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Karl Kinaski

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Everything posted by Karl Kinaski

  1. @James Fetzer...file away that topic, give Chinque the boot, and go ahead. KK
  2. Ossi in the doorway in Altgens 6 is a water melon i 'll never swallow. KK
  3. After THIS I ll call gordon Novel, GORDON SCIENCE FICTION NOVEL Aliens are my best friends...Majestic 12 is after me...unbelievable...hahaha... KK
  4. There is in fact a probability: There was at last one fake SS man on the stairs. (The one to whom Brennan gave his observations, after crossing Elm with the words: "I ve seen it all!" This guy kept away Brennan from going inside the TSBD... KK
  5. @Cinque Frazier was on the first floor after the shooting and: (WCH Bull W Frazier) You see, Cinque. We always got Billy, not Ossi... KK
  6. @ Cinque: Frazier is still alive. Phone him... Maybe you can persuade him, that it was Oswald, not Lovelady he saw...LOL KK
  7. Sex with the Commander in Chief was OK, but to give Dave Powers a blow job, was a mistake? I am sure Dave Powers felt otherwise KK
  8. This was not a con job. It is real. s I don't understand why anyone find it difficult to hold in one's mind these two (apparently) contradictory ideas at the same time: #1: That JFK fought off crazy proposals for preventive nuclear war (and other nutty advice, including knocking down the Berlin Wall, which could have led to a nuclear encounter in Europe), and. . . #2: That JFK saw the world around him (and the White House) as some kind of sexual playpen. Do you seriously believe that this woman made this up? Or that Random House published it because they are anti-JFK?? I find neither of these propositions particularly reasonable or credible. If anything, this woman was a complete innocent, compared to the other females we've heard about. DSL I find it more interesting, that Lyndon Johnson was forcing Mac Bundy to discuss with him matters of national security while he (the commander in chief) was sitting on the toilet. (source: Kai Bird, The color of truth...) KK
  9. The belligerence of the argument is astounding. Logic does not lose context, therefore, using the same reasoning as Cinque employs here, one can conclude that Doorway Man is a black man. Doorway Man's neck appears to be black because IT IS black! Indeed, it is a Cuban black man with a vendetta, wearing a V-neck t-shirt. The ALTGENS 6 was altered (a white face, etc. was added) to conceal Doorway Man's true race. One can easily tell by how dark the black area under the chin is that it cannot merely be a shadow. Therefore, obviously, it is his true skin color. Why they failed to alter the area under the chin but not the rest is a mystery. I am being facetious. However, Cinque is being serious? Oh my... @Jim Fetzer: LOL Neither Ryan Gosling nor Oswald were in the doorway. And both men committed no act of violence on 22.11.63... Earnestly: do you think, all those people, who were out at the door during the shooting and KNEW Oswald suffered from amnesia? (And never mentioned him?) - Truly (Imagine-- Baker: Do you know this man...Truly:Yes, he was out at the doorway with me!...would have been a good point to exonerate his employee..) - Campell - Shelley -(Lovelady) - Barbara Reid - Wesley Frazier - Sarah Shanton etc... It operates the other way around: if Oswald was amongst them, whey he mentioned to Fritz only Shelley? Maybe he did, and Fritz forgot? Than the question is: how reliable are the Fritz-Notes? I think it is poor piece of evidence, since Fritz was involved in the murder of his suspect. After all, your prove is just a negative one. Acc. to Chinque and you, in Altgens Loveladys face was put on Oswalds body...that means we still do not see Oswalds face in the doorway...we never will. I am a well satisfied CTer, without that Ossi in the doorway-thing to which I don't give a damn. Cinque and you tried to make a big thing out of it. And lost. Get over it, since your other contributions to the JFK research are presentable. In my eyes this minor defeat doesn't diminsh your reputation. But the thing get's worse, the longer you stick on it...to the pleasure of your enemies, to which I am not belong. KK
  10. Sorry, nowhere in the Fritz notes I can find the words DURING THE ASSASSINATION... Nice addendum KK
  11. This is what I believe The second head shot is pure speculation. Note: such a shot would have destroyed the cerebellum, which according to Crenshaw, was almost intact...(he could see it through the back-exit wound right rear just behind the ear... While there is plenty of evidence for the grassy knoll xxxx, there is none for the second... The second head shot is a myth created by J Thomson for what ever reason...to prove a conspiracy and a cover up, this shot is a waste...like Oswald in the doorway, Chaney motoring forward...or Witt at the Stemmons freeway sign... A sound sense of proportion is needed to go ahead in this never ending murder case... KK
  12. "L H Hunt, quote: I was a great admirer of Jack Kennedy...the Warren Commission did not a very good job" I suppose the old man was lying. But he got it right with the the WC...too bad, (for him and his cronies) that the commission was not able to create a better cover... KK
  13. IF( which I do not believe for a second) Ossi was in the doorway( in Altgens), one get the following Scenario: I can read his thoughts: Oh, the president is shot. I need a coke. And than ll have another look. IMO Oswald was in fact out with Shelley, but AFTER the encounter with Baker and Reid. He was lingering there, and, when we believe Roger Craig, entering a Nash Rambler. Read the Fritz notes: FIRST he had " 2nd floor coke when off. (officer Baker) came in, THEN he(Ossi) was out with Shelley...it is that simple.. Conclusion: WE WILL NEVER KNOW WHERE OSSI WAS DURING THE SHOOTING. MAYBE ON THE TOILETS. KK Edit. If we assume, there was a plan to use Ossi as patsy, you never put him in the middle of a crowd, during a shooting you want to connect to him. Edit: typos
  14. Sry - hope I got it right now: AFTERMATH FILM. (shot from south side Elm Street) shot by: according to: MacRae: no clue (not from The Watchmen) Hagerman: STONE Mack: no clue (not from The Watchmen, not from the Quantum Leap Programm) Kinaski: no clue. Ask Stone or Groden who was Stones main adviser. MYSTERY FRAMES: (Shot from Zapruders position) shot by: according to. Jack White: Never seen bevore McRae: STONE Hagerman : STONE Gary Mack : STONE Kinaski: Not sure. Ask Stone or Groden who was Stones main adviser.
  15. @ Ian Kingsbuy: they appear in the Stones Movie JFK, but the are not shot by him, or his men. Apparently Stone was using in his movie JFK "old-elm-street- footage" given to him, without knowing anything about the origin of it. Duncan and Hagerman are convinced, Stone shot this frames. Gary Mack and me are not. The 6th floor museum crew is clueless who shot the Mystery frames. KK
  16. Sure--and for every other important aspect of the case, we can EXCLUDE the best witnesses to those events! Pretty soon, we will discover that what was actually going on was a circus parade--except we will have to EXCLUDE the witnesses to those events, too! In this case, the witness list is simply unimpeachable, since it includes persons who may well have been involved themselves! Why would Secret Service agents, motorcycle patrolmen, and the Chief of Police have been wrong about this? There is no good reason to suppose they would have been. Next you will ask me to prove what Clint Hill has reported saying over the past nearly 50 years--but EXCLUDING CLINT HILL! Too much was going on. There is no reason to suppose everyone there noticed everything. Anyone who is serious about getting to the truth of these matters has to take to heart what Clint Hill has been telling us for nearly 50 years now. Not only is there unimpeachable testimony of Officer Chaney motoring forward, but Clint Hill's testimony confirms it. That Tink and now Calli SHOULD BE IN SOME STATE OF DENIAL ABOUT ALL OF THIS is utterly beyond belief! "As I approached the vehicle there was a third shot. It hit the President in the head, upper right rear of the right ear, caused a gaping hole in his head, which caused brain matter, blood, and bone fragments to spew forth out over the car, over myself. At that point Mrs. Kennedy came up out of the back seat onto the trunk of the car. She was trying to retrieve something that had gone off to the right rear. She did not know I was there. At that point I grabbed Mrs. Kennedy, put her in the back seat. The President fell over into her lap, to his left. "His right side of his head was exposed. I could see his eyes were fixed. There was a hole in the upper right rear portion of his head about the size of my palm. Most of the gray matter in that area had been removed, and was scattered throughout the entire car, including on Mrs. Kennedy. I turned and gave the follow-up car crew the thumbs-down, indicating that we were in a very dire situation. The driver accelerated; he got up to the lead car which was driven by Chief Curry, the Dallas Chief of Police . . .”. Not only does Clint's description of the wound contradict your characterization, but his account is consistent with what Bobby Hargis, Forrest Sorrels, and Chief Jesse Curry have told us about about Chaney, which refutes the film's authenticity. Tink has repeatedly claimed this happened AFTER the limo had already passed the TUP and that we have simply not been thinking about the temporal relationship here. My three favorites are Bobby Hargis, Forrest Sorrels, and Chief Jesse Curry: (1) Forrest Sorrels: "A motorcycle pulled up alongside of the car and Chief Curry yelled ‘Is anybody hurt?’, to which the officer replied in the affirmative, and Chief Curry immediately broadcast to surround the building. By that time we had gotten just about under the underpass when the President’s car pulled up alongside, . . ." (2) Bobby Hargis: "I remembered seeing Officer Chaney. Chaney put his motor in first gear and accelerated up to the front to tell them to get everything out of the way, that he [the President] was coming through, and that is when the Presidential limousine shot off . . . .” (3) Chief Jesse Curry: "at that time I looked in my rear view mirror and I saw some commotion in the President’s caravan and realized that probably something was wrong, and it seemed to be speeding up, and about this time a motorcycle officer, I believe it was Officer Chaney rode up beside us and I asked if something happened back there . . ." James Chaney, Bobby Hargis, and Clint Hill WERE NOT OCCUPANTS OF THE LEAD CAR, in case you have not noticed. And citing other alleged reports and later interviews, whose authenticity is open to question, is not a very persuasive way to argue your case. In fact, such a case as you are attempting to contrive appears to be superfluous. WE ALREADY HAVE SUFFICIENT PROOF AT HAND. Others can address your questions about how the films and photos were faked or altered, but the agency certainly has the ability to do that, where most of the evidence in this case has been fabricated. Since Chief Curry called for the building to be "surrounded" when Chaney told him JFK had been shot, which he did at the TUP, there really is NO POINT in fantasizing about the entrance to the freeway. If this isn't enough proof for you on this point, I can't imagine what it would take to convince you. Since only Tom Robinson and Ed Reed watched Humes take a cranial saw to JFK's head, I suppose you want me to prove that but EXCLUDING TOM ROBINSON AND ED REED? And then it will be the limo stop but EXCLUDING ALL THE LIMO STOP WITNESSES? How dumb are we supposed to be? We are doing what we can to solve the case and you are doing something else. But the fact that someone like you has shown up tells me that we are making progress and that Tink has been outgunned. So they needed to send in the cavalry, which is why you are here. We all have better things to do, however, than to construct proofs WITHOUT THE MOST IMPORTANT EVIDENCE THAT PROVES THEM. @James Fetzer: I believe, Chaney did motoring forward: but after the TUP. There is a psychological aspect in this topic: Why would the conspirators desire to cover up a harmless event like this, which has nothing to do with concealing the shoots, wounds, or a possible cooperation of the SS? (vanished Limo stop...) Don't let me be misunderstood: I am an ardent Zappi-film -alteration-head. The Chaney-motoring forward thing is damaging our case. It's a foolish addition, supported by not a single piece of photographic, or movie-evidence. KK
  17. Me: Thx. Would be good to have the transcript. A tape could be edited. I found this short speech: but this looks like a try on Nov. 20.11.63 held in the rose garden of the White House... for the speech Kennedy was about to give LIVE via Satellite on Nov. 23 1963... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=749gdCqSXuo The Text under the Video provided by a Helmer Reenberg is misleading: he said Thats BS. If you are about to hold a life speech to the Japanese people, there is no need to prerecord it!!! AND: the content of this brief statement is rather meaningless. To me another prove that this short statement is a try...the transcript of Kennedys last speech, he desired to deliver on Nov. 23. 1963 LIVE via Satellite to the Japanese people, is still missing... KK
  18. MYSTERY FRAMES. Sixth floor museum clueless Me: Yes. I am convinced they are not from Stone. If it is an earlier recreation I would like to track down the originators of this movie. I would like to see the whole recreation. Just to rule out the possibility, that these frames are another set of manipulated Zapruder frames... as I said it in the Ed-Forum: the origin of this frames is an unanswered question. KK PS May I put your email into the forum, to inflame the discussion? Thx --- Me: If the Mystery Frames are not from Stone (acc. to Gary Mack), and nobody can find a recreation which fit them, there is IMO only one conclusion left: these frames are just another set of manipulated Zapruder-Frames. KK PS It is my understanding, that Gary Mack claims, that the short aftermath-szene, posted by Duncan in this thread, is a Stone-Recreation. I think that is not the case...
  19. Seems the only JFK presidential-address, of which no transcript exists...vanished, like the Harper-Fragment, or his brain... KK
  20. Oliver Stone: JFK The Movie. If we are taking about the "Aftermath fragment" I don't think so...it appears IN Stones movie, that not automatically means, that he made it. It could be original footage...I regard the origin of the mystery frames and the aftermath fragment as an still unanswered question. KK IF this are Stone recreations--- Why the hell this south side agent, in both, the myst. frames AND the aftermath fragment. That makes no sense to me. (An Idea out of the blue by Stone/Groden?: Oh lets see there is to much green in the Frames let's put some ladies and an agent on the lawn of Dealy plaza...LOL KK
  21. JFK Assassination Short Aftermath On The Grassy Knoll Scene Recreation Wow..thank you...I would say this is the same "agent" we see in the mystery frames...if your video is an original, than I have to think about it sharp. The sequence in your video is about, I guess, 7 to 10 Sec. after the shooting, and one must ask: where the hell is this agent come from? He is nowhere seen on Zapruder...but: on that mystery frames... Who made that film? KK
  22. This speech must have been written in advance, like the Trade Mart speech. I would like to know, if it is an important one. With Vietnam remarks or something like that. I tend to think so, because by then - without the assassination - half of JFKs cabinet members would have been in Japan. But... I can't find it on the internet. Thx KK
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