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Karl Kinaski

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Everything posted by Karl Kinaski

  1. @Phelps:...its funny to see you jumping from "Moorman in the street" to Morty Bloomfield...to much coffee? KK
  2. Even the guys who were watching the killing from the third floor of the county criminal courts building (at Huston street Dealy Plaza) gave prove, that the Zappi film is crap. When some odd SS men brought Jean Hill up there, the following dialog occurred. (It was 15 Minutes after the shooting) Quote from THE LAST DISSENTING WITNESS by Jean Hill: Interrogator at third floor: Do you see a bullet hit the ground near you? Hill: Not that I remember, why? I: THAN WHAT MADE YOU JUMP BACK FROM THE PRESIDENTS CAR SO SUDDENLY? Hill: I just realized, that I shouldn't touch it, thats all. I: WHAT WHERE YOU DOING OUT IN THE STREET IN THE FIRST PLACE?(SIC) Hill: I was trying to get him to turn toward me. close quote KK
  3. The Connallys did not buy it, David Ferrie did not buy it, Richard Nixon did not buy it, Hale Boggs did not buy it...
  4. This little statement should settle the affair. Crenshaw is a hero
  5. Jack White was the first researcher who encouraged me to post here... good luck from Austria
  6. Yor comment doesn't make sense, but that's not unusual coming from you. Here's a simple question for you, as you are an expert and know everything. Who did it? Who? I recommend this brilliant article. It seems written for you. "Gerrys word was always good" Herbert Walker Bush. :tomatoes
  7. According to Charles Sanders Peirce, the greatest logician since Aristotle, and renowned for the precision of his measurements in the science of geodesy, no one knows anything with total precision. Even in a right angled-triangle the measurements, though very very close, are still only approximate. According to Peirce, those who say we will never know the truth are those who seek to BLOCK THE WAY OF INQUIRY. Thats right: you can call them nihilists. PS But Duncan is a special Nihilist - he knows nothing for sure, except that Ossi did it. LOL KK
  8. The Bin Laden assassination-operation was (code)named: Geronimo. Greetings from grandpa Bush.
  9. Quote (Jesse ventura): ...and David Sanchez Morales. And he is also famous for something else, you know what? He killed Che Guevara, in Bolivia, in 1967, when they put Che against the wall and executed him. Sanchez used to wear Guevara's Rolex as a trophy ... What does it matter today? Because if you can kill our President and get away with it, then what can't you do? I challenge you that. Cl Quote. Quote wiki: In 1967, the CIA recruited Rodriguez to train and head a team to hunt down Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara, who was attempting to foment a revolution in Bolivia. After Guevara was wounded and captured by Bolivian special forces trained and supported by the CIA, (Felix) Rodriguez interrogated him. Rodríguez stated that he wanted to keep Guevara alive for further interrogation, but was thwarted by the order of the Bolivian President that Guevara be summarily executed. Rodríguez, whose cover was that of a Bolivian army major, repeated those orders, later stating that it was a Bolivian decision, and Guevara was killed. RODRIGUEZ has in his possession Guevara's Rolex wristwatch. Cl Quote Close, but no banana, Jesse...
  10. Quote Garrison: "Fairy tales are not dangerous for our children and are probably even good for them up to a point. However, in the real world in which you and I must live, fairy tales are dangerous. They are dangerous because they are untrue. Anything which is untrue is dangerous. And it is all the more dangerous when a fairy tale becomes accepted as reality simply because it has an official seal of approval, or because honorable men announce that you must believe it or because powerful elements of the press tell you that the fairy tale is true. The conclusion of the Warren Report, that President Kennedy was killed by a lone assassin, is a fairy tale." Cl. Quote Garrison, this true hero and Don Quixote, was fighting against the Darth-Vader Types of the cold war. Their secret agenda was the well known Churchill quote: "In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies." The standpoints of Garrison and, say, McCloy/Dulles-Types were like ice and fire. KK
  11. Which Oswald do you mean? Lee or Harvey? The NOLA Bolton Ford Oswald, the Odio-Incident-Oswald, or the Dallas shooting range Oswald? The Mexico-City Oswald, or the Dallas Lincoln-Mercury Oswald? The LN tale is like the unsinkable sinking Titanic... KK
  12. "Am I a dog, to be hounded down and killed in street...while my murders are to be regarded as sacrosanct?" Napoleon

  13. Morrow: "I have always wondered WHY both Robert and Jackie Kennedy remained so publicly SILENT about their true thinking that an elite domestic political conspiracy murdered John Kennedy." Kinaski: " Reason of state?"
  14. quote: Richard C. Dodd: the shot...the smoke came from behind the hatch...on the north side of the plaza... FBI-report: (Dodd) "He did NOT look up, and did not know, where the shots came from..." John Leon Simmons: "...and it sounded like they(shots) came from the left and in front of us towards the wooden fence..." FBI Report: "..it was his(Simmons) opinion, that the shots came from the SBDB..." J.C. Price:...(theshots were come from) behind the overpass there... ...(I saw a man running) behind that wooden fence past that cars and over behind the Texas Depository Building..." FBI Report: ...(Price) looked(to the fence area) but saw nothing pertinent... Close quote Yes, hundreds of FBI Reports were "rewritten"...to frame Ossi...by an order from Hoover.. KK
  15. I believe Ferrie had the Ford repossessed in March 1963 because he couldn't make the payments; that he rode a motorcycle (or bummed rides from friends like Mo Brownlee); and that he bought a Mercury Comet in November 1963. The fact that Ferrie lost a Ford in March and bought a Comet in November doesn't mean that he rode no cars in the summertime. That would be a childish conclusion. Believe it or not: there are human beings out there who ride cars AND motorcycles in summertime. Your reasoning is poor, and, I fear, not dedicated to the truth, but to discredit JVB. (Her story remains waterproved, except minor errors: errare human est...) BTW What about your long awaited FERRIE book? I would be one of the first readers...or is there no such project any more? There never was one, eh? KK KK
  16. 1) The car was in the possession of General Finance Corp. when the March 1963 report was written. 2) Back in the early 2000s, I had an exchange with Baker about the car, and I described it as written in the report, deplorable, etc. It was long after that, when her first book was published, that she described it in similar terms. 3) As for sources, there is a false equivalency here: One one side: the March 1963 report, a 1963 FBI interview with a reporter who heard this from Ferrie's neighbors, my interviews with his known acquaintances and the Louisiana DMV records. On the other hand: A late-arriving unproven claim from a person who has never offered evidence to prove an acquaintance with Ferrie. Is it naive blind faith to apply more weight to one than the other? Steven, one question: do you really believe Ferrie was discovering the joy of walking in the summer of 1963? He, a busy CIA guy? A Johnny-on-the-spot? Without a car? (Maybe he was using a litter...together with Ossi and JVB;-) ) KK
  17. I could (and will, if you want) give many examples, but here is just one: She vividly describes she and Oswald being driven all over the New Orleans area during the summer months in Ferrie's car. Not a rental or a loaner, but Ferrie's owned car, which she describes in colorful terms. But primary research shows that Ferrie did not have a car that summer. He had a car reposessed in March 1963 and he did not have another until he purchased one in November. Motor Vehicle records show that he did not have a car registered between March and November; there are contemporaneous documents specifically stating that he did not have a car; and several of his acquaintences whom I've interviewed recall that he had no car that summer. How can Baker recall a car which didn't exist? She describes a beat-up car in deplorable condition, just barely able to run. This sounds a lot like the car which was reposessed in March, which I told Baker about in the early 2000s. I cannot conceive of an innocent explanation for this. Maybe Ferrie "gave the car back" in March, (to muddy the waters: tradecraft)and still drove it? If Ferrie wasn't driving this old car in that summer, why JVB is accurate in the description of that car? How she found out the condition of a car Ferrie never drove that summer as you claim? Your blind faith in your sources is a bit naive. KK
  18. Lets read her WC testimony carefully: Mrs. HILL. The President's car. We were standing on the curb and I jumped to the edge of the street and yelled, "Hey, we want to take your picture," to him and he was looking down in the seat---he and Mrs. Kennedy and their heads were turned toward the middle of the car looking down at something in the seat, which later turned out to be the roses, and I was so afraid he was going to look the other way because there were a lot of people across the street and..." To me that means that Hill was in the street AFTER JFK was hit in the throat...because just AFTER that hit " their heads (Jack and Jackies)were turned towards the middle of the car." Hill just didn't realize, that it was a hit. (Maybe because an umbrella weapon doesn't sound like a rifle?) KK PS The term "We jumped to the edge of the street" makes no sense...i would rather read "to the edge of the car"...Hill said in another account: "I almost were touching the front fender...(of the car)" I guess thats one of those little "errors" which one can find in the WC testimony's...IMO these WC"hearings" where made up: to frame Oswald, confuse matters and conceal the truth.
  19. I cannot believe that this nonsense has come up again, but not surprised by who is doing it, and certainly not surprised that the same old failed allegation doesn't mention the evidence against itself. Jean Hill did step out into the street, but as she made it very clear to Len Osanic on Black Op Radio, Jean said that she had gotten back out of the street BEFORE the first shot was fired. Two things support Jean on this issue. 1) Jean said JFK looked to her side of the street when she was off the curb and had yelled at him. This last look to Jean's side of the street by JFK came around the break in the film between Z155 and Z160. 2) Altgens photo taken by Z255/56 does indeed show Jean to be back on the grass as she claimed she had done during the interview with Osanic. Altgens had his photos developed and sent out on the wire immediately following the shooting. So it is not a question of whether Jean stepped out into the street, but rather when she stepped back out of it. The first shot sounded just prior Z202, thus according to Jean Hill, she was already back out of the street before Altgens took his photo. As far as Moorman being in the street, unless she held her camera high above her head, Moorman could only have only been in the grass because her lens height is approximately 54" off the ground and the top of the cycles shield is approximately 58" tall. Morroman's Polaroid shows Mary's lens to be elevated above the tops of the cycles shields. To summarize: When a caller to Black Op Radio asked Jean about when it was she had gotten into the street, Jean broke it down to both when she entered the street and when she had gotten back out of it. Altgens photo supports what Jean had said about being back up in the grass before the first shot had been fired. Moorman's Polaroid was filmed about 30 minutes post assassination and while she still had possession of her photograph, thus alteration cannot possible be remotely considered at this point. When Fetzer and White attempted to show that Moormasn was in the street, they inadvertently did the opposite for their recreation photo showed a shifting from over the curb (Moorman's Polaroid) to being down in the street where Feter and White thought she was. That shift can be easily followed by the spacing between the reference points on the colonnade and the corner of the pedestal. Bill Miller What Jean Hill told Len Osanic about where she was standing is important. But what's the earliest story we have from her on this? The closer to the assassination the fresher the memory. Well, I suppose the earliest story is what Karl is referring to: her Warren Commission testimony on March 24, 1964. Unfortunately for Karl, he's misidentified the "X" or "cross" as he calls it. Karl says: "She made her cross ON the street---" But the cross isn't identifying Jean's location. It's identifying the President's. On the diagram we're talking about, Arlen Specter first tells Jean to "place him [the President] with the letter 'X'." He then tells her to "place yourself with the letter 'A'." The letter "A" in the diagram, meaning Jean, is clearly in the grass, not in the street. The "X" in the street is President Kennedy, not Jean. So Jean had indicated only four months after the assassination that she was in the grass, not in the street, when the President's limo passed by at or about the time of the Moorman photo. Ken Really?...maybe the little dots are symbolizing her stepping into the street and suddenly jumping back from the car...as seen by this interrogator watching her and Moorman from the third floor of the county criminal courts building...(see first post) KK
  20. Thanks Karl... can you post the question this drawing is in response to please.... they were well down the street from where those "X"s are and the dotted line indicates to me she moved. Even if she was in the street for a second, they were both back on the grass at the time of the photograph and well before that time as evident in a number of images I posted. DJ David I think she made the drawing during her WC interview with Specter... and no, according to Moorman the girls were not back on the grass at the time of the Mormann photographs. Moormann says she was out on the street for 4 to 5 seconds and than did a picture...both were on the street for several seconds, Hill jumped back from the Lincoln Limo suddenly...(see the first post) KK
  21. HillJean Ex 5 - Sketch drawn by Jean L. Hill showing her location at the time of the assassination. She made her cross ON the street--- KK
  22. and hence for a massive Zappi-Film alteration. Even the guys who were watching the killing from the third floor of the county criminal courts building (at Huston street Dealy Plaza) gave prove, that the Zappi film is crap. When some odd SS men brought Jean Hill up there, the following dialog occurred. (It was 15 Minutes after the shooting) Quote from THE LAST DISSENTING WITNESS by Jean Hill: Interrogator at third floor: Do you see a bullet hit the ground near you? Hill: Not that I remember, why? I: THAN WHAT MADE YOU JUMP BACK FROM THE PRESIDENTS CAR SO SUDDENLY? Hill: I just realized, that I shouldn't touch it, thats all. I: WHAT WHERE YOU DOING OUT IN THE STREET IN THE FIRST PLACE?(SIC) Hill: I was trying to get him to turn toward me. close quote KK
  23. She was (is) a targeted person like de Mohrenschild, Jean Hill or Roger Craig: thats in fact pitiable. KK
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