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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Next, let’s use your z166-z185 = 9.9 + 11.1 = 21/2 = 10.5 average + 5.98 constant (explanation coming) = 16.48mph 19.2ft/19frames = 1.01 x 18.3 = 18.492 / 1.47 = 12.58mph 12.58 x 1.311(ratio explanation coming)= 16.49mph The follow up post will backtrack this to z133.
  2. O.K. Let’s use your animation for(z161-z185) which gives us: 9.6 + 11.1 = 20.7/2 = 10.35mph average This time, using the “white in color-official CE884-z166-z185” inset = 19.2ft/19frames = 1.01 x 18.3 = 18.492 / 1.47 = 12.58mph 12.58 -10.35 = 2.23mph CE884 z161-z166 = 5 frames 18.3/5 = 3.66 x .9ft traveled = 3.294ft per sec / 1.47 = 2.24mph
  3. Generally speaking, you are following along very well. The beauty of your animation(among other aspects) is the instantaneous speeds created. This creates an "apples to apples" comparison with the WC math when the proper ratio's are applied. The graphic above was to illustrate the relevant CE884 data in terms of a true/r limo speed. Let's adjust your animation average(graphic below) speed between z136-z149 = 8.6 + 9mph = 17.6/2 = 8.8mph average with one such ratio. 8.8 mph x 1.6666(explanation to come) = 14.66mph If you look at my plat measurements for this span you'll see I arrived(distances provided) with a limo speed of 14.65mph. This in fact tells me that the ratio introduced and applied to your instantaneous speed is a match. If you follow, I'll move on.
  4. Let me move it totally forward for Z133-Z486 = 353 frames. The question I would ask (since we have been talking about the Wiegman film) is: What was the approx missing time from Groden's version to Von Pein's version? I'll answer that for you: 353/24 = 14.708sec 14.708 sec x 18.3fps = 269.16 frames 353 - 269.16 = 83.84 frames rounded = 84 frames 84/24fps = 3.5 seconds That's the reason why Wiegman's film(what we have been privy to) was missing approx 3.5 seconds.
  5. Mark, When a 48fps slo-mo has 1/2 the frames removed, it gives you a variation of 24fps.
  6. Ian, That would be a legitimate concern. Let me correct it slightly and say 48fps in slo-mo.
  7. Working backwards some more, let's move Myers back to Z133: 246-133 = 113 113/24 = 4.7sec (close enough, you get the picture) 113/18.3 = 6.174 6.174 - 4.7 = 1.474sec That's why I said pretend in adding the time to the Bell gap, way after the fact. Does anyone see the difference in making this sync occur? Think in terms of frame rates if you missed it.
  8. Here is a minor clip from Groden after de-interlacing the VOB file. It is now in the 2:3 pulldown stage. (See info above) There are 994 total frames in this version. 994 x .8 = 795.2 frames It is 33.13 seconds long. 795.2/33.13sec = 24fps.
  9. This might help out with the previous quote. The conversion of the original Wiegman film from 24 to 30 fps involved one or the other process. The second process not included in the graphic involved adding one repeat frame with four progressive ones. The end result is the same in terms of total frames created. The total frame count for the Wiegman 36.5sec version = 1096 frames (see graphic-red box). If you want to convert this back to total frames for a 24fps progressive movie, multiply total frames by (24/30) = .8 1096 x .8 = 876.8 total progressive frames 876.8/ 36.5sec = 24.02 fps
  10. Recapping the two main time gap issues up to and including (Hester in Shadow) the Bell/Wiegman sync. Myers needed 1.47 sec added. The PressPoolCar was 3 sec too slow Total time difference = 4.47 sec 4.47sec x 24 = 107.28 frames 28-24 = 4 x 26.83sec = 107.32 frames
  11. The new time span for the (Paschall/Bell) PressPoolCar sync to the PressPoolCar in the underpass shadow is 20.36 - 29.45 = 9.09sec. Bell films for 2.05 sec after the Paschall/Bell PressPoolCar sync until the Bell/Wiegman sync. Bell films for another 1.73 sec and gets Wiegman beginning to rise for his run down the knoll. 4.16 sec into Couch, the PressPoolCar enter the underpass shadow. This total time from the Paschall/Bell PressPoolCar sync to the PressPoolCar in the underpass shadow is 2.05 + 1.73 + 4.16 = 7.94sec. That is a difference of 1.15 sec (9.09 - 7.94sec). The time difference between the last of Bell (Picks up Wiegman beginning to rise) and when we see Wiegman in Couch is 3.45 sec. It appears that from Couch's LOS (Wiegman under the Thornton Sign) Wiegman is finished rising. So, the 1.15sec difference could be that it took Wiegman that extra time to rise or he remained stationary for an extra 1.15 sec. Or you need an adjustment of a 1.15sec time reduction coming sometime after Bell stops filming the last of Wiegman.
  12. If you're asking who shot this film, I have no idea. Here is a little more at the end. You can download this one. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SNy49AQo7xU2CcZI3pyzlnCqC_a_2kaw/view?usp=sharing
  13. Mark, The PressPool car appears (red box gif) within the Couch segment. After syncing Couch/Darnell, use the overlap as the start point. You have the Presspool car 3 seconds ahead (imo) of where it should be when syncing it back to the overlap. The timing is as such: Mark's animation- 25.46 - 26.33(PressPool car enters shadow)= .87sec. Darnell/Couch overlap to first frame in Couch where the red box(PressPool car) appears= 88 frames 88/24fps = 3.66sec It only takes 5 frames for the car to enter the shadow in Couch 5/24 = .21sec It takes .87sec for the PressPool car to enter the shadow in your animation. .87 - .21 = .66 sec 3.66 .66 = 3sec difference.
  14. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_1Qo88mOZLiRhQyGZ6zAGoRi5y8lIBKd/view?usp=sharing
  15. The last Wiegman NFV progressive frame is 793. Along with 84 (20 + 64) missing frames this completes the whole 36.5sec Wiegman film. imo 793 + 84 = 877 total Wiegman frames. 877/36.5sec = 24.02 fps
  16. The time span from the Z447 sync point to the Wiegman "Hester in shadow" Bell sync = 26.83 - 11 sec = 15.83sec. Applying the same process of progressive frames between sync points, the Wiegman NFV version shows frame 561. That's a total of 318 Wiegman frames between the sync points. Remember though, there are 3.47sec (36.5 - 33.03sec) total, missing from the NFV version. I have already accounted for 20 of those from the previous posting. 20/24 = .83sec That leaves 3.47 - .83 = 2.64sec missing Wiegman frames between the z447 sync point to the Wiegman "Hester in shadow" Bell sync, which gets added to the existing 318 frames. Without the missing frames 318/15.83 sec = 20.08 fps Since the initial Wiegman frame rate up to z447 averages 24fps, I'll use that as the rate for the missing 2.64 sec. 2.64 x 24fps = 63.36 =64 frames 318 + 64 = 382 frames 382/15.83sec = 24.13fps
  17. Myers initial frame rate for Wiegman's camera(start to Z447sync) can be obtained 2 ways. 264 Wiegman frames / 24fps = 11 sec. The second method I used was the conversion of the NFV version to a progressive frame version. The red box in the lower left corner is the frame count (minus missing frames from the start and the first splice). If you compare this with the 36.5sec version, there are a total of 20 frames missing from the start and splice. This yields a total of 263 frames or 263 / 11sec = 23.9fps
  18. Any input moving forward is welcome. I'll try to address it as I go forward. First, let's sync Myers starting point for Wiegman/Z246 after we added the 1.475sec Bell gap filler to the back end. Another common sync point between Wiegman/Z, according to Myers is Z447. I used an original version(36.5 sec) of Wiegman for its running time in this next graphic. Sorry about the quality. Mark, you also list this (inset - z447.5) close enough, as a sync point between Wiegman/Z. Previously, it's 3.665 sec from the Wiegman start to Z313. The difference between 11sec - 3.665 sec = 7.335sec x 18.3 = 134.23z frames z313 + 134.23 = z447.23
  19. Take the 1.475 sec difference and add it to my sync of 21.69 sec. 1.475 + 21.69 = 23.165sec. Now subtract that total from 26.83 sec. 26.83 - 23.165 = 3.665sec. Once again, multiply 3.665 sec x 18.3fps = 67.06 frames Once again, subtract from Z313 Z313- 67 = Z246 = Myers placement for the Wiegman film start. Pretend we added that 1.475sec to the Bell gap.
  20. Z313 - 94.06 (5.14 x 18.3) = Z219 = Starting sync for the Wiegman film, which is deduced from the previous sync point work started at extant Z435 counting backwards to extant Z313. It may not be the true sync point for Z/Wiegman. And please, don't equate it to my belief that it is. Eventually, it should fall into place. The Z/Wiegman gap is created long before either z219 or z246 arrives. Meyer's in his multi sync film project starts the Wiegman film at Z246. This also is not the true sync point for Z/Wiegman. This becomes apparent when comparing it to where Myers plots his Wiegman frame 15 in relationship to Altgen's 6. The difference between these two different Wiegman starting points in relationship to the extant Zfilm = 27 Zframes /18.3fps = 1.475sec
  21. Moving forward slowly. I was trying to point out that the next logical step (imo) is inputting the sync times into an equation such as: The time from Point A to Point C (26.83sec) minus the time from Point B to Point C (21.69sec) = the time from Point A to Point B (5.14 sec) Convert that difference into Z frames and subtract from extant Z313.
  22. The total time from Wiegman's start to the Bell/Wiegman sync (frame after the sunlight on Charles' hand) = 26.83 seconds Seconds Counter = 25/30 = .83 This allows you (deductive reasoning) to compare the sync from "front to back" and "back to front"
  23. It looks like I included 2 extra interlaced frames in the Paschall span. The span is 21 frames (21/18.3 = 1.14sec), instead of the original 23. Sorry about that. Updating the running time count when Paschall and Bell are added after the Bell stop is 18.5 + 1.14 + 2.05 = 21.69sec from extant z313.
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