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Joseph Backes

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Posts posted by Joseph Backes

  1. I'd be happy to keep people informed about what's going on.

    There are a few things to mention.  I would need to give some history and context.  So maybe have two threads pinned, one for that, and one for current news.

    I would need an ability to post images, and perhaps Excel databases.  Or maybe I could just do that on my substack and put a link here. 


  2. Why does these so called journalists and analysist get it so wrong?  

    I thought it was found on a stretcher, and as it turns out not on a stretcher that had anything to do with the care of either JFK or Connally.  That's what Josiah Thompson found out and published in his book "Six Seconds in Dallas," right?

    Now it was found on the floor near a stretcher.  AND THEY GOT THE YEAR THE ASSASSINATION WRONG!  

    See - https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/13/politics/kennedy-assassination-what-matters/index.html

    Why we’re still learning new things about the JFK assassination

    Analysis by Zachary B. Wolf, CNN

    Updated 9:39 AM EDT, Thu September 14, 2023

    A version of this story appeared in CNN’s What Matters newsletter. To get it in your inbox, sign up for free here.

    CNN — 

    It’s hard to believe there’s a new eyewitness account from a Secret Service agent who was right there at the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

    This is, after all among the most investigated, revisited and argued about events in US history.

    But Paul Landis, who in 1963 was a young agent detailed to protect the first lady, Jacqueline Kennedy, shares recollections in a new memoir, “The Final Witness,” to be published next month. The 60th anniversary of the assassination is in November.

    What Landis remembers about being near Kennedy’s body could challenge elements of the so-called magic bullet theory, that one of the bullets that struck Kennedy also wounded then-Texas Gov. John Connally. According to the Warren Commission, the intact bullet was discovered when it was knocked onto the floor next to a stretcher holding Connally.

    Appearing in his first television interview on CNN’s “The Lead with Jake Tapper” Wednesday, Landis, now 88, described the assassination and said he retrieved a bullet from the limousine that had carried the Kennedys. Landis said he later placed it in the exam room where the president was being treated at Parkland Memorial Hospital.

    He described a chaotic scene and his split-second decisions both to remove the bullet from the limousine and then place it next to the president.

    “I thought, well, this is the perfect place to leave the bullet, it’s an important piece of evidence and this was the opportunity to leave it,” Landis said.

    Why he waited so long to speak

    “Everything was pretty stressful for all the agents,” Landis told Tapper, explaining why he did not tell supervisors about the bullet at the time or in the intervening decades.

    “I just stayed in view of Mrs. Kennedy,” Landis said. “I was afraid I was going to pass out and I kept telling myself I’ve got to hang in there.”a  [ THAT'S WHAT IS LOOKS LIKE. I didn't delete anything there. ]

    He was never interviewed by the Warren Commission Report and said he was afraid that if he was, he would have broken down “and be an embarrassment to the Secret Service.”

    Haunted by his experience, Landis said he left the Secret Service less than a year after the assassination.

    There are differing positions on what to make of Landis’ memoir

    Jefferson Morley edits a substack newsletter, JFK Facts, that pushes for more transparency in the official record on the Kennedy assassination. He has long doubted the “magic bullet” theory and deconstructed official government reports.

    “Landis shows that this is an open question and we really need a much better explanation of what happened on November 22, 1963,” Morley told CNN’s Abby Phillip earlier this week.

    Another expert says Landis has not altered the basic conclusions of numerous government reports and exhaustive investigations. Farris Rookstool III is a former FBI analyst who reviewed Kennedy assassination documents.

    “The problem with all of this is that it does not change the basic fact that three shots were fired from the southeast corner of the Texas School Book Depository… using Lee Harvey Oswald’s rifle,” Rookstool told Phillip.

    It would be impossible to go over all the evidence and foolish to try

    If you want to spend days going down rabbit holes of evidence, reports and declassified documents, head on over to the National Archives website. They’ve got the Warren Commission report, which most people now feel was incomplete and rushed.

    The National Archives has also posted the work of a congressional investigation that checked the Warren Commission’s work, the House special committee on assassinations, which issued a 1979 report that also found Oswald fired three shots and that two struck Kennedy. The House investigation did not rule out the possibility of another shooter and it also also suggested the evidence pointed to some kind of conspiracy, but not to any suspects. The committee found there was no evidence the Cuban government, the mafia or the CIA were involved.

    There are still secrets

    Despite promises by multiple presidents and a law passed by Congress in 1992, the CIA, the Defense Department and the Department of State all continue to have documents they refuse to publicly release.

    Although that 1992 law was passed in an effort to build up credibility and cut down on secrecy, reading the 1998 report of a special board set up at the National Archives to push the American national security apparatus to comply with the law is a study in bureaucratic infighting.

    The vast majority of documents – millions of them – have been released. But the transparency effort continues. Documents were released just last month, although as with many recently released documents they are still redacted, the typeset is extremely difficult or impossible to read, and their connection to the assassination investigation is not clear.

    Biden and Trump both allowed these agencies to keep some documents secret

    While both the Biden and Trump administrations released tens of thousands of documents, they allowed others to be kept hidden.

    President Joe Biden required agencies to write down a justification for why documents should stay hidden.

    It mostly boils down to not wanting to out confidential sources who are still alive, or might be alive, and protecting methods. The CIA says it will wait until people either die or can be presumed dead at the age of 100 before releasing that information.

    As a result, it continues to hide thousands of documents, inventoried in a 118-page index.

    ‘Benign coverup’

    The CIA’s own historian has described the agency’s selective cooperation and outright hiding of information from the Warren Commission and the House committee as a sort of “benign coverup.” Read that history at the non-governmental transparency website National Security Archive and get some context around it from Kennedy assassination expert Philip Shenon.

    Shenon and the historian Larry Sabato of the University of Virginia have been among those poring over the documents released in recent years, some of which suggested doubt even within the CIA about the official assassination story.

    Many of the questions revolve around Oswald’s trip to Mexico City weeks before the assassination. Under surveillance by the CIA, he visited the Cuban and Soviet embassies, apparently trying to get a visa to flee the US.

    For all of its failings – and there are many – Sabato wrote in 2013 for CNN about how the main points of the Warren Commission report hold.

    Most Americans don’t believe the official accounts

    A majority, 54%, said in a 2018 CBS News poll there was a coverup. In 2013, 61% said in a CBS poll that others, in addition to Oswald were involved. That’s actually down from 1998, when 76% said they believed others were involved. When CNN asked in 2013 who people believed were involved, a third of the country, 33%, suspected the CIA had something to do with it. But in that 2013 poll, not insubstantial minorities also suspected the mafia and then-Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson could have been involved.

    The evidence still points to Oswald

    After watching the Landis interview and reading that there are still classified CIA documents, I asked Sabato if he stands by that 2013 argument that the basic thrust of the Warren Commission holds.

    “Yes, I still believe Oswald was the lone gunman—despite everything,” Sabato told me in an email.

    “By ‘everything’ I mean the inadequacies of the Warren Report, the FBI’s admitted destruction of important evidence, the CIA’s untruths about Oswald as well as the agency’s refusal to release all its JFK assassination documents, and so on.”

    He wishes the Warren Commission had interviewed Landis and others back in 1963 rather than simply accepting statements without cross-examination.

    “There has been too much magical thinking by theorists since the 1960s,” Sabato said, pointing to the many, frequently outlandish theories you can easily find on the internet.

    That said, Sabato said he understands why people don’t believe the commission’s findings. And he made an important point that extends well beyond the Kennedy assassination.

    “Our own government and its top agencies gave people plenty of reasons to doubt what they’ve said about Kennedy’s murder,” Sabato said. “In 1963 we bought pretty much anything the authorities told us—that’s how we were raised. Now, though, after decades of government lying about Vietnam, Watergate, Iran-Contra, 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, and a thousand other things, can you blame people for not buying what the Warren Commission was selling?”

    CORRECTION: This story has been updated to correctly reflect the year President John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

  3. Hello folks,

    Please stop creating new threads on Landis. We must use this rare media opportunity to address the JFK records still being withheld.  We are not going to get anything from this radical Right-wing Congress who only wants to attack Biden.  We are not going to get any oversight hearings nor any legislation passed.  

    But we can put some focus on NARA and the intel community with the surprising effectiveness of the MFF lawsuit.  

    Do not waste time with those who want to say the single bullet theory is still valid.  It was never valid.  I hope Morley is right that this Landis story represents a turning point by the MSM away from believing in the SBT and thinking it is holy scripture.  That would be fantastic.  But, drawing attention to the documents is where we need to go.

    I'll be posting some lists of RIF numbers for documents that are not in the Excel database substitution(s) we got when they took the online RIF database down on my substack site soon.

    Thank you,


  4. It's not an oversight.  As I said, Kelly's book came out in 1987.

    No. The tape Hoover is referring to is one of the CIA tapes.  Eldon Rudd was an FBI agent in MC. He flew up to Dallas with it.  

    The ARRB was keenly interested in the MC tapes. But, they had to work through the State Dept and they were not very helpful. 

  5. Because Ed Lopez and Dan Hardway were reviewing CIA records.  Also because they didn't know about it.  Kelly's book wasn't published until 1987 which was well after the HSCA period.  

    Boris and Anna Tarasoff have nothing to do with the FBI tap.  

    I don't think it's necessarily correct that there is an FBI copy of everything the CIA taped, or vice versa.  

    I was pointing out something John Newman referenced in, I think, his 1994 A.S. K. presentation.

    As to how many Oswald calls there were and when I would check with Newman's "Oswald and the CIA," book. 

    So, unless the ARRB asked the FBI about this I don't think there are many records at all on the FBI taping system in MC.


  6. Today's Telegraph article. (links disabled) 

    Secret service agent who witnessed JFK's assassination casts doubt on 'magic bullet' theory

    David Millward

    Sun, September 10, 2023 at 2:10 PM EDT·4 min read

    A secret service agent who was just feet away from John F Kennedy when he was assassinated claims he found the “magic bullet” but it got misplaced, in a curious intervention that raises questions about a second shooter.

    Paul Landis who was standing on the running board of the car behind the president, also said he heard two extra shots during the 1963 Dallas attack.

    Mr Landis, who never testified to the commission into the assassination, said he picked up the bullet from the back seat of the car where JFK had been sitting, and placed it on the president’s stretcher for investigators to examine.

    But somehow the bullet ended up on Texas governor John Connally’s stretcher, fuelling the “magic bullet” theory that it passed through Mr Kennedy and hit Mr Connally.

    The government’s Warren Commission originally concluded that the bullet passed through the president’s throat before hitting Mr Connally’s shoulder, ribs, wrist and thigh.

    It forms part of the official findings that a single bullet was responsible for Mr Kennedy’s neck wound, and all the injuries suffered by Mr Connally have long been considered vital for its conclusion that the assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, acted alone.

    Mr Landis quit the secret service six months after the shooting, traumatised, and refused to engage with the investigation or any material about the shooting.

    Now 88, Mr Landis has written a memoir, which is at odds with many of the official findings on what remains one of the most enduring mysteries.

    Mr Landis was tasked with protecting the First Lady Jackie Kennedy, and recalls having to duck to avoid being splattered by brains.

    Speaking about the bullet, he told the New York Times that he believed it was transferred from one stretcher to the other when they were pushed together.

    “There was nobody there to secure the scene, and that was a big, big bother to me,” Mr. Landis said. “All the agents that were there were focused on the president.

    “This was all going on so quickly. And I was just afraid that — it was a piece of evidence, that I realised right away. Very important. And I didn’t want it to disappear or get lost. So it was, ‘Paul, you’ve got to make a decision,’ and I grabbed it’.”

    Mr Landis, whose memoir The Final Witness will be published next month, believes the bullet did not have sufficient velocity to go through Kennedy, let alone continue its improbable trajectory.

    He said that is why it was found on the back seat, and another bullet was responsible for the wounds sustained by Mr Connally.

    Until recently, Mr Landis had always accepted that Oswald – who was himself shot dead by Jack Ruby in a Dallas police station – was the sole gunman.

    He is now less convinced, he told the New York Times.

    “At this point, I’m beginning to doubt myself,” he said. “Now I begin to wonder. That is as far as he is willing to go.”

    The Warren Commission concluded that Oswald fired three bullets from a Carcano M91/38 bolt-action rifle in 8.3 seconds.

    However, Italian experts in 2007 found that the weapon was incapable of unleashing three bullets in less than 19 seconds.

    Suggestions that a sole gunman was responsible for the assassination have been repeatedly challenged over the last six decades with a raft of conspiracy theories suggesting the assassination was orchestrated by – among others – the mafia, the Vatican and Fidel Castro.

    The president’s nephew, current presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. – whose father Bobby Kennedy was also assassinated – has claimed that the CIA was responsible for his uncle’s murder.

    Conspiracy theorists claimed that the CIA and anti-communists arranged the assassination to prevent the US from withdrawing from Vietnam.

    However, files released by the US government in 2017 showed that a detailed trawl of official records by the CIA in 1975 found nothing to link Oswald with any official agency.

    President Joe Biden has ordered the release of remaining records linked to the assassination and 2,672 files were released by the National Archive between April and June this year.

  7. The article where Landis says he heard five shots is this:

    Why Oliver Stone’s JFK is the greatest lie Hollywood ever told

    JFK’s assassination came in a time of political divide, fake news, conspiracies and the unfulfilled promise of America. What has changed?

    ByTom Fordy

    12 July 2021 • 9:09am


    Yes, it's behind a paywall.  So, if someone could post that it would be nice.


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