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Mike Williams

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Everything posted by Mike Williams

  1. Tom, No DOUBT! The reasons you mentioned and many many others. Nothing about this adds up to a lone nut job does it?
  2. Ive qualified in this shooting enviroment many times. Bottom line on Dec21 he fired 212 thats barely a sharpshooter. No matter how you try to wrap the numbers his overall performance was marginal at best. The weapon he qualified with was nothing like the Carcano, in either action, nor sights. His slow fire scores were worse than his rapids. Now compare the bolt action Carcano to the Semi Auto he qualified with, and I think you would find the Carcano would relate to slow fire. Oswald qualified at Camp Matthews, hardly more than a cow pasture really. Nothing compared to Edson range where basic rifle quals are held today (and since 1964). After leaving basic on 31Jan85, I reported to advanced infantry training at Pendleton, and then rolled over as a PMI for 8 weeks before moving on to the 1st MAR DIV. My rifle Quals stayed upper 240's for my entire career, with one exception, in 1992 I qualed at 243, with the flu. I doubt there is much I would have to ask a "Marine Shooter". No matter how you try to shake the numbers, he was a low end sharp shooter no more no less, until his next qual where he scraped as a marksman, and then just barely qualified. (which a point or two may have been given to him, this would not be unusual). I do find it comical that you would compare the shooting event attributed with the Carcano, to a rapid fire event with an M1 rifle. Talk about apples to oranges! So now how many times did he qualify expert? How many times did he nearly qualify expert? How many times, in series, did his rifle quals show improvement when compared to the qual before? The answers 0, 0, and of course 0. Not to mention the fact that this Sharpshooter is alleged to have completed a feat that Craig Robert's, and allegedly Carlos Hathcock himself stated they could not replicate. Of course I am sure they were just Marines, and I know your opinion of Marines. If you have any further questions for a Marine Shooter, I am at your service.
  3. Bill, Perhaps David has an alter ego, and when we combine that with Duncan we have David, David, and Duncan. The Ed Forum equal of Daryl Daryl and Larry. Mike
  4. I believe that it was Patsy Paschall's film in a 1967 Life Magazine publication ... when a still frame was put into print. The same about Towner's film when frames were published as well. It wasn't until the HSCA took up in 1978 that the Paschall, Bell, Doorman, and Towner films were researched. Its also worth noting that Jay Skaggs photos were not even known about until 2002. While Jay's photos do not show the shooting ... no one could have known that. And the only original assassination images that were never returned to their owners were not lost by the government, but rather by UPI. Those two films were the Nix and Muchmore films. Bill So Bill, having said that, it is impossible for any film to have escaped the FBI, Secret Cervix or any other Government agency?
  5. Bill, I can almost hear Duncan serenading David: "Doctor Doctor give me the news, I got a bad case of the Zapruder film blues..... No facts are gonna cloud my head, I got a bad case of the Zapruder film blues.....
  6. Bill, What was the latest film to be discovered? How was it discovered? When was it discovered?
  7. Bernie, As I said earlier, I do not believe they had to. The film unaltered, was no threat to them, because they could buffalo the interpretation. Besides if it were altered, why hold it until 75 to make public, and then why not alter the back and to the left? Zavada's report is pretty convincing in regard to authenticity, and to date there has not been one "expert" of Zavada's caliber to dispute him. If they altered the z film, would they not have to alter every other film, and sync them perfectly? To me the z film alteration is as ridiculous as the single bullet theory. No substance, no evidence, and no professional opinion.
  8. Tom, I believe LHO was a better than average shot for civilian standards. I do not know that with a marksman rating and a sharpshooter rating I would qualify him as excellent. There is a lot to see in the z film, I myself have not positively settled on a shooting sequence yet. I do not hold with all the shots being fired from the Carcano, and certainly do not hold with this being a single shooter situation.
  9. Tom, Interesting shooting sequence. I was certainly referring to the 313 as the final shot, you contend there was one after that one? I will drop you an email about Murray, I think that it is VERY likely you may have crossed his path. Mike
  10. Bernie, I think if it was necessary to alter a movie then yes I believe they would have. I just do not believe they needed to in the case of the z film, I believe it was much easier to just misinterpret it.
  11. David, I was waiting for this one to come around. This to me is the single largest pot o poo in the entire case. I have been reading High Treason 2, and if there is one thing Livingstone drives home it is the differences between the autopsy reports, and the x-rays, and the BOH photos. He relates an interesting interview with Jerol Custer. Custer relates the day after the autopsy that Ebersole came to him with skull fragments, and bullet fragments and had him xray some of those fragments together. Custer relates the reason given for this is so that a bust could be made of JFK. Custer also states he knew it was a BS job from the word go. Custer also relates a complete mushroomed bullet falling out of JFK's back during the xray procedures the night before. Mike
  12. Bernice, I would like to know your thoughts in Zavadas report. I would also like to know of ANY expert,of Zavada's caliber, in any related field that has ever said the Film was altered. Thanks a bunch for the information you have posted Bernice, I sincerely appreciate it. Mike
  13. Tom, I think the last shot was insurance. It had to be. Up until that time there were no satisfactory hits attained. The shooters were running out of time, and running out of room. Once that limo reached the t.o.p it was game over. I do not believe there was anything significantly difficult about any of the shots. Properly executed they should have all been significant strikes with no follow up needed. I also wanted to ask you, from your Military Days, ever met a man named Arnold Murray? Mike
  14. Duncan, Well thank you for the compliment. I say I am new, which I guess is true. I have only been at this a year, give or take a couple months. Might ask Don Roberdeau, he knows me well. Anyhow Ill take the comment about my knowing to much, and having to much to say as a compliment. I am lucky in one regard, I never forget anything I read, and in the last year I have read a ton of books on the subject, as well as have done a ton of reading here. David, I am hardly a lone nut. Peace to you both, Mike
  15. Duncan I will be awaiting the same from you. But I must admit that Black Dog Blob was entertaining to say the least.
  16. David, I am certainly no historian. And you are certainly free to follow whomever you chose. I am simply smart enough to gather posts and review information. I suggest you do the same. Personally Ill put my hat on proven professionals like Al and Sherry. Son Tay, and the whole McDonald mess lends to credibility. Im sure you can figure this out with a little effort.
  17. Duncan, You really seem to like my hat dont ya? See The marine Copr dosent give you a choice really, you wear the uniform per their regulations. But the hair man, the hair you do by choice. I can not wait to see the face paint! Do not forget the big red nose, its befitting a researcher of your stature!
  18. Bill, When are you going to come to the reality that Purvis is the only one who knows anything about anything. Professionals like Carrier and Sherry Feister are just mere idiots, although they managed to build a whole career around buffaloing folks. Next time we talk Bill remind me to give you some info on the Son Tay raid as well as Jeffery McDonald.
  19. Jack, Goofy Perhaps, but no less goofy than some of the ridiculous claims. Ill need about 1/2 bottle of good scotch, wine is for the non hacking faction. Abe appears to be about a half a head shorter than Sitzman. His camera is in front of his face. Cant see the bow tie. Hes aiming it at the limo. Jack, You have done some great work over the years, and I certainly dont mean to torment you, I just do not buy into the whole alteration theory. It has never been satisfactorily proven to me, and in my opinion. Most of the claims are weak at best and ludicrous at worst. However would love to buy you a drink sometime, your tenacity and dedication is impressive. Mike
  20. Beverly Oliver and Gordon Arnold....I see.......
  21. Mike is sorely lacking in knowledge about EVERY FILM AND PHOTO being confiscated by the FBI. Jack Jack, But of course I should have anticipated this. You are not making the ridiculous claim that every single photo and film captured was seized by the FBI are you? Come on Jack, i would have expected better from you, but possibly not. Ridiculous claims seem to be the forte.
  22. Bill, Just a quick question. How could Sitzman have made the "other" film, when according to some, she was never even on the pedestal? Will the real Abe Zapruder please stand up, please stand up, please stand up! Duncan, You need to give your eyes a rest man, your seeing things! But in the interest of science....heres a photo for you! Circled in green is proof positive of the far reaches of the conspiracy, as we can clearly and plainly see E.T. standing behind the Zapruder Sitzman team! What ever you do, please do NOT give Fetzer this photo, it would be a whole new book in no time.
  23. Duncan, What "man" are you referring to? I believe Kathy Becket took some photos that show rather well what Bowers was capable of seeing.
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