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Charles Drago

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Everything posted by Charles Drago

  1. A film treatment masquerading as memoir. It's on the "File and Forget" shelf.
  2. Another Hemming recollection: He claimed that Carlos Marcello in fact was working WITH RFK, and that the former's deportation was staged by both men.
  3. During preparation for the Hemming Panel, I was told that GPH had married a Cuban woman whom he abandoned on the island when he fled. According to the story, Castro imprisoned the lady in order to lure Hemming back to Cuba. It is said that he did not take the bait and that the lady died in custody. It was suggested to me that I publicly taunt GPH with this information. I declined.
  4. But when will Hillary and Bill find the time?
  5. Peter, In preparation for Lancer's Hemming Panel, Gordon Winslow video taped a lengthy interview with GPH at the former's kitchen table. Panel members were provided with a copy before the conference -- with the proviso that it must be returned (which it was -- at least by me).
  6. Two of GPH's "moments" from Lancer's (in)famous "Hemming Panel," on which I sat (closely paraphrasing; John Kelin has a transcript, I think, and Lancer definitely sells the DVD): 1. Hemming asserted that one of the JFK hit's facilitators was a regular Hickory Hill touch football competitor. 2. Hemming's claim that he was at JFK's 11/18/63 Miami International Airport arrival was contested by Gordon Winslow. "You claim to be beside the president's limo that day," says Gordo, "but you don't show up in any photos." "Yeah," Hemming shoots back. "And you know why." I just typed "Hemming shoots back." Perhaps ... from beyond the grave? Charles
  7. The word truth in quotes. As subtle as a Mauser round in the back of the neck. WARNING: In my personal opinion: "Len Colby" is an agent provocateur, a breeder of disinformation. It is likely that "he" is in fact a composite character, a fiction created to attack the truth and those who speak it. But even if "Colby" exists as advertised, "he" yet serves the agendas of the assassins of John F. Kennedy. Informed, cynical readings of "his" posts will lead to deeper understandings of our enemies, their methods, and their goals.
  8. You guys slay me! It's Super Bowl week, and we're supposed to care about poofters in knee pants scrumming their ways to manhood? Do you know the Python bit about the Greek and German philosophers having at it on the pitch? Confucius was the ref. Confucius say, "Name go in book." Wait a minute! Aristotle has an idea! Pass to Pythagoras! Upfield to Plato! Wittgenstein seems ... otherwise abosrbed ... He scoooooooooooores! Rorke's Drift was the exception that proved the rule.
  9. He told me over breakfast that: Just prior to the OKC bombing, Timothy McVeigh was fixed up on a blind date with Chelsea Clinton; A former Skorzeny sniper "rat line boy" fired on full automatic at his target, JBC; JBC had to die because he "didn't bid high enough;" The sniper was unconcerned about researchers learning his identity, and cared only that they spell his name right; At least some of the shooters were paid in heroin; The Kennedys have struck back, with extreme prejudice, at the plot's high level facilitators; The so-called White Windbreaker Man was a gusano who taught languages to the children of rich exiles and was known as The Professor; The Professor had a grease gun under his jacket so that, in the event things didn't go well, he could be a walk-up shooter and take out everyone in the limo; A French team waited just beyond the overpass in a car loaded with shaped charges designed to destroy the limo; JFK was our last chance (this with tears in his eyes). That's why.
  10. Gee ... It couldn't be because the testimony originally contained smoking guns that have since been sent to the smelter, could it?
  11. More than a few of us have been killed on this Forum. Caesar was killed on his way to the Forum. That's because Brutus had it in forum.
  12. Tosh, He's on your six. But he's shooting blanks. In more ways the one.
  13. I'll stick with a medley of itchy-fried mosquito knees and twice-fricaseed hippo lips, with a side of reety pooties. Afterwards I'm likely to come down with a case of the seenus. No, not sinus. Seenus. Presents as a black eye and swollen how's-your-fathers. You know. As in, "I was leavin' the motel with my lady and my wife seenus." Which is where the solicitors come in.
  14. Makes sense to me. Any alternate viewpoints out there?
  15. http://www.rense.com/general80/smoking.htm I don't even have a chihuhaua in this fight. But that doesn't mean I don't relish the role of instigator. So who drove the stake into the moon? Excerpt from the link above: Ted Twietmeyer (?) writes: "This is another discovery I have made while reviewing NASA images that practically leaped off the screen. This is about a pole standing on the Moon placed there by Apollo 16. It may be the flagpole, but that cannot be determined by this photo. What's so amazing about this pole? Incredibly, the astronauts were able to hammer this into the ground without ever getting near it. The Lunar soil below the layer of dust was discovered during Apollo 11 to be quite hard, when the first flagpole was hammered into the moon. So the story goes. "So how did the astronauts manage to hammer this pole into the Lunar soil without getting close to it? In the photo below, note how the footprints are all around the pole but never close to it. The only footprint near the pole about 2ft. away from the pole, is not facing the pole. This footprint is shown at nearly a 90 degree angle to the pole, visible in the lower right corner of this image. The same is true of the other closest footprint to pole in the background, also at a 90 degree angle. These footprint angles would be correct for an astronaut walking past the pole, not facing it to hammer it in." More photos available at the link. Charles
  16. I'm a charter member of the cynics' chorus. But I also remind one and all that John and Robert Kennedy did not leave us as they met us. They evolved monumentally -- spiritually and otherwise -- during their respective final years to the points where what they had been had become what they vehemently opposed. Change is the only constant. And change is all we can pray and hope and strive for. Charles
  17. Actually, it's Westphalia ham that is sought after.
  18. Sometime during the '90s, Ford signed hardcover copies of the WC Report (with an inscription noting that the conclusions therein were Gospel), which in turn were sent to members of state legislators and judiciaries. This was a concerted and sinister campaign to counter Stone's JFK. On it goes. As for Don Imus: His claims to fame are his support, to the tune of tens of millions of dollars, for numerous noble causes relating primarily to health and children's issues. When, just a few years ago, his attacks on Cheney and big pharma became more than small nuisances, the Wall Street Journal was ordered to publish hit pieces on the radio host relating to alleged misuse of his Imus Ranch for Kids with Cancer charity. Imus, who had done nothing wrong, won an enormously expensive court battle and forced a WSJ retraction. But the shot into his bow could not be mistaken for anything else. And when he stuck his cowboy boot-clad foot in his mouth in re the Rutgers basketball team (his own fault, to be sure), establishment sharks smelled blood in the water and moved in for the kill. Don Imus is one of the good guys.
  19. You need one, and only one, death to prove conspiracy. John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
  20. "Colby" makes my point, chillingly and precisely. "He" and others are being sent out to conflate the arguments of so-called truthers (only in America can "seeking the truth" be leveled as an insult) and Holocaust Deniers. Do we need additional evidence to understand "Colby's" game?
  21. Where is the independent verification for a hole at the jacket collar? Has any researcher who has examined the clothing at the National Archives noted the presence of such a penetration? Do photos exist of the so-called collar hole?
  22. I would add, Mark, that the lesson here is as simple as it is important: Make no such comparisons, and allow none to go unredressed.
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