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Charles Drago

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Everything posted by Charles Drago

  1. Unfair enough. I'm put in mind of a classic Groucho-ism: "I wouldn't join a club that would have me as a member." Here in the Great Democracy, voter roles routinely are purged of individuals considered likely to support Democratic candidates. One of the criteria used to justify removal: So-and-so is a convicted felon. I mention this in asking for reconsideration. Charles
  2. Why must you see things in black and white? Oooooooooh! Racial attack! Nonsense. I'm simply pointing out the niggardly nature of your grasp of vernacular. Oooooooooh! Then again, you may be on to something. In which case the jig is up. Oooooooooh!
  3. Bill, To your knowledge, has an expert in code deciphering ever had at the LHO material? Even if he/she couldn't break it, certainly a forensic examination of the utilized code(s) would shed light on the origin and relative sophistication of the ciphers utilized. Charles
  4. I've never stolen a joke in my life. (Exposed a few? Guilty.) And there are countless people who can back me up on this. Take my wife. Please.
  5. Without question the greatest moment in Olympic history.
  6. Thanks, Steve. I was referencing the SELF-STABBER, if you will. And I assure you, no stones are being cast by this sinner. I'll get a grip on myself and move on. Charles
  7. And Terry-Berry, you can kow-tow in front of me anytime!
  8. Appeals to risibilities aside, I must reiterate that I am quite serious in nominating myself for moderator status. But I'm beginning to wonder if there are any formal, codified criteria for membership in that group. I'm reminded of a classic bit from the glory years of The National Lampoon -- the "Nobel Peace Prize Application" -- In thirty words or less: I LIKE PEACE BECAUSE ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________
  9. He was Alpert DiSalvo's favorite. (Or was that George Nasser?)
  10. It was Thomas Paine, I believe, who noted that, ""The natural bent of my mind was to science." This quote ocurred to me, I guess, insofar as the natural bent of my mind often is to humor. And God knows this Forum and all who read it could benefit from a healthy dose of laughter right about now. Music might also soothe some raw nerves. Might I suggest listening to one of my favorite European jazz musicians, the incomparable Bengt Hallberg? Humor. Music. What better way to make certain that we don't get bent out of shape?
  11. So as to head off moderators' objections to Ms. Mauro's comment above: Clearly she was referencing the founder of Rhode Island, who was one of America's earliest champions of freedom. The words Terry Quotes are those infamously spoken by the governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony after he had sentenced Roger to serve a day in undersized stocks. "But how shall I fit?" the tall, lanky man of principle asked. And the governor responded ... removed offensive quote from post
  12. In other words, I'll have to wait until you step down. The only problem: You really can't get any lower. My application remains open. Will someone in a position of authority on this Forum either share moderator criteria now or quickly make it up? Charles
  13. The contents of Charles' posts on this forum thus far suggests a man puffed up with self importance and the rather unsupported idea that he is some sort of intellectual. I therefore think he'd be an extremely poor moderator. However I also believe the experience might do him some good and so will not stand in his way . Your posts, in their furtiveness, simple-mindedness, and blind support for symbols of authority suggest that you are a physical and intellectual coward. That somehow I threaten your self-image as an educator or scholar could not be more evident. The preceding post marks the second time -- at least -- you have seen fit to demonstrate your machismo and insight by making light of my intellect. Which, it seems, is the best you can do. You offer not a syllable of constructive research or analysis on the subjects we routinely examine, and instead you resort to ad hominems, nay-saying, and other sophomoric rhetorical tricks in order to disguise the myriad failings of gray matter that likely has been damaged beyond repair by oxygen deprivation brought about by a too-tightly-knotted bow tie (soon to be immortalized in the annals of medicine as "Walker Craven Cravat Syndrome," no doubt). What an insufferable little twit you are. Charles
  14. We jump from post #85, time/date-stamped 5:28 AM Daylight Savings Time, East Coast, USA/August 12 TO post 86, time/date stamped 8:38 AM/August 16 To my vivid recollection, there wasn't anything approaching a four-day lull in posts on this thread. Has a moderator and/or an owner in fact removed posts? If so, is he or she responsible to so inform readers? Before anyone offers an official response, be advised that I may have the means to access all posts made on this thread. Charles
  15. There seems to be a chunk of posts missing from the "The case of Len Colby" thread, from the eve of 8/15 through 8/16. Anyone know what hapened there? If this was done to remove a bunch of offensive posts, OK, but I noticed no new posts were getting listed in the thread history (which is how I see the stream of posts on my computer) starting late on 8/15 and this seemed like a glitch in the software. Very interesting, Peter. Good catch. I can think of no more cowardly and underhanded an act than "disappearing" posts without notification to readers. Does a Forum moderator and/or owner care to comment? Has Peter discovered this Forum's 18-and-a-half minute gap?
  16. Thanks for the plugs, Dawn, but there is absolutely no sane reason to de-cypher "Colby" with a response. Although I do acknowledge "his" extraordinary originality -- placing my names within quotation marks (or inverted commas, if anyone so prefers). Wherever did "Colby" come up with the idea??? You just can't put a price tag on that level of wit.
  17. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...c=13278&hl= In particular, posts 1, 3, 14, 13, 17, and 19, in that order. You guys enjoy your Sunday.
  18. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...c=13278&hl= In particular, posts 1, 3, 14, 13, 17, and 19, in that order.
  19. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...c=13278&hl= In particular, posts 1, 3, 14, 13, 17, and 19, in that order.
  20. Who says there were legitimate presidential elections in 2000 and 2004? The illusion of American democracy is most powerfully supported by the fictive construct known as "free and fair elections." Absent such control mechanisms, the majority, as G.H.W. Bush once nervously noted, would chase down the illusionists and hang them. Have no doubt: The electoral charade will take place yet again, after which all the happy, brain-dead franchise exercisers will scurry into their SUVs like safety-seeking lobsters backing into the traps.
  21. Or an other trucker. _________________________ All kidding aside, my cousin Louie had a summer job in quality control at a company that sold cork for marine and wine industry use. His task was to test the product's saturation levels by immersing samples, chosen at random, in moving water of various temperatures and salinities. His official job title was cork soaker. __________________________ Many observers of organized crime know that Sammy "The Bull" Gravano was "flipped" by the "Feds" to "rat out" his former boss, the late John Gotti. It now seems that Gravano, who recently opted out of the Witness Protection Program, is carrying a pistol for purposes of personal protection. This weapon might artfully be described as a gun of a snitch. ___________________________ Do you know the difference between an arrogant rooster and a corrupt barrister? The arrogant rooster clucks defiance ... ____________________________ Just my cute little way of probing (sorry) for limits. Hey, it's as rational as Burton's objections to "ranker."
  22. To the Owners of the Education Forum: I would like to be considered for the position of moderator. Would you please post the formal criteria for selection? My C.V. is available upon request. Sincerely, Charles
  23. Evan Burton has created and then immediately closed a thread, "MOST IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ, All Forum Members Please Read," which he uses to express the end of his tolerance for "personal insults." Why? So that he can "get people back on track." He then locks this "most important" thread. Dear moderators, putting aside issues relating to egomania and the courage of one's convictions raised by Mr. Burton's latest contribution to civil discourse, a question occurs: Does the term "abuse of power" ring a bell? Charles
  24. So it has come to this. For those who may be unfamiliar with the idiom (no typo) in question, Evan refers to a euphemism for a person who habitually demonstrates ... oh, how shall I phrase this? ... an unholy and tactile self-absorbtion. But enough about my hobbies (apologies to Woody Allen). Much to the satisfaction of those who would disrupt the flow of information and ideas, this thread has devolved from a long-overdue, impossible-to-overvalue discussion of the vulnerabilities of Internet forums such as this to non-technological assaults, to a Python-worthy exchange on the semiotics and pragmatics of military and schoolyard slang. Speaking of the latter: Perhaps John Simkin should consider a more hands-on presence here? Charles
  25. Nothing -- repeat: NOTHING -- could matter more. Guess what, GI Joe: This is a civilian operation -- at least on paper. Authorship is one of the indispensable components of all literary analysis. There is no escaping this reality. If George Bush, a known xxxx and war criminal, tells you that Iran possesses nuclear weapons, shouldn't the source of such information come into play in weighing its truthfulness? "Simple" indeed. As opposed to "informed" and "sophisticated" and "learned." For starters. Schoolyard pablum. But don't take my word for it. Is there anyone out there, with the exception of Burton, Lamson, and He Whose Name Must Not Be Written (HWNMNBW) who truly is of the "informed" opinion that this is all about the inability of the fearful Messrs. Klimkowski, Guyatt, and Stapleton, Ms. Meredith, and yours truly -- among others -- to engage in a battle of wits with HWNMNBW? Seriously??? What this entire affair amounts to is an invaluable education in deep political strategies and tactics. "Debate and exchange" with the likes of HWNMNBW -- and, I might add, the successors who no doubt are being primed and auditioned as I type -- are impossible. By design. Always have been. Always will be.
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