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Duane Daman

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Everything posted by Duane Daman

  1. Kevin .. If you prefer the truth , then do some investigating on your own , outside of all those self serving nasa sites and pro Apollo discussion forums ... That way maybe you will stop swallowing every piece of moon landing fiction that nasa has shoved down your gullible throat .
  2. Whew , what a relief ... I thought you were going to tell me that cosmic ray radiation had been found at the beach ! Do you really believe that a quick trip to the moon will spare an astronaut from the deadly effects of deep space radiation ? ... You really do only read self serving nasa sites , don't you ? That is just the myth they want everyone to believe , because to know the truth , would mean ( God forbid ) that nobody ever landed on the moon !!!! ... .... and we can't have anyone believing that , now can we ?? LOL
  3. More fast tapping dancing I see ... and this time it's a chorus line time step ! ... This is all very entertaining guys , but none of you are very good dancers and you're all doing the same old tired routines too ... Let's see , we have Craig , stage right , tapping and whistling that same ole' tired tune of .... LET'S ALL CHARACTER ASSASSINATE JACK !!! Then we have Kevin, stage left , tapping and singing that old favorite , I DON'T HAVE A CLUE WHAT ANY OF THIS IS ABOUT BUT I'M GONNA STICK MY NOSE INTO THIS ANYWAY !! And then we have our main attraction and star of the show , postbaguk Dave , center stage and in the main spotlight , tapping , singing and whistling his favorite tune of ... I'M NOT THE BAD GUY HERE , YOU ARE !!! ... I'M JUST AN INNOCENT VICTIM IN ALL OF THIS !!!!!! And since LARRY , CURLY and MOE here , are all spinning plates on sticks at the same time , let's send in some more clowns ... Anybody else want to join in on the fun ??? Well , seeing as this has now become a three ring circus , I think I will tell some moon jokes ... Hey , anyone hear the one about Banjo Buzz on the moon ? ... That's right folks ... Most people know about Alan Shepard sneaking that golf club onto the LM to hit some balls on the lunar surface , but not too many people know that Buzz Aldrin took a banjo to the moon and posed with it while Neil took one of the most famous moon pictures ever ! Here's Banjo Buzz , posing for one of the most famous photos in the history of all mankind ! But here's the real kicker folks ! .... After Buzz got finished playing a few tunes , he laid his banjo down next the flag . The good news is , he left it on the moon so we could all find it later , along with the other trash the astronots left behind . The bad news is , it's too small to be seen in any photograph taken today !!!!! .... ROTFLMAO !!!!! Oh , and postbaguk Dave asked ... " PS any chance of publishing that professional photographic analysis you were getting done 2 months ago?" Well postbaguk Dave , I was saving that for my upcoming YouTube video , of some of the silliest Apollo photos ever taken on the moon set .. but just for you I will be happy to post it here ... In fact I will make it a post topic , so everyone can tap dance to that one too ! .. How about that for some real fun !?!?
  4. I have no idea what you are trying to say ... Did you even understand the article I posted ? ... Cosmic radiation is not as prevalent or as dangerous in low earth orbit , below the protection of Van Allen belts , as it is above the belts , in deep space ... Why would it be unsafe for you to go outside on a sunny day , protected by Earth's atmosphere , which is below low Earth orbit ? ... You are sounding as desperate as Dave is now ... You boys just can't stand to be proven wrong about anything .. and when you are , you just play more games .
  5. Dave ... Once again you are only showing how fast you can tap dance ... Sorry , but it's not going to work this time .... I asked you to forward the e-mails to me or to Jarrah but you refused to do so ... That let me know you were hiding something ... So since asking you to forward them didn't work , I thought accusing you of not really having them might do the trick , and you would then be forced to forward them on to the only person who would be able to verify their content ... I'm glad that Jenny gave her permsion to let you post her e-mail here .. I especially enjoyed that last line . As I stated before , this is far from over and you will be exposed for the dishonest game you played here and on YouTube . As far as how my reasoning works , you got that right ... Jack is the good guy and you are the bad guy , and I will prove it .... Jack did not stretch a shadow to try to make it match the object it was suppossed to belong to .. You did that ... and as far as that deception goes , Lamson can tap dance just as fast as you can ! ...LOL
  6. The cosmic rays in low earth orbit , though dangerous to some degree , do not represent the dangerous health hazzards to astronauts that they do in deep space ... "The hazards of space travel The ultimate vacation, a trip into deep space, is fraught with danger, primarily from energetic particles. Even in the comparative safety of low-Earth orbits, beneath the protection of Earth’s magnetic field, astronauts have reported flashing lights inside their eyes. Energetic protons, perhaps trapped in the Van Allen radiation belts, pass through the satellite walls and the astronaut’s eyelids, striking their retinas and making their eyeballs glow inside. Once outside the Earth’s magnetosphere, astronauts are exposed to the full blast of the ever-flowing solar wind. They could then suffer serious consequences from solar energetic particles even within their spacecraft, resulting in cataracts, skin cancer or even lethal radiation poisoning." http://ase.tufts.edu/cosmos/print_chapter.asp?id=34 Apollo sounds more like a fantasy all the time , doesn't it Matt ?
  7. Now that you have access to the whole email, it should be clear why I didn't want to print it without permission, regardless of the legal aspect. Jenny was a teacher at Jarrah's college - his video is a classroom assignment. Since I thought it might be construed as possibly contravening the confidentiality of the teacher/student relationship, I decided to err on the side of caution. Jenny obviously has no problem with her statement (except for revising her last sentence). I really hope this is the end to the accusations of lying. The thread has been dragged off topic for too long. Dave ... Of all the games you have ever played , this one has to be the most dishonest of all ... Did you really think by posting this out of context e-mail here , that you would squeak out of this so easily ? ... You, your photo 'evidence' and your pathetic attempts to humliate Jarrah White , will soon be exposed for what they are ... I knew you had e-mails and that's why I pushed you so hard to foward them on to Jarrah ... You have painted a distorted one sided picture here , taken completely out of context . You demanded an apology from me about this issue on YouTube , but I noticed you didn't do the same here ... I know why you didn't do that here and I also know why you want to drop this for good ... and all I can say is to that is , not so fast pal , because the real fun is yet to come and you are going down . Evan ... Sorry , but you can't compare Jack's studies , which attempt to expose the Apollo photographic fraud , to Dave's dishonest games , which attempt to cover up the photographic fraud ... Why is it that you feel the need to turn every discussion here into another character assassination of Jack ? ... I can understand why you fear him but it's ridiculous to drag his work into this ... This is NOT about Jack ... This is about a scam that Greer ran and is about to be exposed for . Actually , thanks for posting Jack's study here .. I hadn't seen this one before ... I will be able to use this one in my upcoming tribute to him on YouTube . As for Jack's study you posted here , he did not bend an anomalous upright and backwards shadow , in an attempt to have it match the leaning forward astronot supposedly causing the shadow . .. Instead , he showed how phony that photo of the LM really is . Lamson ... If Dave bent the shadow to show what it really looked like , then that astronot was a really contortionist who was wearing his PLSS on his stomach ! LOL
  8. Evan ... Jack has never STRETCHED OR ALTERED a shadow in any of his Apollo studies to 'win' an argument ... Jack's use of photoshop and cropping the phony Apollo photos is done for one purpose only ... to enhance the anomalies , so we can see them better ... Jack does NOT bend or STRETCH shadows or alter the photos in any respect . What Dave did by altering the A15 shadow to try to match the position of the astronot was dishonest , whether you choose to admit it or not ... and the scam he is running with these alleged e-mails never should have come to this forum ... He's the one who brought this here because he knew by doing so , he could try to make me out as the bad guy in all of this and get the support from all of you ... Part of this worked , as he knew it would , because you are now protecting and defending him and using distration tactics to side step this issue . But trying to defend him or protect him won't work ... Another member on YouTube made the claim that he had seen these alleged e-mails ... Not true , because Dave PMed me here telling me he never sent him the e-mails ... Now Dave has made the claim that he sent this member her e-mail address because it is the public domain and can be found through google ... If this is true , then there would be nothing "imoral" about him forwarding her e-mail address onto Jarrah and me . If Dave doesn't at least forward her address , which he claims is public domain , then we will all know he doesn't really have her address , the e-mail claims are bogus and he got caught running a scam just to try to humiliate conspiracy researcher , Jarrah White . The photo Dave used to allegedly persuade Jenny that her analyisis was wrong , will be exposed for what it is also , very shortly ... and I will be sure to post that evidence here as soon as I have it .
  9. Okay, I have wasted enough of my time on this stupidity for one day . Dave has now run out of excuses as to why he refuses to forward the alleged e-mails onto the man he has accused of being dishonest in his MoonFaker video , Jarrah White ... and now Dave wants me to believe that the reason he won't send the e-mails to Jarrah is because he doesn't want to embarrass him !! ... I have heard some beauts in my life but never anything as pathetic as that one . ... Fess up to what you've done Dave , or send the e-mails on to Jarrah ... At this point you really don't have any other options ... except to continue to look foolish . Here is my last and hopefully final PM to Dave . "Now you want me to believe that you don't want to embarrass Jarrah ?!?! You have got to be kidding !! ... You would give anything to embassass him if you could ... That was the entire purpose of your scam about the e-mails .... Sending these allged e-mails to any third party , including Jack White , will in no way prove that they came from Jarrah's source , Jenny ... I already explained that to you ... The only person who can verify that the e-mails are from Jenny , is Jarrah ... So if you really have e-mails proving his source changed her opinion about her analysis , then kindly forward them onto to Jarrah so this silly game of yours can end .... If you are telling the truth , why are you even hesitating about this ? ... Here is your golden opportunity to humiliate not only Jarrah , but me as well ... So go ahead and do it ... PROVE ME WRONG and I will gladly admit my mistake here and on YouTube ... But if you continure to refuse to forward them to him , then I would say your game is over with , and you lost more than you bargained for ."
  10. The problem is not being able to accept a difference of opinion ... We all are entitled to have different opinions ... My problem is not being able to accept the fact that you refuse to admit that even a photo as ridiculous looking as the Apollo 15 Dave Scott backwards , upright shadow with the moon buggy tracks going through the middle of that stupid looking crater , is a whistleblowing fake ... There is absolutely no way that silly photo was taken on the moon and if you were honest with me and yourself , you would admit it . It must be upsetting for you to keep defending these obviously faked photographs , showing spotlights reflected in visors , weird artifacts reflected in visors , missing moon buddy tire tracks , and backwards shadows , without wondering why you defend the bogus Apollo photographic record . The phony photos might not be able to prove the missions were faked ( other technical evidence proves that ) but they do prove that they were not really taken on the moon ... and like I have always said ... if nasa isn't being truthful about where the 'moon' photos were taken , then they can't be trusted to be truthful about the rest of Apollo ... or anyting else for that matter .
  11. It seems as though Dave wants to play the PM game now ... I guess he's hoping to keep all of this private after all ... I won't breach his confidentuality by posting his messages to me , but I will post mine in return to him , just so you all know that he is still refusing to forward the alleged e-mails onto the person he accused his photo analysis source Jenny , as being an "actress " used for his MoonFaker video .. So not only has he tried to character assassinate Jarrah but also Jenny , in his ridiculous scam . Do you really want to keep this up Dave ? ... Or would you like to admit to everyone here and on YouTube what you have done ? My latest PM to Dave . "You declined my offer because you are lying .. and I have already proven that by calling your bluff ... If you really had these e-mails from Jenny , you wouldn't have hesitated to shove them down Jarrah's throat ... So how does it feel to be out smarted Dave ? ... It's not illegal to forward e-mails .. but you will now latch onto that excuse , supplied by Evan , to try to weasel your way out of this .. Jarrah knew were slinging BS from the beginning about these e-mails ... and will prove it , to your public humiliation ... You stopped posting on YouTube because I exposed your scam ... Go ahead and prove me wrong Dave ... Send Jarrah the e-mails ... You won't do it , because you know if you do , he will contact Jenny to get the truth . I knew quite awhile ago that you would stoop to any level to 'win' ... and you have now proven me right about that also ."
  12. Yes , I have actually ... Of course it's not easy to find any meaningful or truthful data among all those self serving nasa sites , but they can still be found if you are patient enough to look for them .. Here's one about radiation that you probably haven't read yet ... and if this one doesn't do it for you , then I will will happy to find more ... Oh, and just because this article is discussing Mars , don't let that throw you ... Deep space radaition includes all areas beyond the protection of the Van Allen belts . "MARIE is Back! Space Radiation More Intense Than Believed " "The Martian Radiation Environment Experiment - acronymically known as MARIE -- is back online and collecting more data. As the radiation monitor was fired up, MARIE's scientists reported Tuesday at the 33rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference that the data she returned last year reveals that space radiation is even more intense than their models had indicated. MARIE - which is on board the Mars Odyssey orbiter -- is designed to collect and characterize aspects of space radiation both on the way to the Red Planet and in the Martian orbit. Her goal is to predict the radiation doses that would be encountered by future astronauts. "What MARIE allows us is the ability to see any source of radiation - background, solar - outside the vicinity of Earth's magnetic and atmospheric system," elaborates Roger G. Gibbs, Odyssey's project manager at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). Space radiation - which is caused by cosmic rays emanating from the Sun and from stars beyond our solar system -- is one of the most deadly hazards human crews of interplanetary missions will confront. MARIE's findings, therefore, are vital to preparations for future human missions to Mars and other planets. This intense form of radiation - which mostly falls in the energy range of 15 Me V to 500 Me V per nucleon - expels the kind of energy that can damage human DNA, catalyze cancer, and cause serious damage to the central nervous system. Not surprisingly, the team is, in Gibbs' word "ecstatic" that she is back in operation. " More here . http://www.marstoday.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=7765
  13. I couldn't agree more .... but it's better to be called a "conspiracy theorist " than it is some of the other delightful names used by those who defend the status quo .
  14. It's real nice of you to come to Dave's rescue here Evan , but I don't plan on getting side tracked with your distraction tactics at the moment ... You guys are very good at what you do , I will give you that .. but Dave has made a claim that he obviously is not prepared to back up ... There is nothing illegal or immoral about forwarding e-mails and I am in no way "blackmailing" him ...That is an utterly absurd statement to make .. This is just his way of tying to slither out of this because he obviously has someting to hide . Jarrah White knows this woman personally because he had her do some photo analysis for him, that Dave now claims she has changed her mind about , via these alleged e-mails ... We are not talking about top secret classified information here ... This person went on the public record as supporting Jarrah White's analysis and then Dave showed up on YouTube to try to discredit his work with his ridiculous claims of having alleged e-mails from her which refute her initial findings . I merely want the record set straight on this ... But if Dave can not or will not forward either Jenny's alleged e-mails to Jarrah , or at least the e-mail address he used to allegedy contact her , then Jarrah and I both will be forced to assume that he is lying about this and we will expose his scam . Dave keeps sending me PM's about this and I would condsider his last one to me to be a threat ... I won't post it here , as it is private , but I will post my reply to him , as this is the only way to put this issue to rest . Here is my PM to Dave . You left YouTube because you were getting your ass kicked by the opposition ... but you don't know the half of it , cuz there's more to come . Forward the e-mail address to me and the e-mails to Jarrah ... That's the only way you can prove you're not lying and running a ridiculous scam . Lamson ... Dave's photo will be dealt with soon enough by someone more quilified than I , to prove that he is being dishonest .
  15. Give me a break Lamson ... Anybody who knows what they're doing can photoshop anything ... Just look at the phony Apollo photographs and you will see the proof of that unhappy fact . "Of course I don't trust you! After what you said you would email Jenny about me!" Now that has to be just about the funniest thing I ever read on the entire internet Dave .. YOU playing the victim ! .. Too funny ! Here's the bottom line on this ... You can't prove that these alleged e-mails are from Jarrah's photo analysis source , Jenny , by sending them to a third party , because no matter who you choose to send them to , they don't know this woman personally and therefore would have no way of knowing or proving if they really came from her or not .... Even if they e-mailed the address you supplied , it could be anybody pretending to be her , on your behalf .. or even you , for that matter . I was born at night but I wasn't born last night , so don't try to pull your scam with me .. There is only one person who will be able the verify if these alleged e-mails came from Jenny ... and that would obviously be Jarrah White ... So if you are not willing to send them to him , then I am calling your bluff and accusing you of running a scam ... If these e-mails are really from Jenny and they say exactly what you claim they do , then you have nothing to worry about ... Jarrah will just have to except the fact that the dodgy photoshopped picture you posted here , was enough to fool her into believing that they both were wrong about the Apollo 11 shadow anomaly .. Do we have a deal then ? ... Send the e-mails to Jarrah ... and if he can verify that they are really from his source , then I will apologize to you publically ... But if you continue to refuse to send them to him , or edit them in any way , then I will know you are runing a scam and I will post that fact all over the YouTube comments section .
  16. Dave ... I have finished arguing with you about this and everything else .. If you are really so worried about " breaching a confidentiality " then why would you even consider making her e-mail public ? ... You are not even making any sense at this point . I am not going to rehash what happened to the WOS or on the WOS ... Neither do I give a rip that I was banned from the UM ... As I stated before , you did me a favor ... but attacking Jarrah and then making accusations you are not willing to allow him privy to , is completely dishonorable . I don't want to make these e-mals public and neither does he ... But if you are not willing for either one of us to see them , then I will have to assume that you are not being truthful and hiding something ... Send him the alleged e-mails if you don't trust me to be discreet with them .. He would be in a better position than I anyway, to determine if they are valid or not ... After all , he knows this person personally ... So if you have pulled any fast ones , he should be able to determine that . Oh , and here's a little gift from greenmagoos and me ... I hope you enjoy it ... It's his new one and it's a beaut ! And once again , thanks for the laughs ! NASASCAM ( featuring Dave Greer's "stretched" A15 whistleblowing shadow ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0BbeNc_b0I
  17. Cut the crap Dave ...The bottom line is YOU ALTERED THE SHADOW TO MATCH THE ASTRONOT ... It's a faked, whistleblower photo , and if you can't or won't admit to at least that , then you can not be trusted to be truthful about anything .
  18. Duane Who's trying to make you look the bad guy? You're the one who falsely accused my of lying about emailing someone, and even stated I may have threatened her. You're the one insinuating yet again that I hacked the World of the Strange site (despite you already offering a public apology for that indiscretion on this very forum some months ago). Now you're insinuating that I had you banned from Unexplained Mysteries, yet ANOTHER false accusation. Why do you think I'm trying to make you look bad? For trying to rise above the insults, innuendo and false accusations? You're doing a darned fine job iof making yourself look bad. I tell you what Duane, since you accuse the moderators of this forum of being incapable of mediating the authenticity of a simple email, how about this. I'll forward the email onto Jack White so he can verify I'm not lying (providing he agrees not to forward it to yourself, Jarrah, or any other third party, nor to post it on any public forum.) I may not agree with Jack's opinion on Apollo, but since I know I'm right, I'm willing for him to vouch for the content of this email. If Jack agrees to this, and is willing to confirm or deny each of the following (a) it is from Jenny Heller ( there is no threatening language from myself, either direct or implied © she states that she is NOT a photography expert, but a fine arts teacher (d) she states that she is sure the beach photo I forwarded to her disproves Jarrah's theory (e) there is nothing else in the email that contradicts anything I've said will you then be willing to offer a public apology on both this forum (since you brought it here) and on Youtube, both for the accusation of lying about the email, and for implying that I threatened her into changing her mind? (Note, I am not expecting Jack to comment on the photo itself, I know he disagrees with my analysis of it. I just want him to confirm I'm not lying about the email itself). Back to you Duane. Do you trust Jack White to be as honest about this email as I do? I'm really sorry things have come to this but I'm fed up of you going around the internet spouting false accusations about me with impunity. Why do you now want to drag Jack into this ? ... He is a busy man with more important things to do than to play games with the likes of you and your kind . Yes, I trust Jack , but that is hardly the point ... Maybe you should explain why you are willing to forward these alleged e-mails onto a third party , but not to Jarrah ( the one you are accusing of wrong doing ) or to me , the one who would like to see with my own eyes that what you claim is true . Isn't it enough that I am willing to apologize to you on YouTube if you are telling the truth about this ? ... It makes no sense at all that you won't at least forward the e-mails to Jarrah , unless you have something to hide . As for the WOS , it didn't get hacked until I posted some very damaging Apollo hoax evidence ... Coincidence ? Maybe , but I highly doubt it .... And the reason I was banned from the UM ( not that it matters , as they did me a favor ) was because you alerted one of the moderators there as to what I had posted here, about the possibility of that site having the capability to read members posts as they were typing them ...You and West are members of both forums ... and the day after I posted this information here , I was banned from there .. Coincidence ? ... Maybe , but I highy doubt it . It is obvious to me now that you will stop at nothing to get me and others like me , such as Jarrah , to stop posting about and exposing the Apollo hoax ... and I have only one thing left to say about that sad fact ... "Me thinks thou dost protest too much ." ... and with good reason ... Apollo was a hoax .
  19. Do you have ANY idea how perspective applies to photography and why it would make the shadows converge? I know how it applies now .. and I know how easy it is to photoshop faked images , including shadows ... I also know when a photo shadow has to be "stretched and skewed" to match the object in that photo , that someting is very wrong with the picture .
  20. Duane, You make yourself look like the bad guy when you continue to lie about the photo being skewed. Again, this is an open invitation to any of the lurkers in this thread to do what Duane refuses to do and test it yourself. Simply scale the image vertically, no skew, and you can recreate what Dave did. I'm not lying about anything ... Greer admitted to "stretching and skewing " the image in his first post about this ... He is the one being deceptive , not me ... Read what he posted , unless he has edited it , which wouldn't surprise me in the least .. But we will let the evidence speak for itself ... The original photo , before Greer "stretched and skewed " it , clearly shows an upright , backwards shadow ... It in no way matches the forward , leaning over position of the astronot ... It is a prime example of whistleblowing and one of the most obvious of faked Apollo photos for several reasons .. The impossible tire tracks going thorugh the middle of the crater , being another .
  21. By the way , your photograph is a phony looking as the Apollo one ... Did you really fool him with this photoshopped shadow photo of yours ? ... Or is this just part of your game ? "I was able to recreate a similar photo which I showed to him." ... I just bet you "recreated" it .
  22. You are unbelievable ... On every forum you have followed me to , you always try to make me look like the bad guy . You made claims on the YouTube comment boards that you had contacted Jarrah's source and she refutted her own claim , which was only agreeing with him in his MoonFaker video that the 90 degree shadow angle on one Apollo 11 photo was anomalous ... Then you proceeded to make the claim that she was not qualified to do any photo analysis and that she admitted as much to you ... Of course your entire sole reason for allegedly contacting her and making these statements on YouTube was to attempt to discredit Jarrah's work ... All I asked was that instead of forwarding this alleged e-mail to another pro Apollo video maker on that site to gloat over getting one up on Jarrah , that you forward these alleged e-mails to him and me , so we could see for ourselves if Jenny had refuted her original claim without any pressure from you ... Now you are still refusing to send these alleged e-mails to Jarrrah and me , but would like me to assign a moderator here to accept them ?!?! ... You have got to be joking !! ... There isn't a moderator on this forum who would take my side in this because there isn't one moderator here who is even open to the possibility that the official Apollo record is fraudulent ... So no , I don't accept your offer for the simple reason that I don't trust you or your motives . I never asked you to post these alleged e-mails publically ... I asked you to send them to Jarrah's and my PM inbox , for the sole purpose to see if your claims about her refuting her own analysis was true , and to make sure that it wasn't done out of fear of who might be contacting her . There was no reason for you to bring any of this here, via a PM to me or posts on this forum , about what takes place on YouTube ... This is a game you have played before with me ... and the last two times you played it, the WOS was hacked and permanately crashed and I was banned from the Unexplained Mysteries forum . I am tired of your games ... I am tired of your dishonest tactics ... and I am tired of you trying to make me the bad guy , when it's you who fits that role ... If your friends are too blind to see what you are all about, then fine ... but you have fooled no one on YouTube with your game playing nonsense and the altering of the A15 Dave Scott shadow ... I don't give a hoot what kind of explaination you or Lamson or West or any of the other defenders of Apollo comes up with to try to explain away why you stretched and skewed that photo to have the shadow match the astronot ... because in doing so , you not only made it more obvious that the shadow was placed in that photograph backwards and in the wrong upright position , but also became a joke among the conspiracy researchers on YouTube ... So no , I don't want you to send those alleged e-mails to a nasa defending moderator on this forum , I want you to send them to Jarrah and me ... and the only reason at this point that you still refuse to send them to us , only proves one thing ... Either there are no e-mails or they don't make the claims you say they do . If you forward the e-mails to Jarrah and me and they are everything you claim they are , then I will make a public apology to you on YouTube .. Balls in your court Dave .
  23. You can pretend that you're amused all you want to Dave , but your PM to me tells quite a different story . You pulled a stunt on YouTube about those alleged e-mails , that you didn't think through and you didn't think I would call your bluff on ... Therfore , you got caught with your pants down , so to speak ... and you are the laughing stock of YouTube .. and if you don't believe me I will post the video here which proves that you and your A15 shadow are a sham . I don't THINK the A15 Scott photo shadow is backwards , I KNOW it's backwards ... I don't THINK the moon buggy tire tracks went slap dab through the middle of that silly looking crater ,which would have flipped it right over if it really had , I KNOW they did and it's called WHISTLEBLOWING .... I don't THINK the Apollo photos are crude studio fakes , I KNOW they are .. Funny you should speak of irony and ignorance , as I have no doubt you are very familiar with both .
  24. Wrong again Matt ... The astronauts in low earth orbit ARE protected by the Van Allen belts , which do block cosmic ray radiation ... but here's what you don't know because all you ever read are self serving nasa sites ... Deadly cosmic rays , along with various other types of radiation , are the main reason no manned missions have ever flown through the belts to land on the hot , radioactive moon .. Scientists today are completely baffled as to how to build a craft to soft land humans on the moon , with the proper radiation shielding to keep them alive on the lunar surface.. .. In fact they are so puzzled that they are making journeys to museums where the Apollo LM's are on display , to try to figure out how those babies ever flew to the moon .. But what a surprise is in store for them when they discover that those babies never did , and never could have, flown and soft landed on the moon , even if God was the co-pilot ! Like I have stated many times before .. the future unmanned moon missions will prove once and for all that manned missions never landed there over 38 years ago , using the computing power of a Wallmart watch and slide rule , antiquated technology .
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