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James Richards

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Posts posted by James Richards

  1. Thanks Ryan and Ron.

    One can understand things being confusing during pressure situations like this but the diverging reports is just too bizarre. Walthers also got around. At 12:40pm he was photographed investigating the turf on Elm Street and then he's in the thick of it at the Texas Theater.

    I also believe Roger Craig claimed that Walthers was never actually at the theater. More strangeness.

    Below is the Homicide Report claiming the arrest was made in the balcony.


  2. So not to deflect another thread, I have started a new one regarding Oswald's arrest.

    This letter below is curious as it was written on the 23rd. Surely by this time, everyone would have their stories straight? There is also a Homicide Report composed on the 22nd which says that Oswald was arrested in the balcony of the Texas Theater.

    I am wondering if anyone has an opinion as to what this is all about?


  3. Bernard Haire's story has always caught my attention, makes one wonder who that person was who was arrested, I dont recall that arrest ever being in any police reports. I wonder if this person was there to get rid of Oswald or meet with him and his chance to do one or the other went out the window when Oswald got arrested. (Ryan Crowe)

    Hi Ryan,

    The fact that this character was taken out the back door seems to suggest several things. One, there was indeed an Oswald impersonator. Two, the original plan itself had run off the rails. Three, the impersonator needed to be surrepticiously removed from the scene.

    I guess this is all speculation at best but it sure adds another twist to a tale that is already full of twists.


  4. I believe that the account of Oswald trying to shoot McDonald was invented after the fact. (Steve Thomas)

    From 'When They Kill A President' by Roger Craig comes the following sentence.

    "Oswald was captured by Officer McDonald, who was out cold from one blow from the suspect and woke up to find he had arrested the suspect! (Nice going, Mac)."

    If true, that sinks all the MacDonald wrestling with Oswald stories which in turn casts some doubt on everything else that was supposed to happen inside the Texas Theater. Add the initial stories about Oswald being arrested in the balcony and the one where Oswald was arrested and dragged out the back door as witnessed by Bernard Haire, and I believe we have nowhere near the truth about what happened when Oswald was arrested.


  5. Hi James,

    Very interesting to see Hemming's name on this list, I wonder how his name got on this list? Maybe it has something to do with Hall and Aguilar, If I remember correctly wasnt Aguilar working both sides of the fence?

    Hi Ryan,

    As you know, GPH was with Castro during the late 1950's but so were many individuals who later turned against the Cuban leader. You are indeed correct that Manuel Aguilar was a supposed Castro agent and we do know that there was some animosity between GPH and Hall.

    Given that this list appears to have been created in the late 1970's, it makes me wonder if a connection exists back to 1962/63 or if it is relevant. It also makes one wonder about any history Reverend Manuel Espinosa and GPH may have had.


  6. I thought forum members might find the following interesting. The news story is curious in itself but the associated list of Castro agents (which is referred to in the story) makes for some fascinating reading. One name in particular will jump off the page.

    I present this not as an opinion but as a point of discussion. Interesting to note that several of the men listed were a part of the dialogue with Castro so strongly supported by Alfredo Duran resulting in him being asked to leave the Association of Brigade 2506 members.



    Miami News

    January 31, 1980

    Man Who Boosted Castro Talks Now Calls Him a ‘Beast’

    Ana Veciana

    Miami News Reporter

    The controversial Hialeah minister who paved the way for the 1978 talks between Fidel Castro and Cuban exiles has done “a 180-degree turn” and is now denouncing the talks and calling the Cuban leader “an unscrupulous beast.”

    The Rev. Manuel Espinosa, pastor of the Christian Evangelical Reformed Church, also said more than 6,000 Cubans have been imprisoned for political reasons since 1978 – almost twice the number of political prisoners who were to be released as a result of the “dialogue.”

    Demanding Castro’s resignation, Espinosa called the exiles’ trips to Cuba “a farce of the Cuban government” and said he had names of several Cuban agents in diplomatic circles and working for Havanatur, the Panamanian-based travel agency which sells trips to Cuba.

    Espinosa, who once advocated normalization of relations between the United States and Cuba, would not identify the Castro agents until a press conference scheduled at the Columbus Hotel today “for security reasons.”

    Asked what caused his change of mind, the minister said, “It is not a change of mid. It is my true position. It has always been. Before, I had to disguise my true feelings in order to get close to the Cuban government and to get the freedom of political prisoners.”

    In September 1978, Castro said Espinosa had influenced him to try to bridge the gap with Cuban exiles. A month later, the historic “dialogue” between exiles and Castro took place in Havana and both parties agreed on the release of political prisoners, the reunification of families and trips to the island.

    Espinosa and other participants in the dialogue have continuously defended the dialogue from accusations by anti-Castro leaders that it is a farce. Dialogue participants have said the 3,600 political prisoners Castro promised to release were most of the political prisoners held in Cuban jails, while others say thousands of prisoners remain there.

    The minister’s turnabout surprised the Latin community. Fellow dialoguistas of the Committee of 75 – the group implementing the agreements of the dialogue – said they could not explain the change.

    “I’m shocked,” said The Rev. Jose Reyes, president of the Committee. “I don’t know how one day he can advocate and participate in our activities and then do a 180-degree turn and say something else. At this point, I’m speechless. I don’t know where he’s coming from. He never told me or any member of the committee about this. This is ridiculous.”

    Another member of the committee, who asked that his name not be used, told The News, “I wonder what he is up to now. I heard the news on the radio and that’s how I think most other members heard about it. He hasn’t even had the courtesy of telling the committee.”

    Anti-Castro leaders who have opposed the dialogue from its beginning in the fall of 1978 are looking at Espinosa’s turnaround skeptically.

    “Is this some kind of joke?” asked Fico Rojas, press secretary for Brigade 2506, the Bay of Pigs Veterans. “I don’t believe a word that man is saying. He is speculating and banking on the emotions of the Cuban community. He wants the exiles to believe him but how can we when he has been hollering about the normalization of relations with Cuba since 1976?”


    92 Castro agents and colaborators publicly denounced by Rev. Manuel Espinosa

    Aguilar Rodríguez, Raúl *

    Aldereguía Ors, Salvador A.

    Alemán, Orestes

    Alfonso González, Carlos

    Alvarez, Miguel “El Bizco”

    Alvarez, Rafael

    Alvarez, Ubaldo

    Arrastía, Cecilio *

    Barrera, Manuel

    Benavides, Alberto

    Benes Baikowitz, Bernardo *

    Betancourt Abio, Rafael Juan * **

    Bonich, Juan Luis

    Capestany, Ada

    Casal Valdés, Lourdes * **

    Casanova Prats, Raquel

    Castro, Manuel

    Castro Lima, Roy

    Concepcion, Rev. Raimundo O. * **

    Contreras Bell, Miria “La Payita”

    Contreras, Rafael

    Correa de Arce, Marcos Raúl *

    Costales Meunier, Antonio R. *

    Dascal, Jorge Charles

    Debasa, Jorge

    De Dios Unanue, Manuel A. *

    de Zayas, Rev. Eduardo

    Delgado, Domingo *

    Díaz Gómez, José Antonio

    Dopico, Lourdes (Rey) **

    Dopico Lernes, Vicente * **

    Estivil, Osvaldo *

    Estrada, Carlos

    Fernández, Carmen

    Fernández Cevallos, Raúl

    Fojón, Armando

    Fuentes Cobas, Fernando

    Garcés, Antonio

    Garcia Rubio, Rev. Ernesto *

    García, Orlando

    Gómez, Andrés **

    Gómez, Francisco

    Gómez Caínos, Manuel * **

    González, Emérito

    González Aruca, Francisco M. * **

    González Muñiz, Francisco J. *

    González Pando, Miguel *

    Hemming, Gerald “Jerry” Patrick

    Hernández Vázquez, José Luis

    Hernández Noa, Juan Antonio

    Herrera Fernández, María Cristiana *

    Iñiguez, Ernesto

    Lesnik Menéndez, Max Edgardo

    Llagostera, Regino

    Maceda, Gilberto

    Martín, Esteban

    Menéndez Suárez, José Ramón *

    Minier, Oscar

    Miranda, Juan

    Montañéz Caballero, Michael Roger

    Morejón Carrillo, Tomás *

    Moreno, Rosario

    Moreno, Walfrido *

    Ojeda, Eduardo

    Paredes, Joe

    Pérez-Stable Díaz, Marífeli* **

    Prieto, Elsa **

    Pulido, Juana Caridad

    Redondo, Roger

    Reyes Aguiar, Rev. Andrés J. *

    Reyes Caballero, Rev. José *

    Roblejo Lorie, Jorge Raúl *

    Rodríguez Pineda, Juan Manuel *

    Rolán, Oscar *

    Romeo Marín, Hildo *

    Rueda, Eduardo *

    Ruíz Salazar, Albor *

    Sánchez, Eugenio

    Sánchez, Rev. Rafael Gregory

    Santos, Armando

    Soto Novo, Mario

    Suárez, Rev. José

    Toledo, Juan

    Trimiño, Carmen

    Urda, José Enrique

    Valdés, Nelson P. * **

    Vázquez, José

    Vázquez, Víctor

    Vega, Antonio

    Vera Ramos, Eddie

    Viera Bernal, Rev. Manuel *

    Vilaboa de Llerena, José Napoleón *

    *Participated in the “dialogue” with Fidel Castro in 1978.

    ** Member of the Brigada Antonio Maceo

  7. Gerry Hemming looked at the two photos.  Robin and Shanet were right, and I was wrong. Gerry says both are photographs of the same person.  Gerry says that in 1969 Richard Billings, then associated with Life magazine, showed him some very clear photos of the Mexico City Mystery Man, which had been produced from the original negatives.

    I brought up the possibility of our Mexico Oswald being different persons mainly because of what Richard Nagell said in 'The Man Who Knew Too Much'.

    It's not the first time I have been confused and I guarantee it won't be the last.


  8. Something has always bothered me about the Mexico Oswald. It's difficult to put my finger on but is the guy in the white shirt, the same one as the guy in the dark shirt?

    Richard Nagell claimed that it was two men. Why it would need to be two men escapes me but it's a curious thought.


  9. According to the 1967 piece "No Name Soldiers" by Tom Dunkin, Ponce de Leon said in 1962 that his mother was in a Castro jail. Dunkin says she was later released and was the subject of a Saturday Evening Post article. That would be interesting to read, and would probably include something about her son. (Ron Ecker)


    There is also the mention in Roy Hargraves' interview printed in Larry's book where they talk about the good looking kid at John Martino's house; the one supposedly involved. Firstly Hargraves balks at the mention of him and when Twyman goes back to it later saying that GPH identified the kid as Ponce DeLeon, Hargraves offers the opinion that Ponce DeLeon wouldn't have personal contact with a guy like Martino but goes into how skillfully efficient Ponce was.

    At the end of the day, Ponce DeLeon is someone who needs to be seriously looked into. I had a lead on him once where he supposedly went to Korea in 1964 but ultimately it all went nowhere.


  10. James and Ron,

    I think the third guy is a good old innocent bystander. Looks like he's not with Arce or Mr. Slick. Not really sure about Mr. Slick either because he's gone later. But he really does look like he's up to no good. (Mark Stapleton)

    Hi Mark,

    Ron and I have been looking at this guy below for Mr. Slick. All I can say is maybe. The possible from No Name Key was present when Remigio Arce was there, and also when a guy who was the spitting image of Danny Arce was training on the island.

    Definitely a head scratcher.


  11. I read the other day according to the Warren Report, after the assassination, two Cubans were arrested in Dealey Plaza, but were released because they couldn''t speak English.

    (Can't find that in the Report at this moment).

    Any clues on who they might have been? (Steve Thomas)

    Hi Steve,

    Yes, I remember the report and how strange it was that they would be released because they couldn't speak English. Even if they could, I'm sure they would have tried to make life difficult for police.

    I don't know who they were but I suspect that this guy below was one of them. DeLeon is a very interesting and somewhat mysterious character, mainly due to the fact that very little is known about him.


  12. James,

    Fair enough, though your description of Herminio would also seem to eliminate him as the black man whom Rowland saw at the window. Rowland described the man as "very thin" and 55 or 60.

    The black man in the photo appears to be holding some long white or light-colored object under his arm. Can anyone tell what it might be? (Ron Ecker)

    Hi Ron,

    Diaz Garcia was a pretty gnarly looking 40 year old. I believe he could easily pass for someone 10 years his senior.

    Now that you mention it, this character does seem to be holding something. How bizarre.


  13. Have you read these books? What do you think the connection was with Cord Meyer. I suspect he was a liberal between 1945-8. It was around 48/49 that he began working for the CIA (he officially joined in 1951). (John Simkin)

    I have only been able to get a hold of exerpts but the overview is critical exposes of government nepotism. I suspect that Meyer was originally recruited by the CIA in the late 40's tasked with sourcing potential recruitments from within the print media. I submit that Meyer's early attempts to gain a foothold in the business was via Olive Clapper.


  14. Could the black man on the left in this photo be Herminio Diaz Garcia

    (mixing with the crowd)?

    Hi Ron,

    Herminio Diaz Garcia was born in 1923 which made him 40 at the time of the assassination. He was 5' 8", weighed 180 pounds and was described as being of stocky build.

    Judging by the photo of the people milling around in front of the TSBD, the guy in question seems to be too tall and of slimish build.

    Having said that, I do believe the Dealey Plaza participants did mix with the crowd and did not run off drawing attention to themselves. DCM and UM for example were very calm after the shooting, sat down, had a chat and casually wandered off in different directions.


  15. Yes, that's Ruby or a lookalike walking under the tree. He can be seen more clearly (as can McNeill) in the book.) (Ron Ecker)

    Hi Ron,

    Here's a blow-up of the man in question. Could this be Jack Ruby?


  16. James, That may be Charles Brehm in the car?

    Can't remember the reference. TMWKK? They put him and his son in a car for questioning, and people began to assume he was associated with the shooting, and began to yell obscenities and make an ugly scene? Anyone have that transcript?

    Wouldn't happen that real operatives present would make a big deal of placing the blame on an innocent, would it? :o (Lee Forman)

    I believe you are correct about Brehm, Lee.


  17. I forgot to mention that our friend in the sunglasses can also be found in this image below (center frame). He seems to be interested (as are the other people gathered) in whoever is inside the vehicle. I assume this was during the period when the DPD were arresting several Dealey Plaza spectators.

    No sign of Mr. Slick here.


  18. James,

    Do you have any photos of Arce besides the group photo of the arrested Interpen men? That's the only one I have a printed copy of. Based on that photo, I agree that the similarity is striking.

    And the man wearing glasses who's second behind the Arce lookalike resembles Nazario Sargen, does he not?

    Also, the guy who is between them looks entirely too slick. He had to be in on it. (Ron Ecker)

    Hi Ron,

    That's the only shot of Remigio Arce I have. For those who are interested, you can find it at the photo archives here -


    Kind of makes you think about Danny Arce and that Interpen photograph doesn't it?

    The guy with the glasses does resemble Sargen but he looks a bit thin and maybe a bit too old. There are also shots of Sargen at the photo archives under the Alpha 66 heading.

    Mr. Slick has also intrigued me over the years. I have tried to find him in other aftermath photographs but with no luck. I think it's time to dust off the box of images I have showing anti-Castro guys and to do some serious comparisons.


  19. Gerry Hemming told Mark Howell and I several days ago that it was his understanding that there was a meeting in Haiti in February of 1963 in which two people from the Dominican Republic contributed funds toward the JFK assassination.

    One person was Ramfis Trujillo, the son of Gen Rafael Trujillo, who was killed by an assassins' ambush in May of 1961. The second person was the former intelligence chairman of the Dominican Republican under Gen Trujillo, a man by the name of Johhny Abbes Garcia. (Tim Gratz)

    After several frustrating weeks, I have managed to secure an image of one of humanity's blights, the one and only Johnny Abbes Garcia.

    The image below shows Rafael Trujillo on the left and that scumbag Abbes on the right.


  20. In August, 1953, Joseph McCarthy accused Meyer of being a communist. The FBI added to the smear by announcing it was unwilling to give Meyer "security clearance". However, the FBI refused to explain what evidence they had against Meyer. Allen W. Dulles and Frank Wisner both came to his defence and refused to permit a FBI interrogation of Meyer.

    The FBI eventually revealed the charges against Meyer. This included the claim that he had been a member of several liberal groups considered to be subversive by the Justice Department. He was also accused of being associated with subversives like Norman Thomas. Meyer was eventually cleared of these charges and was allowed to keep his job. (John Simkin)

    An interesting sub plot here is the relationship (allegedly intimate) between Cord Meyer and Olive Clapper during the late 1940's and early 1950's. Olive was the wife of Raymond Clapper who was killed in 1944 in a plane crash during WW2. Clapper was on board a Navy Fighter Bomber when it collided with another plane. Clapper at one time had been the manager of the Washington branch of United Press and was on staff at the Washington Post. He was very critical of the scams and nepotism among Washington politicians and vigorously wrote about it in his columns.

    After Raymond's death, Olive continued his work and published two volumes of material taken from her husband's personal papers and writings which was met with some industry resistance and much condemnation from the politicians themselves. These volumes were called 'Watching The World' and 'Washington Tapestry'.

    The photo below shows Cord Meyer on the left and Olive Clapper on the right.



  21. Does anyone have this picture of "Jack Ruby" in Dealey that was cropped? (Shanet Clark)

    The Willis photo in question shows a guy standing on the far right of frame wearing sunglasses and he does resemble Ruby from that angle. I will send you the Willis image privately so not to use up bandwidth here.

    Anyway, Jim Murray took the following image showing the same guy with the sunglasses. It is clearly not Ruby but this guy does bear a striking similarity to Remigio Arce.



  22. James, do you have a good scan of this photo? (Roger Fong)

    Hi Roger,

    I don't have that book you guys are talking about but I do have this poor quality image of JFK and a woman who is supposedly Mary Meyer. I also have this one of Cord and Mary Meyer.


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