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Myra Bronstein

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Everything posted by Myra Bronstein

  1. I've never heard about Shinley 'til now, but I (admitedly) briefly checkout out the link, and he comes off as a Garrison basher. That's one of the species that most arrouses my suspicion, so maybe I'm hypersensitive. Also, some of it could be true, but I gotta wonder why he's going after Jim Garrison so vigerously: Garrison Helps LBJ Pay Campaign Debt Garrison Lies about Banister's Files Garrison's Case Against Shaw Destroyed Garrison Accused of Perjury I also wonder why I don't see any positive info about Garrison to balance out the (rather niggling IMO) attacks. WTF?
  2. Well, I think there are plenty more that are even more useless (Case Closed comes to mind, as do Conspiracy of One and Mortal Error, among others), and frankly I find the larger premises of the book - the Odio story, the Terrell and Fort Hood gun-running, for example - to be reasonably credible tie-ins to the assassination, perhaps only because they provide some rationale why LHO was set up as a patsy in the first place.As a returnee from the Soviet Union, by 1963 one would think he'd fallen off most people's radars, and clearly he was up to something that caught people's attention, and sure had a demeanor like he knew something more about the killings than he was going to say (e.g., "it will all come out at my trial"). The problem, of course, is that the basic premise - that anyone overheard Oz say anything at all in the jail cell - doesn't seem to hold water unless, as the LaFontaines purport, someone was put in an adjacent cell to "pump" him and nobody's admitting to it ... and you've only got one person's word on that, and that's a problem. Ah good points, thank you Duke. I've been trying to decide if I should take the time to read it. Too many books too little time. I'm wavering. Just not sure if it's credible. Did Oswald really say "it will all come out at my trial"? Could you please point me to a source for that? It's rather significant if he said it.
  3. Yeah, but Clinton cries too - or at least pretends to. (I always get emotional too when I see him bite his widdle lip.) Clinton usually doesn't bite his lip to fight off tears, he does it because it's sexy. And it's no wonder it's wasted on you; you're not the target audience ...Ron. I was just reading about that. Too amusing to see Poppy whining about supposed dirty tricks against Jeb. Unless they include someone blowing Jeb's head off and massacring his family, Godfather Bush should just spare us the hypocricy go back to barfing on people.
  4. Like Francesca I am still waiting for it to be delivered. It is one of the problems of being a JFK researcher and living in the UK. I am therefore surprised that not more US members have not entered into a discussion with Larry on the book thread. I suspect that most members only look at the JFK section and miss out on the good information that appears in other sections like, history books, history debates, political debates, political conspiracies, RFK, MLK and civil rights, etc. I just got mine Saturday, and just started reading it. I had the previous edition, which was outstanding. No alternative theories for me. This is it. John, you're correct in assuming we are missing the forum's other sections. I didn't know Larry had a thread going elsewhere. RJS Well maybe it's just me, but I prefer to read a book before discussing it with the author. And the book just came out.
  5. Hi Larry, I'm reading your book now, and I really appreciate the layout. The summaries for each chapter are great, the testing and research points are a very good idea (in fact I hope it sets a precident and other authors do it), and the material is arranged in a very logical way. In fact I read a few chapters then couldn't help myself and read thru all the summaries and appendices. Now I'll go back and read the rest. Congratulations and thanks for adding so much to our knowledge of President Kennedy's murder. My question: It doesn't appear that you mention Nixon in the book. Do you personally think he had any role in the assassination? Thanks. Myra
  6. Another possible reason for alteration is to mask the reported movement of the umbrella up and down as if to signal something to someone. I keep hearing that it happened but I sure don't see it in Zapruder.
  7. Mark, I really thought that there were some accounts of Oswald in his cell in "Oswald Talked." Probably not about eating and bathing though. More what he said. I flipped thru the book trying to find passages for you 'cause I have it now but haven't read it. I'll let you know if I do find material, but it may not be soon 'cause I'm absorbed in other books. Anyone have opinions on "Oswald Talked"?
  8. Anyone here save Kennedy half dollars? I just find it kinda interesting that they couldn't get enough in circulation, supposedly because the President was so beloved. Yet they slowed down production of them. It's probably just 'cause people don't like carrying coins bigger than the quarter though. Probably no second agenda... Anyone overseas ever see the Kennedy coins? http://search.ebay.com/kennedy-half-dollar...rdsreturnedZ300 "The Kennedy half dollar replaced the Franklin half dollar within a year of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Ironically, the new Kennedy design caused the slow dissaperance of the half-dollar as a regular mainstream circulating coin, through a series of unrelated events. First, Collectors and even ordinary citizens hoarded the coins of 1964, due to the "new" design, & because President Kennedy was so beloved. In 1965 Silver was eliminated from other coin denominations ( dimes & quarters became copper-nickle clad), but silver remained in the half-dollar. The "older" Franklin halves of 90% silver were quickly removed from circulation by collectors and hoarders, and since the public now hoarded silver coins, most of the 90% silver 1964's, as well as the 40% silver composition 1965-1970 halves therefore saw little circulation as well. By time the Kennedy half dollar became "regular" copper-nickel clad in 1971, many banks, merchants were already used to no longer stocking and using the denomination as they were in the pre-1964 days, and the general public had the "collector's item" status of the coin firmly planted.. The half dollar has always circulated to some extent, but has yet to "bounce back" to the level of circulation it had in the years before 1964. In 1975 and 1976, the bicentennial half dollar was minted showing Independence Hall on the reverse. All of the bicentennial halves are dated "1776–1976." Starting in 1977, the half dollar experienced a decline in use and mintage. By 2002, the coins were no longer minted for commercial use, but only in special mint rolls, mint sets, and proof sets for collectors." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kennedy_half_dollar
  9. Well I am convinced. Am gonna order it from Amazon. I sure Larry is happy about all the kudos he's received here. Sounds like they are well deserved. Dawn I ordered it from Larry's website Dawn and got it very quickly. Amazon can be really slow. Plus I got an autographed copy from the website (did everyone get an autographed one?): http://www.larry-hancock.com/order.html I certainly agree with that. And don't forget Hartman. Though I never would have thought to word it that way.
  10. Is this scenario even remotely feasible? In November 1972, Nixon and Agnew win re-election. Within months, an investigation commences against Spiro Agnew, a sitting Vice-President of the United States. Nelson Rockefeller expects Nixon to appoint him as VP after Agnew is dumped. Nixon doesn't want to because of Nelson's image as having too much wealth and ambition, and because he doesn't trust Rockefeller not to kill him to become president. So Nixon appoints loyal lapdog Ford. Rockefeller is pissed and stops protecting Nixon from the burglery backlash. Rockefeller unleashes his media and they tear Nixon apart. The Rockefellers tell Nixon to resign (in disgrace) so Ford moves to President and appoints Nelson Rockefeller Vice-President. Ford pardons Nixon within thirty days; which the Rockefellers think would preclude Ford from the Presidential nomination in 1976, since the country would refuse to vote for him. That paves the way for Nelson. Taken from: http://www.senderberl.com/recapturing/america/chapter4.htm (A novel/fiction/fictional dialogue.)
  11. Ah, I hadn't looked thru that thread Greg, thanks. I have been looking at "The Life of Nelson A. Rockefeller" by Cary Reich at Amazon. It looks good, unforunately it seems to end before the assassination. I guess it was volume one of a two part work but Reich died suddenly before volume two was done... So, anyone know the circumstances of Reich's death? Any other books about David or Nelson that give real history, esp their associations with the CIA? Ah hah. Can you point me to a source for that? There's a lot of overlap between far left and far right beliefs. I agree with much of what Birchers say. Obviously not everything. Wasn't the designated patsy in for the canceled Chicago trip a John Bircher, or at least Birch-dipped? Ok, thank you. Good info. On edit: Quotes from/about David Rockefeller per Wiki: "For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." - From David Rockefeller's "Memoirs" (p.405). "For David Rockefeller, the Presidency of the United States would be a demotion." - The standard joke in America for a time in the 1970's, as quoted in Harr & Johnson The Rockefeller Conscience; An American Family in Public and in Private (1991) (p.217). "The journalist Bill Moyers, in his 1980 TV special, The World of David Rockefeller, described the plutocrat respectively as "the unelected if indisputable chairman of the American Establishment" and "one of the most powerful, influential and richest men in America", who "sits at the hub of a vast network of financiers, industrialists and politicians whose reach encircles the globe." - Quoted by Will Banyan in his 2006 study: The Proud Internationalist.
  12. Yes Shanet, I'm starting to see how he insinuated himself into so many administrations, but just couldn't get the big prize. Thanks.
  13. There is something I would like to contribute here, first Terry Mauro has a lot of company there are millions of American's who feel the same way, they just don't have a voice in the current Orwellian media. There are a zillion events in America, USA that scream corruption, facism, and police state in an ascending scale over the last 30 years; state sanctioned assassinations, the A List of Assassinations, that once included JFK, MLK, RFK and Malcolm X, has expanded to include the deaths of several prominent American's which to say, seem suspicious in light of all known facts would be an understatement...and include Senator's John Tower, Paul Wellstone and possibly Sen John Heinz III. For the sake of debate, I will not mention Vincent Foster, but many people have, I will mention the assassination attempt on Pres. Reagan, when Papa San was Vice President and only a lone nut's bullet away from the White House, too bad about the "cropped" pictures that were in the paper the day after the Gipper took one for Team USA, the uncropped photos showed a person on top of the roof in the background..... I don't suppose anybody has "uncropped photos [showing] a person on top of the roof in the background" when Reagan was shot?
  14. I know that there's a widespread perception that some Rockefellers (David? Nelson? Other(s)?) are culpable in President Kennedy's murder, and other evil-doings. Yet I haven't seen a thread about them. Is that because of: -Fear? -The fact that it's hard to get specifics on the Ruling Elite? -Lack of source material to cite? -The inevitable result of a mysterious two day forum outage? -All of the above? -Other? Or do people think it only went as high as Tx oil millionairs, CIA, LBJ--therefore the Rockefellers had nothing to do with it?
  15. Does anyone else watch that show, "Numbers" on some network on TV? (The downside of Tivo, I have no idea what networks own what shows.) So a recent episode actually had a plot that included programmed assassins, victims of MKUltra. SPOILER ALERT*** Not only did they show the past victims of it, they showed it as an ongoing program; the CIA guy on the show was the bad guy. In fact, when the main good guy realized that the CIA guy was trying to protect the MKUltra program for future use, the good guy (FBI agent) punched the hell outta him. Laid him out flat. Another FBI agent then told the CIA scum to stay down unless he wanted to get punched again. I highly recommend catching the rerun for the theraputic vicarious thrill of seeing a CIA goon get thumped on. Some good philosophizing in it too. Wow I'm surprised a mainstream show would use that program in a plot. Has anyone seen other TV programs utilizing such sensitive CIA programs this way? On edit: A summary of the plot is here: http://www.tv.com/numb3rs/brutus/episode/904825/recap.html
  16. For once I'm doing what I should do then! Mine arrived yesterday. (Autographed--brag.) I looked at James' excellent photos. Kudos James. You're in Larry's acknowledgements. I'm only up to the Oswald section though, 'cause I'm reading, like, 10 books right now. I'll get back to Larry's tonight. Nothing like a good whodunnit. Esp in this case. Larry, I hope you're flattered. This is literally the first book I've purchased on the subject. All others are from the library.
  17. James! Thank you. Man oh man... 1) Secretary in the police department's radio control division is removed from the division on D-day. 2) 12:29 pm on Nov 22, '63, Dallas -- "The Dallas Police radio systems Channel One, reserved for officers participating in the security of the President, is suddenly immobilized." --"Trauma Room One" http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=8644 Um, they are related, right?
  18. Thanks for the Dulles quote Pat. And your analysis of it. Very helpful.
  19. Here's a can-opener to that particular container of worms, Dawn... http://www.skolnicksreport.com/goldenboy.html JWK It is my opinion that the true number of convenient and mysterious deaths would shock even most conspiracy-oriented researchers, if known - and is beyond the credulity of most of the public. Johnson's statement of a 'Murder Incorporated' comes to mind....and I think he was NOT just talking about Latin America. Does anyone know if JFK Jr was laid to rest in the same part of the ocean as his father?
  20. Yet another astounding thread. It looks like it, if believed, addresses the mysterious motorcade route change. It also makes Connelly look super suspicious, which begs the question "why the heck would he ride in the death car?" And it raises good points about the value of secretaries in investigative matters. Is there some reason that Evelyn Lincoln doesn't get more attention? Does she lack credibility? What John posted from her Kennedy & Johnson book are bombshells. It confirms so many suspicions. So about that autopsy illustration--anyone know who did it and where it can be found?
  21. I guess that would depend on which Channel she normally broadcast on. Two people operated Channel 1, and one person operated Channel 2. At 10:00 AM the two Channel 1 operators were J. A. McDaniel and B.D. Huffstutler. They went off duty at 12:25 and were replaced by C.E. Hulse and M.J. Jackson. Later in the day (around the time of Tippit's shooting), Jackson was replaced by McDaniel. I guess McDaniel had gone out to lunch. Sgt. G.D. Henslee was the Dispatcher for Channel 2 all day. Police transcripts CE 1974 at 23H832 http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk...Vol23_0432b.htm Steve Thomas Thank you for the link Steve. I sure would like to find the source for her quote that her removal from her normal position was "astonishing."
  22. His name is readily available in regard to the Dallas Police Tapes, but it escapes my memory at the moment. However, I do remember that he ordinarily was the police voice on KRLD radio every morning giving traffic reports during drive time. If I think of it, I will post it. As I recall, he was a sgt. Jack Was it C.B. 'Bud' Owens? James This thread is really astounding. Does anyone have a scan of the early Nov. 22, '63 edition of the Dallas Morning News, with the article being discussed? Anyone have any additional details on the Margie Barnes episode at all?
  23. Cliff: do you think you could locate that "sweet spot behind the fence" for me? (Don't get rude, Cliff. This ain't a D.C. lawyer you're talking to here.) I'd like to aim my virtual camera from this alleged "sweet spot." So far, I'm having a lot of trouble finding any spot behind that fence that doesn't have a motorcycle cop and/or spectator in the line of fire. You seem to know where it is, though. Help me out. Ashton This seems relevant: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=6778 I wish Craig Roberts had hung around the forum; I'm reading his book now.
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