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James Richards

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Posts posted by James Richards

  1. I have one of his books around someplace, one of the novels, never read it, just might tho :o (Dawn Meredith)


    I believe Hunt wrote over 70 novels of varying success. He even claimed that Mission Impossible's Ethan Hunt was named after him.

    For me though, the guy who should have written novels was Gerry Hemming. Some of his stories are worthy of blockbuster status.


  2. James, can you send me hunts address, i feel i should give it a go anyway. (John Geraghty)


    I wrote to Hunt via his 'Author's Contact' at his publisher's address. Several of his novels were handled by G. P. Putnam's Sons which are now operated by Penguin Group U.S.A.

    The address here is -

    E. Howard Hunt

    C/O Publicity

    375 Hudson Street

    New York, NY10014

    Hunt's old Washington address I believe is now owned by one of his children but I may be wrong there. That address -

    11120 River Road

    Montgomery County

    Washington D.C

    BTW, my favorite Hunt quote is, "no one is entitled to the truth."

    It gives one such a warm and secure feeling, doesn't it?


  3. I would add E. Howard Hunt to that list. Although he is unlikely so say anything there is always hope. (John Geraghty)

    Hi John,

    I think your conclusion will be correct. I have written to Hunt many times over the years with no reply. I even denigrated myself by posing as a fan of his novels in an attempt to open a door of communication.

    Judging by this image of him below (circa 2002), he may not be around for too much longer. We can only hope the literary world will recover. :o


  4. Greed, political opportunism, control, can all be motives or contributing factors as to why a political figure is removed from office. However, I submit we should be focusing on a primeval human compulsion; revenge motivated by pure hatred. For me, I believe this assassination was very personal.

    I recognize the shades of grey involved, and how the tentacles of political power permeate throughout the cover-up while serving individual interests. The assassination plan itself however could have been very simple and executed with heinous animosity.

    In the words of David Morales, "we took care of that son-of-a-bitch."



  5. If I can add my two cents worth here, I think it is important that researchers don't get too paranoid while maintaining a clear perspective on their goals. If you operate under any kind of fear then I would suggest doing something else; life is too short to be constantly stressed. If one swims with sharks then one should be prepared to be bitten every now and then.

    What I'm saying is that one should choose a level of participation that one is comfortable with.



  6. To that end I would like to add a single name to this forum: Norman(Roughhouse) Rothman who made a fortune selling guns to both sides of the Cuban Revolution and who according to his son used Hymie Rubinstien; AKA. Jack Ruby as his middle man. Faustino also told me of the numerous occasions when Hunt and Liddy visited his home and even dropped the name of Ed Lansdale and general Walker as the money behind the operation. (John Ritchson)

    Hi John,

    In your research, did you ever come across any information that suggested Herminio Diaz Garcia was behind some gun sales to Rothman?


  7. Gale was also friendly with Sen. William Rainich of Louisiana. Rainich held LUAC (Louisiana Unamerican Committee) meetings in 1957 where his chief witness against the communists and their influence on the equal rights movement was Guy Banister. (David Boylan)

    Thanks, David. That is most interesting indeed.


  8. Dixie was talking about the Palmdale/Lancaster guys, these people are still there training, I was asked one time to come join them but turned them down, from what I gatherd was they are militia types with ex special forces guys training these people, I have heard these are some serious folks, they feed you the "we arent anti U.S.A" But momma didnt raise no fool if ya know what I mean.

    Just thought I would let you know that these guys still exist out there in the desert, dont know about Barstow, but I have heard of a place that a guy mentioned called "Black Hills" out in Barstow, that is a "training facility". The reason it has stuck in my head all this time is "Black Hills" is the name for a famous ammunition company.

    I taught the guy what ammo to use and a brief lesson in skip shooting with a shotgun under cars etc.

    Anyway we got to talking and he pointed out a young girl who worked at the range, he said she had been to Black Hills also, She was a nasty lil thing with a handgun.

    What caught me the next week as I went back to the range as I do every week, and this same girl was all smiles and asked if I was a cop LOL, which was wierd as I had seen her NUMEROUS times as she worked at the range and she never asked me that.(cops get discounts)

    Anyway just thought I would mention this.

    Good stuff, Ryan.

    I knew you would know something about this and I'm sure glad you posted. 'Black Hills' does sound vaguely familiar. That is definitely something to work with.

    You da man. ;)


  9. I have to agree with you, James as to how the question sounds. :blink: Not long ago Jack had to admit during an exchange that we had that Moorman's photo was filmed for TV less than 30 minutes after the assassination. That photo had remained in her possession until that time. That means that her photo and any Moorman print showing the same things on it has not been tampered with in any way - shape - or form. (Bill Miller)

    Hi Bill,

    Do you know who shot that film and if it can be viewed today? That is something I would be very interested to see.



  10. It was a mistake. The retouch artist who added Z&S did not know

    they were there.

    (Jack White)


    This might sound like a stupid question, but is there a possibility that something/someone was removed from the pedestal and then the Zapruder and Stitzman figures added?


  11. A request...Please consider doing a complete composite of ALL the suspected characters who were in DP along with identities and comparison photos...all of yours plus Conein, Lansdale, etc. (Jack White)

    Hi Jack,

    As requested, here are two pages showing comparisons. I know you won't agree with some presented but I'll throw them out there anyway. I am not convinced of them all but it is certainly food for thought. BTW, these don't include any of the Tramps.

    I am convinced that Rip Robertson, Alfredo Duran, the unknown associate of Bernardo De Torres and the unknown Alpha 66 guy are spot on and that comes from not just the photographic comparisons but from independent sources.



  12. The comparison I did is not the only evidence that Duran was in Dealey Plaza. I have two other independent sources that also put him there.

    I want to make it clear that I do not believe Duran was part of the conspiracy as such but was there via exile chatter. His association with Bernardo De Torres is very interesting but this aspect may indeed force him to clam up. Any potential interviewers would need to be aware of that.

    Another associate of Duran's who might also be worth speaking with is Jesus Franco who lives in Miami (address unknown). Franco was also connected to Dennis Harber, William Seymour and Bernardo De Torres. Franco is also associated with Eugenio Martinez and for a short period during the fall of 1963, was working with Manuel Orcaberrio from the Dallas chapter of Alpha 66.

    In the image below. L - R, Unknown, Alfredo Duran, Lucio, Jesus Franco.



  13. Thanks, Harry, for sharing your thoughts.

    I bought up Hernandez and the guy photographed with Seymour and Howard because when Seymour supposedly took off for Arizona in November of 1963, he claimed he was disillusioned with it all and departed with a character by the name of Sardinia. Discussions with a couple of people who were around at the time remember that Sardinia's last name was Hernandez. A long shot I know.

    I know there is more we can learn about what happened in L.A. which then reflected on Dallas. We'll just keep plugging away.

    Have a great new year.


  14. Hi Steve,

    I have no idea about 'Tiny' but most interesting.

    From that image you posted comes the following crop where I believe the suggestion was made somewhere (my memory is on vacation) that the individual strongly resembles Oswald.

    If this guy is Oswald (I don't believe it is) or indeed an impersonator, the fact that he appears as a Commission Exibit is delicious irony.



  15. I recall reading an interview(or article) about Duran, and I got the distinct impression he knew plenty, and felt somewhat remorseful. I agree he is probably the only person alive who was involved on the periphery and will eventually speak. Duran's explanation of the feeling of the exile groups at the time, and the meaning of "dialogueros" was bonechilling, and was the final straw that convinced me of exile involvement.

    What may help loosen Duran's lips is that he is now considered a "dialogado" after his 2001 visit to Havana during the 40th anniversary of the Bay of Pigs. Duran is very active in overturning the US embargo of Cuba. Contrary to what some others may think, I believe Duran was an observer in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63. He was an active member of Brigade 2506 and a past president of its veterans association. (Richard J. Smith)

    Right on, Richard.

    I believe Duran ended up in Dealey Plaza via his connections to Bernardo De Torres (who he was closely associated with). Duran's mid 1963 associations with William Seymour and Dennis Harber is also an area I would like to find out more about.



  16. Hi Dawn,

    Yes, Hunt's dithering about where he was on the 22nd of November, 1963 is damning indeed. Then again, I get the feeling that Hunt enjoys the attention and the fact that he is a major suspect in JFK's murder.

    During the late 1970's here in Australia, Hunt was the special guest on a current affairs type show promoting one of his novels. Once the subject turned to his activities for the CIA, Hunt became smarmy, arrogant and proceded to bully the interviewer.

    If you haven't seen it before, check out his website - http://www.ehowardhunt.com/

    Hunt and his wife Dorothy below.


  17. Harry,

    I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel with this poor quality image but regarding Rudy Hernandez, his war name may have been Sardinia but I may be way off on that one.

    Also, check out said photograph below. That is Lawrence Howard in the white tee-shirt, William Seymour with the cigarette and that may be Hernandez on the left in the black shirt. Does this guy look at all vaguely familiar?


  18. I'd like to share two other thoughts in response to Tim's original questions.

    First, I think that in approaching individuals who have never gone on

    the record or those who did at a point in time when the official story was

    the only way to go without putting your reputation or career at risk, it would

    be very desirable to create a "briefing book".  This book would essentially

    be a list of FBI agents,  Medical Personnel,  Secret Service agents and other

    investigators or witnesses who eventually decided to either express their

    doubts in the official investigation,  to share the fact that they had either been

    ordered to ignore or manage information or to actually discuss instances

    in which information had been witheld or destroyed.

    After starting with Hosty, Siebert, Oneil,  Burkley and others I think this could

    be a very valuable project to create a resource to help people know they would

    not be "going it alone" and also as a background document for legal staff

    working on grand jury or court of inquiry filings.  In line with that I would say

    such a briefing document should be shared with all the living Oswald family.

    I'd also like to note that the key element in really getting either started is to offer concrete testimony or evidence which was not reviewed as part of any initial investigation.  That was the approach that was used successfully in the Henry

    Marshall situation as related to Billy Sol Estes.

    Second,  a research group could join Bill Kelley's grand jury effort by working on a specific background document listing instances where evidence was suppressed, managed or simply not presented.....and which would counter the evidentiary conclusions presented to the WC by the FBI and DPD.  We have all seen lots of posts and lots of instances of this but it needs to be collected and vetted to put it into shape in order to support any potential legal opportunities.  Its great

    to make lists of names that we would like to see talk but personally I doubt that

    very many in the "suspect" or "guilty knowledge" category are going to fess up at this point in time.  On the other hand a couple of well documented briefing books as outlined above could go a long way to documenting the case for a cover-up  (which is really the strongest case we have now in my opinion).

    -- Happy New Year everyone

    Good stuff, Larry.

    I agree that this would be a solid course of action. The 'briefing book' is a great idea.



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