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Joseph Backes

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Posts posted by Joseph Backes

  1. I'm inclined to think this is a different Jack Dougherty.

    I found this - http://www.foia.cia.gov/search-results?search_api_views_fulltext=DOUGHERTY&field_collection=

    That is a CIA FOIA database where you can find this:

    Doc No/ESDN: CIA-RDP80B01676R004100020074-6
    Pages: 5
    No document available for download
    I don't think the Jack Doughtery who worked in the TSBD was the president of anything. Unfortunately, we can't see this document online.
  2. I'm limited to a ridiculous 3.96KB if I want to upload an image.

    So, I'll just tell you what I'm looking for. I'm going to send you to a Veterans Today page by Fetzer. I know, but if you're quick ti won't be too painful.

    Go here and scroll down until you see the section about a missing shoulder. Do you see the guy they stole from some male modeling ad? He's wearing a green top and seems to have been surgically attached to the guy called Black Tie Man? This is their interpretation of the arm, which they think is Lovelady's. Now, wasn't this image posted somewhere on this forum in an animated gif? Is this ringing a bell now? Does this seem familiar? I want to get the animated .gif of this.

    Thank you.


  3. Well, that's why I said it was a little bit ahead of its time. I wouldn't really call it a superhero movie. It wasn't about costumes and powers. The Big Blue guy was Dr. Manhattan who had God like powers, like the JSA's The Spectre, but Dr. Manhattan was more about radioactivity. And he liked to prance around in the nude in this male super body. It was more about lies. It was about political lies. It was about remaining silent and allowing a political lie to be the new foundation for how people will now live their lives.

    The villain of the movie puts Dr. Manhattan through a mind game, like a psychological warfare op. And the good Dr kind of loses control of himself while being interviewed by a guy who is clearly Ted Koppel.

  4. Damn, I had the embed code, and it worked once, but it won't work again for me. Sorry.

    <iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/dSAbejJhgqM?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  5. This is not real at all. I could tell before I saw 10 seconds of it. It's a very professional pan shot behind Zapruder. So, right away you should ask yourself what's wrong with that? The answer is, where's Marilyn Sitzman? She stood behind Zapruder and held him steady as he had vertigo. What he stood on is a little bit high, maybe four feet. The motorcycle escorts on Jackie's side of the car are too close, the Secret Service follow up car is too close. That's obviously not Clint Hill. He's too tall. His actions in no way match Hill's. We don't see the three men who stood on the steps on the north grassy knoll in the real Zapruder film.

    They carefully end this just before you see one of the characters of the movie, "The Watchmen," called "The Comedian," was one of, if not the guy who assassinated JFK. He's seen in front of the wooden fence in the film. And you don't see him in the clip Dave Andrews provides.

    See - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSAbejJhgqM

    <iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/dSAbejJhgqM?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    "The Watchman," was a rather famous graphic novel. It took ideas from the Golden Age of comics, the 1940's and World War II era and had the heroes affecting and being affected by various moments in American history. The first group of heroes were somewhat akin to the first super-hero group, the Justice Society of America. But, they allowed these Watchmen to age and retire, and yes some were killed. The Comedian stayed active and bridged the gap between the two eras of heroes. The film is grounded in a second era of heroes in the mid 1980's and is told mainly from the perspective of one character, a great character called Rorschach. He had a white almost cheesecloth like mask, a face mask that was white with black ink spots that constantly changed. You wondered how he could possibly see through it. The film starts out with the death of The Comedian. Rorschach comes to believe that someone at least as powerful as The Comedian killed him, which means that someone is out to kill the heroes. His investigation leads to the discovery of a bigger problem. He brings another hero, his former partner, out of retirement.

    The film has President Nixon sending in a very powerful super-hero into Vietnam who wins the war for the USA. There was no Watergate scandal in this world that forced Nixon to resign. It's implied that The Comedian killed Woodward and Bernstein. An aged Nixon is still president in 1985. And there's a nuclear arms race that is a key element to the story. One hero wants to rule the world. And one hero parades around in the nude most of the time.

    It was a one shot deal, only one graphic novel. They made a movie about it. And now they have created some new comic books with these characters, and there's dolls and statutes of the heroes. And there's talk of making another movie with these characters in this world. This is what happens when a corporation owns the rights.

    It was a super-hero movie a little bit ahead of its time. If you can get past the big blue naked guy there are some interesting social commentaries in the film. I would recommend it for anyone who went through the 1970's and thinks something went wrong with America, with us, during the 1960's and 1970's. It was not meant for children.

  6. No. No members of the Review Board resigned. The board was composed of John Tunheim, he was the chairman, then there was Dr. Anna K. Nelson, Dr. William Joyce, Dr. Kermit Hall, and Dr.Henry Graff.

    Kermit Hall and Anna Nelson are now deceased. I'm still amazed that they're gone. Henry Graff was the oldest and most absent member. I think he's still alive. I haven't seen or heard anything about Dr. William Joyce, and I assume he's still alive too.

    Now keep in mind that the Board members did not work full-time on this. They had and kept their original full-time gigs and only came in to D.C. once a month or so for a day or two. They may have an open meeting, or not, and vote on releasing records. Or they got a briefing from an intelligence agency about a document or an issue concerning something in that document. It's the staff that worked full-time, and most of them were young people fresh out of college or grad school.

    At the staff level there were people coming and going, which is somewhat to be expected. It was only going to be a short time that you were to be employed. They had to get security clearances, I would think. The JFK Act had a sunset provision so no matter what they were gone by the summer of 1998.

  7. NARA responds:

    Mr. Backes,

    The original of this letter was returned to the Oswald family by the Warren Commission prior to the transfer of the Warren Commission records to the National Archives. The "official" CE in our custody is a copy. If you read the testimony where this letter and others were introduced, (Volume I, p.180 and 182) you will see that the Commission states that the Commission will substitute copies for the originals. The original that is on sale is not a stolen document.
    Chief, Special Access and FOIA Staff
    National Archives at College Park
  8. It looks like this is the original. And someone is asking $95,000 for this.

    Here is the Amazon.com site - http://www.amazon.com/LEE-HARVEY-OSWALD-AUTOGRAPH-LETTER/dp/B009NH6DNO/ref=sr_1_35?ie=UTF8&qid=1390438080&sr=8-35&keywords=Oswald

    See - http://justiceforkennedy.blogspot.com/2014/01/why-is-warren-commission-exhibit-183.html

    I sent an email to Archives II about this. Please send as many as you can. Tell everybody about this.

    Ask them to do an inventory and see what else may be missing.

    It is my understanding that a lot of the original evidence was returned to the original owners. The Ruby revolver was returned to Ruby's family and sold off. Oswald's Marine score book was sold to Dr. Lattimer. At one point--sometime in the late '60's if I recall--Marina sued to get Oswald's stuff back so she could sell it. I believe they reached a compromise, whereby she was provided some of the stuff--like unimportant letters--and not provided others--like the assassination rifle.

    I'm curious as to what the archives has to say, however.

    That's not my understanding at all. In fact, quite the reverse. Marina tried to gain control of the rifle and that led to a law making all the artifacts the Warren Commission examined government property. I did a little research into this when the ARRB was around. I have not heard of any compromise between NARA and Marina.

  9. It looks like this is the original. And someone is asking $95,000 for this.

    Here is the Amazon.com site - http://www.amazon.com/LEE-HARVEY-OSWALD-AUTOGRAPH-LETTER/dp/B009NH6DNO/ref=sr_1_35?ie=UTF8&qid=1390438080&sr=8-35&keywords=Oswald

    See - http://justiceforkennedy.blogspot.com/2014/01/why-is-warren-commission-exhibit-183.html

    I sent an email to Archives II about this. Please send as many as you can. Tell everybody about this.

    Ask them to do an inventory and see what else may be missing.

  10. I think I misspelled Donovan. Okay, JFK got this guy James B. Donovan who negotiated with Fidel Castro to get the Bay of Pigs prisoners released. I'm wondering if there is a list, and there must be one somewhere of the 1,113 survivors of the Bay of Pigs invasion. Their names must be on a list. I'd love to find such a list. Donovan, while doing these negotiations was also running as a Democrat, and endorsed by JFK, for a U.S. senate seat in New York against Jacob Javits.

    According to Wikipedia Donovan helped draft the legislation that created the CIA.

  11. I'm intrigued that he mentions the Continuity of Government (COG) which is an issue that deserves much more study than it has been given. Bill Kelly, I think it was Bill Kelly, had something about Dallas being a key communications point for the COG. Bill needs a "search this bog" feature. It's an easy gadget to add to your blog, Bill.

    David Josephs picked up on the key contradiction. In one article he's at a communication station somewhere in Dallas, in the other article he's in Washington, D.C. Well, he can't be at both places when the assassination happens. And what the hell is a backup detail supposed to be? Or do? It doesn't make sense.

  12. I think the beginning of the idea that William Greer turned around and shot JFK came from William Cooper parading around a severely degraded, black and white version of the Zapruder film. He was like a proto-Cinque. And if you saw the Zapruder film in color, and of a higher quality print you clearly saw that the whole thing was a blatant lie. What was being called a gun was nothing more than sunlight reflecting off of the forehead and hair of Roy Kellerman.

    So, the evidence that impeached the "Greer shot JFK" theory is the Zapruder film.

    So, now if you believe there was tampering with the Zapruder film, which I think its obvious that Doug Horne does, then the Zapruder film cannot be used to impeach the "Greer shot JFK" theory.

    For me the possibility of Zapruder film alteration does not resurrect the "Greer shot JFK" theory.

  13. He claims he was a military attache with the Secret Service. Vince Palamara seems skeptical about him. There's an article about a presentation he's going to give in Easton, MA.

    A man named Norman Katz is going to talk to a Chamber of Commerce dinner in Easton, MA about the assassination of JFK.

    There's an article from Wicked Local Easton.

    Easton —

    The Easton Chamber of Commerce will celebrate its 10th annual Business Appreciation Night at the Easton Country Club Thursday, Jan. 30.

    To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination, the chamber will welcome guest speaker, Norman Katz, former U.S. Secret Service Military Attaché. Katz is one of 11 special agents still alive from that fateful day when our nation’s 35th President, John F. Kennedy was assassinated. He will give a historic account of what happened that day and in the days that followed. The presentation will include original photographs and memorabilia from the assassination and the swearing in of President Lyndon B. Johnson in the aftermath of the shooting.

    The chamber dinner will also feature the presentation of two awards, the 2013 Outstanding Business Citizen Award and the 2013 Community Scholarship Award. The business award will be given to a local businessperson in recognition of their outstanding support of the Easton community and its citizens.

    All members of the Easton business community are welcome. There is no charge for members of the Easton chamber and $25 for non-members. The evening will include hors d’oeuvres, a buffet dinner and a cash bar.

    Cocktail hour is at 6 p.m. and dinner at 7 p.m.

    If interested in attending, call 508-238-2225 or email kerri@easton-chamber.com.

    He has a website where he tries to get booking so he can speak.

    There's an article about him, with a photo in The Cape Cod Times.

    PROVINCETOWN — Norman Katz was sitting in a history class at Northeastern University in Boston when he was told to report immediately to the university president's office.

    It was 1961, and Katz was an ROTC student. He thought he was in trouble over his tuition bill.

    Instead, two strangers took him to a private room and told him they had a special assignment for him. By the following May, a year after graduation, he was headed to Washington, D.C., with his wife, assigned to be an Army military attache with the Secret Service in the White House.

    The job propelled him into the center of one of the century's most memorable events — the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963. At the Provincetown Public Library today, Katz, 76, will speak about his four years on the job before and after the assassination.

    Kennedy was shot shortly after noon Nov. 22, 1963, as he rode in a motorcade through Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas.

    "I was supposed to go to Dallas that day," Katz said Friday by phone from his home in Sharon.

    But the Secret Service was expecting Dallas to be tense, if not dangerous. Because Katz had special training in security that would ensure the continuity of the U.S. government, he was told to stay in Washington.

    "(That day) I was in the office. A teletype came right through. We knew immediately."

    There are fewer than a dozen Secret Service agents and associates alive from the day of the assassination, he said. He began giving talks about his experiences in 2010, after reporters asked him to tell his story and he checked with the FBI in Boston.

    They told him to go ahead but to be careful what he shared since some information was still classified.

    "There's always certain things," Katz said.

    He will bring anecdotes and memorabilia to his appearance at the library that detail first-hand experiences in White House security. He has a sense of excitement that conveys the drama of the times, even during a phone conversation.

    "I was in very often, where he was there," Katz said about the Kennedy White House. "You don't speak unless you were spoken to. We had a job to do. All I can say, as a youngster, it was Camelot. It was really Camelot. It was so wonderful, that family. It reminds me of the family that occupies the White House today."

    Back to the meeting with the two strangers on campus, Katz said now he doesn't know why he was chosen.

    He was 128 pounds, and a nervous wreck at being summoned.

    "I said, 'What's the problem?'" Katz recalled.

    The official letter, dated May 3, 1962, invited Katz to a "rather unique assignment" within the U.S. Army Interagency Communications Agency. The letter revealed little about the mysterious assignment, but instructed him, when he arrived in Washington, D.C., to call a certain number or show up at a particular warehouse.

    "The White House has more than one address," Katz said with a sort of laugh.

  14. P.S. Stone's JFK didn't name anyone specific as a conspirator or assassin. Evidently the DiCaprios will.

    Can a case of libel or slander be brought on behalf of a dead person by his/her relatives?


    In answer to this and the first post, no. The dead have no legal rights, none whatsoever. No one can bring a case on behalf of the dead. That's why JFK gets slimed in the press again and again and no one does anything about it. That's why they do it, because they can get away with it. That's why you're hearing JFK liked fascism and Hitler, and the news sources for that are right-wing sources. The Daily Mail is a Murdoch paper.

  15. I have a few questions someone may be able to answer.

    The photo of Oswald included here...

    attachicon.gifoswald 1959.jpg

    - Does anyone know when this was first made available to the press before 1963 and where?

    - Where did the Warren Omission get theirs from?

    I do wish people would give a link or some information about where they got an image that they are posting came from. So, what Blair posted probably came from here. You can search Google for Lee Harvey Oswald 1959 photo and you'll see it. It was used in the PBS show "American Experience: Oswald's Ghost."

    The more I look at it I think what you've got, Blair, is the before photo and then what is in John Armstrong's materials at Baylor is the after photo.

    For the purposes of a discussion on these two LHO photos I'm going to call the one Blair posted as the Blair LHO photo and the one Tom Hume gave a link to as the Armstrong photo.

    So, in other words, the Blair LHO photo is the original photo and the Armstrong LHO photo, the one we're more familiar with is a doctored photo. The Armstrong LHO is a composite, I believe, of two different people. I've always thought the right side of a man's face, on the left side of the photo as viewed, is closer to the camera than the left side of another man's face, the right side of the photo as viewed, is. The left side of the face comes from the photo of LHO that Blair posted. So, we don't have the original photo of the man on the right side of the Armstrong photo. Who that man is remains a mystery.

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