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Cigdem Göle

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Posts posted by Cigdem Göle

  1. Reading Circle has been added to this year's curriculum in the School of Foreign Languages, where students choose a novel and discuss the main

    idea, the plot and the characters in the classroom as groups of four or five.

    The roles of group members are as follows : Discussion Leader, Word Master, Summarizer, Passage Master and Culture Connector.

    A very useful activity for EFL students to connect with the culture and literature of the target language.



    I come and stand at every door

    but none can hear my silent tread.

    I knock and yet remain unseen

    for I am dead, for I am dead.

    I'm only seven tho' I died

    in Hiroshima long ago.

    I'm seven now as I was then

    when children die they do not grow.

    My hair was scorched by swirling flame,

    my eyes grew dim, my eyes grew blind.

    Death came and turned my bones to dust,

    and that was scattered by the wind.

    I need no fruit, I need no rice,

    I need no sweets or even bread.

    I ask for nothing for myself,

    for I am dead, for I am dead.

    All that I ask is that for peace

    you fight today, you fight today,

    so that the children of the world

    may live and grow and laugh and play.

    Nazım Hikmet [1956]


  3. No, they RE-ENFORCE my position and destroy yours. I'm not suprised you fail to understand this simple point. It speaks volumes that you can't discuss these point directly.

    I answered your questions even before you started asking them.

    The cargo of the flotilla has been addressed twice in the links I posted. But you keep ignoring it because you don't like it.

    What you understand from debate is bullying .Unfortunately, It's not going to work this time.

    Your arguments are baseless and you're nothing but a waste of time.

  4. craig = purple. No I was expecting you to answer the questions honestly. Instead you give us a few weak links. However maybe a trip to Gaza might open your tightly closed eyes.

    You got your answer but you chose to dismiss it because it wasn't to your liking.

    Justify the raid? Please show me where I have attempted to justify the raid. Once again you have shown you are living in an alternmative reality. Thanks

    "yea. IMO the floatilla got exactly what they wanted, a confrontation. Poor martyr's gunned down by the evil Jews, when all tthey had to defend themself with was knives,pipes and deckchairs".

    "What"innocents"did Israel kill in this instance?"

    You're welcome.

    You can't deal with substance, witness you inability to deal directly with the "humanitarian cargo" on the Mavi Marmara.

    And people who read this thread witness your inability to comprehend.

    Really? Tell us again about the Mavi Marmara...

    I already did. You seem to have reading disability.

    Yea..right. Tell us about that wonderful relief ship the Mavi Marmara again.

    See my previous reply.

    Really, I thought it was about getting humanitarian aid that being withheld by Hamas to those poor people in Gaza. Oh wait, there was the point about you being taken in by the alternative reality of what this "flotilla was really about. My bad.

    Yes, really.

    Have you condemned them like you have Israel? Of course they are not the big bad jooos...

    Yes, I have...many times.

    No reading your mind, only your words. Point me to your past condemnation of Egypt with the same intensity as Israel.

    Sorry to disappoint you but I don't record my conversations. Open a thread about Egypt and I'll share my opinions on the subject there.

    Really? Please be so kind as to point point out the exact passages.

    Yes, really. Go back and reread your posts.

    Cheer for Israel? Again, please point out my cheering.

    Go back and reread your posts.

    Sadly, for you, the truth may be boring, but its the truth regardless.


    I'm whining? I don't care who you are, thats FUNNY! Thanks for the grins.

    Was that supposed to offend me? laugh.gif

    Get over yourself.

    And what facts would that be?

    Do your homework.

  5. Well well, is that the BEST you can do? A few wiki links?

    What were you expecting me to do, book you a trip to Gaza so that you could open your eyes?

    Pretty weak stuff.

    It doesn't help your endless efforts to justify the raid, does it?

    Reality bites you again.

    Keep talking, maybe someday you'll say something of substance.

    I'm not suprised however given the weakness of your position.

    Poor evaluation skills on your part -again.

    But Of course I'm fully aware of what was aboard the Mavi Marmara, and the rest of the so called "humanitarian flotilla" and exactly how much Hamas allowed to pass into gaza.

    You seem pretty unaware of anything related to Gaza. And it's not a shock.

    And it's no secret about Egypt. But then again Egypt is not the evil Israel.

    The subject of this thread is the attack on the flotilla, not Egypt

    Besides, I have always argued that Egypt should open the border unconditionally and do whatever it can to help Gaza.

    So, your attempts to read my mind fail -again.

    I asked because I KNEW.

    You have demonstrated successfully that you know nothing about the issue during the course of this thread.

    All you know is to cheer for Israel and you think that will make a strong position.

    What a great way to expose your weakness on this issue.

    Boring, as usual. Try again.

    So your 'feel good" bleeding heart spills unto the floor, busted wide open by a good dose of reality.

    Unfortunately for you, your whining about the criticisms directed at Israel only makes you look more ignorant.

    Reality really does bite!

    Your motto is not going to change the facts, no matter how many times you repeat it.

  6. It appears that reality thing is really not working out too well for you is it?

    Save your poor psychoanalytic abilities to yourself.

    BTW, why don't you show us all a list of the "humanitarian aid" aboard the Mavi Marmara...heck how about the entire flotilla, and then show us a list of those itens that were accepted into GAZA by Hamas?

    Google is your friend.


    BTW, why is the a shortage of anything in Gaza. The reality is that Gaza is not landlocked by Israel. They have a border with Egypt. The reality is that Israel does not control Egypt. So why is there a shortage of anything in GAZA again?


    The Rafah crossing was opened on November 25, 2005, and operated nearly daily until June 25, 2006.[1]

    Between then and November 2006, it was closed by Israel on 86% of days due to security reasons.[1] It was not opened for the export of goods.[1]

    In June 2007, it was closed entirely by Egypt after the Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip.

    The EU Ambassador to Israel said that EUBAM monitors could not return to man the crossing

    because the legal basis for EUBAM - the November 2005 agreement on movement and access - specified that the terminal was to be

    manned by the Fatah-aligned Force 17, who were no longer there.[2]

    On January 23, 2008, masked gunmen demolished the wall, that Hamas-linked militants had apparently weakened in 2007,[3] dividing

    the Egyptian and Palestinian portions of Rafah,[citation needed] and several hundred thousand Gazans entered Egypt, most of them to buy food and supplies.[3]

    (See 2008 breach of the Gaza–Egypt border.)

    On December 27, 2008, Egypt opened the crossing to care for the wounded after the Israeli airstrikes in Gaza (See 2008 Gaza Strip bombings.)

    On June 1, 2010, Egypt opened the crossing until further notice after the Israeli flotilla raid event in the international waters of theMediterranean Sea.

    As of June 2, movement at the crossing was slow, for unclear bureaucratic reasons.[4]

    Reality bites.

    You ought to know.

    edit : broken links

  7. craig = blue: That IS the big picture. It appears your grasp of reality is slipping.

    They know how to STOP it yet they choose otherwise. So yes they have made a CHOICE to continue living as they do. You what to make it better for them....TELL THEM TO TAKE THE DEAL. Oh wait, that would require living in the real world. My bad.

    What, you're a psychiatrist now? Or have you been inhaling too much "chemtrails" lately? :rolleyes:


    Why Israel Enforces the Naval Blockade of the Gaza Strip

    Recent attempts by the Israeli military to stop humanitarian aid from reaching the Gaza Strip have drawn world attention to the 1.5 million Palestinians living in deprivation. The seizure of the Rachel Corrie, named for an American activist crushed to death in 2003 by an Israeli Defense Force (IDF) bulldozer, is the latest effort to thwart the Israeli blockade. The ship was diverted to the port of Ashdod.

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly justified the blockade of the Gaza Strip on the basis of Hamas rockets fired from Gaza into Israel. Since the June 2007 blockade began, however, only 30 deaths resulted from rocket attacks while the Israeli military offensive of December 2008 resulted in the deaths of 1,200 Palestinians. One of the greatest problems facing the people of Gaza is hunger and thus the reason for outside humanitarian aid.

    The On-Going Crisis of Need in Gaza

    Already in December 2008, The Observer, using United Nations' data, stated that 51.8 percent of the Palestinians in Gaza were "living below poverty line." The situation has only worsened. Adrian Blomfield, writing from Gaza City for the Telegraph (June 5, 2010), states that "people have been forced to subsist rather than live." At the same time, he quotes a pro-Israel commentator, Gerald Steinberg, who blamed the media hype on UN reports as "simply political propaganda." Professor Steinberg heads the NGO Monitor.

    Steinberg, as other apologists for Israeli military intervention to stop outside humanitarian aid by running the blockage, maintains that the relationship between Israel and the Gaza Palestinians is a military confrontation and any such aid should be considered immoral. (BBC interview, June 1, 2010) Under the guise of humanitarian aid, activists could supply the Palestinians with the means to continue a military confrontation.

    The Legal Center for Freedom of Movement (Gisha) publishes a list of prohibited goods regarding the Gaza Strip. Gisha is based in Israel and is supported by both Jews and Arabs. Prohibited items include chocolate, vinegar, fresh meat, fabric for clothing, fishing rods, spare parts for tractors, newspapers, and various fishing nets. Many of the prohibited items directly affect the Palestinian’s ability to farm and fish.

    Read more at Suite101: Why Israel Enforces the Naval Blockade of the Gaza Strip

  8. And as for your "deal", if it was the best option, why didn't you Americans take it when the British captured your land in the 1770s?

    If it was so good, why did you fight back and establish an independent state?

    In the same context, why did the Native Americans refuse to "take the deal" and revolt against the US Army?


    Cigdem, did you not know that international rules do not apply to the United States. That is part of being a super-power. What amazes me is that Israel is treated the same way as the United States. How did they manage that?

    Of course! How naive of me! :D

    As for your second question, Craig ought to know. Maybe he'd like to explain why Israel is considered a sacred cow.

  9. What"innocents" did Israel kill in this instance?

    Try to see the big picture, not just the flotilla incident.

    Hamas IS Palestine as it stands now.

    Yes, just like IRA is Ireland, PKK is the Kurds, Taliban is Afghanistan....


    The BRITISH welcomed reality and took the deal.

    They didn't take the deal. They got defeated in the war.

    The INDIANS welcomed reality and took the deal.

    They didn't take any deal. They were slaughtered until few groups of them remained.

    The invaders of the OTTOMAN welcomed reality and took the deal.

    They didn't. They got defeated in the war.

    There is no war in Gaza. There is oppression, murder and pain but no war. Palestinians don't even have an army to defend themselves.

    Its time for the so called PALESTINE to welcome reality and take the deal.

    Maybe its also time for you to welcome reality.

    I'm not interested in your alternative reality.

    Palestine is not a nation, and it has had the chance for 60 years to become one. Instead it chooses to reject reality

    If someone were to invade my property and I was no longer able to defend it I would be required to accept the reality of the situation.

    No doubt!

    "Palestine" is responsible for the blockade of Gaza and they know how to end it. They choose to reject reality and thus the results fall to them as their fault.

    Yes, Palestinians love to starve, get killed, have bombs dropped on their heads and suffer from lack of medical supplies along with everything else. Makes perfect sense.

  10. AS far as I'm concerned your position does nothing to help the so called "Palestinian"s. You are a party to making it WORSE for them. Ah, but it makes you "FEEL" so good about yourself. You "CARE". What a laugh!

    You really want to help the the so called "Palestinian's"? Then quit being an enabler. You want to inprove their lives? Counsel then to make a deal and move on. They have had plenty of good chances and they have declined. You and many other are using them for political cannon fodder. Shame on you!

    You wouldn't understand how I feel even if I tried to explain it to you for hours, because you lack the capacity, common sense and conscience.

    How could you possibly know what is good/bad for the Palestinians? How could you have opinions on a subject you know nothing about?

    And who are you to tell me what I should or shouldn't do?

    How did you come to the conclusion that I use Palestinians for "political cannon fodder"? What do you know about my political views?

    Your efforts to make the massacre in Gaza justifiable are almost as horrible as your avatar.

    Instead of throwing "shame on you" BS at me, do something positive ; educate yourself about the Israeli - Palestinian conflict.

    If you support the ongoing conflict and don't constantly urge "Palestine" to take a deal and move on , you do NOTHING but enable the deaths that continue.

    You want common sense, then condemn Hamas and the residents of Gaza for NOT doing something POSITIVE for themself. Like taking a deal and working towards a BETTER future, instead of living in a past they will never recover.

    Lets review...the Flotilla was a POLITICAL STATEMENT, not humanitarian, it was DESIGNED to PROVOKE a CONFRONTATION and it did. Any YOU blame Israel???


    I have never supported any conflict. To the contrary, I want it to end, like most people do.

    Of course I condemn Hamas and its suicide bombings.But what about you? Would you care to condemn the Israeli army for killing innocents? I don't think so.

    Hamas is the worst thing that has happened to Palestine.

    I am and will always be against any act of violence targeting innocent people.

    And as for your "deal", if it was the best option, why didn't you Americans take it when the British captured your land in the 1770s?

    If it was so good, why did you fight back and establish an independent state?

    In the same context, why did the Native Americans refuse to "take the deal" and revolt against the US Army?

    When the Ottoman Empire was falling apart, it was invaded by many countries. Each one wanted a piece of land for themselves.

    But they couldn't succeed. Because the people refused to be dominated. Because they refused to "take the deal".And they fought for their freedom.

    Because every nation has the right to be independent.

    If someone entered your house and claimed it was theirs, you'd do anything to get them out of your property, would you not?

    What is amazing is your blind devotion to the Israeli government and your endless efforts to justify the cruelty going on in Gaza.

    And yes, I blame the Israeli government for attacking the freedom flotila, I blame them for the blockade in Gaza that makes the civilians fight for an aspirin or a loaf of bread,

    I blame them for all the suffering they cause in Palestine and I blame them for murdering the children of Gaza each and everyday without blinking an eye.

  11. AS far as I'm concerned your position does nothing to help the so called "Palestinian"s. You are a party to making it WORSE for them. Ah, but it makes you "FEEL" so good about yourself. You "CARE". What a laugh!

    You really want to help the the so called "Palestinian's"? Then quit being an enabler. You want to inprove their lives? Counsel then to make a deal and move on. They have had plenty of good chances and they have declined. You and many other are using them for political cannon fodder. Shame on you!

    You wouldn't understand how I feel even if I tried to explain it to you for hours, because you lack the capacity, common sense and conscience.

    How could you possibly know what is good/bad for the Palestinians? How could you have opinions on a subject you know nothing about?

    And who are you to tell me what I should or shouldn't do?

    How did you come to the conclusion that I use Palestinians for "political cannon fodder"? What do you know about my political views?

    Your efforts to make the massacre in Gaza justifiable are almost as horrible as your avatar.

    Instead of throwing "shame on you" BS at me, do something positive ; educate yourself about the Israeli - Palestinian conflict.

  12. yea. IMO the floatilla got exactly what they wanted, a confrontation. Poor martyr's gunned down by the evil Jews, when all tthey had to defend themself with was knives, pipes and deckchairs.

    And look, it worked so wonderfully, inciting the wrath of the so called well meaning in the world.

    Your comments in this thread are proof that evolution isn't always an improvement.

    The political theater provide by the flotilla worked so wonderfully on you. You appear to be the perfect mark!

    Yes, it was nothing but a theatre. Ships carrying humanitarian aid "weapons", people trying to slaughter the poor swat team with "weapons" such as marbles and plastic chairs...

    What choice did the soldiers have other than shooting civilians at close range multiple times? Nothing could be as dangerous as a plastic chair!

    If this is your reasoning, there is no sense arguing with you. You will remain ignorant of the Middle East conflict no matter how much and how often you are ridiculed for it.

  13. yea. IMO the floatilla got exactly what they wanted, a confrontation. Poor martyr's gunned down by the evil Jews, when all tthey had to defend themself with was knives, pipes and deckchairs.

    And look, it worked so wonderfully, inciting the wrath of the so called well meaning in the world.

    Your comments in this thread are proof that evolution isn't always an improvement.

  14. post-6233-1272372083_thumb.jpg

    The Fall,directed by Tarsem Singh, is a magnificent adventure that takes you to the world's rarely known beautiful locations along with its

    moving story. It was filmed in 24 countries over a period of four years.

    The story is set in a hospital in 1920s LA. Stuntman Roy (Lee Pace of Pushing Daisies), is recovering from an accident that paralyzed him. At the

    same hospital there is a five year old girl who broke her arm after a fall. Roy and the girl become friends and he starts telling her a fantastic story

    that involves five characters (Masked Bandit, The Indian, Charles Darwin, The Explosive Expert and The Ex-Slave), all of whom have a common enemy named

    Governor Odius. Roy keeps pausing at the most exciting parts of the story only to get her to bring him some morphine. Only then he continues to tell the

    adventure to the girl. The stuntman himself is suffering from his own emotional problems - he lost his girlfriend to another man- and that's the reason he

    wants to OD himself. And of course the villain in his story (Gov Odius) is the man whom he lost his girlfriend to.

    Amazing cinematography and a very touching story.


  15. Jonsi Birgisson's (Sigur Ros frontman) solo album Go is out.

    Jonsi- Boy Lilikoi

    Some reviews

    birgisson has just made the best record of his career 9/10

    - clash music

    the sigur rós singer fights huge with huger on his solo debut, matching the uplift of his full-time band at their most dramatic. 8.1

    - pitchfork

    when the loops and beats are kicking up dust, the man’s blissful blues feel earned ***1/2

    - rolling stone

    Those interested could listen to all the songs in the album by visiting Jonsi's official webpage.


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