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James Richards

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Posts posted by James Richards

  1. James, what is the source for this document and can you decipher the hand-written corrections?

    J. Raymond,

    The document was published in a book titled, 'President Kennedy Has Been Shot', compiled by Cathy Trost and Susan Bennett. It is a break down of news and how it was reported at the time. There is also a CD that goes with it which is narrated by Dan Rather. That aside, it is a good historical record of actual televison and radio news reports.

    As to the hand written corrections, they read as follows -

    "didn't know anything about killing the President."

    "I detected a slight Spanish accent."

    "he looked pale and made the statement."

    "someone yelled."

    As to referencing a Spanish accent, that is really bizarre. I have no idea what to make of that. Ryan's point about the possibility of LHO having said something in Spanish is well taken.


  2. James - So this women is the women in the polka dot dress ? (Shanet Clark)

    Hi Shanet,

    It has been proposed that she was and Tarrants was the guy with her. Jury is still out for me but there just might be something to it.

    This is something that people need to research for themselves as it may prove to be a contentious issue.

    This is Tarrants below.


  3. Hi James,

    Interesting bit of information. I find the notation of Oswald having a slight Spanish accent intriguing. I wonder why he thought Oswald only appeared to be 5'6". Thats a big difference from say maybe 5' 9" or 5' 11". (Greg Kooyman)

    Hi Greg,

    The height thing in particular intrigued me the most. According to Oswald's DOD card below, he was 71 inches which is 5' 11".

    How does a guy shrink 5 inches? Bizarre.


  4. Hi Greg,

    I'm glad you are finding the Latin American Studies web site of use.

    Jorge Mas Canosa is indeed a very interesting character. He came through Fort Benning in 1963 with the likes of Felix Rodriguez and Luis Posada Carilles.

    Mas as you have already alluded to, had some very powerful friends. Here he is below with one of them.


  5. I thought that forum members might find these notes by radio reporter, Ike Pappas interesting. Pappas was present when the DPD paraded Oswald.

    Some curious aspects include the handwritten note saying that he detected a hint of a Spanish accent and that Oswald was 5' 6".


  6. Wasn't there a suspicious RFK bodyguard in a position to fire close in from the rear?

    Hi Shanet,

    I believe that security guard Eugene Thane Cesar fired the lethal shot from behind.

    This montage below shows Thane Cesar on the right in the group shot apparently without his tie. The image of a dying RFK shows a clip-on neck tie lying next to him.

    One could assume that RFK grabbed for something during the mayhem which suggests that Thane Cesar was right in the thick of the action.


  7. I have recently discovered that Thomas Braden was a key figure in the early days of Operation Mockingbird. He was officially head of the CIA's International Organizations Division (Cord Meyer was his deputy). In 1954 Braden was replaced by Meyer in this job. Braden went into newspaper publishing. Does anyone know which one? James Richards: Do you have a photograph of Braden?


    Thomas Braden below.


  8. I don't think it's the same guy. The bone structure seems different.

    Let me know if you ever do come up with a photo. I've been researching the whole MDC thing lately. The people involved seem to be tied into Oswald's life in New Orleans. (Steve Thomas)

    Hi Steve,

    I don't think it is the same guy either. I wish I could remember where the original claim was made.

    I also agree regarding Oswald in New Orleans. The other individuals present in that photograph of LHO handing out the leaflets are also quite curious, especially the guy 4th from the left in the white shirt and black tie. I am wondering if this could be Isidro Borja?


  9. Here's that photo of Julia Postal from Groden's book, "The Search for Lee Harvey Oswald." It's not a great shot, but it doesn't look like the same women. Below that is John Calvin Brewer from the same book.


    Thanks, Roger.

    The image I posted is definitely not Julia Postal. I wonder who she is as she was present at the Texas Theater?


  10. That's very interesting, Lee. I have never heard of Jerry Hoy.

    I believe the mystery man in John's original post is Reinaldo Pico Ramon, a Cuban who was recruited into the Agency's dirty tricks department after the Bay of Pigs. It is also my opinion that he is not the tramp known as Frenchy. FWIW.

    Whether or not this guy is Raoul, I have no idea. I have not been able to secure an image of Robert Johnson as apart from the information provided by GPH and Roy Hargraves, I can find no reference to him anywhere.


  11. James:

    In Robert Groden's book, "The Search For Lee Harvey Oswald"

    there is a photo of Julia Postal on page 147. The woman above doesn't

    look like the woman in Groden's photo, but if you have a copy of the book

    you might decide for yourself. (Bill Cheslock)

    Hi Bill,

    I don't have Groden's book so hopefully a forum member can post the image you cited. I have no idea who the woman is in the image I posted, just a wild stab in the dark.


  12. "One member of this camp was Fernando Fernandez, an oriental, "one hundred percent chinese.""

    Is the man on the left of this photograph with his hands behind his head, Fernando Fernandez? Someone may have a better copy of this picture. This is WC Exhibit Pizzo 453-A found in 21H139. (Steve Thomas)

    Hi Steve,

    A Chinese man named Fernando Fernandez is curious indeed. :clapping

    Below is a shot of Oswald handing out leaflets with the guy in question present.

    I seem to remember reading somewhere that the possibility was raised whether or not the oriental guy with Oswald in New Orleans was the same guy photographed with Jack Ruby (amongst the reporters on the left) during the LHO press conference after his arrest. (second attachment)

    The hair is different as the individual with Ruby has a flat top. I have been trying to get an image of Fernando Fernandez for quite some time but without success.


  13. Thanks, Bernice. That is very interesting indeed.

    Haire said the guy taken out the back of the theater was wearing a white pullover shirt. I believe (someone correct me if I am wrong) that Brewer was wearing a coat and tie so it sounds like two different people.

    BTW, do you know if this is Julia Postal below?


  14. I would have thought it was very dangerous for a 70 year old to announce that he is going to write about the CIA and the assassination of JFK. Will his death be seen as suspicious?


    This book by Ayers 'The Zenith Secret' was originally copyrighted in 1997 so it has been floating around for some time. Given how he offers an insight into the goings on at JM/WAVE and some personal knowledge of guys like Helms, Morales, Robertson and Roselli, it will be interesting to see how widespread distribution will be.


  15. I'm not sure if this ties in with Haire's story but I seem to remember reading where the shoe salesman who IDed Oswald was brought out the back door after pointing him out to the cops. (Pat Speer)


    There is a real possibility that Johnny Brewer was the guy Haire saw and the explanation is as simple as that. My only question would be that Haire said he saw what he thought was the arrest of Oswald. By suggesting 'an arrest', one might conclude that the man was removed with some force as opposed to just being escorted calmly from the building.

    That aside, it would be so much easier if it was Brewer. The conflicting reports post assassination are plentiful enough without adding this incident to them. :clapping


  16. Hi James:

    Bernard Haire's story has fascinated me for years. You would think that at least one of the Dallas Police officers who brought the suspect out the rear of the movie theater would've spoke about it by now. I'm not doubting that it happened, and I would like to have the identity of just one of the arresting officers who came out that back door with the "other " suspect.

    Bill C (Bill Cheslock)

    Indeed, Bill.

    I guess we can speculate that if the guy removed out the back door was connected to the assassination plot, then the cops involved would have been on the payroll. I don't like to lump the whole DPD in with the dirty laundry but the corruption of certain individuals seems evident given the poor investigation, a sloppy chain of command and the execution of Oswald in their house with dozens of officers present.

    Like you, I don't doubt that the incident at the Texas Theater occured and if it was not connected to the assassination or if it was just a witness being escorted out, then why hasn't anyone from official channels spoken about it?

    It's another one of those frustrating aspects that I fear may remain unexplained.


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