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Paul Rigby

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Everything posted by Paul Rigby

  1. Great piece on yesterday's Whatreallyhappened page (July 1): http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/ I confess - I find it strange.
  2. Given the amount of unadulterated establishment nonsense you believe, I think a preventative watch essential. For your own good, of course. What a fatuous comment - whilst it is tempting to invite you to enlighten me as to what you mean, and to enquire where indeed you got the brass neck from to presume and then to project any of my "beliefs" as nonsense or otherwise , I fear it would lack interest for forum members coming here to discuss the recent terrorist attacks in London, David's theory of "tension" as I understand it, or my concerns about the dangers of the religious mindset. I have taken this unpleasant dispute off board. You therefore have a private message from me. David Guyatt You'll forgive my puzzlement, David, particularly as it was Andy Walker who intruded in the thread with a curious tirade about god heads with virgins on their mind - that's suicide bombers, I take it - when, as is perfectly clear, the London bombers were NOT suicide bombers. Correct me if I have any of that wrong? A second point, and one I've made before: If you're going to dish it out, as Andy unquestionably did to Sid in no uncertain terms, then be prepared to cop some back. A pretty fair rule of life, debate, and anything else, I would have thought. Paul
  3. Given the amount of unadulterated establishment nonsense you believe, I think a preventative watch essential. For your own good, of course.
  4. Thirded - and this is where I came in... "Thirded"? Are you counting yourself twice Paul? Yawn I watched the first 30 minutes or so. Its the same crap as other “Truther” “documentaries” misconceptions, distortions, misinformation (no Arab names on the manifests) documents selectively quoted out of context, intellectual dishonesty etc etc. If any of its “champions” want to highlight any specific points it made, along with an indication of where they appeared in the video I’ll reply. I particularly liked the fact a BBC documentary couldn't bring itself to include eyewitness accounts from, er, BBC reporters. Shifty types, you understand, not to be trusted.
  5. Douglas, My regards to Oswald for this compelling piece of geopolitical fiction. Could I now persuade you - or perhaps you him - to turn instead to the more challenging task of furnishing non-Americans with an insight, of whatever value, into the fabulous mechanism that is Dubya's mind? Paul
  6. So, Andy, which Bertrand Russell did you have in mind? The one who repeatedly advocated - then repeatedly lied that he hadn't - the unleashing, post-WWII, of a preventative atomic holocaust on the Soviet Union? (See here for more: http://www.questionsquestions.net/docs04/russell.html ) Or the Bertrand Russell who forged the British "Who Killed Kennedy?" Committee, and wrote this piece: http://karws.gso.uri.edu/JFK/the_critics/R...ns_Russell.html ? Or did you have in mind someone else entirely? Pray tell! You were, after all, making some or other powerfully persuasive point about the superiority of non-religious reason, and the moral imbecility of conspiracism.
  7. You are not all ears you are all mouth and what pours forth from that orifice is neither instructive nor helpful. You are a fool if you believe that the religious attacks on the UK, Australia and the USA have been inspired by anything other than misguided god heads hoping for a quick route to paradise and a large number of virgins. In answer to your question cited above the banning of the religious indoctrinination of children would be a start So, Andy, when do you start closing down Protestant and Catholic schools? Or is it just one form of religious indoctrination you're opposed to? The form favoured by people, say, with darker coloured skins than you? And not inspired by anything other "misguided god heads"? You mean Saudi Arabia, the CIA and ISI didn't pump all that money into religious schools in the 80s? We imagined this? You're attack on Sid was truly appalling stuff, unworthy even of a Sun editorial.
  8. One very neglected thread of JFK's search for a way out of Vietnam is that leading through London. Traces are rare - I've found them so, anyway - but they exist. Here's two: *My best guess, and it is no more than a guess, would be Philip Noel-Baker. For more on his background, see the following links: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/PRnoelbaker.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Noel-B...aron_Noel-Baker
  9. Another post I meant to come back to and forgot about! Still, late, but in earnest, to borrow the Salisbury motto.Here's three excerpts that shed some light on well-founded suspicions:
  10. A modest proposal of the most agreeable kind. Not merely would it save a vast amount of money, but it would offer repertory training to a new generation of thespian talent. I have to observe that much spook acting - I think immediately of Ruth Paine emoting over JFK, that sort of horribly overdone spectacle, with all the emphases in the wrong place - has been radically unsatisfactory.
  11. An exploding butt plug, perhaps? By the way, did either of the two look, well, Caucasian to you?
  12. Who did arm and train the child-killers of Beslan: and why so little investigation into the matter, certainly in Britain? Could it be the finance and training came from...Washington? Perish the thought.
  13. We'll have to agree to disagree on this, Sid, as there's not much either of us could offer to change minds. But I take your point regarding the thuggy Pentagon and Langley - the exterminatory tactics might be theirs, but the strategy? Agreeing to differ is fine, Paul. I imagine we're both open to further evidence either way. All I'll add for now is that if the "Anglophile elite" within the western spookdom hasn't been taken over by Zionists, they do a bloody good job of faking it. History, Sid, will settle this one definitively. For what it's worth, I believe the Anglo-American crackerjacks will shed Zionism with all the emotional concern of a snake disgarding an old skin when the time comes; and the Israeli elite knows this better than anyone. But we'll see. One must always permit the possibility of error. Paul
  14. Sid, in descending order of importance: An Evertonian. Nope, never met the coves in my life, and I'm inclined to agree: But O'Hara on Shayler is very good. Thirded - and this is where I came in...
  15. Agreed. The second series of attacks in London - the ones following 7/7 - represented a blatant attempt to distract from, and retrospectively fudge, a considerable number of anomalies in the original. Paul
  16. An interesting piece on the left temple entrance: And another, this time, one perhaps less familiar to US readers:
  17. David's right, Sid, we have nowhere to go with our protests. Our politicians are terrified, and our media firmly under the spook heel. There are no mainstream outlets for serious questions, reasoned objections etc. In Britain, and I suspect the same is true in Oz and the United States of Torture, knowledge, even if one can acquire it, is impotence.
  18. More than Private Eye? What a clash of the titans! PS But surely both get more from SIS than MI? Just look at Paul Foot's work....and all of that space devoted to Christopher Gordievsky??
  19. Particularly odd given the number of important eyewitnesses to either the execution itself, or the President's lifeless body, who have gone on record expressing views on the subject of a handgun: LEFT temple, Jim, left.
  20. And who better to unravel the spooky ways of the BBC than an "ex-"MI5 man! The dutiful servants of a foreign, and frequently hostile, power thus sit in judgement of the political reliability of those who don't serve their masters. The British establishment in a nutshell: grovel to the strong, bully the weak.
  21. We'll have to agree to disagree on this, Sid, as there's not much either of us could offer to change minds. But I take your point regarding the thuggy Pentagon and Langley - the exterminatory tactics might be theirs, but the strategy?
  22. Why's that, Paul? Sid, By way of reply - and a plug for a fellow "bluenose" - try this link for very important reasons to view Shayler with extreme scepticism: http://www.borderland.co.uk/notes_from_the...derland_002.htm But the fact remains that the above-linked doc is still very well done. Paul
  23. David Bruce, ex-OSS in London, later US Ambassador to the Court of King James, mentions in his dairies just how easy it was to buy up Brits: Angleton appears to have acquired whole swathes of MI5 and MI6. Makes you wonder why the British taxpayer is obliged to stump up all that cash for organisations that have no meaningfully independent policies or existence. We could save a very considerable sum by simply closing them, leaving the CIA et al to get on with it. They do what they want here anyway. Is there an organisation we could form or join? "Irate rate-payers against Quislings," perhaps?
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