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James Richards

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Posts posted by James Richards

  1. Hi Stephen,

    Do you know anything about the relationship between David Ferrie and Julian Buznedo? From what I can gather, Ferrie was acquainted with Buznedo during the Bay of Pigs and remained friends after that.

    I ask as it relates to some things I am looking at regarding the Cuban exile community in New Orleans.

    Ferrie and Buznedo below.



  2. Ive always been wondering where William Seymour's testimony/interview has been??? anyone know where I could find this? (Ryan Crowe)

    That's a very good question, Ryan. I am under the impression that Seymour's testimony has not been released which is curious in itself.

    It is also curious that a CIA summary file indicates that the Agency possessed a 'soft file' on Seymour. :)

    It would also be interesting to know the individual who was running that file. More questions than answers I'm afraid.


  3. As I recall, he perished in a mysterious (no wreckage/no bodies) plane crash. Those coincidences just keep piling up, eh? (Greg Wagner)


    I have some FBI telexes and other documents that chronicle the crash which includes information from an anonymous source claiming to know where the plane went down. If you want a copy of these, just email me and I will send them on.

    Finally the question of the bullet path is now solved. We just have to look at the map found in Oswald's room! What a waste of money for poor old Gerald! (George Bollschweiler)


    That certainly was a handy map. Reminds me of the 'RFK must die' note found in Sirhan's apartment. It's nice of these lone nuts to leave such incriminating evidence behind which make investigators jobs so easy. :rolleyes:


  4. Thanks, Lee.

    Hugo Chavez is a very interesting and somewhat bizarre character. Given that he has made high profile visits to Iraq and Cuba, visibly associated himself with leftist rebels in Colombia and made a huge territorial claim on Guyana, it's no wonder he's not on Washington's Christmas list.

    Let's not forget that after the United States went into Afghanistan post September 11, Chavez made his infamous "fighting terror with terror" comment.

    If I were Chavez, I would be looking over my shoulder as well. :rolleyes:


  5. Donald Wayne House being arrested. (Steve Thomas)

    Thanks, Steve.

    House is a very interesting character. If I remember correctly, he had some explosives in the trunk of his car. There was another Fort Worth arrest that day which was kind of bizarre.

    In the article 'The Cowtown Connection', M. Duke Lane claims that David Atlee Phillips was also arrested. There seems to be no evidence for this but maybe he was confusing DAP with Kenneth Wilson who was also taken into custody; Wilson bears a slight similarity to Phillips (see below) but that hardly justifies the claim.


  6. Angelo Kennedy who apparently is also known as Angelo Murgado is very prominent in a group called the Bay of Pigs Dead and Missing in Action Recovery Committee. Another member within this group is Alfredo Duran.

    In this image below, that is Angelo Kennedy on the far right.


  7. I thought forum members might find this newspaper clipping interesting. It was printed in the Western Australian, a Perth newspaper on November 26, 1963.

    In this early stage, Boggs was aggressively calling for an inquiry to get to the bottom of things. I'm sure the irony of him being a part of the Warren Commission which handed its findings over to LBJ in 1964 won't escape anyone.


  8. What's happening over there on the other side of the world these days? (Greg Wagner)

    It's summer here at the moment, Greg. For me that means drinking lots of beer and ogling the tanned beauties strolling around the Gold Coast wearing nothing but a thong and a smile. :up

    Point taken. Even if the letter came out and contained legit info, the other side would undoubtedly launch a campaign to muddy the waters. And at the end of the day we'd all be debating it's authenticity, accuracy, credibility, true meaning, etc. I would be interested in talking to that attorney though.

    My take on the Corsican teams/mechanics is largely speculation. A theory that seems to make sense to me, but one that I haven't investigated beyond a cursory glance. Certainly could be another attempt in the long line of misdirection plays as you rightly suggest. But I'm going to it alive (in my twisted mind) on the back burner until I can take a closer look at the tactical piece. Not really my forte, but certainly essential to understanding what happened on 11/22/63. (Greg Wagner)

    I agree. I believe there are complexities here that may never be fully understood. I have heard possibilities discussed like another hit team being positioned near the Trade Mart in case Dealey Plaza had to be aborted. If they were going to hit JFK in L. A. or Chicago, would the same shooters be employed? If Vaughn Marlowe was the designated patsy for Los Angeles, could multiple hit teams and other patsies been on call? Was a contingent of Corsicans ready to go at another location?

    Fascinating possibilities.


  9. Good info, Wade. I had not heard that David was now out of prison. That's sort of a good news/bad news scenario re: the letter. If these people were intimidated in some way in order to keep the letter's contents private, that would seem to validate David' story. Or parts of it. (Greg Wagner)

    Hi Greg,

    I would be cautious with any letter or document that claims any kind of genuine information. To have someone intimidated into keeping something quiet is a good way to give the information in question validity. It creates believers and defenders. If the material ever does leak out then there will be plenty on hand to strongly vindicate it. There will of course be the other side who will try to discredit it and the battle begins. The purpose of disinformation being served.

    We have seen this many times in the course of assassination research. For me, the French connection is another in a long line of researcher dangles.

    In my opinion of course.


  10. I can only guess, knowing nothing of Ramos and Sague assignment by CIA, it is

    quite likely he may well have escaped, or turned?

    It certainly scarry as hell to me thinking back from here about what may have

    been my own fate, if Sague and Ramos had suceeded in killing Castro near our

    almost exact time in Cuba. It would have been a quick intro. to ' The Wall ' for

    any and all American suspects, especially. It is yet, 'even now', another fearful 'what if'.

    Sorry am not able to be more helpful. (Harry Dean)


    Thanks for the reply. Well that certainly makes for some interesting speculation if Sague was turned. :hotorwot

    I can only imagine how terrifying things were for you at the time and what a thin line operatives ultimately walked. Thanks for your thoughts and imput as I know it was an extremely difficult time.


  11. It seems I've read of Pivall and Seekford being Morales and Hunt somwehere else. If anyone knows where, please let me know, so I can refresh my understanding of this situation. (Pat Speer)

    Hi Pat,

    I have always wondered that myself if Pivall was indeed Morales. Below is the section of the Rip Robertson report which speaks glowingly of Pivall.

    BTW, E. Howard Hunt used the name Walter C. Twicker in Guatemala. Jacob R. Seekford's identity was not declassified which of course means Hunt may have used it also.



    Recommendations for all field personnel considered as having performed in an efficient manner are being presented in separate reports. I wish at this time, however, to place in the body of this report my personal opinion that the key man to the success of this project is Vincent C. Pivall.

    Pivall's firm adherence to orders enabled LINCOLN to rely on the fact that plans were being carried out within the realm of possibility and that Principal Agent attempts to alter those plans were minimized. The preservation of KUBARK interests was considered a solemn duty by Pivall and it showed up in the results of his work.

    His professional knowledge and direct manner of dealing with the indigenous personnel gained him, and KUBARK, their respect and spirit of camarade necessary to good guidance on operations of this type.

    In addition, Pivall's analytical and objective thinking and reporting spotted for LINCOLN many defects in the old Calligeris organization, useful in planning the operation.

    It is recommended that his services would be valuable in a KUHOOK staff position within WHD if he is to remain in WHD. If released from WHD, it is recommended that KUHOOK staff consider him for training assignments or a field project assignment after completing a KUHOOK training course at [place not declassified].

    It would be a serious KUBARK/KUHOOK loss to lose this man through disinterest on the part of KUBARK or through allowing him to become de-motivated.

    William Robertson/2/


  12. Interesting hit at NARA


                AGENCY : HSCA

          RECORD NUMBER : 180-10112-10044




            ORIGINATOR : HSCA

                  FROM : MALENE, W. SCOTT

                    TO : GAY, DONOVAN

                  TITLE : [No Title]

                  DATE : 12/23/1976

                  PAGES : 3



                          ANTI-CASTRO ACTIVITIES




    DATE OF LAST REVIEW : 05/18/1993



    I have a three page document that may be the one you referenced. It has the curious mention of getting Ascham (Allen Dulles) to prevail on the Commission to alter photographs so not to be identifiable with Ruby. The document originated from Mexico City.

    For some reason I am unable to attach images at the moment so I will sent it privately.


  13. CIA likely began plans to eliminate Castro after he stated he

    was a Communist/Socialist etc;etc;. It was the summer of 1960 {June} when

    I was 'cruely' interrogated at Havana HDQT by G2/DGI. I did not pick up any

    hint of assassination concern, the same applied with U.S. Intelligence prior to

    my going to Cuba. Cuban Intelligence was very concerned about the Invasion

    they knew was coming, as it did soon enough in 1961. However assassination

    could have, and likely was being 'considered' at that time by U.S. at higher official levels. (Harry Dean)

    Thanks, Harry. That is interesting indeed.

    From what I have been able to piece together, during the summer of 1960, Mario Tauler Sague and Armando Cubria Ramos at the behest of the CIA, were sent into Cuba to kill Castro. They were captured where as of April the 5th, 1974, Cubria was still in prison and suffering ill treatment.

    In your opinion, if Sague was also captured, is there any other way he could have been in Mexico City during September of 1963 other than escaping his Cuban captors? For example, are you aware of any deals that may have seen his release?


  14. James, what is your take on the George Wing / Rambler material?

    I am not that familiar with this strange series of events. (Shanet Clark)

    Hi Shanet,

    It seems that the whole piece has been really well researched but I must admit that it has me at a loss. At the end of the day, I am not sure who George Wing really was. Was he a recruiter? Was he a field operative? Nothing seems to have been settled. He is however one of the more enigmatic characters connected to the assassination.

    The possibility was raised that Wing trained with the anti-Castro forces on No Name Key. I do not believe this to be true. Having said that, the individual who was being looked at as being Wing is interesting also. I posted the image here some time back asking Tosh Plumlee if he knew his identity. Tosh said he knew who it was but refused to name him.

    We can also add the other Ramblers around at the time. Howard K. Davis supposedly owned one as did Manuel Orcaberrio who ran the Dallas chapter of Alpha 66. Let's not forget Ruth Paine also.

    As John Lennon was heard to say, "Strange days indeed, most peculiar mama."


  15. Tim,

    I don't have a photo of Mario Sague so I can't compare him to the Mexico Oswald.

    As far as the counter-revolutionary group he was connected to, I will have to dig into my notes for that information.

    What I can tell you is that Sague's partner on the Castro assassination mission was a guy named Armando Cubria Ramos. I checked my notes and it seems that Cubria was mentioned in a communication dated April the 5th, 1974. This was regarding political prisoners who were suffering ill treatment or a lack of medical care.

    After Cubria was arrested, he was placed in the Guanajay Prison in Cuba and basically left to rot. What happened to Sague I don't know but prisoners like him are either executed or spend a lifetime behind bars. Unless he escaped, I am at a loss.


  16. The Bartholomew makes a number of cryptic (to me) references to George Wing and these signals he was sending. What is the deal with George Wing and the Rambler. Was Eladio Del Valle the driver who took Oswald away from the TSBD? (Shanet Clark)

    Hi Shanet,

    I think the driver of the Rambler was described as having a dark or swarthy complexion where del Valle was lighter skinned.

    The Wing/Rambler thing is just incredible. It seems that Wing's Rambler was the one so often cited in JFK literature and he left a series of clues including magazines in the back seat.

    Amazing story.


  17. Tim,

    Mario Tauler Sague was a member of the counter-revolutionary group La Cruz. He and another guy whose name escapes me for now, entered Cuba in the summer of 1960 supposedly on orders from the CIA to kill Castro. They were arrested but I have no idea what became of them.



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