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Anthony Thorne

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Posts posted by Anthony Thorne

  1. Finn Halligan, the Screen Daily critic, had originally cited John Foster rather than Allen Dulles in her review. I wrote her a friendly correction and she wrote a thank you back, noting that it was the only thing she had wanted to check before posting but had been in a rush because of everything happening at Cannes. It's now been fixed. Quite a favourable review. Owen Gleiberman's review for Variety is half grudging concession about the documentary's fine technical qualities, half an uninformed rant arguing the case for Oswald's guilt.

  2. Jesse Ventura was on The View a few times, talking about both JFK and 9/11 stuff and promoting his books (which were usually co-written with Dick Russell). In one instance - I think regarding his ‘government documents’ volume, which is fairly good - when Ventura returned, Whoopi told him on air that she had read his book, and to my eyes her demeanour suggested a few things in it had shaken her a little.

  3. Both parts are good, and the Gladio stuff is very solid.

    Newman drops a couple of historical bombshells throughout the years building up and into the Kennedy admin - including his perspective on the JCS, among others, making plans to carry out a successful nuclear strike against the Soviets. I'm keen to see how he expands upon his thesis in his book coming out at the end of the year.




  4. And a quick observation. In part one, Newman makes reference to General David A. Burchinal, and the differing accounts of Burchinal's travels on the day of JFK's murder.

    On November 4th, 1963, a schedule of presenters for the National War College was sent out to Agency Training Officers in the CIA. Burchinal was rostered to appear at the College later that month, to give a presentation and meet with people there. According to the CIA memorandum below (CIA-RDP78-03090A000100050044-7), Burchinal's session in Washington - discussing future U.S. military strategy - was scheduled for 0900 on the morning of November 22nd, 1963.


  5. Quote

    Since 2013, the mainstream media has really shut down dissent on the case

    This is possibly a glass half full / glass half empty thing.

    I think the media didn't shut down dissent, so much as they shut down reporting on it. And the reason they shut down reporting on it, was because the case for conspiracy has been made very strongly, a lot of people doubt the official story, and there's a wealth of info now available for anyone who wants to educate themselves on the topic.

    Also - 


    Public opinion polls are still "on our side" but nowhere near the large margins they once were from roughly 1988-2003ish

    Who does the polling? If the Washington Post ever held a poll on the subject, and then printed the numbers, I wouldn't trust the numbers they printed. Ditto The Guardian.


  6. Alecia Long has been sponsored by the Ford Foundation. She's the director of the Listening to Louisiana Women Oral History Project at Louisiana State University. The Ford Foundation covered the grant that started that project, from 2009 to 2013, and Long was put in charge of it.

    Currently, the director of the Ford Foundation is Darren Walker, who is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Before joining the Ford Foundation, Walker was a Vice President of the Rockefeller Foundation. I'm assuming Long's book on Garrison will be warmly received by people who have sponsored her in the past.




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