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Paul Rigby

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Everything posted by Paul Rigby

  1. Never researched Pilger's journalism, John, but there is at least one other piece I have, this from the tenth anniversary. Highlights, italics etc., as in the original, save for the bit about Chaney:
  2. Daily Mirror, 22 November 1968, pp.17-18 A wreath in Dallas By John Pilger
  3. I quite agree, Peter, but something nags. Here's Pilger in the pages of the Daily Mirror on the fifth anniversary of the coup that removed JFK and claimed his life. Compare and contrast the characterisation here of RFK as one of three men of "change" with Pilger's recent views on the same figure:
  4. Where would the British state be without them? In jail, in many instances, where they belong. That's if the police were doing their job, of course, and not trying to criminalise legitimate political protest. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-...sks-writer.html
  5. No, Bill, never spoken to the man, but if you are in communication, do ask him for his assistance in clearing up this little mystery. I've even given it a title. Mark Lane and the “quiet transformation” of evidence: The strange case of the vanishing sentence (and left turn) In Mark Lane’s Citizen’s Dissent: Mark Lane Replies (Fawcett Crest, April 1969), he resurrects a line from Hugh Trevor-Roper’s verdict on the efforts of the Warren Commission (1), as to be found in the British historian’s Introduction to Lane’s own Rush To Judgment: A Critique of the Warren Commission’s Inquiry into the Murders of President John F. Kennedy, Officer J. D. Tippit and Lee Harvey Oswald (2). No less fascinating, I can’t help feeling, is the handling of the Zapruder film in the works of Mark Lane. Not so much “quiet” as stealthy: 1) Mark Lane. Rush to Judgment: A Critique of the Warren Commission’s Inquiry into the Murders of President John F. Kennedy, Officer J. D. Tippit and Lee Harvey Oswald (London: The Bodley Head Ltd., 1966), p.66, footnote 2: So far, then, so clear: Zapruder filmed the turn from Houston onto Elm, precisely as attested by the former on November 22, 1963. Now, two years on, look what happens to the left turn at Lane’s hands: A source is conveniently truncated! 2) Mark Lane’s Citizen’s Dissent: Mark Lane Replies (Fawcett Crest, April 1969), p. 244: Now, if you can't get a straight answer to the strange case of the inexplicably truncated senstence, you could always try blackmail. After all, you've used that before.
  6. http://karws.gso.uri.edu/jfk/The_critics/L...l_Guardian.html uhhh...he read in a paper that a film was shown, and since he hadn't heard of the Muchmore film, assumed it was the Zapruder film.... If Mark Lane--who's jumped at every chance there is to claim conspiracy--saw the Zapruder film on TV in the days after the shooting, don't you think he'd have made a big stink about it for years afterward? Well, if he did see the first version of the Z fraud on TV, the version with the left turn from Houston onto Elm still present, we might expect to find this reflected in his first book on the case. Happily, we do: Mark Lane. Rush to Judgment: A Critique of the Warren Commission’s Inquiry into the Murders of President John F. Kennedy, Officer J. D. Tippit and Lee Harvey Oswald (London: The Bodley Head Ltd., 1966), p.66, footnote 2: Paul
  7. Sir Joseph Bazalgette plainly laboured in vain - the sewers of London run as rank as ever.
  8. Both verb and noun - "pilgerism" - coined by Auberon Waugh, the veteran MI5 urinal, in the pages of Private Eye, if memory serves. But I confess to a certain sympathy with those who find Pilger inconsistent, and his judgments intermittently suspect. Anyone who's read his 1968 Daily Mirror piece on a visit to Dallas for the fifth anniversary of JFK's assassination will find his more recent take on JFK and RFK more than a little curious. As for Washington not being behind the Colombian incursions into Ecuador, really, Len, that's ridiculous. Paul
  9. Nat, You're the educator, deploy as you think appropriate:
  10. Full version of the latter: Was I.F. Stone born on the 21 November 1963?
  11. Paul Mandel had at least one precursor. A little elaboration is in order. Why was it necessary to suppress the first version of the Zapruder film on November 25/26, and revise it? One key element of any answer lies with the Parkland press conference. The insistence of Perry and Clark that Kennedy was shot from the front threw a significant spanner in the works, not least because their expert, disinterested, first-hand, matter-of-fact descriptions were broadcast live. How to preserve the credibility of both the patsy-from-the-rear scenario, and the similarly pre-planned supporting film? The solution was to suppress the film-as-film, hastily edit it, and meanwhile bring the public round by degree through the medium of the written word. Here’s the latter process in action. Note how in example 1, the first shot, which does not impact, is fired while the presidential limousine is on Houston: In this second example, the first shot, which now does impact, occurs as the turn is made from Houston onto Elm: And here’s the process completed in example 3, with the presidential limousine now “50 yards past Oswald” on Elm: The film-as-film could not be shown while the above process of fraudulent harmonisation - of medical testimony and the lone-assassin-from-the-rear – was undertaken. More, it was predicated on the removal of the left turn from Houston onto Elm. Showing of that turn would have furnished visual-pictorial refutation of the entire elaborate deceit. Here's the CIA again engaged in the progressive unfolding of an entirely fictitious narrative, albeit two years earlier: Hendrix was notoriously active on 22 November, briefing extensively, on a non-attributable basis, to fellow pressmen on the Russo-Communist background of the alleged assassin. It's hard to resist the notion that the same figures who handled Hendrix on both occasions were not a million miles away from the creation and management of the spin campaign waged 27 Nov - 6 December in respect of the Zapruder film. Paul
  12. Didn't Vincent Van Gogh say something like that just before he finished going crazy and cut his ear off .... don't end up like Van Gogh, David - GET HELP!!! (/quote] I really think its too late for David "Gramps" Healy to get help now Bill, the kindest thing would be if someone had him committed. Oh, and if Healy = Van Gogh, does that make Rigby his little sunflower. LOL. Denis. Syke-warfare for the under-tens, courtesy of Ponticus, the man who doesn't know his middle from his end!
  13. On good days, the post brings something more than outrageous demands from a motley assortment of utility companies. Today was one such. Details of four of the five parts of Stone’s series, entitled “The Polk Murder Whitewash,” as found in The Daily Compass, August 1952, as very kindly furnished by Peter Filardo of the Taniment Library at NYU: 1) “‘Confession’ Worthless, Legal Expert Declares,” Wednesday, 6 August 1952, pp.5 & 11 2) “The Crime of Hush-Up,” Thursday, 7 August 1952, pp.5 & 14 3) “General Donovan’s Role,” Friday, 8 August 1952, pp.5 & 14 4) “Donovan Shut His Eyes To Farcical Greek Trial,” Sunday, 10 August 1952, pp.5 & 24 To follow, the first half page or so of the last itemised:
  14. This extract is from the expanded – eight-page pamphlet version – of Mark Lane’s original article on the case, “Lane’s Defense Brief for Oswald,” published by the National Guardian, 19 December 1963: http://karws.gso.uri.edu/jfk/The_critics/L...l_Guardian.html
  15. Can’t wait, Bill. In the meantime, let’s enjoy this extract from the expanded – eight-page pamphlet version – of Mark Lane’s original article on the case, “Lane’s Defense Brief for Oswald,” published by the National Guardian, 19 December 1963: http://karws.gso.uri.edu/jfk/The_critics/L...l_Guardian.html
  16. http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=9338 In The Great Tradition: Obama Is A Hawk by John Pilger Global Research, June 15, 2008 New Statesman
  17. http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=9360 Obama and AIPAC by Stephen Zunes Global Research, June 17, 2008 Huffington Post - 2008-06-12
  18. Both Robert Kennedy and Malcolm X were killed by the most reliable method of all, according to Stiff’s typology, the direct positive. I believe JFK was, too. It would be of interest to know a) how the US Secret Service classified assassination attempts, and how it trained to counter them; and c) whether CIA and US Special Forces worked with a similar typology. Just for Denis Ponticus!
  19. For those interested in doing their own research in this area, it would seem useful to add to this thread a little background on the owner of Broadcasting magazine, info first posted on the Lancer site: http://www.jfklancerforum.com/dc/dcboard.p...ing_type=search Wed Feb-08-06 12:34 PM Paul
  20. And not this Mary Woodward, surely? Funny how you never reference this earliest print appearance of Woodward's observations. Again, can't think why! Paul
  21. You don't mean this Phil Willis do you, Bill? No? Thought not. Glad to have helped nip that potential source of confusion in the bud. After all, there ain't no halt in the Zap fake, is there? Paul
  22. I feel an attack of De Maistre coming on - The Executioner, "the horror and the bond" of human society!
  23. Nat, An American discussing CLASS? The orange jump-suit awaits. I have contacted Clive Stafford Smith in anticipation of the inevitable. We had better start discussing reading matter for your incarceration. The complete works of Gnome C of any interest? Paul
  24. A great pity Zelikow beat you to the punch. He called his band "The Commission," which sounds alarmingly "mod," but did permit the easy adaptation of The Merton Parkas truly awful, "You Need Patsies." Or was that "Wheels"? Anyway, a dynamite combo nevertheless, from all accounts, many of them presumably Swiss. Paul
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