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Myra Bronstein

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Everything posted by Myra Bronstein

  1. Cliff, Do you know which building HL Hunt owned in Dealey Plaza? Do the Hunts still own it? Thanks.
  2. That context really helps Paul, thank you. I hadn't seen that whole sequence of articles before.
  3. The Arthur Krock article, Oct 3, '63 warning of the CIA overthrow the gov't: "Among the views attributed to United States officials on the scene, including one described as a "very high American official who has spent much of his life in the service of democracy" are the following: The C. I. A.'s growth was "likened to a malignancy" which the "very high Official was not sure even the White House could control "any longer." "If the United States ever experiences [an attempt at a coup to overthrow the Government] it will come from the C. I. A. and not the Pentagon."The agency"represents a tremendous power and total unaccountability to anyone." http://www.jfklancer.com/Krock.html
  4. Pat, it sure would facilitate communication if you would bother to read a post before responding. The question posed was: "So was the CIA involved or not?" Not "Did the CIA act alone in murdering President Kennedy." I was answering the question posed, not the question in your head.
  5. How would you expect them to have reported the story differently if they weren’t “in on it”? I would think that they could refrain from talking about the senator's replacement while he was in surgery. They were in way to much of a hurry to write him off. Perhaps they could focus on the man's health and prognosis, at least for the first day, before they brush him aside. (And just so there's no confusion, I didn't use the term "in on it.") Thanks Greg, I was hoping you'd weigh in on this.
  6. Oh hell yes and twernt no "rouge" elements. Twas CIA all the way.
  7. Really good point JL. There are so many provisions to bypass the people's will...
  8. Thank you Michael. I hadn't seen that site. I'm just now opening up to what Mr Fayed has been saying for years.
  9. Fascinating John. Just a theory I know, but the arms industry is always a prime suspect given their likely culpability with the deaths of President Kennedy, Senator Kennedy, Dr King, John Lennon, etc. This exact motive was one of the ones I listed in an earlier post on the subject.
  10. So Larry, are you willing to view a lineup? You've probably seen those websites "Familar Faces in Dealey Plaza," 1 and 2. Some with James Richard's photos. Some of them show people who could be Ted Shackley and David Morales: http://www.jfkresearch.com/eaglesham/page4.jpg http://www.jfkresearch.com/eaglesham/page5.jpg Do you have an opinion on who the individuals in the pix are? Thanks again.
  11. Thank you Larry! I'm very interested in Roselli's actions, so I'm glad he's such a focus of your book.
  12. I rather think we're being desensitized to the possibility, or likelyhood, that the conveniently Rethuglican governor of SD will appoint a replacement, GOP, senator. The mockingbirds have blown right past reporting on the Senator's condition, and is already telling us what will happen next. So when it happens it won't spook the herd? "Sen. Tim Johnson, D-South Dakota, underwent brain surgery early today at George Washington University Hospital after suffering stroke-like symptoms, two Democratic sources familiar with his condition told CNN. Should Johnson not be able to complete his term, which ends in 2008, South Dakota Gov. Mike Rounds, a Republican, could appoint his replacement -- which could shift the balance of power in the Senate." http://www.cnn.com/ Ah, watching history unfold. It's much like watching history in retrospect.
  13. Ok, so ding dong a Hunt is gone. Enough with the eulogy for that thug. I'm hazy on which Hunt sons were behind the "wanted for treason" flyer/ad in Dallas on Nov 22, '63. I think Nelson was one, was Lamar the other one? Can anyone cite sources?
  14. Lookin' more likely they were engaged, boosting that as a motive. "Dodi shown buying Di a ring 13/12/2006 21:37 - (SA) Paris - An exclusive jeweller released a video on Wednesday which it said showed Dodi Al-Fayed picking up an engagement ring for Diana, Princess of Wales, just hours before both died in their 1997 Paris car crash. In a letter to AFP, which obtained a copy of the video, the jewellery company Repossi said it was making the images available after receiving authorisation from Mohamed Al-Fayed, Dodi's wealthy father who has long insisted darker motives were behind the car accident. Repossi said it had not previously released the surveillance video on the advice of its lawyers, but did not elaborate. ... Repossi on Tuesday issued a statement saying Dodi Al-Fayed had inspected engagement rings in its Monaco branch earlier August 1997 and had "wanted the ring to be ready by August 30, 1997, at the latest". It said "Dodi Al-Fayed went to the Repossi boutique on the Place Vendome to collect the engagement ring, which came from the 'Say Yes' collection, to give it to Princess Diana". It said that, as well as the security video, it had proof of the purchase in the form of a receipt. Both pieces of evidence had been given to legal authorities who investigated the subsequent car crash, the jeweller's said. The French probe concluded that the Ritz driver was to blame for the accident because he was drunk, high on prescription drugs and driving too fast. Mohamed Al-Fayed claims Diana and his son were killed on the orders of the British establishment to prevent them marrying. " http://www.news24.com/News24/World/News/0,...2044490,00.html
  15. ___________________________ Myra, I've long thought that those attempts ought to be scrutinized with all the zeal given to the JFK assassination. And I'm not kidding, though it's easy for me to say. Think about it (though I suspect you would agree): simply because no one got killed, specifically in this instance President Ford, we dismiss it because we don't want to think about it. I vividly remember those times. Quickly, it became business as usual within days or even hours ("oh, those nuts, those wackos"...sound familiar?). The perpertrators knew that, counted on it and themselves went about their business with a second go 'round. They moved quickly to dispatch another Lone Nut but this time someone made sure the LN had a loaded weapon (the Squeaky mission wasn't a bad effort under the circumstances and influence). Oh, how the One-World Insiders must certainly lament what might have been! Agnew had been set up and cashiered during the furor over Our Fuhrer and became a footnote to that period in history where, sans Watergate, l'affaire Spiro would have been treated as the major scandal it actually was. Mr. Standard Oil was queued. Collective breaths were baited. Can you say "Executive Order?" And they never quit. JG Well, I guess I gotta ask eventually. Do you think Charles Manson was part of something bigger, i.e., MKUltra kind of mind control? Or is it just a coincidence that Squeaky Fromme was gunning (if not bulleting) for Ford?
  16. Larry, Do you think that John Roselli was in Dealey Plaza on Nov 22, '63? I'm sorry if you gave your viewpoint in the book and I spaced it. You have a lot of material on Roselli, and I didn't read the book in a linear fashion. Thanks. Myra
  17. I'm curious about the Moorman photo Kathleen. Is the darkness of it the only reason you're suspicious of it, or is there more?
  18. I believe that the Mrs. Beck story was a false lead. There is more to that story. I try to gave you a break down of the films. Malcolm Couch: {WFAA-TV ABC} In Cam 3 of the presidential motorcade on Main Stree approaching Houston Street. The front of the TSBD with the crowd on the north side of Elm Street as Cam 3 turns the corner of Houston and Elm immediately following the shooting. Photographers from CAM 1 and CAM 2 and other photographers on the grassy knoll with the Newsmans on the ground with the umbrella man. Officer Haygood approaching the north curb of Elm Street with Officer Hargis running to the police to the police cycle south of Elm Street as CAM 3 continues down Elm Street. Police officer with his revolver drawn on the south side of Elm Street. Members of the crowd present. Brehm. Babushka Lady, Hill, Moorman, Summers and Tague with sweeping view to the overpass. Photographers on the grassy knoll with the Newsmans still on the ground. Police officer haygood trying to jump his motorcycle over the curb on the north side of Elm Street. Photographers Weigman and Cancellare running to catch CAM1. From the arcade of the crowd on the north side of Elm Street. From Houston and Elm of the crowd on the north side of Elm Street. Taken from a car driving on Elm Street of the crowd on the north side of Elm Street. On rhw 6th floor of the TSBD of several police officers looking outside. From the center of the plaza of the TSBD. The zoom lens is on the 6th floor window as Couch pans down to the grassy knoll then to the corner of houston and Elm and then pack to the overpass as the Executive train is moving on the overpass. Footage of the arcade with several people inside. WFAA commentator shows the rifle and telescopice sight which is similar to Oswald rifle lying in the plaza grass with a demonstration of the bolt action. Footage from the grassy knoll of the ceter area of the plaza. views of the cupola, the arcade and Zapruder's position during the assassination James Darnell Approximately one minute after the last shot was fired, of the Elm Street activity on foot aftered departing CAM 3 In the parking lot behind the grassy knoll. In front of the TSBD with an arrest of possible suspect. Inside the press roon of WBAP-TV located in the Old County Court House Building with a witness being interviewed. Gary Mack is the expert on the photographic evidence. Sorry for any typo's which are due to a medical problem. hope this helps johnw There are differing viewpoints on Gary Mack's credibility. Everyone should decide for themselves of course, but I don't assume anything he says is gospel.
  19. Precisely Robert. Poppy "Wars R Us" Bush coming into power as VP and a "grossly famous" anti war activist is murdered by the brother of a known Bush associate. Not me. Mr Fayed is having the understandable reaction to whitewash of the Diana "investigation." I hope he keeps fighting. "December 13 2006 at 11:44PM By Jeremy Pelofsky Washington - The father of Princess Diana's companion on Wednesday called "outrageous" a forthcoming report that said the couple's deaths were the result of a tragic car accident rather than a murder plot. Mohamed al Fayed, the father of Diana's lover Dodi al Fayed and owner of the famed Harrod's department store in London, also questioned whether the investigator who headed the inquiry, Sir John Stevens, was blackmailed into ruling out foul play. "It's shocking. It's completely outrageous that a leading Scotland Yard officer can come up with such an unbelievable judgment," Al Fayed said in an interview with NBC's Today show. ... Al Fayed said his son had bought an engagement ring for Diana and that she had told him hours before the crash that she was pregnant. He also accused the British government of involvement in the plot. Stevens is "being definitely blackmailed to say exactly what the British intelligence want him to say", Al Fayed said. Without citing the source of the information, he said that six months ago British intelligence agents stole Stevens' computer. "I'm sure they found something very devastating for him and used what they have, information, to blackmail him," he said. Al Fayed has charged that his son and Diana were murdered by British secret services because their relationship was embarrassing the royal household." There we have it. All just an overgrown fender bender. Nothing to see here move along.
  20. Exhibit A: " Wednesday, December 13 POSTED: 11:13 p.m. EST, December 13, 2006 WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sen. Tim Johnson of South Dakota was undergoing brain surgery Wednesday night at George Washington University Hospital after being hospitalized earlier in the day due to stroke-like symptoms, two Democratic sources familiar with his condition told CNN. Johnson, 59, was taken to the hospital Wednesday morning after he appeared to suffer stroke-like symptoms, although a spokeswoman for the senator said subsequent evaluation showed he did not suffer a stroke or a heart attack. Staffers told CNN Johnson was conscious when he was transported to the hospital." http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file.../w162040S94.DTL "Democrats won a 51-49 majority in the November election. South Dakota's governor, who would appoint any temporary replacement, is a Republican." ... If the Senate is split 50-50, the vice president breaks ties. That is Republican Dick Cheney at present." http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061213/ap_on_go_co/johnson Exhibit B: "He said, "Did you want to pull off the perfect murder?" I said, "How would that be, Dave?" He said, "Well, you would need - he had a tendency to get a chalkboard or piece of paper and he began to write down these chemical equations which I don't know if they were accurate or truthful or not--C-6, H-12, you know, and all these other letters and I don't know if they even work. He said, "Now get this. What this does is you either ingest or inject it." He says, "if you ingest it over a period of time, it does damage and if you inject it, it will do it rather quickly. He said the person then dies and he says the chemicals will break down in the system. He says, "What does he die of?" "He dies of an aneurysm in the brain." I said, "what is an aneurysm, Dave?" And Dave said, "That's where you have an artery and it explodes and fills the brain. It's weak wall in the artery. It causes the weak wall. I said it would show up in the autopsy. He (Dave) said, "No, after 72 hours, the chemical will have broken down and it would appear to be normal unless you have it injected and they would find a hole for an injection" "If it was ingested", he said, "it would come out as an aneurysm. And he says the person would look like he dies of natural causes." I said to Russo, "isn't that something." "On his death certificate", Perry said, "died of stroke brought on by aneurysm of the brain. " Flooding the brain, the cranial wall, you know, the chamber" "His death", I asked Russo, "happened not long before it hit the papers that he was involved in the Garrison Case, right?" "Yeah", Russo said, "and so Garrison then quickly called Dr. Cheda, who was a Coroner and asked for a second autopsy. They went through elaborate toxicology tests that were state of the art in 1963. Not exactly the state of the art in 1993", Perry said. "So they did another autopsy. And it didn't show anything. So officially, he dies of natural causes." http://www.jfklancer.com/Perry4.html I think the tie in with President Kenendy's murder, and the general focus of this forum, is obvious.
  21. That is a great link Robert, thanks. Very interesting blogs.
  22. Yes! I mean yes great subject. Not yes I've read his book. But I will now. I've admired him for years. I'll never forget his radio essay (NPR?) after the 2000 coup. He was won of the few who called it what it was. I assume his integrity hurt his career a lot. Great thread. One of the good guys for once.
  23. Sadly I did read your post. Gee, reasons for murdering Diana? Again, where to begin? She was speaking out against the effect of war, specifically land mines. What happens when famous people speak out against war? That's what got John Lennon killed. Oops, gotta be careful when I mention famous people lest I be accused of blind worship. She embarassed the royal family big time. Their treatment of her, esp ol' Chuck, made it obvious that they're robotic and emotionless and not remotely life-like, nor likable. They appeared to be the jerks they are. She provided a point of unfavorable contrast to them, what with being a feeling sentient warm-blooded mammal. She was likely going to marry a Muslim. Oh the horror. Not a blue blood pip pip cheerio Brit. An outsider. Shudder. She was talking more and more about leaving Britian to live in the US. Imagine what a slap in the face that would have been to the royal family and the UK. As long as she was alive Chuck couldn't marry the rotweiler. How could he ever realize his fondest wish of being a tampax? The fam probaly didn't want her influencing the heirs any more than she had already. Good lord, she was already taking them to amusement parks and on water slides. How very undignified. How very un-British. She was going to be the mother of the king since tampax boy will likely be too old and have to step aside, or not last long. Now that's power. Mother of the king of England. Diana. There are countless reasons. Quite bizarre that I have to spoon feed each one of them to you. I know, none of these reasons will be good enough for you however, 'cause you really don't want to think about it. So I wasted my breath after taking that deep one you recommended. Wow, and here I thought your logic couldn't be any more warped. You've topped yourself... so to speak. Yes, that's right Stephen. I have signed notarized statements from every one of the perps for every government murder ever committed. 'Cause that's exactly how these things work. They always confess on the record. Gimme a break. Ah, by that "logic" a famous person cannot take on a cause without being accused of doing it only for PR purposes. Then they're all crass, according to you... "my dear"? Or just Diana? And since you're demanding evidence, give me some evidence that she just took on her causes for PR. C'mon. I'm only asking of you what you asked of me. Oh, and Stephen. Best to lose the caps. If you really have a reasonable argument you needn't SCREAM.
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