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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Or a variation thereof. Zavada excerpts: “A question raised during discussions was, when the shots were fired could Zapruder have unintentionally pressed down harder and momentarily increased the velocity of the film for a fraction of a second. Would the camera mechanism allow a gradual or partial increase in velocity -- or -- would the change from normal velocity to slow motion be “positive”? “I discussed the question with David MacMillin and in his letter of 29 April 1998 he responded.” MacMillan excerpts: “This was all part of a patent application of mine.” “If Zapruder had inadvertently gone into slow motion, then eased up to go into normal speed, it could be accompanied with over and under exposure frames at each speed change if his camera did not get to speed instantly upon starting or slowing down from slow motion to normal." David’s patent is referenced in Part 1 of this report. Our camera test of shifting between normal and slow motion indicated it was highly unlikely that Zapruder inadvertently shifted to slow motion.”
  2. John, Quite true. But, alterations were made and it's up to us to find and reveal them. For instance, I'm not supporting a threesome with this gif, but somebody doesn't belong up there.
  3. It would be easy to justify the 33 second length included in the Jan 20th FBI document. If one looks at Groden’s copies they can view the version with the partial(supposed to be around 117frames total) Hester’s segment included. That version also includes the rest of the extant assassination which consists of the other two segments from extant frames 1-486. In terms of Groden’s total running film time the cycle cop segment(pre-limo) = 8.2seconds The limo segment = 22.1seconds 117 frames /18.3fps = 6.393seconds 8.2 + 22.1 = 30.3 x (16/18.3) = 26.49 sec 6.393 + 26.491 = 32.88 seconds total But, included in that same FBI document is the Nix listed 8 second version. Some have determined, the Nix frame rate was pretty much equal to the universally accepted Z rate of 18.3fps. The only way you arrive at an 8 second length for Nix is if the FBI made an assumption it was shot at 16fps. But but, you would then have to believe the FBI didn’t run any tests on Nix’s camera after they abruptly seized it. Attachment is a quote from Gayle Nix’s book:
  4. "(Marilyn Sitzman, and Charles and Beatrice Hester, near the Pergola), before giving way to the lead motorcycle escort on the assassination portion of the film. On the original Zapruder film in the Archives, the entire "green chair" footage is missing, and only 14.5 frames (of approximately 117 total) of the Dealey Plaza bystander sequence is present immediately prior to the lead motorcycle sequence. Presumably, someone (at some point subsequent to the exposure of the three first-generation copies on November 22,1963) removed footage that they thought was unimportant from the original film." "In the early afternoon on the day of the Kennedy assassination, I was told by Mr. Chamberlain to set up a processing machine for some special film the secret service would be bringing in. I did so. Sometime later a secret service agent with a roll of film was brought to me. (I cannot comment on any handling of the film before this). I took the agent and the roll of film into the processing room. There the single roll of film was fed into the #2 processing machine by B. Davis (deceased). Davis, the agent and myself stayed in the darkroom until the film entered the dry cabinet. The agent and I then went to the dry alley. The lights in the drying cabinet were turned off so we could not view the film. When the roll of film reached take off, I removed it and gave it to the agent. No film was removed from roll at the processing operation. I am not sure if the edge printer was off or on (for some reason I think the agent requested we turn it off). After talking with Mr. Chamberlain and the fact that dupes were made of the film, I did not at this time, see it in its slit 8mm form."
  5. I suggested 24fps if he was watching it on a 16mm projector. 8mm projector equals more than likely a 16fps playback rate. 353 frames shot at 18.3fps but projected at 16fps would still result in 22 seconds. "After the dupes were found satisfactory, the original film was slit to 8mm. Mr. Zapruder, possibly his attorney, Phil and several laboratory personnel viewed an 8mm film on an 8mm projector at least twice. Mr. Zapruder left with his original and three dupes and to the best of anyone's recollection no one at the Dallas lab had direct contact with Mr. Zapruder again."
  6. Yes, we're in agreement. I believe hiding the head turn reactions of both JFK and Connally at/near the splice is what that alteration was trying to accomplish. How high from within the DalTex would be nice to know, but it obviously didn't originate from the TSBD so I won't dwell on that. Reverse Gif is sped up to accentuate the head turns.
  7. More support Erwin Schwartz watches it on a 24fps projector. 24fps x 22sec = 528 total frames https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005OeXkxU2J0bXNueVU/view?usp=sharing Added on edit: If you want to apply the above to the extant Z version of z133-z486 = 353 frames 353/22sec = 16.045fps using a 16fps projector
  8. David, I haven't forgotten about 16FPS being the final divisor. In fact, I'll lend it some initial support for now with this same FBI document. The Nix shooting sequence is listed at 8 seconds. My Quicktime counter starts with 0 so this sequence is 122 frames. Myers starts the Nix sequence at the equivalent of Z291 which is 22 frames before extant z313 Itek's study of the Nix film lists 28 prior frames until extant z313. I've pointed this out before in terms of the Myers/Itek frame count disparity. Here's the sync: Itek 28 - Meyers 22 = a 6 frame difference Added to 122 existing Nix frames = 128 total Nix frames for the shooting sequence 128 /16fps = 8 seconds = the FBI document match. The difference in time for 128 frames between 16/18.3fps = 1second which works nicely with the CE884 final plat data entries of (z168-171) to z186) where over part of that 1 second span, the limo is listed as traveling at 3.74mph because they altered the distance to adjust/sync for at least the two headshots down near extant z313. I'm still working on if this was the stepped down rate from 48/24/16 or two different camera's. Should have said the 18.3 -16fps math conversion. "Though Nix turned over a copy of his film to the FBI in Dec. 1, 1963, according to the suit, that was just the beginning of its story. After some tough bargaining, Nix went to New York City and sold the original to the wire service UPI for $5,000 and, strangely, “a new fedora.” After a handshake deal, UPI said it would return the film in 25 years."
  9. The excerpt including the 118 frame (end of Towner) sync is from Meyers. The excerpts including Webb/Shaneyfelt are from Gary Murr. Hoover/FBI possessed a version of the assassination film sequence that was 33 seconds long. 486 + 118 = 604frames 604frames/18.3fps = 33 seconds. A version that was "IN PROGRESS" The FBI letter is dated 9 days before Shaneyfelt reveals his total frame count for the extant film while the 414 B/H FPS rate is determined approx 6 weeks before the letter is issued.
  10. The approx 2.3ft distance played an important role in the assassination. Just as silly as it was for the WC-CE884 data to use a (head height for JFK that was 10" lower than it should have been at extant z313) was the entry of the limo at 2.3ft per frame from z207-z208(splice time). Since this equals approx 28.6 mph, it's rather obvious it was a sync adjustment with other actions down the road. A sync which involved an instantaneous limo stop and two shots quite close together.
  11. If you don't flinch, careful analysis of this headshot might help with the "two shots as one" magic.
  12. Andrej, The comparison of Moorman to extant Z would equate to 1.4ft farther west down Elm St in relation to the official extant Z313 plot. If you (I won't at this time due to previous info posted and other items yet to be introduced) want to make the assumption that the limo(no slowing/no stop) was traveling at .6ft per frame(7.47mph) at this point, the frame number would equate to: 1.4ft / .6 = 2.33frames 313 + 2.33= extant Z315.33
  13. Referring to the previous post, what is the difference in frame count once you remove the BS distance of .9ft?
  14. And/Or, If it's easier to understand broken down this way and converted back into distance then connected back to CE884. 10.1 / 18.3 = .551.... = the equivalent of (55%) frame removal from a span of one second. (1/.551...) = 1.8118... = multiplier for total distance @18.3frames = one second 1.8118 x 3.03ft = 5.49ft = total distance over 1 second 5.49ft / 1.47 = 3.734 mph = .3ft per frame average
  15. 5.4ft = 3 frames @ .9ft (CE884 - z168-Z171) using 18 whole frames or 5.49ft using 18.3frames = 1 second. A little more frame refine for the equivalent of one second in time: 3.03ft /10.1frames = .3ft per frame 2.46ft / 8.2 frames = .3ft per frame 5.49ft / 18.3 frames = .3ft per frame 5.49ft per sec = 3.734mph 3.734mph = 1/2 x 7.47mph 7.47mph = z301-z313 plotted average = .6ft per frame
  16. I encourage you to incorporate one other "Math Rules" graphic into fully understanding the connection between the "two shots as one" WC coverup. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/22692-swan-song-math-rules/?do=findComment&comment=330019 The slope on Elm St to 3.13° starts at PositionA ( WC had to keep elevation/trajectory data in mind) The relational street distance between the "TSBD snipers nest and PositionA" = The same distance as the "Altgen's determined shot to the 2nd headshot" at 2.37ft past the first extant z313 headshot. The WC adjustments have been connected for you.
  17. Once again, referring back to a "Math Rules" posting and filling in more of the illusion: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/22692-swan-song-math-rules/?do=findComment&comment=328361 If you want to connect Shaneyfelt's "shell game" to the Altgen's designated shot, just convert(along with the correct data) from the Specter plotted/surveyed slant distance of 265.26 location from station# 465.3 = extant z313 shot. 465.26 - 462.23 = 3.03ft + 2.37 = 5.4ft 39.66ft - .9(z161-z166) - 10.2(z207 elevation / station# adjustment) = 28.56ft 462.23 + 5.4 = 467.63 + 28.56 = 496.19 I can see why Shaneyfelt was having troubles keeping this whole charade in sync.
  18. Final confirmation for a 5.4ft sync will come via the "official" WC CE884 version. If you refer back to my "Math Rules" topic, I supplied the following to help you figure out what the limo speed was on the extant zfilm from z156-z166, bypassing the BS speed of 2.24mph. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/22692-swan-song-math-rules/?do=findComment&comment=328146 The speed was 1.08ft per frame. The span was 5 frames from z161-z166 5 x 1.08 ft per frame = 5.4ft.
  19. And just as important in understanding the semantics is the conversion of the elevation 3.54" difference from JFK upright to his slumping at extant z312: 3.54"/ 12" = .295 x18.3(3.13° street slope) = 5.4ft horizontal = synchronized match.
  20. In case you had forgotten what the connecting importance of a 5.4ft horizontal distance was, above is one reminder. btw, the conversion from 18.3fps to 18(dealing in whole frames) = 18/18.3 = .9836 x 5.49ft = 5.4ft A direct link between the manipulation of earlier CE884 data to accomodate the later alteration of the extant zfilm.
  21. 265.26 - 262.23 = 3.03ft 3.03ft + 2.37ft(for sake of confusion) = 5.4ft horizontal ft. Now you know why Specter eventually changed the original elevations from the Dec5, 1963 plat. Elev 418.48 - 418.35 = .13 x 18.3 = 2.379 horizontal ft.
  22. The next step is to run a comparison calculation based on where a 3.54" height difference would put JFK, allowing you to compare the slant distance difference.
  23. Thanks Steven. Duly noted. I was aware of the control from the backseat but not the front. Your comment about "thin slices" is very apropro, I agree that attention to minutiae is the key.
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