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Mike Williams

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Everything posted by Mike Williams

  1. Greg, Interesting. I read that article about the .357 earlier this morning. That was what brought me to pondering the issue side arm for the dept. I will surely pass along any info I get and best of luck. Mike
  2. Mike, Jack is right. DPD General Orders stipulate that A list of service pistols by serial number owned by members of this Department is kept on file in the Personnel Office. It is the responsibility of each member of this Department to see the information on file concerning his service pistol is complete and current. Whenever a member of this Department sells, trades or disposes of his service gun in any manner, he should make an immediate report to the Personnel Officer. Should he obtain another gun, he should immediately fill out a new form and turn it in to the Personnel Officer. CD 1283. Your post prompted me to look into what Tippit used, leading to something that may be worth further follow-up. Will post on that soon. Thanks Greg, My initial thought was the "misidentification of the auto cartridges". I personally do not see how one could mistake them. Especially if one carried a revolver, or an auto for that matter, daily. Mike
  3. Those are great deals Mike! Two of my most prized media a copy of SSID, and a copy of the June25th, 1967 CBS Inquiry on DVD, both were given me by board members. SSID came from a longtime friend, and the 25JUN67 report had its first episode air on the day I was born. Other history from June 25, Little Big Horn in 1876, and the beginning of open hostilities in Korea, 1950. No wonder i was destined for the Military!
  4. Thanks Jack I had not thought about that possibility. DPD very well could have had a parameter policy, and only required sidearms to meet their qualifications. Mike
  5. Pat, Thats Great!! It amazing really what you can find in the way of old books. I even found an old copy of Gray's Anatomy. Unfortunately for me the DVD was not in the Bug's book, but I am sure I will find one sooner or later. I felt so fortunate I thought I may contact the Bug and offer to sell him an autographed copy is the Warren report, autographed by JFK himself, I figured Bugsy would fall for it. Best, Mike
  6. Does anyone have any information in regard to the standard issue sidearm for the DPD at the time of the assassination? I have searched for an answer to this, and there are many articles that talk about sidearms of the DPD. None specifically state what that sidearm was in 1963. TIA, Mike
  7. Hey Gang, I often browse the old thrift stores here in search of old books on the assassination. In the past I have found several great books on JFK in just this manner. But I have to relate my latest find. "Reclaiming History" By the bug. There it was on the shelf, near a sign that said "Hardbacks $1.oo" so I figured that was a fair price for this work, and picked it up. As I approached the clerk I could not help but comment that the book was actually mis located, snickering I made the comment to her that they had the book in the history section when it should be in fiction. She quickly apologized and offered compensation in the form of a discount. I got the book for 50 cents. I had actually been joking, but I guess she, as most, couldn't tell I was joking. I thought you guys and gals may get a kick out of the story. In recent times I have found: The Day Kennedy was Shot High Treason 2 John F Kennedy President Portrait of a President The Death of a President Marina and Lee Four Days Thrift shops can be hit and miss, but they can be a gold mine for old JFK Books. Best, Mike
  8. *************************************************************** ""Gratz is tolerable and in some ways provides valuable insights. Colby, Lamson, Lewis and Burton are intolerable...providing only insults and opinions but never any research. I, too, am opposed to banning such provocateurs. I am in favor of ignoring them."" I happen to agree with the above statement, but take a look at the tone of your reply. "I read quite a bit on the forum here, when I can stomach it, and feel like sifting through piles of sniveling and adolescent fighting to scrape up the smallest bit of information. Once you remove the ridiculous, almighty, you have no degree so you know nothing crowd, once you disregard space rays, alteration ridiculousness, and all the petty school yard squabbling, it is a rather good forum." (Although one must confess some sense of sadistic glee at the beatings Josiah Thompson has delivered to Dr. Fetzer, and his group of whimsical unrealists.) You come off as a passive-aggressive, pompous little snit. The pot calling the kettle black, indeed! "Mr. Simkin, I applaud you for your restraint, truly, but is there not a line that needs to be drawn? Is there ever going to be a recognizable line behind good solid educational information and discussion, and disruption? I can appreciate your views on censorship, but sometimes the unruly children in the class need to be squelched, so those eager to learn, and not tiff, can do so in an educational environment." And, as far as brown-nosing the admin goes, that, and $3.50 American, may get you a cup of Starbucks. "Not that I have any hope that anything I have said will take hold, but what the heck.....it was said." Especially, since everything you've said has already been stated dozens of times before. And, what makes you think that anyone will give a rat's patootey about what you've just redundantly implied, here? Why don't you think before you make a statement, and use some logic in framing your rebuttals. Otherwise, you come off sounding no better than the ones you choose to attack. Oh, and BTW, if you insist on accepting this as an "attack" from me, you are absolutely right. Take it as an example of your own ill-conceived handiwork. Thank you for making my point perfectly clear.....you belong here Ms. Mauro.....you fit right in.... I was brown nosing no one simply stating my opinion, I assume there is a right to do that here is there not? Perhaps the reason what I stated has been stated before is because it holds some validity. I have always thought that educated people could speak in a civilized manner, you are proof that they can not, you and so many others like you here on this forum. It is very true that ignorance breeds contempt, and that is ever so apparent. You Ms. Mauro are the perfect example of one or the other.....I will allow you to decide.
  9. Mr. Purvis, You must love your avatar photo......
  10. "Gratz is tolerable and in some ways provides valuable insights. Colby, Lamson, Lewis and Burton are intolerable...providing only insults and opinions but never any research. I, too, am opposed to banning such provocateurs. I am in favor of ignoring them." Is that not in and of itself an opinion? Providing only insults......wow......the pot calling the kettle black. I read quite a bit on the forum here, when I can stomach it, and feel like sifting through piles of sniveling and adolescent fighting to scrape up the smallest bit of information. Once you remove the ridiculous, almighty, you have no degree so you know nothing crowd, once you disregard space rays, alteration ridiculousness, and all the petty school yard squabbling, it is a rather good forum. (Although one must confess some sense of sadistic glee at the beatings Josiah Thompson has delivered to Dr. Fetzer, and his group of whimsical unrealists.) Mr. Simkin, I applaud you for your restraint, truly, but is there not a line that needs to be drawn? Is there ever going to be a recognizable line behind good solid educational information and discussion, and disruption? I can appreciate your views on censorship, but sometimes the unruly children in the class need to be squelched, so those eager to learn, and not tiff, can do so in an educational environment. Not that I have any hope that anything I have said will take hold, but what the heck.....it was said.
  11. Gary Mack tells me: He made a fake gun by carving a bar of soap and painting it black with shoe polish. The gun can be seen in the hands of a sheriff’s deputy at left. The woman was the guy’s hostage (I think his name was Gregory). The second picture is likely one of the other prisoners who broke out with him; there were four or five altogether. That stairway leads to the Ruby courtroom. pdf 3015 shows this young guy being led away by two men and a note attached to this picture identifies the three as Sweatt, Gregory, and Harris. Steve Thomas I was wondering what kind of snubnose revolver the detective was holding. It looked a lot like Jack Ruby's Cobra. I believe that John Dillinger broke out of a jail in Indiana using a carved piece of soap and/or wood, to which he applied black shoe polish. *****Correct. Dillinger broke out of the Lake County Jail using a piece of wood from a washboard painted with shoe polish. He stole the Sheriffs car to effect his escape. This happened 3 blocks from my childhood home in Crown Point, Indiana. My Great Great Uncle was a jail guard at the time of the escape, and had just gotten off shift, he was riding his horse home at the time the escape transpired! The house he was riding to was left to my father after the uncles passing, and that was the home I grew up in. For what it is worth. Mike I guess that the perp in the picture didn't like his chances of pointing his soap gun at the uniformed cop who is carrying a Colt Model 1911A1 in 45ACP.
  12. Tim, Nicely done. Considering the fact that the Kennedy case was one of the forerunners of this analysis, I should think that would definitely mean a review, but I won't hold my breath. One thing that may well come of this I suspect; is the fact that some of the LN crowd may develop a tick, or other minor neuromuscular twitching. While others may very well be forced to exchange a condescending forked tongue, for a far more smooth spooned shaped one. Not to mention any names, but I would love to hear the comments of Ken Rahn on this bit of information. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth I suspect. I suspect that given the time frame of the ammunitions manufacture, that this would have been war stock ammo. That may well mean projectiles made from large pots, with greatly varied densities and antimony saturations. Lead does not have a tendency to "blend" in the melting pot, but rather to separate like oil and water. This means that projectiles manufactured in this way can vary greatly in their metallic make up. Ammunition manufacture has come a long way since then. Admittedly, I am very new to the research, and have much reading ahead. Semper Fi, Mike
  13. I feel there is something I need to add here. I have not been here long, and am slowly acquainting myself to my surroundings, but would like to offer a suggestion to not only Mr. Gray, but to anyone else who feels his plight. Part of research, and education, is being able to discern fact from fiction. While I admire the dedication and integrity of those like Mr. Gray, and can certainly understand the feeling of quashing disinformation, ultimately it is the responsibility of the reader to sift the wheat from the chaff. If someone posts something that is outlandish in my opinion, I may submit a brief reply as to why I do not agree, but generally leave it at that. I try not to become bogged down in ridiculous discussion, mainly because there is nothing productive in it. I simply read the thread, and either build on its merits or discredit it as foolishness. mis/disinformation has two types, intentional and unintentional. I disregard those I see as intentional completely. My grandfather always said "never argue with a fool, if you do it long enough folks won't be able to tell the difference in who the fool really is." I may reply to what I believe is unintentional mis/disinformation, as briefly as possible, to make a point as to why I do not agree, and then I leave it at that. In short Mr. Gray, there is no need to leave, just disregard the posts you see as foolish, and allow others to sift the wheat from the chaff of their own accord. I admire your integrity, and certainly understand the position in your feeling of responsibility to correct bad information, but again, that is for each reader to do for themselves. If this were something we all practiced then the dis/misinformation would dwindle....after all who would the problem children,as you perceive them, than have to argue with?? Best Regards, Semper Fi, Mike
  14. John, Mark Twains said "Insolence is the keeper of Liberty, in fact it maybe its only Defender". Mr. Speer, I am about as conservative as can be. I would never use the phrase "yeah, so what". Mike Williams
  15. Mr. Gray, New to the posting end of this forum, but have been a reader for sometime. I am also relatively new to the research. While I admire the work of several here on the forum, your posts are most enjoyable to me. I can not honestly say I agree with all you propose, but none the less, the work you do is amazing, dedicated, and served with conviction, and that says a lot. I ask you to reconsider your position, and not let the irritants cause you to leave when there are far more here that find high value in your views and opinions. Find humor in the irrational Mr. Gray, and life becomes far more bearable. In the words of Sun Tzu "The patient warrior who waits by the stream will soon see the bodies of his enemies float by." Semper Fi, Mike Williams
  16. Thanks, Kathy...now why has a simple image been held up for eleven and a half hours? That does not speak well for the "moderation" system...holding up significant research for no reasonable reason. Spooky. Jack Jack, The case is 40 years old....I hardly think a few hours will cause distraction in revelations. I would think this wouldn't and shouldn't be held against a moderator, as I am sure they have lives beyond the forum, and besides it is not their fault that they have some who need to be moderated. Perhaps one should consider being placed on moderation as the reason their posts are delayed, and refrain from lending blame to the moderators themselves. Mr. Purvis, That is about as good a post on contamination as I have seen. Nicely done. As I told Mr. White in another forum, this is something I am currently working on, and to avoid disinformation, have reserved comment until I am convinced of the conclusion. I tend to take professional opinion, and position under advisement in my conclusions, but ultimately it is my own conviction of fact that has to be settled. I will post no wine before its time. I do look forward to excellent exchanges with you Mr. Purvis, as I can see our interests are aligned. Kathy, Um.....why didn't I get any candy? Semper Fi, Mike P.S. Mr. Purvis, I have read the post in regard to Jarheads...........you better have been smiling my friend! LOL!
  17. I am recently retired from the United States Marine Corp, after 23 years of service; 1984-2007. My military occupational specialty, or Mos, for the last 19 years of my tour was 8541 Scout/Snipers. I have a strong background in ballistics, ammunitions, and weapons. I find this area to be the most interesting. Secondary Mos of 8654 (Dive and Para qualified), and 0321(reconnaissance). I am currently employed as a gunsmith, and specialize in modifying weapons for high degrees of accuracy, and recoil control. I am very new to the study of the assassination of John Kennedy, and find all areas of study interesting.
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