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James Richards

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Posts posted by James Richards

  1. James,

    when the killing was planed from the very top it seems to me very strange

    that such a nervous and shaky person like Lawrence would be used in any way to carry out the assasination. (George Bollschweiler)

    Hi George,

    I don't believe Lawrence was a Dealey Plaza shooter but I do think he was there as a part of the 'Castro did it' plan.

    Lawrence supposedly had fought with Castro in 1958 during the revolution. I can't find the source for that but it might have been from a Sheldon Inkol article. I'm sure if the Castro conspiracy storyline was pushed then he would have been snapped up by the FBI and his background released. That is why I think the Feds gave him a pass as they were after the Lone Nut.

    I believe that Lawrence was probably wandering around the carpark area after being told to be there by a handler and when the shooting began, he freaked realizing that he might be implicated.



  2. Does anyone have anything else on Jack Lawrence?

    Where in West Virginia? (Shanet Clark)

    Hi Shanet,

    I can tell you that between 1979 and 1984, Lawrence was ministering at the Kodiak Church of God in Alaska. I guess he figured that no one would bother him out there.

    The last address I have for him is -

    1903 Lincoln Avenue

    Saint Albans

    WV 25177

    Ph: 304-727-8104

    Don't expect to be greeted with the open arms.

    Looking back at the FBI investigation, it was interesting how they tip toed around Lawrence. I also seem to remember that Beverly Oliver claimed to have danced with him at the Cabana the night before the assassination but he told her his name was Donny Allan Lance.



  3. Thanks, Pat. That is most interesting, especially the part where one couldn't get on Cay Sal unless it was cleared through Moody or the Agency. I guess the questions now are, which aspect of the Agency and what kind of clearance did Moody have?

    Could the guys who supposedly went missing on the Bayo-Pawley raid have been moved back into Miami from Cay Sal via Key West? And was Moody the one who facilitated the operation?

    Just thinking aloud.


  4. I also would recommend taking a good, hard look at a man named, Jack Lawrance, if my spelling is correct, as a possible candidate for the actual kill-shot. (John Ritchson)

    Hi John,

    You may already know this but Jack Lawrence is actually Reverend Jack Lawrence from the Abney Street Church in West Virginia.

    I corresponded with the good reverend a few years ago and let's just say that he was less than helpful. :ph34r:


  5. I have been informed by David Kahn that, in regards to Harrod Miller, it seems that he was not a member of the "Magic Team" and that he (Kahn) has "never heard of the man."

    I forwarded information about the picture you posted to him.

    It seems that Capt. Harrod Miller, who you (from an independent source) seem to be able to associate with Maxwell Taylor, found his way into a picture with a group of top secret codebreakers that he (Miller) was not associated with (making him an interesting person from a historical perspective).  Information about this group remained classified till the late 1960's.  Independently I found Edwin Walker (loosely) connected to this group and Maxwell Taylor, it seems, strongly associated with this group.

    We do know that Harrod Miller was involved with Signals Intelligence by 1930 while stationed in Panama.  My question becomes was he counter-intelligence?  Does that coincide with your information?

    Jim Root

    Hi Jim,

    Thanks for that. Interesting how one can just find there way into a group picture of top secret codebreakers. :ph34r:

    The shift from Panama might be the key here. Being counter-intelligence makes sense and is a likely reality but I have nothing to confirm that.

    What I can tell you is that Miller was not nobody. I have some information about his death and who may have been responsible. Until I can get some more information to support it, I don't wish to speculate.

    Fascinating indeed. Thanks for looking into this. I honestly believe this line of research will be most productive.


  6. thank you thank you, James he's been on my mind lately

    We are psychic twins I swear.  Clarence Moody is a quandary.  He owned the "Lily M" named after his wife. This was a boat used in counterrev. op.  It's mentioned in some article that escapes me now, perhaps "Yacht Wars" but not sure. I'll look for article.

    I have a bit on him from NARA.  He has the same last name as the true name of the guy who disappeared with my dad.  No family connection has come up, alas.

    But he was constantly calling the radio program (can't recall the prgm) talking up the counterrev activities in Miami.  He was a man of action.

    This is an interesting fellow, I recall he was crippled in a chair having suffered a WWII trauma. He was of officer rank.  Hope more comes of your request.  I think that's all I got on him.

    Thanks, Christy.

    If Moody was directly involved with counter revolutionary activities, then I would certainly be interested in anything you can dig up there.

    The guy who dispppeared with your dad, would that be Floyd Moody? Unfortunately, I don't have any info at all on the Moody family.



  7. Good Day James.... A quick check of the name ALBERTO CESAR AUGUSTO RODRIGUEZ GALLEGO at the "Namebase" website.... (Don Roberdeau)

    Hi Don,

    Thanks for that. I was interested to see Pedro Diaz Lanz's name amongst the likes of Clare Booth Luce and David Phillips.



  8. You are probably all over this, James, but I just wanted to make sure you were aware of Hemming's comments about Moody back in the '70s.  A related point of interest  is that "Colonel" Johnny Rosselli and Robert Maheu were best pals.  Yet another point of interest is that Maheu's partner in his detective agency was Robert King, who just so happened to be a wiretap specialist  and security officer on the campaign trail with Nixon in the summer of '60.

    Could it be that Hughes was financially backing  Nixon's dirty work?

    Hi Pat,

    Thanks for the reply. I believe there is evidence that Hughes was behind Nixon's dirty tricks. I am absolutely shocked that Tricky Dicky would resort to such foul play. :D

    I am only just beginning this line of research and haven't come across any comments GPH made about Moody yet. I would appreciate any information you might furnish. Maybe Gerry himself will comment now that he is a forum member.

    My angle at the moment is via Alpha 66 and the possible funding source provided by Howard Hughes for militant action.

    The Roselli/Maheu relationship is a fascinating one given Maheu's connections to government and big business. Maheu and John G. Tower below.


  9. Hi Harry,

    A few weeks ago we were talking about suspected Castro agent Rene Valdez and Lawrence Howard giving an interview. Unfortunately, I can't find the thread to post the following.

    Anyway, I can tell you that the interview was on 'The Tom Duggan Show' and was conducted on the 25th of April, 1963.

    Here's an interesting bit on Duggan himself. All I can say is that it's a small world.



  10. A question for any of our Floridian members. I am looking into Clarence Osment Moody (Oz Moody) and was hoping to get some local perspective.

    Moody was employed by Howard Hughes and his 'Hughes Tool Company' based on Cay Sal which was leased off the Bahamas and located only about 30 miles from Cuba. Moody was involved with running Cuban exiles who landed on Cay Sal to the United States. This is oversimplifying things but it involved financial support from Hughes to keep them all fed and clothed. This bankrolling may have then extended to Alpha 66 who used Cay Sal as a base of operations.

    After the heady days of exile attacks against Castro, Moody became a powerful force in Florida with some political clout.

    I was hoping someone can help fill in the blanks which may in turn shed some light on militant exile recruitment and the subsequent monetary backing.

    Moody below second from the left.


  11. Hi Tim,

    I remember reading that there were no Mob heavyweights at Giancana's funeral which in itself may hold a clue. Blasi I believe helped carry the casket.

    Guys like Joe Batters and Paul Ricca were not impressed with the media scrutiny Giancana received over the years given his relationships to CIA and various high profile celebrities. Even though Giancana had claimed the fifth in previous inquiries, maybe they felt it would be easier with old Mooney out of the picture.

    Regarding Hoffa's murder, I just don't know.


  12. Good stuff, John. Excellent information.

    With intellectuals like Barnes and Fitzgerald, it does make one wonder what their relationship with David Morales was like. Morales not exactly coming from the same social setting.

    In fact how Morales was viewed, or indeed what is likely more relevant, is how Morales viewed them; may be a key to putting the assassination together.

    Rogue Agency action (and the subsequent funding of such) verses sanctioned operations is an interesting dichotomy. Who really held sway and how that power was utilized to effect policy is a deep chasm indeed.


  13. Good possibility John: That the CIA killed Giancana and Rosselli ...to persuade people to believe that they were involved in the JFK assassination. (Dawn Meredith)

    For those who are interested in such things, some spirited research on a character by the name of Dominic 'Butch' Blasi might just confirm that he was the guy who actually whacked Giancana. IMO, this was an all Mob hit.

    As for Roselli, that may be a different matter.



  14. But is he really inside the embassy grounds or just posted at the gate?

    In other words, we can get our guy to pose outside the gate,

    but we can't very well get our guy to go inside the Soviet

    embassy grounds just to take his picture.

    Why do you say the Agencies would have released the photo if it

    had showed Oswald?

    If it showed the real Lee Harvey, then the agencies would have taken

    heat for knowing about his approach and not doing anything.

    Releasing these photos just muddies the water, an Oswald photo would

    have been directly incriminating.

    Did they ever release the transcripts of the Oswald/Cuban Embassy or

    Oswald/Soviet embassy tapes, or bugs?

    I don't think so.  Since for the agency to release any PHOTO is unusual

    the whole thing feels greatly overworked and misdirected.

    And yes it would be much better to use an asset for the photo, but he

    might also be "Joe Russia" in Mexico City....

    Hi Shanet,

    I take your point about whether or not he was just posing. Maybe he was. We do know that someone claiming to be Oswald went inside and made a scene. Whether or not it was the man photographed is a good question.

    In answer to your question as to why the Agency would have released Oswald's photo, I was referring to what I believe was an original attempt to tie Oswald to a Castro backed conspiracy. I didn't actually say that so I apologize for my poor writing and the confusion.

    Of course when the lone nut approach was adopted, things changed.

    Thanks for your thoughts, most interesting.


  15. Hi Shanet.

    I believe this was the Soviet embassy.

    You may be right about it being as simple as ass covering. Wouldn't be the first time.

    Whoever the guy in the photographs is would have to be connected as I'm sure the spooks didn't want some guy putting his hand up later saying, "hey, that's me."

    If I were a betting man, I would put money on this guy being an Agency asset, trusted, possible covert operative. He needed to be aware of the game plan and to not surface at an inappropriate time. FWIW.

    I believe that Oswald was in Mexico City but in July of 1963 with Richard Case Nagell. It was at this time that Herminio Diaz Garcia and several other Cuban ghouls were defecting via Mexico City.

    I also think that in September of 1963, who ever was in Mexico City was not Oswald but an impersonator. If it was Oswald, then his photograph would have been released. Hard to do though when he was visiting Sylvia Odio.

    In my opinion of course.


  16. In 1960, Ramon Mercader, the assassin of Leon Trotsky had been released from prison after 20 years. During that period, Ramon, had maintained that he was Jacques Mornard and had pretending to be a Belgian businessman in love with one of Trotsky's American secretaries, Sylvia Ageloff. It was not until after his release that the truth was learned. (Jim Root)

    Thanks, Jim.

    I have something somewhere on Mornard which I will attempt to hunt out. Interesting.


  17. Thanks to all for your responses.

    With the photographs referred to, I am of course talking about the ridiculous Oswald identification (see below). I can tell you that Gallego is still alive and living in Spain.

    Now this may seem like an unrelated question, but does anyone have any information or maybe have read somewhere where Oswald may have grown a moustache for a short period of time?

    Thanks to all. Sorry to be so cryptic. :D


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