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Myra Bronstein

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Everything posted by Myra Bronstein

  1. The tour guide was interviewed on the news and said he didn't see any remains in the next few days/weeks, and he did look for them. So--as incredible as it seems--the calf may have survived. One of the comments posted in response to this video clip also refers to it being an example for group action : "This is an incredible lesson given to us by members of nature. teaching us it possible to fight our corrupt Government and Institutions provided we all gang together in unison!" Apparently, the claws of cats often introduce bacteria into the victim's system and they die a few days later from the infection. Of course. The young calf's prognosis is guarded given what it endured. I focused on the upbeat words of the tour guide to maintain a sense of blissful self-delusion, a sense I also choose to nourish in the battle with the Big Bad. At worst, the herd did not abandon this calf, their actions were worthy of super-heroes, and the little guy is with its mother if the end does come. Then again, the tour guide never found any remains, and he searched specifically for them at length. Young bones are malleable; clearly the leg wasn't dislocated because we saw the calf walk back to the herd. I did not see any blood. And, perhaps most significantly, those animals must have exceedingly tough hides. Terrifically tough hides... I wouldn't rule the little guy out John...
  2. The tour guide was interviewed on the news and said he didn't see any remains in the next few days/weeks, and he did look for them. So--as incredible as it seems--the calf may have survived.
  3. Oh gosh, how ever could I have missed the statement that the information is from conversations with John Judge? Hmm, still missing it. Where exactly in your post did you state that John?
  4. Interesting Anthony, thanks for the link. Here's what he wants people to do: "Remember - e mail info-en-v@wikimedia.org and complain that the user at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Morton_devonshire is deleting and editing pages against Wikipedia policy and with a clear political bias. Demand that his administration and editing privileges be removed immediately." Do you know if Alex created the "War Room" yet? Wiki is indeed a serious problem...
  5. Thank you for sharing those details Don. Very interesting. It amazes me that when push comes to shove almost no hollywood type bigwig will go out on a limb for a cause no matter how critical. I guess no one wants to get Indigo Girled. Do you know how long before his death Freddie Prinze was trying to arrange the telethon? Did Mr. Lane mention what exactly Freddie wanted from him when he called? Was he calling for information on JFK or to ask for Mr. Lane's support in some way? Myra
  6. "The very word, secrecy, is repugnant in a free and open society, and we are as a people, inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings." -- John F Kennedy
  7. That's a good one Myra. Castro can't run that fast today -( Beep! Beep! )- and the view of Castro bounding up Hemingway's tower, that he never used, is almost cartoonish. Maybe we can get Dale Myers to do a computer graphics of it. Now if we knew this would happen in advance, what would be the weapon of choice? Cigar? No. Exploding typewriter? Rabid cat? ... Acme Commie-B-Gone.
  8. There's not enough therapy in the world to help them with that.
  9. You guys neglected to include the graphic that goes with the article. The photo offers clear proof that RFK was, in fact, obsessed with getting Castro. I attached it:
  10. Holy cow! That's jaw-dropping stuff. Just incredible.
  11. This is an important point. The American Security Council brought together right-wing multimillionaires, the CIA and senior members of the military. I said yesterday that Patrick Frawley was a candidate for funding the operation. So also was Robert Wood. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAwoodRE.htm Huge point. John Dolva posted the quote: "One analyst has said that the ASC is "not just the representative of the military-industrial complex, it is the personification of the military-industrial complex." I wonder when the analyst said that. Was it circa 1960 when Eisenhower warned against the very military industrial congressional complex he'd nurtured for 8 years?
  12. Wow Don. I totally missed the Freddy Prinze link. Thank you. January 28, 1976 -- Reports surface that comedian Freddie Prinze, activist democrat deeply concerned about who killed JFK & owned a copy of the Zapruder film & spoke openly about his suspicions, committed suicide. Mae Brussell was deeply suspicious about the Prinze "suicide," and she had great radar. http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae%20Brussell%...e%20Somers.html
  13. It was because of your request that I reinstated Tim. I know he has got round you by flattering your own research. He did the same to me when he first joined the forum. He pretends to agree with you and then attempts to graft his “Castro” did it onto the theory. I would not take too much notice about his willingness to accept the Mafia was involved. Have you not read his posts when he claims that Castro was in league with the Mafia (he ignores the fact that Castro kicked out the Mafia and that is why they were willing to join forces with the CIA in an attempt to overthrow his regime.) You describe his style as “enthusiastic”. However, I think the term “manic” is more appropriate. I have no trouble him starting his own threads on how Castro or the KGB assassinated JFK. He has been doing this for years and it causes few problems. In fact, except for a few newbies, most members ignore these threads as they aware that Tim is unwilling to discuss these issues in a rational manner. My problem is with Tim’s insistence in posting jokes and irrelevant material on important threads. He can be guaranteed to do this on any thread that deals with the CIA and anyone associated with the Republican Party. Look at his postings yesterday for example on the thread on one of the Republican largest donors to extreme right-wing causes, Patrick Frawley. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=10684 Tim’s tactic is to post immediately after someone has made an important contribution. His theory is that most members ignore threads where his name appears at the end. I cannot allow this to go on and intend to delete these posts when he does it. I have started this thread where Tim can post his nonsense to his heart’s content. Members can then choose to read this thread or any other he starts up himself. A masterful solution. Thanks John.
  14. If you could share a source for that info it'd be great John. I would think that since the CIA threw so much business to the military, and gave the military so much justification for its existence, the military would look very favorably on the CIA. Nothing to support this, just seems logical.
  15. As someone else said in this thread, the first responders were conspirators. I wonder if the ambulance paramedics could be identified by the ER staff. Of course, all eyes were on Diana. Kathy A question back atcha Stephen. Do you find it odd that the ambulance crew took 1 hour & 45 minutes to transport Diana to a hospital 3.8 miles away passing three other hospitals with excellent emergency facilities in the process?
  16. Well said. Anyone in any doubt that it was an assassination might usefully reflect on perhaps the most blatant lie peddled by the British mainstream media ever since. In every recreation I have seen, we are invited to believe that the Mercedes remained the right way up after the crash. It did not. As both my better half and I saw on television on the morning of the accident, and the next day's newspaper accounts from eyewitnesses confirmed, the car came to rest on its roof. There is plainly something very sensitive here concerning the speed of the Merc and its subsequent trajectory. The question is, what exactly are they hiding? I wish I knew. But I do know, beyond any doubt, that the media is lying; and doing so in an orchestrated fashion. Paul "EmergencyNet News *FLASH* Report 08/30/97 - 20:00CDT Britain's Princess Diana Badly Injured in Crash By C. L. Staten Paris, France (EmergencyNet) -- According to Paris police, Princess Diana of England was critically injured this evening in an automobile crash near the river Seine, at the Pont de l'Alma bridge. Her companion in the car, Dodi Al Fayed, was believed killed in the accident, which reportedly happened shortly after midnight (Paris time), police said. The chauffeur of the vehicle was also believed killed in the incident and a fourth passenger, a bodyguard, was reported to be seriously injured. One eyewitness described the accident as extremely serious and said that the vehicle, in which the princess was travelling, had overturned...." Much more at: http://www.emergency.com/dianaded.htm
  17. Dang, that is a fine post, other person named John. Some top notch synthesis.
  18. Dang, that is a fine post John. I didn't even know about the ASC. Sounds like a big dot to connect.
  19. " - Just before the car entered the tunnel every police radio in Paris mysteriously died, preventing a quick response which could have saved Diana's life. - Just before the car entered the tunnel every security camera in the tunnel mysteriously died, preventing us from ever seeing footage of what caused the crash." http://www.propagandamatrix.com/ If true, those are trademarks of a military intelligence type hit IMO. I've read many sources claiming the security cameras in the tunnel failed (yeah, right, the dog ate the video), but I've only seen the claim that the police radios died at the above site. Has anyone else seen/heard anything about the police radios going dead along with Diana?
  20. We could play smear bingo here. The smears are everywhere. Peter, did they focus on his use of medications for his chronic pain, or on illegal drugs? On edit: Gads I'm slow. Was "Altered Statesman" actually the name of the program??? Yes. I believe that was the name of the program. As I said, I just caught the end of it and did recognize the same people from A Presidency Revealed, which I own. Dr. Max's cocktail did include methamphetamines but supposedly wasnt illegal at the time. I would guess they are going the direction of LSD, Pot and other illegal substances. Its frustrating because I only saw a five minutes or so of the program and cannot locate anything about it. But I am quite sure of the title. Altered State (s) man. Clever Okay. Here is the link to the show: http://www.tv.com/unsolved-history/jfk-alt...89/summary.html Thanks Peter.
  21. I agree. So do I. The government's refusal to release all data, 44 years after the assassination, essentially creates a presumption of conspiracy which must be rebutted by Bugliosi, Posner et al. In civil matter in the US, the loss or destruction of evidence by a party (i.e. spoliated evidence) creates a legal presumption that the same is contrary to the interests of such party. What secrutiy interest of the US would be breached if it is revealed that: (a) JFK was assassinated by factions of the CIA who colluded with some Mafia dons and anti-Castro Cubans, ( LEO was a CIA asset (in Japan, the USSR, Mexico City, New Orleans and Dallas), © Gerald Ford believes that the neck area extends half-way down to the tail bone, (d) Ted Kennedy and the rest of the family really don't buy the WC as the final word on JFK's assassination, (e) LBJ and some of his oil buddies/benefactors may have had prior knowledge of the assassination, or (f) the AG and the CIA were conspiring with the Mafia to hit Castro? Do Congress and the President really think that they have any remaining credibility that would be lost by any such revelations? Perhaps all 535 members of Congress could take a break from their busy earmark efforts to give this issue some legislative attention. Wouldn't that be just swell? And since, per Pelosi, "impeachment is off the table," the table has plenty of room for the critical business of finally exposing the truth about President Kennedy's murder.
  22. Can you point me to a source for this Stephen so I can learn more about it?
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