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Joseph Backes

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Posts posted by Joseph Backes

  1. Robert,

    You may already know this but FWIW

    Joe Murphy, who met and identified Gary Powers on the Glienicke Bridge in Berlin during his exchange for KGB spy Rudolf Abel, was a CIA security officer and not a U-2 pilot.

    See - https://www.cia.gov/static/83b2ce82bd77664fd645ee7095c74dd4/brotherhood-of-spies.pdf

    Joe Murphy discusses his role in the trade of an American CIA agent for a Soviet agent.

    Also - https://thehighlandernews.com/18537/news/cia-agent-visits-mclean/


  2. The doc in question is RIF#104-10326-10050.  

    Schnapf has claimed on more than one occasion ( most recently on Black Op Radio episode #1154 ) that in this document Walter Mondale, then U.S. Ambassador to Japan is urging the US not to release JFK assassination records.

    This is not exactly true.  It's a little more nuanced and complex. And it's in regard to a specific type of information that need not be disclosed.  

    The document still has many redactions so it's not easy to read.  What is really going on is that the CIA does not want to release any of their records that show that Japan and the CIA have a relationship and shared intelligence.  Why? Because it would disrupt (then) current counterterrorist and counterintelligence operations by confirming such a relationship. It would become a national scandal in Japan. It would create a political sh#t show in Japan.  It would endanger (then) current agents and assets.  Why? Because the [redacted] but most likely Japanese government does not even officially acknowledge that it collects intelligence, nor, and this is right out in the open "not admit to having liaison relationships with US intelligence agencies."  So, any official confirmation that would negate the official story of the then conservative ruling party in Japan would be used like a club by the out of power Left wing party. This would be damaging to the US-Japan mutual security treaty and the presence of US forces in Japan.  At the time the US President was going to visit Japan soon.  There were (then) current, delicate negotiations overs US military bases in Japan.  All would be at risk if a document was releases confirming a CIA relationship with Japan intel agencies.

    So, no, this is not Walter Mondale saying don't release JFK assassination records.  In fact, there's no evidence any of this is coming from Mondale at all.  It's a CIA cable.  

    Now, of course, we had relationships with Japan.  The CIA flew U-2s out of Atsugi, Japan and we have many bases in Japan.  And Oswald was at Atsugi.  So, it's insane to deny a relationship. But, the conservative party in Japan did.  Not Walter Mondale.  So, Ambassador Mondale was put in a difficult spot.  

    It is disingenuous to say Mondale was trying to stop disclosure of JFK assassination records.  

    It is the CIA, today, that is still redacting this record.  

  3. Despite what Morley wrote the DIA did not destroy all of their records.  

    DIA documents have RIF numbers that start with 111.  There are many of them. Unfortunately, only a scant few are available at MFF

    111-10001-10001 through 111-10001-10102 exist.  Four of these are online at MFF.  

    1.) 111-10001-10091

    2.) 111-10001-10093

    3.) 111-10001-10099

    4.) 111-10001-10102

    BTW, all of their records would include copies or records sent to them from other agencies.

    There is no information if there are documents with the middle range 111-10002, or 111-10003. 

    RIF #111-10004-10001 through 111-10004-10035, are all online at MFF.

    Some DIA documents that were created by them are under other RIF numbers because they were sent to other agencies.

    An example of this is RIF#197-10002-10174.  Malcom Blunt copied this, whole and intact, he even copied the RIF page. ( I'm so happy. ) Look in the Malcolm Blunt archive at DPUK.  Look in file for DIA.  File is named - DIA - Status Soviet Military in Cuba Dec 23 1963.  

    There were some released Dec 15, 2022.  9 of them.  

    I am very busy looking at what is listed here -Agency Postponement Documentation

    I would draw your attention to the CIA Document index.  


  4. Bugger, it's off.

    From John Newman:

    Well, the interview was originally on for 11:00 am this morning and then it was changed to 8:00 am tomorrow. And now, it's off!! And allegedly being rescheduled--with apologies for the on-again off-again business. I am happy to get sleep tonight. 😆 Please pass the word in your group.

  5. On 7/3/2023 at 11:33 AM, Gene Kelly said:

    Makes sense Joe ... Angleton was close to Dulles (see the photo from Allen Dulles funeral), and also kept the false defector Nosenko under wraps. I speculate that Russia knew what happened and sent Nosenko to distance them from the setup (and the Kostikov "virus balloon"). And it was the suspect mole Bruce Solie who "cleared" Nosenko.  Lots of intrigue here.

    I am also puzzled by the Marvin Gheesling/Lambert Anderson who cancelled an FBI security flash on October 9th ... after two misleading CIA cables about Mexico City.  And only days later, Oswald is hired at the TSBD.  Bill Simpich concluded that the flash was removed because CIA/FBI were using Oswald in some kind of intelligence-related operation.  He is giving the benefit of the doubt to Gheesling and Anderson.  Gheesling was punished and transferred from HQ to a field office (and as Newman points out, 33 other agents were disciplined by Hoover).  It seems the "Kostikov Virus Balloon" effectively blackmailed the FBI into cover their reputation later.  What little I've read about Gheesling tells me he wasn't complicit, but rather used ... not so sure about Anderson. 


    Angleton at Dulles Funeral.jpg


    Yes, the cancelling of the FBI Security flash on Oswald was important and very odd, inexplicable if you're not involved in the conspiracy to kill JFK. If you're not, then why did you do this? 

    But there was a key event before LHO went to MC that is crucial.  The CIA asked permission from the FBI about doing something targeting the FPCC and it had an international aspect to it as well.  They are a little vague about exactly what they're planning to do.  But, they get it. This is before LHO goes to MC.  And it is a big thing largely overlooked by people interested in MC.  MC would not have happened at all without this. I think this also involved Marvin Gheesling and Lambert Anderson.  This is mentioned in one of John Newman's books.  



    Was the #CIA monitoring U.S. politicians? Fairways Corporation was a CIA sponsored charter airline which was used for "field work in the United States." Prominent politicians, including Robert Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and Hubert Humphrey, used the airline unaware it was owned and operated by the CIA.

    Sorry guys it loads for me.  I have an absolutely ridiculous size limit imposed on me.  So, I can't post proper images.  

    So, see RIF #104-10438-10237.  pages 10 & 11. 



    There's a paywall but some smart people should be able to find a way around that



  7. But, why, why not a false flag? Wah!  

    I should open a false flag ice cream store as it seems to be everyone's favorite flavor.  It would look a lot like the Monty Python Cheese Shop. 

    A CIA false flag op hijacked by a rogue group of JMWAVE CIA people because that's better than thinking the CIA had anything to do with it?

     BTW, I'm not saying the CIA did it.  It was a collaborative effort involving key people in key positions in several agencies.


  8. 13 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

    Joseph Backes, your analyses much valued. If this is a question that has been rehashed to death before I apologize, but I wonder if you could comment:

    Accepting (provisionally) the analysis on the manipulation of the Oswald information prior to the assassination and tracing it back to maybe Angleton ... 

    Since that was followed by an assassination of JFK it is a very powerful temptation, which many have done, to draw the connection that insiders, e.g. Angleton, were planning the assassination of JFK in what they were doing in the runup with the Oswald information.

    And yet I just wonder--what the intelligence agencies and dark ops and Joint Chiefs etc. did was false flags. There are documents on that (Northwoods). There are precedents, there are lots of examples. A false flag attempt on JFK (to be blamed on Castro) would stand out for its audacity but would fall in the spectrum of the known, one might say common and routine, m.o. of those worlds. 

    There may have been some really bad actors within or without CIA or wherever who hated JFK and would kill him for real, but under no circumstances that I can see could that have been a CIA-approved secret operation, as part of the planning of secret operations that did take place involving false-flagging Castro, and as the evidence suggests, manipulation of Oswald information--to knock off a standing president of the United States. At best there could be some insider faction giving winks and nods and looking the other way, etc. as something maybe was in the works. But it would have to be highly secretive, closely-held to only a few, highly risky, never officially approved, unknown to the rest of the Agency or above a certain level, the Agency's directorship.   

    (I am just using reasoning, being less versed in this than people like you and Larry Hancock.)

    Unlike the anti-Castro efforts which involved false flags, assassination plots, the works. Those were business as usual. Those were signed off on right up to directorship level and with intentional deniability but it just seems to me JFK and RFK knew but did not officially know, if you get my drift, what was being done by subordinates immediately below them.

     And yet, the fact: this pre-assassination some-kind-of manipulation of Oswald information related to that trip to Mexico City, contact with Kostikov etc and etc, was followed by the assassination of JFK.

    What I am getting at is everything about CIA actions prior to that point works well as a false-flag not-real-assassination intended, i.e. what would look like an assassination attempt to be pinned on Castro that failed ... angering the American public and the world and justifying whatever "in response" against Castro's regime ... (business as usual for the dirty ops types). 

    I would think at least 90% of the insider professionals who knew how to do dirty ops would balk if they had any idea that it involved a real assassination of a president no matter who the president was. It is not obvious to me that even Angleton would not balk at the idea of knocking off a president, if he knew that was what was going to happen. Even if he was up to his ears in this manipulation of Oswald information in the runup.

    All of this is to say it just looks--no?--like some sort of Waldron thesis of some actor--some mob actors being the obvious suspect--somehow matched a real assassination to be pinned on Oswald (via the rifle, not by advance plan to frame Oswald as the shooter)--and all--all--of the coverup activity that followed the assassination could be explicable not as agencies having knowingly killed JFK but of having knowingly been party to manipulation of Oswald information (which was to false-flag Castro, what that was about), and a false-flag attempt to "launch war on Cuba and world war III" as it would look if it were exposed. 

    That is: something--an incident--but certainly not fatal to JFK--was planned and operational that could have gone big-time into escalation to invasion of Cuba, overthrow of Castro, and chess moves against the Soviet Union. But actual assassination of JFK was not part of those operational plans. 

    Just asking for your opinion on this: right track or wrong track in reasoning, in your view?

    I've read this several times. Each time wising it was in simple English. 

    Forget all the work of John Newman, all of his books and presentations, all the documents. Isn't my analysis better? Umm, no, no it isn't. 

    Forget false flag BS. Forget Lamar Waldron's nonsense. Forget the mob did it BS.

    I'm so tired of people who don't read documents but do read the title of a document talking and writing about Operation Northwoods. 

    Read the documents. Read John Newman's books.

    BTW, all of the Castro assassination plots, ALL OF THEM, are fake.  All were controlled by the CIA. All were sabotaged. All designed to fail. Why? Because you need Castro alive after the assassination of JFK to blame the crime on Castro, so you can play the WWIII card.  JFK tried to get Castro but Castro got him first. But if people discover that it'll be WWIII. So, shut up. SHUT UP! And say, "It was Oswald."  

    I don't get people who just can't believe there was any actual plot to kill JFK by the highest leaders in the highest positions of government in 1963.  Why are you here? 

  9. 2 hours ago, Gene Kelly said:


    I read your transcripts from Lancer 1999 and Newman’s “Mexico City ­ A New Analysis”.  This is an intricate story to follow, but I agree that it’s not important to debate whether Oswald was actually there (in Mexico City) or not.  What is clear is that he was impersonated (i.e., Duran's blonde-haired Oswald; no photo of the real Oswald). The content of the September 28th call makes it clear it's not Oswald. HSCA’s Edwin Lopez also knew it when he analyzed the transcript of the bogus call, which Newman characterizes as “dumb and it's stupid”.  The plotters are trying to paint a picture … in Newman’s words:

    'I was just there.' So, the guy on the other end, the Russian, says, 'Okay, you were here. Well, I gave you my address.' "So, the guy says, 'Okay,' you know. And this Oswald character says, 'But I didn't know it, but I know it now.  So, the Soviet guy says, 'Well, why don't you come over then and give it to us. We're very close by.'

    Here are the key points that I took from Newman’s Lancer presentation:

    It is now apparent that the World War III pretext for a national security cover-up was built into the fabric of the plot to assassinate Kennedy. The plot required that:

    1. Oswald be maneuvered into place in Mexico City and his activities there carefully monitored, controlled, and, if necessary, embellished and choreographed.
    2. Prior to 22 November, Oswald's profile at CIA HQS and the Mexico station be lowered; his 201 file had to be manipulated and restricted from incoming traffic on his Cuban activities.
    3. And when the story from Mexico City arrived at HQS, its significance would not be understood by those responsible for reacting to it.
    4. Finally, on 22 November, Oswald's CIA files would establish his connection to Castro and the Kremlin.

    The person who designed this plot had to have:

    • access to all of the information on Oswald at CIA HQS
    • the authority to alter how information on Oswald was kept at CIA HQS
    • the authority to alter how information on Oswald was kept at CIA HQS
    • access to project TUMBLEWEED, the sensitive joint agency operation against the KGB assassin, Valery Kostikov
    • the authority to instigate a counterintelligence operation in the Cuban affairs staff (SAS) at CIA HQS.

    There is only one person whose hands fit into these gloves: James Angleton, Chief of CIA's Counterintelligence Staff.  The false information that helped promote this WWIII “Kostikov balloon” virus got into Oswald’s file and concluded that the person who controlled the file at those points was Ann Egerter, one of the six or so hand-picked operatives working in James Jesus Angleton’s CI/SIG unit.

    We also see the hand of Lyndon Johnson directing a lot of the cover-up, with the Mexico City story driving everything that follows.  It's a very powerful argument, a big weapon, not just in the hands of LBJ, but in the hands of anybody who would want an autopsy report burned, who would intimidate enlisted guys, medical technicians.


    Newman picked Angleton in the updated version of "Oswald and the CIA," I believe.  

  10. People,

    It's not important if the real LHO went to MC or not.  Do not get lost in a discussion of did he or didn't he. 

    The important thing is who was told that he did and why were they being told that he did.  And that that information went into several US intel agency files and did not ring alarm bells.  It lay dormant and bloomed like a virus only after the gunfire in Dealey Plaza. And then it was used to silence those US intel agencies, to blackmail them into inaction.

    There was info about LHO visiting with Soviets and Cubans, even meeting the Soviet guy in charge of assassinations in the Western hemisphere, threatening to kill JFK six weeks before the murder and you did nothing? So, instead of people learning that they all decide to support the lone nut solution.

    There are very few people on earth in 1963 who could accomplish this task six weeks before the assassination. And it is the best evidence of a conspiracy within the highest levels of the US federal government. 

    The story of MC was used to get Earl Warren to chair the commission LBJ creates.  The transcript of this LBJ phone call to Senator Richard Russell is in Michael Beschloss's first book on the LBJ tapes, "Taking Charge." ops 66 - 72. LBJ is telling Russell how he got Warren to come to the White House. LBJ sent RFK to get him and Warren refused.  LBJ demanded he come and when he did he hit him with the WWIII threat.  "And I just pulled out  what Hoover told me about a little incident in Mexico City."  

    It doesn't matter if the real LHO or an imposter met Kostikov.  What matters is the story of LHO meeting Kostikov is told to people who do believe it and are terrified when they hear it.  They are thus manipulated into stopping others from hearing this story fearing the American public will demand a nuclear strike against Cuba or Russia or both and then it's WWIII because it'll be your fault if people learn this, and your fault if WWIII starts.  

    Who came up with this WWIII threat is a better question to ask then did the real LHO go to MC or not.


  11. 7 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:



    My understanding is that Newman believes that LHO was in MC and also impersonated while there. 


    In the link above, the three embassy KGB officers, recorded and on film, say they met the real LHO in MC. About the 1:03 mark. 

    My guess is if the KGB officers just wanted to make money, they would say they met a fake LHO in MC. 

    The other option is US-intel came up with some serious money for the trio, and bribed them. They are lying. 


    For me it doesn't really matter.  I think he was physically impersonated if Duran's comment of a Blonde haired Oswald is true. 

    He and Duran were definitely impersonated on the phone.  

    I can't understand why no photo exists of LHO in MC.  There were spies taking photos of spies taking photos of spies.  I would think the Soviets and the Cubans would take photos of who's coming and going from their own embassies and consulates.  The Mexican government would be taking photos and the CIA was taking photos.  And after a stay of several days, multiple visits, there's nothing.  All that there is are photos of someone who definitely is not Oswald.  

  12. Benjamin,

    John Newman pointed out that in Cuba the employees of these places played volleyball on Saturday and they were very serious about it.  

    Unfortunately, John Newman's presentation at Lancer '99 which I transcribed and scanned copies of docs that John had as slides was on Lancer's website which got hacked.  So, it's not online anymore and I have been too busy to recreate it and put it back up.  But, it's something I want to get done when I can.

    That presentation answers many questions.

  13. Benjamin,

    The title, "Withheld," was created in 1993 when the 1992 JFK Act mandated the creation of an identification aid which became the RIF numbering system and form.   Since the name "Ramon Joseph Alvarez Durant" was being redacted they went with "Withheld" as a title.  It is not the case that the title is still being withheld from us.  This is also the case for a great many other documents.  

    This is a CIA document.  Unfortunately, these NARA post 2017 releases often do not include the RIF in what gets scanned in the .pdf they release.  A RIF usually gives us the date the doc was created. But, we don't know when this was written.

    The issue of whether LHO actually visited the Soviet and Cuban embassies / consulates was questioned almost immediately once it was put forth.  It was an issue right away.  And the issue and questions only grew with time.  As John Newman commented in the 1990's when he gave presentations on this it really doesn't matter if Oswald did, if he was impersonated in person, or only impersonated on the phone, or any combination of that.  We can prove they lied and we have a law on our side.  It's not up to us to guess with the evidence withheld.  They have to explain.  For the record, he was clearly impersonated in person.  Silvia Duran described Oswald as having "Blonde hair."  And Oswald and Duran were impersonated on the phone.  So, with that said the use of the word "allegedly" isn't that odd.


  14. Senator Edward V Long, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Administrative Practices looked into whether congressional phone lines were being tapped by private investigators or other government agencies.  This was in 1966.  Did they have hearings or issue a report?

    See - https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP75-00149R000700330016-5.pdf

    Also - RIF #104-10122-10344

    The Committee's Chief Counsel was Bernard Fensterwald. 

    According to Wikipedia Long died rather mysteriously. "On November 6, 1972, Long died unexpectedly at the age of 64. Five months later, his personal secretary told prosecutors in Clarksville, Missouri, that he had told her that he believed that he had been poisoned by candy which had been sent to him in the mail, although no box of candy was found later in the home, which had been broken into two days after his death. No charges were ever filed arising from Long's death. Long's widow filed a $3.25 million lawsuit against the secretary on the same day of the report to police." 

    Secretary Says Poison May Have Killed Long— Tells Inquiry of Candy That Came in Mail", UPI report in Los Angeles Times, April 21, 1973, p. I-2


  15. 1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

    At least half the books and articles and an even higher percentage of documentaries ever published and/or produced about the JFKA have been dismissed by most of the higher credibility JFKA conspiracy believing research community as absolute crap.

    And the other half have been attacked mercilessly and powerfully by high level planted WC Lone Nut proponents bolstered by most of the MSM.

    There is no single book ever published on the JFKA that has been given a majority stamp of definitive credibility approval over all the rest.

    It has been a 60 year long game ( agenda ) of purposeful high powered and financed derision, distraction and disinformation propaganda designed to keep the real truth confused and hidden from our society.

    JFK was brutally slaughtered in broad daylight in front of hundreds of eye witnesses on 11,22,1963. His security failed to protect him from shots fired from an unwatched window perch just above his motorcade limo. This happened in a city and state known for being the center of the most rabid JFK hating segregationist and powerful extreme right wing groups in the country.

    The main suspect arrested within just hours for the crime never admitted to it and claimed he was "just a patsy" in the affair.

    Sleazy Dallas strip joint owning Jack Ruby blew this one and only main suspect's guts out less than 48 hours after JFK was murdered in the midst of 70 armed security personnel ( including two handcuffed to him ) right inside the Dallas Police Department basement and this was witnessed live and/or seconds later on tape by 50 to 75 million Americans.

    Due to Lee Harvey Oswald's most improbable security breakdown, America was denied the opportunity to learn anything more about the crime in a truly informing criminal trial.

    After 60 years this is still all we can agree on regards the truth of the JFKA? 

    What a sad, gut wrenching state of JFKA truth reality.

    Guess we're all just left with something akin to the Alcoholics Anonymous serenity prayer:

    "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    the courage to change the things I can,
    and the wisdom to know the difference."






    My criticism toward Jim D is for referring people to Emerald Robinson, not for the totality of Jim's work as a JFK researcher nor on the content of his website.  Once upon a time there was a Jim D who would treat her the way he does Fred Litwin.  I want that Jim D to come back. 

  16. 2 hours ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

    i suppose to the extent people on the right who would normally be inclined to believe the official conclusion, her piece is useful to expose those readers to the idea that Oswald was not the lone nut. Not everyone reads Kennedys and Kings-as shocking as that might be :) 

    Once more, because when you write plain, concise, simple English on this forum some people just don't get it.

    Emerald Robinson wrote - “Dear Christians: the vaccines contain a bioluminescent marker called LUCIFERASE so that you can be tracked. Read the last book of the New Testament to see how this ends."

    People who tell such a ridiculous lie about COVID which killed over a million Americans have lost the right to be taken seriously about anything else she writes.  People who write such filth should be shunned by anyone with an ounce of self respect or any respect for the enormous loss of life for those who died from COVID not just in the U.S. but all over the world.  

    See -  https://deadline.com/2021/11/newsmax-emerald-robinson-white-house-1234868176/ 

    It was so ridiculous NEWSMAX fired her over it. Ted Johnson wrote,  "The network has tried to distance itself from the tweet, noting earlier this week in a message from chief content officer Elliot Jacobson that “Newsmax is a strong proponent that Covid-19 vaccines are overarchingly safe and effective, while at the same time raising concerns that mandates infringe on personal liberty and privacy. We have seen no evidence to suggest that LUCIFERASE or LUCIFERIN are present in any vaccines or that they are used as any sort of bioluminescent marker.”  The outlet also noted that the “false claims have never been reported on Newsmax.”  

    Is it really so much to ask for Jim DiEugenio to have a higher ethical standard than NEWSMAX?

    I would never refer anyone to anything written by her.  

    She's okay now because she's writing about the JFK assassination? No.  

    Okay, so what about this Lipscomb book? Well, it's been over a year an a half since Robinson wrote her substack article on this forthcoming book and there's no sign of it. If it's as bad as Korth's thing hopefully we won't see it. 


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