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Sterling Seagrave

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About Sterling Seagrave

  • Birthday 04/15/1937

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  1. I think Bill Kelly and Jack White's comments are as clear and persuasive as anyone can reasonably expect, under the circumstances. The sort of thing you can either accept or dispute according to your own parallax. Just like whether you accept or reject the use of "enhanced" thermite, or nano-thermite, or military-grade thermite, so conspicuous in the three buildings at 9/11.
  2. Mike Picardi ~ If you ever get a film made of your screenplay with someone like David Von Pein as the protagonist, let us know so we can avoid it.
  3. Great review by Robert Steele. Luckily I visited the Magellan Hotel in April of 1993 just before the May 22, 1993 fire that destroyed it. There were a few books written with the Maggelan as a backdrop, weren't there? It seems that I read a novel before going to the Philippines in 1993 and was drawn to the Magellan. Sterling, I know I don't just speak for myself, in saying that, we all are very glad that you take the time to share your perceptions and knowledge of Far East intelligence history, here on the Forum, we're all the better for it. Robert John Simkin is a great man, and so are all his colleagues in this website, which has been a real feast for me with a hell of an ongoing conversation. Incidentally, the new edition of Lords of the Rim 2010 -- China's Renaissance, is dedicated to John, and France's General Henri Eyraud, for many years the French military attache in Beijing. If you read French, his book on China's reform and opening is superb. Thanks for allowing me to be a member.
  4. Great review by Robert Steele. Luckily I visited the Magellan Hotel in Cebu in April of 1993 just before the May 22, 1993 fire that destroyed it. There were a few books written with the Maggelan as a backdrop, weren't there? It seems that I read a novel before going to the Philippines in 1993 and was drawn to the Magellan. I think America has made the same mistake Magellan made.
  5. Thanks, Peter. Robert Steele (the reviewer you cited) is a champion of open intelligence replacing the Balkanized system in the States. I hope it's not already too late.
  6. It's hard to describe briefly the self-induced misconception Americans have of their role in the Philippines, to this day. If you are an evangelical christian missionary, you have your own parallax. If you're in the military, diplomat, attorney, banker, sama-sama. But if you try hard enough to look at characters and events, motivations, consequences, without being in any self-induced construct, and just look at what happened, and who did what to whom, and what deceit and distortions sooner or later become evident, it's horrifying, or nauseating. I was first in Manila in 1947, and countless times since then to many of the islands in PI, and became acquainted with a lot of people including Prouty, Lansdale, Bohannen, and have researched and written eleven investigative books that cover all parts of East and Southeast Asia -- but also involve the Philippines. So, things keep clarifying as the decades pass. I spent years researching The Marcos Dynasty and over $100K on research help (aside from my wife and co-author who is a professional researcher). Then Lords of the Rim, and Gold Warriors. Three years ago I was asked to do a book based on a foot-high stack of G-2 documents newly passed over to the National Archives, and referred to as The Manila Project. These were the collected reports of agents for G-2, McMicking, Lansdale, Bohannen, etc., concerning Lansdale's efforts to make the Huks and thousands of unaffiliated farmers in Luzon, look like crazed Marxist revolutionaries, requiring millions of dollars, heavy military support, before they overthrew MacArthur's current postwar puppet regime. Since there was no serious existing evidence of threatening Marxist activity, it was necessary to generate false evidence. There were a bunch of young screwball Yanks messing around in Manila's underworld trying to get rich quick and easy, and attention was focussed on scores of them, until a young White Russian emigre arrived from Shanghai working for a Dutch trading and shipping company buying and refurbishing surplus US cargo vessels to sell to Chinese businessman in Shanghai. This White Russian was absurdly innocent and had left Siberia with his parents when he was just a child, first to Japan, then to Shanghai, where he married a very innocent White Russian emigre, and had a little boy. Lansdale chose him to be the evil Kremlin agent financing and arming the Huks (which Lansdale and Bohannen very clearly knew was not true -- they might be called evil but not stupid). In the course of digesting all these many hundreds of agent's reports, and memos from Lansdale and Bohannen, and going back over everything I'd worked on about the Philippines for half a century, I realized that the American role in the Philippines was far more disgraceful, deceitful, and outrageous than I had ever imagined. I realized that I was still just scraping the surface, but I found some comfort in reading more recent reassessments of the Huk thing, written by current US military analysts who, having their own viewpoint, came to many of the same conclusions I was reaching (like the fact that Willoughby was totally incompetent in his strategic and tactical assessments, blatantly in New Guinea but a long history of simple stupidity). This is what I used as the clockwork inside RED SKY, which was the rather small, compact book that emerged, and is now available at Amazon and Kindle. As someone once said about Subic Naval Base and Clark AFB, the Philippines had become America's "fellatrix". Shameful, but inarguable. Despite its brevity, I think it does much to clarify both the US and Philippine role, which is indeed an obscenity.
  7. Several clarifications: I erred in putting Ft Bragg next to NSA when I meant Ft Meade. McMicking was the colonel left in charge of G-2 in Manila when MacArthur and his inner circle moved to Tokyo, and Prouty was on the G-2 staff when Lansdale arrived from the States. McMicking was already a very rich man, having married into the Zobel family long before Pearl Harbor, so he was part of the clique around MacArthur that included Whitney (MacArthur's attorney) and Willoughby (MacArthur's "lovable fascist"). When MacArthur put Whitney in charge of intel, instead of Willoughby, MacArthur gave Willoughby G-2. While this clique was in Tokyo, Lansdale reported initially to Col. McMicking in Manila. In Tokyo it was Whitney who drafted the Japanese constitution, while Willoughby was liberating Col. Tsuji, and Kodama, etc., and putting them to work snuffing leftists and liberals in Japan, and staging provocations in South Korea that led to reprisals by North Korea, and so forth. This MacArthur clique (including Herbert Hoover) was incredibly rich, as was McMicking and other clique members in Manila, when Santa Romana and Lansdale began recovering the troves of war loot in Luzon and they all became infinitely richer. The war loot was moved by ship from Subic and in numerous cases by plane to Hong Kong or Australia where it entered Paul Helliwell's network of banks with the help of Lansky and others, and dispersed in so many ways it became hard to trace thereafter. However, McMicking, promoted to general, and already a multimillionaire in 1945, eventually spent billions in Spain on real estate, and passed on huge sums to his heirs including his nephew, who is the partner of Howard Leach, who financed the Florida recount in 2000. What tangled webs we weave.
  8. Thats pretty good, sort of like an inverted "old wines never die, they just ripen with old age" well maybe not, lol. I saw something that I wanted you to see, to see if you had any thoughts on it.... It has to do with Nick Arundel...... I believe the crime scene at Dealey Plaza and the voluminous amount of persons going in and out of Dallas before the assassination are the main indications there was a conspiracy. Such as the fairly big names who came to Dallas in the days and weeks before the assassination, coupled with the persons in the motorcade, and locals who have not exactly survived that event with their reputations intact. Governor George Wallace former Vice-President Richard Nixon [left Dallas early November 22, 1963; he told the FBI, in a Warren Commission document he left November, 19, 1963.] Donald Kendall, Pepsi CEO, and a strong financial backer of Nixon. actress Joan Crawford former CIA Director Allen Dulles former General Edwin Walker, [on a plane between Dallas and Louisiana] Madame Ngo Dinh Nhu [in Dallas on October 24, 1963] 112th Army Intelligence member James Powell, locked inside the TSBD, had been taking photos; one of the TSBD. Eugene Hale Brading known crime figure A photo taken moments after the assassination reveals someone identical with, or certainly attempting to create the impression that he is E Howard Hunt. Jack Lawrence [left his company car in Dealey Plaza ran to the bathroom of the Downtown Lincoln Mercury and threw up, shortly after the assassination. This was the same dealership where "Oswald" test drove a car in speeds of excess of 85 mph] Lawrence left Dallas after the assassination, with no forwarding address, the FBI does not seem to have made a serious attempt to locate him. Brothers Edward and Lawrence Meyers, and Lawrence's son Ralph The Meyers family is one area that provides a link of sorts between Jack Ruby and Richard Nixon. P.D. Scott is recorded as stating that Nixon was also in Dallas to purchase land for a new Pepsico plant from the Great Southwestern Corporation The night before the assassination. Ruby had dinner with the brothers at the Bon Vivant Room at the Cabana Hotel, he was friends with Lawrence. Lawrence's son Ralph was, a member of the Army Security Agency with a crypto-clearance. Edward was an owner of the Pepsico plant in Queens, New York Russell M Arundel was, at least in the early 1950's the Washington representative of Pepsi-Cola See page 85 Coup d'Etat In America only namebase.org listing same last name see below from http://www.oocities....rea/linksO.html I was also able to find out a little bit more about the professional life of Russell M. Arundel. Apparently, he was a Washington lobbyist for Pepsi Cola. He was also president/chairman of the Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of Long Island, Inc. According to an article from Time magazine (January 12, 1953), "For 17 months, the Senate subcommittee on Privileges and Elections fitfully investigated Wisconsin's Republican Senator Joe McCarthy and Connecticut's Democratic Senator William Benton. Reasons for the investigation were 1) Benton's resolution to expel McCarthy from the Senate on the ground of unfitness, and 2) McCarthy's resolution to dispose of Benton in like manner. Last week, the subcommittee turned in its report." The article mentions an important connection between McCarthy and Arundel: "In 1947, McCarthy got Russell M. Arundel, a Washington representative for the Pepsi-Cola Co., to endorse a $20,000 note for him. That year, both Pepsi-Cola and McCarthy were urging the Federal Government to end sugar controls. Asked the subcommittee: Did McCarthy follow the 'Pepsi-Cola line' for financial gain?" Another source states that Arundel was questioned by the Senate panel in 1952: "The questioning was about a $20,000 note Arundel had endorsed for the senator in 1947. Arundel said the endorsement was a minor financial transaction for a friend." Ralph Morris, in his book The Future Catches Up: Selected Writings of Ralph M. Goldman states that McCarthy had began opposing sugar rationing in 1947. "At about this same time, McCarthy became an intimate of Walter Mack, then president of Pepsi-Cola Company, a firm with an intense interest in sugar rationing matters." McCarthy achieved the distinction of being the Senate spokesman for the soft-drink giant. "In fact, [he] came to be known, for a brief period, as 'the Pepsi-Cola Kid.' In January 1948, the Appleton State Bank loaned McCarthy $20000 against McCarthy's note (which was endorsed by Russell Arundel, Washington representative of Pepsi-Cola)." Ultimately, McCarthy and Republican Senator John W. Bricker of Ohio were successful in bringing enough pressure in Congress resulting in the end of sugar rationing. I was also able to ascertain that the Nova Scotia Bird Society (which owns a few other Tusket Islands) obtained Outer Bald Tusket Island from Russell Arundel and the Nature Conservancy of Canada on December 28, 1973. The price was one Canadian dollar. The Society then erected a sign which states: "Earle E. Arundel Breeding Bird Sanctuary Conveyed to The Nova Scotia Bird Society by Nature Conservancy of Canada. Hunting permitted in Season". According to Prof. David Currie, "The stone building is still there and as of the last survey in 1987, by Ted D'Eon, was in pretty good shape, but the wood parts were extensively rotted. There was no need to restore or maintain the building from a Bird Sanctuary point of view. Ted's grandfather was one of the mason's who worked on the building when or just before The Prince of Baldonia stayed there. One of the conditions of the ownership transfer was that the island continue to be used by specific people named in the deed for pasture land for sheep as long as those specific people lived. It also stated that there would never be interference of the tern colony that was once there." It seems that the Principality continued to exist even after Outer Bald Tusket Island was sold to the Nova Scotia Bird Society. On the Internet, I found mention of someone who worked at the studios of WAVA-AM "in a skyrise building on…N. Moore Street" in Rosslyn, VA (separated from the Georgetown section of Washington, D.C. by the Potomac River). This radio station was owned by broadcasting pioneer, Arthur Windsor "Nick"/"Nicky" Arundel, who had bought the bankrupt country music radio station circa 1960/61 and turned it into the first all-news radio station in the country (WAVA-AM and WAVA-FM are currently based in Arlington, VA and they serve the Washington D.C. metropolitan area). "In 1974, I toiled daily on the building's fifth floor in a non-broadcast job, so I knew from reading the directory in the lobby that the station's penthouse quarters also housed the 'Embassy of Outer Baldonia'. One fine day, I happened to share an elevator ride with WAVA's big enchilada, Arthur W. Arundel. As I was a cocky young lad of 22, I boldly inquired, 'How are things in Outer Baldonia?.' Thirty-three years later, I can still remember Arundel's icy, silent stare as if that incident had happened yesterday." The author, after researching "Outer Baldonia" online, learned about Russell M. Arundel. This leads him to ask: "Does anybody know if the two Arundels were related?" After some additional investigation, I was able to ascertain that Arthur Arundel was indeed the son of Russell Arundel. He is a fascinating and controversial figure in his own right. A Harvard graduate, he became a decorated U.S. Marine Corps combat officer (1951-1955) in both Korea and Vietnam. He was the recipient of at least one Purple Heart. I found helpful details about his murky military/CIA career (he is listed as an employee of the Central Intelligence Agency in the Pentagon Papers), thanks to a fascinating article (Hunt Country crowd's minister of propaganda) authored by L. Wolfe, in the December 15, 1995 issue of the Executive Intelligence Review: "Nicky, a Marine paratroop officer, [was] tasked to the CIA during service in Korea and Vietnam in the early 1950s". This was achieved with the help of Harold Jefferson Coolidge, Jr. (more about this individual below). "Operating as part of the 'secret team' operations of Col. Edwin Lansdale, Nicky Arundel was taught, and practiced, the art of 'black propaganda' in 'civil affairs' operations, becoming a specialist in 'psywar ops.' He was involved, for example, in destroying the largest printing facility in what was then the northern section of Vietnam; later, he helped run a 'psywar' campaign aimed at setting up a counterinsurgency among northern tribes in Vietnam, causing their migration to the south and laying the ground for that country's partition; this, in turn, helped set the stage for the Vietnam War." Arthur Arundel also had a strong background in journalism. After he returned home, he worked in the Washington bureau of CBS and also served as a correspondent (wire service reporter) for United Press International. He also did a stint (arranged by his father and Coolidge) in the U.S. Commerce Department. But first and foremost, he was a newspaper publisher. He founded ArCom Publishing, Inc., which traces its roots to the time when Arundel purchased WAVA (the company was then known as Arundel Communications). In 1963, his business expanded from radio and television into print journalism with the purchase of the 165-year-old Loudoun Times-Mirror in Leesburg, VA. As he acquired more and more newspapers (Reston Times, the Loudoun Times-Mirror, the Fauquier Times-Democrat, Rappahannock News, etc…), he became Chairman, CEO, and Publisher of the Times Community Newspapers (ArCom Publishing remains the parent company). This suburban newspaper chain, which now includes a group of about 21 local publications in Northern Virginia, is the largest one in the region. Arthur Arundel sold WAVA and five other stations in the 1970s. He has been inducted into the Hall of Fame of Virginia Communications. The family-owned newspaper company is run today by Peter Arundel, the founder's son, successful in his own right as a career broadcast and print journalist (he became CEO in February of 2005). Peter's brother, John Arundel, is also a newsman: he became the Executive Editor and Publisher of the Alexandria Times in 2005. Wolfe's article contains some additional tidbits about Russell Arundel (including the topics of Pepsi and sweeteners) and his son: "Russell Arundel, once administrative aide to Sen. Jesse Metcalfe (R-R.L), was active in GOP circles working subversion against the Franklin Roosevelt administration. Those circles were dominated by the Morgan interests, one of the most notorious London-controlled private banking nexuses. As was the case with several picked-up operatives, the Morgans made sure that Russell Arundel had sufficient wealth and connections to be of use to them; it was they who inserted him into" their Fauquier County (he had moved to the area of Northern Virginia known as the Hunt Country in the 1930s) fox-hunting parties. Arundel "became a master of the hunt. The Arundel estate was located on Wildcat Mountain; the other side of the mountain was owned by Lawrence Morgan Hamilton, the grandson of J. P. Morgan. Sources in London and in Loudoun County, Virginia indicate that the key controller of Russell Arundel, and later the sponsor of his son, Nicky, was Harold Jefferson Coolidge, Jr., a member of one of Boston's dirtiest Anglophile families and one of the creators of the British crown's far-flung private intelligence networks operating under 'environmental cover.' The Coolidge family were, by the middle of the last century, the leading opium traders in the United States, linked directly to the British East India Company and Jardine Matheson Company, the Crown's leading opium traders. The Coolidges parlayed this 'dope money' into control of the Bank of Boston and the United Fruit Company, both of which have been used as funding conduits and, in the case of United Fruit (now United Brands), cover for British-allied intelligence operations. The Coolidges intermarried into the Virginia 'aristocracy,' through the family of Thomas Jefferson. Coolidge, who later played an important role in promoting British-linked operative Allen Dulles's organization of American intelligence, picked up Russell Arundel in the mid-1930s, and put him into the leadership of the National Wildlife Management Institute, a position which Arundel held for most of the rest of his life. An intelligence community source in London describes the institute, which was created with funds from the Morgan-controlled du Pont interests, through sections of the arms industry (Remington Firearms), as fully integrated with British intelligence operations, dating back to the 1930s; it later functioned in parallel with Prince Philip's World Wildlife Fund (WWF, now World Wide Fund for Nature), of which Coolidge was a founding member, and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands' International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). (Coolidge, a mammologist, was closely associated with the British intelligence operative and biologist Julian Huxley. He was head of the IUCN and its president emeritus until his death in 1985.) Sources in Loudoun County report that Coolidge helped put Russell Arundel in touch with Pepsi Cola Company. Arundel was given the assignment of arranging, through his legislative connections, for an exemption for Pepsi to import corn syrup from the Caribbean at a time when sugar imports were prohibited. Under the direction of Pepsi chairman Wallace Groves (who in 1941 was convicted of mail fraud and sent to prison, and whose links to organized crime were later exposed), Arundel shuttled back and forth to Cuba, whose sugar and syrup production was effectively controlled by the Meyer Lansky 'Murder, Inc.' mob, which ran the unions and many of the production facilities, with overlapping connections into Coolidge's United Fruit. Russell Arundel got his fingers more than dirty in negotiating contracts for Pepsi. But he was well rewarded for his efforts, receiving in 1943 the Pepsi bottling franchise for New York. He later parlayed this into Pepcom, which held the franchise for the entire East Coast and is the source of the Arundel family fortune that provided Nicky with the seed money for his publishing empire." Arthur "inherited a considerable sum from his father." In another part of the article, Wolfe writes: "The [Arundel] family's involvement with Africa policy dates back to the 1930s, when Nicky Arundel's father, Russell, became involved with a British-linked network of intelligence specialists who established the National Wildlife Management Institute (NWMI), at the instigation of Harold Coolidge; this organization was directly linked to the International Nature Office, which was already at that time running projects nominally involved with the tracking and cataloging of various wildlife species in Africa…A London-based intelligence specialist in these matters reports that such projects were used by the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) as 'covers' for the placement of agents and for spying on various nationalist and other insurgencies. After the war, the NWMI played a role in helping establish the 'need' for large game preserves. The Oct.28, 1994 EIR Special Report, 'The Coming Fall of the House of Windsor,' documents how these preserves are used as bases of subversive activity, and a means to 'lock up' vast mineral reserves in Africa, under British control. In 1956, Russell Arundel, as director of NWMI, sponsored one of the first 'invasions' of Africa by American zoologists. The mission was led by Lee Tolbert, who was later to become a top consultant for the WWF, the director of the royal family-created International Union for the Conservation of Nature, and a top assistant to Russell Train at the Environmental Protection Agency. The mission was focused on the 'white rhino' and 'mountain gorilla' populations. During this period, Nicky Arundel went on several safaris to Africa on behalf of the National Zoo, including some with his father. It is not known whether he went on the 1956 mission…In 1961, Nicky Arundel was tapped by Coolidge, CIA operative Kermit Roosevelt, and Russell Train (reported to be a protégé of Coolidge) to found the African Wildlife Leadership Foundation, now known as the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF). This is an 'off line,' privatized intelligence operation which recruits and trains operatives to run the game parks. All its members can be described as highly trained Anglo-American intelligence assets. The AWF, which Arundel formerly headed, has been implicated in the genocide in Rwanda through its sponsorship of a mountain gorilla protection project in the Virunga game park on the Uganda-Rwanda border; this area, under the virtual supervision of AWF operatives, is the key transmission belt for British-backed forces which instigated the Rwandan civil war. Our London source says that the AWF and Nicky Arundel play a continuing important role in British Africa policy, through the mountain gorilla and other projects. Arundel's family foundation, as well Arundel personally, provide funding for these projects, as does the WWF and the Ohrstrom family foundations. Arundel is also reported to have influence over U.S. Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.), whose Tenth District includes the Hunt Country of Loudoun and parts of Fauquier counties. Wolf has played a major role in the destabilization of Sudan, in accordance with British policy objectives. Wolf and his office have been in direct contact with British Overseas Development Minister Baroness Lynda Chalker on these and other matters pertaining to Africa policy." Outer Baldonia's sole numismatic issue is a 10 Tunar piece, dated "O.B. 1948" (which makes one wonder if Boudreau made an error in declaring, twice, that Arundel landed on Outer Bald Tusket Island in 1949). Two varieties exist: one minted in "STERLING SILVER" and one minted in ".826 FINE GOLD". I've even seen a pair of 14-karat gold earrings for sale that feature two of the gold coins! According to the seller: "My mom got them from a very elderly well to do lady along with many other pieces of jewelry. My mom still has a bracelet with I think 3 or 4 more of these coins on it." It just makes me wonder if Russell Arundel at some point had these jewelry items made as gifts for VIPs! I purchased a silver piece from a fellow collector, the Rev. Norman Winter, whom I met via eBay (he was the original bidder on the very first Zilchstadt coin I listed on that site). It is truly a well-designed, official-looking little artifact. ARUNDEL ARTHUR WINDSOR "NICK" * New Federalist 1994-10-10 (4) * Prouty,L.F. The Secret Team. 1973 (218) * Quinde,H. Affidavit. 1992-01-20 (21) * Schmidt,O. The Intelligence Files. 2005 (38) * Who's Who in America. 1984-1985 Google books Billboard - Aug 1, 1964 - Page 42 Vol. 76, No. 31 - 56 pages - Magazine - Full view ... off the air since February, will be given a new lease on life with purchase of the 5000 watter this month by Richmond attorney Braxton Valentine and communications executive Arthur W. Arundel, owner of WAVA AM-FM, Arlington, Va., ... books.google.com below the whole rundown http://en.wikipedia....ki/Nick_Arundel Wow, Robert, that's a Full Monty, and I'll need to digest it properly before replying. Just a couple of quick thoughts: Joan Crawford (Mummy, Dearest) was also on the top Pepsi board; Pepsi was heavily involved with Lansky and William Pawley who ran CAMCO in Nationalist China during WW2 for Mme. Chiang and Donovan and Lansky's attorney Paul Helliwell who set up the agency's black banks, Air America, and Southern Air Transport, and Pawley later was US ambassador to Brasil; Pawley and Lansky were intimate friends and owned most of the sugar fields in Cuba that supplied Pepsi, and involved a number of other Dealey noteworthies described at length by Russ Baker in his book about Mortimer Snerd Bush ("Family of Secrets"). I know the Hunt Country very well because of acquaintances living and working there, some of whom owned vast estates for fox hunting (many estates eventually being willed to the agency) and the agency's Warrenton Training Center on the hilltop with an antenna farm and much else. Lake Brittle is part of the agency history and of the owners of several major military/industrial megacorps. I imagine Maryland's Anne Arundel County outside DC also is connected (may be connected to your Arundels, but also to many agency activities, including home of NSA adjacent to Ft. Bragg). The Patuxent wildlife refuge is where a scientist from Ft Detrick who brought many kuru brains from the New Guinea highlands, injected kuru into animals at the refuge. The refuge was run down and some of those animals escaped into the wilderness region surrounding Chesapeake Bay, eventually spreading mutations of the disease to a large variety of wild animals all over the US and Canada, as one of the unforeseen consequences of the agency's global CBW search for exotic diseases like ebola immediately after WW2 (see Colm Kelleher's "Brain Trust"). Lansdale, Dulles, JFK, Lansky, Nixon who borrowed money from Lansky, Morgan, Mellon, Donovan, so many people networking and all tied to Dealey. Another tidbit: Singlaub's US Council for World Freedom has a major donor in Howard Leach, who financed the Florida recount in 2000 that put Mortimer Snerd in the White House; this is the Leach of the firm of Leach-McMicking, whose McMicking is the nephew of General Joe McMicking, Lansdale's boss at G-2 in Manila, who had the foresight to marry Mercedes Zobel of the richest oligarchic family in the Philippines and Spain. More later.
  9. That photo looks like it was taken on the green directly in front of the agency's main entrance of the main building (the H-shaped main building was shaped that way because the architect's name began with an H -- Harrison of Harrison & Abramowitz) next to the separate round auditorium where they bestow the Intelligence Stars. It could not have been the old naval hospital complex the agency first moved into in Foggy Bottom, because it's greens are contoured, very well groomed, and closely surrounded by the old stone buildings, with the Potomac clearly visible if you have your back to the Department of State. Just after writing this I saw the photo with the red arrow posted just now by Karl, so he and I agree on the probable location. Plus you can see Harrison's H clearly in the aerial view.
  10. Hi Robert ~ I wonder where French aristocrats go when they die? Especially when they die in the Great Satan !!! I remember somebody saying: "When good Americans die, they go to Paris." These days, when good Taiwanese die they go to Shanghai.
  11. David ~ Thanks. I appreciate that very much. It always puzzled me that Pyle was portrayed as such a Casper Milquetoast, until I realized that Lansdale was playing the same game. Greene saw a lot of Lansdale as Casper in Saigon, but Greene's friends in the French SDECE were able to fill in Greene on Lansdale's extremely sinister side. In a sense this is a large part of the American self-portrait, pretending to be a democracy and mouthing all the Burma Shave maxims about goodness and charity, while massacring people all over the world. During WW2, the Japanese in the Philippines killed approximately 250,000 people. Half a century earlier, when America staged the Spanish-American War to distract its population during a serious depression, American troops fresh out from massacring Indians, killed over one million people in the Philippines. Including women and children. And now has made all the Japanese war loot vanish. Citibank came under legal pressure to release 50 million in gold bullion deposited in it by Santa Romana, the Opus Dei agent in Manila, and I've seen the state treasury documents from Albany verifying those accounts, but Citibank ducked the whole issue by moving all that bullion secretly to Cititrust in Nassau. In short, the bank stole the gold. Then recently pretended to be in danger of bankruptcy. The whole farce gives me nausea. And they try to get their hands on Assange by accusing him of terrorism and treason, while the Swedes charge him with rape when two girls who invited him into bed in their own homes claim the condom broke, so they might come down with AIDS. And the journalists keep reporting that Assange is charged with rape and sex crimes. If the girls withdrew the charges and admitted the condom broke, after inviting him to bed, where is the rape? It's the Lansdale sickness/psychosis, doublethink, and cultural gangrene.
  12. I'm not saying Lansdale was innocent, just the opposite, but he was successful in fooling a lot of people by having Bohannen and Valeriano carry out the the actual murders. I have it direct from Bohannen's widow during a long conversation at her home in Manila that Lansdale (for instance), thought up taping two ice picks together to stab victims in the neck and make it look like a vampire did it; Bohannen then had a lot of them made and turned them over to Valeriano, whose death squads used them for mass murder. This enabled Lansdale to play a role in public where he mouthed endless evangelical opinions, which deceived a lot of people.
  13. There is a fork in the road about Lansdale. Most people think he was playing an active villain's role. John Simkin appears to have become persuaded that Lansdale was not the nasty culprit so many people say he was, and that he had a lot of good qualities. I don't think John is playing the angel's advocate. I do think Lansdale was both things, and took a lot of time and trouble to extend and project his "good" image, while simultaneously continuing his "evil" role. My first impression of Lansdale many years ago, was that he was active in carrying out all sorts of murders and large scale atrocities. Not just making phony movies to promote Magsaysay. Gradually, I discovered that he had a number of people working under his command who did the blood and guts, allowing Lansdale to distance himself from all the gore, avoiding getting his hands dirty. While his hitmen (Bohannen in charge of planning, Valeriano in charge of the actual carnage) were carrying out the hits and massacres, Lansdale was able to sit back and discourse, over a glass of fine claret, an enlightened and very broad range of ideas that seem almost tenderhearted, humanitarian, even liberal. In the end, I concluded that Lansdale was playing a lifelong double game. Lansdale was the strategist with the crucial connections in Washington, the Pentagon and Langley, and in Manila, Saigon, etc. He dreamed up his strategies, and told Bohannen what needed to be done, and after Lansdale went off to lunch or dinner parties with the civilized folks, Bohannen sat down with Valeriano and (both being professional killers, and Valeriano a psychopath to boot), they worked out the dirty details. If anything was ghastly, there was no direct link to Lansdale, Bohannen was the intermediary, and Valeriano's teams of bloodthirsty psychos did the mass murders. I think this is why Pyle seems to be such an evangelist that some people find it hard to believe he's modeled on Lansdale; and John's take on Lansdale is almost evangelical. But let's not forget that he was an ad agency account executive as well as copy writer in San Francisco, and had a good many years to cultivate his benign image, before being posted to Manila by Donovan, where he was given Bohannen the award-winning military specialist in assassinating Japanese in New Guinea (one of the US top-guns), who then selected Valerianno as his weapon of choice. And Valerianno assembled the hit-teams. Graphic evidence of this can be found in our book RED SKY, now on Kindle, which is based on a great mass of G-2 documents, quoted extensively. So far as JFK goes, Lansdale was (figuratively) in the executive suite. He didn't pull the trigger. Always -- like Pyle -- the nice guy.
  14. About Tsuji: I have some feelers out in Hanoi, Laos and Thailand regarding Tsuji's fate or whereabouts. Unfortunately, those who were involved in black ops in Laos in the early 60s, are either dead or aging to a point where probing them is unlikely to produce an answer. Others who are now retired, are afraid of losing their pensions. But I will see what I can learn. The station chief in Vientiene at that time kept them on a short umbilical cord. Not a nice guy. Sterling
  15. Well, I cannot be certain what Tsuji's ultimate fate was, after stepping off the plane in Hanoi. But I can comment on his ties to the CIA after the war -- prior to and/or coinciding with his Hanoi trip. Actually I'm using CIA generically when I should simply say that Tsuji, like Kodama and many other really nasty guys, were bailed out and given jobs working for Willoughby. Or at least Willoughby was the head of that section for MacArthur -- in my mind Willoughby was simply too stupid to do anything ingenious (his record shows he was incompetent). But there were some very bright people on MacArthur's staff at that time in Tolyo like Al Haig. We describe this in some length in our book GOLD WARRIORS. I feel certain that Kodama helped the USA to provoke a North Korean attack, because Kodama and his Korean underworld cronies helped to stage several provocative acts in Korea to precipitate the Korean War, and Kodama accompanied JF Dulles on his tour of South Korea just prior to these provocations. I would imagine that Tsuji was equally employed by Willoughby, et al, in various parts of Asia. If the spooks wanted to kill Tsuji, they could have done so by blowing up his aircraft, as often was done in that epoch, or they could have had the North Vietnamese snuff him. Having effectively forgiven Tzuji and Kodama, etc., and let them write books and play politicians, I doubt if the agency sent him on a mission to Hanoi intending him to die, or be murdered. Frankly, I have not pursued it, but I will now make some inquiries of contacts I have in Hanoi, and see what they think became of Tzuji. More when I have it. Best regards, Sterling
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