed operations whose overarching goal is geopolitical in nature. To the US and its allies, partners, and clients, Putin represents a block that is difficult, if not impossible, to maneuver around. As demonstrated clearly in Syria, President Putin is able to successfully lead an opposition to the United States: an empire attempting to impose its hegemonic designs on the region. By using international law, the principle of national sovereignty, counter-propaganda, and countless other diplomatic weapons, Putin, along with his allies in China, has prevented the wider war that the US has tried to foment. Moreover, Putin has presented a major roadblock on the path to war with Iran, another mortal sin in the eyes of Western imperialist warmongers. Putin’s “crimes” do not stop there. He has managed to successfully assert the right of national sovereignty over state resources, jailing or otherwise diminishing the power of the oligarchs who enriched themselves in the 1990s at the expense of the Russian people. He has successfully established the legitimacy of international institutions such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and BRICS that exist outside the dominance of the United States and have begun to emerge as a counter-weight to NATO and other similar arms of US imperialism. Putin has also led the economic resurgence of Russia and maintained its dominance in the energy market with pipelines, exploration, and myriad deals with multinational corporations. The common thread that unites the above mentioned achievements of President Putin is an unwillingness to be subservient to the United States. Putin has become, in the eyes of the Western imperialist ruling class, the unruly little brother who must be taught a lesson by force. And so, innocent Russians must pay with their lives for the hubris of these imperialists. As has been clearly demonstrated in Syria, Iran, Pakistan and countless other places around the world, terrorism remains the favorite weapon in the arsenal of the ruling class in the West. The attacks in Ingushetia and Dagestan are merely the latest example of this. Surely, they will not be the last. Other links of interest Elements of US intelligence have also backed the Chechen jihadis: http://spitfirelist....efore-you-leap/ http://www.jihadwatc...nce-emerge.html Was Boston Bombers ‘Uncle Ruslan’ with the CIA? By Daniel Hopsicker, 22 April 2013 http://www.madcowpro...n-with-the-cia/ Boston's Jihadist Past Long before the marathon bombing, Islamists in Massachusetts were helping militants in Chechnya. BY J.M. Berger, 22 April 2013 http://www.foreignpo...s_jihadist_past When Boston Marathon runners rounded the bend from Beacon Street last week, they were in the home stretch of the race. As they poured through the closed intersection, they ran past a nondescript address: 510 Commonwealth Avenue. The location was once home to an international support network that raised funds and recruited fighters for a jihadist insurgency against Russian rule over Chechnya, a region and a conflict that few of the runners had likely ever given any serious thought. Chechen Terrorist Networks Trace Back to the US State Department By Brandon Turbeville http://www.activistp...trace-back.html The CIA and Muslim terror-gangs: roots A Mosque in Munich: Nazis, the CIA, and the Rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in the West By Ian Johnson http://www.amazon.co...d/dp/B006CDGPSA Al-Qaeda: From Serving Hitler to Serving the CIA By John Loftus, former U.S. Deputy Attorney General, 7 January 2011 http://wariscrime.co...erving-the-cia/
  11. Read the criminal complaint. I have. It's a string of allegations knitted together by the presumption of guilt. Evidence is the stuff a prosecutor presents to a judge and jury. Bet you we see some interesting modifications by the time - or rather, if - the young bloke is placed before a jury of his, er, FBI and CIA peers. The latter's explanation of its funding and arming of Chechen terrorists promises to be a hoot.
  12. Point of order, your Honour, but is that last bit still part of the official narrative, or has it been expunged? I'm getting rather confused by all the shifts, you understand. Point taken: http://www.justice.g...t1304211847.pdf Perhaps this will reduce your confusion. Dear Mr. Rigby, Please note the words "allegedly" added to my quoted my sentence fragment, above (and to my original post, as well, beforehand). Done so because my little 'ole pea-pickin' , bleeding (reactionary) heart just made me do it! --Tommy The feeblest attempt to row back from a rush to judgment I've seen in, oh, about ten minutes. Respect.
  13. Is THIS what it's come down to? The guy charged with this crime is a "sole survivng youngster" whose life is now in danger, and anyone who gets angry and points out the evidence is dismissed as an extreme right-winger? I SO much want to say something against the rules right now. Your emotional incontinence is, to be candid, of no interest or relevance. It is also most definitely not a fit and proper substitute for the rule of law, as you have so artlessly demonstrated. As for evidence, what evidence? A lot of law enforcement and spook briefings, many of them hopelessly contradictory, incomplete, censored, and self-serving, as relayed by the establishment transmission belt that is the mainstream US media? And you call yourself a student of the Kennedy assassination? You’ve learned precisely nothing.
  14. Dear Mr. Jeffries, Well, Don, that's what terrorists do, you know. They terrorize people. Preferably in large cities. Probably easier to spread that kind of fear in this age of instant digital communication and "social networking" than it was back in the day of, say, Ghengis Khan. A damning indictment of the CIA's drone campaign, if ever I read one. And from such an unexpected source. Just goes to show. Point of order, your Honour, but is that last bit still part of the official narrative, or has it been expunged? I'm getting rather confused by all the shifts, you understand. So tell us, Tommy, which part of the defence have you heard so far? Or have you entirely abandoned trivial stuff like evidence, courts and that sort of flummery? No, the proper name for the sole-surviving youngster is the accused. Assuming he's permitted to survive to trial, that is. Amazing how many extreme right-wingers float around JFK research sites these days. Isn't it, Tommy?
  15. THE 50 GREATEST MATTE PAINTINGS OF ALL TIME by Peter Cook Sunday, 27 May 2012 12:35 35. Topaz (1969) Many Hitchcock films are remembered for their more audacious special effects scenes, but Topaz stands out as a film seemingly devoid of matte-painted effects - yet a number of mattes were used to flesh out scenes without the audience being aware. As was the case with all of Hitch’s Universal pictures, Albert Whitlock was a key collaborator, and never more so than here. This view of the mansion in Havana, Cuba was a completely fabricated matte effect whereby the house, hill, town, sea and foreground are completely Whitlock’s oil paint, with just the tiny ‘slot’ of live action on a small length of the roadway to facilitate the approaching vehicle. Staggering work that, as with so much of Albert’s work, simply slips by the viewer unnoticed. 20. Saboteur (1942) Definitely one of Hitch’s best films in my book – thrilling, cocky, fast paced and visually arresting. A sensational visual effects roller-coaster ride that’s packed with excellent matte-painted shots, miniatures and a terrifying death-by-conflagration which opens the story. John P. Fulton was Universal’s resident special effects genius, a not undeserving label for a man who had created some of the studio’s finest photographic effects over the past decade, from The Invisible Man onward. The resident studio matte artist was Russell Lawsen, though the sheer volume of mattes leads me to suspect that other artists may well have been brought in to help out. It’s difficult to choose my favourite among the dozens of mattes in Saboteur, though this shot is right up there. They don’t make ‘em like this anymore. 14. Vertigo (1958) Probably one of the most iconic mattes from any of Hitchcock’s films, this Jan Domela-painted tower added to an existing Spanish Mission is one of around six key matte shots from various vantage points which form the cornerstone of this classic film, and were much imitated in later films. Special effects supervisor John P. Fulton was not the easiest man to work with by a long shot, with Domela and the other Paramount technicians constantly at odds with Fulton’s volatile personality. A shame really, as John was one of the industry’s most intuitive special effects designers, with many landmark trick shots under his belt. Terrific perspective here with invisible blending between the art and the location, courtesy of effects cameraman Irmin Roberts. 12. Torn Curtain (1966) In putting together this list I simply couldn’t omit Torn Curtain. Part of the scenario involved a chase through an East German museum, a geographic impossibility to film due to the socio-political era in which the film was made. To solve his directorial dilemma, Hitch turned to his frequent collaborator, matte painter Albert Whitlock, with the resulting sequence presenting some of Whitlock’s best ever work in the form of some half-dozen mattes depicting the various galleries within the museum. The shot shown below is nothing short of phenomenal, with just the small staircase under actor Paul Newman being real, while the rest of the frame is a Whitlock painting. Even the tiny ‘masterpieces’ lining the walls are all a result of Albert’s skilled brushwork. 4. The Paradine Case (1948) Hitchcock had always been a strong advocate of matte and special processes in his films with The Paradine Case displaying many amazing mattes where you’d least expect them. This shot is the highlight, one of several conceived in post-production to help strengthen the narrative. All of the shots of Gregory Peck’s tour through the mansion are painted mattes, with no physical sets at all. Under special effects chief Jack Cosgrove, matte painter Spencer Bagtotopoulis and cameraman Clarence Slifer achieved the impossible with Golden Era virtual set matte art – the sort of thing which today is widespread by way of digital imagery and a green screen – Slifer and Bagtotopoulis confidently created fabricated environments some 70 years earlier with just paintbrush, camera and an optical printer. http://www.shadowloc...f-all-time.html
  16. Angletasia At the heart of the Dallas coup lay James Angleton’s Special Investigations Group: It was CI/SIG which selected and served up the patsy. This was done with complete success: Oswald was moved in and out of Russia, and, ultimately, to a post within the Texas School Book Depository at the appointed hour, with ruthless efficiency. In stark contrast, the provision of an inanimate object, the alleged assassin’s alleged murder weapon, was characterised by an apparently ludicrous incompetence, from its inherent unsuitability to the fact of initial misidentification. How to account for the discrepancy in quality of work? Compartmentalization, and the inevitable division of labour among the coup’s directors? Perhaps, but was Angleton really content with controlling only one element of the plot, albeit a crucial one? His conduct throughout his career strongly suggests otherwise, whatever official hierarchies and policies decreed to the contrary. No, the answer would appear to lie elsewhere. In effect, that the incompetence was apiece with the efficiency – the deliberate work of a unifying intelligence. Two questions are begged: Did Angleton possess a philosophy of intelligence? And if so, what was it? The shrewdest and most relevant explication of Angleton’s operational methodology was that produced by the Yale’s Robin Winks, English professor and some-time diplomat. If accurate, we find Angelton preferred complexity to simplicity, conceived concessions as indispensable lures and baits to deception, saw suspicion and conspiracism not as an enemy, but an indispensable weapon in his armoury: Successful long-term deception, then, was predicated, in the compelling Winksian description of Angletonian methodology, upon: 1) Controlling the opposition through its leadership, either by turning existing established oppositionists or else creating false ones (“the superior source in place”); 2) Reinforcing the bona fides of these turned or manufactured oppositionists by multiple, incremental confirmations (“an orchestration could be built up, to the point of layer upon layer of confirming information would also support the deception”); 3) Deploying concessions, both real and pseudo, on the principle of giving some to get more (“If one is prepared to pay a price high enough price to deceive the enemy”); 4) Sacrificing, if required, expendable “own-team” assets (“in the final analysis mercenaries, and even those simply without access, are expendable”); 5) Creating, by careful coordination of 1) to 4), of a synthetic environment, populated by real people, into which the opposition would be shepherded and detained: “For the object, of course, was to live in a real world while thrusting the enemy into an unreal one.” Was not Clay Shaw, the New Orleans businessman and quondam CIA asset, the classic superfluous man “without access” – to the core plot and plotters - sacrificed the better to re-launch the second version of the Zapruder fake? Wasn’t the emergence of hitherto unknown assassination scene films in late 1967, all reinforcing the reworked Z-fake, a perfect example of “multiple, incremental confirmations” at work? And what was the Z-film but an unreal world into which potential dissidents could be banished without fear or consequence, save for the transparently absurd official report he sought to crush the better to further the cover-up? Is there any evidence, then, that Angleton ran, directly or indirectly, a prominent studio or director as a mouthpiece and celluloid front? There is, and it is compelling: His name was Alfred Hitchcock. (1) Robin Winks. Cloak and Gown: Scholar’s in America’s Secret War (London: Collins Harvill, 1987), 342-343
  17. The elite US interests arrayed against Kennedy: a snap-shot An examination of top policy-makers’ social background helps explain their assumptions. Under Secretary Dillon was a life-long investment banker with worldwide interests. Dillon’s family firm had made a $15 million loan to the Congo in 1958 for investments in Katanga. Robert Murphy became, after his retirement, director of Morgan Guaranty Trust. Morgan was the American bank that showed the most interest in the Congo. In 1959 and 1960 Morgan was the syndicate manager and a participant in two $20 million loans to the Congo, guaranteed by Belgium. Morgan had a participation in the Banque du Congo, led by the Société Générale, the holding company that controlled the Union Minière du Haut-Katanga. Further, Morgan was a principal banker for North-American mining companies with vast interests in Katanga. Thomas S. Gates, Jr., Secretary of Defense, was closely tied to Morgan interests through his family’s investment banking house, Drexel and Co. This firm has been in partnership with Morgan since 1850. Gates did not break his association with Drexel when he became Secretary of Defense. The American ambassador to Brussels, William Burden, maintained during his ambassadorship, a directorship in American Metal Climax, whose Rhodesian copper interests were to make it the leading corporate defender of a conservative order, i.e. Tshombe, in Katanga. Therefore, one cannot exclude the possibility that the Eisenhower Administration’s perspectives on the Congo, particular its attachment to Katanga, may have been strengthened by tangible interests. Certainly, they have affected the assumptions of certain policy-makers. Extract from: Why Did The US Want To Kill Prime Minister Lumumba of The Congo?, pp 10-11 LTC ROGER T. HOUSEN, ARMY NATIONAL DEFENSE UNIVERSITY, NATIONAL WAR COLLEGE http://www.dtic.mil/...oc?AD=ADA442948
  18. Thanks for drawing attention to this piece - it's quite outstanding by any standards, and little short of remarkable for Counterpunch. Eisenhower's reference to "recent statements and gestures of Soviet leaders" - who "give some evidence that they may recognize this critical moment" - is in fact a cautious tribute to the extraordinary speed and range of reforms initiated upon Stalin's death by the briefly dominant figure of Lavrenty Beria, the former chief of secret police. These ranged from mass pardons for members of work camps, to the withdrawal of the Red Army from Eastern Europe. Much of the agenda we associate with Gorbachev was drawn directly from this earlier reform programme. The opposition to Beria's measures extended from the Soviet military to the American warfare state: we thus see the formation in this period of precisely the coalition of forces which killed Kennedy and deposed Khrushchev. Thanks again, Paul
  19. LOL I didn't see anything in the trailer that remotely resembled what was alleged with Z-film. I didn't even see birds and humans in the same frame. Er, you weren't meant to. I'm struggling with these sentences. Is this some kind of literary full Brazilian treatment? If it wasn't, it was a damn close shave.
  20. Was there an "original" in the sense you mean? Let us accept there was, if only for convenience's sake. No, the film hadn't been altered by the time Rather saw it, not according to the contemporaneous evidence. What you're assuming as definitive is, in essence, CIA limited hang-out, introduced to the HSCA in the mid-1970s, and elaborated upon by an elderly group of Agency loyalists before Doug Horne and the ARRB two decades after that. The purpose of this limited hang-out was to portray the Agency as essentially passive-reactive. The real deceit, we are to believe, was being conducted elsewhere, at Kodak, by a person (or persons) unknown. Again, not so. When Rather began describing the film on November 25, it hadn't been sold: CBS could still have gained the film rights, and broadcast it. Are we to believe he was stupid enough to have taken the risk of repeatedly offering detailed descriptions - and for a short piece of film, they unquestionably are, from the limousine's left turn from Houston onto Elm, to Jackie's actions - only to be exposed, almost immediately, as a xxxx? That dog doesn't hunt. Happy to oblige. I suspect you'll enjoy the "35 seconds" one: Eleven early print descriptions of the Zapruder film Seventeen early print descriptions of the Zapruder film and its contents
  21. These are big and interesting questions. An obvious point arises: why would the plotters stop at preparing backing shots? The plotters control the route, chose the assassination locus, and are faced with only a finite number of variables in the composition and order of the motorcade, all of which they have sufficient power to adjust (to) should the necessity arise. Unless we are to believe the planning was kept entirely verbal, the basic outline of the plot must have taken the form of a narrative, storyboard or, more likely, both. The plotters have access to the best photogrammetrists, special effects men, and camera technology then in existence. They thus have the power to create, in advance, a synthetic environment which can be buttressed by censorship, editing, the use of planted or pseudo-witnesses, etc. Why stop at backing shots? But that's precisely what they don't do: Rather's multiple descriptions on November 25 are immensely detailed. They are made before the film is allegedly sold to Time-Life later that day. There are also print descriptions of the first version - albeit assiduously ignored by first generation critics. Here we face what is likely an insurmountable obstacle for many in understanding the purposes of Z fake version 2: The counter-intelligence view of the utility of conspiracy for the purposes of long-range deception.
  22. Worth remembering, David, that Disney’s original conception was very different & far grander than the present reality: In conception, then, what we have is something much more akin to an American version of Novosibirsk’s Akademgorodok, the Soviet center for scientific research built in 1957: http://en.wikipedia....iki/Novosibirsk It is – just – conceivable that it was for this that the Agency launched a sizable domestic covert op to secure the necessary Florida swamp for Disney’s (original) project. If that's where the evidence leads, so be it.
  23. No mystery, David, if you abandon both the traditional chrons and the nominally oppositional in favour of placing the contemporaneous evidence in chronological sequence. Stripping away the subsequent spins and fabrications give us a first version of the Z film which is both different to, and no more true than, the version with which we are familiar today. In other words, there was an original, and likely pre-planned, fake that was hastily withdrawn and recast. Two of Rather's televised descriptions of the Z fake (version 1) from November 25 can be viewed here: http://educationforu...240#entry262770 (#246)
  24. The Birds Trailer Ubbe Ert Iwerks (1901-1971) (pronounced "Aub", not "Oobe") http://tvtropes.org/...p/Main/UbIwerks http://en.wikipedia....m_vapor_process
  25. Review of Realityland: True-Life Adventures at Walt Disney World http://www.amazon.co...iews/0964060523 There is a connection between the CIA and WDW--see page 24: William Donovan (World War Two OSS chief--the forerunner of today's CIA) was a partner in the New York law firm used by Walt Disney for his Florida project. Tradecraft (as spy techniques are called) was used to hide Walt Disney Production's identity as the company acquired 44 square miles of swampland. One measure was co-opting the owner and publisher of the Orlando Sentinel, Martin Anderson. The history lesson is only part of Realityland--an enjoyable part. The role played by the 1964-1965 New York World's Fair and Walt's death and the `ghost town' opening day are all in here. http://en.wikipedia....orrow_(concept) http://sites.google....eoriginalepcot/ http://sites.google....at-roared-essay On November 22,1963, Walt Disney and an entourage of his top executives flew from Tampa to Orlando searching for an East Coast Disneyland site. The night before they had checked into a Tampa hotel under assumed names to avoid tipping off the press and stirring up land speculation. Reports Walt had read on "Project Winter," as it was code-named, could take him only so far. Ever the artist, he needed to visualize the possibilities for himself. Disney was close to selecting an expansion site after considering 13 locations in the eastern United States. An early favorite, Niagara Falls, was rejected because its winter cold would prevent the park's year-round operation. Walt wanted to avoid having a seasonal work force, fearing that carnival-type workers like those in existing amusement parks would corrupt the family atmosphere he sought to achieve. So the search turned to Florida with its natural advantages of sunshine and water. As the plane circled south of Orlando, Walt looked down, saw the confluence of Interstate 4, then under construction, and Florida's Turnpike and exclaimed: "That's it!" What sold Disney were the roads crisscrossing beneath him which were needed to import tourists from afar to make their business plan work. Florida had fewer residents than the Los Angeles region surrounding Disneyland, yet Walt and his executives envisioned a giant pleasure palace ten times the size of Disneyland. It would not be a Florida theme park so much as an East Coast tourist spa, located in Florida. From Orlando, the entourage flew west along the Gulf coast to New Orleans, where the members disembarked for the night. During the cab ride to their hotel they learned from the radio that President Kennedy had been shot. It was a fateful day for the nation and, for entirely different reasons, for central Florida. Walt's "that's it" reaction started a chain of events that would transform sleepy Orlando into the world's most popular tourist destination. If Walt practiced gut decision- making, his brother Roy and others on the Project Winter team were more methodical. Returning from the fig Florida flyover, they commissioned a "Central Florida Study" to compare Orlando and Ocala as potential theme park sites, dispatching William Lund to Florida from Economic Research Associates, the Disney site consultant. Wanting complete secrecy to avoid triggering a real estate price run-up, they contacted the company's New York counsel, William Donovan, of the firm Donovan, Leisure, Newton, and Irvine. He was the same "Wild Bill" Donovan who directed the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the predecessor of the CIA, during World War II. Donovan procured a business card, letterhead stationery, and a phone number identifying Lund as a member of the Burke & Burke law firm, located one floor beneath Donovan and Leisure at One Wall Street in New York. Arriving in Orlando, the 33-year- old Lund called on two banks and was steered to Florida Ranch Lands, Inc. (FRL), a real estate agency, where he met on December 9,1963, with salesman David Nusbickel. He introduced himself as William Lund from Burke & Burke in New York and told Nusbickel that he represented a major investment trust wanting information on large tracts of land near the crossing of 1-4 and the Turnpike. The following day, Nusbickel took Lund to see three contiguous land parcels southwest of Orlando: the 12,440-acre Demetree tract, owned by Bill and Jack Demetree; the Bay Lake tract, owned by ten investors; and land east of the Demetree tract owned by Wilson and Carroll Hamrick. Lund spent a third day in Ocala before flying - through New York - back to California. Thus, when Nusbickel called for Lund at Burke & Burke in New York on December 23, the message was forwarded to Lund in L.A. Similarly, Nusbickel wrote Lund at Burke & Burke on January 13,1964, and Lund wrote back a week later on Burke & Burke stationery, expressing continuing interest in the Demetree property. That was the last anyone at FRL heard from Lund. Meanwhile, Project Winter was moving forward, and a decisive meeting occurred at Disney's Burbank headquarters on January 16. Hanging on the walls were 30 x 40-inch visuals created from charts that Nusbickel had given to Lund. They showed the direction of future growth in Orlando, as well as drive times between major Florida cities and Orlando's many road linkages. Supported by these materials, site consultant Lund made the case for Orlando. It had the state's best tourist by-pass traffic. It would have a good airport once McCoy Air Force Base was converted to full civilian use. It was larger and faster growing than Ocala with a stronger employment base. And it had several large proper ties available with interesting water features and convenient access. The only negative was Orlando's heavy summer rainfall. But the rain fell in short bursts, said Lund, and "did not disrupt business to any significant extent." Accepting Lund's recommendation, Disney dispatched general counsel Robert Foster to assemble land for the project. Secrecy now became imperative, so Foster returned to ex-spymaster Donovan, who directed him to Paul Helliwell, Miami lawyer, former OSS associate and money-launderer for the Bay of Pigs invasion. Helliwell in turn recruited the services of Roy Hawkins, a trusted veteran Miami real estate man who had developed much of Biscayne Boulevard for the Phipps family. In short order. Project Winter operatives acquired an option on the Demetree property, bypassing FRL and using Hawkins as the broker. They also purchased an option on a 9,000-acre tract in Osceola owned by State Senator Irlo Bronson. They wanted land in both Orange and Osceola to preserve their future options, according to Foster, who was following Walt's dictum: "Whenever you deal with government, always deal with two." The Demetree property posed a problem, because of its many "outs" - individually owned parcels within the larger tract. The land, much of it water-sogged, had been subdivided in 1912 and sold by catalogue to per sons across the country, complicating the task of land assembly. For help they turned once again to Florida Ranch Lands. FRI's Nelson Boice remembers Roy Hawkins asking for assistance on getting the Demetree outs. Boice recalls that one thing struck him as strange: Hawkins arrived carrying FRL brochures, which had a distinctive yellow band at the bottom, under his arm. Looking back, the brochures should have tipped him off that FRL's sales work had led - through Lund – to the Demetree purchase. But he had no reason then to connect Hawkins with Lund. The Project Winter team used dummy corporations with odd names like AyeFour Corporation to make the purchases, which led to media speculation though spring and summer of 1965 about the mystery land buyer's identity. McDonald Aircraft, Hercules Powder, Ford Motor, Hughes Tool, and even the Walt Disney Co. were among the rumored purchasers. To confound sleuths, Disney counsel Foster, who was overseeing the project, avoided flying directly between California and Florida. Since his name had appeared in a Disney annual report, he also adopted a pseudonym when he came to Florida, combining his first and middle names to become "Bob Price." In mid-October 1965, the Orlando Sentinel identified Disney as the mystery land buyer. Improbably, the Project Winter team had maintained secrecy for eighteen months, while they assembled a 43-square mile parcel for which they paid less than $200 an acre. As for FRL, it had uncovered Disney's identity a year earlier when an FRL salesman recognized Adm. Joe Fowler, chief engineer for Walt Disney Productions, from a photo in National Geographic. Recalls Boice: "We knew, and they knew we knew, but we didn't talk about it." Still, FRL hadn't connected Disney with the mysterious William Lund, nor realized that the FRL sales work actually had led to the Demetree purchase. That connection would become clear through a series of coincidences. After Disney announced it was coming to Orlando, a group of local officials flew Isto California at Walt's invitation to view Disneyland's impact on Anaheim. Accompanying them to California was Chuck Bosserman, an FRL salesman, who recognized the pilot of the plane, Sim Speer, an avid real estate investor. During the flight Speer gave the delegation a research report on Anaheim-area real estate. The report's author was William Lund, identified as vice president of Economic Research Associates in Los Angeles. Curious, Bosserman arranged an appointment with the ERA vice president, discovering that he was the same William Lund who had visited FRL in Orlando. Lund told him he assumed they had figured out his connection with Disney. When Bosserman reported this to Boice, the Orlando executive realized that Disney had circumvented FRL on the Demetree property acquisition, approaching the seller through Hawkins. This bit of legerdemain by Disney resulted in a loss of an estimated $242,000 in commission to FRL and raised serious legal and ethical questions. Boice called Hawkins and asked to meet with Helliwell and him in Miami. Taking his local attorney with him, the FRL president recalls: "We went in and everyone was smiles. We said good morning and what a lovely day it was, and then Paul (Helliwell) says 'Gentlemen, I have been directed not to talk with you," Says Boice: "It was just a complete stonewall." Boice sued both Walt Disney Productions and Economic Research Associates, alleging that FRL was denied its 10 percent commission on the Demetree property and should have received a full 10 percent commission on the Bay Lake and Hamrick properties. On the day before the trial, the Disney Co. settled for what Boice termed a "significant amount." A stipulation prevents either side from revealing the exact figure. Secrecy to facilitate a land deal was one thing, but Disney took advantage of the situation, in Boice's view. "They knew, no question about it, that they had an obligation to pay (gig a commission, but since there was all this secrecy, they just did not bother to come up and say 'hey fellows, we appreciate the work you did and here's your commission'."
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