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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. One or the other ??? http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh17/pdf/WH17_CE_877.pdf
  2. I would suggest finding a good copy of the SS Recreation video from Nov/1963. Or, maybe this is good enough. A less desirable (quality) version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRiOTr2J9iM
  3. Totally Agree. Get rid of Trump and his corrupted cronies. https://www.yahoo.com/huffpost/federal-judge-barr-distorts-mueller-report-223302132.html
  4. Same man-Same corner in green. "X" marks the approx photographers location using photo in upper left hand quandrant.
  5. I'll second that: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1at57OXqSFwpn1-HqqygTGAmgyd3fGRRn/view?usp=sharing
  6. That appears to be correct: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lw1JHLVGVeKCF5pWtPbLuahN9ZK6aggQ/view?usp=sharing
  7. Different angle: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JxsxZfaOes39XnjD70ut4eQbjyiHGIyI/view?usp=sharing
  8. The electoral difference was Trump 306-Clinton 232. Wis-Penn-Mich combine for 46 electoral votes. If Trump lost these three states (all three were won by less than 1% in terms of vote total) he doesn't have enough to win the presidency. African-American vote (20percent) in terms of percentage in these three states would not be the decider. This is what would. imho Women make up a little more than 50% of all voters, I believe.
  9. If it helps: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EExZ-u2rfdoDDtTsGtbHgAS-k9DTtlkh/view?usp=sharing
  10. Thank you Robert, The PDF version is freely available here: http://pacinlaw.us/pdf/sup/Rulers_of_Evil.php
  11. The accolade is well deserved. Congrats David. Keep up the good work.
  12. 166.666/18.3 = 9.107sec 30ft/9.107sec = 3.294ft per sec = Yes, the speed of the limo is very important, as was known by the entity with unlimited resources. I hope you don't truly believe your comment about incompetence related to the WC work. The only people I know of that refer to CE884(both versions) as "junk data" are those that don't understand its intrinsic value. I wish you well with the animation, but I've shown you have a problem with the limo speed and until you realize what's needed to resolve it, my input is complete. I call it "thinking outside the box" P.S. Something to ponder/review: How does this lead back into the initial timing problems you had with the Z/Bell/Wiegman sync.
  13. Backtracking to z133: The graphic consists of Sprague/Cutler scaled/layered over the May 1964 WC plat. Look closely(3+00) and you’ll find that Sprague plots z133 at Station# 2+99. CE884 lists z161@Station#3+29.2 329.2 - 299 = 30.2ft. The WC shorted the distance from z161-z166. What happens if you account for that missing distance(z161-5 frames) by retarding those five frames. z133-z156 = 30.2ft 30.2ft/23 frames = 1.313ft per frame x 18.3 = 24.02ft per sec/1.47 = 16.34mph Referring back to your animation for(z161-z185) which gives us: 9.6 + 11.1 = 20.7/2 = 10.35mph average 16.34 - 10.35 = 5.99mph 10.35 + 2.24 + 3.74 = 16.33mph Constant: 2.24mph = The limo speed from CE884 z161-z166 (Official version) 3.74mph = The limo speed from CE884 z168-z171(WC final May 1964)
  14. Next, let’s use your z166-z185 = 9.9 + 11.1 = 21/2 = 10.5 average + 5.98 constant (explanation coming) = 16.48mph 19.2ft/19frames = 1.01 x 18.3 = 18.492 / 1.47 = 12.58mph 12.58 x 1.311(ratio explanation coming)= 16.49mph The follow up post will backtrack this to z133.
  15. O.K. Let’s use your animation for(z161-z185) which gives us: 9.6 + 11.1 = 20.7/2 = 10.35mph average This time, using the “white in color-official CE884-z166-z185” inset = 19.2ft/19frames = 1.01 x 18.3 = 18.492 / 1.47 = 12.58mph 12.58 -10.35 = 2.23mph CE884 z161-z166 = 5 frames 18.3/5 = 3.66 x .9ft traveled = 3.294ft per sec / 1.47 = 2.24mph
  16. Generally speaking, you are following along very well. The beauty of your animation(among other aspects) is the instantaneous speeds created. This creates an "apples to apples" comparison with the WC math when the proper ratio's are applied. The graphic above was to illustrate the relevant CE884 data in terms of a true/r limo speed. Let's adjust your animation average(graphic below) speed between z136-z149 = 8.6 + 9mph = 17.6/2 = 8.8mph average with one such ratio. 8.8 mph x 1.6666(explanation to come) = 14.66mph If you look at my plat measurements for this span you'll see I arrived(distances provided) with a limo speed of 14.65mph. This in fact tells me that the ratio introduced and applied to your instantaneous speed is a match. If you follow, I'll move on.
  17. Let me move it totally forward for Z133-Z486 = 353 frames. The question I would ask (since we have been talking about the Wiegman film) is: What was the approx missing time from Groden's version to Von Pein's version? I'll answer that for you: 353/24 = 14.708sec 14.708 sec x 18.3fps = 269.16 frames 353 - 269.16 = 83.84 frames rounded = 84 frames 84/24fps = 3.5 seconds That's the reason why Wiegman's film(what we have been privy to) was missing approx 3.5 seconds.
  18. Mark, When a 48fps slo-mo has 1/2 the frames removed, it gives you a variation of 24fps.
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